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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förhandlingar om när, var och hur läxor ska göras - inte om de ska göras : En diskursanalys om elevers uppfattningar om läxan

Bäckstedt, Sanna, Persson, Viktoria January 2012 (has links)
Idag är debatten om läxor vanligt förekommande i såväl skolans sfär som i media och inom politiken. Dessa debatter kan ses som ett sätt att skapa en normalitet, och en strävan efter att få fler att ansluta sig till de olika parternas uttalade uppfattningar om läxans förekomst. Tillsammans med denna debatt utgör läroplanen några av de normer som skolans aktörer ska förhålla sig till gällande läxorna. Trots att läxan inte nämns i läroplanen så lever läxan vidare och vi väljer därför att betrakta läxan som en norm, som följs av inte bara skolans aktörer och eleverna utan även av föräldrar. Även fast läxan i huvudsak berör eleven anser vi att elevernas talan om läxor inte representeras i de debatter som förs, och vi undrar därför; var är elevernas talan om läxor? Vi har därför valt att anta ett elevperspektiv och använder oss av en diskursanalytisk ansats för att förmedla deras uppfattningar om läxor. Eftersom vi anser att läxan är en norm som konkurrerar med andra normer väljer vi att ta ett förhandlingsperspektiv och då studera; Vilka förhandlingar deltar eleverna i om läxor, och hur påverkas dessa förhandlingar av normer och diskurser?

Themenzentrierte Interaktion im Unterricht mit Schülerinnen und Schülern mit Beeinträchtigung der körperlichen und motorischen Entwicklung

Tscheke, Jürgen 10 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Aus Beeinträchtigungen der körperlichen und motorischen Entwicklung können sich in Wechselwirkung mit gesellschaftlichen Interaktionsprozessen für die Betroffenen erschwerte Bedingungen für Entwicklung und Lernen ergeben. Moderne Unterrichtskonzepte insbesondere auf der Basis eines gemäßigt konstruktivistischen Theorieverständnisses unterstützen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Beziehungsgestaltung und inhaltliches Lernen gleichermaßen. Im pädagogisch-therapeutischen Konzept der Themenzentrierten Interaktion (TZI) nach Ruth C. Cohn wird ein didaktischer Zugang gesehen, der curriculare, persönliche, gruppendynamische und kontextuelle Aspekte des Unterrichts berücksichtigt. Auf der theoretischen Ebene wird nach Anschlussmöglichkeiten der TZI an existierende Unterrichtskonzepte gefragt. Die empirische Studie nimmt Bezug zum Ansatz der Handlungsforschung. Für ein Schulhalbjahr erprobten drei Lehrerinnen und ein Lehrer gemeinsam mit 26 Schülerinnen und Schülern der Leipziger Schule für Körperbehinderte einen am Konzept der TZI orientierten Unterricht. Das „Mixed Methods-Design“ umfasste sowohl qualitative (Unterrichtsanalysen, problemzentrierte Interviews) als auch quantitative (testdiagnostische Erhebung des Selbstwertgefühls) Elemente. Es werden Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Implementierung sowie mögliche Auswirkungen auf Schülerpersönlichkeit und Beziehungsqualität untersucht.

Design as a tool for facilitation of pupils´ creativity in the technology lessons

Bakhteyeva, L.A. 31 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Noise in the school environment - Memory and Annoyance

