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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Law-Making by the Security Council in Areas of Counter-Terrorism and Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass-Destruction

Mirzaei Yengejeh, Saeid January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether the Security Council has opened a new avenue for law-making at the international level by adopting resolutions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter which create new norms of international law or modify international norms already in force (the normative resolutions). The normative resolutions analyzed in this study pertain to the areas of counterterrorism and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass-destruction. The new approach of the Security Council has been examined in light of the Third World Approaches in International law (TWAIL), as well as from the viewpoint of mainstream lawyers. Furthermore, 15 years of State practice relating to the implementation of these normative resolutions has been studied with a view to determining whether subsequent State practice confirms the exercise of a law-making function by the Security Council. Despite some incremental success in promoting international standards in the fight against terrorism, this thesis illustrates that the Security Council has not succeeded in introducing a new viable form of law-making. The Security Council’s authority to exercise such a function is now under serious doubt and its legitimacy questioned, as its normative resolutions were improperly initiated and adopted under the influence of a Permanent Member of the Security Council. Furthermore, the Security Council’s intervention in areas that are already highly regulated runs the risk of contributing to the fragmentation of international law—a phenomenon that undermines the coherence of international law. Currently, the Council’s normative resolutions are facing serious challenges at the implementation stage and several proceedings before national and regional courts have either directly challenged the normative resolutions, or questioned their enforceability. The Security Council is under continued pressure to further revise its practice or potentially face additional challenges before national, regional, and even international courts which may annul or quash relevant implementing measures. Thus, in light of relevant State practice, it is almost inconceivable that the Security Council would repeat its use of normative resolutions as a means of law-making in the future. Nevertheless, the increasing powers of the United Nations Security Council also stimulates an increasing demand to hold the United Nations accountable for the possible wrongful acts of its principal organ, particularly when its decisions harm individuals. It is argued that in the absence of a compulsory judicial mechanism at the international level, non-compliance with the Council’s decisions is the only viable way to challenge the Security Council wrongful acts. Yet, non-complying State or group of States should clearly identify their actions as countermeasures vis-a-vis ultra vires acts of Security Council and seek support from other like-minded States to avoid being declared recalcitrant, which may be followed by Security Council sanctions.

Developing, Adopting, and Executing 100% Net-Renewable Electricity Resolutions at the Local Level

Skill, Emily E. 01 December 2019 (has links)
In the absence of national leadership on climate policy, municipalities are adopting resolutions to reduce their carbon footprint and transition to clean energy. However, what leads to successful adoption of these resolutions and how to effectively implement climate goals at the community level needs further exploration. To investigate these questions, this thesis examines the resolutions adopted in Salt Lake City, Park City, and Moab, Utah to transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2032. Data was collected through documents, such as city reports and newspapers, and interviews with government officials, city staff, and community members involved with the resolution process. A time series analysis and thematic analysis were used to determine casual events and identify fundamental themes within the data. Each city’s plan for resolution execution was compared to the approaches and techniques outlined in the community-based social marketing framework and the theory of diffusion of innovations. These findings deliver a transferable five-step framework to assist other cities in adopting similar resolutions and strategies to engage community members with practices that will help cities achieve these ambitious resolutions.

Informes para la sustentación de expedientes: 00392-2008-0-01801-JR-FC-18 / 2362-2008/CPC

Padilla Armas, Andrea Rocío 25 November 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo informativo, se dispone a analizar el proceso judicial contenido en el Expediente Nº 00392-2008, el cual gira en torno a divorcio por las causales de separación de hecho y consumo habitual e injustificado de drogas. También se observa la presencia de violencia física y psicológica como antecedente y su incidencia en las hijas menores de edad de la expareja. A raíz de ello, se analizan los efectos de la separación en la familia, así como la falta del deber de cohabitación, como factor de disolución del vínculo matrimonial, y la estabilidad económica del cónyuge perjudicado en cuanto al otorgamiento de una indemnización por causa inculpatoria a vista del Tercer Pleno Casatorio Civil. Este proceso sigue la vía de conocimiento siendo resuelto en última y definitiva instancia por la Sala Civil de la Corte Suprema. Por otro lado, se observan aspectos referidos al debido proceso (plazo razonable, congruencia y celeridad procesal) y la correspondiente motivación de las resoluciones judiciales. Asimismo, en el estudio del expediente se indagan cuestiones procesales y materiales que generan interés debido a la naturaleza del caso y respecto al tiempo prolongado para su resolución. Es posible resaltar que este tipo de procesos deben ser ejecutados con el mayor compromiso siendo que la familia se configura como una institución protegida dentro del marco social y legal. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Die Einordnung von UNESCO-Rechtsakten

