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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flykt från en verklighet till en annan : En jämförelse av rutiner mellan fyra boenden för ensamkommande flyktingbarn / Flight from one reality to another : A comparison of routines between four youth hostels for unaccompanied asylumseeking children

Ragnarsson, Sofie, Brask, Sandra January 2009 (has links)
Titel:               FLYKT FRÅN EN VERKLIGHET TILL EN ANNAN. EN JÄMFÖRELSE AV RUTINER MELLAN FYRA BOENDEN FÖR ENSAMKOMMANDE FLYKTINGBARN    Författare:      Brask, Sandra Ragnarsson, Sofie Handledare:    Drugge, Gunnel   Örebro universitet Akademin för juridik, psykologi och socialt arbete Socionomprogrammet Socialt arbete 21-40 poäng C-uppsats, 15 poäng Ht 2009         Sammanfattning Under 2008 kom 1510 flyktingbarn och ungdomar till Sverige utan vårdnadshavare. Många kom från Irak och Afghanistan. Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga och jämföra rutiner i verksamheten vid fyra ungdomsboenden för ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Frågeställning-arna handlar om vilka rutiner som finns kring introduktion, vardag, hälsa, fritidsaktiviteter, skola, socialt nätverk och identitetsutveckling. Utgångspunkt för analysen är Förenta Nation-ernas Konvention om Barnets Rättigheter, Randall Collins teori om interaktionsritualer samt tidigare forskning inom ämnet. Litteraturinhämtningen har skett främst utifrån artikeldata-baser. Resultaten har framtagits genom kvalitativ metod och semistruktureade intervjuer. Intervjumaterialet har behandlats utifrån ett fenomenologiskt betraktelsesätt. Följande har framkommit: I boendenas introduktion är vuxenstöd och tydlig information viktiga bestånds-delar. Vardagsrutinerna består av regler kring bl.a. basala mänskliga behov, hushållsgöromål och kommunikation. Gällande hälsa finns rutiner för hanteringen av fysiska besvär. Det psy-kiska måendet nämns dock huvudsakligen. Det finns rutiner kring individuella och gemen-samma fritidsaktiviteter. Beträffande skolan beskrivs rutiner kring skolstart, läxläsning och skolvägran. Kring ungdomarnas sociala nätverk finns rutiner för kontakt med släkt, vänner och gode män samt utökning av kontaktnätet. För vägledning inför bildandet av en vuxen identitet finns rutiner bl.a. för att motverka droganvändning och våld.     Nyckelord: ensamkommande flyktingbarn, ungdomsboenden, rutiner / Title:               FLIGHT FROM ONE REALITY TO ANOTHER. A COMPARISON OF ROUTINES BETWEEN  FOUR YOUTH HOSTELS FOR UNACCOMPANIED ASYLUMSEEKING CHILDREN.     Authors:         Brask, Sandra                       Ragnarsson, Sofie Supervisor:     Drugge, Gunnel   Örebro university School of law, psychology and social work Social Work Program Social work 21-40 points C-essay, 15 points Autumn term 2009       Abstract In 2008 1510 refugee children and adolescents arrived in Sweden without their guardians. Many of them came from Iraq and Afghanistan. The purpose of this essay is to make a survey and compare the routines of four youth hostels for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. The main issues concern routines in the fields of introduction, everyday life, health, leisure activities, school, social network and development of their identity. The basis of the analysis is The Convention on the rights of the child of The United Nations, Randall Collins theory of interaction rituals and research on the subject. The literature has in most part been collected from databases. The qualitative method and semi-structured interviews are used in the collection of the data. The interview material has been analysed using a phenomenological approach. The main findings are: In the introduction adult support and basic information are important components. The daily routines consist of guidelines about, e.g. basic human needs, household chores and communication. Concerning health there are routines in the field of physical ailments. The mental wellbeing is though more often mentioned. There are routines about individual and group activities. Regarding school routines about starting school, home-work and school refusal are described. In the matter of their social network there are routines for the contact with relatives, friends and legal guardians and extension of the network. To guide them on their way to an adult identity there are routines for e.g. the prevention of drugs and violence.   Keywords: unaccompanied refugee children, adolescents, youth hostels, routines.

