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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elektricky vodivé kompozity na bázi druhotných surovin / Electrically conductive composites based on secondary raw materials

Baránek, Šimon January 2021 (has links)
Electroconductive composites are modern materials that are commonly used in many industries such as the construction industry among others. For example these materials can be useful as sensors for monitoring changes in constructions. The aim of this thesis is the research of electrically conductive silicate composite based on secondary raw materials. The design of this composite is based on the development of its own mixtures and experimental verification of the effect of the structure. The introduction part consists of a detailed analysis of 15 materials. Samples of the 5 fine and 2 coarse electrically conductive fillers were tested. Composite with filler Condufit C4 was selected as representative for type of fine fillers. Composite with filler Supragraphite C300 was selected as representative for type of coarse fillers. The selection of the composites was based on the impedance of the fabricated composites with these fillers. Subsequently, the individual components of the primary mixture were substituted. The cement was replaced by high-temperature fly ash in the amount of 20, 30, and 40 %, the aggregate of a similar fraction was replaced by steel sawdust, and the primary electrically conductive fillers were replaced by secondary ones in the amount of 30 and 50 %. All proposed replacements reduced the impedance of the composite. The most effective replacement for impedance reduction was replacement with waste graphite (up to 92 % reduction), which also slightly improved the mechanical properties of the composite. The result of this thesis is an optimized electrically conductive composite based on secondary raw materials with a fine type of filler with 30 % replacement by waste graphite "odpad vysavač"which achieves an impedance of 5 ohms. The partial goal of this thesis is a verification of the influence of moisture on the impedance of composites. Results are significantly affected by moisture when using the coarse type of filler, when using the fine type are not.

Raw Material Management Strategies for Waste Reduction : A case study at a Swedish manufacturing SME / Raw Material Management Strategies for Waste Reduction : A case study at a Swedish manufacturing SME

Ingelsten, Emil, Johnsson, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Manufacturing companies have a tremendous environmental impact in terms of the way they manage raw materials. In addition, the amount of waste produced by industries continues to increase, which puts even more significant pressure on the environment. The purpose of this thesis was, therefore, to investigate raw material management and to identify strategies that are implemented in a supply chain in order to reduce waste. Then, an investigation of how these strategies are implemented in the product flow through the focal company, its suppliers, and customers was done.  The single case-study approach was selected to answer the research questions and fulfill the study's purpose. The data was collected through means of interviews and document studies. The theoretical framework presented multiple strategies that can be implemented in order to reduce waste. The butterfly diagram emphasizes waste reduction during different steps in the supply chain using the strategies included in the R approaches. These strategies can be implemented internally within an organization or externally with companies in a supply chain to reduce waste. From the findings and analysis, it was evident that all the companies in the supply chain work actively with sustainability across all parts of the triple bottom line. A product flow mapping was created to visualize the companies’ waste reduction strategies. Recycling was the primary strategy, followed by reducing through quality assurance and a make-to-order approach, then ordering materials close to the finished product dimensions. The companies work individually on sustainability to improve their sustainability practices and achieve sustainability goals. Though, they need to improve collaboration and transparency with the other companies in the supply chain. However, they share a similar view on sustainability, and they are working actively to improve their sustainability work. This has facilitated a sustainable supply chain despite the need for more active collaboration.

Managing Commodity Price Volatility : A Multi-Case Study / Hantering av volatila råmaterialspriser