Zahm, Constanze 03 December 2013 (has links)
Als Sonderorganisation der Vereinten Nationen soll die UNESCO als rechtlich selbstständige Organisation mit eigener Rechtspersönlichkeit zur Erreichung des Gesamtziels der Vereinten Nationen beitragen. Grundlage dafür sind gemeinsame Standards in den Bereichen Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, die gegenseitiges Verständnis und Kooperation fördern sollen. Rechtssetzungsinstrumente sind demnach von großer Bedeutung für die Tätigkeit der UNESCO. Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Analyse und kritische Würdigung der vorhandenen Instrumente und ordnet sie rechtlich sowohl nach ihrer Verbindlichkeit als auch ihrer Entstehung ein. Abschließend wird die Implementierung sowie die gewollte und erreichte Wirksamkeit der Rechtssetzungsinstrumente hinterfragt.:LITERATURVERZEICHNIS II ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS VI A. EINLEITUNG 1 B. RECHTSSETZUNGSINSTRUMENTE UND DEREN CHARAKTERISIERUNG 2 a. Rechtsetzungsinstrumente mit Außenwirkung 2 i. Erklärungen 2 ii. Empfehlungen 4 iii. Internationale Übereinkommen 6 b. Beschlussinstrumente von Organen 7 i. Resolutionen 7 ii. Entscheidungen 8 c. Zwischenergebnis 9 C. ENTSTEHUNG VON UNESCO-RECHTSAKTEN 9 a. Empfehlungen und internationale Übereinkommen 9 i. Die vorausgehende Studie als Grundvoraussetzung 10 ii. Entscheidung darüber, ob es eine Regelung geben soll 10 iii. Ausarbeitung eines Entwurfs 12 iv. Beschlussfassung 12 b. Erklärungen 12 c. Zwischenergebnis 13 D. IMPLEMENTIERUNG UND MONITORING 13 a. Empfehlungen und internationale Übereinkommen 13 b. Erklärungen 14 E. KRITISCHE BEWERTUNG UND VERBESSERUNGSANSÄTZE 15 a. Rechtsakte und ihre Rechtsverbindlichkeit 15 b. Entstehungsprozess 16 c. Implementierung und Monitoring 17 F. FAZIT 18 ANHANG I

Women, Peace and Security : A feminist analysis of UNSC resolutions 1820, 1889 and 2467 / Kvinnor, fred och säkerhet : En feministisk analys av FNs säkerhetsråds resolutioner 1820, 1889 och 2467

Hallgren, Tindra January 2022 (has links)
It is recognized that international relations are reinforcing a patriarchal and western status quo. The study examines how the UN resolutions on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) have contributed to changing the gendered security discourse. Previous literature argues that the gendered discourse creates dichotomies dividing the genders, creating binary divisions stating women as peace/victims and men as war/agents. The study aims to investigate how the ”WPS” pillars of protection and par- ticipation are formulated in the UN resolutions. Grounded in a feminist theoretical framework con- stituted by prominent perspectives of Radical- and Postcolonial feminism, ideal types are con- structed. The study examines what indicators of radical- and postcolonial feminism are identified in the problem formulation of “WPS” in the strategically selected resolutions 1820, 1889 and 2467, and what in the formulation remains unproblematized. The methodology is based on Bacchi’s “What’s the Problem Represented to be?” (WPR) tool, suited for “postmodern” discourse analysis of policy documents. International relations have become more “reflexive” moving the security dis- course towards “Human security”. Similarly, contemporary feminism has become more intersec- tional when creating the women-subject. The analysis finds Radical feminist indicators, however implicit, throughout the material. Sexual violence is, in correspondence with human security, for- mulated as a structural/political issue. The women-subject is however created homogeneously, an absence of intersectionality is shaping formulations. Postcolonial feminism is merely found in solu- tion formulations of the most recent resolution 2467. The formulations in 2467 changed to include a more intersectional approach and a heterogeneous women-subject. Enabling some contextual fac- tors. Finally, the dominating subject construction identified in all resolutions is characterized as “women need protection”. The construction entails women’s deviance from the male norm. The formulation ultimately indicates that women still are separated from agency.


