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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalitet i arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Sörlin, Ewa January 2017 (has links)
Verksamheter som arbetar med ensamkommande flyktingbarn, både kommunala och privata, är av lagar och förordningar kravställda på att uppnå god kvalitet. Att uppfylla dessa krav är både avgörande och extremt viktiga för leverans av god kvalitet och tillfredsställelse av kundernas behov. Tidigare forskning på området kvalitet och kvalitetsdimensioner omfattar både offentlig och privat sektor, men tyvärr finns det ingen forskning kopplat till kvalitet i arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Därifrån utformades studiens syfte som har för avsikt att framta en sammanhållen bild av kvalitet och de viktigaste kvalitetsdimensioner som påverkar den totala kvalitén i arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Studiens genomförande baserades på en fallstudie med två analysenheter som arbetar med ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Studerade verksamheter bedrivs i form av HVB-hem för ensamkommande barn eller stödboende. I studien genomfördes även två semistrukturerade intervjuer med områdeschefer för att belysa ledningsperspektivet. Som kompletterande komponent genomfördes litteraturstudier och källanalyser av de normativa källorna. Resultat av studien tenderar att visa en bredd samt en heterogen tolkning, förklaring och definiering av begreppet kvalitet. En tydlig koppling finns till det humanistiska perspektivet inom psykologi genom Abraham Maslow`s behovsteori, samt Aron Antonovsky`s teori om känsla av samanhang, KASAM. Studiens resultat uppvisar också lagstiftningens påverkan på den förväntade och uppnådda kvalitén i arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Resultat ger en tydlig bild på inverkan av mänsklig prestationsförmåga för kundernas uppfattning av servicekvalitén. Empati, lyhördhet och trygghet utmärks som några av de mest betydelsefulla kvalitetsdimensionerna för kundtillfredställelse. / Organizations that work with unaccompanied young refugees, both municipal and private, are required by the law and regulations to achieve good quality. To fulfill these requirements are both crucial and extremely important for the delivery of good quality and satisfaction of customer needs. Previous research in the field of quality and quality dimensions includes both the private and public sectors, but unfortunately there is no research related to quality in work with unaccompanied refugee minors. Therefore, the purpose of the study was designed as intended to develop a coherent image of quality and the main quality dimensions that affect the total quality of work with unaccompanied refugee minors. The studies implementation was based on a single case study with two analysis units working with unaccompanied refugee minors. Studied organizations are performed in the form of HVB-homes for unaccompanied young refugees or supported accommodation. The study also conducted two semi-structured interviews with area managers to highlight the management perspective. As a complementary component, literature studies and source analysis of the normative sources were conducted. The result of the study tends to show a broad and heterogeneous interpretation, explanation and definition of the concept of quality, with a clear link to the humanistic perspective in psychology through Abraham Maslow's theory of needs and Aron Antonovsky`s theory of the sense of coherence, KASAM. The results of the study also show the impact of legislation on the expected and achieved quality of work with unaccompanied refugee minors. The results provide a clear picture of the impact of human performance for customer’s perception of service quality. Empathy, responsiveness and security are distinguished as some of the most significant quality dimensions for customer satisfaction. / <p>2017-06-28</p>

Konflikthantering inom HVB-hem : -ett handledarperspektiv

Maria, Pohjanen January 2017 (has links)
De senaste 25 åren har antalet migranter fördubblats vilket medför bildandet av mångkulturella samhällen, där den tvärkulturella kommunikationen blir en viktig aspekt i förebyggandet av konflikter. Detta examensarbete kartlägger hur HVB-hem hanterar konflikter när den tvärkulturella kommunikationen brister mellan handledare och ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Vidare syfte är att undersöka vilka konfliktfaktorer som finns och hur konflikter hanteras inom HVB-hem. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och bygger på tio stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer som analyserats genom en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att det inte finns några etablerade konflikthanteringsstrategier som handledarna använder sig av i konfliktsituationer. De strategier som tillämpas var alternativa metoder som växt fram under arbetsgången i interaktionen med ungdomarna. Konflikter uppkommer oftast i vardagssysslor på grund av språkliga och kulturella missförstånd där intrapersonella och interpersonella konflikter är vanliga. För att motverka den rådande verksamhetsdissonansen, bör HVBhemmet implementera interna utbildningar inom ämnesområdet samt erbjudas stöd från andra instanser. Med tydliga ramverk och transparent samverkan kan man skapa en tryggare och effektivare hantering av flyktingbarnens integration. / The last 25 years, the number of migrants has doubled, which leads to creation of multicultural societies where cross-cultural communication will become an important aspect in prevention of conflicts. This study investigates how HVB-homes handle conflicts when cross-cultural communication fails between supervisors and unaccompanied refugee children. Further aims are to investigate which conflict management and conflict factors exist within HVB-homes. The study is based on a qualitative research method with ten semi-structured interviews analyzed through thematic analysis. The results show that HVB-homes don’t have any established conflict management strategies used by supervisors in conflict situations. The strategies were alternative methods developed over time in interaction with the unaccompanied refugee children. Conflicts usually occur in everyday chores because of linguistic and cultural misunderstandings where intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts are common. As a remedy for the present organizational dissonance the HVB-homes are recommended to implement internal courses in conflict management and provide support from other agencies. Clear frameworks and transparent collaboration would create security and increased efficiency in the management of integration of the unaccompanied refugee children.

