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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mobil individanpassad realtidsinformation i kollektivtrafiken : En fallstudie på Tågkompaniet

Ekroth, Sebastian, Ahlander, Gustaf January 2016 (has links)
The total traveling with different types of transportation has increased drastically since the 50´s. Despite this increase, the use of the public transportation has decreased in percentage which has its explanation in the overall increased use of cars as transportation. Many researchers believes that better traffic information in the public transport can lead to increased use. Therefore this study aims to investigate how mobile personalized real-time information can increase customer satisfaction in the public transport in order to maintain and attract more travelers. The study addresses the problem through a case study at the Swedish transit agency Tågkompaniet, where customers and staff are studied in order to map the present situation regarding information in the public transport. The case study also sets out to investigate which type of real-time information that is considered to be most important for the travelers. At last the study also investigate which types of technical solutions that is needed, and how the needs of travelers can be considered to be able to offer mobile personalized real-time information. The findings are that there is a dissatisfaction regarding the transit information among both travelers and staff, and that their needs and demands must be met to a greater extent in order to increase the customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the findings are also that information attributes regarding delays and disruptions in the public transport is considered to be most important by travelers. Functions such as subscribe to information, push notifications and information associated with the transit ticket are necessary to be able to provide travelers with mobile personalized real-time information. Lastly the study provides a tool to consider traveler needs in development and evaluation of mobile personalized information systems within the public transport. / Det totala resandet med olika typer av färdmedel har ökat drastiskt i Sverige sedan 50-talet. Trots denna ökning har användandet av kollektivtrafiken minskat procentuellt vilket har sin förklaring i att användandet av bil som transportmedel har ökat. Forskare menar att ett sätt att öka användandet av kollektivtrafiken är att tillhandahålla bättre trafikinformation som skapar högre kundnöjdhet. Därför avser denna studie att undersöka hur mobil individanpassad realtidsinformation kan öka kundtillfredsställelsen i kollektivtrafiken. Studien angriper problemet genom en fallstudie på Tågkompaniet, där kundernas och personalens åsikter undersöks för att kartlägga nuläget rörande trafikinformationen inom kollektivtrafiken, men även undersöka vilken typ av realtidsinformation som anses som viktigast. Studien undersöker vidare de typer av tekniska lösningar som krävs, samt hur resenärernas behov kan beaktas för att erbjuda mobil individanpassad realtidsinformation. Studien finner att det finns ett missnöje både hos resenärer och personal med dagens trafikinformation och att deras krav och behov behöver tillgodoses i större utsträckning för att öka kundtillfredsställelsen. Vidare finner studien att informationsattribut rörande förseningar och trafikförändringar är den realtidsinformation som anses viktigast av resenärer. Funktioner som push-notiser, prenumerera på trafikinformation och information kopplat till biljetter är nödvändiga för att tillhandahålla mobil individanpassad realtidsinformation. Slutligen tillhandahåller studien ett verktyg för att beakta resenärernas behov vid utveckling och utvärdering av individanpassade informationssystem i kollektivtrafiken.

När går bussen? : En studie kring metoder för kvalitetsbedömning av SL:s bussavgångsprognoser

Karlsson, Gustav, Lillo, Gustav January 2017 (has links)
As a result of a growing population, the city of Stockholm is facing many challenges. Getting more people to travel by public transportation is a key factor in coping with this increased urbanization. In the strive for increased ridership, it is the Stockholm Public Transport Administration’s (SL) job to make sure that the services provided are of high quality. One of these services is the real time bus departure predictions provided to the travellers through digital signs or by web and mobile applications. Due to a lack of proper tools, SL has unfortunately not yet been able to establish a systematic assessment of the quality of these bus prediction. The goal of this study was to help SL find such tools and solutions for assessing the quality of bus predictions. More specifically, the purpose of the study was to investigate the concept of prediction quality and identify suitable statistical tools for measuring quality. In order to do this a comprehensive literature study has been conducted. The findings of the literature study were then tested in practice in order to answer how such quality measurements should be made in the context of SL’s ITinfrastructure. This was answered by carrying out a pilot study in which the prediction quality was assessed on data from one week for a specific bus line. From the initial literature study, it was concluded that there are many dimensions that potentially affect the traveller’s perception of bus prediction quality. However, it was also concluded that a quality assessment plausibly should start with an evaluation of the precision. In order to assess the precision, several types of descriptive measures and analytical perspectives were proposed. As of how these findings should be made in the context of SL’s IT-systems, a method for creating observations from the available prediction data was presented. It was also concluded that in order to mirror the travellers experience, the prediction data should be collected “late” in the process of bus prediction generation.

