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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verifiering av Kedertakstolen

Fornander, Erik January 2010 (has links)
<p>The Kedertruss is the loadbearing part in the Keder weatherprotectionsystem and it has been analyzed concerning its loadbearing capacity. The Kedertruss is produced and manufactured by Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co. KG and this report has been made for their Swedish division Layher AB.  The Kedertruss, designed in Germany according to German designcode, has been recalculated concerning Swedish conditions according to Eurocodes and a ongoing European standardization project. The two-dimensional program Winstatik Frame Analysis has been used for evaluation of load effects. Capacity has been calculated by hand-calculations and it has been verified that the Kedertruss in its larger spans isn’t able to withstand the loads. The main problem is the greater snowloads which has been proofed to be the most unfavorable load for the Kedertruss. Apart from the commission from Layher AB a parametric controlled model of the Kedertruss has been made in Revit Structure</p>

Optimering av fackverksmodellering : Ett makro för Tekla Structures

Josefsson, Oscar, Hagström, Dan January 2013 (has links)
This project is the result of a cooperation between HalmstadUniversity and EABAB. The aim of the project was to create a macro that would help EABAB automate the process of designing steel trusses. When run in Microsoft Excel, the macro imports and processes coordinates from a calculator program. The data is then imported into the Building Information Modelling software Tekla Structures, which creates a 3D structural model of the steel truss. The macro saves much time in the project planning process and also helps minimize the risk of design flaws caused by human error.

Stabilisering med stål : En jämförelse av stabiliseringssystem och dess beräkningsmetoder / Stabilization with steel : Comparison of stabilization systems with profiles of steel and its calculation methods

Rödén, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
Den horisontella stabiliseringen av en byggnad har ofta stor betydelse vid dimensionering av den bärande stommen. Motverkas de horisontella lasterna inte tillräckligt kan problem uppstå när pelare och balkar får en utböjning som är större än vad marginalerna tillåter. En vanligt förekommande horisontell last uppkommer från vind som träffar en yttervägg. I detta arbete beräknades och jämfördes utböjningen orsakad av vindlast för fem olika stabiliseringsmetoder. Dessa fem metoder bestod av fast inspända pelare, ledade- och inspända ramar, dragstag samt drag-tryckstag. Paviljongen vid Backens prästgård konstruerades med drag-tryckstag som stabiliserande metod då det var den styvaste i fallet. Konstruktionsavdelningen på konsultbolaget Tyréns ville för framtida projekt veta hur stor skillnaderna i utböjning blev jämfört med ovan nämna metoder. Mått, vinklar och tvärsnitt modifierades från referensbyggnaden för att passa projektets syfte bättre. Beräkningar gjordes för hand och med beräkningsprogrammet Ramanalys, där även skillnader i resultaten mellan beräkningsmetoderna skulle härledas. Projektets första mål var att redogöra för skillnaderna i utböjning mellan stabiliseringsmetoderna. Resultatet visade att ledad ram orsakade den största utböjningen. Vidare uppkom den största utböjningen i fallande ordning enligt fast inspänd pelare, inspänd ram, dragstag och slutligen drag-tryckstag. Det andra målet innebar att härleda de skillnader i resultat som handberäkningar och Ramanalys uppvisade som värdera omfattningen på dessa. Grafiska figurer visade att sammantryckningen i staget till en början blev densamma för båda beräkningsmetoderna men att den horisontella utböjningen blev större i Ramanalys. Med ökande last skilde sig även sammantryckningen åt. Skillnaden berodde på att Ramanalys tog hänsyn till krökning i staget. Utöver detta påvisades att Ramanalys beaktade den krökning samt förlängning som skedde i intilliggande balk respektive pelare. Slutsatsen blev att drag-tryckstag var den styvaste metoden och att horisontell utböjning skiljde sig mycket åt beroende på stabiliseringsmetod. Det visades även att handberäkningarna gav missvisande resultat av betydande storlek. Handberäkningar kunde således inte anses vara ett lämpligt tillvägagångssätt vid beräkning av utböjningar för samtliga stabiliserande metoder förutom fast inspända pelare. / The horizontal stabilization often has a big impact regarding the dimension of the supporting framework. If the horizontal forces are not sufficiently counteracted problems can occur when columns and beams get a deflection which is bigger than the margins allow. A common horizontal action occurs when wind hits an outer wall. In this thesis the horizontal deflection caused by a force of wind was calculated and compared for five different stabilization methods. These five methods consisted of rigid restrained columns, hinged- and rigid restrained frames, tensile rods as well as tensile-compression braces. The music pavilion at Backens rectory was constructed with tensile-compression braces because it was the stiffest stabilization method in that case. The construction department at Tyréns consultancy wanted to know how big the differences in deflection was compared to the methods mentioned above. Measurements, angels and cross sections was modified from the reference building to better fit the purpose of this project. The calculations were made by hand and with the calculation program Frame Analysis, where also differences in the results between the two calculation methods would be derived. The projects main aim was to describe the differences in deflection between the stabilization methods. The result showed that the hinged frame caused the biggest horizontal deflection. Further the biggest deflection that emerged in descending order accordingly; rigid restrained columns, rigid restrained frames, tensile rods and finally tensile-compression braces. The second aim was to derive the differences shown in the results when calculations was carried out by hand and with Frame Analysis as well as evaluate the extent of the differences. The graphic figures made showed that the compressive strain on the brace was the same with both methods to begin with, but the horizontal deflection was bigger in Frame Analysis. With increasing load, the compressive strain also differed. The difference is due to Frame Analysis regard of the curvature that appears in the brace. In addition, Frame Analysis also took in account the curvature that occurred in the beam in which the load was assumed led through. Besides this it was shown that Frame Analysis payed attention to that the column to which the brace was connected got a vertical extension that affected the deflection. The conclusion was that tensile-compression braces was the stiffest method and that horizontal deflection differed a lot depending on stabilization method. It was also shown that calculations made by hand gave misleading results of significant size and could not be considered a suitable approach when calculating deflections on any stabilization methods besides rigid restrained columns.

