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"Man har som lärt sig att vi ska vara otrygg" : Unga kvinnors upplevda otrygghet på offentliga platser - ett sociokulturellt perspektiv / “We have been taught into thenotion of feeling unsafe” : Young women´s perception of unsafety in public places – asociocultural perspectiveVestman, Fanny, Svensson, Jonna January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att öka förståelsen för unga kvinnors upplevda otrygghet på offentliga platser i Örnsköldsvik. Studien synliggör orsaker till att känslan av otrygghet uppstår och belyser dess konsekvenser. Upplevd otrygghet undersöks med hjälp av fyra semistrukturerade fokusgruppintervjuer. Totalt intervjuas tolv unga kvinnor som går andra året på gymnasiet i Örnsköldsviks kommun. Undersökningen utgår från tre forskningsfrågor: Vad är otrygghet? Vad ger upphov till otrygghet på offentliga platser? Hur påverkas unga kvinnors liv av upplevd otrygghet på offentliga platser? Materialet analyseras med en induktiv tematisk analysmetod och diskuteras i förhållande till ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande. Denna studie bekräftar tidigare forskning som visar att känslan av otrygghet är ett komplext område, såväl sociala medier, erfarenheter och miljömässiga faktorer har betydelse för upplevd otrygghet. Resultatet i vår studie visar dock att den huvudsakliga orsaken till att känslan av otrygghet uppstår på offentliga platser är mäns gränslösa beteende, vilket har en negativ påverkan på unga kvinnors livskvalité och välmående. / This study aims to increase understanding of young women´s perception of unsafety in publicplaces in Örnsköldsvik. The study raise knowledge about underlying causes of feeling unsafe inpublic places and possible consequences that follow. To examine this, a qualitative semistructured focus group interview is conducted. The interviewees consist of twelve young womenin upper secondary school. This study is based on tree main research questions: What isunsafety? What gives rise to the feeling of being unsafe in public places? How does perceivedunsafety in public places affect young women lives? The collected data material is analyzedusing an inductive thematic analyze method and is discussed in relation to a socioculturalperspective on learning. The result confirms that perceived unsafety is a complex problemcaused by several influencing factors, such as social media, experiences of victimization andenvironmental factors. However, the main reason for the occurrence of perceived unsafetyamong young women appears to be men and their disrespectful behavior. This in turn has anegative effect on wellbeing and quality of life among young women. Read more
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Urban Places for YouthBowman, Shannon 24 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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The planet, my city and I : How to design information in public places so that people understand how their individual choices can help creating a sustainable society.Rydälv Kåreby, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
The greenhouse effect is the biggest environmental challenge of today, and in line with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we must drastically decrease our global production of carbon dioxide. A sustainable society needs knowledgeable citizens who can vote for competent decision makers, and as knowledge is power, the environmental issue becomes a question of democracy. This pinpoints the importance of the general public getting dependable and accurate environmental information from trustworthy sources. So, how and where to design information about sustainability in a meaningful way for the individual, connected to his or her everyday context? The literature review was concentrated to the areas of Social visualization, Placemaking and Interaction design. The empirics were directed at the general public near Malmö Central Station and concentrated around the area of travel and transport. It included a triangulation of contextual methods; observations, questionnaires and interviews. Data and key figures from the regional public transportation company were also used. The result of the empirics shows that people experience environmental information as diverse and complicated, especially numbers and statistics. They want concrete tips of what they can do in their everyday life, and they want to understand the effect of their sustainable choices. The majority of the respondents are positive to using public places as information carriers for environmental issues, preferably in places where they stay for a while, for example waiting halls or staircases. They want easy-to-grasp, concise information from trustworthy sources. With these insights, the theoretical and empirical findings were used as the basis for the storyboard in an iterative design process that resulted in a graphical animation. The concept can easily be transferred to other areas of sustainability. My research shows that in order to feel included in the work for a more sustainable society, the general public needs help to see the correlation between large-scale environmental activities and their own, individual everyday efforts. Read more