Boman, Eva January 2004 (has links)
<p><b>Objectives.</b>The general objectives of this dissertationwere to examine the effects of acute exposure to meaningfulirrelevant speech and road traffic noise on memory performance,and to explore annoyance responses to noise exposure in theschool environment for pupils and teachers in different agegroups.</p><p><b>Methods</b>. The thesis comprises seven papers, representingdifferent methodological approaches: experiments, surveystudies and interviews. In the experiments, reported in PapersI-V, 288 pupils and teachers participated in the age groups,13-14 years (n=96), 18-20 years (n=96), 35-45 years (n=48) and55-65 years (n=48). The subjects were randomly assigned to oneof three conditions: (a) meaningful irrelevant speech, (b) roadtraffic noise, and (c) silence. The equivalent sound level inthe noise conditions was set to 66 dB(A). A test batteryreflecting episodic and semantic memory were used. The surveystudies, reported in Paper VI and VII, included 207 pupils(M=13.5) and 166 teachers (M=45.9). Two separate questionnairesmainly comprising items about annoyance, noise sensitivity andstress symptoms were administered. Paper VI presents results offocus group interviews (n=16) treating the main topics:disturbing sounds, emotions, ongoing activity, and suggestionsconcerning future changes. Results. The overall findings showedthat both noise sources affected episodic and semantic memoryto the same degree for all age groups. The results indicatedthat the similarity of semantic content between noise and thetask at hand was not the only suitable explanation model, sincea non-speech noise impaired memory as much as speech.</p><p><b>Results</b>also indicated that attention effects did notmediate the obtained noise effects and that the noise effectsdid not differ between age groups. Therefore, it seemedunlikely that different memory and attentional capacities stoodout as explanatory factors of the memory effects. Sinceperformances of both episodic and semantic memory tasks wereimpaired, the explanation based on level of access to long-termmemory was also ruled out. However, the episodic memory task,reading comprehension, stood out to be most impaired by noise,suggesting that complexity of the task to perform was ofimportance. For reading comprehension there was also adifferent noise pattern obtained. Participants performance wasin this task, more impaired by meaningful irrelevant speechthan by road traffic noise. This effect indicated thatmeaningful irrelevant speech might reduce the availablecognitive resources necessary for learning the text. Theannoyance models derived from the survey studies indicated thatsensitivity acted as a mediator between hearing status andannoyance, with stress symptoms as an outcome. Whetherannoyance arises or not was also determined by control andpredictability of the noise. In the interviews a differentannoyance pattern was found, in that stress symptoms appearedto be a determinant of annoyance. To be involved, respected,take own responsibility and respect others were suggestions onhow to change the environment to become more silent.</p><p><b>Conclusions.</b>For both pupils and teachers acute exposureto meaningful irrelevant speech and road traffic noiseinfluenced both the achieving and providing of knowledge. Acommon annoyance pattern was also found for pupils andteachers, where individual and situational factors were ofimportance. To achieve a more silent school environment in thefuture, the pupils pointed out that the interaction betweenthemselves and their teachers was of importance.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>Noise, meaningful irrelevant speech, roadtraffic noise, memory, age groups, school environment, pupils,teachers</p>

What about the under-achievers? : Teachers’ and under-achieving-ability-grouped pupils’ attitudes towards ability grouping in English at a lower secondary school in Sweden

Bågenhammar, Tina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>This paper investigates how to individualize the tuition in English by using ability groupings. The study is primarily focusing on the group of under-achieving ability pupils since teachers have a special responsibility for those pupils who experience difficulties in attaining the goals that have been set for their education, according to the Curriculum for compulsory school Lpo 94. The main research question was if the groupings were positive or negative for the under-achieving pupils at school X, i.e. the compulsory school under investigation. In addition I also wanted to find out if the ability groupings at school X responded to the steering documents, i.e. the Curriculum in compulsory school and the Education Act. The study is based on primary data in the forms of interviews, with four English teachers, and questionnaires, answered by the under-achieving ability pupils.</p><p>Conclusions were drawn that the ability groupings seemed to be mostly negative concerning the under-achieving pupils. The groupings at school X are not supported in any steering documents either since the groupings are not temporary, they do to some extent put the pupils at a certain grade level and on a certain track which violates the Education Act. One of the conclusions in this paper is also that there should be clearer guidelines on how to approach this phenomenon.</p>

