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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

AvaliaÃÃo da polÃtica de assistÃncia social para crianÃas e adolescentes afastados do ambiente familiar: um estudo de caso da Sociedade para o Bem Estar da FamÃlia - SOBEF no MunicÃpio de MaracanaÃ-CE. / Evaluation of social assistance policy for children and teens away from the family environment: a case study of the Sociedade para o Bem Estar da FamÃlia - SOBEF the City of MaracanaÃ-CE

Luciana Gomes Marinho 10 August 2012 (has links)
nÃo hà / O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a PolÃtica de AssistÃncia Social voltada para crianÃas e adolescentes que estÃo em Acolhimento Institucional, especificamente, aquelas extintas do poder familiar, destituÃdos do poder familiar ou em processo de destituiÃÃo do poder familiar e tambÃm fora dos âpadrÃesâ vigentes de adoÃÃo, na perspectiva do direito à convivÃncia familiar e comunitÃria. Para realizar tal estudo desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa de campo no desenho de um estudo de caso, tendo em vista que o universo a ser avaliado foi a entidade de acolhimento institucional para crianÃas e adolescentes â Sociedade para o Bem Estar da FamÃlia â SOBEF, localizada no municÃpio de Maracanaà - CE. Foram utilizadas as seguintes tÃcnicas: entrevista formal e aberta aplicada a trÃs profissionais; observaÃÃo participante com crianÃas e adolescentes acolhidos; questionÃrio aplicado com a gestora do equipamento; levantamento nos registros da instituiÃÃo e participaÃÃo em rodas de conversas com os acolhidos. A pesquisa bibliogrÃfica contribuiu para o aprofundamento das categorias analÃticas e fundantes da pesquisa; a pesquisa documental para formataÃÃo do histÃrico institucional e a pesquisa de campo, qualiquantitativa como forma de traÃar um perfil dos meninos e meninas acolhidos. Neste sentido, a avaliaÃÃo proposta foi quali-quantitativa. Especificamente quanto à anÃlise qualitativa, esta foi do tipo formativa e/ou de processo, tendo em vista o foco abordado neste trabalho. Jà o mÃtodo a ser utilizado foi o de interpretaÃÃo de sentidos, verificando a anÃlise da implementaÃÃo da PolÃtica de AssistÃncia Social referente à execuÃÃo do Programa de Acolhimento Institucional para crianÃas e adolescentes. Quanto à pesquisa quantitativa, houve uma anÃlise estatÃstica descritiva dos acolhidos, contribuindo para a caracterizaÃÃo do pÃblico alvo. As conclusÃes podem ser descritas da seguinte maneira: as crianÃas e adolescentes acolhidos, mesmo diante de vÃrios avanÃos legais estÃo ou continuam imersos em uma realidade contraditÃria de (des) garantias de direitos versus o sonho de possuir uma famÃlia e com isso sair da situaÃÃo de acolhimento institucional. / This study aims assess Assistance Policy Social facing Children and Adolescents are Reception Institutional specifically those extinct power family, destitute power family or process disempowering familiar and also outside "patterns "existing adoption in perspective right to familiar and communitarian. To accomplish such will held fieldwork where will considered will: case study considering that universe being evaluated will municipality Maracanaà primarily entity host institutional Child and adolescents - Sociedade for Wellness of Family - SOBEF which composes network provider service referred municipality and System Guaranteeing Rights; interview formal and open applied three professionals serve for collecting information, concerning activities developed in present, as about future prospects perceived by these actors; participant observation with children and adolescents welcomed assuming here one active participation researcher in meanders activities; the administered questionnaire with managing equipment help at outlining children and adolescents welcomed and own institution together abstracting thereof not understanding and appropriation of normative existing, towards warranty conviviality family and community of welcomed; bibliographical research that help deepening categories analytical and founding research; documental research for possible formatting history institutional; besides analyzing quantitative data also be harvested by documental analysis available by institution as way to chart profile boys and girls welcomed as also through data sites official dealing object and their contexts social-familial. This sense evaluation proposal is quali-quantitative and will performed evaluation process in view focus approached this work. Already method utilized be to interpreting senses checking analysis implementation Policy Welfare regarding executing programs host institutional juveniles; measuring quali-quantitatively as running service host institutional performed by SOBEF, municipality MaracanaÃ; assess knowledge and implementing strategies that professionals are finding social inclusion children and adolescents welcomed; verify compliance new laws about programs host institutional; assess whether teenagers welcomed being prepared for shutdown institution; and finally evaluate effectiveness skills among network actors attendance involving host institutional conducted by SOBEF in reference direction and counter. The conclusion can be described in this way: The sheltered children and adolescents, even facing a lot of legal advances are or continue immersed in a contradictory reality of non-guarantees of right against the dream of having a family and leave this situation.

