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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

INTEGRUOTAI MOKYKLOJE BESIMOKANČIŲ MOKINIŲ ADAPTACIJOS YPATUMAI / Learners‘ Adaptation Peculiarities of Studying at School Integrally

Brazienė, Jolanta 07 September 2010 (has links)
Demokratizuojant Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo sistemą, Lietuvoje nuo 1991 metų įteisintas specialiųjų poreikių vaikų integruotas ugdymas. Vykstant pokyčiams Lietuvoje prasidėjo permainos, teikiant pedagoginę, socialinę, medicininę, teisinę pagalbą neįgaliems vaikams ir suaugusiems optimaliai integruojant juos į visuomenę. Akcentuotina tai, jog SUP mokinių adaptacijos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje problemos nėra išsamiai tyrinėtos. Be to, daugelyje tyrimų orientuojamasi ne į pačių neįgaliųjų savijautą mokykloje, pasitenkinimą savo bendraklasiais bei mokymosi procesu, o į pedagogų, tėvų ar bendraklasių nuomonę. Kitaip tariant, iš tyrimo konteksto dažnai „iškrinta“ patys SUP mokiniai, nors kaip tik jų jausenos ir būsenos mokykloje yra pačios svarbiausios. Tyrimo objektas: specialiųjų poreikių mokinių adaptacija bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Hipotezė: SUP poreikių mokiniai bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje adaptuojasi sunkiau nei mokiniai neturintys mokymosi sunkumų. Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti integruotai besimokančių 3-4 klasėse specialiųjų poreikių mokinių adaptacijos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje ypatumus. Tyrimo imtis: 25 SUP mokiniai ir 25 kontrolinės grupės mokiniai, besimokantys 3-4 klasėse. Atlikus integruotai besimokančių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių mokinių adaptacijos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje tyrimą, kurio pirmame etape savo mintis bei išgyvenimus ir problemas išreiškė patys SUP mokiniai rašinėliuose „Aš ir mano mokykla“, o antrame etape pravedus sociometrinį tyrimą, norint... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Since 1990, democratizing the education system of the Republic of Lithuania, the integrated education of children with special needs has been validated. Lithuania began to change the course of change in the provision of educational, social, medical and legal assistance to disabled children and adults to optimize their integration into society. It should be emphasized that SEN pupils’ adaptation problems in comprehensive school have not been thoroughly investigated. In addition, most researches focus not on the disabled pupil's feelings at school, satisfaction with their classmates and learning process. Mostly they focus on the opinion of teachers, parents or classmates. In other words, SEN pupils often ‚fall out‘ from the context of research, though exactly their feelings and conditions at school are the most important. The object of the research: Learners‘with special needs adaptation in a comprehensive school. Hypothesis: SEN pupils adapt in a comprehensive school more difficult than students without learning difficulties. The aim: to analyse the adaptation features of 3 - 4 formers with special needs studying in a comprehensive school integrally. The sample of the research: 25 SEN pupils and 25 control group pupils, studying in classes 3 - 4. At the first stage of the adaptation research of pupils with special needs studying at a comprehensive school integrally, SEN pupils expressed their thoughts, experiences and problems in their essays ‘Me and My School‘ . At the... [to full text]

Pradinių klasių mokinių pasiekimų vertinimas / The Assessment of Primary Pupils' Achievements

Kavaliauskienė, Sandra 14 June 2011 (has links)
Pradinių klasių mokinių pasiekimams vertinti naudojamas formuojamasis, idiografinis, apibendrinamasis, diagnostinis vertinimas. Kadangi nėra išskirta vertinimo tinkamumo kriterijų, vertinimas ne visuomet yra taikomas tinkama forma. Darbe išskirta 10 vertinimo kriterijų, pagal kuriuos nustatyta Kėdainių pradinių klasių mokytojų taikomo vertinimo atitiktis jiems. Atliktas vertinamasis kiekybinis tyrimas, kuriame dalyvavo 40 Kėdainių pradinių klasių mokytojų ir 196 pradinukų tėvai. / In order to assess the achievements of primary pupils formative, idiografic, summative, diagnostic assessments are used. As there are no proper assessment criteria distinguished, the assessment is seldom used in inappropriate form.10 assessment criteria were distinguished and the correspondence of the assessment used by Kedainiai primary techers to these criteria was determined. Assessive quantitative research was performed. 40 primary schools teachers and 196 pupils' parents participated in it.