Hällgren, Erik, Ljungdahl, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates possible ways of managing commodity price volatility from a purchasing perspective and how the applicability of tools depends on company specific circumstances. Covid-19 has created large disruptions in global supply chains and led to increased price volatility for virtually all commodities. As these negative effects are believed to remain in the near future, and in preparation for future crises, research on managing commodity price volatility becomes important. The subject area also lacks empirical data, as stated by previous researchers, which this study provides. The research has been divided into the three sections: Covid-19 implications, aspects affecting the purchasing approach, and tools available for managing commodity price volatility. Data has been collected through interviews in a multi-case study, where five Swedish industrial companies have been investigated. The results show that the companies are actively managing commodity price volatility but lack background work of explicitly analyzing the exposure to risk from commodity price volatility and creating risk objectives accordingly. The most effective and commonly used tool was escalator clauses, which enables adjusting purchasing price as the commodity price fluctuates. Other common tools were switching supplier, staggering contracts, and passing price, but additional tools were also analyzed and discussed. The conclusion is that there does not exist a best practice for managing commodity price volatility and that the applicability of tools depends on company specific circumstances. / Den här studien har undersökt olika verktyg för att hantera volatila råmaterialspriser utifrån ett inköpsperspektiv. Covid-19 har orsakat stora störningar i försörjningskedjor globalt, vilket lett till ökad volatilitet på råmaterialsmarknaderna. Dessa negativa effekter väntas kvarstå inom en nära framtid, vilket i kombination med potentiella framtida kriser gör forskning på området relevant. Denna studie bidrar även med empirisk data till forskningsområdet, vilket tidigare forskare uttryckligen efterfrågat. Studien är uppdelad i delarna: följder av Covid-19, faktorer som påverkar inköpsstrategien och verktyg som kan användas för att hantera volatila råmaterialspriser. Datan har samlats in genom en flerfallsstudie, där fem svenska industriföretag har deltagit. Resultatet visar att företagen aktivt hanterar prisvolatiliteten, men att de saknar grundarbete i form av att konkretisera vilka råmaterial företagen är exponerade mot och utifrån detta skapa riskmål. Det mest effektiva och vanligast förekommande verktyget var materialklausuler, vilka möjliggör justering av produktpriset baserat på hur råmaterialspriserna fluktuerar. Andra verktyg som också användes av företagen i studien var att byta leverantör eller justera produktionsfördelningen, ha kontraktsperioderna omlott och att föra prisökningar vidare till kunden. Några ytterligare verktyg som användes i mindre utsträckning analyserades och diskuterades också. Studiens slutsats är att det inte finns något optimalt sätt att hantera volatila råmaterialspriser på, utan att verktygens lämplighet beror på varje företags specifika förutsättningar.

Optimization of a two-step anaerobic treatment of wastewater from the Pulp and Paper Industry