Skolsköterskans arbete med flyktingbarn : En intervjustudie med skolsköterskor / The school nurse's work with refugee children : An interview study with school nurses

Sundin, Helene January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Sverige har aldrig tidigare tagit emot så många flyktingar under så kort period som man gjorde under 2015. Många av dessa flyktingar kommer från länder med krig och förföljelse. Skolsköterskan möter flyktingbarnen och deras hälsorelaterade problem i skolan. Studien handlar om skolsköterskans upplevelser och erfarenheter av arbetet med och kring flyktingbarnen. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa skolsköterskans erfarenheter av arbetet med flyktingbarn inom skolhälsovården. Metod: Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ induktiv ansats med semistrukturerade intervjufrågor. Sex skolsköterskor intervjuades från Kalmar och Nybro kommun i södra Sverige. Data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Skolsköterskorna hade erfarenheter av att arbetet med flyktingbarnen påverkade och förändrade deras arbetssituation. Det som utmärkte sig i skolsköterskornas erfarenheter av arbetet med flyktingbarnen var dels ett ökat arbete med journalgranskning inför vaccinationer. Det framkom också att skolsköterskorna hade erfarenheter av ökade behov av hälsovårdande insatser inom följande områden hos flyktingbarnen: svårtolkade uttrycksformer från flyktingbarnen för olika hälsotillstånd, kulturella skillnader i attityder om hälsa och egenvårdsråd, brister i tolksituationen, samt att de önskade mer utbildning kring arbetet med flyktingbarn, framförallt inom psykisk ohälsa.   Slutsats: Skolsköterskans arbete med flyktingbarnen utmärkte sig genom en ökad arbetsbelastning. Det ställdes nya krav på skolsköterskornas kompetens och arbete då andra uttrycksformer och attityder till hälsa och ohälsa gestaltades från flyktingbarnen än de som skolsköterskan tidigare var vana vid. Även brister i tolksituationen framkom. Detta var faktorer som påverkade arbetssituationen för skolsköterskorna och det framkom flera idéer om förbättring inom området. / Abstract Background: Sweden has ever received as many refugees as during the year of 2015. Many refugees migrate from countries with war and persecution. The nurses meet the refugee children on a regular basis and are confronted with their health-related problems in school. This study investigates the experience of the nurses related to their work with these children. Aim: The aim is to highlight the experience from the school nurses perspective of working with refugee children within school health care. Method: The study was conducted by using a qualitative inductive approach with semi- structured interview questions. Six school nurses were interviewed from Kalmar and Nybro, cities in the south of Sweden. Data was analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Results: The school nurses generally felt that the work with the refugee children affected their work situation. It was also found that the school nurses experienced these children were in need of an increased amount of health care attention. The results of this study showed that the nurses needed to spend more time on reading the medical records before vaccination appointments with refugee children, as well as it was time consuming to read up on the need of supplementary vaccinations. Moreover, they found that the refugee children had different ways of communicating health care related problems and had different perspective on self-care advices. Honor-related complications as well as lingual misunderstandings were some of the new challenges for the nurses. Finally, the nurses signaled that they wanted to learn more about the work with refugee children, especially within the field of mental illness. Conclusion: The school nurse's work with the refugee children was characterized by a workload. The nurses experienced that the refugee children were communicating health care related problems differently from what the nurses were used to. There were also shortcomings in the interpretation situation. This was all factors which changed their work tasks and work situation.  The study revealed several areas of improvement regarding the school nurse's work with refugee children. These were factors that affected the workforce of the school nurses

