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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kulturell tid och individuella rytmer : Gymnasieelever om tidens pedagogiska villkor / Cultural times and individual rhythms : High school pupils on time as pedagogical conditions

Balldin, Jutta January 2006 (has links)
<p>The problem focused in the thesis has its ground in the crossroads between a manifold school-time and shared as well as individual rhythms of pupils. The thesis builds on a theoretical assumption that cultural structures in time are of meaning for an understanding of ourselves and of others, and works as a frame for contemporary values and constraints, especially in school. The aim is to understand and create a thick description of the phenomenon time as a condition for positioning, as young high school pupils see and deal with it. The contexts for their descriptions are three specific schools, challenging traditional ways of studying in time by offer independency, one by distance education, one by mobility between independency and timed lessons, and one by an independent project in an otherwise ordinary timetable. </p><p>The empirical material is mainly based on interviews, letters and drawings, collected from thirty pupils, ten from each school. The study is conducted and analysed in means of an abductive methodology, and use senzitising concepts to withdraw units of meaning, relating the descriptions of pupils to theoretical assumptions.</p><p>Time as a condition for positioning is a way of balancing between structure and individual acts. Time in school is created and dealt with in the crossroads between feelings of freedom to, of being in control of and/or close to, and their opposites, feelings of freedom from, or being controlled by and/or on distance. Dreams of spontaneity, closeness and intensity give way to certain temporal dilemmas in a school-time with contradictory values. The rhythms outlined by some of the pupils support the dreams described, as well as they underline the pupils’ need for temporal frames that see and confirm their performances here and now, as well as in the future. Time as an analytical filter reveals a meaning of time as enclosing lines and circles, present moments and stretched lives, school-time and other times. </p>

Vem är ”schysst” i skolan? : Samband mellan self-efficacy och gymnasieelevers

Andersson, Ann-Charlotte January 2007 (has links)
<p>Två studier undersökte hur self-efficacy, individens tro på sin förmåga, inverkar på prosocialt beteende i skolmiljö. I Studie 1 besvarade 121 gymnasieelever en enkät, som mätte akademisk och emotionell self-efficacy samt prosocialt beteende. I Studie 2 besvarade 48 gymnasieelever en enkät, som mätte emotionell self-efficacy och prosocialt beteende. Studie 1 visade att akademisk men inte emotionell self-efficacy korrelerade positivt med prosocialt beteende. I begreppet emotionell self-efficacy finns två känsloreaktioner: själv- och andraorienterade. Studie 1 tog hänsyn enbart till självorienterade reaktioner. Eftersom andraorienterade reaktioner saknades, kan det förklara bristen på samband. I Studie 2 korrelerade emotionell self-efficacy positivt med prosocialt beteende, och andraorienterade känsloreaktioner visade sig ha störst betydelse. Andraorienterad emotionell self-efficacy kan antas vara en kraftfull källa till prosocialt beteende i skolmiljö.</p>

Utveckla grundskolans NO-undervisning : Ett skol- och projektledarperspektiv i en inledande fas / Developing compulsory school science : A head teacher and project leader perspective in an opening phase

Eriksson, Kristian, Gunnarsson, Peter January 2009 (has links)
<p>År 2008 gav myndigheten för skolutveckling regionförbundet Östsam i uppdrag att formulera, utforma och planera ett projekt som ska pågå i flera år med syftet att öka elevers intresse för naturvetenskap och teknik. Detta arbete uppmärksammar ett antal ansvarigas uppfattningar om vad som är relevanta delar i ett sådant projekt. Dessa uppfattningar jämförs med vad aktuell forskning visar. Resultaten pekar på att uppfattningarna hos ansvariga i projektet till stor del är i linje med aktuell vetenskaplig forskning. Detta har vi valt att kalla för en träffbild, som exempelvis innefattar elevers ålder, lärares uppfattningar och ämneskunskaper, ”STS”, ”NOS” och ”Out of School” som viktiga aspekter att ta hänsyn till för att öka elever intresse. Resultaten visar också att det kan finnas behov av att belysa vissa aspekter tydligare. En sådan aspekt är kön/genus. En annan är föräldrar och kamraters påverkan. Resultaten diskuteras utifrån vetenskapliga sammanhang som handlar om elevers intressen för naturvetenskap och teknik.</p>

