Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tasks.""
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Opportunities and risks of digitalization in agriculturePaetow, Hubertus 15 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Lebensqualität als Bewertungsparameter für LebensrisikenProske, Dirk, Curbach, Manfred, Köhler, Ulrike 28 February 2007 (has links)
The paper focuses on risk presentation with regard to the loss of human life. Several measures of risk, such as F-N diagrams, the probability of loss of life and days of lost life expectancy are introduced. All of these measures are specialised for different types of loss. In addition, quality-of-life parameters can be understood as measures of risk. In contrast to the afore-mentioned measures of risk, quality-of-life parameters are able to cover the entire field of risk to human life. If this is true, then the efficiency of all safety actions can be compared, regardless of their specific field. This would also permit competition among safety actions across an entire society and should yield not only improvements for safety, but also an increase in the quality of life within that society. / Der folgende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Darstellung von Risiken für Menschen. Dazu werden verschiedene Risikoparameter, wie Sterbewahrscheinlichkeiten, F-N-Diagramme und das Konzept der verlorenen Lebensjahre, vorgestellt. Weiterhin können Lebensqualitätsparameter, die in den unterschiedlichsten Fachbereichen entwickelt wurden, als Risikoparameter verstanden werden. Während die zuerst genannten Risikoparameter im Wesentlichen auf einen Aspekt eines Schadens ausgerichtet sind, können Lebensqualitätsparameter alle Formen von Verlusten oder Nachteilen erfassen. Damit wird der Vergleich von risikoverringernden Maßnahmen unabhängig vom Fachbereich einer Maßnahme möglich. Ein solcher Ansatz erlaubt den Wettbewerb aller Schutzmaßnahmen innerhalb einer Gesellschaft und müsste zu einer Erhöhung der Sicherheit und der Lebensqualität führen.
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Användning av flygaska i vattenbyggnadsbetong / The use of fly ash in hydraulic concreteAbdulbaki, Mohammad, Mammar Chaouche, Abdelah January 2015 (has links)
Vattenbyggnadsbetong används som en samlande beteckning på betongkonstruktioner relaterade till vattenkraftanläggningar, dammar och tyngre anläggningar. Med stor framgång har man använt betong under mycket lång tid för dessa typer av konstruktioner. Dessa konstruktioner ställer höga krav på betongens kvalitet och konstruktionsutformning eftersom de förväntas ha en livslängd på ett hundra år eller mer. Vid gjutning så utsätts betongen för en temperaturstegring som kan leda till sprickbildning i den nygjutna konstruktionen. Eftersom temperaturstegringen är den primära orsaken till sprickrisken så kan man använda olika metoder för att minska detta. Ett verksamt sätt för att minska temperaturstegringen är att försöka hålla cementhalten i betongen så låg som möjligt, eftersom man vid adiabatiska förhållanden kan säga att den totala temperaturstegringen är direkt proportionell mot cementhalten i betongen. Ett verksamt sätt är att minska denna temperaturstegring är att använda sig utav en del flygaska istället för cement. Flygaska är en pulvermassa som fås vid tillverkning av el- och värmeproduktion på kolkraftverken och kraftvärmeverken. Flygaska är ett puzzolant material vilket innebär att det reagerar med kalciumhydroxid och vatten, och kan på så vis delvis ersätta klinker i cement. Syftet med denna rapport är att ge en ökad förståelse i hur flygaska påverkar vattenbyggnadsbetong. Genom att läsa denna rapport så får man till en början grundläggande kunskaper om vad betong, vattenbyggnadsbetong och flygaska är för något. Vidare avsnitt som behandlas är sprickbildning i vattenbyggnadsbetong, allmän kunskap följt utav orsaker och åtgärder. En jämförelse har gjorts mellan en typisk vattenbyggnads konstruktionsdel, med respektive utan flygaska. Det som jämförts är hur konstruktionen påverkats med respektive utan flygaska med avseende på hållfasthet, beständighet och risk för sprickbildning. Vidare så har temperatursprickberäkningar utförts med programmet HACON. Syftet med beräkningarna var att visa hur olika parametrar med respektive utan flygaska påverkar risken för sprickbildning i en typisk vattenbyggnadskonstruktion. Resultatet av temperaturberäkningarna visar att man får en lägre temperaturutveckling i en monolit gjuten med flygaska och anläggningscement jämfört med en monolit gjuten med anläggningscement utan flygaska. I och med den reducerade temperaturutvecklingen så uppstod det lägre spänningar i flygaskemonoliten. I undersökningen som utförts i denna rapport visar resultatet att det uppstår dragspänningar som överskrider draghållfastheten i monoliten utan flygaska och därmed spricker konstruktionen. I monoliten som undersökts med flygaska som sprickförebyggande åtgärd uppstår dragspänningar som är lägre än draghållfastheten och därmed spricker inte konstruktionen. Resultatet visar att sprickrisken i en typisk vattenbyggnadskonstruktion kan reduceras med flygaska som sprickförebyggande åtgärd. / Engineering