Assessing the effects of the child support grant programme on refugee children's poverty status in Cape Town, South Africa

Byukusenge, Marie Chantal January 2016 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Cash transfers continue to be one of the tools used by many developing countries in order to alleviate poverty. South Africa was not left behind in applying this system. In 1998, the Government of South Africa introduced cash transfer programs in order to replace the old Social Maintenance Grant (SMG) that was available to single mothers when their husbands: die, get imprisoned, disabled or are untraceable. Also, this grant was supporting poor children during the apartheid era. In terms of children, the SMG did not achieve enough coverage, for instance, by 1990, it had assisted only 0.2% of African children and 1.5% of White children as well as 4.0% of Indian children and 4.8% of Coloured children (SASSA, 2012). However, the new democratic government managed to introduce a new program, which has now shown a very large achievement and has become one of the best social protection systems in Africa (UNICEF, 2012). Also, the new democratic government managed to expand the coverage to the children from age 0-16 to children of age18 years, including refugee children. With regards to refugees, after the fall of apartheid, the democratic Government of South Africa opened its doors to migrants and refugees. These refugees include children who are the most vulnerable persons. As such, in the first part of 2012, the Government of South Africa decided to provide and promote the well-being of refugee children, particularly those who are exposed to vulnerable conditions and living in poverty (CoRMSA, 2007). Despite the provision of the Child Support Grant for refugees, the beneficiaries of the grant are still facing many challenges especially those who have a low income. The study explores the perceptions of the caregivers of refugee children in Cape Town on the utility of the grant. The study adopts a qualitative research approach which is exploratory and descriptive in nature. In this regard, this study draws on in-depth interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions with women caregivers of the refugee children. In-depth interviews were conducted with 28 women participants who come from different countries but live in Cape Town, who were selected by using the snowballing sampling technique. The findings reveal that the grant was used for educational expenses and for food or clothing. The study also finds that the grant provides households with income security, improves school attendance and contributes towards improved access to health care and transport. However, the study also showed that there were challenges associated with the provision of the grant. Firstly, some of the caregivers reported irregularities of the system and waiting in long queues. Secondly, the caregivers reported inadequacy of the grant. Lastly, the receivers of Child Support Grant for refugees noted that documentation required by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is also another major challenge they are facing. Unemployment and accommodation are also mentioned as the challenges the caregivers of refugees’ children face. The majority of them stated that finding a job in South Africa is not easy. Furthermore, the caregivers reported the issue of finding a good place to rent. In terms of accommodation, the majority of the caregivers stated that landlords require many papers which they do not have and they cannot afford the rent required by them. The recommendations made are that participants felt that, they wish the Government of South Africa can allow them to work, as the majority of them have qualifications. However, others felt that it will be a good idea if the Government of South Africa increases the size of the grant. The SASSA staff advised that the caregivers of refugee children must submit the entire set of documentation required in order to receive or to apply for the Child Support Grant on time. The study concludes that the Child Support Grant for refugees provides children with a safety net and enables them to access basic services. However, this program needs to be monitored and evaluated in order for the service to be better rendered. The findings of this study have the potential to influence social welfare policy-makers to address the challenges associated with the provision of the grant. The findings of this study would also allow the policy makers to establish ways of ensuring the sustainable provision of the grant. The outcomes of this study will also have the potential to allow the policy makers to create ways of ensuring the sustainable provision of the Child Support Grant for refugees.

Inkluzivní praxe ve vzdělávání dětí-uprchlíků / Inclusive Practice in Education of Refugee Children

Bačáková, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
TITLE: Inclusive Practice in Education of Refugee Children AUTHOR: Markéta Bačáková DEPARTMENT: Department of Special Education Research in refugee education is currently almost non-existent in the Czech Republic, even though internationally, it represents a topic much researched and debated. Its importance lies within the high vulnerability of persons fleeing their homes due to persecution as well as within the area of human rights enshrined in many international conventions together with the current educational trends, such as the inclusive education. Moreover, international research shows that refugee children provide us with an utmost unique view on the education system. Listening to their voices, therefore, has the potential to help us find new answers for the ever-increasing diversity in school population. The presented doctoral project aims to support the discussion in the area of educational experiences of refugee children in the Czech Republic and simultaneously, to reflect the practice of countries with long experience with international migration. The thesis builds on a case study of a group of resettled Burmese refugees in the Czech Republic and poses the question whether these children and their families have the possibility to fully enjoy the right to education embedded in many...

