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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling Hydrological Impacts of Forest Clearcutting through Parameter Regionalization / Modellering av hydrologisk påverkan från skogsavverkning genom parameterregionalisering

Selling, Benjamin January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to test and evaluate whether parameter regionalization of a hydrological model can be used to model the impact of forest clearcutting on streamflow in Sweden. This is an important task to be able to perform water management and impact assessments adequately. The HBV conceptual rainfall-runoff model was applied for 218 Swedish catchments of different sizes that were spread across the country and covered a wide range of different forest cover percentages. The modelling approach included calibration of the model for each catchment using a genetic algorithm and then associating the resulting optimal parameter values with the percentage of forest cover. The obtained relationship between different model parameters and forest cover was validated with help of a paired catchment study site in northern Sweden where a clear cut was done in 2006: calibrated optimal parameter sets of pre- and post-clearcutting conditions were compared to parameter sets obtained from the Sweden-wide analysis. Correlations were found for about half of the fifteen hydrological model parameters, but the validation with the paired catchment study site could only partially confirm these obtained relationships. The results suggest that the adopted parameter regionalization approach is too basic. However, some of the results seem promising and emphasize the need for further research and development of the approach to provide a more reasonable method to model the impact of forest clearcutting on streamflow. / Det huvudsakliga målet med detta examensarbete var att testa och utvärdera om parameterregionalisering av en hydrologisk modell kan vara en lämplig metod för att modellera och kvantifiera påverkan från skogsavverkning på vattenbalansen i Sverige. Detta är en viktig uppgift för att kunna hantera våra vattenresurser och utföra konsekvensanalyser på ett tillfredsställande sätt. En konceptuell hydrologisk modell tillämpades på 218 avrinningsområden av olika storlekar och som var geografiskt utspridda i hela Sverige där även andelen skog i avrinningsområdena hade ett brett spektrum. Den använda modelleringsmetoden innefattade kalibrering av varje avrinningsområde genom att använda en genetisk algoritm, varefter de optimala parametervärdeana korrelerades mot andelen skog i avrinningsområdet. Idén med denna metod är att använda dessa potentiella samband för att justera modellparametrarna och därmed simulera en skogsavverkning. De erhållna sambanden mellan modellparametrarna och skogstäcket validerades med hjälp av data från en försöksstudie i norra Sverige där en skogsavverkning gjordes under 2006. Skillnaden mellan de bäst fungerande parametervärdena före och efter skogsavverkningen jämfördes med de tidigare sambanden från andra avrinningsområden i Sverige. Signifikant korrelation hittades för ungefär hälften av de 15 hydrologiska modellparametrarna, men valideringen mot den riktiga skogsavverkningen kunde bara delvis bekräfta de erhållna sambanden. Resultaten visar att detta sätt att använda parameterregionalisering antagligen är för grundläggande. Vissa resultat är ändå lovande och fortsatt forskning och utvidgning av metoden är nödvändig för att kunna tillhandahålla en rimlig metod för att kvantifiera en skogsavverknings effekter på vattenbalansen.

Le paradoxe de l'internationalisation du droit constitutionnel en Afrique : réflexions sur les interactions normatives, institutionnelles et politiques dans l'espace CEDEAO / The paradox of the internationalization of constitutional law in Africa : Reflections on normative, instituional and political interactions in the ECOWAS area