"Det är inte så att man typ har ångest inför lektionen eller nåt sånt där" : En kvalitativ studie kring hur olika moment i idrott och hälsa upplevs av elever / "It's not like you've got anxiety before class or something like that" : A qualitative study of how pupils experience different elements of physical education

Turesson, Sofia, Almén, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen är att granska olustmoment inom ämnet idrott och hälsa.Studiens frågeställningar är: Vilka moment inom idrott och hälsa uppfattar eleverna i denna studie som olustiga? På vilket sätt upplevs momenten som olustiga? Metod: En kvalitativ undersökning med halvstrukturerade intervjuer utfördes på åtta elevermellan 9 och 18 år, på en grundskola och ett gymnasium i samma geografiska område inärheten av Stockholm. De deltagande eleverna var en flicka och en pojke i årskurs tre, sexoch nio samt andra året på gymnasiet. Resultat: Aktiviteter kan ge upphov till situationer som kan uppfattas som olustiga.Exempelvis kan fotboll leda till inaktivitet och därmed känslor av utanförskap, samtidigt somsamarbetsövningar med fysisk närkontakt kan leda till ångest. Vikten av att vara duktig på enaktivitet för att det ska kännas roligt diskuterades av många elever, speciellt itävlingssammanhang. Stress över betyg samt en alltför seriös stämning ansågs även det ledatill olustkänslor. Det uttrycktes ett starkt missnöje över ofräscha duschar och toaletterna pågrundskolan. Några elever fann det olustigt att duscha av olika anledningar. Studien pekar påvissa skilda åsikter såväl mellan åldrar som mellan kön, dock inget generaliserbart. Slutsatser: Vi tror att en förutsättning för att kunna undvika olustkänslor är att identifieradem och dess ursprung. Om de elever som idag känner sig inaktiva inkluderas mer i olikaaktiviteter kanske det leder till att andra känslor och upplevelser kopplas till dessa. Ifalleleverna ges förutsättningar till att hantera situationen bättre än vad de idag upplever att degör, skulle känslan av sammanhang förhoppningsvis öka, och därmed även elevernas lust ochvilja till att delta. Ett stort ansvar ligger självfallet på lärarna, som ska lyckas inspirera,inkludera och aktivera. / Aim: The purpose of this study is to survey unpleasant moments in physical education. Thequestion formulations of the study are: Which moments in physical education are perceived as unpleasant by the pupils in thisstudy? In which way do these moments perceive as unpleasant? Method: A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews was conducted with eight pupilsbetween 9 and 18 years old, at a school consisting of both elementary school and junior high,and also at a high school located in the same geographical area near Stockholm. Theparticipating pupils were a girl and a boy in third, sixth and ninth grade as well as junior yearof high school. Results: Activities can create situations that may be perceived as unpleasant. For example,soccer can lead to inactivity and thus feelings of alienation, while cooperation exercises withclose physical contact can lead to anxiety. The importance of being good at an activity inorder to make it fun was discussed by many pupils, especially in a competitive context.Pressure from grades as well as an overly serious atmosphere was also considered to causeunpleasant feelings. The pupils expressed strong dissatisfaction with the showers and toiletsin elementary school and junior high. Some pupils felt uncomfortable to shower for differentreasons. This study shows some differences of opinion both in between ages and gender,although, however, nothing generalizable. Conclusions: We believe that a prerequisite to avoid unpleasant feelings is to identify themand their origin. If the pupils that feel inactive would become more included in variousactivities, it might lead to other feelings and experiences associated with them. If the pupilsare given the opportunities to handle the situation better than what they currently feel likethey are doing, the sense of coherence hopefully increase, and thus the students' desire andwillingness to participate. The teachers need to take a major responsibility, since their task isto inspire, include and activate.