When the children cry : Social workers experiences when exposed to traumatic narratives shared by unaccompanied refugee children

Flodström, Annie January 2020 (has links)
My aim was to explore the experiences of social workers working with unaccompanied refugee children when hearing traumatic narratives shared by the children. This is a qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews with three social workers with experience of working with these children in the social services in Sweden. The transcribed interviews have been interpreted with themes and the theoretical framework used is countertransference and vicarious trauma theory. The result shows that all the informants have been influenced by the traumatic narratives they have heard and their interaction with the client was affected by their personal experiences. The result also shows that a trustful relationship between the client and the social worker is fundamental for good communication, but also that more education and knowledge combined with support from the workplace and opportunities to exchange knowledge contribute to developing good and respectful interactions with clients.

Stödboende - Ny boendeform för ensamkommande ungdomar : En väg till integration? / Support housing - New form of housing for unaccompanied youth : A way to integrate?

Wilén, Marie-Louise January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka och förstå de faktorer som kan har betydelse för hur ensamkommandeunga vuxna som bor på stödboende integreras in i det svenska samhället och i vilken utsträckning boendefor-men har relevans i den processen. Ensamkommande barn/ungdomar som jag i uppsatsen hädanefter förkortarEKB och EKU, vilket är en allmän vedertagen benämning inom socialtjänsten. När ensamkommande barnfyller 16 år så anses de vara unga vuxna och därmed redo för att bo på stödboende.För att kunna svara på syftet har jag valt att använda mig av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer där sexensamkommande unga vuxna, som idag bor på stödboende, har fått dela med sig av sina personliga upplevel-ser av den processen. Det resultat som har framkommit under intervjuerna har sedan analyserats utifrån treolika teorier, social identitet, KASAM och empowerment men också tidigare forskning. Resultatet redovisasoch tolkas utifrån teorierna och till viss del tidigare forskning. / The purpose of the study is to investigate and understand the factors that may have implications for how un-accompanied young adults living in a support housing are integrated into Swedish society and the extent towhich the housing form is relevant to that process. Unaccompanied refugee children as I in this essay hereaf-ter abbreviate EKU, which is a generally accepted name in the social service. When EKU turn to 16 years,they are considered young adults and thus ready to live in supported housing.In order to be able to respond to the purpose, I have chosen to use qualitative semistructured interviews withsix unaccompanied young adults living in a support housing today, they have shared their personal experi-ences of that process. The result that has emerged from interviews has been analyzed from three differenttheories, social identity, KASAM and empowerment but also previous research. The result is presented andinterpreted based on the theories and to some extent previous research.

Arbete och emotioner - en studie av HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Najafi, Madeleine, Sonesson, Josefin January 2017 (has links)
I media skrivs det om osäkerhet, hot och våld bland både boende och personal påsvenska HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Att arbeta med personer som harerfarit traumatiska händelser har visat sig ha en stor känslomässig påverkan på enindivid. Vi upplever att detta borde ha ökat forskningsintresset för HVB-personalensmående och inte enbart de boendes. Syftet med studien är därför att analysera denemotionella utmaning som möter personal i arbetet på HVB-hem. I studien behandlar vifrågor om hur de anställda arbetar och påverkas i arbetet med ensamkommandeflyktingbarn, samt på vilket sätt de hanterar känslor som uppstår i arbetet. Studien harutgått från en kvalitativ metodansats med sex ostrukturerade intervjuer med personersom arbetar eller har arbetat på HVB-hem i Skåne. Teorin i studien är baserad påGoffmans dramaturgiska teori, Hochschilds emotionssociologi och empowermentbegreppet.Studiens resultat visar att personalen utsätts för en omfattande känslomässigpåverkan i arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Personalen på HVB-hemmenpåverkas i såväl positiv som negativ bemärkelse, till följd av ett emotionelltengagemang som uppstår i arbete med de boende. Personalen beskriver ävensvårigheterna med att lyckas släppa arbetet när de kommer hem och hur de hade önskatmer emotionellt stöd. För att kunna hantera emotionerna i och utanför arbetet ärmodifiering av känslor inte ovanligt. / The media writes about insecurity, threats and violence amongst residents andemployees within residential care homes (HVB) for unaccompanied refugee children inSweden. Working with people who have endured traumatic experiences has shown tohave a profound emotional impact on an individual. This, in our opinion, should haveraised the interest in researching the well-being of the employees. The aim of this studyis therefore to analyse the emotional challenge facing the care home employees in theirwork. We examine how care home employees work, are affected by work, and in whatway the employees manage their emotions arising from work. A qualitative method waschosen, containing six unstructured interviews with people who work or have worked atcare homes for unaccompanied refugee children in Skåne. The theoretical concepts usedin this study are based on Goffman’s dramaturgy, Hochschild’s emotion sociology andthe empowerment concept. The study shows that due to an emotional commitment, thecare home employees are highly emotionally affected by working with unaccompaniedrefugee children, in a both positive and a negative sense. The study also shows that theemployees have difficulties leaving their professional life at work, and that they wishfor more emotional support. Modification of emotions is not an unusual method inmanaging emotions inside and outside of the workplace.