Diompy, Abraham Hervé 19 January 2017 (has links)
Difficile de nier qu’il arrive quelque chose au droit constitutionnel sousl’effet conjugué de l’internationalisation du droit et de la construction communautaire. Eneffet, le droit constitutionnel s’internationalise, se régionalise dans un mouvementexponentiel. L’Afrique en général et l’espace CEDEAO en particulier n’échappent guère àcette dynamique globale du constitutionnalisme moderne. Aussi, a-t-on constaté quel’internationalisation du droit constitutionnel sur le continent africain qui prend la forme d’unprocessus d’impact, d’influence ou parfois de contraintes induit à la fois à une reconfigurationhorizontale des pouvoirs constitutionnels et une redistribution verticale du pouvoir au sein del’Etat. En revanche, au niveau supranational, ce processus dynamique et intense qui marqueune ouverture des systèmes de droit et favorise la communicabilité entre ordres juridiques setraduit par un phénomène d’intégration, d’harmonisation progressive des systèmesconstitutionnels étatiques autour de standards démocratiques consacrés par le Protocole de laCEDEAO sur la démocratie et la bonne gouvernance de 2001. La dialectique est, au final,paradoxale en ce que l’internationalisation du droit constitutionnel en Afrique et plusparticulièrement dans l’espace CEDEAO se révèle être l’expression d’un phénomèneperturbateur des ordres juridiques constitutionnels étatiques et communautaire mais aussi eten même temps un instrument de convergence matérielle (droits fondamentaux) et structurelle(régime politique démocratique) de ces dits ordres au travers de standards constitutifs dupatrimoine constitutionnel commun. / It is difficult to deny that something has happened to constitutional lawunder the combined effect of the internationalization of law and the construction of thecommunity. Indeed, constitutional law is internationalized, regionalized in an exponentialmovement. Africa in general and the ECOWAS area in particular do not escape the globaldynamics of modern constitutionalism. Thus, it has been observed that theinternationalization of constitutional law on the African continent, which takes the form of aprocess of impact, influence or sometimes constraints, leads both to a horizontalreconfiguration of constitutional and a vertical redistribution of power within the state. Onthe other hand, at the supranational level, this dynamic and intense process, which marks anopening up of legal systems and promotes communication between legal orders, is reflectedin a phenomenon of integration and progressive harmonization of the state's constitutionalsystems around democratic standards The ECOWAS Protocol on Democracy and GoodGovernance of 2001. The dialectic is, in the end, paradoxical in that the internationalizationof constitutional law in Africa and more particularly in the ECOWAS area proves to be aphenomenon Disrupting the constitutional legal systems of the state and the community,and at the same time an instrument of material (fundamental) and structural (democraticpolitical rule, rule of law) convergence of these orders through standards which constitutethe common constitutional heritage.

La tensión de clases sociales a través de la narrativa de las películas de Kleber Mendonça Filho / Tension between social classes represented in the narrative of Kleber Mendonça Filho’s movies

Benavides Silva Santisteban, Mariana 10 April 2020 (has links)
Las formas de producción del cine brasileño han atravesado cambios drásticos en el siglo XXI, como el aumento de presupuesto, equipo, salas y producciones. Asimismo, ha perdido su estatus como bien cultural y crítico para convertirse en bien de consumo y entretenimiento. La regionalización en los centros de producción ha creado una nueva ola de cineastas que, en medio de un mercado comercial, ofrecen una mirada de autor que invita a la reflexión sobre las consecuencias de una democracia neoliberal. Kleber Mendonça Filho es uno de los directores más notables que surgieron como fruto de la diversificación regional. De Recife, Pernambuco, al nordeste de Brasil, Mendonça Filho crea historias en los espacios cotidianos, en el nuevo imaginario urbano, donde friccionan las clases sociales. El propósito de esta investigación es analizar la tensión de clases sociales a través de la narrativa de las tres últimas películas de Kleber Mendonça Filho: “O Som ao Redor”, “Aquarius” y “Bacurau”. La metodología empleada para la investigación será de carácter interpretativo, puesto que se realizará un análisis narrativo de las películas mencionadas previamente. El enfoque será cualitativo ya que se usará una guía de análisis de contenido que permitirá recoger datos sobre los personajes, conflictos y espacios y reunirlos en categorías de análisis. / The production model in brazilian cinema has undergone drastic changes in the XXI century, like the increase in budgets, teams, movie theaters rooms and productions. Likewise, it has lost its status as a cultural product with a critical view, to transition into a consumer good with the objective to entertain. The regionalization of the centers of production has created a new wave of filmmakers that, in the midst of a commercial market, offer an auteur point of view that invites the viewer to reflect on the consequences of a neoliberal democracy. Kleber Mendonça Filho is one of the most notable directors that surged as a product of regional diversification. From Recife, Pernambuco, in northeast Brazil, Mendonça Filho makes stories in everyday spaces, in the new urban imaginary, where social classes rub with one another. The purpose of this investigation is to analyze the tension between social classes represented in Kleber Mendonça Filho’s last three movies: “O Som ao Redor”, “Aquarius” y “Bacurau”. The methodology employed for this research will be of interpretative nature, given that a narrative analysis of the films mentioned before will be done. It will have a qualitative approach since a guide for content analysis will be used to collect data about the characters, conflicts, and spaces, and gather them all in categories. / Trabajo de investigación