Samhällsvård och välfärdsresurser : En studie av skolgång, fritid och kamratrelationer bland unga i familjehem och institutioner / Out of home care and welfare-resources : A study of schooling, leisure and peer relations among youth in residential care and foster care

Lagerlöf, Hélène January 2012 (has links)
The dissertation analyses access to welfare resources within the areas of schooling, leisure and peer relations for youth in out of home care. The study was conducted in three counties in mid Sweden and is a replication of the recurrent Swedish surveys of living condition of children in general populations. By using the same design, children aged 13–18 (n=272) in foster care and residential care were approached. Throughout the analysis results are compared with conditions for peers living at home, based on data from the 2004/2005 survey on living conditions for children (Child-ULF). Furthermore the results are linked to the young people’s experience of psychosomatic complaints and emotional wellbeing and discussed within the theoretical framework of childhood sociology. Questions regarding society’s ability to convey resources to youth while in care as well as young persons’ potential to exercise determination while in care are also discussed. The study shows that youth in care in general have access to fewer resources than those in general populations in the studied areas. For youth in residential care the differences compared to peers living at home are substantial, while conditions for youth in foster care are more alike those of young people in general. Youth in residential care have fewer school related resources and fewer contacts with friends than peers living at home. Youth in foster and residential care are more subjected to bullying than the general population. The overall conclusions are that society, in the form of foster parents and residential staff fails in certain areas to convey resources to youth in care. The young people’s lack of resources poses limitations to their potential to exercise self-determination while in care. The study points out areas where targeted efforts might be needed to improve the living conditions for youth in out of home care and perhaps broaden their potential to exercise self-determination while in care as well as after. / Välfärd i samhällsvården? En levnadsnivåundersökning av barn och ungdomar i socialtjänstens dygnsvård

Jag vill att ni hämtar min mamma... : Villkor för familjearbete för ungdomar inom institutionsvården.

Kesthely, Martha January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is about a special type of institutional treatment called family-work. It can be described as different ways to involve the families of the youth in their treatment programme. The locus of the study are special treatment homes which provide treatment for youth with serious social and behavioural problems. The study concerns three units at three institutions. The thesis has a qualitative and interpretative approach with using of observations, field studies, combined with interviews and field notes. The study focuses at the pre-conditions for the local "family projects" run by the care workers. With "project" means a process where different actions take place. The Theory of Action concept facilitates the understanding of these types of process and the importance of the internal(subjective) and external(objective) conditions in proportion to the space of action. Several local conditions influenced the pre-requisites for the staff to be able to carry out a "family project" and decide how to realize an intention. Important conditions were commissions given by the social services and the treatment focus at the units. The units are functioned as kinds of overall social "project contexts" with four basic characteristics: the treatment focus and structure, the professionalism and the organisation of the work. The conclusion from the study is that none of the "project contexts" at the three units provided good pre-requisites for family-work. "Family projects", realised by care workers were however professional and seem to have helped both the parents and the young persons, but "the project" were, in total, relatively few. It appeared that a successfully completed "family project" is the last step in a long process in which many different conditions contribute to the destiny of the "project". A clear family focused structured treatment at a unit can provide the employees with good conditions for realising the opportunities they see for working with families.