Aukštesnių klasių mokinių požiūris į kūno kultūros pamokas / Attitude of senior pupils towards physical education classes

Šimanskytė, Žiedė 20 June 2014 (has links)
Aukštesnių klasių mokinių požiūris į kūno kultūros pamokas Raktiniai žodžiai: kūno kultūra, mokiniai, pamoka, požiūris, aukštesnės klasės. Objektas: mokinių požiūris į kūno kultūros pamokas. Tikslas: atskleisti aukštesnių klasių mokinių požiūrį į kūno kultūros pamokas. Uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti 9 klasių mokinių požiūrį į kūno kultūros pamokas lyties aspektu. 2. Išanalizuoti 10 klasių mokinių požiūrį į kūno kultūros pamokas lyties aspektu. 3. Palyginti 9 ir 10 klasių mokinių požiūrį į kūno kultūros pamokas. Išvados: 1. Devintos klasės merginos dažniau nurodė, kad kūno kultūros pamokos yra neįdomios bei jose patiria per didelį krūvį, o vaikinai dažniau teigė, kad jiems pamokų krūvis yra per mažas. Kūno kultūros pamokos vaikinams – tai sportinių galimybių atskleidimas, o merginoms – pareigos atlikimas. Tyrimas parodė, kad merginos per kūno kultūros pamokas labiausiai pasigenda žaidimų, o vaikinai norėtų daugiau kūno kultūros pamokų. Vaikinų nuomone, kūno kultūra ugdo pasitikėjimą savimi, o merginų nuomone – pergalės džiaugsmą. 2. Dešimtos klasės merginos teigė, kad joms kūno kultūros pamokose labiausiai trūksta geresnių mokytojų, o vaikinams daugiau kūno kultūros pamokų. Merginos įvardino fizinį aktyvumą, kaip pagrindinę temą, kurią mokytojas su mokiniais kalba per kūno kultūros pamokas. Vaikinai taip pat sakė, kad mokytojas kartais su jais kalba sveikos gyvensenos, pirmosios pagalbos ištikus nelaimei ir sveikatą žalojančių dietų tema. Merginos teigė, kad mokytojas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Attitude of senior pupils towards physical education classes Keywords: physical education, pupils, class, attitude, senior forms. Object: attitude of pupils towards physical education classes. Aim: to disclose attitude of senior pupils towards physical education classes. Tasks: 1. To analyze attitude of 9th form pupils towards physical education classes – gender aspect. 2. To analyze attitude of 10th form pupils towards physical education classes – gender aspect. 3. To compare attitudes of 9th and 10th form pupils towards physical education classes. Conclusions: 1. Ninth class girls more often indicated that lessons of physical education are not interesting, they get too big physical load, and boys more often stated that physical load could be bigger for them. For boys lessons of physical education are a chance to express their sports abilities, for girls – doing their duty. The research revealed that girls miss games most often in lessons of physical education, boys would like to have more lessons of physical education. In the boys' opinion physical education develops their self-confidence, in girls' opinion – joy of being victorious. 2. Tenth class girls stated that they feel the lack of good teachers in lessons of physical education, boys would like to have more lessons of physical education. Girls named physical activity as a main topic of teachers and students during lessons. Also, boys said that the teacher sometimes speaks about healthy lifestyle, first aid in... [to full text]

Paauglių laisvalaikio praleidimą skatinantys veiksniai bei jų sąsaja su fiziniu aktyvumu / Teenager`s leisure time driving factors and their relationship with physical activity

