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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valtavirta muutoksessa:vesivoima ja paikalliset asukkaat Kemijoella

Autti, O. (Outi) 15 October 2013 (has links)
Abstract The construction of human-controlled watercourses to meet the need for hydroelectric power has substantially changed freshwater ecosystems, as well as the cultural dynamics of local communities along the Kemi River. At the moment there are 21 hydropower plants in the Kemi River basin, and further building is still topical. The construction of hydropower plants gave benefits but it also caused damages to the people living along the Kemi River. It was a deathblow to salmon migration. The alteration of the river has radically changed the water environment, the landscape and the usage of the river environment. The processed conflicts and paid compensations are always connected to economic losses, but the river has also many other aspects and meanings from the viewpoint of a riverman. The planning and building of hydroelectric plants took place at the same time with other significant events in northern Finland. The rise of the forestry industry, the Second World War, post-war reconstruction and structural changes in society framed the electrification of northern rivers. The transformation from an agrarian society to a service and information society happened unusually fast in Finland. It involved every aspect of local people’s lives, as the physical environment, local culture, social relations, means of income and the surrounding society changed in a short period of time. In my research I examine the changes caused by the electrification of the Kemi River in their temporal and spatial context. The focus is on the perspectives of local people and their personal relationships with the environment, but on the other hand also on the power relations within various actor groups. From my interview data I have identified four different adaptation strategies: compliant builders, those in denial, resigned bystanders and opposing resisters. These strategies may be found overlapping in the stories of the interviewees. Local residents have had an opportunity to realign themselves with various available subject positions, as well as decline or remould them. Remoulding takes place in various situations, and local people broadmindedly understand the benefits and disadvantages of hydropower, in spite of their own attitude. The alteration of the Kemi River has been a cultural trauma for the people living along the river, and the ones who experienced the change maintain a constant negotiation with the matter. / Tiivistelmä Kemijoen ensimmäinen voimalaitos valmistui vuonna 1949 sodanjälkeisen voimakkaan sähköntarpeen sanelemana. Kemijoen valuma-alueella on nyt yhteensä 21 voimalaitosta, ja jatkorakentaminen on yhä ajankohtainen asia. Vesivoimarakentaminen aiheutti hyötyjen lisäksi myös vahinkoa jokivarren asukkaille. Joen rakentaminen esti vaelluskalojen nousun jokiin ja muutti vesiympäristöä, maisemaa ja joen käyttöä voimakkaasti. Kemijoen kalakorvauskiista lienee tunnetuin rakentamisen aiheuttama konflikti, mutta myös muita ristiriitoja, pettymyksiä ja vahinkoja on paljon. Käsitellyt ristiriidat liittyvät aina taloudellisiin menetyksiin. Joella on sen rannalla asujalle kuitenkin myös muita kuin taloudellisia merkityksiä. Samanaikaisesti voimalaitostöiden kanssa käynnistyi yhteiskunnallinen rakennemuutos, joka tapahtui Suomessa poikkeuksellisen myöhään ja nopeasti. Muutos löi läpi koko elämänalan, kun fyysinen ympäristö, paikalliskulttuuri, sosiaaliset suhteet, toimeentulo ja yhteiskunta muuttuivat lyhyessä ajassa. Vesivoimarakentaminen vauhditti jokivarsien modernisaatiota entisestään, eikä nopea muutos tarjonnut asukkaille yhtä pitkää sopeutumisaikaa kuin muualla. Käsittelen tutkimuksessani vesivoimarakentamisen aiheuttamia muutoksia Kemijoen vesistöalueella. Tarkastelen muutosta paikallisten asukkaiden näkökulmasta sekä sidottuna rakentamisajan historialliseen ja tilalliseen kontekstiin. Tutkimuksen keskiössä on paikallisen asukkaan henkilökohtainen ympäristösuhde mutta toisaalta myös eri toimijaryhmien väliset ja sisäiset valtasuhteet. Jaan aineistosta esille tulleet jokivarren asukkaiden sopeutumisstrategiat neljään kategoriaan: rakentajiin, selänkääntäjiin, alistujiin ja vastustajiin. Tilanteesta riippuen suhtautumistapoja saattoi ilmetä limittäisesti, ja ne saattoivat olla keskenään myös ristiriidassa. Jokivarren asukkailla on ollut mahdollisuus omaksua tai torjua erilaisia tarjolla olleita toimija-asemia tai muokata niitä erilaisiksi. Muokkausta tapahtuu tilanteesta riippuen, ja jokivarren asukkaat ymmärtävät hyvin joen rakentamisen sekä hyvät että huonot puolet, vastustuksesta, puolustamisesta tai vetäytymisestä riippumatta. Joen muutos on ollut paikallisille asukkaille kulttuurinen trauma, ja muutoksen kokeneet ovat sen kanssa jatkuvassa neuvottelusuhteessa.