Bussresan som upplevelse : En fallstudie om digitala medier inom den lokala busstrafiken

Parment, Viktor, Segerström, Jakob January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine which technical possibilities that exists within the local bus traffic and what impact it will have on travelers. To answer this purpose, we will examine the following question, how can digital experience promoted by IoT implementations make the buss journey a more interactive experience? The methods we used to find answers to the question was to do qualitative interviews and focus groups. The interviews we did were with people who worked in one way or another within the local bus services and the participants of the focus groups were individuals who had different travel habits who discussed topics surrounding the local busses. The data from the interviews and focus groups were then categorized into three predefined categories, Realtime information, Social media and Gamification. What we found was that there were three interesting topics that we chose to further discuss, realtime opportunities, control and social interaction. The study shows that the travelers are affected by realtime information and that there is a will to make the information more accessible and digital. Furthermore, the travelers also wanted to have control of their journey and it was important that information was given on the traveler’s terms. The traveler did use social media while on the bus but they said that they didn’t want or expected that it was provided to them on the bus, since they saw the bus application as something that was to be informative and nothing else. At the same time there was a wish for social media aspects on the bus but that it would be informative. Something that future research should look into and keep in mind is how cultural differences affect the experience in public transport as well as how to design experiences for public transport.

Störningsinformation i tågtrafiken : Attityder bland resenärer och tågbolag till störningsinformation och tjänster för sådan information / Disturbance information relay regarding railway transportation.

Hallin, Erik, Fehrm, Mikael January 2016 (has links)
When booking a trip along the railway through several train operators it is not uncommon that information about possible disruptions along the railway (that can change or cancel the booked trip) are not relayed to the passengers. Today, research on rail traffic in Sweden is limited. It is unclear how satisfied customers are with the quality of the information they receive during their trip (if they get it at all), including with respect to disruptions. Our partners have identified what they believe is a need among train operators, which is a service for disruption information to travelers. In addition to confirming that there is a need for such a service, we have an interest to investigate how such a service might look like and what the users want. Our research has shown that passengers are not satisfied with either the amount of information about disturbances or how often they get it. Along with KnowitBorlänge, we have come up with a proposed solution that uses already existing technologies to create a portal for an efficient way to get the interference information to travelers. / Vid bokandet av en resa längs med järnvägen via flera tågbolag så finns (i dagens läge) inte alltid information kring eventuella störningar längs med järnvägen som kan förändra eller ställa in den bokade resan. I dag är forskning kring bantrafiken i Sverige begränsad. Det är oklart hur nöjda resenärer är med kvalitén på den information de får kring sin resa (om de får den överhuvudtaget), bland annat med avseende på störningar. Vår samarbetspartner har identifierat vad de tror är ett behov hos tågbolag, vilket är en tjänst för information om tågtrafiken för resenärer. Utöver att bekräfta att det här behovet finns har vi även ett intresse att undersöka hur en sådan här tjänst skulle kunna se ut och vad användarna vill ha. Vår forskning har visat att resenärerna inte är nöjda med varken mängden information om störningar eller hur ofta de får den. Tillsammans med Knowit Borlänge har vi kommit fram till ett lösningsförslag som använder befintliga tekniker för att skapa en portal som på ett effektivt sätt levererar störningsinformation till resenärer.