Protective factors for resilience in children living in refugee camps : A systematic literature review from 2010-2021

Kaar, Carmen January 2021 (has links)
Refugee children and adolescents living in refugee camps are a vulnerable population, at high risk for developing mental health disorders, behavioural problems and experiencing violence or trauma. However, not all children exposed to these stressors of displacement show negative outcomes; several refugee children and adolescents show adaptive functioning and resilient outcomes. Given the rising number of refugee minors, it is increasingly important to examine and understand protective factors for resilience among minors living in refugee camps. This knowledge could be used to develop resilience-building programs. This systematic literature review sought to identify protective factors for resilience, and available programs in the refugee camps targeting the development of resilience. Six databases were used for the searching process; ten studies were identified meeting predefined selection criteria and quality standards. Based on bio-ecological theory and the model of “7 Crucial Cs of resilience”, numerous protective factors were identified on multiple levels, including personal resources, social support, education, and connection to culture and community. Findings of this review highlight the need for a multidimensional view of resilience; the use of the “7 Crucial Cs of resilience” showed that focusing only on individual sources of resilience is not sufficient as these individual resources emerge from higher levels and systems. Two intervention programs were identified showing a resilience-building approach. Based on these results, recommendations for interventions and programs in this context are discussed. Limitations and the need for future research on sources of resilience and resilience-building interventions are outlined. / Kinder und Jugendliche, die aus ihrer Heimat geflüchtet sind, und temporär in Flüchtlingscamps leben, sind besonders gefährdet, psychosoziale Dysfunktionen zu entwickeln sowie Gewalt oder andere traumatisierende Erlebnisse zu erfahren. Dennoch zeigt sich, dass nicht alle Kinder, die diesen Stressoren ausgesetzt sind, negative Auswirkungen auf ihre Entwicklung aufweisen; einige Kinder bleiben resilient und reagieren mit erfolgreichem Anpassungsverhalten. Die hohen Flüchtlingszahlen und die steigenden Zahlen minderjähriger Flüchtlinge verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit, Faktoren zu evaluieren und identifizieren, die zur Resilienz von Kindern, die in Flüchtlingslagern leben, beitragen. Es ist essenziell für Interventionsprogramme und Professionalisten, diese Schutzfaktoren zu erkennen, um Interventionen in Flüchtlingscamps durchzuführen, die auf eine Stärkung und Verbesserung der Resilienz von Kindern und Jugendlichen abzielen. Die vorliegende systemische Literaturarbeit evaluierte Schutzfaktoren, die positiv zur Resilienz von minderjährigen Flüchtlingen beitragen, sowie verfügbare Interventionsprogramme in Flüchtlingscamp, die präventiv auf Prozesse der Resilienzentwicklung einwirken. Sechs Datenbanken wurden ausführlich nach verfügbarer Literatur durchsucht; zehn Studien wurden schlussendlich ausgewählt, welche vordefinierten Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien entsprachen. Basierend auf ökosystemischer Theorie und dem „Modell der 7 essentiellen C für Resilienz“ wurden mehrere Schutzfaktoren in verschiedenen Systemen identifiziert. Persönliche Ressourcen des Kindes, soziale Unterstützung, Bildung, sowie kulturelle Faktoren und enge Verbindungen mit ethnischen Gemeinschaften zeigten sich als Schlüsselfaktoren für erfolgreiche Anpassung in diesem Kontext. Die Ergebnisse dieser Literaturarbeit betonen die Notwendigkeit einer multidimensionalen Sichtweise des Konzeptes Resilienz. Zwei Interventionsprogramme wurden gefunden, deren Ziel die Stärkung von Schutzfaktoren und Resilienz ist. Folglich werden Empfehlungen für Interventionen in Flüchtlingscamps diskutiert. Limitationen dieser systematischen Literaturarbeit und Implikationen für zukünftige Forschung werden debattiert.