En studie av fyra pedagogers erfarenheter och tankar kring motivationsarbete av understimulerade elever i grundskolans tidigare år

Gneipelt, Robert, Westby, Cecilia January 2007 (has links)
<p>Bakgrunden till denna rapport är ett gemensamt intresse av motivationsarbete med understimulerade elever. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur pedagoger i grundskolans tidigare år motiverar understimulerade elever till kunskapsinhämtning. Detta för att blivande lärare skall få flera verktyg att motivera elever till att känna lust att lära och ta in kunskap. Det förekommer understimulerade elever i grundskolan. Dessa stimuleras inte att arbeta med tillräckligt intressanta och utmanande uppgifter utifrån den enskilda elevens proximala zon. Rapportens frågeställning är vilka tankar kring och erfarenheter av motivationsarbete med understimulerade elever som pedagoger anser sig ha? För att undersöka detta gjordes en intervjustudie med fyra aktiva tidigarelärare på tre olika skolor. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att pedagogerna hade olika erfarenheter och pedagogisk filosofi och arbetade på olika sätt med att motivera understimulerade elever till lust att lära. Detta trots att målet med motivationsarbetet hos samtliga pedagoger var detsamma.</p>

Achieve the course goals for English A by reading literature

Pierrou, Sara January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay is about how to achieve the course goals of English A, at upper secondary school, by using literature. The novel Go Ask Alice is targeted and a number of exercises are presented as different examples of how to achieve course goals.</p>

Gymnasieelevers upplevelser av hälsoprojekt : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Svensson, Camilla January 2007 (has links)
<p>Studies show that children’s and adolescents health decreases, especially the mental health. There are today many health methods that flourish in the school area. Methods that is external and used as individual interventions and methods that have the intention to integrate health in all aspects of the school curriculum.</p><p>Research on health projects often show what the intervention or method has produced. Few studies have been found who discuss the pupil’s own experience regarding health projects. How much consideration does the health projects take regarding the adolescents needs? The aim of this study was to examine pupil’s experiences of their participation in health projects, in consideration of 1; which view pupil’s have on health projects in school, 2; how pupils experience the methods that are included in health projects and 3; in what way health project can contribute to changes of pupil’s lifestyle. To achieve the aim of this study a qualitative interview-study was chosen. A stratified sample was used in this study and a total number of nine interviews were made. The interviews were carried out with help from an interview guide that contained four themes with open questions. The analysis procedure resulted in three themes based on the aim of the studies three questions. In every theme different shades could discern.</p><p>The result of the study shows that the experiences are mainly positive. The pupil’s vision of the health project showed that the information was good in some aspects and in other aspects insufficient. The methods that were included in the health project, physical tests and health conversation, were considered as relevant. Physical tests contributed in both positive feelings as for example curiosity and negative feelings as nervousness and anxiety. The health conversation was considered as a good sum up of the physical tests and the children’s lifestyle. Changes took place partly in the pupil’s action and partly in their ponderings where an awareness of their life situation grew.</p> / <p>Studier visar på att barns och ungdomars ohälsa ökar, framförallt den psykiska ohälsan. Många hälsometoder florerar idag i skolan. Det finns externa metoder som används som hjälpmedel och enskilda insatser samt metoder som har för avsikt att implementera hälsa i alla aspekter av skolarbetet och läroplanen.</p><p>Forskning gjord på hälsoprojekt visar ofta vad interventionen eller metoden har genererat i. Få studier har hittats vilka behandlar elevens egna upplevelser av hälsoprojekt. Hur mycket utgår hälsoprojekt från barns behov? Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka gymnasieelevers upplevelser av sitt deltagande i hälsoprojekt med avseende på 1; vilken syn elever har på hälsoprojekt i skolan, 2; hur elever upplever metoder som ingår i hälsoprojekt och 3; på vad sätt hälsoprojekt kan bidra till förändringar av elevers livsstil. För att uppnå studiens syfte valdes en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Ett strategiskt urval gjordes och totalt genomfördes nio stycken intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes med hjälp av en intervjuguide vilken innehöll fyra stycken teman med öppna frågor. Analysförfarandet resulterade i tre stycken teman utifrån syftets tre forskningsfrågor. I varje tema kunde olika nyanser urskiljas.</p><p>Resultatet av intervjustudien visar att elevernas upplevelser av hälsoprojekt i huvudsak är positiva. Elevernas syn på hälsoprojekt var att informationen var bra i vissa avseenden och ibland otillräcklig. Metoderna som hälsoprojektet bestod av (fysiska tester och motiverande samtal) upplevdes som väsentliga. De fysiska testerna genererade både i positiva känslor som nyfikenhet och negativa känslor som nervositet och oro. Det motiverande samtalet ansågs av eleverna vara en bra sammanfattning av de fysiska testerna och elevernas livssituation. Det motiverande samtalet tog även upp många faktorer ur vardagslivet. Förändring skedde dels med utgångspunkt i elevernas handlande som till exempel fysisk aktivitet, kost och stress och dels utifrån elevernas tankeverksamhet där en medvetenhet om livssituationen växte fram.</p>