Affärsystem och Lean : En kvalitativ studie om hur affärssystem kan stöttasmå- och medelstora företag att arbeta enligt Lean

Thorelli, Leon, Theorin, August January 2024 (has links)
Abstrakt SME-företag inom tillverkning kommer under 2000-talet möta oförutsägbara, högfrekventa marknadsförändringar på grund av global konkurrens. Den fjärde industriella revolutionen (samlingsterm för nya intelligenta digitala teknologier i tillverknings- och industriprocesser) gör att nya utmaningar måste mötas som inte bara fokuserar på förbättrade tillverkningsprocesser men också ställer krav på en digital transformation. Dessutom behöver den hållbara utveckling av samhället beaktas som alltmer blir en naturlig del i interna prestationsmätningar hos företag. En strategi för att hålla sig konkurrenskraftiga och möta ekologiska hållbarhetskrav är att tillverkningsföretag integrerar produktionsfilosofin Lean med sitt affärssystem. Vissa forskare hävdar att affärssystem i kombination med att arbeta enligt Lean kan komplettera varandra medan andra hävdar att de är direkt motsägelsefulla. Det finns tidigare forskning om Lean, dock finns oklarheter i forskning kring att integrera Lean med affärssystem vilket skapar ett behov av ny forskning inom området. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur affärssystem stödjer SME-företag inom tillverkning att arbeta enligt Lean samt vilka implikationer som kan uppstå med följande frågeställning; “Hur stödjer affärssystem SME-företag inom tillverkning att arbeta enligt Lean?”. Studien har utgått utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsansats med induktiv riktning. Som intervjumetod har semistrukturerade intervjuer används i syfte att skapa ökad förståelse för hur företag använder affärssystem för att arbeta Lean. Studiens slutsats indikerar fem olika områden där affärssystem kan verka stödjande i att arbeta enligt Lean. Dessa är IT-integration och realtidsinformation, lagerhantering och minskad överproduktion, processoptimering och synkronisering, Hållbarhet och dokumentation samt realtidsbeslut och optimerad logistik. Studien kan användas av tillverkningsföretag inom segmentet SME som vill öka sina insikter kring hur ett affärssystem kan stödja arbete enligt Lean. Nyckelord: Lean, affärssystem, IT-integration, realtidsinformation, pull-produktion, push-produktion, SME, processoptimering, hållbar utveckling, överproduktion. / Abstract In the 21st century, manufacturing SMEs will face unpredictable, high-frequency market changes due to global competition. The fourth industrial revolution (collective term for new intelligent digital technologies in manufacturing and industrial processes) means that new challenges must be met which not only focus on improved manufacturing proceses but also demand a digital transformation. In addition, the sustainable development of society needs to be considered, which is increasingly becoming a natural part of internal performance measurements at companies. One strategy to stay competitive and meet ecological sustainability requirements is for manufacturing companies to integrate the Lean production philosophy with their ERP-system. Some researchers argue that ERP-systems in combination with working Lean can complement each other, while others argue that they are directly contradictory. There is previous research on Lean, however, there are ambiguities in research about integrating Lean with ERP-systems, which creates a need for new research in the area.  The study aims to investigate how ERP-systems support SME companies in manufacturing to work according to Lean and what implications may arise with the following question: “How do ERP-systems support manufacturing SMEs to work according to Lean?”.  The study has been based on a qualitative research approach with inductive direction. As an interview method, semi-structured interviews have been used with the aim of creating a greater understanding of how companies use ERP-systems to work Lean. The study indicates five different areas where ERP-systems can be supportive in working according to Lean. These are IT-integration and real-time information, Inventory management and reduced overproduction, Process optimization and synchronization, Sustainability, environmental goals and documentations as well as real-time decisions and efficient logistics. The study can be used by manufacturing companies in the SME segment who want to increase their insights into how an ERP-system can support work according to Lean. Keywords: Lean, ERP-systems, IT integration, real-time information, pull production, push production, SME, process optimization, sustainable development, overproduction.