Spegel, spegel på väggen där, säg vilken norm jag ska följa här? : -En kvalitativ studie om jämställdhetsarbete och genus på HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn / Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me which norm is the best of them all? : -Equality work and gender at HVB-accommodations for unaccompanied refugee children

Holmström, Linda, Paymer, Minnelie January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att utifrån ett genusperspektiv undersöka hur två HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn arbetar med jämställdhetsfrågor. Detta undersöktes genom fyra halvstrukturerade intervjuer med personal på HVB-hem för ensamkommande flickor och pojkar mellan 14-17 år. En kvinna och en man på respektive boende intervjuades. Intervjuerna spelades in och det transkriberade materialet analyserades utifrån socialkonstruktivistisk teori samt utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Resultatet av undersökningen visar hur stereotypa föreställningar kring kön konstruerades i det sociala arbetet med ensamkommande barn. Studien visar på ett behov av ökad utbildning kring genus hos personalen. Den visar även på att boendena behöver anpassas för att uppfylla de specifika behov som gruppen ensamkommande flyktingbarn har, inte minst vad gäller jämställdhet och genus. / The aim of the study was to investigate from a gender perspective how two HVB-accommodations for unaccompanied refugee children were working with equality. The research was made by four semi structured interviews with employees at HVB-accommodations for unaccompanied girls and boys between the ages of 14 to 17. From each home there were one female and one male selected for the interviews. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The material was analyzed using social constructivist theory and gender perspectives. The result indicates how stereotypical ideas’ regarding gender was constructed in the social work with the unaccompanied children. Hence, the study demonstrates a need of increased education for the employees together with a need for the accommodations to adjust in order to fulfill the specific needs which unaccompanied children have not least as regarding equality and gender.

Att skapa en meningsfull framtid : En kvalitativ studie om hur det är att arbeta med ensamkommande flyktingbarn inom Socialtjänsten / Creating a meaningful future : A qualitative study on working with unaccompanied refugee children within the Social welfare department

Gafvelin, Sarudzayi, Sandra, Gunnarsson January 2015 (has links)
Sedan 2006 har barn och ungdomar som flyttat till Sverige utan sina föräldrar eller annan vårdnadshavare ökat kraftigt. Till skillnad från vuxna är ensamkommande flyktingbarns livssituation mer komplex eftersom det saknas en ansvarig vuxen som kan tillgodose deras behov. Enligt svensk lag har dessa barn och ungdomar samma rättigheter som alla andra svenska barn vilket är anledningen till att det finns väl samordnat stöd från olika myndigheter. Socialtjänsten är en av dessa myndigheter som har en central roll i mottagandet av ensamkommande barn. Hela socialtjänsten står inför nya utmaningar som är en påföljd av förändringar i klienters demografi. Mycket internationell forskning har gjorts utifrån barnen men väldigt lite om socialsekreterarna. Denna uppsats bygger därför på en kvalitativ studie, gjord på intervjuer av tre socialsekreterare som ansvar för mottagandet av ensamkommande barn. Syftet med studien är att undersöka deras arbetsförhållande samt identifiera de utmaningar som förekommer. Studien visar att socialsekreterare upplever arbetet med ensamkommande barn som väldigt intressant och givande samtidigt som de möter olika utmaningar i arbetet, exempelvis kommunikationssvårigheter, kulturella skillnader samt arbetsmetoder som inte är riktigt anpassade till klientens behov. Vi kom fram till att användning av tolk inte alltid är tillförlitligt och att utredning enligt BBiC inte är optimalt. Trots svårigheterna tycker de intervjuade att de lyckas tillgodose barnens behov tack vare stöd från sina medarbetare och deras engagemang.

Behavioural problems in vietnamese refugee children and chinese immigrant children: migration and familyfactors

Tsang, Sui-ling, Shirley January 1983 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / Clinical Psychology / Master / Master of Social Sciences

Hur bemöter man idag tibetanska flyktingbarn i Dharamsala? / How do people today receive Tibetan refugee children in Dharamsala?

Bergström, Kavita January 2008 (has links)
Detta arbete bygger på en studieresa, under en månads tid, till Indien, Dharamsala. Dharamsa-la är känd för att inhysa den tibetanska statens exilregering och inte minst den tibetanska bud-dismens andlige ledare Dalai Lama. Därav är Dharamsala en viktig tillflyktsort för de tibe-tanska flyktingar som undkommit den Kinesiska regeringens förtryck i Tibet. Syftet med denna studie blir därför, att få mer insikt och kunskap om hur man idag i Dha-ramsala bemöter tibetanska flyktingbarn från Tibet. Jag fick äran, att möta 8 av de människor som dagligen möter och arbetar med tibetanska flyktingbarn på ett eller annat sätt. I undersökningen har jag dels använt mig av kvalitativa intervjuer och dels av observatio-ner. Genom dessa metoder framgår det, att tibetanska flyktingbarn blir bemötta på ett kärleks-fullt och respektfullt sätt. Detta för, att de skall få ett värdigt liv i frihet samt en gedigen ut-bildning. Tibetanernas omtanke och kärlek till sin nästa generation motiverar barnen, i Dharamsala, att vilja studera, för att senare i livet ska kunna hjälpa andra tibetaner i nöd, vilka fortfarande är under den Kinesiska regeringens våld i Tibet. / This paper is a result of a one month field study Dharamsala in India. Dharamsala is well-known for harbouring the exile Tibetan government and also their religious leader in Tibetan Buddhism, Dalai Lama. Because of this Dharamsala is an important sanctuary fore Tibetan refugees who are escaping from the Chinese government’s oppression in Tibet. The purpose of this study is therefore to get a better insight and knowledge how people today in Dharamsala receive Tibetan refugee children from Tibet. I got the privilege to meet 8 of the people who, in one way or another, daily meet and work with Tibetan refugee children. In this study I have used the methods qualitative interview and observation. Through these methods it’s clear that, Tibetan refugee children are received with love and respect in Dhar-amsala. In this way the Tibetan refugee children got a worthy life in freedom and a proper education. The love and compassion from the Tibetan people in Dharamsala, to their next generation, motivate these children to study hard so that they later in life can help other Tibetans who still live under the Chinese government’s oppression in Tibet.