Bard, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Under de senaste 30 åren så har antalet massa- och pappersbruk minskat medan den totala produktionen av massa och papper har ökat. En högre produktion per bruk tillsammans med en hårdare miljölagstiftning, sätter ett högre tryck på vattenreningen på varje bruk. I flera massa- och pappersbruk så är vattenreningen en av faktorerna som begränsar produktionen av massa och papper. Dessutom så renas oftast restvattnet från massa- och pappersbruken med aerob rening som kräver mycket elektricitet och som producerar slam. För att minska kostnaden av vattenreningen och för att öka kapaciteten, så kan en anaerob vattenrening användas före den aeroba reningen. Fördelar med att ha en anaerob rening före den aeroba reningen är att den minskar belastningen av organiskt material på den aeroba reningen, värdefull biogas produceras, anaerob rening producerar mindre slam och kräver mindre elektricitet. Däremot så innehåller restvattnet från massa- och pappersbruk en hög halt av sulfat, vilket har orsakat en instabil biogasproduktion på flera existerande anläggningar. En potentiell lösning på detta är att använda en ytterligare anaerob reaktor före den biogasproducerande reaktorn, med syftet att reducera sulfat. Syftet med detta projekt var att optimera en anaerob två-stegs process för att få en effektiv biogasproduktion och för en stabil process. I projektet har två upp-flöde anaerob packad bädd (UAPB) reaktorer använts. Den första reaktorn var anrikad med sulfatreducerande bakterier före starten av projektet och den andra reaktorn innehöll metanogener. Processvatten från ett massa- och pappersbruk som använder barrträd som råmaterial och gör termomekanisk massa, användes i projektet. Den anaeroba två-stegs processen optimerades genom att minska retentionstiden i båda reaktorerna; genom att undersöka alternativ för att minska sulfidkoncentrationen i inflödet till biogasreaktorn; och genom att minska tillsatsen av näringsämnen till processvattnet. Stabiliteten av två-stegsprocessen mättes genom att analysera sulfat, sulfid och COD innehållet med spektrofotometri; genom att analysera pH; genom att analysera innehållet av metan i biogasen med gaskromatografi; och genom att analysera flyktiga fettsyror i utflödet med högtrycksvätskekromatografi. Resultaten visade att processen var stabil när retentionstiden för den sulfatreducerande reaktorn och biogasreaktorn var 0.3 dagar respektive 1.5 dagar. Effektiviteten av borttagningen av sulfat och COD i den sulfatreducerande reaktorn var 82% respektive 31%. Innehållet av metan i biogasen i den sulfatreducerande reaktorn var 53% i genomsnitt. I biogasreaktorn var borttagningen av COD 32% och metanhalten i biogasen var 31% i genomsnitt. Den totala borttagningen av COD för tvåstegsprocessen var 61%, när reaktorerna var kopplade via en uppsamlingsflaska. Biometanpotentialen i processvattnet och i utflödet från den sulfatreducerande reaktorn var 147 NmL CH4/g VS respektive 47 NmL CH4/g VS. Slutsatsen av projektet är att processen var stabil när retentionstiden för den sulfatreducerande reaktorn och biogasreaktorn var 0.3 dagar respektive 1.5 dagar, motiverat med stabiliteten av borttagning av sulfat och COD. Däremot var metanpotentialen för utflödet från den sulfatreducerande reaktorn bara 32% jämfört med processvattnet och nedbrytbarheten av COD var lägre i utflödet än i processvattnet. Eftersom den sulfatreducerande reaktorn var stabil vid de testade förhållandena så skulle det vara intressant att testa en enstegsprocess i en UAPB reaktorpilot i framtiden. Det skulle även vara intressant att minska retentionstiden i biogasreaktorn för att se om metanhalten i biogasen ökar. / In the past 30 years, the number of P&P mills have decreased while the total production of pulp and paper have increased. A higher production per mill together with a stringent environmental legislation puts a high pressure on the wastewater treatment of P&P mills. In several P&P mills the wastewater treatment is one of the factors limiting the production of pulp and paper. In addition, the wastewater is usually treated with aerobic treatment that consumes a high amount of electricity and produces sludge. To decrease the cost of the wastewater treatment and to increase the treatment efficiency, an anaerobic treatment can be used before the aerobic treatment. Advantages of having an anaerobic treatment before the aerobic treatment is that it reduces the organic loading of the aerobic treatment, valuable biogas is produced, anaerobic treatment produce less sludge and requires less electricity. However, the wastewater of P&P mills is rich in sulphate, which have resulted in an unstable biogas production. A potential solution for this to have another anaerobic reactor before the biogas producing reactor, with the purpose to remove sulphate. The aim of this project was to optimize a two-step anaerobic treatment for an effective biogas production and for a stable process. In the project, two UAPB reactors were used. The first bioreactor (hereafter pretreatment reactor) was enriched with sulphate reducing bacteria before the start of the project while the second reactor contained methanogens (hereafter biogas reactor). Wastewater from a P&P mill using the TMP process and soft wood as raw material was used in this project. The anaerobic two-step process was optimized by decreasing the HRT of both reactors, by investing alternatives to decrease the sulphide in the influent to the biogas reactor and by decreasing the addition of nutrients to the process water. The stability of the two-step process was measured by analysing the sulphate, sulphide and COD content spectrophotometrically; by analysing pH; by analysing the methane content in the headspace of the reactors with GC and by analysing the VFA content in the effluents using HPLC. The results showed that the process was stable when the HRT of the pretreatment reactor and biogas reactor was 0.3 days and 1.5 days, respectively. The removal efficiency of sulphate and COD in the pretreatment reactor was 82% and 31%, respectively. The methane content in the biogas of the PT reactor was 53% in average. The COD removal efficiency of the biogas reactor was 32% and there was in average 31% methane in the biogas. The average total COD removal efficiency of the two-step process was 61% when the reactors were coupled via a collection tank. The biomethane potential of the process water and the effluent of the pretreatment reactor was 147 NmL CH4/g VS and 47 NmL CH4/g VS, respectively. The process was stable when the HRT of the pretreatment reactor and biogas reactor was 0.3 days and 1.5 days, respectively, considering the stability of the sulphate and COD removal efficiency. However, the BMP of the effluent of the PT reactor was only 32% of the BMP of the process water and the degradability of the COD was lower in the effluent. Since the PT reactor exhibited stability at the tested conditions, it would be interesting to try it as a one-step process in a pilot UAPB reactor in the future. In the future, research is needed to investigate if the methane content in the headspace of the biogas reactor can be increased by decreasing the HRT of the reactor.

委外代工、國際分工對貿易傳遞效果及母國工資不均度之影響 / The Impact of Outsourcing and International Fragmentation on Trade Transmission and Wage Inequality