Concrete is used as a collective term for concrete structures related to the hydropower plants, dams and heavier plants. With great success, concrete has been used for a very long time for these types of structures. These constructions make high demands on the concrete quality and construction design as they are expected to have a lifetime of a hundred years or more. In casting such concrete is exposed to a temperature which can lead to cracking of the newly cast structure. Because the temperature rise is the primary cause of cracking, you can use various methods to reduce this. An effective way to reduce the temperature rise is to try to keep the cement content in the concrete as low as possible, because at the adiabatic conditions may say that the total temperature rise is directly proportional to the cement content in the concrete. An effective way to reduce the temperature rise is to use out some fly ash instead of cement. Fly ash is a powder mass obtained in the production of electricity and heat in coal-fired plants and cogeneration plants. Fly ash is a puzzolanic material which means that it reacts with calcium hydroxide and water, and can thus partially replace cement clinker. The purpose of this report is to provide a better understanding of how the fly ash affecting hydraulic concrete. By reading this report you will get at first a basic knowledge of what the concrete, hydraulic concrete and fly ash are. Furthermore, the section that dealt with the cracking of the hydraulic concrete, general knowledge followed out causes and remedies. A comparison has been made between a typical water building structural component, with and without fly ash. What has been compared are how the construction affected with and without fly ash on strength, resistance and the risk of cracking. Furthermore, the temperature dot calculations performed with the program HACON. The purpose of the calculations was to show how the different parameters with and without fly ash affects the risk of cracking of a typical hydraulic structures. The result of the temperature calculations show that you get a lower temperature development in a monolith cast with the fly ash and the construction cements compared to a monolith molded with construction cement without fly ash. With the reduced temperature development arose lower tensions in the flyashmonolith. In the survey carried out in this report, the results show that there is tension that exceeds the tensile strength of the monolith without fly ash and thereby bursting the structure. The monolith examined with fly ash as crackreducing action occurs tensile stresses which are lower than the tensile strength and thus does not crack structure. The results show that the cracking in a typical hydraulic structures can be reduced with fly ash.
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Securing lithium supply for a cleaner energy consumption pathway: A systems thinking on supply disruptionsYang, Yuru January 2021 (has links)
To mitigate climate change and realize the transition towards a cleaner consumption pattern, the development of EVs needs to be ensured as it is one of the major solutions to the fossil fuel-related problems human beings face today. Lithium, as a critical material to EV cells, is seen as a strategic resource in many countries. Given the fact that the global lithium distribution is quite uneven, securing lithium supply for the development of EVs is essential for the world to phase out fossil fuels consumption in the transport sector. The supply risks of lithium can be observed in many aspects, ranging from lithium production to geopolitics. In this paper, the author combines qualitative and quantitative analysis in order to overarchingly reflect the global supply disruptions of lithium. In the qualitative section, the concept of systems theory is applied, supported by the connection circle, the stock-flow model, and the panarchy model; in the quantitative section, the author uses the combination of Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) and Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) to measure the extent of supply disruptions in a certain year. The quantitative section serves as a good supplement to the qualitative analysis. The qualitative results indicate that lithium mining and processing plays the key role in the whole lithium supply chain. It can be affected by the factors in the larger global context such as global political environment and the demand for lithium, as well as the social, ecological and technical components in the smaller scale that provides a physical environment for lithium production. The quantitative results show that the global supply disruptions of lithium are significant in 2019, mainly due to the high level of supply concentration. The author suggests that the governments of major lithium producer countries might organize panel discussions regularly to ensure the stable and non-centric supply of lithium to the global market. The rich production countries may also offer technical support to the less developed lithium holders to help the latter overcome the difficulties brought by the increasing cost of mining.