CAROLINE SOARES DE SOUSA FIGUEIREDO 06 December 2022 (has links)
[pt] O licenciamento ambiental na indústria petrolífera offshore no Brasil é o tema dessa dissertação. A questão do licenciamento ambiental para a produção do petróleo e gás na indústria e as possibilidades de se evitar, ao máximo, adversidades que possam degradar o meio ambiente foi o objetivo central desta pesquisa descritivo exploratória A natureza produz o petróleo e gás, mas, como usufrui-lo sem acarretar problemas à própria natureza que o produz? A regulamentação brasileira supõe essa questão? A da preservação da natureza? Analisou-se o processo de licenciamento ambiental para a execução da extração do petróleo e gás no Brasil e, ao mesmo tempo, outras referências mundiais, representadas pelos países: Canadá, Austrália, EUA e Noruega. Após essa análise viu-se que no Brasil o momento ainda é incipiente no desenvolvimento legal no que se refere a regulamentação geral; percebe-se contradições nas legislações pertinentes e a falta de clareza e objetividade (especificidades) no que se almeja regulamentar. Vale dizer, uma legislação pouco esclarecedora e confusa. Conclui-se que o caminho para a diminuição da degradação ambiental na exploração do petróleo e gás, exige, na prática, leis que ampliem e assegurem clareza, principalmente, na preservação do meio ambiente. Falta a definição desse caminho, ou seja, um roteiro explícito dos procedimentos legais necessários a aquisição desse licenciamento. Respeitar a natureza - o meio ambiente, e não somente explorá-lo sem medir as consequências negativas a este meio, deve ser o compromisso de todos os envolvidos. / [en] The main objective of this research was to discuss the environmental licensing in the offshore oil industry in Brazil by its laws and regulations and, at the same time, to have the possibility to avoid, as much as possible, adversities that could degrade the environment. Specifically, an attempt was made to understand the process of its regulation and other world references to understand the functioning of environmental licensing (environmental laws) for the execution of oil and gas extraction, represented by the countries: Canada, Australia, USA, and Norway; and point out necessary advances in environmental laws in preservation actions. In this descriptive exploratory research, the analysis focused on the environmental licensing process in Brazil in the offshore Oil and Gas industry, giving relevance to data for analysis of the bodies involved in the environmental licensing process; procedures and requirements for the offshore Oil and Gas Industry; laws and regulations in the offshore oil industry in Brazil and, finally, some information about the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) and its bidding and concession of exploratory blocks. And how does this interaction occur in other countries. The environmental licensing process is, in a way, old, vast and takes place from the prevention of deforestation established by the Forest Code in 1965 and in the authorizations for hunting and fishing in forests. However, at this time only a simple request was required to obtain authorization to carry out the activities. Law No. 6938 from 1981, which established the National Environmental Policy in Brazil, registered a regulatory milestone in the country s environmental legislation.