林晉勗, Lin, Jin-Xu Unknown Date (has links)
本文內容包含三個主題相近的議題,首先我們探討在貿易互動的情況下,國際能源價格衝擊所帶來的跨國衝擊效果,接著根據多個年度的資料,延用第一個議題的模型分析跨國衝掔效果的演變,以及這樣的演變與貿易趨勢之間的關係,最後則探討委外代工的貿易活動對經濟體系勞動市場的影響,企圖尋找台灣近年工資不均度逐漸下降的原因。 由第一個議題的分析結果可以發現,若要有效降低原物料價格上漲所帶來的衝擊,可從國內高耗能的產業 (如石油煉製品業) 著手,藉由技術移轉、跨國產業合作或研發投入等方式提升耗能產業的技術,改善生產結構;此外,藉由分散進口來源,可以有效降低進口拉動的物價上漲;最後,在國際能源價格上漲時,公用事業部門的價格管制,可以有效控制物價上漲,尤其對於天然資源缺乏的國家效果較為顯著,且愈多國家採行價格管制策略時,對降低物價衝擊的效果愈好。。 由第二個議題的分析可得知,各國的個別產業在三個不同的年度受到相同衝擊時,當產業的中間投入裡,能源及石油煉製品的占比愈高,則價格衝擊反應便愈大,這樣的影響效果主要反應了直接效果。若仔細檢視國內的各產業委外代工活動對價格衝擊效果的影響,則可以發現在產業別資料時,兩者間的關係並不明顯,但若將分析層級提高到整體國家的話,便可以發現委外代工比例或是國際專業分工程度愈高的國家,其受到的物價衝擊似乎稍微較低,而此一部份則是反應了跨國貿易傳遞效果。 最後,由第三個分析議題可以發現,台灣過去25年來技能與非技能勞工的工資差距逐漸拉近,這樣的趨勢與近年文獻所觀察的結果有明顯的不同,仔細檢視其中的端倪,我們可以發現台灣工資不均度雖然與相對勞動雇用仍為正相關,但工資不均度卻受到委外代工與對外直接投資負向的影響,其中,僅電子電機及機械類別的委外代工對工資不均度具有影響顯著,但民生工業及重工業類別卻不顯著,這樣的結果與近年台灣電子業發展的模式有關,雖然此產業委外生產比例日益攀升,但隨著台灣電子業在全球舉足輕重的地位,產值逐年大幅成長,雖然其中零組件愈來愈多仰賴委由開發中國家生產,但於台灣進行組裝仍需大量非技能勞工,因此委外生產將使工資不均度的情形減緩。另外,從資料中也發現,近年台灣日益減緩的工資不均度情形,主要是由於相對勞動供給的增量大於相對勞動需求所致。 / This thesis contents three approximate subjects for discussion. First of all, we confer the interaction of trades when the rise of international raw material price influences multinational; according to the data taken from many years, we employed the model of the first subject to analyze the development of inter-regional impact, its effect and also the relationship between the development and the trade tendency. Lastly, the influence of outsourcing towards the labor market in the economy will be discussed, in order to search for the reason, which is responsible for the chronicle decrease of wage inequality. The result of the first discussion shows us, to slow down the price impact which is caused by the rise of the raw material, we can undertake national companies with high energy consumption industries (e.g. petrochemical industry); on these excuses: Technique shifting, international industrial cooperation or investment of researches and so on, the technology of high energy consuming industries could be promoted to improve the production structure. Further than that, dispersing import resources could efficiently reduce the price increase caused by import. The price control at public utility could bridle price rise effectively, when international energy price is arising. This is especially obvious in countries with lack of natural resource, not forget to mention the more nations introduce price control tactic, the better it is to reduce the price impact. By the analysis of the second discussion, it is said when each country in each industry at three different years experienced the same impact, the higher the industrial’s usage of energy and petro-products for intermediate inputs, the strong is the reaction of price impact and this influence mainly responded to the direct effect. If we examine the relationship between price impact and proportion of outsourcing, we could notice that the relationship is not very conspicuous in industrial level data. But if we move the analyze level higher to the whole nation, we could discover that the higher the percentage of outsourcing is, the lower is the resulted price impact. And this is because of the transmission effect of the international trade. Last but not least, the third discussion let us know, that in the past 25 years in Taiwan, the wage inequality of high skill and low skill labor was reducing chronically. Such a trend is clearly different from the result which is shown in the recently studies. Even the wage inequality is positive proportioned with the relative labor employed, but it has been negatively influenced by outsourcing and outward direct investments. The negative relationship counts to the most outstanding in electronics and electrical machinery industries, but civil industry and heavy metal industry is not much remarkable. This result is related to the expand model of Taiwan in the recent years. Although, the percentage of outsourcing grows day by day, but with the importance of Taiwan’s electronics industry, the production arises substantially annually, even though more and more of its components is sourcing from development countries, but we still need many non-skilled personnel to fabricate those in Taiwan. That’s why outsourcing will decrease the wage inequality. Further than that, the recent wage inequality decrease in Taiwan is mainly effected by the surplus of relative labor supply.

