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Developing public-private partnerships in centralized public procurementKeränen, O. (Outi) 29 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis increases the understanding of public-private partnerships (PPPs) by examining their development in a centralized public procurement context. The thesis discusses on how the actors in centralized public procurement participate in the development of PPPs and what drives and challenges the actors to transit from traditional transactional arm’s length tendering to partnership thinking in public procurement. The PPP research is integrated into the research stream of Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) and the interaction approach to recognize PPPs as socially constructed during the public procurement process. The triadic approach is applied to regard PPP development as dynamic and examine the relationship dynamics between the three actors of centralized public procurement.
The empirical setting of the thesis rests on a qualitative case study design using two cases. It analyzes PPP development in a standardized product procurement of food and a more diversified service procurement of home nursing. The empirical data is primarily acquired through qualitative interviews, which are supported by information from written documents and seminars on procurement regulations and procedures.
The thesis shows that the development of PPPs in the context of centralized public procurement is an ongoing and dynamic process, in which the three actors actively participate by initiating, building, and facilitating the development process. The thesis further finds that cooperative interaction contributes to PPP development by increasing knowledge exchange and promoting the transition from transactional procurement logic to partnering in public procurement. The procurement type and the network in which the PPP is embedded influence the process by reflecting the actors’ ways of participating in the process and how trust is built between them. The thesis further shows how relationship dynamics influence the process in the triadic setting; that is, the procurement logic of a single actor or the logic underlying the relationship of two actors engender and intensify the problems or promote the partnership thinking in the triad.
The findings of this thesis aid managers to identify how they can proactively foster the development of PPPs in centralized public procurement, and identify the influence of relationship dynamics on the process. / Tiivistelmä
Tässä väitöskirjassa keskitytään julkisten ja yksityisten organisaatioiden välisten kumppanuussuhteiden kehittämiseen keskitetyssä julkisessa hankintakontekstissa. Tutkimus tarkastelee sitä, kuinka keskitetyn hankintakontekstin kolme eri toimijaa osallistuvat suhteen kehittämiseen ja sitä, mikä edistää ja haittaa heidän siirtymistä perinteisestä transaktionaalisesta kilpailutuksesta kohti kumppanuutta. Tutkimus yhdistää julkisten ja yksityisten organisaatioiden välistä kumppanuutta käsittelevää kirjallisuutta teollisen markkinoinnin ja ostamisen tutkimukseen sekä erityisesti vuorovaikutusnäkökulmaan, koska kumppanuus ymmärretään työssä sosiaalisena ja vuorovaikutteisena prosessina, joka kehittyy hankintaprosessissa. Työ hyödyntää myös triadia näkökulmaa kolmen toimijan välisen kumppanuuden dynamiikkojen tutkimiseksi.
Tutkimuksessa toteutettiin laadullinen kahden tapauksen tapaustutkimus, jossa kumppanuuden kehittämistä analysoitiin standardoidussa ruokatuotehankinnassa ja kotihoidon palveluhankinnassa. Työn aineisto on kerätty haastatteluiden kautta, ja sitä on tuettu kirjallisten dokumenttien ja julkisen hankinnan seminaarien kautta kerätyn tiedon kautta.
Tutkimuksessa esitetään, että julkisten ja yksityisten organisaatioiden välisten kumppanuussuhteiden kehittäminen keskitetyssä hankintaprosessissa on jatkuva ja dynaaminen prosessi, johon kolme toimijaa osallistuvat aktiivisesti käynnistämällä, luomalla tai tukemalla prosessia. Työssä tunnistetaan myös, että yhteistyöllinen vuorovaikutus edistää kumppanuutta lisäämällä tiedon vaihdantaa ja tukemalla toimijoiden siirtymistä perinteisestä transaktionaalisesta hankinta-logiikasta kohti kumppanuutta. Hankintatyyppi ja laajempi verkosto, johon suhde on kytkeytynyt, vaikuttavat siihen, kuinka toimijat osallistuvat kumppanuuden kehittämiseen ja kuinka luottamus siinä syntyy. Tutkimus havainnollistaa myös kumppanuuden kehittämisen dynamiikkaa triadissa suhteessa. Yhden toimijan tai kahden toimijan välisten ongelmien huomattiin synnyttävän ja voimistavan ongelmien kehittymistä kaikkien kolmen toimijan välillä ja toisin päin; yhden toimijan tai kahden toimijan välinen kumppanuus vahvistaa kumppanuutta triadissa.
Tutkimus tarjoaa yritysjohdolle tietoa siitä, kuinka kumppanuutta voi vahvistaa keskitetyssä julkisessa hankinnassa ja siitä, kuinka tunnistaa prosessiin vaikuttavia dynamiikkoja.