Development of prediction schemes for real-time bus arrival information.

Loutos, Gerasimos January 2013 (has links)
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are increasingly used in public transport systems in order to provide real-time information (RTI) to passengers and operators. In particular, the RTI related to the prediction of remaining time until the arrival of the next vehicle is the most commonly provisioned information and the main focus of research. A number of predictions methods have been proposed without clear evidence of their real-world applicability, mainly because of their highly computational complexity. Moreover new sources of information, which could be used in RTI generators, become available but they have not been utilized yet. This thesis formulates a widely used real-world RTI generation meth-od, which is based on the scheduled travel time. Then, the potential contribution of real-time public transport data to RTI generation is investigated. Furthermore, a method that considers both the recent downstream running time information as well as anticipated headways and their impact on downstream dwell times is proposed. The generated predictions have to be compared against empirical bus arrival data in order to analyse the performance of the different schemes. Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) data of the trunk bus network in Stockholm, were used for the evaluation of the proposed prediction schemes. The results illustrate the successful introduction of a robust methodology for bus arrival predictions, which outperforms the currently applied RTI generator. This methodology by integrating real-time public transport data is expected to reduce significantly passengers waiting time. In addition, the second proposed method provides a milestone for the incorporation of the dwell time component in the computation process of RTI.

Trafikinformation i realtid i samband med vägarbete / Traffic Information in real time in connection with road work

Almqvist, Andreas, Simervir, Sandhu January 2012 (has links)
I rapporten har vi förklarat vilka problem som kan uppstå med dagens teknik och vilka eventuella lösningar som man kan förbättra med tiden. Med hjälp av Trafikverket har vi genomfört detta examensarbete. Vi hade fått tydliga direktiv från Trafikverket gällande examensarbetets syfte. Det gjorde det enkelt för oss att avgränsa arbetet efter de riktlinjer som var angivna och möjliga att genomföra. Studiens syfte var att förstå varför det inte går ge ut relevant trafikinformation. I dagsläget har man tekniken för ett väl fungerande system. Ett system där man enkelt kan få realtidsinformation i samband med trafiken, vägarbeten och eventuella hinder. I rapporten har vi även sammanfattat alla navigationssystem som man kan ha användning av som trafikant. Vi har gjort en omvärldsanalys på hur man i andra länder ger ut trafikinformation och hur de står sig jämtemot Sveriges trafikinformationssystem. För vårt examensarbete har vi använt oss av diverse olika rapporter och intervjuer. Detta tillsammans med personer som har kunskap inom området. Vi har även använt oss av åtskilliga hemsidor för att inhämta information. Rekommendationer för examensarbetet kommer att beskrivas genom fem teman. I rapporten har vi utfört en mängd olika intervjuer som vi sammanställt till teman. Teman var utformade efter det vi kände var mest relevant från intervjuerna. Våra teman speglar bilden av vad vi har lagt vikt med detta examensarbete. / In this report, we have explained the problems that may occur with today's technology and what possible solutions to improve with time. With the help of the Swedish Transport Administration, we have implemented this thesis. We got the clear directions from the Swedish Transport Administration regarding purpose of this thesis. This made it easy for us to delineate our work after the guideline that was definer. The study's purpose was to try to understand why you can´t give out the relevant traffic information. Today we have the technology create a well smooth operation system. A system where you can easily get real-time information related to traffic, road works and obstructions. In this report we have summarized all the navigation system that you could use as a road user. We have done an analysis of how other countries give out their traffic information and how good they are against the Swedish traffic information system. For our thesis we have used various of different reports and interviews. The interviews have been with people who have knowledge in the field. We have also used numerous websites to gather information. Recommendations for the thesis will be described through five themes. In this report, we have conducted a variety of interviews that we have compiled for themes. Themes were designed for what we felt was most relevant from the interviews. Our themes are a mirror image of what we thought was the most relevant part in our thesis.

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