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DE KULTURELLA FAKTORERNAS INVERKAN PÅ TURISM : - En studie om resemotiv bland medborgare i Förenade Arabemiraten samt QatarStenhammar, Abir, Paz Rivero, Belen, Svärdman, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har turismen i världen ökat kraftigt, inte minst i Sverige. Turistindustrin står inför många utmaningar och då konkurrensen ökar och avstånden krymper mellan olika länder och världsdelar är det viktigt att beakta de kulturella skillnader som finns och vad vi bör känna till om dessa skillnader när det gäller turism. Kunskapen om dessa skillnader kan vara avgörande vid marknadsföring och inrättandet av nya resmål. Turister från Mellanöstern är sällsynta i Sverige och vi vill med denna uppsats ta reda på om dessa kulturella och religiösa skillnader kan vara hinder för turism från dessa länder samt andra motiv hos dessa medborgares när de reser, samt om det finns eventuella andra motiv dom kan vara orsaken till den dåliga besöksstatistiken i Sverige. Mellan länderna i Mellanöstern finns det stora ekonomiska skillnader och denna studie har därför fokuserats på de potentiella turister som kan finnas i Gulf Cooperation Council-länderna (GCC), där uppsatsen vidare avgränsats till Dubai som ingår i Förenade Arabemiraten ”United Arab Emirates, UAE” och till Qatar. Sverige anses vara ett land som turister från UAE och Qatar borde vilja besöka, då vi har ett motsatsförhållande i klimatet, med en behaglig sommartemperatur och gröna landskap sommartid. Trots detta är antalet turister från dessa länder lågt och det borde finnas möjligheter att öka antalet turister till Sverige. Denna bakgrund har lett uppsatsens författare till problemformuleringen: vilka motiv resenärer har när de skall resa, då de potentiella turisternas ekonomi, lagar och kulturella värderingar som råder i UAE och Qatar skiljer sig väsentligt från samhället i Sverige? Med utgångspunkt i motiv- och kulturteorier är uppsatsens övergripande syfte att undersöka turisters resemotiv från UAE och Qatar, samt att belysa några kulturella faktorer som kan påverka dessa turisters val av destination. – Vad motiverar turister från UAE och Qatar, när de bokar sina resor till en destination? – Vilka skillnader finns det i de olika kulturerna mellan UAE, Qatar och Sverige som kan övervinnas och möjliggöra ett större utbyte av turister? – Vilken lärdom kan Sveriges turistnäring dra från detta? Uppsatsen grundar sig på en kvalitativ- och kvantitativ metod. Den kvalitativa datainsamlingen har skett med hjälp av personliga intervjuer med medborgare från UAE och Qatar, samt intervjuer med lokala aktörer och aktörer från Sverige. Den kvantitativa datainsamlingen består av enkäter som delats ut till medborgare i UAE och Qatar. För att stärka uppsatsens primärdata har sekundärdata i form av hemsidor, litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar använts. Slutsatserna av studien är: både motivation och kultur har stor påverkan på turisters val av resmål. Kunskap/okunskap om resmålet när det gäller kultur, religion och en mängd olika krav som kommer ur detta är viktiga att beakta för att lyckas locka turister från dessa länder.
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新疆當代的「卡搭恰依」─以喀什市為中心的觀察 / Qatar-Chayi in Contemporary Xinjiang周哲安, Chou, Che An Unknown Date (has links)