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Praças públicas e sustentabilidade da cidadeSilva, Carlos Fabrício Rocha da 11 March 2010 (has links)
This paper aims to analyze the importance of sustainability in the public squares of the city of Aracaju. These concerns fall, today, in the concerns arising from the contemporary environmental crisis and the participation of cities in this context. Within an environmental perspective, our goal is to describe and analyze how the public open spaces, squares, or do
not contribute to sustainability of the city. In this sense, we seek to understand through research and environmental perception of the various appropriations that occur in these public spaces. Therefore, to perform this research we used the following approaches: a)
quantitative, through the requirement of the definition of the sample to be analyzed (number of squares to be defined) and also through a survey of the presence or absence of structures and equipment in the streets b) descriptive, since they feature individually selected squares, c) qualitative, since it is the perceptions of the researcher and the patrons of these places through interviews. Among the findings highlighted the fact that leisure be present in all the squares of the research to a greater or lesser degree, always present but also the attitude of some patrons who care for a space that rightfully belongs to him, carefully and zeal, reaffirmed the importance of an identity with cultural values present in certain squares of research. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a importância das praças públicas na sustentabilidade da cidade de Aracaju. Tais preocupações se enquadram, na atualidade, dentro das preocupações decorrentes da crise ambiental contemporânea e da participação
das cidades neste contexto. Dentro de uma perspectiva ambiental, nosso objetivo é descrever e analisar de que forma os espaços públicos abertos, as praças, contribuem ou não na sustentabilidade da cidade. Nesse sentido, buscamos compreender através de pesquisa de percepção ambiental as diversas apropriações que ocorrem nesses espaços públicos. Portanto, para a operacionalização da pesquisa foram utilizadas as seguintes abordagens: a) quantitativa, através da obrigatoriedade da definição da amostra a ser trabalhada (quantidade das praças a serem delimitadas) e também através de levantamento da presença ou não de estruturas e equipamentos nas praças; b) descritiva, pois caracterizam de forma individual as praças selecionadas; c) qualitativa, uma vez que trata das percepções do pesquisador e dos freqüentadores destes locais através de entrevistas. Dentre os resultados destacaram-se o fato do lazer estar presente em todas as praças da pesquisa, em maior ou menor grau, mas sempre presente, além disso, a postura de certos frequentadores que cuidam de um espaço que lhe pertence por direito, com cuidado e zelo, reafirmaram a importância de uma identidade com valores culturais presentes em determinadas praças da pesquisa. Read more
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Analýza účinnosti metod omezujících kouření / Analysis of smoking restriction methods efficiencyRadošťanová, Iveta January 2011 (has links)
Smoking is considered as the single greatest preventable cause of morbidity and mortality. Therefore government is trying to reduce smoking by its interventions. The subject of this work is to examine the effects of governmental interventions in terms of their proclaimed and actual consequences. The criterions for our evaluations will be the impact of the intervention on the public health, state budget and social redistribution. In order to outline the situation more comprehensively we will include also uninteded consequences of governmental activities. This will serve as an additional criterion for governmental intervention evaluation. We have no ambition to find the clearly best method for reduction of smoking behavior. We will attempt to point out that there are several contradictions among proclaimed and actual consequences of governmental interventions.