Den svenska äldrevården : Behov, konkurrens, kvalitet och valfrihet ur ett fastighetsperspektiv / The Swedish elderly care : Demand, competition, quality and freedom of choice from a property perspective

Werner, Nicklas January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis an explorative study was undertaken with the aim to study how a number of private care providers, as well as politicians and officials from councils in and around the Stockholm and Uppsala counties, think about the future of the Swedish elderly care from a property perspective, i.e. homes for the elderly. The analysis shows that there is a demand for capacity in 6 out of 16 municipalities, and that the property is an important part of this capacity, and the fulfillment of it. This was mainly due to the cost of capital, but also because of several other factors such as lack of land, a wish to guide the design, ideology, and in many cases a wish to use the property as an instrument of domination to control private health care providers. Also, the property was show to be connected to economic competition, to freedom of choice, and to quality. The problems related to the property in the market for elderly care still remains to be solved. The writer of this thesis suggests that, among other things, patients should be treated as customers to a larger extent and problems that counter competition must be solved. Lastly, the writer has analyzed the situation in the Swedish market for elderly care from a value creation perspective. It is suggested that value can be created in both the network and within the company, even if the companies are competing, and thus ought to compete and not cooperate. / I denna uppsats har en explorativ studie företagits med målsättningen att undersöka hur ett antal privata vårdföretag samt politiker och tjänstemän från ett antal kommuner i och runt Stockholms- och Uppsala län tänker kring framtiden för den svenska äldrevården. Utgångspunkten har tagits ur ett fastighetsperspektiv, närmare bestämt vårdboenden. Bakgrunden ligger i det stora behovet av äldrevård som växer fram i Sverige och som beräknas nå sitt maximum kring 2035. Genom intervjuer har respondenterna fått svara på frågor om fastighetsbehovet, om konkurrens samt om, och i så fall hur, fastigheten kunde kopplas till kvalitet, valfrihet och konkurrens. Analysen visade att behov förekom i 6 av 16 kommuner, och att det påverkades av bland annat deras inställning till ägande och privata vårdgivare. Vidare visade sig fastigheten vara en viktig del i behovet och lösningen utav det samma, främst på grund av kapitalkostnaden, men också på grund av faktorer så som markbrist, en vilja att styra utformningen, ideologi och i flera fall en vilja att använda fastigheten som ett domineringsinstrument för att kontrollera privata vårdgivare. Konkurrensen sågs till viss del som ett utbyte framför en tävling. Slutligen framkom att fastigheten, om än som en underordnad komponent, kunde kopplas till konkurrens som nyss nämnda instrument, till valfrihet genom attraktivitet i läge och utseende, och till kvalitet som möjliggörare av effektiv vård och med rätt utformning. Fastighetsproblematiken i stort för vårdmarknaden, speciellt kopplat till LOV, återstår att lösa och författaren föreslår bland annat att vårdtagarna bör ses som kunder i större utsträckning och att konkurrenshämmande problem skall åtgärdas. Avslutningsvis har författaren analyserat situationen på den svenska vårdmarknaden ur ett värdeskapande perspektiv, kopplat till Porters, Stabell och Fjeldstads teorier om värdekedjor. En problematisk situation, sett till konkurrenskrafter på marknaden, iakttogs som orsak till att de privata vårdföretagen tycks medvetet eller omedvetet skapar värde tillsammans genom värdeskapande i nätverk parallellt med verksamhet enligt den traditionella värdekedjan, trots att detta motverkar ökad konkurrens. En möjlig förklaring är en kombination av oplanerat resursinterberoende och att det är ett slags relationsbyggande mellan företagen, orsakat av en imperfekt marknad.

