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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

7-11 klasių mokinių fizinis aktyvumas ir jo sąsajos su požiūriu į fizinį aktyvumą Kauno „Atžalyno“ vidurinėje mokykloje / Physical activity of 7-11 years old pupils and their attitude towards physical activity in Kaunas "Atzalynas" secondary school

Palčinskaitė, Eglė 10 September 2013 (has links)
Fizinis aktyvumas laikomas viena iš pagrindinių individo fizinės, socialinės ir emocinės gerovės sąlygų. Pasyvaus gyvenimo būdo paplitimas visuomenėje privertė domėtis fizinio aktyvumo įtaka amžiaus žmonių organizmui. Ilgamečių mokslininkų tyrimų faktai neleidžia abejoti, kad fizinis aktyvumas, ypač jei jį teisingai parinksime ir dozuosime, padeda teigiamam sveikatos lygio prieaugiui, sumažina širdies nepakankamumą, padidėjusį kraujospaudį, tinka įvairių diabeto tipų profilaktikai ir taip pat ilgina sveiko ir produktyvaus gyvenimo trukmę. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti 7-11 klasių mokinių fizinį aktyvumą ir jo sąsajas su požiūriu į fizininį aktyvumą Kauno „Atžalyno“ vidurinėje mokykloje. Baigiamojo darbo objektas – Kauno „Atžalyno“ vidurinės mokyklos 7-11 klasių mokiniai. Baigiamojo darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti fizinį aktyvumą lemiančius veiksnius. 2. Atlikti 7-11 klasių mokinių fizinio aktyvumo ir jo sąsajų su požiūriu į fizinį aktyvumą Kauno „Atžalyno“ vidurinėje mokykloje tyrimą. 3. Nustatyti ir tinkamai interpretuoti gautus tyrimo duomenis, bei pateikti išsamius rezultatus. Tyrimo hipotezė. Vyresnių mokinių fizinis aktyvumas yra mažesnis nei jaunesnių. Tyrimas buvo atliktas Kauno „Atžalyno“ vidurinėje mokykloje 2013 m. Balandžio mėnesį. Tyrime dalyvavo 7-11 klasių moksleiviai: 195 berniukai ir 229 mergaitės. Atliekant apklausą visi tyrimo dalyviai buvo informuoti apie tyrimo tikslą, jo anonimiškumą bei supažindinti su anketos pildymo instrukcija. Paprašyta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Physical activity is one of the most important factors which allows a person to stay fit and well physically, socially and emotionally. Spread of passive lifestyle in our society has made us to be more interested in influence of physical activity in different age and life periods. Proved facts of scientists researches show that physical activity (if well integrated and organised) can improve growth of positive health and wellbeing as well as decreases risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure and fits for various forms of diabetes prophylaxis. Moreover, it also extends healthy and productive life duration. Hypothesis of the thesis: Every year interest in physical activity tends to decrease among teenagers. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse physical activity between 7-11 years old pupils as well as their attitude towards physical activity in Kaunas “Ąžuolynas” Secondary school. The goal of the thesis: 1. To analyse the methods that encourage and stimulate physical activity 2. To make the analysis of physical activity between 7-11 years old pupils and their attitude towards physical activity in Kaunas “Ąžuolynas” Secondary school. 3. To analyse and interpret properly the research data and prepare detailed results Hypothesis of the research: elder pupils do less physical exercise than younger pupils. This research in the school has been made on April, 2013. The participants of the research are 7-11 years old pupils, 195 of them are males and 229 females. All of the... [to full text]

Jonavos miesto ir rajono mokyklų 9-12 klasių moksleivių požiūris į fizinį aktyvumą / The attitude of pupils from 9-12 classes of secondary schools to physical activity in Jonava town and its district

Lukaševičius, Audrius 19 May 2005 (has links)
When developing positive attitude to the physical activity, the most important is to introduce it to the safe lifestyle mode from very childhood, to make it the tool not only for the physical state improvement, but also for the development of spirituality, creative activity and will as well. Such viewpoint somewhat determined that health of contemporary Lithuanian people (including pupils) is not good. We were trying to ascertain in this work the attitude of pupils from 9-12 classes of secondary schools to physical activity in Jonava town and its district. Hypothesis. We suppose that urban pupils are physically more active than pupils living in district, especially boys. Objective of the research – to identify and compare the attitude of secondary schools’ 9-12 classes’ pupils to physical activity in Jonava town and its district. Following research task was formulated after identifying research objective: 1. To identify attendance of the physical culture lessons, going in for sports in leisure time and got injuries for 9-12 classes’ pupils from Jonava town and district. 2. To identify the parent’s attitude to physical activity of 9-12 classes pupils from Jonava town and district. 3. To identify the attitude to active physical activity and knowledge of physical activity of 9-12 class’s pupils from Jonava town and district. 4. To identify forms of leisure time of 9-12 class’s pupils from Jonava town and district. Surveying pupils from 9-12 classes in Jonava town and its... [to full text]