Analyse de la politique industrielle de la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine : apports des méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives / Analysis of industrial policy of “Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine” : Contribution of quantitative and qualitative methods

Achard, Antoine 06 November 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre théorique de l’analyse des politiques publiques pour proposer une analyse de la politique industrielle régionale. Pour ce faire, nous menons une analyse appliquée qui s’appuie sur des approches quantitative et qualitatives. Ce travail s’inscrit dans un contexte où l’on assiste à une régionalisation des politiques publiques, par le phénomène de décentralisation enclenché par l’Etat français, et sous l’influence de l’Union Européenne qui tend à régionaliser sa politique. Nous cherchons alors à savoir si la politique menée par les Régions constitue un retour de l’interventionnisme, hérité de la politique du plan, empreint de colbertisme mais également du modèle allemand centré sur les entreprises de taille intermédiaire. Nous proposons d’observer la politique industrielle de la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, reconnue comme très volontariste par des travaux antérieurs, à travers le prisme des subventions allouées aux entreprises industrielles de son territoire. Une analyse quantitative, qui mobilise des indicateurs d’économie géographique, et met en évidence un phénomène de concentration sur un groupe restreint d’entreprises. Nous prolongeons ce travail quantitatif en réintroduisant de la complexité dans l’analyse grâce à la richesse de matériaux qualitatifs : des entretiens auprès des acteurs industriels et institutionnels, ainsi que des archives de presse et notre travail en tant qu’observateur-participant. / This thesis takes public policy analysis as theoretical framework to propose an analysis of regional industrial policy. Our analysis is based on historic, quantitative and qualitative methods.In a context where industrial public policy leans towards regionalization, under the influence of French decentralization and regionalization of European Union policies, we try to understand the mechanics of regional industrial policy through the case of Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine. A policy inherited of the “planning policy”, and influenced by Colbertism and German model focused on mid-sized companies.Our first approach is quantitative and studies public grants allocated to industrial firms by the Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine. This analysis combines economic geography indicators and demonstrate a concentration phenomenon on a small group of regional companies.We extend by reintroducing complexity in the analysis thanks to rich qualitative materials: interviews with industrial leaders and institutional managers, and press archives.

Performance Effects of Multinationality: The Role of Firm-specific Advantages, Intra- and Inter-regional Expansion, and Home-region Effects

Ral-Trebacz, Arkadiusz 06 February 2017 (has links)
The performance effects of multinationality have been subject to extensive study over the last four decades. To date, the findings of empirical studies have not been able to demonstrate a consistent picture as far as the relationship between multinationality (M) and performance (P) is concerned; nor have they established a general link. This dissertation suggests that the M-P relation might be contingent upon certain contextual considerations. In particular, this doctoral thesis examines the performance effects of multinationality depending on a) scope of international expansion (regional vs. global); b) the role of firm-specific assets (FSAs) and c) home region effects.

Zur Geochemie ausgewählter Bodenformen im Erzgebirge und Vogtland

Metzner, Ines 01 November 1991 (has links)
Die geochemischen Verhältnisse der Böden des Erzgebirge und Vogtlandes werden auf der Grundlage der komplexen geochemischen Analyse von ausgewählten, flächenrepräsentativen Bodenprofilen auf Hauptgesteinen des Untersuchungegebietes charakterisiert. Die Wirkungsweisen vorhandener Einflussfaktoren (Gesteinschemismus, Bodengenese, Bodennutzung) werden untersucht und bewertet. Die Untersuchungen stellen eine Grundlage für die Ableitung von geologisch bedingten regionalen Hintergrundbelastungen dar. / A characterization of the soil geochemistry of the Erzgebirge and Vogtland Regions (Saxony) is provided on the basis of the investigation of characteristic soil profiles on major bedrock types of the area. Different factors of influence (rock geochemistry, soil formation, land utilization) are investigated and evaluated. The investigation provides essential information for the development of regional background concentrations.

Växthusgasutsläpp i Ericssons försörjningskedja : Kan regionalisering av leverantörer reducera klimatpåverkan? / Greenhouse gas emissions in Ericsson's supply chain : Can regionalization of suppliers reduce the carbon footprint?