Barnens budget : En studie av Växjö kommuns projekt i demokratisk skolning

Lakso, Daniel January 2004 (has links)
<p>Young people’s political influence has been surveyed, studied and discussed several times in Sweden during the last decade. There is a fear among the politicians that the young people are not interested in politics, especially not in party politics. On the other hand there is, among the youngsters a feeling of invisibility, not being seen or heard or for that sake respected. There are a lot of formal possibilities for young people’s political influence, but there are not as many real possibilities or situations to actually practice these possibilities. There have been many national, regional and municipal projects initiated during the last years to develop these possibilities and create more opportunities for young people to (1) take part in the decision-making and as well (2) create an interest for politics, and party politics in particular. In Växjö municipality in Southern Sweden such a project was carried out during the autumn 2003. The project was called Barnens budget (the Children’s Budget). Through this project the local politicians hoped to give the young pupils of Växjö a feeling and an experience of influence and power, which in the wishes of the initiators would create an interest in politics and a respect for democracy.</p><p>The idea of the project was that the pupils in the primary and secondary schools of Växjö through a democratic process from class-level, via school-level, to the municipal level would share and split 500 000 Swedish kronor. The money would go to the pupil’s priorities no matter what they were, and in the end the priorities turned out to be everything from dictionaries to lizards and soccer-goals. We may call it an exchange between the politicians and the pupils: money in exchange for a democratic process.</p><p>The project is studied and analyzed with help from different theories and studies about young people and influence, politics, democracy etc. A comparison is also made between the project in Växjö and a similar project from the Norwegian town of Porsgrunn, which was the main influence for Barnens budget in Växjö.</p><p>The result from the study is that the basic idea of democratic schooling is a true and well-willing one, but that much of the goals aimed at were not reached. This mainly because of that it seems as the work was not given the time it needed for reflections, discussions and implementations. This is something that goes for all levels, from the political level to the class-room level. The project would also have earned more from not only aiming at educating the youngsters – a top-down perspective, but instead being put into a whole, a mutual exchange of ideas and opinions between the pupils and the politicians.</p>

Litteratur och AD/HD : En studie om AD/HD och hur elever med diagnosen upplever litteraturstudierna i skolan2010 / Literature and AD/HD : A study about AD/HD and how pupils with the diagnosis experience the literature studies in school

Magnusson, Emma January 2010 (has links)
<p>Enligt Socialstyrelsen (2004) förekommer diagnosen AD/HD hos 3-6 % av alla barn i grundskolan. Av dessa är 2/3 killar. Det finns olika teorier om vad som orsakar diagnosen, ärftlighet är en vanlig teori. Symtomen hos personer med diagnosen är väldigt olika. Överaktivitet är den vanligaste men även underaktivitet förekommer.</p><p>Litteraturens roll i läroplanerna har ändrats under åren. Fram till folkskolans inträde år 1842 var kyrkans inflytande total. Litteraturens betydelse har sedan varierat i läroplanerna, men i Lgr-80 får den en central roll. Enlig den senaste läroplanen, Lpo-94 menar man att läskunnighet är en förutsättning för att aktivt kunna delta i samhället.</p><p>Mitt mål med detta arbete är dels att sammanfatta vad AD/HD är och dels försöka ta reda på vilken uppfattning elever med diagnosen har kring diagnosen och litteratundervisningen i skolan. Därför har jag valt att utgå från ett elevperspektiv och jag har genomfört sex intervjuer med elever som har diagnosen AD/HD.</p><p>Av resultatet i min studie framgick det att eleverna anser att orsakerna till AD/HD kan vara flera, men ärftlighet betonas mest och fem av sex tillfrågade poängterar detta. Fem av sex angav även att de tyckte det var skönt att de fått diagnosen och att det hjälpt dem. De flesta eleverna tänker på böcker när de hör ordet litteratur men de nämner även tidningar, datorn, telefonen, spel och reklam. De uppger även att de har nytta av litteraturundervisningen. De blir glada av att läsa något de verkligen tycker om och de poängterar vikten av att litteraturen måste intressera dem. Eleverna nämner olika typer av stöd som de får i samband med litteraturundervisningen. Stöd som nämns är till exempel att det finns böcker av olika svårighetsgrad och olika tekniska hjälpmedel. De upplever dock att det finns för få böcker och att de ibland får för lite hjälp på lektionerna.</p>

Vad har det med religion att göra? : En studie om elevers och Skolverkets mål med religionskunskapsämnet / What does that have to do with studies in the subject of religion? : A study of pupils and the Swedish National Agency of Educations goals with the education in the subject of religion