La surveillance de l'exécution des arrêts et décisions des Cours européenne et interaméricaine des droits de l'Homme / The supervision of execution of judgments of the Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Fortas, Anne-Catherine 11 December 2013 (has links)
La sentence internationale est communément réputée obligatoire et non exécutoire et l’exécution est conçue comme une phase « post-adjudicative » relevant de l’imperium de l’Etat. L’étude des mécanismes de surveillance de l’exécution des arrêts et décisions des Cours européenne et interaméricaine des droits de l’homme permet un renversement de ces postulats. Alors que les articles 46§2 de la CEDH et 65 de la CADH prévoient des surveillances de nature politique de l’exécution desdits arrêts et décisions, la pratique a été toute autre. Il s’avère que les procédures de surveillance en question sont respectivement quasi juridictionnelle et juridictionnelle et continuent autrement le procès. Elles sont aussi contentieuses, car les organes de surveillance tranchent des différends relatifs à l’exécution des arrêts et décisions, selon les principes directeurs du procès. Les contentieux de l’exécution européen et interaméricain permettent alors une redéfinition du procès en droit international et attestent que la notion de phase « post-adjudicative » n’existe pas. Ces procédures de surveillance ont en outre une double finalité. La première s’attache au contrôle de deux types de comportements étatiques, des comportements imposés et escomptés. Ces contrôles révélant que l’Etat n’est pas libre de ses moyens d’exécution, visent à aboutir au résultat de l’exécution effective de l’arrêt ou de la décision juridictionnelle telle que cette exécution est conçue par les organes de surveillance. La seconde finalité consiste en des suivis d’actes rendus au cours des surveillances et desquels résulte une chose à exécuter. D’un point de vue procédural, les suivis de cette chose qui émerge des précisions apportées à la chose jugée et aux comportements étatiques, révèlent l’existence de nouveaux types de recours dans le contentieux international. D’un point de vue substantiel, les suivis de la chose sont une contrainte formelle pour l’Etat qui n’est libéré des procédures de surveillance que s’il exécute l’arrêt ou la décision conformément à la chose à exécuter. Ces suivis sont donc des voies d’exécution et attestent alors de la force exécutoire interne des arrêts et décisions des Cours européenne et interaméricaine des droits de l’homme, que les organes de surveillance garantissent. / In the absence of enforcement mechanisms, an international decision is deemed binding and non-enforceable, and execution is generally perceived as a “post-adjudicative” phase, belonging to the State’s imperium. Study of the supervision of execution of the judgments and decisions of the European and Inter-american Courts of Human Rights reveals that these basic assumptions can be challenged. Whereas articles 46§2 of the ECHR and 65 of the ACHR provide for political modes of supervision of execution of the judgments and decisions of the European and Inter-american Courts of Human Rights, the practice has been completely different. It appears that the said supervision procedures are respectively quasi judicial and judicial and arise in the continuation of the trial. They are also contentious, given that the supervision authorities resolve disputes relating to the execution of judgments and decisions in accordance with due process principles. These procedures contribute to redefining the concept of trial in international law and illustrate that the notion of “post-adjudicative” phase does not exist. They also serve a double purpose. First, they allow control of two types of the State conduct, imposed and expected conduct. Illustrating that the State is not free in choosing its means of execution, such control aspires to achieve the effective execution of the judgment or judicial decision. The second purpose consists in following up on the resolutions and/or orders made in the course of supervision and which result in a res executiva. This res executiva, which would have emerged on the basis of clarifications made to res judicata and State conduct, in turn becomes the subject of the follow-up procedures. The consequences of such follow-up are twofold : from the procedural point of view, it creates new forms of appeals; from the substantive point of view, it formally constraints the State and achieves enforceability of judgments and decisions, guaranteed by the supervision authorities.

Conteúdo do provimento e limites objetivos e subjetivos do provimento e da coisa julgada na impugnação de deliberações de assembleias de sociedades por ações / Content of the judgement and objective and subjective limites of the judgement and res judicata in the challenge of shareholders meetings

Pereira, Guilherme Setoguti Julio 24 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho propôs-se a estudar, mediante abordagem crítica e multidisciplinar, questões processuais que surgem na impugnação de deliberações de assembleias de sociedades por ações, procurando não só comprovar a ideia de que o direito processual civil deve responder a especificidades vindas do direito material, mas tecer conclusões a respeito de qual maneira o processo civil, neste âmbito específico do direito material, atende a essas peculiaridades. Por entendermos que existe um fio condutor lógico que une conteúdo do provimento, objeto do provimento e limites objetivos e subjetivos da coisa julgada, foram eleitas algumas questões processuais como objeto principal da pesquisa, sintetizadas nas seguintes indagações: (i) qual o conteúdo do provimento jurisdicional que desconstitui deliberações de assembleias gerais de sociedades por ações?; (ii) quais os limites objetivos desse provimento e da coisa julgada que sobre ele incide?; e (iii) quais os limites subjetivos desse mesmo provimento e da coisa julgada que o acoberta? O escopo principal desta dissertação, assim, foi responder a essas perguntas, embora, para que se atingisse esse intuito, outras indagações também tenham sido respondidas. / This work aims at studying, through a critical and multidisciplinary approach, procedural matters arising out of claims that request the annulment of shareholder meetings resolutions, seeking not only to evidence the idea that the civil procedural law should correspond to specific issues of the substantive law, but also draw conclusions on how the civil procedure, within the specific ambit of the substantive law, answers to these peculiarities. Since we understand there is a logical guiding thread that links the judgment, its subject matter and the objective and subjective limits of the judgement and of the res judicata, we have chosen a few procedural issues as main object of our research, summarized in the following questions: (i) what is the content of the judgement that annuls the shareholder meetings deliberations?; (ii) what are the objective limits of this judgement and of the res judicata, which affect such deliberations?; and (iii) what are the subjective limits of this same judgement and of the res judicata, which restrict their interference in said deliberations? The main scope of this dissertation was, therefore, to answer these questions, although, in doing so, other questions have ended being answered.