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Offentliga mötesplatser - ett verktyg mot boendesegregation? : Stadsplanering för kultur- och fritidsaktiviteterVasi, Eleonora January 2017 (has links)
Den här masteruppsatsen utgår från antagandet att offentliga mötesplatser genom boendesegregation kan verka som plattform i syfte att skapa sociala sammanhang och en sammanhållen stad. Vidare antas kultur- och fritidsaktiviteter vara ett redskap på offentliga mötesplatser för att involvera medborgare i gemensamma aktiviteter. Genom att tillämpa innehållsanalys av plandokument samt intervjuer har kommuners vision och tillämpning av offentliga mötesplatser och kultur- och fritidsaktiviteter undersökts i studiens två fallstudier Stockholms stad, Hammarby Sjöstad och Huddinge kommun, Flemingsberg. Studiens resultat visar på kommunernas tydliga koppling mellan boendesegregation och tillämpandet av offentliga mötesplatser. Kommunerna visar en medvetenhet om att offentliga mötesplatser kan formas och utvecklas i syfte att balansera ut effekten av den rådande boendesegregationen i området. På samma sätt anser kommunerna att kultur- och fritidsaktiviteter på offentliga platser är ett användbart redskap till att förena och utveckla tolerans och tillit mellan människor. En problematik är dock att kommunerna allt oftare väljer att sälja av sin mark till privata aktörer, vilka arbetar efter andra värden än kommuner. / This master thesis assumes that public meeting places through housing segregation can act as a platform in order to create social contexts and a cohesive city. Furthermore, cultural and leisure activities are assumed to be a tool in public venues for involving citizens in joint activities. By applying content analysis of planning documents and interviews, municipalities' vision and application of public venues and cultural and leisure activities have been investigated in the two case studies of Stockholm, Hammarby Sjöstad and Huddinge, Flemingsberg. The study results show the municipalities' clear link between housing segregation and the application of public meeting places. The municipalities show awareness that public meeting places can be shaped and developed in order to balance the impact of the current housing segregation in the area. In the same way, the municipalities consider that cultural and recreational activities in public places are a useful tool for reconciling and developing tolerance and trust among people. One problem, however, is that the municipalities are increasingly choosing to sell their land to private actors who work for other values than municipalities. Read more
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Människan i Sunne under covid-19 : Hur människans vardagsliv har begränsats i det sociala livet på grund av covid - 19 och hur det ses i de offentliga rummen / Human in Sunne during covid-19 : How human's everyday life are limited in social life because of covid-19 and how it is seen in the public placesWelamsson, Thea, Håkansson, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på vilka sätt människans vardagsliv blivit begränsat i det sociala livet på grund av covid- 19 och få kunskap om hur de offentliga rummen i Sunne har påverkats av restriktionerna. Frågeställningarna som besvaras handlar om hur det sociala livet och människors vardagsliv har förändrats på grund av restriktionerna och hur användningen av de offentliga rummen har förändrats i Sunne. Vi har använt oss av kvantitativa metoden för att få svar till våra frågeställningar. För att bygga upp och omfattande statistik. Litteratur i form av böcker, vetenskapliga artiklar och pålitliga digitala källor använts. Det genomfördes en enkätundersökning för att få svar på frågeställningarna. Resultatet visar att respondenterna i Sunne har blivit begränsade av olika restriktioner till följd av covid-19 som resulterat i social distansering och en förändrad vardag. Resultatet pekar också på att det är minskad rörelse i de offentliga rummen och att respondenterna i Sunne använder platserna på ett säkert sätt. Slutsatsen kan dras att alla människor påverkas på något sätt av restriktionerna som vidtagits, vilket också har fått konsekvenser för användningen av de offentliga rummen. / The purpose with the essay is to describe and account for how people`s everyday life and social life has been affected by the restrictions as a result of covid-19 in Sunne and also illustrate how the public places in Sunne have been affected by the restrictions. The issues that are answered are about how the use of public places has changed in Sunne. We have used a quantitative method to get answers to our questions. To build up a lot of comprehensive statistics. Literature in form of books, scientific articels and reliable digital sources has been used. A survey was conducted to get answers to the questions. The results show that the respondents in Sunne have been limited by various restrictions as a result of how covid-19 which has also resulted in social distancing and change in everyday life. The results indicate that there is reduced movment in the public places and that the respondents in Sunne use the places in a safe way. It can be concluded that all people are affected in some way by the restrictions that have been taken, which has also had consequences for the use of public places. Read more