Nuotolinių studijų panaudojimas mokant mokinius hipertekstų ir multimedijos / Using distance studies in teaching pupils hypertexts and multimedia

Petrauskas, Regimantas 28 May 2005 (has links)
Nformation and communication technologies which are used at schools in distance learning courses are analyzed and evaluated in this work. Also attention is paid for the distance learning creating process. On the base of information and communication technologies the distance learning course “hypertext and multimedia” is created for XI- XII formers from Lithuanian Republic secondary schools. For those who chose the expanded module of information technologies course is prepared the plan for supporting learners and tutorials for users. During this distance learning process pupils are taught to design and create Web sites with multimedia elements. The course is created in virtual learning environment WebCT. Also the graphic models created with TestTool are used.

Vyresnių klasių mokinių dalyvavimas mokyklos savivaldoje ir visuomeninėse organizacijose, įtaka socializacijai / The influence of the participation of the senior class pupils in self-governing committees and public organizations on socialization

Saveikienė, Ingrida 27 May 2005 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the involvement of senior class pupils in self-governing committees and public organizations, discusses the participation of the pupils’ in the social processes, stressing values and social roles. Schoolchildren’s committees are reviewed in the context of changes in the Lithuanian educational system. The proportion of youth participation and non-participation in the organizations operating at the schools is also analyzed. A review is made of which organizations operate in schools and which organizations schoolchildren can actively participate in. A Pupil questionnaire was carried out, in order to find out the particularities of the senior class pupils participation in the activity of public organizations and school committees. 757 respondents were interviewed in large and small cities. The number of respondents is described by requirements of 95 percent reliable intervals and 4 percent inaccuracies, which are considered to be sufficient for representation in quantitative research. The research that was carried out revealed that according to the interview data of the senior class pupils, one quarter of the pupils takes part in a school commitee and one fifth of 16 – 18 year old schoolchildren take part in youth organizations. The proportion of children who participate both in self–governing committees and in youth organizations does not reach one tenth and about two thirds of the respondents do not participate in any activities. More schoolchildren... [to full text]

Aukštesniųjų klasių mokinių dalyvavimas popamokinėje veikloje / Participation of pupils of the senior classes in additional education

Kulita, Romanas 05 June 2005 (has links)
Additional education very important and significant part of an education system. It helps to organize leisure of pupils to open it the abilities and in practice to use knowledge got during employment. Also additional education can help to adapt for constantly varying conditions of a modern life. Therefore I consider that this part of an education system should be priority. In fact additional education can save pupils from fulfilment of crimes and drugs as propagandizes a healthy way of life correct public values. This education will be organized at different levels both on public and on state therefore influence on the pupil very big. Organizing additional education it is very important to consider the put forward purposes and to pick up the suitable form of work. Additional education will be organized leaning on main principles of system of education. Carried out research has shown that the majority of pupils chooses additional education of sports character and approves that it is important in their life. In opinion of pupils organizing additional education it is very important to consider their interests and needs and to enable to show the initiative. Also the majority thinks that additional education helps development of the necessary abilities and will help to facilitate study in the future. Also the majority thinks that additional education helps development of the necessary abilities and will help to facilitate study in the future.

Šiaulių apskrities mokinių psichoaktyvių medžiagų vartojimo paplitimas ir pirminės prevencijos kryptys / The prevalence of use of psychotropic agents among school pupils of Šiauliai region and the ways to its primary preventioN

Miniauskienė, Dalia 08 June 2005 (has links)
Management of Public Health The prevalence of use of psychotropic agents among school pupils of Šiauliai region and the ways to its primary prevention Dalia Miniauskiene Supervisor prof. habil. dr. Žilvinas Padaiga, Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine. – Kaunas, 2005. – P.73 Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence of use of psychotropic agents among school pupils and to establish the model of drugs usage prevention. Objectives: 1) to view the effective prevention programs; 2) to establish out what kinds of psychotropic agents are used in Šiauliai region among school pupils; 3) to establish the link between the use of psychotropic agents and the main sociodemographic indicators; 4) to find out the motives of drugs use. Methods. In the year of 2003 the survey was carried out in Šiauliai region. Pupils of 5-11 forms participated (n=5513). 34 pupils (0,6%) to some of the given questions did not give their answers. The survey was carried out by asking respondents if they have ever used psychotropic agents, if so, how many times it has happened and if they use psychotropic agents systematically. The respondents were also asked how old they were when they had tried psychotropic agents for the first time, if they started using them constantly and what were the motives for doing that. The evaluation of statistic data was carried out using SPSS/W 10 which is applied in statistics. The dispersive analysis (ANOVA) was applied while... [to full text]