Is the R2P- principle inefficient against the Security Council’s veto system? : - China’s indoctrination camps of Uyghur and Kazakh Muslim minorities in Former East Turkestan

Altay, Tansulu January 2018 (has links)
During the UN World Summit 2005 all Member States of the United Nations unanimously accepted the Responsibility to protect- principle (R2P- principle), that each member state shall protect its own population from ethnic cleansing, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. During the set-up of the United Nations and the Security Council’s veto system in the San Francisco Conference 1945, the five permanent members of the Security Council promised that their right to veto would be used “sparingly” and in the “interest” of the world organization, to safeguard “the International peace and security”. Despite the united acceptance of the R2P- principle to avoid mass atrocities since 2005, China have been detaining up to one million Uyghur, including Kazakhs in detainment camps, in former East Turkestan since the beginning of 2018. Since the passage to invoke the R2P- principle is by the Security Council, the question arises if- the veto would serve as a deadlock on the R2P- principle if China could veto such decision. The purpose of the thesis have therefore been to analyze if the R2P- principle is inefficient against the Security Council’s veto system, by targeting China’s opportunity of vetoing the R2P- principle. The conclusion have been that the R2P- principle is inefficient against the Security Council’s veto system. This is because a permanent member can block the R2P- principle by either vetoing or double vetoing a draft resolution, which have been demonstrated by illustrating how China could veto the R2P- principle. Since the decisions of the Security Council cannot be appealed or dissent in terms of the veto card and UN Charter, it leaves the R2P- principle inefficient with a weak operational legitimacy against the Security Council’s powerful veto system, on the cost of human lives.

Direito, desenvolvimento e transformações institucionais: como o Congresso Nacional regulou a Comissão Mista de Orçamento entre 1988 e 2015?