Pakenytė, Santa 20 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: 16-18 metų amžiaus paauglių laisvalaikio praleidimas ir fizinis aktyvumas. Darbo tikslas: atlikus tyrimą atskleisti 16-18 m. paauglių laisvalaikio praleidimą skatinančius veiksnius bei jų sąsają su fiziniu aktyvumu. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti 16-18 m. paauglių laisvalaikio praleidimą skatinančius veiksnius; 2. Atskleisti 16-18 m. paauglių fizinį aktyvumą skatinančius veiksnius; 3. Atskleisti sąsają tarp laisvalaikio praleidimą ir fizinį aktyvumą skatinančių veiksnių 16-18 m. paauglių grupėje. Tiriamieji: 245 Šiaulių, Kauno ir Rokiškio miesto mokyklų mokiniai (16-18 metų amžiaus). Tyrimo metodai: E-apklausa anketavimo būdu; duomenų sisteminimas ir lyginimas. Išvados: 1. Laisvalaikio praleidimą skatinantys veiksniai yra galimybė bendrauti su draugais (94,69%) ir tėvų pritarimas laisvalaikio veiklai (77,6%). 2.1 Vidiniai fizinį aktyvumą skatinantys veiksniai yra: noras gerai jaustis (M – 74,4 %, B – 76,5 %), smagus laisvalaikio leidimas (M – 73,8 %, B – 67,1 %), sveikatos stiprinimas (M – 71,9 %, B – 81,2 %), svorio reguliavimas (M – 71,3 %, B – 62,4 %), graži išvaizda (M – 65,6 %, B – 67,1 %). 2.2 Išoriniai fizinį aktyvumą skatinantys veiksniai yra: draugai (M – 44,4 %, B – 43,5 %), kūno kultūros mokytojas (M – 31,9 %, B – 32,9 %), tinkamos aplinkos sukūrimas (mokyklos inventorius kokybiškas ir patrauklus (M – 39,5 %, B – 40,7 %; didelio ir labai didelio fizinio aktyvumo mokiniai vertina prasčiau (p<.05)), tenkinančios fizinio ugdymo higienos sąlygos (M... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of research: physical activity and leisure time of teens 16-18 years old teens. Aim of research: during the research of the literature sources reveal leisure subjects of 16-18 years old teens and their relationship with physical activity. Objectives: 1. To reveal the subjects of leisure time for teens 16-18 years old. 2.To reveal the subjects of physical activity for teens 16-18 years old; 3. Identify the leisure time forms of teens 16-18 years old teens and their relationship with physical activity. Subjects of research: 245 pupils (16-18 years old) of Siauliai, Kaunas and Rokiskis schools. Methods of research: a e-questionnaire-based survey; systematization and comparison of data. Conclusions: 1. Pastime drivers have the opportunity to communicate with friends (94.69%), and parental consent for leisure activities (77.6%). Inside physical activity-promoting factors: a desire to feel good (M - 74.4% B - 76.5%), a fun leisure time (M - 73.8% B - 67.1%), health promotion (M - 71.9% B - 81.2%), weight control (M - 71.3% B - 62.4%), the beautiful appearance (M - 65.6% B - 67.1%). 2. Second external factors promoting physical activity are friends (M - 44.4% B - 43.5%), physical education teacher (M - 31.9% B - 32.9%), creating the appropriate environment (school inventory of high-quality and attractive (M - 39.5% B - 40.7%, high and very high physical activity the students less (p <.05)) fulfilling the physical education hygienic conditions (M - 33.6% B - 46.9%), high and... [to full text]

Komplexa rörelser i idrott och hälsa? : En intervjustudie om högstadieelevers uppfattningar av begreppet komplexa rörelser

Nordström, Johan, Erlingsson, Rickard January 2017 (has links)
This essay focuses on pupils' comprehension about assessment. More specifically, complex movement skills in the curriculum. Two questions were formulated to answer the aim, one of which describes the pupils perceptions of the concept complex movement skills. The other question discusses what the pupils consider crucial to get a good grade in complex movement skills. This was examined during the autumn 2016 with a qualitative method. Six focus groups performed with 24 pupils in the ninth grade, from one secondary school. The interview results were directly related to Bourdieu's concept of capital, habitus, field and doxa together with Engström’s logics, which helped us interpret and try to understand the students’ perceptions. The pupils in our study seem to be of the understanding that the assessment of movements in activities that include a ball are less important compared to dance movements in physical education and health. Which leads to the conclusion that the value of complex movements differs regarding the grade. Initially, the students had a hard time trying to describe the concept of complex movement skills. The pupils gradually improved their description of the concept as the discussions proceeded. The description in dance originated from their teacher’s explanation and the understanding in the ball games came from their background in ball sports.