Could do better! : how key care factors influence the educational achievement of children looked after at home and away from home in two local authorities in Scotland

McClung, Michele January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to explore the key care factors that influence the educational achievement of children looked after at home and away from home in Scotland. Traditionally there has been less research conducted in Scotland than in the rest of the United Kingdom. The research analysed a large new sample - one fifth of the care leaving population in Scotland - and spans a five year period. The thesis makes an original research contribution. A unique features of the research is that it investigates the experiences of children looked after at home, alongside those looked after away from home. In addition, the research involved two large local authority areas in Scotland that had not previously participated in such research on looked after children. What emerged from the research was that the Corporate Parent (local authorities and partner agencies) had not yet successfully prioritised the educational achievement of looked after children in policy and practice, despite education being identified by the government as a mechanism for combating social exclusion. The key findings of the research demonstrated that looked after children perform less well academically than the general school population. In particular, placement type, the reason for becoming looked after and the age on becoming looked after were significant factors in determining educational achievement. Other factors such as gender and number of placements were also found to be associated with educational achievement. Empirical results further indicated that looked after children suffered from discrimination and social exclusion in all aspects of their lives, including school and where they lived. This was a significant finding as the disadvantage experienced by many looked after children continues to impact on their lives into adulthood, making them some of the most socially excluded adults in Scotland and the United Kingdom today.

'n Waarderingsperspektief op ouer persone se belewing van verhoudings in 'n ekonomies minderbevoorregte residensiële sorgfasiliteit

Du Toit, Francois Jacobus January 2012 (has links)
Older people often experience loneliness and depression, especially those dependent on institutional care. The loneliness can be attributed to multiple losses such as the loss of physical and cognitive abilities, the loss of relationships with familiar environments, the loss of significant others, as well as changing contact with family members and friends. The strategy commonly used by older people to deal with such feelings of loss, is to reminisce on such losses as well as on the lost or altered relationships. This strategy might result in a situation where the focus older people have on the past prevents them from recognizing the potential of relationships in their immediate environment. In order to make older people more aware of meaningful relationships in their immediate environment, the method of appreciative inquiry was used. Appreciative inquiry uses questioning as an intervention. Questions were formulated in such a way that the positive aspects of possible relationships in interpersonal environments were emphasised. The aim of the appreciative inquiry was to determine what relationship qualities older people experience as meaningful or effective. A qualitative and investigative research method was used in an attempt to investigate older people's subjective experiences of the relationships they have in the residential care facility. Participants to the study were volunteers who permanently reside in a residential care facility for older people in Gauteng, South Africa. Textual- and visual data was collected through the use of the World Café method, where the participants were divided into three separate groups of approximately six members each. Group discussions were facilitated as group leaders alternated with various activities between the groups. Sheets of A2 paper served as tablecloths allowing participants to conveniently jot down notes from the group discussion, and also to draw symbolic representations of their subjective experiences of the relationships they enjoy in their immediate environment. Data gathered in the various groups was then visually displayed so that a focus group discussion could occur. Crystallization confirmed the trustworthiness of the findings. Crystallization is an approach where data is combined using two or more genres of representation of socially constructed meanings as well as different methods of data analysis. In this study, several different data collection methods were used, including the use of symbols, group discussions and a focus group. The data analysis comprised of a combination of several methods of analysis, being thematic analysis, interactive pattern analysis and the visual analysis of posters. Approval pertaining to the ethical aspects of the research project was obtained from the North-West University. From the findings it became apparent that essential relationship qualities such as confirmation, empathy, unconditional acceptance and clarity of self-presentation between the residents spontaneously developed out of the safe and enabling interpersonal environment created by the management. This safe and enabling interpersonal environment is characterized by predictability, interpersonal flexibility, confirmation, congruence and empathy. According to this research, it can be argued that residents in this specific care facility were still able to identify and describe relationships that could effectively satisfy their needs – despite having experienced multiple losses associated with the aging process and/or losses in their particular lives. This study hence holds important implications for the creation of an interpersonal context by management in order to promote wellbeing among older people that reside in residential care facilities. / Thesis (MA (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Exploring the construction of quality of life in older people / Lizanlé van Biljon.