Gustafsson, Klara, Hamner, Gabriella January 2020 (has links)
Several categories of emissions are presented in Ericsson ́s sustainability report, among them emissions from product transportation is the largest one within Ericsson ́s own business. However, it is only a part of the transportation flow that is included in the report. The sustainability report covers transportations from distribution centers to customer sites, but now Ericsson will expand the range to cover a larger part of the supply chain, from first tier suppliers, through production, to customer sites. The change would provide Ericsson with better visibility and control over the supply chain and therefore enable the possibility to find new solutions the reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One strategy to reduce product transportation greenhouse gas emissions is regionalization, which Ericsson is already implementing for the production sites. Moving forward they also want to evaluate the possibility to regionalize the external suppliers. Therefore, the aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of a regionalized supply on product transportation from first tier supplier to customer sites, with focus on greenhouse gas emissions. Transportation data including weight, distance and transport mode was collected. Calculations was then done on an aggregated level and did not get into details regarding vehicle utilization or fuel usage. Data collected was inadequate in some part of the supply chain and the gaps were filled with assumptions based on initial interviews. The current emissions for the part of the supply chain that goes from suppliers to distribution hubs was calculated to 30 000 ton CO2e, but with regard to sensibility analysis the true value of emissions is higher. Further, the total current emissions were calculated by adding the new calculatedpart with Ericsson’s reported numbers, which gave the total emissions in the flow to be 169 000 ton CO2e. After the benchmark was established the effect of a regionalized supply was examined. Ericsson has divided the world into three supply regions, the America region, the Europe, Middle east and Africa region and Asia and Pacific Ocean region. The same regions were used to regionalize the suppliers. The suppliers that were located in a different region than the receiving plant were moved to a location that were deemed appropriate by interviews. In the America region the suppliers were placed in Mexico, in the Europe region the suppliers were placed in Romania and in the Asia region the suppliers were placed in China. With the regionalization of the suppliers the total emissions were reduced by 4 % regarding the baseline. Another conclusion from the regionalization was that the supply chain became less emission efficient because the transportation work by truck increased and decreased for boat. The results contain many uncertainties mostly because the regionalization is happening in the part of the supply chain that is mainly based on assumptions to begin with. Based on interviews regionalized suppliers would entail increased costs and loads of initial work, but shorter lead times. The interviewees also said that it is the mechanical components that is appropriate to regionalize since they are heavy, cheap and easy to produce compared to the electronical components. The electronical components were not deemed possible to regionalize. In summery Ericsson can expect reduced greenhouse gas emissions if they regionalize their 1st suppliers, but the size of the reduction needs further examination. Especially better data is needed to establish the benchmark, something that Ericsson will continue working on. / Följande arbete berör Ericssons växthusgasutsläpp från produkttransporter. I Ericssons hållbarhetsredovisning presenteras i dagsläget olika kategorier av utsläpp. Av de utsläppen som sker inom Ericssons verksamhet är produkttransporterna den största kategorin, trots att endast en del av flödet ingår i de presenterade siffrorna. Ericsson redovisar utsläppen för transporter från en distributionshub ut till kundsite, men vill nu utöka omfånget till att gå från förstaledsleverantörer, via produktion, ut till kundsite. Förändringen ämnar ge Ericsson bättre visibilitet och kontroll över försörjningskedjan för att därigenom kunna hitta lösningar för att minska växthusgasutsläppen. En strategi för att minska växthusgasutsläpp från produkttransporterna som Ericsson undersöker är regionalisering, något som redan genomförts för produktionen. Framöver vill Ericsson även utvärdera möjligheten av att regionalisera leverantörerna. Därför är syftet med studien att utvärdera effekterna av regionaliserad försörjning i Ericssons produkttransportflöde från förstaledsleverantörer till kundsiter, med fokus på växthusgasutsläpp. För att genomföra studien samlades transportdata med information kring vikt, sträcka och transportmedel in. Beräkningarna genomfördes på en aggregerad nivå och gick inte in på en djupare nivå såsom fyllnadsgrader eller bränsle som använts. Data var bristfällig på en del ställen i flödet och där fylldes luckorna på med antaganden baserade på intervjuer. Nuvarande utsläpp från flödet som går mellan leverantörer och distributionshubbar beräknas 2019 vara 30000 ton CO2e, men med hänsyn till känslighetsanalyser uppskattas det verkliga utsläppet vara högre. Det framtagna utsläppet slogs samman med de utsläppen Ericsson redan redovisar och de totala utsläppen för flödet blev därför 169 000 ton CO2e. Efter att ett utgångsläge fastställts undersöktes påverkan av en regionalisering av de externa förstaledsleverantörerna. Ericsson har delat in världen i tre regioner, dessa är Amerikaregionen, regionen för Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika samt regionen för Asien och Stillahavet. Samma regioner används för regionaliseringen av leverantörer. De leverantörer som låg i en annan region än deras mottagare förflyttades till ett land som utifrån intervjuer ansågs lämpligt. För Amerikaregionen placerades leverantörerna i Mexiko, för Europaregionen placerades de i Rumänien och Asienregionen i Kina. Resultatet av regionaliseringen blev att utsläppen minskade med 4 % sett till det totala utgångsläget. Det visade sig även att utsläppseffektiviteten blev lägre eftersom mängden transportarbete för vägtransporter ökade och sjötransporterna minskade. Resultaten från scenariot med regionaliserade leverantörer har dock mycket osäkerhet i sig vilket främst grundar sig i att förändringarna sker i den delen av flödet där minst tillgång till data fanns att tillgå. Utifrån intervjuer framkom det även att regionalisera leverantörerna förmodligen skulle medföra ökade kostnader och initialt arbete, men kortare ledtider. Det framkom även att det främst var för mekanikkomponenter som regionalisering är ett alternativ då de är relativt tunga, billiga och enkla att tillverka i jämförelse med elektronikkomponenter. Elektronikkomponenterna ansågs inte vara lämpliga att regionalisera. Sammanfattningsvis kan Ericsson förvänta sig en minskning av växthusgasutsläpp vid en regionalisering av leverantörer, men storleken på minskningen behöver undersökas vidare. Framförallt behövs bättre data kring nuläget i början av flödet, vilket är något som Ericsson kommer att jobba vidare med.