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Risker som kan uppkomma i samband medomvårdnadsdelegering från sjuksköterska till övrig omvårdnadspersonal. : En litteraturstudie / Risks that may occur in connection with the nursing delegationfrom the nurse to other nursing staff. : A literature reviewBergqvist, Marija, Bernce, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Delegering från sjuksköterska till övrig omvårdnadspersonal utgör en stor del av det dagliga arbetet och är en komplex uppgift som potentiellt kan komma att utgöra en patientsäkerhetsrisk. Tidigare studier visar att sjuksköterskor upplever delegering som en belastande del av sitt arbete, utmaningarna ligger främst i att säkerställa god vård när mycket av omvårdnaden måste delegeras. Sjuksköterskor beskriver vidare att de hade önskat mer utbildning i delegering under sin grundutbildning. De ser det som en utmaning att “kontrollera” andras arbete, och känner sig inte bekväma i den arbetsledande rollen. Syfte: Att genom en litteraturstudie sammanställa och återge uppfattningar och erfarenheter som beskrivs kring risker som kan uppkomma i samband med delegering av omvårdnadsuppgifter från sjuksköterska till övrig omvårdnadspersonal. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie baserad på tio studier med kvalitativ ansats genomfördes efter databassökning i PubMed och CINAHL. Granskningen genomfördes med Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärderings (SBU) Mall för kvalitetsgranskning av studier med kvalitativ forskningsmetodik (2014). Studierna analyserades med Fribergs analyssteg, samtliga studier föll under huvudkategorin patientsäker delegering och data med liknande innehåll delades in i två underkategorier. Resultat: Resultatanalysen identifierade en huvudkategori följt av två underkategorier; samverkan och kommunikation som vidare delades in i sju rubriker. Konklusion: Delegeringsprocessen är komplex och förutsätter god kommunikation och samverkan för att undvika risker för patientsäkerheten. Vidare måste sjuksköterskan ha god förståelse för vilka omvårdnadsuppgifter som är lämpliga att delegera, samt ta ansvar för uppföljning och säkerställande i syfte att värna patientsäkerheten. / Background: Delegation from a nurse to other nursing staff constitutes a large part of the daily work and is a complexed task that could potentially constitute a patient safety risk. Previous studies show that nurses experience delegation as a burdensome part of their work, the challenges lie mainly in ensuring good care when much of the nursing must be delegated. Nurses further describe that they would have liked more training in delegation during their undergraduate education. They see it as a challenge to have to “control” the work of others, and do not feel comfortable in the managerial role. Aim:To compile and reproduce perceptions and experiences that are described about the risks that may arise in connection with the delegation of nursing tasks from a nurse to other nursing staff through a literature study. Method: General literature study based onten studies with a qualitative approach was conducted after database search in PubMed and CINAHL. Review was conducted with the Swedish Agency of Medical and Social Evaluation (SBU) template for quality review of studies with qualitative research methodology (2014). The studies were analysed with Friberg’s analysis steps, all studies fell under the main category patient-safe delegation and data with similar content were the divided into two subcategories. Results: The results analysis identified a main category followed by two subcategories; collaboration and communication which was further divided into seven headings. Conclusion: The delegation process is complex and requires good communication and teamwork to avoid risks to patient safety. Furthermore, the nurse must have a good understanding of which nursing tasks are suitable to delegate and take responsibility for follow-up and ensuring in order to safeguard patient safety.