Van Biljon, Lizanlé January 2013 (has links)
Ageing populations and the unique challenges they pose are characteristic of the accelerating demographic transition evident in both developed and developing countries. In South Africa the elderly population is also increasing dramatically. There is a disproportionate distribution of older persons per ethnic group, with white older people representing the largest group of older South Africans (21%, proportional to ethnic group). The influx of the baby boomer generation will inevitably lead to an exponential increase in the numbers of white older people within the next two decades. Regardless of integration policies in post-apartheid South Africa, 90% of all residential care facilities are still occupied solely by white older people. Such facilities are described as buildings or other structures used primarily for the purposes of providing accommodation and of providing a 24-hour service to older persons. The increasingly larger segment of white older people holds considerable implications for the future of these facilities since more individuals will turn to this living arrangement. The Older Persons Act of South Africa was inaugurated by the government in 2006 and its key objectives are aligned with the recommendations of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (2002). Amongst many other objectives, the Older Persons Act emphasises practices that enhance the wellbeing and quality of life (QoL) of all older persons. However, the reigning circumstances in most residential care facilities have been described as challenging. A national audit of residential care facilities in 2010 indicated a need for psychosocial interventions since the QoL of residents was found to be undefined and unspecific. The purpose of the study was to explore the construction of QoL, from the perspective of the older people living in residential care facilities. A purposive sample of 54 participants (male, n=10; female, n=44) with ages ranging between 62 and 95 years was drawn. The participants were able to communicate congruently and understood the research purpose. Participants resided in four similar facilities situated in urban areas in two South African provinces. A multiple-context inquiry was conducted to gather rich data and collateral information. The study made use of interviews, focus groups, journals, and the Mmogo-method® to collect qualitative data. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and visual analysis methods were used to analyse the data. Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) was conducted with 19 participants, resulting in a conceptual model of QoL. Member-checking was performed by the participants. Ethical approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), as part of a larger project, namely “An exploration of enabling contexts (05K14)”. The findings revealed that the nature of QoL is informed by spiritual worldviews, interpersonal contexts and the maintained ability of older people to regulate aspects of their own lives. The nature of QoL was also revealed as transitional throughout the ageing process and that the dimensions of QoL may be found on a continuum. Six domains were elicited in the construction of QoL, namely spirituality, health, relationships, meaningfulness, autonomy and sense of place. Each domain presented with certain contributors and inhibitors influencing the older person’s ability to experience QoL. Findings revealed the strengths of older people to deal with adversities associated with later life. The inhibitors of QoL are emphasised for the attention of policy makers, the managers of residential care facilities, care givers and family members. The study provided insight into the causal influences between the domains of QoL. A conceptual model with systemic properties is proposed. The theoretical implications of this systems model are that QoL domains are mutually informing and exercise a particular influence on the relational states of older people. It is hoped that new knowledge in the area of QoL might direct future research efforts and put resources channeled to residential care facilities to better use. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Exploring the relational qualities of older people in a residential care facility / Erika du Plessis

