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Vilken tanke finns bakom placeringen av en nyanländ elev i en ordinarie klass? : En kvalitativ studie av hur en nyanländ elev utan svenska språkkunskaper tas emot i en ordinarie klassShahwan, Salwa January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is a case studie of a newly arrived student placed in a regular class in a P-9 school in a suburb south of Stockholm. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the class teacher for the regular class and the Swedish as a second language teacher are working with this student. The research questions are: What are the basic ideas behind the placement of newly arrived students in regular classes with no previous language skills? How is the language development for the newly arrived student according to the teacher of the selected class? What methods and materials are used by the teacher in her teaching to benefit the newly arrived student’s language development? The purpose of my study has been to investigate the teachers and the headmaster’s perspective on how the integration of newly arrived students into the regular class can be done and the decisions context for the placement of newly arrived students into the regular class. The study is based on interviews with two teachers and the school headmaster. Results of the study show that the principal of the selected school has a vision for the integration of newly arrived students into the regular class, which means that this particular school has a different way of working than other schools in the area where the newly arrived are placed into a preparation class before being integrated into the ordinary class. The class teacher believes that the headmaster’s vision of direct placement into ordinary classes is good for integration. In this vision the newly arrived student receives knowledge related to the context and task during class. The teacher in “Swedish as a second language” does not believe that the headmasters vision is good for the newly arrived students, she believes that it is better if they get separate schooling in Swedish before being integrated into ordinary classes. The overall conclusion after having collected my results and studied previous research is that the work with newly arrived students at the school looks different from what the School Board calls for. The selected school for my study has no clear guidelines on how the work with the newly arrived students in regular classes should be attended. This is sought by the class teacher and that there is a need for such guidelines to give these students an equivalent schooling
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Förberedelseklassen & förflyttningen till den ordinarie klassen : En kvalitativ studie av fyra flyktingbarns skolupplevelseKasten, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to get insight into refugee children’s perception about experience of the preparatory class, the transition to the ordinary class and the ordinary class. To get access to my informant’s perspective and also to get a more profound understanding of their experience, I oriented the study in a qualitative approach. This study will highlight the refugee children’s personal experiences and their point of view regarding the schools preparatory class, ordinary class, together with other pupils behaviour against them in the social interaction. The study is based on the qualitative interviews of four refugee children attending the class 7 and 9, two girls and two boys. The result of the study has been analyzed with a sociocultural- narrative- and a hermeneutic perspective in order to answer the study’s questions. The study shows that the refugee children experienced the time in the preparatory class as positive. They partially developed their Swedish language and felt a strong belonging and solidarity towards their class mates. The transition from the preparatory class to the ordinary class is described as partially problematic, as they felt that they were partly socially excluded. The refugee children’s descriptions of the school situation can be interpreted as pedagogical and socially exclusion. A conclusion from this shows that preparatory classes activity must be more reflect upon how the newly arrived experience their situation in school. A development is needed and the school staff need to reflect upon their tutoring and what approach that needs to be used on the newly arrived.
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Integrering av nyanlända elever : Hur och på vilket sätt kan man hjälpa de nyanländaeleverna att integreras i skolan, speciellt i ämnetmatematik? / Integration of newly arrived students : How and in whatway can you help the newly arrived students to integrate into school, especially in the subject of mathematics?Semarp, Dawan January 2018 (has links)
Antalet nyanlända elever ökar i den svenska skolan för varje år och det gör att skolan blir en mötesplats för alla kulturer, nationer, religioner, livsstilar, språk och olika kunskaper särskilt sedan 1 juli 2013 när det bestämdes att även de nyanlända barn utan uppehållstillstånd fick laglig rätt att gå i skolan. Denna rapport syftar till att bidra med kunskap kring lärares syn på integrering av de nyanlända eleverna i den svenska skolan och särskilt i ämnet matematik, de nyanlända elevernas upplevelser av matematikundervisningen och svårigheter som lärarna upplever vid matematikundervisning för nyanlända. Resultatet visar att det krävs mycket samarbete kring nyanländas kunskapsutveckling och integrering. Lärarna påstår att integrering inte sker bara genom att eleverna finns med i klassrummet utan de måste ha samma möjligheter och förutsättningar som de andra för att integrering ska vara möjlig. Enligt lärarna måste eleverna kartläggas innan de börjar skolan för att upptäcka på vilken nivå de ligger för att få rätt hjälp. Resultatet av studien visar vidare att de nyanlända eleverna som placerades i en förberedelseklass är mer nöjda med sina studier än de som placerades i en ordinarie klass. Resultatet visar också att brister i svenska och elevernas studiebakgrund utgör det största problemet för lärarnas jobb med de nyanlända. Därför är det viktigt att eleverna börjar i en örberedelseklass för att få en mjuk start och för att få kännedom om en del matematiska termer innan de börjar i en ordinarie klass. Denna studie är en kvalitativ studie som utgår från intervjuer med ett fåtal lärare och elever, två lärare och åtta elever och därför kan man inte dra några generella slutsatser av studien. För att kunna dra några entydiga eller generella slutsatser krävs det mer omfattande forskning inom området och som engagerar ett större antal lärare, elever och andra personal inom flera skolor i olika kommuner. / The number of newly arrived pupils increases in the Swedish school every year, which makes the school a meeting place for all cultures, nations, religions, lifestyles, languages and different knowledge especially since July 1, 2013 