Kauno apskrities pedagoginis muziejus kaip edukacinė erdvė / Educational environmental of kaunas pedagogical museum

Čerkauskienė, Aušra 23 June 2014 (has links)
Analizuojant muziejinės edukacijos ir neformalios muziejaus erdvės reikšmę lankytojų inkultūracijai bei atitikimą mokymo standartams, darbe buvo išnagrinėti temos teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai. Apžvelgus muziejinės edukacijos vystymąsi istorine prasme, išanalizuota muziejinės edukacijos teisinis ir socialinis reglamentavimas, kitų šalių patirtis edukacijos klausimais. Baigiamasis darbas skirtas išsiaiškinti, ar Kauno apskrities pedagoginiame muziejuje vykdomos edukacinės programos atitinka bendrojo lavinimo mokymo standartus, todėl darbe buvo analizuojamas programų dalyvių bei juos atlydėjusių mokytojų požiūris į edukacines programas, jų naudingumą, atliktas empirinis tyrimas. Išanalizavus tyrimo rezultatus paaiškėjo, kad labiausiai yra ugdomi šie kūrybiniai komponentai: nuostatų, kognityviniai, tarpasmeninių santykių ir motyvacijos. Hipotezė, kad edukacinės programos atitinka , vykdomos Kauno apskrities pedagoginiame muziejuje, nevisiškai tenkina mokinių ir mokytojų poreikius, pasitvirtino iš dalies. / By analyzing the meaning of museum education and non-formal museum space for the enculturation of the visitors and adequacy for the teaching standards, there were theoretical and practical aspects of this topic analyzed. After reviewing the museum education development in the historical context, there were analyzed legal and social regulation of the museum education as well as other countries experiences in education. The final paper is devoted to ascertain if the existing education program in Kaunas Pedagogical Museum match the standards of basic education. Because of this reason there was an attitude of the programs participants and their teachers to the educational programs, their benefits and there was an empirical research performed. When the results of the research were analyzed, it was found out that these creative components are nurtured most of all: provisions, cognitive components, interpersonal relationships and motivation. The hypothesis, that educational programs in Kaunas Pedagogical Museum meet the teachers and pupils needs, was proved partly.

The guidance needs of standard 10 pupils in secondary schools in the Potchefstroom area / Oupanyana Jacobus Modise

Modise, Oupanyana Jacobus January 1997 (has links)
The purpose of this study was, amongst others, to determine the guidance needs of the standard ten pupils in the Potchefstroom area and to determine whether the interim core syllabus introduced in schools in 1995, provided in the guidance needs of the secondary school pupils. These aims were achieved by firstly conducting a literature study on the historical development of school guidance in the United States of America, Japan, Britain and in South Africa. The practice and status of guidance in South Africa were also discussed. Secondly, a questionnaire based on the interim core syllabus was devised and given to a sample of Standard ten pupils from the Potchefstroom area for completion. The literature study indicated that school guidance programmes introduced to the various education departments were not the same and did not adequately deal with the diversity of issues they needed to address nor had they kept abreast of current changes and developments relevant to the South African context. The empirical investigation indicated that the guidance needs of different population groups differed. The study also revealed that black pupils faced unique problems that could be ascribed to the education system's failure to provide enough guidance support for schools. White pupils were satisfied with the syllabus, while the Black, Coloured and Indian pupils did not agree with certain aspects of the interim core syllabus. The conclusions derived from both the theoretical and practical parts, that is, the literature study and the empirical investigations, provided the guidelines for educators to design a well-structured guidance programme that would be relevant to the needs and experience of all learners. This study recommends that further research should be undertaken in other provinces especially where there are reasonable numbers of Indians and Coloured pupils. Additionally, the study recommends an effective guidance programme that should have clear, well-articulated goals that are achievable, measurable and be tailored to suit the pupils' needs. / Thesis (MEd (Voorligting))--PU vir CHO, 1997