有關於維吾爾族的「卡搭恰依」(ﻗاﺗﺎﺭچاي - qātār chāyi),其實是一種近年來盛行於新疆各大維吾爾城市的娛樂活動。「恰依」(چاي - chāyi)在維吾爾語意思就是「茶」;而「卡搭」(ﻗاﺗﺎﺭماق – qātārmaq)則是動詞,意思就是「輪流」;因此「卡搭恰依」翻譯成漢語就是「輪流茶會」。會有這樣的稱呼是因為在活動開始時,大家都會先喝茶;乃至活動結束時,大家也會喝茶。「喝茶」在整個活動過程中,具有某種程度的象徵意義。特別一提的是,茶在歷史上有兩種叫法。一種是茶葉海路貿易時期,來自閩粵音的「tea」;另一種是絲綢之路的中亞陸路貿易時期,源自中國北方方言「茶葉」的譯音「chai」。蒙古文、突厥文、波斯文、印度文、葡萄牙文、希臘文、俄文皆稱茶為「chai」。因此維吾爾人才會稱「茶」為「恰依」。據聞,維吾爾族接觸茶大約是在唐朝前後,而如今「茶文化」對維吾爾族而言,更是伴隨商品經濟的出現和城市文化的形成孕育而生。隨著社會的不斷進步和人民生活水準的日益提高,「飲茶」也從最初的消暑解渴、強身健體,發展到現在已成為維吾爾文化中獨具特色的一部分。
根據筆者的田野調查經驗以及文獻資料顯示,在卡搭恰依的整個活動過程中,大多是充滿著維吾爾族的歌舞音樂;在享用過維吾爾族的傳統美食後,人們會開始競相表演,或者私下聊起生活話題。值得注意的是,卡搭恰依既然是「輪流茶會」的意思,代表著每次舉辦時都會有一位「東道主」做東來請大家吃飯喝茶。這樣的聚會通常都是一個月一次,規模可大可小,有十數人,也有數十人。對於這樣形式的聚會活動,筆者是充滿著好奇與興趣。因為維吾爾族傳統聚會的普遍方式就是聚在一起吃飯;而吃飯通常以茶開始,以茶結束,「喝茶」貫穿於始終。表面上看來這樣的聚會形式,只是維吾爾人聚在一起吃飯、喝茶, 但其中卻包含了很多實質性的內容,比如訂婚茶、和好茶、喬遷茶等。 做為新疆當代的民俗娛樂活動卡搭恰依承襲了這種聚會模式,卻又有別於維吾爾族的傳統聚會。按照筆者的說法,首先,它這一種「輪流做東」的玩法算是外來的活動模式,傳到南疆時經「在地化」後而成為富有維吾爾族文化特色的民俗娛樂。再來就是卡搭恰依出現的年代最早是一九八○年代,且直到近十幾年來才更廣為流傳,從社會歷史背景來看,是「文化大革命」期間「麥西萊甫」(مه شيرهپ - mashirap)的變體以及中國經濟「改革開放」後的社會產物。
較為特別的是,卡搭恰依的活動成員,不光只是男性為主的活動,女性皆有組織卡搭恰依的情況,且更佳的熱情與積極, 這在伊斯蘭文化濃郁的南疆是頗為奇特的。畢竟,信仰伊斯蘭教的女性在穆斯林社會中活耀的程度普遍較低,除了宗教活動之外的婦女聚會非常少見,更別提盛行了。而讓人覺得驚奇的是,卡搭恰依不僅僅是一個「綜合性」的民俗娛樂活動,它也可被歸類為「經濟組織」。 其組織的樣貌有點類似像台灣早期「民間互助會」的形式來運行,參與卡搭恰依的成員於每次定期聚會時都會繳交一筆金額給「東道主」,使每位東道主皆可以利用「做東」而先拿到一筆款項來做運用,儼然是「請客做東」的行為就類似於「標會」:筆者認為這樣的情況顯然是受到現代化生活的影響,是傳統農業社會轉變到以商品經濟為導向的現代化社會的表徵,可說它是一種文化變遷後的社會適應現象。
中國大陸「文化大革命」期間,刀郎舞被批判為「野蠻落後」、「原始低級」,迫使麥西萊甫就此不敢再被舉辦。熱愛歌舞的維吾爾族人只好改成在家裡透過「恰依」的聚會方式,抒發人們心中對藝術、娛樂的追求。 因此筆者認為,卡搭恰依是以恰依為基礎來達到群體間的「經濟互助」,其娛樂內容自然與維吾爾族傳統民俗娛樂相結合。在民俗文化上,卡搭恰依就像是一個學校,學社會知識和生活經驗的學校,是一個沒有教材的學校。長輩們透過它把維吾爾族傳統道德觀念交給晚輩們;把生活經驗、相處禮節、家庭責任…等,在此交流之下,達到文化傳承的目的,凝聚了維吾爾族對自己傳統文化的認同。甚至於,這種由「擁有共同歷史記憶」構成的「我群意識」,經伊斯蘭宗教文化的催化下,型塑出一種類似於「哲瑪提」(Jamaat) 的社區概念, 使卡搭恰依的成員們在以經濟、娛樂為導向的人群互動下,彼此間關係變得更加緊密。
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Les travailleurs migrants occupant un emploi peu ou pas spécialisé au Qatar : évolution de la situation juridique entre 2012 et 2018Richard, Geneviève 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Britská reakce na události arabského jara v kontextu vztahů Spojeného království se státy v Perském zálivu / British reaction to the Arab Spring events in the context of United Kingdom's relations with Persian Gulf countriesFričová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis named British reaction to the Arab Spring events in the context of United Kingdom's relations with Persian Gulf countries is concerned with an impact of the revolutionary events of 2011, known as the Arab Spring, on bilateral cooperation between United Kingdom on one side and Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman on the other. While using quantitative analysis approach, it depicts how the Persian Gulf developments were reflected by prominent British representatives and members of the Cameron coalition government. Since the government promised to approach foreign policy matters through a liberal-conservative lens and also planned to further deepen its relations with Persian Gulf countries, the Arab Spring events can be interpreted as a clear dilemma for British policymakers. This thesis aims to answer whether such dilemma forced the government officials to re-asses the traditionally warm attitudes towards Persian Gulf and additionally, it demonstrates which spheres of their cooperation were threatened the most. Firstly, the bilateral relations between United Kingdom and Persian Gulf countries between 1971 and 2010 are described. Then, the focus moves towards the Cameron coalition government and its foreign- policy aims. In its final part, the thesis focuses on British...