Specifické vlastnosti vody jezer vzniklých po těžbě nerostných surovin v ČR / Specific water properties of pit lakes in the Czech Republic

Hrdinka, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Anthropogenic lakes constitute a significant part of the Czech countryside water component which has not been given sufficient attention so far. The presented thesis deals with the assessment of variability of physico-chemical properties of water in 30 selected pit lakes in order to identify specific features associated with quarrying of different mineral raw materials, basin morphometry and trophic level of the lakes affecting the quality of accumulated water. In the second part of the thesis the author deals with the comprehensive limnological study of the Hromnické Lake with extreme water chemism resulting from excavation of pyritic shales and focuses on the phenomenon of meromixis especially. The results are based on the evaluation of physical properties of water in the lake vertical profile (temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, transparency and colour) and chemical analyzes of water samples collected from the surface and bottom of the lakes during the four seasons in 2003-07 (determination of Ca, Mg, Na, K, Nammon., NO3 - , SO4 2- , Cl- and alkalinity), including determination of chlorophyll-a. In the case study of the Hromnické Lake conducted in 2010-11, the analysis of hydrological regime of the lake, determination of PO4 3- , TOC, selected metals (Fe, Mn, Al, Zn, Ni, Cu, Co,...

Proteção de dados pessoais: um direito relevante no mundo digital / Protection of personal data: a relevant law in the digital Word

Henrique, Lygia Maria Moreno Molina 22 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lygia Maria Moreno Molina Henrique.pdf: 615418 bytes, checksum: c987b4fdb53a154420790f23c0ef6d1f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-22 / This work has as its central point the study of the right to protection of personal data and how this right is related to the flow of personal data, driven by dynamic new Internet economy. Reflectively, we will analyze issues relevant to the topic and to the current moment, starting with a social approach, broader and more comprehensive, which unfolded form will culminate in the development of the protection of personal data, both in international law, as in Brazil. Also, it will be object of study the use of data as a raw material for the provision of the services offered by companys.com, in order to create innovation and increase competition between them. As well as, we will demonstrate which options of control and protection of personal data the consumer / user has to protect their privacy. Conclusively, by evaluation of brazilian legislative propositions about personal data protection, we will issue a critical-reflective judgment about the failures and successes of each one front to the topics relevant to the protection of personal data / Essa dissertação tem como ponto central o estudo do direito à proteção de dados pessoais e de que modo este direito se relaciona com a circulação de dados pessoais, impulsionada pela nova e dinâmica economia da Internet. De forma reflexiva, analisaremos questões pertinentes ao tema e ao momento atual, iniciando com uma abordagem social, mais ampla e abrangente, a qual de forma desdobrada culminará na evolução da tutela de dados pessoais, tanto na legislação internacional, como na brasileira. Será ainda, objeto de estudo a utilização dos dados como matéria-prima para prestação dos serviços das empresas.com, de modo a criar inovações e acirrar a concorrência entre estas. Assim como, vamos demonstrar quais as opções de controle e tutela em relação à circulação de dados pessoais o consumidor/usuário possui a resguardar sua privacidade. De modo conclusivo, mediante a avaliação das proposituras legislativas brasileiras acerca da proteção de dados pessoais, emitiremos um juízo crítico-reflexivo sobre as falhas e êxitos de cada propositura, frente aos temas relevantes à tutela de dados pessoais

Mountains as crossroads : temporal and spatial patterns of high elevation activity in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem, USA

Reckin, Rachel Jean January 2018 (has links)
In the archaeological literature, mountains are often portrayed as the boundaries between inhabited spaces. Yet occupying high elevations may have been an adaptive choice for ancient peoples, as rapidly changing elevations also offer variation in climate and resources over a relatively small area. So what happens, instead, if we put mountain landscapes at the center of our analyses of prehistoric seasonal rounds and ecological adaptation? This Ph.D. argues that, in order to understand any landscape that includes mountains, from the Alps to the Andes, one must include the ecology and archaeology of the highest elevations. Specifically, I base my findings on new fieldwork and lithic collections from the Absaroka and Beartooth Mountains in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) of the Rocky Mountains, which was a vital crossroads of prehistoric cultures for more than 11,000 years. I include five interlocking analyses. First, I consider the impacts of anthropogenic climate change on high elevation cultural resources, focusing on the diminishing resiliency of ancient high elevation ice patches and the loss of the organic artifacts and paleobiological materials they contain. Second, I create a dichotomous key for chronologically typing projectile points, suggesting a methodological improvement for typological dating in the GYE and for surface archaeology more broadly. Third, I use obsidian source data to consider whether mountain people were a single, unified group or were represented by a variety of peoples with different zones of land tenure. Fourth, I consider high elevation occupation in both mountain ranges as part of the seasonal round, using indices of diversity in tool types and raw material to study how the duration of those occupations changed through time. And, finally, I test the common contention that ancient people primarily used mountains as refugia from extreme climatic pressure at lower elevations. Ultimately, I find that, in both mountain ranges, increased high elevation activity is most highly correlated with increased population, not with hot, dry climatic conditions. In other words, the mountains were more than simply refugia for plains or basin people to occupy when pressured by climatic hardship. In addition, between the Absarokas and the Beartooths the evidence suggests two different patterns of occupation, not a monolithic pan-mountain adaptation. These results demonstrate the potential contributions of surface archaeology to our understanding of prehistory, and have important implications for the way we think about mountain landscapes as peopled spaces in relation to adjacent lower-elevation areas.