A study of child growth amongst urban refugees under 2 years old in Cairo /

Zijlstra, Claudette. January 2006 (has links)
Little is known about the nutritional status of urban refugees. This study assesses the prevalence of malnutrition in a sample of refugee children in Cairo and analyses associations between growth indicators and their determinants. This cross-sectional study surveyed a sample of African refugee children (n=201) under two years of age. In home interviews, height and weight were measured and maternal and household characteristics, handwashing and breastfeeding practices and recent child illness were assessed. In this sample, 13% of refugee children were stunted, 4% were underweight and 8% were wasted. Multivariate analysis revealed that growth was independently and positively associated with having a flush toilet, good handwashing practices, and not recently having fever. Older children were significantly smaller than reference children of the same age, but child age was not associated with malnutrition. Further monitoring and assessment of long-term growth and development of refugee children in Cairo is required. Good child care practices should be promoted in the community.

Understanding the experiences of Ismaili Afghan refugee children through photo conversations

Kanji, Zeenatkhanu Unknown Date
No description available.

The Variable Child: The Vulnerabilities of Children and Youth in the Canadian Refugee Determination System

Ballucci, Dale Unknown Date
No description available.

Förberedelseklassen & förflyttningen till den ordinarie klassen : En kvalitativ studie av fyra flyktingbarns skolupplevelse

Kasten, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to get insight into refugee children’s perception about experience of the preparatory class, the transition to the ordinary class and the ordinary class. To get access to my informant’s perspective and also to get a more profound understanding of their experience, I oriented the study in a qualitative approach. This study will highlight the refugee children’s personal experiences and their point of view regarding the schools preparatory class, ordinary class, together with other pupils behaviour against them in the social interaction. The study is based on the qualitative interviews of four refugee children attending the class 7 and 9, two girls and two boys. The result of the study has been analyzed with a sociocultural- narrative- and a hermeneutic perspective in order to answer the study’s questions. The study shows that the refugee children experienced the time in the preparatory class as positive. They partially developed their Swedish language and felt a strong belonging and solidarity towards their class mates. The transition from the preparatory class to the ordinary class is described as partially problematic, as they felt that they were partly socially excluded. The refugee children’s descriptions of the school situation can be interpreted as pedagogical and socially exclusion. A conclusion from this shows that preparatory classes activity must be more reflect upon how the newly arrived experience their situation in school. A development is needed and the school staff need to reflect upon their tutoring and what approach that needs to be used on the newly arrived.

Perceptions and experiences of integration for refugee learners.

Gramanie, Pushpagandhi. January 2006 (has links)
Public opinion, media and literature describe refugees as generally suffering, traumatised, dependent, helpless victims without power, in need of constant guidance and support in order to find solutions to their predicament. Humanitarian assistance may be accused of perpetuating this dependency and disempowerment. To me this may be true of refugees in encampment. The perception portrayed in the various media is unfitting and a sharp contrast to the perceptions and experiences of refugees learners encountered in this study. I questioned for myself the potential image of refugee learners being powerless and helpless and felt that if all refugees shared that view outlined above, it would worsen their situation instead of empowering their aspirations, history and capacities. So I chose to ask the refugee learners. This led to the purpose and core area of consideration of this study entitled "Perceptions and experiences of integration for refugee learners." In this study I focused on refugee learners from African countries Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Kenya. It offers them a voice and makes them actors in their own stories. My study is intended to inform the reader of the personal experiences of refugees within a South African context shedding light on the specifics of access to and support from social services and other institutional and informal actors. It was necessary to employ multiple research instruments to analyse the experiences of refugees who attend the site where I am currently based as an educator. Preliminary questionnaires completed by refugee learners revealed themes integral to their experience and perception of integration: living arrangements, social resources, and education. These themes were further explored one-on-one interviews, focus group discussion and a snap survey. It is my view that institutional resources already in place by stakeholders are not fully utilised as refugee learners are often an after-thought in the service provision for citizen children. Refugee learners encounter difficulties in accessing education facilities and living arrangements do not consistently meet protection requirements. As a result, refugee learners frequently experience isolation and confusion regarding their present and future stakes in South Africa. Based on these findings, this study will make recommendations for policy design and development of programme for refugee integration within the broader South African society. / Thesis (M.Ed.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2006.

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