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Titres et statuts territoriaux au Moyen-Orient / Territorial titles and statuses in the Middle EastJoie, Thomas 02 July 2013 (has links)
Les titres et les statuts territoriaux occupent une place centrale en droit international en raison de la territorialité de cet ordre juridique. L’émergence des Etats du Moyen-Orient présente des spécificités historico-juridiques, qui sont en grande partie à l’origine des problèmes territoriaux actuels. En effet, dans la région étudiée, l’application des régimes de protectorat et de Mandat a eu une incidence considérable sur les titres territoriaux des Etats. Contrairement à la colonisation pure et simple, ces régimes territoriaux laissaient, en principe, subsister pour l’entité sous domination, une personnalité internationale distincte. Une telle situation intermédiaire a très souvent conduit à des interrogations sur les règles de droit international applicables. La présente étude envisage justement cette problématique : quels effets ont eu les régimes de protectorat et de Mandat sur l’établissement ou la modification des titres territoriaux ? L’objectif de l’étude est de contribuer à mettre en exerguel’origine des titres territoriaux au Moyen-Orient, pour mieux comprendre et analyser les problèmes territoriaux actuels dans la région. / Territorial titles and statuses occupy a central place in international law because of the territoriality of this legal order. The emergence of the Middle East States presents historical and legal specificities which are largely the sources of current territorial problems. Indeed, in the region under study, the application of Protectorate and Mandate regimes had a significant impact on the States territorial titles. Under these territorial regimes, unlike outright colonization, a separate international personality remained, in principle, for the entity under domination. Such an intermediate situation has often led to questions about the applicable rules of international law. The study considers precisely this issue: what effects have had the regimes of Protectorate and Mandate on the establishment or modification of territorial titles? The objective of thestudy is to contribute to highlight the origin of territorial titles in the Middle East, in order to better understand and analyze the current territorial problems in the region.
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Green RelationshipImad, Fadel 01 May 2014 (has links)
Green Relationship is a design solution attempting to raise awareness toward the environment and reduce consumerism. Waste generation and pollution have become major concerns of many governments, municipalities, organizations and individuals around the world since they are affecting human wellbeing and the environment. As an MFA student with VCUQatar, I chose to use design to contribute in protecting the environment hoping to make a difference in life. The thesis includes a research and a design component. The research explores the recycling programs and facilities in Qatar, the governmental and private sector actions toward waste generation and collection, as well as precedent solutions applied around the world. Furthermore, it includes a survey on recycling to gather and analyze the community’s feed back in order to come up with a solution that aims to change people’s behavior toward waste generation and to promote green lifestyle. The design component defines the Green Relationship as the personal connection between the individual and the silent partner, “the environment.” It fulfills the basic survival needs, “food and water,” and the one and only independency need, “oxygen.” The elements of the Green Relationship are the projection of the generic relationships elements we know of through the theory of “Humimicing” that I introduce in my thesis. Humimicing is the design theory that mimics human innate attributes and behaviors to develop design concepts to be applied in different industries. Every element of the Green Relationship is visualized through a different design discipline similar to its nature. Therefore, interactive, product and critical designs are the mediums used to represent Green Communication, Care and Ethics respectively through public installation, experimentation and conceptual design definition. The thesis methodology, which is “Make it Personal,” concludes in creating the Green Relationship that aims to change the behavior of individuals and ultimately to reach out to the wider community. Under the maxim, “Green is not just a color; it is a Lifestyle,” the thesis promotes the use of design to inspire people, designers and manufacturers to consume less and generate less waste in order to save natural resources and the environment.