Nový regionalismus a institucionální rámec regionální spolupráce Západního Balkánu / The New Regionalism and the institutional framework of the regional cooperation in the Western Balkans

Šindelář, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The presented thesis is analyzing the regional cooperation in the Western Balkans (WB) focusing on interactions of local actors. Theoretical background is based on the new regionalism, a theoretical approach to regional interactions. Contemporary studies on New Regionalism (NR) actually do not consider the Western Balkans to be part of this process and as a result we lack sufficient information about the basic characteristics of this region. The author proves that the WB is engaged in the process of the new regionalism and in fact by focusing on the institutional structure he demonstrates that several parallel processes are ongoing in the region as for example regional cooperation, integration or cooperation with another region. For the purpose of this research two projects of regional cooperation were chosen, South Eastern European Cooperation Process (SEECP) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) which are regarded as the main pillars of the political cooperation in the WB. By examining their structure we may understand the relevance of the region as an independent actor and the general aims of the regional cooperation.

Decentralizace v nových členských zemích Evropské unie / Decentralization in the new member states of the European Union

Řeháková, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to analyze the decentralization process in selected Central and Eastern European countries. Its aim is therefore to evaluate and compare the results of decentralization in selected countries in the context of European regional policy - the Europe of the regions. The basic hypothesis is that regional policy provides a sufficient incentive for the EU nation-states to launch decentralization and proceed into the establishment of regional levels of government in the form of new political entities that are institutionalized, have their own poltickou representation and play a key role in planing and implementation of the structural and cohesion funds. The hypothesis will be investigated using analysis and comparison of the results of decentralization in the five Central and Eastern European Countries: Estonia, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

La régionalisation des inventaires de cycle de vie pour évaluer les technologies, les flux matériaux et les impacts dans la chaine d’approvisionnement des énergies renouvelables / Technologies, flow raw materials and supply risks about the renewable energy technologies