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Managing Strategy Risks through Balanced Scorecard (BSC) : A Survey Study in the Iranian Petroleum Equipment IndustryAzizi Shalbaf, Elnaz, Mian, Nabira Ashfaq, Sohaib, Muhammad Numair January 2021 (has links)
Purpose- This thesis aims to identify the role of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for managing strategy risks as well as the types of strategy risks that can be managed using four perspectives of the BSC in the Iranian Petroleum Industry Equipment Manufacturers (IPIEM). Design/ approach/ methodology- In this thesis cross-sectional design and the deduction approach are used. For collecting data for quantitative analysis, a questionnaire was conducted by the research team. Then the data collected from respondents were then analyzed through running simple linear regression analysis in the SPSS software. Findings- The first research question (RQ) is about BSC’s roles in managing strategy risks in IPIEM. These roles are risk assessment, risk controlling and collecting data for decision making of strategy risks. It was proved by the research team that BSC can play a role of the assessment of strategy risks in IPIEM. This means by using BSC as an RM tool in IPIEM, companies can assess strategy risks through identifying, analysing and evaluating strategy risks. However, the results indicate risk controlling and collecting data for decision making cannot be managed by using BSC. The second Research question is about the types of strategy risks that four perspectives of BSC can manage. The results show that from the 8 strategy risks chosen for this thesis, 6 of them which are “liquidity risk” from the financial perspective; “risk of clients’ opposition to pilot testing of the product” from the customer perspective; “risk of improper design of the product at development stages”, and “risk of improper selection of international partners” from the internal perspective; “risk of incorrect evaluation & selection of technology options” and “the risk of not enough operational experience in similar previous projects” from the learning and growth perspective can be managed through using BSC as an RM tool in IPIEM. Based on the conclusion of RQ1, the effect can now be adjusted into RQ2 findings. This study concludes that IPIEM can use BSC for risk assessment of the above-mentioned six different strategy risks. It can also be concluded that the BSC cannot be a full RM tool for managing strategy risks in the companies, since it only can apply for one of the three processes of RM; risk assessment.
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Modelo de gestión de riesgos empresariales en una organización de distribución de productos de consumo masivo / The risk management in a distribution company with massive consumption productsLuna Sánchez, Verónica, Kishimoto Uyehara, Manuel Felipe, Martell Mateo, Everth Jesús, Trigoso Roman, Allan Salvador 15 January 2020 (has links)
La gestión de riesgos empresariales es el componente estratégico y esencial que permite implementar acciones para evitar incumplimientos en los objetivos de las organizaciones, Gutierrez (2018). No es común encontrar un sistema de gestión de riesgos en empresas de distribución de productos de consumo masivo. Es por ello que el presente trabajo de investigación desarrolla un modelo de gestión de riesgos empresariales para una empresa de distribución de productos de consumo masivo.
En la investigación se analizan diversos modelos de gestión de riesgos y se plantea un modelo simplificado alineado a las necesidades de los Gerentes Generales de empresas de este rubro, el cual ha sido elaborado considerando la opinión de líderes estratégicos de empresa de distribución de productos de consumo masivo.
En el trabajo de investigación se concluye que el modelo de gestión de riesgos empresariales debe incluir la conformación de un comité de gestión de riesgos, la identificación de los procesos críticos a tomar en cuenta de acuerdo al impacto de los mismos en los resultados de la empresa, el análisis e identificación de riesgos, y en base a todo ello se plantean controles y mecanismos de monitoreo. El modelo incluye matrices para valoración de riesgos en base a impacto y probabilidad, un inventario de riesgos, así como propuestas para su control o mitigación.
Al desplegar este modelo se pudo identificar riesgos intolerables y altos y luego de proponer controles se identificó que al aplicarse mitigaran el impacto o la probabilidad de ocurrencia del riesgo pasando a tener riesgos calificados como moderados o bajos.
Se incluye una estimación de los costos de implementación del modelo, considerando recursos propios y externos, tomando en consideración la información de la empresa caso de estudio. Se obtiene como resultado que el costo de la implementación representaría aproximadamente el 0.06% de la facturación anual. / Business risk management is the strategic and essential factor that enables action to be implemented to avoid breaches of organizations' objectives. It is not common to find a risk management system in mass-consumer product distribution companies. That is why this research paper develops a business risk management model for a mass-consumption product distribution company.