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Parcerias público-privadas: um estudo de casos no Brasil / Public-private partnerships: a cases study in BrazilShinohara, Daniel Yoshio 13 September 2006 (has links)
A infra-estrutura existente no Brasil, assim como em diversos outros países de economia emergente, é geralmente caracterizada pela ineficiência e pela qualidade inferior dos serviços em comparação a serviços semelhantes prestados por entidades do setor privado. Além disso, o setor público notadamente possui restrições orçamentárias, cujos efeitos incluem a desistência de projetos e postergação de investimentos de grande importância para a sociedade. Esse contexto acaba por limitar o desenvolvimento sócio-econômico do País, visto que reduz ou mesmo inibe a criação de vantagens competitivas nos mais diversos setores da economia. Dessa forma, nota-se a necessidade de adoção de novas formas de contratação e prestação de serviços que permitam inovações e soluções alternativas a tal problema. Dentro desse contexto, surge a Parceria Público-Privada como um instrumento que reconhece as habilidades e capacitações, tanto do setor privado quanto do setor público, com o intuito de se obter parcerias que gerem as maiores sinergias possíveis entre as partes. Internacionalmente, esse tipo de parceria tem sido utilizado há algum tempo, havendo diversas experiências bem-sucedidas em países europeus como Inglaterra, Irlanda, Portugal, Austrália, Canadá, EUA e Chile. No Brasil, o tema é recente, tendo em vista as datas de aprovação das leis federal e estaduais referentes ao assunto e a não-existência de projetos implantados sob essa forma de parceria. No entanto, percebe-se um elevado interesse, tanto por parte do setor público como por parte de entidades do setor privado, de utilizar esse instrumento em prol da melhoria da infra-estrutura do País. Atualmente, há no País três projetos em fase avançada de implantação, a saber: um projeto de transporte metroviário no Estado de São Paulo (Projeto da Linha 4 do Metrô de São Paulo), um projeto de transporte rodoviário no Estado de Minas Gerais (Projeto da Rodovia MG-050) e um projeto de saneamento básico no Estado da Bahia (Projeto do Sistema de Disposição Oceânica do Jaguaribe). Nesses casos, há editais de licitação publicados, sendo o objetivo dos três governos estaduais envolvidos a escolha e o início da operação da PPP ainda este ano. Tendo em vista a grande polêmica em torno do tema e os potenciais efeitos desse instrumento para a infra-estrutura do País, é importante verificar se esses primeiros projetos estão sendo implantados conforme os princípios internacionais estabelecidos em experiências semelhantes bem-sucedidas, já que isso minimiza a ocorrência de determinados erros de implantação que incorram em custos adicionais. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho se propõe a analisar como se deu a estruturação de dois desses três projetos: o Projeto-Piloto de PPP da Rodovia MG-050 e o Projeto-Piloto de PPP do Sistema de Disposição Oceânica do Jaguaribe. Ressalta-se que o intuito desta análise é a verificação da presença dos princípios das PPPs bem-sucedidas em experiências internacionais semelhantes. Contudo, isso não implica necessariamente o sucesso das primeiras experiências em PPPs no Brasil. Procura-se então minimizar a probabilidade de insucesso a partir de uma implantação adequada dos princípios das PPPs para que, no futuro, quando tais projetos estiverem em plena operação, seja possível verificar se as PPPs estão atendendo às expectativas da sociedade e se realmente representam inovações e a melhor forma de estruturação para os projetos analisados. / The infra-structure existing in Brazil, like in other developing economy countries, is usually characterized by its inefficiency and poor quality of its services in comparison to similar services provided by private sector entities. Besides, the public sector clearly has budget restrictions which effects include the desistance of projects and the postponement of relevant investments for society. This context ends up restricting the socio-economic development of a country since it reduces or even inhibits the creation of competitive advantages in many different industries. Therefore, one can realize the necessity of adopting new forms of procurement that allow innovation and alternative solutions for this problem. Considering those circumstances the Public-Private Partnership comes as an instrument that recognizes the abilities both from the private sector and the public sector with the objective of achieving partnerships that create the greatest sinergies between the parties. Internationally, this kind of partnership has been used for a long time and there are many successful experiences in European countries such as England, Ireland and Portugal, Australia, Canada, USA and Chile. In Brazil, the subject is recent considering the approval dates of federal and state laws regulating it and the absence of on-going projects under this form of procurement, nevertheless, one can notice that there is a lot of interest both from the public sector and entities from private sector on the use of this instrument on behalf of the improvement of the infra-structure in this country. Nowadays, there are three projects in Brazil in the bidding stage: a subway project in the state of São Paulo (Line 4 of São Paulo Subway Project), a road project in the state of Minas Gerais (Road MG-050 Project) and a sanitation project in the state of Bahia (Jaguaribe System of Oceanic Disposal Project). In all of these cases there are published biddings and the goal of all of these three state governments is to put the partnership into operation this year. Considering the intense discussion around this subject and the potential effects of this instrument to the infra-structure of this country it is important to find out if these first PPP projects are being implemented according to the established international principles for successful PPPs, since by doing this one can minimize the occurrence of certain mistakes which consequently provoke additional costs. Therefore, this study offers an analysis of how was the structuring of two out of the three existing projects in Brazil: the Road MG-050 Project and the Jaguaribe System of Oceanic Disposal Project. One should stand out that the main objective of this analysis is the examination of the presence of successful PPP principles noted in similar international experiences, but this does not necessarily imply in the success of these first experiences in PPP in Brazil. The idea is to minimize the probability of failure by an adequate implementation of the PPP principles, so, in the future, when these projects will be on a on-going basis, it will be possible to verify if the PPPs are meeting the expectations and if they really represent innovation and the best form of procurement for the analyzed projects.