Du Plessis, Erika January 2013 (has links)
The social environment has been recognised as one of the key aspects in determining the quality of life throughout the human lifespan. Human behaviour, thoughts, feelings and attitudes are socially constructed and can only be understood when viewed from the perspective of social interaction. Older individuals, who live in residential facilities experience a diminished quality of life due to factors such as loss of independence, reduced social networks, functional dependence, and contextual changes. Depression, loneliness and social isolation are an integral part of these individuals’ lives. People develop specific styles of relating, also referred to as interpersonal styles. The systems theory is used to explain the circular processes of the interaction between people. In particular the Self-Interactional Group Theory (SIGT) is proposed as theoretical framework to explore the relational qualities of older people in a residential care facility. SIGT views the interaction between people on three levels, namely the intra-personal level, the interpersonal level and the group level, which operate interdependently in the interaction between people. The interpersonal level of analysis consists of the definition of the relationship, relational qualities, motivation to engage with people to address needs and needs satisfaction as well as the circular processes of which the interaction consists of. The interactions between people always take place in an interpersonal context, embedded in broader environments. A qualitative and exploratory research design was selected to explore the relational qualities in interactions between older individuals living in a residential care facility. This study is based on data collected during a primary research study at a residential care facility for older individuals in 2013. The purpose of study was to explore the quality of life of older individuals residing in a residential care facility in Gauteng, South Africa. The data-gathering process in the primary research study involved the Mmogo-Method, a visual projective data-gathering method, the World Café method and person-centred interviews to gain insight into the participants’ life experiences at the residential care facility. For the purpose of this research, only the person-centred interviews were used for the secondary analysis of the data. Twelve purposely-selected individuals (aged 80 to 95; 3 men and 9 women) from the residential care facility participated voluntarily in the person-centered interviews, which were audio recorded. The collected data were transcribed verbatim and subjected to two different methods of analyses. First, data were analysed thematically by adopting an inductive approach. The themes identified in this first phase were next subjected to a deductive content analysis. The themes were categorised according to the relational variables in accordance with the Interactional Pattern Analysis (IPA), thereby contributing to the trustworthiness of the findings. The findings revealed that the interactions between older individuals take place in a broader environment that advocate the active participation of people. Active participation takes place both in and outside the facility and older people reported that this contributed to their quality of life. The relational qualities that could be described as enhancing interpersonal connectivity and satisfying older people’s needs for confirmation were identified as empathy, unconditional acceptance of others, confirmation and interpersonal flexibility. This research, however, highlighted relational qualities that restrained quality of life of older people, namely confusing self-presentation, ineffective expression on needs and withdrawal due to physical immobility. Needs were expressed in a very unspecific, blaming or manipulative manner, and consequently needs were not satisfied, but provoked, instead, feelings of frustration, pain and guilt. This research highlighted the predicament that older people find themselves in. Their decreased physical abilities and limited emotional repertoire to move towards others and the environment also limit their needs satisfaction. The presenting problem of social isolation can be explained by the combination of limited physical mobility and relational qualities that restrain quality of life for older people. This research study thus holds important implications for relationship-focused approaches in residential facilities for older individuals in order to empower and enable them to enhance their quality of life. Specific recommendations include interventions to assist older people to express their needs more effectively and to use opportunities in interaction to confirm them as autonomous functioning older people. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

'n Waarderingsperspektief op ouer persone se belewing van verhoudings in 'n ekonomies minderbevoorregte residensiële sorgfasiliteit

Du Toit, Francois Jacobus January 2012 (has links)
Older people often experience loneliness and depression, especially those dependent on institutional care. The loneliness can be attributed to multiple losses such as the loss of physical and cognitive abilities, the loss of relationships with familiar environments, the loss of significant others, as well as changing contact with family members and friends. The strategy commonly used by older people to deal with such feelings of loss, is to reminisce on such losses as well as on the lost or altered relationships. This strategy might result in a situation where the focus older people have on the past prevents them from recognizing the potential of relationships in their immediate environment. In order to make older people more aware of meaningful relationships in their immediate environment, the method of appreciative inquiry was used. Appreciative inquiry uses questioning as an intervention. Questions were formulated in such a way that the positive aspects of possible relationships in interpersonal environments were emphasised. The aim of the appreciative inquiry was to determine what relationship qualities older people experience as meaningful or effective. A qualitative and investigative research method was used in an attempt to investigate older people's subjective experiences of the relationships they have in the residential care facility. Participants to the study were volunteers who permanently reside in a residential care facility for older people in Gauteng, South Africa. Textual- and visual data was collected through the use of the World Café method, where the participants were divided into three separate groups of approximately six members each. Group discussions were facilitated as group leaders alternated with various activities between the groups. Sheets of A2 paper served as tablecloths allowing participants to conveniently jot down notes from the group discussion, and also to draw symbolic representations of their subjective experiences of the relationships they enjoy in their immediate environment. Data gathered in the various groups was then visually displayed so that a focus group discussion could occur. Crystallization confirmed the trustworthiness of the findings. Crystallization is an approach where data is combined using two or more genres of representation of socially constructed meanings as well as different methods of data analysis. In this study, several different data collection methods were used, including the use of symbols, group discussions and a focus group. The data analysis comprised of a combination of several methods of analysis, being thematic analysis, interactive pattern analysis and the visual analysis of posters. Approval pertaining to the ethical aspects of the research project was obtained from the North-West University. From the findings it became apparent that essential relationship qualities such as confirmation, empathy, unconditional acceptance and clarity of self-presentation between the residents spontaneously developed out of the safe and enabling interpersonal environment created by the management. This safe and enabling interpersonal environment is characterized by predictability, interpersonal flexibility, confirmation, congruence and empathy. According to this research, it can be argued that residents in this specific care facility were still able to identify and describe relationships that could effectively satisfy their needs – despite having experienced multiple losses associated with the aging process and/or losses in their particular lives. This study hence holds important implications for the creation of an interpersonal context by management in order to promote wellbeing among older people that reside in residential care facilities. / Thesis (MA (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Exploring the construction of quality of life in older people / Lizanlé van Biljon.