”Texten har tre ord som saknar dubbelteckning, hittar du dem?” : En studie av hur lärare säger sig ge och uppleva framåtsyftande återkoppling på elevtexter / ”The text has three words that don’t have double letters, can you find them?” : A study of how teachers say they give and perceive feedforward on pupils’ texts

Persson, Sanna, Westerlund, Moa January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how teachers say they give and perceive forward-looking feedback (feedforward) on pupils’ texts in grades three and four. To collect material for this purpose, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six teachers in the early years of compulsory school. The material from the interviews was analysed with the help of the mid-range coding method. The analysis was based on the two theoretical premises for the study, the sociocultural perspective and the formative attitude. The result shows that the teachers use several methods and devices for forward-looking feedback on the pupils’ process and on their first draft. These included questioning, assignment, checklist and digital tools. The study also revealed three central aspects of the teachers’ perceptions of their forward-looking feedback: shortage of time, organizational conditions and the pupils’ maturity. In view of the current lacuna in research on forward-looking feedback in the early years of compulsory school, the results of the study can contribute to inspiring, in-depth and effective knowledge and tools for practising forward-looking feedback.

Religionsfrihet i den svenska skolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om kristna elevers möjligheter att utöva sin tro i skolan / Freedom of religion in Swedish schools : A qualitative study of the possibilities for Christian students to practice their faith in school

Palmér, Tommy January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to see if the upper secondary school in Sweden meets the acquirements of freedom of religion, in this particular study I focused on the Christian pupils at the school. Could it be that the Christian pupils feel that the school won’t accept them because the school is a secularized institution? Or do they feel that the school encourage their right to practice their religion at school? I interviewed six pupils at two different schools to find out about their experience with the school and the opportunity to practice their religion. The result shows that the pupils feel encouraged to practice their religion, with little or no resistance from the school.

"Arbetet med nyanlända elever ger mig erfarenhet" : En intervjustudie med sex lärare om nyanlända elevers måluppfyllelse i svenska som andraspråk Författare / "Working with newly arrived pupils gives me experience" : An interview study with six teachers about how newly arrived pupils achieve the goals in Swedish as a second language

Erlandsson, Daniella, Lindström, Jennica January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the study is to investigate how class teachers and Swedish L2 teachers perceive their work with recently arrived immigrant pupils in grades F to 3. Six teachers were interviewed about how they teach so that these pupils will achieve the target skills in Swedish as a second language in grade 3, and about their view of the integration of newly arrived pupils in the ordinary class and the preparatory class. In the study the teachers say that they lack shared guidelines for receiving newly arrived pupils and that the charting of the pupils is inadequate. The teachers prefer direct placement in the ordinary class because the pupils learn from others and improve in their zone of proximal development. The informants feel that they have sufficient training to teach newly arrived pupils and that working with them contributes to their professional development. The results of the study indicate that development-based teaching can benefit newly arrived pupils. The teachers say that they teach many words and concepts and use concrete material.

Idrottsprofilerad utbildning : i spåren av en avreglerad skola / In the wake of a deregulated school system : school sports in Sweden

Ferry, Magnus January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the Swedish school sports system, a system which has evolved since the beginning of the 1970s, the prevalence of which has increased significantly at all school levels since the mid-1990s and today attracts a large number of pupils and teachers. Starting with the neoliberal discourse which has had a major impact on the development of the Swedish school system, and inspired by Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical framework, the reasons for the emergence of the school sports system and the reasons why schools chose to specialise in sport is described. Also examined are the pupils and teachers involved and the mechanics behind their participation. Empirically, this thesis is based on registry data, telephone interviews with principals at schools offering school sports and questionnaires responses from pupils and teachers involved in school sports. The results of the thesis suggest that the main reason school sports has become so common is closely connected to increased competition on the local school market; by offering school sports, schools have found a possible way to attract more pupils. Furthermore, the results show that the social characteristics of pupils who have been selected or have chosen to participate in school sports differs from the national population of pupils and participants in sports clubs. This suggests that the available supply of school sports is better adapted to some pupils’ social backgrounds and habitus. In relation to the teachers involved, the results show that other resources than what is normally required to become a teacher is valued in school sports. Instead of a teacher certificate, a coaching education and experiences in competitive sport is valued highly which suggests that this is recognised as symbolic capital for teachers in school sports. In conclusion this thesis demonstrates that school sports is influenced by both the fields of education and sport, and that the increased supply of school sports has implications for both fields. / Forskningslinjen Utbildning

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