Grava, Guilherme Saraiva 12 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Guilherme Saraiva Grava (gsgrava@gmail.com) on 2017-05-08T20:57:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GRAVA, 2017, Direito, Desenvolvimento e Transformacoes Institucionais.pdf: 3015211 bytes, checksum: bdd0f2efebaaf788be55e6692679e4f7 (MD5) / Rejected by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br), reason: Boa tarde Guilherme, Por favor, tirar o acento da palavra Getulio em todas as páginas. Obrigada. Suzi 3799-7876 on 2017-05-09T15:34:53Z (GMT) / Submitted by Guilherme Saraiva Grava (gsgrava@gmail.com) on 2017-05-09T16:40:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GRAVA, 2017, Direito, Desenvolvimento e Transformacoes Institucionais.pdf: 3017738 bytes, checksum: 3a740eb2098d4c36ceed6e77fd50c27d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2017-05-09T17:45:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GRAVA, 2017, Direito, Desenvolvimento e Transformacoes Institucionais.pdf: 3017738 bytes, checksum: 3a740eb2098d4c36ceed6e77fd50c27d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-10T14:54:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GRAVA, 2017, Direito, Desenvolvimento e Transformacoes Institucionais.pdf: 3017738 bytes, checksum: 3a740eb2098d4c36ceed6e77fd50c27d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-12 / When the new Brazilian Constitution of 1988 was ratified, the National Congress regained several of its prerogatives related to the budgetary process that had been limited during the previous regime (of 1969). One, in particular, was the restauration of the legislative power to modify the budget laws through the adoption of amendments on the original bill, offering congressmen the ability to increase or to create new expenditures for the Federal Government. This arrangement was similar to the system that prevailed under the Constitution of 1946, but with a series of new restrictions that did not exist at that time. The main distinctive feature was the promotion of a unicameral procedure for the approval of budgetary laws, convened through a permanent joint committee specifically dedicated to this purpose – the Joint Budget Committee (Comissão Mista de Orçamento or CMO). This body, considered one of the most powerful in the Brazilian National Congress, accumulates attributes regarding the examination of the budget laws, of the amendments presented to those bills during the approval phase, and also for the control phase of the budget cycle. However, despite its relevance, the legal literature has dedicated little attention to the study of the CMO and its regulation, which is mostly established by the congressmen themselves through internal rules. With this perception in mind, the present research aims to study the so-called Joint Resolutions of the National Congress, approved between 1988 and 2015, which, through the legal framework created for the CMO, regulated the legislative role in the approval phase of the budget laws in Brazil. In this sense, the research seeks to answer three questions: (1) What is the content of the provisions in the Federal Constitution of 1988 that determine the powers and responsibilities of the Joint Budget Committee? (2) What were the procedural provisions governing the operation of the Joint Budget Committee between 1988 and 2015? (3) Which of these regimental regulations could make the process more "rational" and in what way would they do it? In order to deal with these issues, the work intends to describe the institutional transformations of the Committee through the methodological strategy of a case study, articulating the regulation created during this period with the context that involved its elaboration. Moreover, the thesis intends to contribute to the literature that studies the relationship between Law and Development, as it seeks to provide a deeper understanding of some of the budgetary institutions in Brazil – a subject of great relevance to the national development process. / Com o advento da Constituição de 1988, o Congresso Nacional recuperou diversas prerrogativas no campo orçamentário que haviam sido limitadas no regime anterior. Em particular, restaurou-se a sua competência de modificar as leis do Orçamento através da aprovação de emendas, inclusive para aumentar e criar novas despesas – à semelhança do que ocorria sob a Constituição de 1946, porém com uma série de delimitações e restrições então inexistentes. O principal traço distintivo foi a manutenção da tramitação unicameral das leis orçamentárias, reunida por meio de uma comissão mista permanente dedicada especificamente para este fim – a Comissão Mista de Orçamento (CMO). O Órgão, considerado um dos mais poderosos do Congresso Nacional, acumula competências relativas ao exame e à emissão de pareceres sobre os projetos de leis orçamentárias, às emendas apresentadas a referidos projetos e, por fim, ao acompanhamento e fiscalização da Lei Orçamentária Anual, uma vez aprovada. Entretanto, apesar de sua relevância, são poucos os trabalhos na literatura jurídica que se dedicam ao estudo da CMO e de sua regulação específica, majoritariamente estabelecida pelos próprios congressistas através de normas internas. Diante dessa percepção, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo das denominadas Resoluções Conjuntas do Congresso Nacional, aprovadas entre os anos de 1988 e 2015, com destaque para a disciplina, através do regime jurídico criado para a CMO, da atuação dos parlamentares na fase de aprovação das leis orçamentárias da União. A pesquisa procura, assim, responder a três perguntas principais: (1) Qual é o conteúdo das disposições presentes na Constituição Federal de 1988 que determinam as competências e as atribuições para a atuação da Comissão Mista de Orçamento? (2) Quais foram e de que modo se sucederam as disposições regimentais que regularam o funcionamento da Comissão Mista de Orçamento entre os anos de 1988 e 2015? (3) Quais dessas regulações regimentais seriam aptas a tornar o processo mais 'racional' e de que maneira o fariam? Para tratar dessas questões, pretende-se descrever as transformações institucionais da Comissão através da estratégia metodológica do estudo de caso, articulando-se o regramento existente no período com o contexto que envolveu sua elaboração. O trabalho pretende, ao final, contribuir à literatura que estuda as relações entre Direito e Desenvolvimento por buscar compreender, de forma mais aprofundada, algumas das instituições orçamentárias no Brasil – tema de grande relevância ao processo de desenvolvimento nacional.

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