"Nu är det riktigt, riktigt, riktigt, riktigt besvärligt" : En kvalitativ analys av TT:s rapportering om barn och unga som flyr ensamma till Sverige. / "It´s now very, very, very, very difficult". : A qualitative analysis off TT:s reporting on separated children and youth.

Andersson, Ami January 2010 (has links)
<p>Today many separated children and youth up to 18 years - children in the sense of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - flee from war and armed conflicts around the world. Many of them come to Sweden for protection and to apply for asylum.</p><p>The aim of this study is to examine how the national Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå - TT - constructs the image of separated children and youth. The main research questions have been: How does TT construct the image of the separated refugee children? The more detailed questions put to examine this main question have been: what are the issues being focused in the reporting and what discourses, voices and sources are let into the journalistic material?</p><p>The theoretical perspective should be considered as social constructionistic where the basic idea is that the image of the separated child also constructs the way society looks upon them, their rights and their needs, affecting how these children will be welcomed and treated when thay arrive in our society. The empirical study is a qualitative analysis of text, produced in the span 2007- April 20th 2010. In a first mapping, 35 news articles have been selected to be examined. The scientific method applied has mainly been Norman Faircloughs critical discourse analysis.</p><p>The study shows that the reporting of TT depicts the separated children as a problem. This problem consists of three themes: as at threat of Swedish economy, a threat to our national security and as a victim that has to be cared for. These threats are often described in a contextual way by choice of angle, linguistic performance and selection of sources. The study also sheds light on the fact, that there are four general discourses discussing the children as a problem: the administrative discourse, the police discourse, the politcal discourse and the humanitarian discourse. The separated children themselves never get an opportunity to describe their own situation. instad TT allows the Swedish Migration Board to picture them.</p> / <p>Många barn – upp till 18 år enligt FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter – som flyr från krig och konfliktområden kommer till Sverige för att söka skydd och asyl.</p><p>Målet med den här studien är att undersöka hur den svenska nyhetsbyrån Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå – TT – konstruerar bilden av det flyende barnet. För att kunna svara på huvudfrågan: Hur konstruerar TT bilden av ”ensamkommande flyktingbarn”?, har följande underfrågor ställts: Vilka ämnen fokuseras i rapporteringen och vilka diskurser, röster och källor släpps in i det journalistiska materialet?</p><p>Det teoretiska perspektivet kan beskrivas som socialkonstruktionistiskt, en benämning för olika teorier om samhälle och kulturer som delar synen på språkets roll för den sociala konstruktionen. Härigenom kan man se hur TT:s bild av ”ensamkommande flyktingbarn” också konstruerar det sätt på vilket samhället ser på barnen, deras rättigheter och behov, samt påverkar hur barnen välkomnas och behandlas när de anländer. Den empiriska studien utgörs av en kvalitativ analys av nyhetstexter producerade mellan 2007 och 20 april 2010. Efter en första kartläggning har 35 artiklar valts ut för att undersökas. Den vetenskapliga metod som använts är i huvudsak Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys.</p><p>Studiens resultat visar att TT:s rapportering presenterar ”ensamkommande flyktingbarn” som ett problem med tre teman: som ett hot mot svensk ekonomi, ett hot mot vår nationella säkerhet samt som offer som måste tas om hand. Detta beskrivs ofta kontextuellt genom val av vinkel, presentationsform och val av källor. Studien belyser också det faktum att det finns fyra generella diskurser inom TT:s material som diskuterar de flyende barnen: den administrativa diskursen, den polisiära -, den politiska - samt den humanitära diskursen. Barnen får aldrig någon möjlighet att själva beskriva sin situation, istället låter TT Migrationsverket presentera sin bild av dem.</p>

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