The research analyses various risk management models and proposes a simplified model aligned to the needs of the CEOs of the companies in this field, which has been developed, taking into account the opinion of strategic leaders of the company distributing mass consumer products.
The research paper concludes that the business risk management model should include the formation of a risk management committee, the identification of critical processes to be considered according to their impact on company results, risk analysis, and identification. Based on this, monitoring controls and mechanisms are proposed. The model includes matrices for risk assessment based on impact and probability, a risk inventory, as well as proposals for control or mitigation.
By deploying this model, it was possible to identify intolerable and high risks, and after proposing controls, it was identified that when applied, they mitigated the impact or likelihood of risk occurrence by becoming risks rated moderate or low.
An estimate of the costs of implementing the model is included, considering own and external resources, considering the company's case study information. The results in the cost of implementation represent approximately 0.06% of annual billing. / Trabajo de investigación
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Structures familiales, organisation des activités et développement en milieu rural malgache / Family structures, organization of activities and development in rural MadagascarAndrianantoandro, Voahirana Tantely 13 December 2013 (has links)
En milieu rural malgache, la terre constitue le principal moyen d’existence des paysans. Toute la vie des ménages est centrée sur l’exploitation agricole, qui mobilise hommes et femmes, membres de la famille et de la communauté comme main-d’œuvre. Mais depuis quelques décennies, particulièrement dans les régions des Hauts-Plateaux, les parcelles cultivables, héritées et partagées depuis plusieurs générations, deviennent de plus en plus exiguës. Les revenus agricoles ne permettent donc plus aux familles de subvenir à leurs besoins fondamentaux. Ainsi, face à la menace d’insécurité alimentaire, aux besoins croissants de ressources monétaires (éducation, santé, etc.), aux risques liés aux parcours de la vie et à l’exploitation agricole, les ménages sont contraints de diversifier leurs sources de revenu. Pour avoir davantage de revenus monétaires, ils vendent leur force de travail hors de l’exploitation familiale. Les modes d’organisation économique se trouvent alors modifiés et les ménages doivent opter pour de nouvelles stratégies à court, moyen ou long terme dans leurs activités productives. Ce travail de thèse analyse, pour deux communes rurales des Hauts-Plateaux, la mise en œuvre des différentes stratégies à travers les structures des ménages et les réseaux de solidarités intergénérationnelle et communautaire. La recherche montre que l’organisation actuelle des activités permet d’assurer à la fois la continuité de l’exploitation agricole, la survie de la famille et la cohésion sociale. / In Madagascar rural areas, the land is the main livelihood of farmers. The community and all family members’, men and women, are involved on farming. But in recent decades, arable plots on the Central Highlands, inherited from ancestors and shared for many generations become more and more cramped. The incomes are insufficient for family’s basic needs. Thus, facing the food insecurity threatens, the increases of need for money (education, health, etc.), the life and farm risks, households are forced to diversify their sources of income. To earn more, they sell their labor outside the family farm. Then, the economic organization style is modified and households must find new short and medium term strategies in their productive activities. This book analyzes the implementation of different strategies through household structures and networks of solidarity (intergenerational and community) in two rural towns in the Highlands. Research shows that current organization of activities ensures the continuity of the farm, the family survival and social cohesion.
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Rizika spojená s řízením finančních procesů v centrech sdílených služeb v mezinárodní společnosti / Risks associated with management of financial processes in shared services centers in international companyŠimčík, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis deals with management of risks in finance shared service in international company Zebra Technologies CZ s.r.o. The thesis analyses and evaluates all risks which are common in this finance shared service. In the first part the thesis deals with important concepts which are linked with process management, business environment, risks, risk management and finance shared services. It is followed by analysis of processes then by environment and analysis of all known risks. The last part is made of evaluation of all identified risks and there are suggestions which could eliminate most of them.
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Environmental Implications of Cu-Based Nanoparticles and Biocides ProductsTegenaw, Ayenachew G., Ph.D. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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