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The public realm of covered food halls as the driver of a sense of place and conviviality : A case study of three covered food halls in RotterdamImpens, Yuri January 2017 (has links)
In the modern consumer economy, experience is playing an increasingly important role. We are looking to buy a special but authentic experience, in particular when it comes to food consumption. These developments have led to a resurface and reinvention of the traditional covered market hall. New versions of the conventional concept have been created, and these covered food halls put emphasis on creating an attractive public realm for the visitor. However, the different versions of the covered food halls have different public realms with varied effects on the sense of place and conviviality for the visitor. The aim of this research is to find out what the drivers of the public realm of the modern covered food hall are, and to analyze how these influence, and can possibly improve the sense of place and conviviality. Three case studies of new covered food halls in Rotterdam provided valuable insights. From the theories it became apparent that there are four drivers of the public realm when it comes to the creation of a sense of place and conviviality: economical, social, cultural and political. The case studies showed the same result, however it has come to show that the tangible public realm is first and foremost the result of the intangible organization behind the covered food halls, relating to the political driver of the public realm. The structure and the aim of the organization determine the other 3 drivers, resulting in the physical structure of the public realm, and the activities that take place in the space. Within the physical realm, elements such as personalization, flexibility and transparency have shown to be crucial to create a sense of place and conviviality. The organization behind the hall also influences the activities that take place inside and around the hall. In order to possibly improve the public realm of the covered food hall, it is therefore important to start with finding a fitting organization for the aims and goals the covered food halls has as part of the public realm. Read more
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Socialt i Vallastaden : En studie av offentliga rum i Vallastaden / Social interaction in Vallastaden : A study of the public spaces in Vallastaden in the municipality of LinköpingBjörk, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
Abstract With increased urbanization and a larger number of people choosing to move into cities, the importance of a good urban environment also increases. Along with this, the use of public space for social purposes has achieved an increased relevance. This essay is a study that deals with and analyses how the physical urban design of public places and perceived space affect social interactions and how these are applied to two different public places. This study is focused on the urban design of the physical environment for public usage and the perceived space by the users. Previous studies suggest that the perception of space will affect social interactions and use of the space. The study has been carried out in two different public places in the newly built residential area Vallastaden in the municipality of Linköping. The two public spaces that were selected for the study was; (1) the square named Nobeltorget, and (2) the green area Paradiset. The purpose of the study was to study people's interaction with urban design and how the design can contribute to the residents' social life. The purpose of this study was also to analyze which qualities are important to increase and promote the use of public places.Theoretically, the study is based on three theories that describe in different ways the importance of public places and how public places are created so that people want to stay there. This study is based on theories by, eg Matthew Carmona ́s theory about the physical environments role on social life, David Madden ́s thinking about social exclusion and Ali Madanipour ́s theory about public spaces availability. The study departs from the perspective of an urban planner, therefore, the relationship between the user and the city structure plays a key role. In order to try to discern in what way public places contribute to social meetings and interactions and which qualities can be assumed to be important for the planning of a public place. To answer the essay's purpose, different methods have been used. These are a document study, a literature study, observations and interviews. The essay shows that the public places in a city district have great importance for social life and that different public places have different functions in the city. This is a prerequisite for people to meet, which is a necessity for a community and a social life in the city. / Sammanfattning Med ökad urbanisering och ett större antal människor som väljer att flytta in i städer ökar också betydelsen av en god stadsmiljö. Tillsammans med detta har användningen av det offentliga rummet för sociala ändamål uppnått en ökad relevans. Denna uppsats är en studie som behandlar och analyserar hur den fysiska stadsutformningen av offentliga platser och upplevt rum påverkar sociala interaktioner och hur dessa