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Contabilização dos contratos de concessões / Accounting treatment of concession contractsAndrade, Maria Elisabeth Moreira Carvalho 22 April 2010 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas a administração pública, em nível mundial, vem se transformando, passando de burocrática e ineficaz para uma administração gerencial buscando a eficiência na prestação dos serviços públicos. Assim diversos países optaram por delegar alguns serviços públicos para o setor privado, dando-se início às privatizações e concessões e o Estado mudou a sua postura de empresário a regulador. Os contratos de concessão não são padronizados, com características econômicas distintas gerando diversos eventos contábeis. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a contabilização desses arranjos para que as demonstrações contábeis dos parceiros privado e público evidenciem a essência econômica em detrimento da forma jurídica, com uma representação patrimonial mais próxima da realidade. Para o alcance desse objetivo foi feita uma revisão conceitual sobre as concessões e suas características econômicas e a necessidade de normatização contábil específica quanto ao tema, principalmente porque esses arranjos em sua maioria não constavam dos balanços patrimoniais (off-balance sheet). Em seguida discorreu-se sobre a contabilização desses arranjos de acordo com as normas internacionais: IFRIC 12 (normativo contábil para o parceiro privado) e ED 43 (minuta de interpretação para o parceiro público). Também através da análise de conteúdo foram analisadas as minutas de interpretações relativas a contabilização dos contratos de concessão que foram disponibilizadas para audiência pública e os comentários de diversos órgãos e profissionais a fim inferir se os órgãos regulamentadores (IASB e IFAC) buscaram evidenciar nos normativos a verdadeira substância econômica desses arranjos. E ainda foi realizada a contabilização do contrato de parceira público-privada (que é uma modalidade de concessão), na modalidade patrocinada da PPP MG-050, tendo por base a recente regulação para o parceiro privado e ainda em discussão a regulação para o parceiro público. Conclui-se que ao buscar a essência sobre a forma nas demonstrações contábeis principalmente nesses arranjos, com os diversos riscos a que estão expostos, a contabilidade contribui com a sua função social que é de fornecer informações úteis aos seus diversos usuários, e nesse caso específico, que podem auxiliar o parceiro público a tomar decisão quando da fixação das tarifas e nas renegociações contratuais. Quanto aos balanços públicos, o estudo revela que poderão estar mais transparentes evidenciando o endividamento dos entes públicos e o custo social desses arranjos. / In recent decades, public management around the world has been changing from bureaucratic and ineffective to a search for efficiency in public service delivery. Different countries have chosen to delegate some public services to the private sector, starting, with a change in the States posture from entrepreneurial to regulatory. In the concessions context, these contracts are not standardized and display distinct economic characteristics, entailing the need for detailed interpretation and analysis with a view to their accounting treatment in the affected entities. This research aims to analyze the accounting treatment of these arrangements so that the financial statements of public and private partners evidence the contracts economic essence. To achieve this goal, a conceptual review was done about concessions and their economic characteristics, as well as about the need for specific accounting standards on the theme. Next, the accounting treatment of these arrangements was discussed in accordance with the interpretation of international standard IFRIC 12 (accounting standard for the private partner) and ED 43 (draft accounting standard for public partner). Using content analysis, the minutes of interpretations about the accounting treatment of concession contracts made available for public hearing were analyzed in detail, as well as comments by different entities and professionals, in order to infer whether regulatory entities (IASB and IFAC) attempted to disclose the economic substance of these arrangements in their standards. In empirical terms, the public-private partnership contract of PPP MG-050 was analyzed and the financial statements of the private and public partners were estimated throughout the contract period in the framework of the abovementioned standards. Based on these methodological procedures, it is concluded that, by attempting to picture the economic essence in the financial statements of the entities affected by the diverse risks in those contracts, accounting contributes to its social function of offering useful information to its different users and, in this specific case, information that can help the public partner to make tariff decisions and in contract renegotiations. As for public balance sheets, the research reveals that these can be more transparent, evidencing public entities indebtedness and the social cost of these arrangements.