Förskolegården som en scen – vilka roller intar pedagogerna? En studie om pedagogers professionella interaktion på förskolegården

Johansson, Anna, Lindberg, Stella January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka komplexiteten i hur pedagogrollen uttrycks ute på förskolegården. Vi har utifrån Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv sett förskolegården som en scen och pedagogerna som aktörer vilka spelar olika roller i sin yrkesutövning. Pedagogernas medvetenhet kring vilka roller de intar är av betydelse för barnens utevistelse på förskolegården. Vi utgår i vår studie från att det är en växelverkan mellan händelser och pedagogernas synsätt som avgör vilka roller som pedagogerna intar. Vi har genom observationer tittat på vilka interaktioner pedagogerna är delaktiga i. Resultatet visar att de fem pedagogerna på de fem olika förskolegårdarna var delaktiga i många interaktioner varav övervägande andel var tillsammans med barn. För att beskriva karaktären av interaktionerna mellan pedagoger och barn har vi tolkat dem utifrån Baes analytiska interaktionsverktyg. Vi använde oss av Goffmans ramanalytiska perspektiv för att definiera och kategorisera interaktionerna inom olika ramar, vilka namngavs av oss. Dessa ramar använde vi sedan för att koppla de olika interaktionerna till pedagogens roller vilka även dessa namngavs av oss. Vår definition av pedagogens roller var: omsorgsgivare, organisatör, informatör, observatör, gränssättare, säkerhetsvakt, lekkamrat, undervisare och privat person. Det vi såg i resultatet var att övervägande andel av interaktionerna kunde kategoriseras inom omsorgsramen och några få inom undervisningsramen. Enligt Goffmans ramanalytiska perspektiv kan alla situationer tolkas inom olika ramar, därmed kan pedagogerna inta olika roller i samma situation.

"Fully Acceptable" : Policies on Homosexuality in the Swedish Parliament between 1933-2010

Sjölén Gustafsson, Markus January 2020 (has links)
This study looks at the development in policy towards homosexuals in Sweden from criminalization to constitutional protection. A study on the ideational development in parliament has yet to be conducted. By studying the frames expressed in the official documents between 1933 and 2010 the study analyses ideas in terms of problems and solutions to describe how change occurred. The result is that Swedish policy towards homosexuals has been determined by two frames of understanding: a sexual frame  and an emotional frame. The policy process of the frames developed similarly in terms of institutionalization. Initially both frames saw homosexuals as dangerous which resulted in a different legal status. The frames gradually harmonized with a new scientific understanding that reinterpreted homosexuality as harmless and the different legal status problematic.

Multi-level policy in the Baltic Sea : An Environmental Policy Integration analysis of the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone

Miyatani, Johan January 2021 (has links)
It is no secret that policy, to a large degree, informs what policy objectives should and can be pursued given a sector or policy domain. However, what happens when multiple levels of policy exist and regulate the same geographical area? The present study explores how complex multi-leveled policy areas affect Environmental Policy Implementation (EPI) and what happens when policy objectives from one level stand against policy objectives on another. By looking at national, supranational, and international policy governing the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone (SEEZ) and comparing these to the Swedish government decisions on the Nord Stream I and II pipelines (2009 and 2018); the present study has explored to what extent policy objectives and underlying frames from the different policy levels have affected the decisions. The study has worked through the theoretical lenses of Environmental Policy Integration and Frame theory; and has applied thematic analysis and frame analysis methods. The study has concluded that, while policy objectives reflecting strong EPI exist in national policy, the weak EPI of the supranational and international policies policy objectives makes it implausible for effective EPI to be the outcome of decisions in the SEEZ. Without a strong value hierarchy prioritizing environmental objectives, it is unlikely that the Baltic Sea, or other similar multi-leveled policy areas, can achieve sustainable development.

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