when it was decided that even new arrivals without a residence permit were given legal right to go to school. This report aims at contributing knowledge about teachers views on the integration of newly arrived students in Swedish schools, and especially in the subject of mathematics, the newly arrived students' experiences of mathematics teaching and difficulties experienced by teachers in mathematics education for newcomers. The result shows that a lot of cooperation is needed about the development and integration of newly arrived students. Teachers argue that integration does not only happen when the students are in the classroom, but they must have the same opportunities and possibilities as the others for integration to be possible. According to the teachers, the students must be mapped before they start school to find out what level they are in order to get the right help. The result of the study further shows that the newly arrived students placed in a preparatory class are more satisfied with their studies than those who were placed in an ordinary class. The result also shows that shortcomings in Swedish and student backgrounds constitute the biggest problem for teachers' jobs with new arrivals. Therefore, it is important that the students begin in a class of preparation to get a smooth start and to get acquainted with some mathematical terms before starting in a regular class. This study is a qualitative study based on interviews with a few teachers and students, two teachers and eight students and therefore you cannot draw any general conclusions from the study. In order to draw some unambiguous or general conclusions, more extensive research is required in the field, involving more teachers, students and other staff in several schools in different municipalities.
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Expérimentation d'un enseignement réciproque pour améliorer la formulation d'inférences en compréhension de la lecture d'élèves du 3e cycle du primaire en contexte montréalaisTousignant, Danielle 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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”Alla barn har gnistan inom sig, det enda som behövs är att lyckas tända den”Alagic, Medina January 2017 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge about how it is to be a newly arrived refugee in the Swedish school as well as what role the Swedish school plays in the integration process. The respondents in this study have all arrived to Sweden in the past four years as refugees from war-torn countries. In total seven young people in the age 15-16 took part in this study. How do the newly arrived youths experience the time in the preparatory class and the ordinary class? Which social networks does the newly arrived youths have in and outside school? How can the school help them by giving them skills and ability to integrate into the Swedish society? To find the answers to these questions I made a qualitative study. The study is based on interviews with seven young people who are attending Swedish upper secondary (8th or 9th grade) or are in preparatory class. To be able to analyze my qualitative interviews I used three theories; stigmatization, social identity and sociocultural perspective. The results of the survey show that the newly arrived students both have positive and negative experiences of the Swedish school. The newly arrived students experience the time in preparatory class as safe, they have a big community with their classmates and get support and help from their teachers. At the same time, they feel excluded, both in preparatory and ordinary class, due to the lack of wider social networks. According to the students the Swedish school has more to improve when it comes to giving the newly arrived youth’s greater opportunities in the integration process.
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Unga immigranters upplevelser av inkludering/exkludering i svensk gymnasieskola / Young immigrants' experiences of inclusion/exclusion in Swedish upper secondary schoolKhoshaba, Mari, Pezo, Enna January 2023 (has links)
Tidigare undersökningar påvisade i sina resultat att immigranter upplever någon form av social inkludering i introduktionsklass, och social exkludering i ordinarieklass. Mot bakgrund i tidigare forskning visades det pågå en samhällsdiskussion om detta ämne, vilket är inspirationen till denna studies forskningsområde. Studiens frågeställningar är formulerade mot bakgrund i att undersöka hur unga immigranter upplever inkludering och exkludering i svensk gymnasieskola i relation till klasskamrater och lärare. En kvalitativ ansats är tillämpad, som använder sig av 10 semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio respondenter, där samtliga respondenter har varit bosatta i Sverige mellan 5-10 år. De teorier och begrepp som stödjer denna studie använder sig av bland annat social identitetsteori av Tajfel och ackulturationsprocess av Berry. De huvudsakliga uppgifterna från respondenterna indikerade att ett positivt bemötande från klasskamraterna, med hjälpsamma och accepterande lärare, bidrog till upplevd inkludering i både SVA-klassen och i ordinarieklassen. De främsta orsakerna till att respondenterna upplevde exkludering i skolan i relation till klasskamrater och lärare grundade sig i otrevligt bemötande med spår av mobbning, samt fördomar som grundade sig i diskriminerande attityder. Vad som framgick av resultatet visade sig att maximal inkludering kunde upplevas i både SVA- och ordinarieklass, men det var ett mindre antal respondenter som upplevde det. / Previous surveys showed in their results that immigrants experience some form of social inclusion in introductory class, and social exclusion in ordinary class. Against the background of previous research, it was shown that there was an ongoing societal discussion on this topic,which is the inspiration for this study's research area.The study's questions are formulated against the background of investigating how young immigrants experience inclusion and exclusion in Swedish high school in relation to classmates and teachers. A qualitative approach is applied, which uses 10 semi-structured interviews with ten respondents, where all respondents have lived in Sweden between 5-10 years. The theories and concepts that support this study use, among others, social identity theory by Tajfel and acculturation process by Berry. The main data from the respondents indicated that a positive attitude from classmates, with helpful and accepting teachers, contributed to perceived inclusion in both the SVA class and in the regular class. The main reasons why the respondents experienced exclusion at school in relation to classmates and teachers were based on unpleasant treatment with traces of bullying, as well as prejudices based on discriminatory attitudes. What emerged from the results was that maximum inclusion could be experienced in both SVA and ordinary classes, but it was a smaller number of respondents who experienced it.