appliceras på två olika offentliga platser. Denna studie fokuserar på den urbana utformningen av den fysiska miljön för allmänt bruk och det upplevda utrymmet av användarna. Tidigare studier tyder på att uppfattningen av rummet kommer att påverka sociala interaktioner och användningen av rummet. Studien har genomförts på två olika offentliga platser i det nybyggda bostadsområdet Vallastaden i Linköpings kommun. Två offentliga utrymmen valdes ut för studien; (1) Nobeltorget, och (2) parken Paradiset. Syftet med studien var att studera människors interaktion med stadsdesign och hur gestaltningen kan bidra till de boendes sociala liv. Syftet med denna studie var också att analysera vilka kvaliteter som är viktiga för att öka och främja användningen av offentliga platser. Teoretiskt utgår undersökningen från tre teorier som på olika sätt beskriver vikten av offentliga platser och hur offentliga platser skapas för att folk ska vilja stanna där. Denna studie är baserad på teorier av t.ex. Matthew Carmonas teori om den fysiska miljöns roll i det sociala livet, David Maddens tänkande om socialt utanförskap och Ali Madanipours teori om tillgången till offentliga rum. Studien utgår från en stadsplanerares perspektiv, därför spelar relationen mellan användare och stadsstrukturen en nyckelroll. Uppsatsens syfte är att försöka urskilja på vilket sätt offentliga platser bidrar till sociala möten och interaktioner och vilka egenskaper och kvaliteter som kan antas ha betydelse för planeringen av en offentlig plats. För att svara på uppsatsens syfte har olika metoder använts. Dessa metoder är en dokumentstudie, en litteraturstudie, observationer och intervjuer.Uppsatsen visar att de offentliga platserna i en stadsdel har stor betydelse för det sociala livet och att olika offentliga platser har olika funktioner i staden. Detta är en förutsättning för att människor ska mötas, vilket är en nödvändighet för en gemenskap och ett socialt liv i staden. Read more
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Privatisering av offentliga rum : fallstudier av två torg i Malmö stadDogertz, Håkansson, Jasmine, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
I denna studie behandlas ämnet offentliga rum, en diffus definition av allmänna platser som denna uppsats syftar till att råda bot på. Studiens ämne baseras på antaganden om en tilltagande privatisering av offentliga rum som pågår runt om i Sverige och världen, som skapar offentliga rum präglade av handel och service. Forskning och teori i denna studie fokuserar på att finna karaktären av ett offentligt rum och undersöka de konsekvenser som kommer av privatisering. För att besvara de frågor som ställts kommer två fallstudier från Malmö stads två torg Stortorget och Lilla torg redovisas, där forskarnas egna antagande och observationer kompletteras med intervjuer från användare som beskriver sin syn och upplevelse av rummen. I uppsatsen kommer det gå att läsa om de olika fallens bakgrund, hur de uppfattas av besökare, hur de kan ses som motpoler till varandra och vilka konsekvenser offentlighet, eller bristen på det, har på olika grupper. Studien är en del av kandidatprogrammet Fysisk planering vid Blekinge tekniska högskola i Karlskrona. Ämnet, privatisering av offentliga rum, har valts då det är ett intressant ämne att diskutera inom fysisk planering, då gränsen mellan vad fysisk planering kan, och inte kan, påverka är tunn och svår att hantera. Vid ytterligare frågor eller funderingar kring innehållet i uppsatsen eller ämnet, vänligen kontakta författarna på respektive mail: Linnéa Håkansson: linnea-hakansson@hotmail.com Jasmine Dogertz: jasminedogertz@gmail.com / This study concerns the subject public spaces, a vague definition of public places that this study will disentangle. The study is based on assumptions about an increasing privatisation of public spaces that is happening all over Sweden and around the world, that creates public spaces characterized by commerce and service. Science and the theory in this study focuses on to find characterizing trades of a public space and to investigate the consequences that privatization create. To answer questions that has been asked shall two case studies, that has been made on two squares in Malmö called Stortorget and Lilla torg be accounted for, where scientists own assumptions and observations supplemented with interviews from users who describes their view and experience on the subject. In this study will you be able to read about the two cases background, how they are perceived by the users, how they can be seen as opposites and which consequences publicness, or the lack of it, has on different groups. The study is a part of the bachelor program at Fysisk planering (Spatial planning) at Blekinge tekniska högskola (Blekinge technical university) in Karlskrona. The subject, privatization of public spaces, has been chosen because it is an interesting subject to discuss, especially within spatial planning because the borders concerning what spatial planning is able to or not able to do is narrow and hard to equipoise. Further questions or thoughts concerning the content of this study or the subject, please contact the authors on their respective email: Linnéa Håkansson: linnea-hakansson@hotmail.com Jasmine Dogertz: jasminedogertz@gmail.com Read more
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