François, Cyril 15 December 2017 (has links)
La transition énergétique est un enjeu crucial du XXIème siècle, en particulier pour réduire les conséquences néfastes du changement climatique. Cependant, cette transition est sujette à de nombreux risques : économiques, géologiques, sociaux, environnementaux et géopolitiques. Afin de pouvoir évaluer la vulnérabilité et les conditions de faisabilité des scénarios de transition énergétique, il est nécessaire de pouvoir évaluer la chaine de valeur technologique et géographique des technologies impliquées dans le système énergétique.Les outils actuels tels que les analyses de cycle de vie (ACV) permettent de prendre en compte la chaine de valeur technologique, mais les données relatives aux ACV ne fournissent pas ou peu d’information sur la chaine de valeur géographique. Les modèle d’entrées-sorties économiques (IOA), en particulier ceux mutlirégionaux (MRIO), s’ils fournissent des données sur les échanges économiques bilatéraux, donc une estimation des échanges régionalisés, sont des modèles très agrégés. Les nomenclatures des activités économiques et des catégories de produits prisent en compte sont restreintes. Le travail réalisé au sein de cette thèse vise à exploiter les informations des outils ACV et MRIO, profitant des avantages de chacun, c’est à dire l’information technologique des premiers et l’information régionalisée des seconds. Une nouvelle méthodologie est proposée pour régionaliser les inventaires de cycle de vie d’ACV à partir des données MRIO. Cette méthodologie permet, à partir d’une base de données ACV de processus industriels, d’exploiter l’information géographique des processus lorsqu’elle existe et d’exploiter les informations d’échanges économiques bilatéraux des MRIO pour estimer cette information lorsqu’elle n’existe pas. Un soin particulier est pris afin de faire correspondre les activités et les produits selon leurs géographies.Les outils qui découlent de ces travaux sont la première étape à l’évaluation des scénarios de la transition énergétique. En particulier, ils permettent de réaliser des inventaires de cycle de vie régionalisés pour évaluer les besoins et les impacts des technologies impliquées dans la transition énergétique. Cependant, des travaux supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour prendre en compte la dimension temporelle des scénarios de transition énergétique.Cette nouvelle méthode nécessite l’usage de nombreuses données de sources différentes. Afin de gérer ces données, une plateforme internet collaborative a été mise en place, qui permet de dissocier la gestion des données de leur usage. Une réflexion sur la gestion de la donnée a amené à penser de manière différente la structure des données relatives à l’écologie industrielle. Une nouvelle architecture sémantique, aussi appelée ontologie, a été développée pour faciliter la gestion des données, mais aussi leur maintient et leur évolution dans le temps, que ce soit pour un utilisateur unique, ou dans le cadre d’une gestion collaborative. / The energy transition is a decisive issue of the XXIth century, particularly in relation to the reduction of the harmful consequences of the climatic changes. However, this transition is subjected to several hazards : economic, geologic, social, environmental and geopolitical ones. In order to evaluate the vulnerability and the conditions of feasibility of the energy transition scenarios it is necessary to be able to evaluate the supply chain of the technologies related to the energy system, in the technological and but also geographical dimensions.The current studies such as the life cycle assessments (LCA) allow to take into account the supply chain in the technological dimension, but these studies do not provide or only few information about the geographical dimension. At the opposite, the Input-Output Analysis (IOA), particularly the multiregional ones (MRIO) provide an information about the regional exchanges by categories of products, but are very aggregated. The nomenclatures of the economical activities and the categories of products taken into account are restricted. The works realized within this thesis aim to exploit the best of each tool, i.e. the technological information from the LCA and the geographical information from the MRIO. A new methodology is proposed to regionalize the LCA inventory with the MRIO data. This methodology allows to use the geographical information of the LCA data when it exists or otherwise use the geographical information from MRIO to estimate it. A particular attention is paid to get a realistic model, i.e. to match the activities and the products with real geographical data.The tools produced in this thesis are the first step to evaluate the energy transition scenarios. Particularly, they allow to realize regionalized LCA inventories to evaluate the needs and impacts of the technologies involved in the energy transition. However, additional works are necessary to take into account the temporal dimension of the energy transition scenarios.The new method needs to manipulate a lot of different data from different sources. In order to manage these data a new collaborative web platform has been set up. It allows to manipulate the data through a web interface as well as uses them in calculation frameworks. In order to facilitate the evolution of the tools and the manipulation of the data, a work about how to structure and manipulate the information was realized. A new semantic architecture — called computer ontology — has been developed to facilitate the management of the knowledges but also the maintenance and the integration of new knowledges. The collaborative framework can fit the specifications for a one person usage or a community.

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