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Kunskapskrav i svensk skola : en studie med fokusområde på nyanlända elever i Göteborg / Knowledge requirements in Swedish schools : a study with a focus area on newly arrived students in GothenburgMehanovic, Selma, Rafat, Lana January 2022 (has links)
Sverige har en historia präglad av invandring och har genom åren tagit emot en stor mängd nyanlända barn. Sverige har haft sina perioder med hög migration till landet och år 2015 var ett år som utmanade många offentliga verksamheter, bland dessa skolor. Detta har medfört nya förändringar och anpassningar för att de nyanlända ska få en god skolgång. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att få en djupare inblick på de nyanlända elevernas upplevelser kring skolan och kunskapskraven, men även lärarnas uppfattningar och arbete med nyanlända elever. Utifrån studiens syfte togs två frågeställningar fram: Hur upplever nyanlända att de kan bemöta skolkraven i Göteborg? Hur upplever lärarna arbetet kring ny integrering av nyanlända elever på skolan? Forskningsmetoden som används för denna kandidatuppsats är en kvalitativ metod. Vi har genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare och elever på plats i en skola i Göteborg. Studien fördjupar sig på ett studieområde och geografiskt område i stället för att jämföra olika skolor. Arbetet grundar sig även i vetenskapliga artiklar samt relevant litteratur. Teoretiska ramverket i uppsatsen är mellanrumsteorin som handlar om att nyanlända individer hamnar i en position där de förväntas ta sig an den nya kulturen i landet men inte riktigt blir accepterade, samtidigt som de förlorar kontakt med sin gamla kultur. Således skapas det ett mellanrum där individen succesivt förlorar sin identitet. Resultaten visar på en god inkludering av nyanlända elever sett ur elevernas och lärarens perspektiv. Lärarna arbetar med inkludering genom att lära övriga elever hur omvärlden ser ut för att skapa en acceptans av olikheter. Övriga elever visade sig även vara mottagliga för att hjälpa nyanlända elever och skapa relationer. Studien kommer även fram till att det att övergången mellan förberedelseklass och ordinarieklass kan skapa känsla av utanförskap. Vidare är språkbarriärer vanligt förekommande bland nyanlända elever och de kan uppleva att det kan utmana utvecklingen i skolan. Skolkraven är möjliga att uppnå och skolan arbetar aktivt med att specialanpassa undervisningen. Dock brister det i skolsystemet för att det inte finns tillräckligt med personal för att fullt stödja elevernas skolutveckling, både nyanlända och övriga elever. Det önskas en ökad personalstyrka och eventuella externa insatser för att kunna skapa bättre förutsättningar för en mer lyckad skolgång. / Sweden has a history marked by immigration and over the years has received a large number of newly arrived children. Sweden has had its periods of high migration to the country and the year 2015 was a year that challenged many public activities, among these schools. This has brought about new changes and adaptations so that the new arrivals will have a good schooling. The purpose of this master's thesis is to gain a deeper insight into the newly arrived students' experiences of school and the knowledge requirements, but also the teachers' perceptions and work for new arrivals. Based on the purpose of the study, two issues were raised: How do new arrivals feel that they can meet the school requirements in Gothenburg? How do the teachers experience the work around new integration of newly arrived students at the school? The research method used for this master's thesis is a qualitative method. We have conducted qualitative interviews with teachers and students on site in a school in Gothenburg. The study delves into a field of study and geographic area instead of comparing different schools. The work is also based on scientific articles and relevant literature. The theoretical framework in the essay is the gap theory which deals with newly arrived individuals ending up in a position where they are expected to take on the new culture in the country but are not really accepted, at the same time as they lose contact with their old culture. Thus, a gap is created where the individual gradually loses his identity. The results show a good inclusion of newly arrived students seen from the perspective of the students and the teacher. The teachers work with inclusion by teaching other students what the outside world looks like in order to create an acceptance of differences. Other students also proved to be receptive to helping newly arrived students and creating relationships. The study also concludes that the transition between preparatory class and regular class can create a feeling of exclusion. Furthermore, language barriers are common among newly arrived students and they may experience that this can challenge development at school. It is possible to achieve the school requirements and the school works actively to specially adapt the teaching. However, there is a flaw in the school system because there are not enough staff to fully support the students' school development, both newcomers and other students. An increased staff strength and possible external efforts are desired in order to create better conditions for successful schooling.
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