GLAUCIO GLEI MACIEL 09 March 2016 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar o processo de mercantilização da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e suas implicações na gestão e uso dos espaços turísticos do Setor Paineiras/Corcovado do Parque Nacional da Tijuca, e seus efeitos no trabalho dos moradores de favelas do Cerro Corá e Guararapes. Admitimos como referencial teórico a concepção marxista dos campos da geografia, sociologia urbana e serviço social, segundo a qual, os setores dominantes exercem um processo de exploração econômica, bem como exclusão política, cultural e social dos outros segmentos sociais, aplicando-a aos espaços urbanos, no contexto dos parques nacionais e seus trabalhadores e, sobretudo, os que habitam em favelas, os quais são considerados espoliados pelo sistema capitalista. Adotamos como estratégia metodológica a realização de entrevistas, análises de livros, artigos e teses, bem como documentos, jornais impressos/eletrônicos e vídeos na internet. A pesquisa demostrou que o planejamento estratégico presente nas cidades brasileiras, com os papéis definidos pelo mercado empresarial, é amostra das modificações ocorridas dentro do Estado, na população urbana, nas organizações sociais e na configuração de poder em torno do direito aos espaços públicos. Estas alterações receberam consideráveis contribuições para sua consolidação como projeto político e econômico, com a inserção dos parques nacionais no circuito de promoção da imagem e negócios das cidades, sobretudo, modificando sua forma de gestão e uso a partir de concessões que antes não existiam. Demostrou, também, todo o processo que originou a mercantilização da cidade do Rio de Janeiro na gestão e uso do Setor Corcovado/Paineiras, em áreas do Parque Nacional da Tijuca e, consequentemente, suas implicações na prestação de serviços turísticos realizadas por favelados do Cerro Corá e do Guararapes, indicando a necessidade de uma releitura do papel do Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação frente à sustentação de terceirizações e concessões em parques nacionais, considerando as experiências de trabalho realizadas por moradores de favelas junto a turistas como forma de resistência social à mercantilização dos espaços públicos e exclusão. / [en] This research aims to analyze the process of the commodification of the city of Rio de Janeiro and the implications on the management and the use of touristic spaces of Paineiras/Corcovado sector of Tijuca National Park. Also, the research analyses the effects on the work of the residents of Cerro Cora and Guararapes slums. This dissertation adopts the Marxist conception on the geography, urban sociology and social service fields, that understands that urban spaces, national parks, their workers and the slums residents are considered exploited by capitalism system. As methodological strategy this work carried out interviews and analyses articles, books and thesis, as well documents, news on printed newspaper and news and videos published on the internet. The research demonstrates that the cities strategical planning in Brazil has their role defined by business market and is a sample of the changes occurred inside the State management, and also on urban citizens, social organizations and on the configuration of the power of the public spaces rights. These changes received considerable contributions for their consolidation as a political and economic project with the insertion of national parks in the promotion of the image and business of the cities, by modifying their management and the public use by adopting the concessions which did not exist before. The research also demonstrates all the process that origins the commodification of the city of Rio de Janeiro on the management and use of Corcovado/Paineiras sector, in Tijuca National Park areas and the implications on the touristic services taken by slum residents. This indicates that is important to do a new reading on the role of Protected Areas National System of Brazil facing the maintenance of the outsourcing and concessions in national parks and considering the experiences and the work done by slum residents for tourists as a social resistance way of the commodification of public space and exclusion.

Tourisme et développement durable sur le littoral et les îles de la baie de Nha Trang (Vietnam) / No English title available