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Јавно - приватно партнерство у праву Европске уније и Републике Србије / Javno - privatno partnerstvo u pravu Evropske unije i Republike Srbije / Public-private partnership in the laws of theEuropean Union and the Republic of SerbiaTomić Jovana 11 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Поглед на јавно-приватно партнерство (у даљем тексту: ЈПП) у савременим условима даје слику о комплексном модерном концепту, економско-правној, али и политичкој категорији, институту који је на први поглед сасвим јасан, а суштински недовољно истражен. ЈПП посматрано под лупом научне и стручне јавности, углавном се описује као пожељан концепт у домену развоја инфраструктуре и пружања јавних услуга. Схватање да се путем ЈПП могу решити сви проблеми који не могу бити ефикасно решени од стране јавног сектора је готово митско. Оно никада неће бити доминантан модел у овој области, због своје комплексности, због чињенице да је за мале пројекте скуп метод, али и због тога што некада захтева коришћење много више ресурса него што је потребно. Успостављањем овог вида сарадње између јавног и приватног партнера може да се сложи<br />финансијска слагалица и реши проблем финансирања одређеног пројекта, поделом трошкова и одговорности јавног и приватног субјекта. Ипак ЈПП не треба приступати само као механизму помоћу ког ће се исправити недостаци на тржишту. Треба имати у виду појединачне предности овог модела и вредности које му се приписују.<br />Први део рада посвећен је истраживачком путу ка проналажењу адекватне дефиниције ЈПП, уз свевремено настојање да се овај концепт разликује од сличних модела. Указано је на основне предности и недостатке ЈПП, представљен историјски развој сарадње јавног и приватног партнера и анализирана су начела ЈПП.<br />Други део рада посвећен је правном оквиру ЈПП. Анализиране су правне норме којима је регулисано ЈПП, прво у Европској унији, а потом и у Републици Србији. Услов за примену ЈПП у свакој држави је доношење одговарајућих правних норми и обезбеђивање начина и средстава за примену ових норми. Када се у улози института који је потребно правно уредити јави хибридна творевина попут ЈПП, намеће се захтев за успостављањем баланса између приватног и јавног права и остваривањем разних циљева, попут економских, социјалних и правних, што комплексној мрежи јавно-приватних односа даје специфичност и универзалну вредност. Због значаја усклађивања националног законодавства са правом Европске уније, истраживачки рад усмерен је на утврђивање резултата досадашње хармонизације правила о ЈПП у домаћем праву са онима која важе у<br />праву Европске уније, у циљу давања закључка о томе у којој мери је овај посао успешно спроведен. У овом делу рада учињен је и кратак осврт на регулаторну делатност UNCITRAL-а и могућност стандардизације јавних уговора.<br />Трећи део рада посвећен је облицима ЈПП, при чему су детаљно анализирани уговорни облици ЈПП, а потом је указано на најзначајније карактеристике институционалног ЈПП.<br />Четврти део посвећен је субјектима ЈПП. Након детаљне анализе правног положаја јавног и приватног партнера, наметнуло се као питање од нарочитог значаја за обраду теме да се утврди које чињенице су утицале на то да локалне самоуправе постану субјект који се најчешће јавља у улози јавног партнера у пројектима ЈПП у Републици Србији, што представља изузетак у пракси која је забележена у Европској унији. У том циљу спроведено је емпиријско истраживање, а резултати истраживања унети су у овај део рада.<br />Због чињенице да се ЈПП смешта у режим јавних набавки када је потребно изабрати приватног партнера, односно доделити концесију, пети део овог рада односи се на право јавних набавки, а посебно се у овом делу рада говори о поступцима јавних набавки, критеријумима за избор приватног партнера, значају самоиницијативног предлога, правилима о заштити конкуренције, а због најуже повезаности са темом поступка доделе јавног уговора, у овом делу указано је на то какву улогу имају надлежне институције у поступку доделе јавног уговора и како се спроводи надзор над реализацијом јавног уговора.<br />Највећи део рада посвећен је јавном уговору о ЈПП, његовом појму, правној природи, садржини, изменама и престанку. Иако се у Републици Србији сматра да успех ЈПП зависи од добро сачињеног јавног уговора, у Европској унији влада став да је кључ успеха у природи односа између учесника, који треба да буде заснован на сарадњи и међусобном поверењу.<br />Уколико поверење изостане и дође до спора, уговорне стране користе неки од механизама за решавање насталог спора, који су анализирани у седмом делу рада. Осми део рада посвећен је закључним разматрањима и попису коришћене литературе.</p> / <p>Pogled na javno-privatno partnerstvo (u daljem tekstu: JPP) u savremenim uslovima daje sliku o kompleksnom modernom konceptu, ekonomsko-pravnoj, ali i političkoj kategoriji, institutu koji je na prvi pogled sasvim jasan, a suštinski nedovoljno istražen. JPP posmatrano pod lupom naučne i stručne javnosti, uglavnom se opisuje kao poželjan koncept u domenu razvoja infrastrukture i pružanja javnih usluga. Shvatanje da se putem JPP mogu rešiti svi problemi koji ne mogu biti efikasno rešeni od strane javnog sektora je gotovo mitsko. Ono nikada neće biti dominantan model u ovoj oblasti, zbog svoje kompleksnosti, zbog činjenice da je za male projekte skup metod, ali i zbog toga što nekada zahteva korišćenje mnogo više resursa nego što je potrebno. Uspostavljanjem ovog vida saradnje između javnog i privatnog partnera može da se složi<br />finansijska slagalica i reši problem finansiranja određenog projekta, podelom troškova i odgovornosti javnog i privatnog subjekta. Ipak JPP ne treba pristupati samo kao mehanizmu pomoću kog će se ispraviti nedostaci na tržištu. Treba imati u vidu pojedinačne prednosti ovog modela i vrednosti koje mu se pripisuju.