Chert Nastapoka : caractérisation chimique et exploitation au Paléoesquimau, baie d’Hudson, Nunavik

Leclerc, Marianne-Marilou 04 1900 (has links)
Les assemblages lithiques dominent la plupart des sites archéologiques du Nunavik et constituent ainsi une véritable mine d’informations. Le nombre limité de travaux sur les matériaux de la côte est de la baie d’Hudson, nous a amené à nous pencher sur une source présente dans ce secteur. Notre objectif était alors de caractériser la matière première provenant de cette formation géologique, le chert Nastapoka. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi la technique de fluorescence aux rayons X. Les résultats ont permis de constater, en plus des observations macroscopiques, la nature très variable de ce chert présentant une signature chimique complexe. Pour compléter le portrait, nous avons évalué l’utilisation du chert Nastapoka par les Paléoesquimaux par une comparaison d’analyses technologiques déjà effectuées sur les sites GhGk-4, GhGk-63 et IcGm-5. Cet examen a révélé que l’évolution des stratégies d’exploitation des matériaux lithiques dans cette région appui le continuum culturel Prédorsétien-Dorsétien observé ailleurs. / The dominant cultural material on Nunavik’s archaeological sites is lithics. As a result they constitute an important source of information on prehistoric lifeways. The lack of lithic raw materials resarchs carried out on the east coast of Hudson Bay gave us the opportunity to focus on a source in this area. The objective of this thesis research was to characterize one component of the geological formation: Nastapoka chert. In order to do this, X-ray fluorescence was chosen. The results demonstrate that it is difficult to construct a unique geochemical pattern for the source because of its variability. To complete the portrait, we take into account the technological use of Nastapoka chert by the Paleoeskimo groups by comparing three site’s studies (GhGk-4, GhGk-63 and IcGm-5). This analysis of the exploitation of this material reveals a developement from Predorset to Dorset that supports the idea of cultural continuum between the two periods.

半導體原物料通路商之策略研究 / Strategy Research for Semiconductor Manufacturing Raw Material Distributors: the Case Study of Topco Scientific Co., Ltd