Le, Thi My Binh 07 May 2012 (has links)
Le tourisme durable, et les principes qui lui sont généralement associés, devient une préoccupation majeure non seulement au niveau mondial et national mais aussi local comme le montre le cas de Nha Trang, une destination balnéaire centenaire au Vietnam. Considéré comme un des centres touristiques majeurs du pays, Nha Trang connaît aujourd'hui des problèmes de durabilité touristique, en particulier d'un point de vue socioculturel : exode des îliens, manque de personnel compétent dans le tourisme, implication insuffisante des acteurs privés dans les politiques de développement touristique à Nha Trang, surexploitation de la baie de Nha Trang et diminution du nombre de touristes internationaux. Face à ces constatations, la question capitale pour nous est celle-ci : Peut-on considérer le développement touristique actuel à Nha Trang comme durable sous l'angle d'indicateurs socioculturels ? Autrement dit, est-ce qu'il permet de satisfaire les touristes, de préserver les ressources touristiques locales, de faire bénéficier du tourisme l'ensemble de la population locale et de faire participer tous les acteurs au processus de décision. L'objectif de ce travail est double. Il s'agit tout d'abord d'analyser le tourisme à Nha Trang sous l'angle d'indicateurs socioculturels. À l'issue de ce bilan, des propositions sont soumises afin de concilier deux dynamiques à priori contradictoires : le développement touristique d'une part, et la préservation du patrimoine culturel local, d'autre part. Afin de mener à bien ce travail, 901 questionnaires ont été menés auprès de résidents et de touristes à Nha Trang ainsi que 15 entrevues semi-dirigées auprès des autorités locales. Les résultats de ces enquêtes ont été complétés par une recherche ayant permis de contacter 137 entreprises touristiques à Nha Trang. Fort de ce travail, les résultats obtenus montrent d'abord que certains principes associés au tourisme durable d'un point de vue socioculturel ne sont pas suffisamment respectés à Nha Trang. Parmi eux, la préservation des ressources touristiques et culturelles est particulièrement préoccupante pour l'avenir. La stabilité des offres d'emplois et la répartition équitable des bénéfices issus de l'activité touristique constituent également un motif d'inquiétude, au même titre que le degré de participation des acteurs privés aux politiques touristiques. Enfin, malgré une relative satisfaction de touristes concernant le personnel travaillant dans le tourisme et la qualité de services offerte, le secteur touristique nécessite davantage de formations. Afin de rendre le tourisme de Nha Trang plus durable d'un point de vue socioculturel, notre proposition prioritaire réside en la mise en œuvre d'un plan d'aménagement touristique de Nha Trang, en équilibrant entre la terre et la mer, qui permettrait de diversifier les pratiques touristiques, de mettre en tourisme les ressources touristiques en arrière-pays, de faire participer davantage les résidents aux projets touristiques. Cette mise en œuvre est accompagnée par une gouvernance réellement opérationnelle entre résidents, acteurs privés et acteurs publics impliqués dans la sphère touristique. Cette solution viserait à accroître la participation des acteurs privés et à promulguer des politiques touristiques conciliant réellement développement touristique et préservation des ressources. / Sustainable tourism, and the principles with which it is generally associated, has become a major concern not only at global and national but also at local levels as in the case of Nha Trang, an age-old sea-swimming destination in Vietnam. Regarded as one of the leading tourist centers of the country, Nha Trang is now facing with problems of tourism sustainability, particularly from a socio-cultural viewpoint: the exodus of islanders, the shortage of competent personnel in tourism, insufficient involvement of private sectors in the policies for tourism development in Nha Trang, overexploitation of Nha Trang Bay and the decrease in the amount of international tourists. With this awareness, the main question for us would be: Can we consider the actual tourism development in Nha Trang as sustainable from a viewpoint of socio-cultural indicators? In other words, is it possible to satisfy tourists, preserve local tourist resources, help the local community benefit from tourism and get all the factors to participate in the decision-making process? This research presents a double objective. First of all, it is important to analyze tourism in from a point of view based on socio-cultural indicators. At the conclusion of this research, proposals are forwarded so as to compromise two apparently contradictory dynamics: tourism development on the one hand and the preservation of local cultural heritage on the other. With an aim at performing this task well, 901 questionnaires have been handed out to the residents and tourists in Nha Trang, as well as 15 interviews that have been carried out with local authorities. The results of these surveys have been obtained through a research allowed to contact 137 tourist enterprises in Nha Trang. Thanks to this, the results obtained show in the first place that some principles associated to sustainable tourism from a socio-cultural viewpoint are not sufficiently observed in Nha Trang. Among these, the preservation of tourist and cultural resources particularly present lots of concern for the future. All the same, recruitment stability and equitable distribution of benefits arising from tourist operations constitute a basis for worries, similarly to the degree of participation of private sectors in tourism policies. In sum, despite tourists' relative satisfaction concerning the staff now working in tourism and the quality of services offered, the tourism sector demands further training. In order to make Nha Trang's tourism more sustainable from a socio-cultural viewpoint, our prerequisite proposal is to put into operation a plan of renovating Nha Trang’s tourism, by bringing about a well-balanced relationship between the land and the sea, which will hopefully pave the way for diversifying tourist practices, making advantage of inland tourist resources in tourism, assisting the residents to participate further in tourism projects. This performance is accompanied with an operational governance among residents, private factors and public figures involved in the tourism sphere. This solution would aim at increasing the participation of the private sector and promulgating tourism policies, virtually compromising tourism development and preservation of resources.