<br />Prvi deo rada posvećen je istraživačkom putu ka pronalaženju adekvatne definicije JPP, uz svevremeno nastojanje da se ovaj koncept razlikuje od sličnih modela. Ukazano je na osnovne prednosti i nedostatke JPP, predstavljen istorijski razvoj saradnje javnog i privatnog partnera i analizirana su načela JPP.<br />Drugi deo rada posvećen je pravnom okviru JPP. Analizirane su pravne norme kojima je regulisano JPP, prvo u Evropskoj uniji, a potom i u Republici Srbiji. Uslov za primenu JPP u svakoj državi je donošenje odgovarajućih pravnih normi i obezbeđivanje načina i sredstava za primenu ovih normi. Kada se u ulozi instituta koji je potrebno pravno urediti javi hibridna tvorevina poput JPP, nameće se zahtev za uspostavljanjem balansa između privatnog i javnog prava i ostvarivanjem raznih ciljeva, poput ekonomskih, socijalnih i pravnih, što kompleksnoj mreži javno-privatnih odnosa daje specifičnost i univerzalnu vrednost. Zbog značaja usklađivanja nacionalnog zakonodavstva sa pravom Evropske unije, istraživački rad usmeren je na utvrđivanje rezultata dosadašnje harmonizacije pravila o JPP u domaćem pravu sa onima koja važe u<br />pravu Evropske unije, u cilju davanja zaključka o tome u kojoj meri je ovaj posao uspešno sproveden. U ovom delu rada učinjen je i kratak osvrt na regulatornu delatnost UNCITRAL-a i mogućnost standardizacije javnih ugovora.<br />Treći deo rada posvećen je oblicima JPP, pri čemu su detaljno analizirani ugovorni oblici JPP, a potom je ukazano na najznačajnije karakteristike institucionalnog JPP.<br />Četvrti deo posvećen je subjektima JPP. Nakon detaljne analize pravnog položaja javnog i privatnog partnera, nametnulo se kao pitanje od naročitog značaja za obradu teme da se utvrdi koje činjenice su uticale na to da lokalne samouprave postanu subjekt koji se najčešće javlja u ulozi javnog partnera u projektima JPP u Republici Srbiji, što predstavlja izuzetak u praksi koja je zabeležena u Evropskoj uniji. U tom cilju sprovedeno je empirijsko istraživanje, a rezultati istraživanja uneti su u ovaj deo rada.<br />Zbog činjenice da se JPP smešta u režim javnih nabavki kada je potrebno izabrati privatnog partnera, odnosno dodeliti koncesiju, peti deo ovog rada odnosi se na pravo javnih nabavki, a posebno se u ovom delu rada govori o postupcima javnih nabavki, kriterijumima za izbor privatnog partnera, značaju samoinicijativnog predloga, pravilima o zaštiti konkurencije, a zbog najuže povezanosti sa temom postupka dodele javnog ugovora, u ovom delu ukazano je na to kakvu ulogu imaju nadležne institucije u postupku dodele javnog ugovora i kako se sprovodi nadzor nad realizacijom javnog ugovora.<br />Najveći deo rada posvećen je javnom ugovoru o JPP, njegovom pojmu, pravnoj prirodi, sadržini, izmenama i prestanku. Iako se u Republici Srbiji smatra da uspeh JPP zavisi od dobro sačinjenog javnog ugovora, u Evropskoj uniji vlada stav da je ključ uspeha u prirodi odnosa između učesnika, koji treba da bude zasnovan na saradnji i međusobnom poverenju.<br />Ukoliko poverenje izostane i dođe do spora, ugovorne strane koriste neki od mehanizama za rešavanje nastalog spora, koji su analizirani u sedmom delu rada. Osmi deo rada posvećen je zaključnim razmatranjima i popisu korišćene literature.</p> / <p>The view of public-private partnership (hereinafter: PPP) in contemporary conditions gives an image of a complex modern concept, in an economic-legal, but also a political category. This is an institution that is quite clear at first glance, but essentially inadequately explored. The PPP, viewed by the scientific and professional public, is generally described as a desirable concept in the field of infrastructure development and public service provision. The viewpoint according to which all problems the public sector may fail to solve can be solved through PPP is almost mythical. It will never be a dominant model in this area due to its complexity and the fact that it is expensive for small projects, but also because it sometimes requires the use of much more<br />resources than necessary. By establishing this type of cooperation between the public and private partners, a financial jigsaw puzzle can be made and the problem of financing of a particular project may be solved by the division of costs and responsibilities of the public and private entities. However, PPP should not be regarded only as a mechanism by which the shortcomings in the market will be amended. One should bear in mind the individual advantages of this model and the values attributed to it.<br />The first part of the paper deals with finding an appropriate definition of PPP, while<br />simultaneously trying to distinguish this concept from similar models. This part points out the basic advantages and disadvantages of PPP, presents the historical development of public and private partner cooperation and analyzes the principles of PPP.