Van Biljon, Lizanlé January 2013 (has links)
Ageing populations and the unique challenges they pose are characteristic of the accelerating demographic transition evident in both developed and developing countries. In South Africa the elderly population is also increasing dramatically. There is a disproportionate distribution of older persons per ethnic group, with white older people representing the largest group of older South Africans (21%, proportional to ethnic group). The influx of the baby boomer generation will inevitably lead to an exponential increase in the numbers of white older people within the next two decades. Regardless of integration policies in post-apartheid South Africa, 90% of all residential care facilities are still occupied solely by white older people. Such facilities are described as buildings or other structures used primarily for the purposes of providing accommodation and of providing a 24-hour service to older persons. The increasingly larger segment of white older people holds considerable implications for the future of these facilities since more individuals will turn to this living arrangement. The Older Persons Act of South Africa was inaugurated by the government in 2006 and its key objectives are aligned with the recommendations of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (2002). Amongst many other objectives, the Older Persons Act emphasises practices that enhance the wellbeing and quality of life (QoL) of all older persons. However, the reigning circumstances in most residential care facilities have been described as challenging. A national audit of residential care facilities in 2010 indicated a need for psychosocial interventions since the QoL of residents was found to be undefined and unspecific. The purpose of the study was to explore the construction of QoL, from the perspective of the older people living in residential care facilities. A purposive sample of 54 participants (male, n=10; female, n=44) with ages ranging between 62 and 95 years was drawn. The participants were able to communicate congruently and understood the research purpose. Participants resided in four similar facilities situated in urban areas in two South African provinces. A multiple-context inquiry was conducted to gather rich data and collateral information. The study made use of interviews, focus groups, journals, and the Mmogo-method® to collect qualitative data. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and visual analysis methods were used to analyse the data. Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) was conducted with 19 participants, resulting in a conceptual model of QoL. Member-checking was performed by the participants. Ethical approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), as part of a larger project, namely “An exploration of enabling contexts (05K14)”. The findings revealed that the nature of QoL is informed by spiritual worldviews, interpersonal contexts and the maintained ability of older people to regulate aspects of their own lives. The nature of QoL was also revealed as transitional throughout the ageing process and that the dimensions of QoL may be found on a continuum. Six domains were elicited in the construction of QoL, namely spirituality, health, relationships, meaningfulness, autonomy and sense of place. Each domain presented with certain contributors and inhibitors influencing the older person’s ability to experience QoL. Findings revealed the strengths of older people to deal with adversities associated with later life. The inhibitors of QoL are emphasised for the attention of policy makers, the managers of residential care facilities, care givers and family members. The study provided insight into the causal influences between the domains of QoL. A conceptual model with systemic properties is proposed. The theoretical implications of this systems model are that QoL domains are mutually informing and exercise a particular influence on the relational states of older people. It is hoped that new knowledge in the area of QoL might direct future research efforts and put resources channeled to residential care facilities to better use. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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