Revitalizace areálu Filmových ateliérů Zlín / Revitalization of Film studios in Zlín

Kolbábková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the revitalization of the Zlín film studios, with maximum respect for the principles of the investor, using the area in the long term. Idea thesis consists in consolidating the roots of film history, familiarity with film themes and issues for every generation. It also ensures that the area live 24 hours a day. For this reason, in the area of proposed areas not only public facilities, manufacturing, sport but also areas for housing. Campus should become a place where everyone would like to return, whether for entertainment, recreation, leisure and entertainment

Der Sandmann : von E.T.A. Hoffmann bis Freddy Krüger / The Sandman : from E.T.A. Hoffmann to Freddy Krueger

Kemmer, Julian January 2020 (has links)
In dieser Arbei wird, auf Grundlage der Figur des Sandmanns von E.T.A. Hoffmann, nach Gruselfiguren in der Moderne gesucht, die ebenfalls als Sandmänner ansehen kann. Die Figuren, die mit dem Original aus der schwarzen Romantik verglichen werden, kommen dabei aus unterschiedlichen Medien und sind nicht nur aus Büchern, sondern auch aus der Musik, der Graphic Novel, sowie dem Film. Es wird auf intermediale Weise untersucht, wie der jeweils gezeigte Sandmann aussieht, welche Eigenschaften er aufweist und wie er sich verhält. Die ausgewählten Sandmänner kommen teilweise aus dem europäischen und teilweise aus dem amerikanischen Raum.

A Study of Smart Ventilation System for Maintaining Healthy Living by Optimal Energy Consumption : A case study on Dalarnas Villa

Arshad, Fasiha January 2020 (has links)
Indoor air quality is a measure of clean air with comfort conditions and depiction of lower concentration of air pollutants. It is tedious task to achieve all quality measures at a time with smart energy consumption. This research aims to come up with a solution of how to improve smart ventilation system in order to get clean indoor air with less consumption of electric energy. Many studies showed that scheduled ventilation system has proven to be a good solution to this problem. For this purpose, a long-term sensor data of smart ventilation system Renson healthbox and Luvians data is studied which is operated in Dalarnas villa. This research investigates how this system works in two modes and to improve it by customized scheduling.A regression model is constructed in which the relationship between airflow and CO2 is shown. For this purpose, correlation analysis is used in which the connection of bonds between each data features are analyzed. After the feature selection, as a result from correlation matrix, regression analysis is used to find out whether the selected features are linearly related or not. Regression analysis also used for the intent to quantify a model to estimate the flowrate and CO2. A mathematical model is also build to simulate the flowrate and CO2 with energy consumption.The results showed that, in order to provide better indoor air quality with efficient energy consumption, a necessary modification of the fan schedule should be done in a way that fan must be started little bit earlier to avoid harmful particles reach their upper threshold limits. This can result in reduction of fan’s maximum speed hence consumption of less energy is achieved.

A Study of Smart Ventilation System to Balance Indoor Air Quality and Energy Consumption : A case study on Dalarnas Villa

Zhu, Yurong January 2020 (has links)
It is a dilemma problem to achieve both these two goals: a) to maintain a best indoor air quality and b) to use a most efficient energy for a house at the same time. One of the outstanding components involving these goals is a smart ventilation system in the house. Smart ventilation strategies, including demand-controlled ventilation (DCV), have been of great interests and some studies believe that DCV strategies have the potential for energy reductions for all ventilation systems. This research aims to improve smart ventilation system, in aspects of energy consumption, indoor CO2 concentrations and living comfortness, by analyzing long-term sensor data. Based on a case study on an experimental house -- Dalarnas Villa, this research investigates how the current two ventilations modes work in the house and improves its ventilation system by developing customized ventilation schedules. A variety of data analysis methods were used in this research. Clustering analysis is used to identify the CO2 patterns and hence determine the residents living patterns; correlation analysis and regression analysis are used to quantify a model to estimate fan energy consumption; a mathematical model is built to simulation the CO2 decreasing when the house is under 0 occupancy. And finally, two customized schedules are created for a typical workday and holiday, respectively, which show advantages in all aspects of energy consumption, CO2 concentrations and living comfortness, compared with the current ventilation modes.

The Psychosocial Benefits Of Animal-Assisted Activities On The Quality Of Life For Long-Term Care Residents

Miller Blakely, Jessica C. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Leading by Design: Physicians in Training and Leadership Awareness

Mendelsohn, Meridithe Anne 18 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Environmental rights afforded to residents affected by mining activities: a case study in Hondeklip Bay

Mohomed, Farzana 30 November 2006 (has links)
Whilst the mining industry has stimulated the economic growth of South Africa, its activities have also impacted on the social and environmental well-being of the communities and ecosystems in which it operates. Environmental degradation often severely affects the livelihoods of people in rural areas, who are often impoverished. Hondeklip Bay, a small fishing community in the Northern Cape, has been affected by the mining activities of the adjacent Hondeklip Bay Mine. The purpose of this paper is to identify whether impoverished residents affected by the detrimental effects of mining activity have rights to enforce the protection of their environment. These environmental rights pertain to an environment that is safe and not harmful to one's health and well-being. Environmental obligations of the mines as illustrated in terms of applicable legislation, and legal recourse available to the residents affected by the infringement of their environmental rights are furthermore explored. / Jurisprudence / LL.M

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