<br />In the second part of the paper, which is devoted to the legal framework of PPP, there is an analysis of the legal norms regulating the PPP, first in the European Union, and then in the Republic of Serbia. The requirement for the implementation of PPPs in each country is the adoption of appropriate legal norms and the provision of means for the application of these standards. When the role of the institute that needs to be regulated is taken by a hybrid formation such as PPP, then this leads to the demand for establishing a balance between private and public law and achieving various goals, such as economic, social and legal ones, which gives a specific and universal value to the complex network of public-private relations. Due to the importance of aligning the national legislation with the law of the European Union, the research focused on<br />determining the results of the previous harmonization of the rules on PPP in domestic law with the law of the European Union, in order to give a conclusion on the extent to which this work has been successfully implemented. In this part of the paper, there is a short overview of the regulatory activity of UNCITRAL and the possibility of standardizing public contracts.<br />In the third part of the paper, which is the result of the research on the forms of PPP, there is a detailed analysis of the contractual forms of PPP and the most significant characteristics of the institutional PPP.<br />The fourth part of the paper is dedicated to PPP subjects. After a detailed analysis of the legal position of the public and private partners, a question of particular importance for the topic arose and it refers to the necessity to find out which facts influenced the local self-government to become the subject that most often appears as a public partner in PPP projects in the Republic of Serbia, which is an exception in practice seen in the European Union. Hence, the empirical research was conducted and the results of the research are given in this part of the paper.<br />Owing to the fact that PPP is placed in the system of public procurement when it is necessary to choose a private partner, i.e. to grant a concession, the fifth part of this paper deals with the law on public procurement, in particular public procurement procedures, selection criteria for the private partner, the importance of a self-initiative proposal and regulations on protection of competition. Due to the closest connection with the topic of awarding the public contract, in this part there was an emphasis on the role of the competent institutions in the procedure of awarding a public contract and how the supervision over the implementation of the public contract is carried out.<br />The largest part of the paper is devoted to the public contract on PPP, its concept, legal nature, content, changes and termination. Although in the Republic of Serbia it is considered that the success of PPP depends on a well-made public contract, the European Union believes that the key to success lies in the nature of the relationship between the participants, which should be based on cooperation and mutual trust.<br />If the confidence fails and the dispute arises, the contracting parties may use one of the<br />mechanisms for resolving the dispute, which are analyzed in the seventh part of the paper. The eighth part of the paper is devoted to the concluding reviews and the list of references.</p>
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A Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management for the United States Virgin IslandsWilliams, Mutryce 01 January 2016 (has links)
Public-private partnerships in emergency management are widely encouraged in the academic literature, yet the government of the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) tends to view collaboration from the private sector as an impediment to good policy. This occurs in spite of the island nation's geography that makes it susceptible to natural and human caused disasters. The purpose of this correlational study was to use public choice theory to explore, from the perspective of potential private sector collaborators, whether sufficient support exists in the private sector to support the USVI government in emergency management efforts. A modified version of the Mulhearn Sustainability and Community Collaboration Survey was distributed to business owners (n = 156). These data were used to determine whether a statistically significant relationship between USVI preparedness and collaborative governance exists. The results of the linear regression were significant, (p < .001) and suggest private sector company owners believe that collaborative governance can increase USVI preparedness. The recommendation is that the USVI government and the Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency involve the private sector in the planning, operations, and logistics of emergency management to prepare for any emergency such as natural disaster or terrorist action. The positive social change implication is based on the recommendation to the USVI government that the private sector be more involved in the planning, operations, and logistics of emergency management, thereby potentially improving emergency response in the event of a catastrophic event.