陳建勳, Chen. Chien-Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
台灣半導體產業協會指出,半導體產業無論是在產值、營運附加價值、外匯收入、稅賦、就業機會、政府投資獲利、興建晶圓廠所帶動的周邊效益等,都有穩定且持續成長之表現,對國家有相當大的貢獻。在半導體產業中,半導體原物料通路商位居上游供應商與下游製造商之間的橋樑位置,維繫通路貨暢其流,在整個產業鏈中扮演重要角色。在此一領域中,以崇越科技的經營績效卓越,足為業界楷模。因此,本研究擬以崇越科技為個案,進行策略研究。 一個成功的營運模式,應該可以解釋如何增強價值展現、如何作好價值傳遞,以及如何達成價值回饋等議題。藉由研究連續成長的個案公司-崇越科技,本研究希望可以確認下列議題所採取的關鍵策略: (1)個案公司如何確保其在產業價值鏈中的位置?亦即如何增強價值展現? (2)個案公司如何提升相對於其他同業的競爭力,並更有效地提供客戶最大的價值?亦即如何作好價值傳遞? (3)個案公司如何作到提升營業利潤及實現公司價值?亦即通路商如何達成價值回饋? / 本研究使用吳思華教授的「策略三構面」及「四個競技場」分析進行個案研究。策略三構面理論主張,規劃企業策略時,可以由下列觀點進行: (1)營運範疇:產品/市場、活動組合、地理構形、業務規模 (2)核心資源:有形/無形的資源、個人/組織能力 (3)事業網路:體系成員、網路關係、網路位置 / 此外,本研究也將探討三構面之間彼此的調整關係。至於四個競技場分析,則是以下列四個不同觀點,分析企業的策略: (1)價值與效率競技場 (2)能耐與結構競技場 (3)實力與體系競技場 (4)異質與同形競技場 / 本研究針對崇越科技的四項重要策略事件,包括成立光電材料部、成立水處理部、IPO、成立中古設備部等,進行策略三構面分析,以及四個競技場分析。藉以研究半導體原物料通路商如何增強價值展現,如何作好價值傳遞,以及如何達成價值回饋。茲將各策略事件分述如下所示: (1)策略事件一:成立光電材料部 成立光電材料部,使得崇越科技的營運模式,由原本的佣金交易,擴增為現品交易。此一策略事件使得崇越科技提昇了倉儲、物管及資金調度的能力。成立光電材料部之後,崇越科技的主要產品,由原有的矽晶片、半導體製程用石英器材,擴展到黃光製程的主要原料-深紫外線光阻液,在2005年該項產品貢獻了逾18億台幣的營業額。其他主要產品如化學研磨液、環氧樹脂積體電路封裝材料、液態封裝材料…等,也可以複製深紫外線光阻液成功的營運模式進行推廣。 (2)策略事件二:成立水處理部 崇越科技成立水處理部,跨入半導體製造廠的廠務系統相關業務。此一策略事件使得崇越科技發展出工程設計、施工維護之組織能耐,並建立了良好的下包廠商體系。之後,水處理部將業務切割為:純水工程及廢水工程等二部份,並在廢水工程此一領域發展自有品牌。在2005年時,水處理部的年營業額達新台幣15億1千萬。此一策略事件也帶來其他額外的商機,如發展潔淨室建造工程以及中央供酸系統等相關業務。 (3)策略事件三:IPO IPO提供崇越科技較佳的籌措資金管道,使得財務運作上更有彈性。IPO使得崇越科技公司知名度及形象大幅提昇,對於延攬優秀的員工,自然也會有正面的助益。此外,財務管理的能力也因此提昇,與金融體系間的關係也更為緊密。 (4)策略事件四:成立中古設備部 崇越科技成立中古設備部,以成為高科技產業的全方位供應者。崇越科技掌握半導體中古設備的商機,使得營運範疇得以擴展至中古設備的買賣、運送、設備翻新、裝機、零件供應、機台調校、甚至包括製程參數設定。「高科技產業的全方位供應者」的公司願景,也使得崇越科技得以在半導體產業有更明確的定位。 / 經由「策略三構面」及「四個競技場」分析,確定崇越科技的四項策略事件對於其成長具有重大意義。崇越科技的營運範疇、核心資源、事業網路在各個策略事件之後均有顯著的擴展,而不論是在「價值-效率」、「能耐-結構」、「實力-體系」、「異質-同型」競技場,都可看到崇越科技的具體成長趨勢。因此,崇越科技在四個策略事件中所採行的各項關鍵策略,應可成為半導體原物料通路商在勾勒其未來發展的營運策略時的標竿參考。 / 在本研究的事件描述及三構面調整關係當中,我們可以整理出來個案公司在各個策略事件所運用的關鍵策略,並依研究目的所要探討的主題歸納如下: (1)以個案公司為例,通路商如何確保其在產業價值鏈中的位置,亦即通路商如何增強價值展現。 1)擴大服務平台,滿足顧客整體需求,是通路商確保代理權的重要關鍵。 2)維持暢通而綿密的人脈網路是通路商的天職。 3)對通路商而言,自有品牌的創立應該因勢利導,不該破壞與原有代理的供應商之間的良好關係。 4)踴躍參加各項服務品質競賽有助於提升通路商形象及強化公司體質。 (2)以個案公司為例,通路商如何提升相對於其他同業的競爭力,並更有效地提供客戶最大的價值,亦即通路商如何作好價值傳遞。 1)通路商辨識需求缺口的能耐,與其是否能持續發展有高度正向關係。 2)人才為通路商最重要的資產。 3)顧客內部的各個部門也存在競爭狀態,通路商應善用情勢並維持與各部門的良好互動。 4)通路商應建立完整的支援/外包體系。 (3)以個案公司為例,通路商如何提升營業利潤及實現公司價值,亦即通路商如何達成價值回饋? 1)通路商適用多種營運模式。 2)切割現有的服務內容,創造新立足點。 3)延伸產品線,善用核心能耐,創造新價值。 4)健全而靈活的財務控管是通路商持續成長、實現公司價值的重要基礎。 / As Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association pointed out, semiconductor industry had been and is of great contribution to Taiwan in the aspects of GDP, foreign currency income, tax income, unemployment rate, government investment achievement, and also subsidiary industry of wafer fabrication. Semiconductor manufacturing raw material distributors play a very important role in semiconductor industrial value chain, who bridging the raw material manufacturers and semiconductor manufacturers. Topco Scientific Co., Ltd (TSC) is a leading company of semiconductor raw material distributor in Taiwan and Great China Region. TSC would be the case to be studied on the strategy of its continuous growth. / A successful business model should cover how to enhance “Value Proposition”, how to perform “Value Delivery”, and how to achieve “Value Capturing”. In the study of TSC’s continuous growth, we shall be able to identify the key strategies which were employed in the following three themes: 1. How does the distributor secure their position in the value chain i.e. how to enhance their value proposition? 2. In what way the distributor compete with their competitors and perform better i.e. how to perform their value delivery? 3. How does the distributor make their own benefit feasible i.e. how to achieve their value capturing? / “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis by Dr. S.H. Wu were applied in this study. The “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory provides the scope of establishing a thorough business strategy, and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis exploit the business growth in four different points of view. “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory claims the following aspects should be reviewed when establishing the business strategy: 1.Business Domain : product/market, business activities, business geography, business scale 2.Core Resource : physical/non-physical properties, personal/ganizational competence 3.Business Network : network parties, network relationship, network position Also, the adjustment/correlation of these three aspects should be discussed. The “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis exploits the status of company’s strategy in four different points of view: 1.Value-Efficiency coliseum 2.Competence-Organization coliseum 3.Power-Networks coliseum 4.Innovation- Authenticity coliseum / This study applied the “Three Aspects of Strategy” and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis on TSC’s