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How resource rich countries attract foreign direct investments: a study of Western Asian countries and strategies of industrialization and diversificationNguyen, Kimthoa Thi 27 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Daniele Santos (danielesantos.htl@gmail.com) on 2015-12-22T14:18:21Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-10-27 / Fuel is a self-depleting resource and long term dependency on this commodity alone will not suffice. An export trade oriented approach can lead to faster industrialization while diversification leads to economic sustainable growth. This research seeks to understand how countries compete for foreign direct investments, and how certain activities have the most impact in the competitive global marketplace. Research suggests that when companies decide to invest abroad, they seek only to find countries that facilitate their strategic objectives. The results conclude with appropriate levels of government accountability, credibility and visibility with the private sector, foreign direct investment is attracted by policy advocacy and policy reform. By reviewing countries such as United Arab Emirates in direct comparison to Western Asian countries, including Kuwait and Iraq with high levels of fuel exports, along with Qatar with optimistic marketplace indicators and plentitude of skills and capabilities – research seems to suggest that despite high capabilities and attractive GDP, promotional investment activities yield the highest returns using policy advocacy and reform.
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Innovation in Arabic online newsrooms : a comparative study of the social shaping of multimedia adoption in Aljazeera Net, Almassae and Almasry Alyoum in the context of the Arab SpringAbdel-Sattar, Nesrine M. A. K. January 2013 (has links)
This study focuses on the factors shaping innovation in online newsrooms in three nations of the Arab World, with particular interest in the adoption of multimedia news innovations. Applying theoretical perspectives from the social shaping of technology and the diffusion of innovation literature, this study sought to identify the key factors shaping the innovation process. Field studies were based in three Arabic newsrooms: Aljazeera Net in Qatar, Almasry Alyoum in Egypt, and Almassae in Morocco. The case studies are grounded in two weeks of participant-observation field research within each online newsroom, along with over 100 in-depth interviews with those involved in the production of online news, and online archival reviews of the three news portals since their inception. Field research began with participant observation at Aljazeera in 2010, prior to the uprisings of the Arab Spring, and continued through early 2013. The political context of each newsroom during the field research became a major aspect of the innovation process of each case study. The thesis reinforces a wide range of social, economic, and organizational factors in the adoption and adaptation of multimedia technologies in the newsrooms studied, supporting earlier research on newsroom innovation across other regions of the world. For example, conceptions about ‘ideal’ industry multimedia models for the modern newsroom were important in each case. However, in the political context of events related to the Arab Spring, the overriding importance of the larger political context emerged in each case. The significance of this observation suggests that research on news organizations cannot take the political context for granted and should more explicitly embed it in discussion of the social shaping of innovation, even under more stable and liberal political conditions. There is a relative lack of systematic empirical research on Arabic newsrooms among studies of news innovation. Looking at the political context of emergent or weak democracies and their influence on modern multimedia newsrooms especially during crisis events, therefore, can contribute to the development of theory and research in Western democracies; and reintroduce politics into theories of innovation within modern newsrooms. This study suggests that future scholarship brings politics into the study of the social shaping of newsroom innovation without losing the many significant advances of existing research in more liberal democratic Western contexts of the multimedia newsroom.
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Soudobý vývoj států Perského zálivu / Contemporary Development of the Persian Gulf StatesCimpová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyses Persian Gulf states foreign policies development and a position of the region in international relations using a collective case study. At the theoretical level the thesis works on the elements of (neo) realism, (neo) liberalism and social constructivism. The analysis is focused on security context and examines both challenges to internal security (regime and government, Shia expansion, the so called Arab spring, media) and external security (the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Syrian conflict, terrorism, globalization and oil market developments). In the regional security complex of the Gulf are involved interests of the three main world powers, U.S.A., Russia and China. Regional cooperation in the GCC organization and mutual relations of the Gulf States are important, too. Based on the findings it is possible to assert that the development of the region is dynamic and depends on the oil rents.
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Investing in an Interconnected Workforce: Global Education ReformKlug, Amelia 01 December 2014 (has links)
Regardless of culture, socio-economic background, and quality of life, all students deserve the highest quality of education. But the reality is, many education systems around the world do not offer it. Investing in structural reforms in education has the potential to boost economic growth in countries around the world. By learning from different education systems strengths and weaknesses, policy decisions can be made that ensure students are given the opportunity for higher educational outcomes. This study analyzes high, middle, and low quality education systems around the world and the infrastructures that lead to educational success or failure. Fifteen education systems are chosen for this study which includes Shanghai-China, Singapore, Japan, Finland, Canada, Portugal, United States, Luxembourg, Spain, Hungry, Brazil, Argentina, Indonesia, Qatar, and Peru. Each system is analyzed in terms of its teacher quality, curriculum, school system structure, and educational equity. From this study, it appears that there is a high-correlation between four indicators and top- educational success. These four indicators include having a highly selective model for hiring teachers, recruiting teachers from a top-pool of graduates, having a high-level of prestige held for teachers in society, and insuring students of low socio-economic status are given equal educational opportunities for success. Recommendations for a new teacher training and selection model are discussed based on the top four indicators. These recommendations could cause educational gains for both the United States and other systems around the world.
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