Klasklimaat vir die onderrig van liggaamlike opvoeding / Mercia Coetzee

Coetzee, Mercia January 1995 (has links)
A school classroom is a complex, dynamic social system. As the formal and informal norms and rules of classroom behaviour evolve, a stable socio-psychological climate is created. Teachers frequently speak of a classroom's climate, atmosphere, tone or ambience and consider it to be both important in its own right and influential on student learning. Classroom climate is considered a useful criterion variable for evaluating the instructional and learning process. It helps educators to understand the social, emotional and psychological dimensions in classroom life. Over the past two decades, researchers have produced numerous studies attesting to the importance of classroom climate in mediating cognitive and affective outcomes. The three common approaches to studying classroom environment involve systematic observation, case studies and assessing student and teacher perceptions. Perceptual measures were used in this study. Although important educational climate work has been undertaken by researchers interested in a variety of school subject areas, very little research has been done on the classroom climate of physical education classes. The ultimate aim of the study was to derive knowledge of and insight into the classroom climate in physical education classes. To realise this goal the following aims were set for this study: To conceptualise and identify the determinants that decide classroom climate enhancement in general and specifically PE-classes by means of a literature study. To measure the reliability and validity of a suitable instrument to measure the classroom climate in PE-classes. To determine the classroom climate by means of the suitable measuring instrument. To achieve the first aim of the study an empirical literature survey was conducted where classroom climate was conceptualised and specific determinants were identified which could influence classroom climate in general and the classroom climate in PE-classes specifically. To achieve the second aim, a pilot study was conducted to determine the reliability and validity of an adjusted form of the CES (CES-PE) and the ML-LO to be used in PE classes. Reliability and validity of the CES-PE and ML-LO to be used in PE settings, were proved. To achieve the third aim of the study a questionnaire study was conducted on 1178 pupils and 22 teachers in 11 schools of the Northwest and Gauteng provinces. The pupils included in the study ranged from standards 6 to 9. The results of the empirical research were as follows: The classroom climate experienced in PE-classes was regarded as being very positive. The PE teacher perceived the classroom climate in a more positive light than the pupils. There were no major differences between boys and girls of the classroom climate experienced. There were no major differences between the different standards of the classroom climate experienced. Some determinants that could influence classroom climate in PE-classes were measured with the ML-LO. Results thereof were that the pupils regarded the PE-teacher, PE-uniform, the status of PE, the use of PE in the school programme and the availability of PE-apparatus positively. There were some negative aspects, the main one being that there was not sufficient time to undress and dress and for hygiene care after PE-classes. The PE-teachers completed an additional questionnaire (MO-LO) to gather their views on certain aspects in PE classes. Two main findings came to light: firstly that PE-teachers regard themselves as being well equipped to teach PE at school and, secondly, that the main goal of the PE-teacher is to make PE-classes enjoyable and thereby foster a positive attitude towards physical activities and sport in the pupils. The following recommendation resulting from this research was considered to be the most important: There is a vast necessity for further research to be done in the RSA with regard to the creation of a positive classroom climate in secondary schools, especially in light of the new education policies. This aspect can be addressed by including courses in classroom climate at tertiary education centres. / Proefskrif (PhD (Menslike Bewegingskunde))--PU vir CHO, 1995

The guidance needs of standard 10 pupils in secondary schools in the Potchefstroom area / Oupanyana Jacobus Modise

Modise, Oupanyana Jacobus January 1997 (has links)
The purpose of this study was, amongst others, to determine the guidance needs of the standard ten pupils in the Potchefstroom area and to determine whether the interim core syllabus introduced in schools in 1995, provided in the guidance needs of the secondary school pupils. These aims were achieved by firstly conducting a literature study on the historical development of school guidance in the United States of America, Japan, Britain and in South Africa. The practice and status of guidance in South Africa were also discussed. Secondly, a questionnaire based on the interim core syllabus was devised and given to a sample of Standard ten pupils from the Potchefstroom area for completion. The literature study indicated that school guidance programmes introduced to the various education departments were not the same and did not adequately deal with the diversity of issues they needed to address nor had they kept abreast of current changes and developments relevant to the South African context. The empirical investigation indicated that the guidance needs of different population groups differed. The study also revealed that black pupils faced unique problems that could be ascribed to the education system's failure to provide enough guidance support for schools. White pupils were satisfied with the syllabus, while the Black, Coloured and Indian pupils did not agree with certain aspects of the interim core syllabus. The conclusions derived from both the theoretical and practical parts, that is, the literature study and the empirical investigations, provided the guidelines for educators to design a well-structured guidance programme that would be relevant to the needs and experience of all learners. This study recommends that further research should be undertaken in other provinces especially where there are reasonable numbers of Indians and Coloured pupils. Additionally, the study recommends an effective guidance programme that should have clear, well-articulated goals that are achievable, measurable and be tailored to suit the pupils' needs. / Thesis (MEd (Voorligting))--PU vir CHO, 1997

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