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Cultural Integration in Newly Formed Public-Private Partnership OrganizationsIzevbigie, Scotty O 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) formed public-private partnerships (PPPs) with local and international private companies during the construction of the Port of Miami Tunnel (POMT) project. These PPPs had employees from different cultural backgrounds who brought new cultures, ideas, innovation, and experiences to their PPPs. The limited PPP literature did indicate that different cultures should be properly integrated to avoid challenges and conflicts in the new organization. If not properly managed and integrated, cultural conflict can create communication problems, increased employee dissatisfaction, higher turnover, and poor employee performance. Using Risberg's communication theoretical foundation, the purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences of PPP employees to see how their intercultural communication facilitated cultural integration. Data were generated through semi-structured, open-ended interviews with 11 employees of the PPPs formed with FDOT during the POMT project. Data were coded and analyzed using a thematic analaysis procedure. Findings were that cultural aspects like social interaction, comfort in interacting with people from different cultures, empathy, respect for others, knowledge about other cultures, open-mindedness, and managerial support helped in facilitating cultural integration in the respective PPPs. Positive social change implications may include the improvement of PPP efficiency and efficacy with: greater leadership awareness of the challenges and opportunities of diversity; new policies and management strategies that take advantage of different cultural contributions; and, policies that encourage cultural competency and sensitivity.
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Community Public-Private Partnership Leadership Synergy in TanzaniaMshana, Hawa Yatera 01 January 2018 (has links)
Although the public-private partnership (PPP) concept in health and social health has been politically accepted as the best pathway to improving health outcomes in many developing nations, implementation lacks leadership synergy. Lack of awareness and engagement of community leaders about PPP interventions and their benefits affect accountability and ownership of health and social care interventions. The purpose of this study was to better understand factors that could promote partnership leadership synergy to enhance ownership and accountability for community health and social welfare initiatives in Tanzania. A qualitative empirical case study design was used; diffusion of innovation and the public-private integrated partnership module constituted the theoretical framework. A purposeful sample of 26 participants responded to in-depth, 1-on-1 interviews; they were guided with semi-structured questions; the related document was reviewed. NVivo software was used to facilitated data management and content analysis. The key findings indicated that integrated supportive supervision, teamwork, and strategic communications promote partnership leadership synergy. Also, findings show that a lack of clear roles and responsibilities, poor quality data, a lack of understanding the benefits of PPP in health at the community level hinder ownership and accountability in the implementation of PPP health interventions. The results of this study yield insight into the national PPP technical and leadership team that could support the priorities in the implementation of the partnership projects. These results may contribute to social change through an increase in awareness and understanding of PPP in health at the community level and, in turn, promote ownership and accountability.
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Mal estar no trabalho da hipermodernidade: seis dimensões observadas na clínica e suas consequências / Not informed by the authorMoura, Francisco Rodrigues Alves de 31 May 2019 (has links)
Desde a origem da coletividade humana, o trabalho tem um papel potencialmente estruturador ou, por vezes, patológico na integração do indivíduo na sociedade e cultura. Nas últimas décadas, o aspecto do mal estar faz-se mais e mais evidente para os profissionais da saúde mental. O objetivo desta pesquisa é apontar como o mal estar no trabalho na contemporaneidade estaria intimamente ligado a três elementos essências e, inevitavelmente, conectados entre si. O componente inicial é o intrasubjetivo, relativo à formação e desenvolvimento do psiquismo na esfera do indivíduo, ou da sua psicopatologia. Nesta esfera seriam centrais os temas do reconhecimento e a autonomia (ou relação do sujeito com o tempo aliado à latitude em decidir por si). Em torno - e complementar a esta dimensão - existem as relações de trabalho, nas quais predominam os temas da violência no ambiente de trabalho e do desequilíbrio da dinâmica entre espaço privado e espaço compartilhado (ou público). No entanto, a análise do mal estar no trabalho seria incompleta se não envolvesse uma terceira dimensão: a do funcionamento social e cultural da contemporaneidade, molde e prensa para concepções pré-formadas e compartilhadas sobre o trabalho e seu valor na sociedade e na cultura. É neste campo que influiriam não somente promessas irreais em relação ao trabalho, traduzidas como sentido ou propósito, e, por fim, o efeito das personalidades hipermodernas e do mercado de consumo. Psicanálise, Psicopatologia e Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, Filosofia e Sociologia propõem soluções importantes, que teriam maior impacto se considerassem um entrelaçamento essencial entre estas dimensões da relação do eu com o outro, os direitos individuais e coletivos, e uma perspectiva social e compartilhada de coletividade. A Psicologia Social e do Trabalho, em sua transmissão e prática, deve adotar uma leitura multidimensional para compreender, ensinar, prevenir e tratar o mal estar contemporâneo em relação ao trabalho / From the dawn of human collectiveness, work has had a potentially structuring role, or, at times, a