four critical strategic issues including the issues of establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department”, establishing the “Water Treatment Department”, IPO, and establishing the “Used Machine Department”. From which we could conclude how the semiconductor raw material distributors enhancing their Value Proposition, improving their Value Delivery, and achieving their Value Capturing. The briefing of these four issues is as followings: Issue 1: Establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department” Establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department” was to extend the TSC’s business model from indent order business to stock sale business. Also, this issue strengthened TSC’s ability of technical service, logistics, and financial management. The success of DUV Resist brought annual revenue of over NTD1.8 billion in 2005. Other major products such as CMP slurry, Epoxy Molding Compound, IC Underfill Material…could also copy the business model of DUV Resist. Issue 2: Establishing the “Water Treatment Department” Establishing the “Water Treatment Department” was to create new business in the semiconductor manufacturers’ facility area. TSC built up their engineering capability and also the subcontractor network. The success of separating the water treatment business into pure water and waste water two categories let TSC could have their own brand waste water business. Water treatment business contributed NTD1.5 billion in 2005. Also it brought new business chance like Cleanroom and Chemical Supply System. Issue 3: IPO IPO to let TSC has much stronger financial flexibility. The company status has been up rated and could be easier to recruit excellent employees. The financial management capability had been improved and the business network is much stronger. Issue 4: Establishing the “Used Machine Department” Establishing the “Used Machine Department” was to address TSC as a Total Solution Provider of High Tech Industry. TSC captured the business chance of semiconductor manufacturing used machine off-shore service from which they could extend the business to used machine buy-and-sale, logistics, refurbish, installation, parts sourcing, calibration/tuning, and process parameter setting. The company vision of Total Solution Provider of High Tech Industry will lead TSC to exploit the semiconductor industry with a higher and thorough position. / Through the “Three Aspects of Strategy” and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis we could confirm that the above mentioned four critical strategic issues are of great positive effects to TSC in the sense of Business Domain, Core Resource, and Business Networks. Also we could see the continuous growth trend in the Value-Efficiency, Competence-Organization, Power-Networks, and Innovation- Authenticity coliseums. Therefore, the key strategies applied in these four critical strategic issues could be the bench mark of semiconductor raw material distributors for their further growth. From the description of these strategic issues and the adjustment/correlation of three aspects discussion, we could conclude the key strategies for a successful business model of semiconductor raw material distributor, and list these key strategies with respect to our three themes of study: How does the distributor secure their position in the value chain i.e. how to enhance their value proposition? 1.Expanding the service base and providing the total solutions to customers is very essential to secure the agency rights 2.Maintaining a freely flowing and circumspect human relationship network is a must-do job of distributors. 3.Distributors should take very caution when developing own-brand products, should not damage the relationship with principles. 4.Attending the service quality contest will strongly promote company’s image and improve competence. In what way the distributor compete with their competitors and perform better i.e. how to perform their value delivery? 1.The ability of identifying customers’ needs is proportional to the success of continuous growth of distributors. 2.People are the most valuable assets of distributors. 3.Competitions inside customer’s organization should be handled with care, and should maintain good communications with each departments of customer. 4.Distributor should establish an integrated supporting/subcontractor system. How does the distributor make their own benefit feasible i.e. how to achieve their value capturing? 1.Multiple business models are adequate for distributor. 2.Rearranging current service contents to create new business niches. 3.Fully utilize core competence to extend product lines and create new values. 4.Nimble and integral financial management is the foundation of long-term growth and can capture company’s value.

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