Lindström, Emil January 2014 (has links)
This essay examines upper secondary school pupils as well as the Swedish National Agency for Educations views on the education in subject of religion. How they describe its purpose, what content the topic should address, how the education should be implemented and what influence the pupils should have over their own studies. This to examine how the views of pupils and the Swedish National Agency of Education correlate and to analyze how it possibly can affect the pupil’s motivation. The survey is conducted by semi-forging tured interviews and text analysis in order to ascertain the pupils and the Swedish National Agency of Educations opinions on the issues. The results are then analyzed by various motivational theories that have played a vital role in the Swedish school and that have been found relevant to the study. The survey shows that the pupils and the Swedish National Agency of Education are relatively unanimous about how they regard studies on the subject of religion but that there are differences. It appears that the education the pupils have receive, despite the unity of these pupils and the Swedish National Agency of Education, not always seem to comply with the requirements of the Agency's governing documents. It also appears that the pupil’s motivation is affected by how the National Agency and the pupils' objectives, goals and beliefs correlate. When those are alignment or when the school takes account of pupils' expectations and their own goals the education seems more adequate to the pupils.

Reflekterande samtal- verktyg för utveckling? : Pedagogers upplevelser av reflekterande samtal i arbetet med elever i behov av särskilt stöd.

Johansson Männikkö, Anna, Karlsson, Jessica January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe and analyses educators’ experiences of reflective conversations in their teams and part of teams in relation to their work with pupils in need of special support. Ten educators representing ten different teams have been interviewed since all had experiences of working in teams and working with pupils in need of special support. Focus has been on the educators’ experiences of the organisation, the effects of the reflections and the need to develop the reflective conversations in their teams and part of teams. The result showed that only a few of the educators described an organisation of the reflective conversations in their teams that met the conditions recent research point out as a way to use reflective conversations as a tool for development. These educators reached a deeper level of analysis and critical approach than the other teams which led to an improvement of their work with pupils in need of special support. The majority of the educators described reflective conversations with parts of their teams that content analysis and critical reflection. These reflective conversations led to development of their work with pupils in need of special support despite the fact that these reflective conversations showed a lack of organisation. All of the educators were aware of the need to improve the reflective conversations to achieve development of the educational practice, especially those in their teams. A conclusion was that reflective conversations in teams or part of teams can be a tool in the process of developed the work with pupils in need of special support provided that the conditions for the organisation were met and that there was a systematic reflection on high level.

Att kräva eller inte kräva... det är frågan : - en kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärares hantering av elevers övning / To require or not to require... that is the question : A qualitative study of teachers ‘management of pupils’ exercise

Guo, Björn January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka musiklärares syn på och hantering av elevers övning. Data har samlats in genom intervjuer med fyra instrumentalpedagoger som arbetar på kulturskola/gymnasiet/folkhögskola eller musikhögskola. Två av informanterna arbetar i huvudsak inom den klassiska genren och två arbetar inom både den klassiska och afro-genren. Intervjuformen var kvalitativ med en övergripande huvudfråga och sedan öppna följdfrågor. Analysen av data är gjord utifrån ett designteoretiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visar att alla informanter använder flera resurser parallellt för att skapa förutsättningar för att elever ska lära sig öva. Hur balansen mellan resurserna ser ut varierar både beroende på vilken arbetsplats informanterna befinner sig på samt i vilken ålder eleverna är. Resultatet visar även att informanterna ser spelandet på instrumentet som ett hantverk och att övning krävs för att bli bättre på hantverket. I diskussionen jämförs lärarnas önskemål med utbildningarnas krav och riktlinjer samt elevernas sociala omgivning. Diskussionen belyser även övning i relation till design och multimodala resurser. / The purpose of this study is to examine music teachers’ views of and management of pupils’ exercise. Data were collected through interviews with four instrumental teachers working in arts school/high school/college or university. Two of the informants work mainly in the classical genre and two in both the classical genre and the Afro-genre. The interview method was qualitative, with an overall main question and then with open follow-up questions. The analysis of the data was performed from a perspective of design theory. The result shows that the respondents use multiple resources simultaneously to create the conditions for the students to learn how to practice. How the balance between resources looks vary both depending on the workplace of the informants and the age of the pupils. The result also shows that the informants see the playing of an instrument as a craft and that practice is necessary to becoming better at the craft. The discussion compares teachers’ preferences with the educational program requirements and guidelines as well as the pupils’ social environment. The discussion furthermore highlights exercise in relation to the design and multimodal resources.

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