Matematikens historia i undervisningen

Petrén, Sara January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to examine how the history of mathematics can be used in teaching and whether pupils’ attitudes to mathematics can be affected by this. In order to do this a school project about the history of mathematics is planned, implemented and analysed.</p><p>The following questions are addressed:</p><p>▪ Why use the history of mathematics in teaching?</p><p>▪ How can the history of mathematics be used in teaching?</p><p>▪ Can a historical perspective in teaching affect pupils’ views on mathematics?</p><p>The school curriculum emphasizes the importance of history in teaching. Literature, scientific articles and government inquiries call attention to the positive effects of including a historical perspective in teaching.</p><p>The school project, which underlies this thesis, is put to practice by 25 pupils in a mathematics science profile class. The outcome is one written and one oral report. A first questionnaire is completed by the pupils before the history project is introduced and a second one after the project work is entirely finished. The result shows positive effects of using the history of mathematics in teaching.</p>

Påverkad av skolans värdegrund? : Elevers uppfattning av skolans värdegrund

Lindvall, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>This paper examines pupils’ conception of the Swedish schools constitutive values expressed in the Swedish curriculum. The main question was, at to what extent the schools constitutive values have influenced the pupils conception of their own values. That question problematizes the relation between values, constructed and carried by central administration, and their interpretation at local level by pupils. The study was conducted with qualitative analysis which included qualitative interviews with seven pupils in the last year of the Swedish school system. Phenomenology, hermeneutics, and phenomenographics have influenced the study. The qualitative interviews were abstracted into categories, related to this papers theoretical framework. The categories were taken from a taxonomy that breaks up the constitutive values into smaller pieces. The categories are presented here: <em>questions about conception of life, moral education, values education, civics education and citizenship education</em>. As well as categories the taxonomy shows a variable that goes from private to public and <em>questions about conception of life,</em> is the most private area and <em>citizenship education</em> is the most public. What each category resulted in was that pupils´ conception of the schools constitutive values could relate to the theoretical framework. Although many of the informants’ quotations pointed out standpoints that were related to the theoretical framework, some weren’t. Those included mostly the categories of public questions, such as <em>civic education</em> and <em>citizenship education</em>. In question of the pupils conception of moral education and values education the quotations showed that schools tend to focus on a rule based philosophy when fostering the pupils in to good moral and values. Also, pupils tend to focus on private good and see the schools constitutive values as a way to gain private good. This papers result brings up questions about; if the schools constitutive values are not well understood by pupils or if the constitutive values only are to be understood as private good. It also shows that the values constructed at a central level have a long way to travel to be acknowledged by the pupils. And along that travel several actors, such as teachers, interpret the constitutive values.</p>

Pedagogens roll och betydelse i arbetet med invandrarelever : - hur man på bästa sätt kan stödja och främja dessa elevers utveckling / The teachers role and significance when working with immigrant pupils : - the best way to support and promote these pupils developement