pathological influence in the subjects selfness in Society and Culture. Over the past six decades, the aspect of discontent is increasingly conspicuous for mental health professionals. The purpose of this research is to analyze how this discontent is closely related to three essential elements, that are, inevitably, interconnected amongst themselves. One is imminently intersubjective and relates to the structuring of subjectivity and the development of the psyche in an individual sphere; in other words, its psychopathology. In this sphere, the core themes would be connected to a lack of recognition and autonomy (regarding the relationship with time management and/or latitude to make decisions). Encompassing this dimension - and interdependent - are the workplace relationships, in which themes such as violence in the workplace and an unbalance between private and shared space dynamics are predominant. However, analyzing stress and work-related discontent would be incomplete without a third dimension, corresponding to social and cultural motions of current times. Workplace culture and our shared social values are both mold and shape for pre-formed notions amongst individuals, and these elements contribute to perceptions that lead to unreal expectations towards work and are showcased as purpose or meaning at work. The final dimension relates to the effect of what is called hypermodern personalities in a consumeoriented and neo liberal market. Psychoanalysis, Psychopathology and Work Psychodynamics, Philosophy and Sociology propose essential solutions, but would benefit from a proper interrelation amongst these dimensions of the relationship between the self and the other, individual rights and collective ones, as well as a social and shared perspectives of collectiveness. Organizational and Social Psychology, in its teaching and practices, should adhere to a multidimensional perspective to understand, foster, prevent and intervene in our current times discontent towards work and its vicissitudes
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Partnerships : an opportunity to restore meaning to the 'human' in human servicesHarkness, Christopher January 2009 (has links)
This research study is about partnership working in the human services using community mental health as a context. The purpose of this type of research has relevance today as governments at all levels in Australia are adopting partnerships as social policy tools to address social problems. The rationale for these policies appears to be based on recognition that large social problems require holistic responses through the working together of multiple agencies. However despite the volumes of material about the programmatic means for enacting partnerships I found little which attended to the micro practices of partnership. The lack of guidelines on how to engage in partnership becomes problematic as partnerships in social service contexts have complexities and can be difficult to enact. Moreover actors may feel undermined when it is taken for granted that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to enact partnerships. A case study is conducted on how partnerships are enacted within Bethany Outreach Services, a pseudonym used to represent a psychosocial support service in the Perth metropolitan area. Semi-structured in-depth interviews are conducted with seven participants engaged in a partnership within community mental health. The literature is analysed for its contribution to the critical question of how to do partnership. Case examples are utilised to contextualise key principles of partnership. Key elements of theoretical perspectives are applied as a way to better understand how partnerships might work better. Narratives from the literature and the experiences of people as seen through this case study are examined to arrive at some key elements of partnership. Despite their complexities partnerships provide an opportunity for actors to engage their humanity and build relationships based on human qualities such as respect, communication and the sharing of resources. These qualities build social capital, which can be developed in new partnership contexts to address new problem domains. It is through these qualities that partnerships might give meaning to the 'Human' in Human Services.
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科學園區危機管理跨域聯防之研究-以科學工業園區管理局為例 / The study of joint defense across boundary of crisis management of science park: a case study of science park administration葉慧君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用文獻探討法及深度訪問法等二種研究方法,試圖就科學園區危機類型做一分類,並以危機管理四階段理論及運用「全盤型弱點管理」觀點,檢視科學工業園區管理局危機管理機制之運作,找出其脆弱度,透過跨域聯防相關理論、兩個案例經驗借鏡及相關人員深度訪談資料之歸納分析,試圖提出建構科學園區危機管理跨域聯防機制之策略,並輔以政策工具理論,作為可能面臨困境之對策,以提供科學工業園區管理局及相關單位參考。 / To meet the trend of global science parks, the first science park in Taiwan, Hsinchu Science Park (HSP), was established in 1980. After endeavored for years, it has become one of the most successful science parks in the world, which Business Week called, “Taiwan’s Silicon Valley.” It is a very important lifeline of Taiwan economic development, and a key factor of maintaining Taiwan’s competitive advantage. Under the jurisdiction of the National Science Council, the Science Park Administration (SPA) is given the responsibility of developing, operating and managing the park.
This study adopts two research ways: literature review method and interviewing method, and attempts to classify the crisis type of the science park. Based on the four steps theory of crisis management and the point of view of “Comprehensive Vulnerable Management,” it is to inspect the operation of crisis management of Science Park Administration to find out its vulnerability. Through the generalization and analysis of the related theory of joint defense across boundary, two cases review and related further interview, it attempts to set a strategy for joint defense across boundary of the science park, assists with policy instruments theory to offer a solution for coming difficulty, and to be a reference for Science Park Administration and related organizations.
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