Skoog, Linnea January 2006 (has links)
<p>Elever som är födda i ett annat land än Sverige, eller som har föräldrar som är födda i ett annat land, har särskilda behov som det är viktigt att ha kunskap om för att på bästa sätt kunna möta dem i undervisningen. Mitt huvudsakliga syfte med detta arbete är att belysa pedagogens roll och betydelse i arbetet med invandrarelever. Mina frågeställningar är:</p><p>- Hur ser invandrarelevers möte med den svenska skolan ut?</p><p>- Hur kan man som lärare främja dessa elevers utveckling?</p><p>- Hur kan man arbeta i skolan för att öka kulturkompetensen och förståelsen för andra kulturer samt motverka fördomar och rasism bland eleverna?</p><p>Mot bakgrund av mitt syfte samt mina frågeställningar valde jag att göra en kvalitativ intervjustudie med tre lärare som alla undervisar, eller har undervisat, i svenska som andraspråk. Genom dessa intervjuer samt genom att studera befintlig litteratur har jag funnit ett klart samband mellan identitet, känslor och språk. Lika viktigt som det är att öka samarbetet mellan modersmålslärare, svenska som andraspråkslärare och klasslärare, lika viktigt är det att arbeta med elevernas självkänsla och få dem att känna att de du duger som de är. Det är viktigt att eleverna är stolta över sitt ursprung och inte skäms över vem de är.</p><p>För att på bästa sätt stödja och främja invandrarelevers utveckling anser jag att vi i skolan måste bli bättre på att bejaka det annorlunda och se mångfalden som något positivt.</p> / <p>Pupils who are born in another country than Sweden, or has parents who are born in another country, have special needs in which it’s important that we have knowledge about so that we are able to meet them in school. My primary purpose with this essay is to elucidate the teachers role and significance in the work with immigrant pupils. My questions at issue are:</p><p>- How does the immigrant pupils meeting with the Swedish school look like?</p><p>- How can you as a teacher promote these pupils development?</p><p>- How can you work in school to increase cultural comprehension and understanding for other cultures and counteract prejudice and racism amongst the pupils?</p><p>On the basis of my purpose with the essay, and my questions at issue, I choose to perform a qualitative study through interviews with three teachers, who all teach, or have taught, in the subject “Swedish as a second language”. Through these interviews and by studying the available literature, I have found a very strong connection between identity, emotion and language. As important as is to increase the collaboration between teachers in mother tongue, “Swedish as a second language” and class teachers, is it to work with the self-esteem of the pupils and make them feel that they are good enough as they are. It is important that the pupils are proud of their heritage and not to feel ashamed of who they are.</p><p>The best way to support and promote the immigrant pupils development, according to me, is for us at the schools to be better at recognise and accept differences and look upon multitude as something positive.</p>

Elever med Aspergers syndrom : Hur kan pedagoger arbeta för att underlätta för dessa elever? / Pupils with Aspergers syndrome : How can pedagogues work to make it easier for these pupils?

Forsberg, Felicia January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose with my examination is to make a contribution to how, as a pedagogue, you can work to make it easier for pupils with Aspergers syndrome that are integrated in an “average” class. I will concentrate my work to these questions: how pedagogues can work to make it easier for pupils with Asperger syndrome that are integrated in an “average” class. If it affects the other pupils in the class when pupils with Asperger syndrome is integrated in the class and also if it affects the pedagogues work having these children integrated in their “average” class.I have decided to study research and other literature and also to do two interviews to find out how pedagogues can make it easier for children with the diagnosis Asperger syndrome. The pedagogues that I´ve interviewed has in different ways worked with pupils with Asperger syndrome. The first person works as a pedagogical instructor and the other one works as a teacher in a preschool-class. I compare the facts that I´ve found in research, literature and in the interviews to later be able to draw my own conclusions.The result of my examination shows that the facts that I got from the research and the literature broadly agree with the facts that I got from the interviews that I´ve done. The general conclusion of my work shows that pupils with Asperger syndrome need a clear and structured schooling. It´s important that the pedagogues proceed from the actual pupil when planning the schooling otherwise the pedagogue won´t be able to create the right opportunities for the pupil.</p>

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