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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What is the role of the art teacher in state-funded secondary schools in England?

Page, Troy January 2017 (has links)
For many years, and particularly since the 1980s, the state has taken an interest in the curriculum of state-funded secondary schools. This interest has focused largely on utilitarian imperatives for employment and economic sustainability. A consequence of this utilitarian conception of state education is that art viewed, as a less useful subject within the curriculum, is threatened by this. Against an historic discourse about the nature of art itself and why it is taught and its value in society, the question of 'What is art'? and 'What is the role of the art teacher'? continue to defy a consensus that is useful to teachers. Concurrently, these important arguments have inevitably impinged on the practice of art teachers who find themselves distanced from cherished liberal and social imperatives, and confused about what is expected of them. This study looks at how these pervasive arguments make an impact on teachers who, although studied as artists and trained to teach art, now find themselves dubbed 'art and design' teachers as the requirements of the state and its increasingly utilitarian system exerts more control over their working lives. More than twice as many art graduates (3.4% of fine art graduates in 2016) enter teaching than design graduates (1.3% design graduates in 2016) (Logan and Prichard, 2016). A piece of qualitative research was completed with a combined sample of 23 teachers. Building on Efland's streams of influence underpinning the development of art education: Expressionist, Scientific Rationalist and Reconstructivist; and Hickman's rationales for art education: Social Utility, Personal Growth and Visual Literacy, a tentative theory is proposed and hypotheses explored. Some teachers questioned revealed sadness at a perceived reduction in time for lessons devoted to self-expression, art history, cultures, critical evaluation, experimentation, imagination, risk taking, and creativity. Some teachers felt deeply that they and their subject is misunderstood, undervalued and under threat. Many were not comfortable with a role that was at variance with the one they had been trained for. Some teachers suggested their role was no longer concerned with developing children's individual talents but had become too design-based, too predictable, too linear, and too concerned with measurable outcomes and results. Capturing the words of 23 teachers in interviews and surveys contributes to the literature and provides teachers, policy makers and future researchers with vital insights into what an art teacher is and why they teach art, and how this is at variance with National Curriculum aims. These insights are vital because the present lack of consensus about such fundamental arguments has contributed to a devaluing of art in the curriculum to a point where the future of art in state-funded secondary schools is no longer guaranteed.

Game engine based auralization of airborne sound insulation

Forsman, Jimmy January 2018 (has links)
Describing planned acoustic design by single number ratings yields a weak link to the subjective event, especially when the single number ratings are interpreted by others than experienced acousticians. When developing infrastructure, tools for decision making needs to address visual and aural perception. Visual perception can be addressed using game engines and this has enabled the establishment of tools for visualizations of planned constructions in virtual reality. Audio engines accounting for sound propagation in the game engine environment are steadily developing and have recently been made available. The aim of this project is to simulate airborne sound insulation by extending the support of recently developed audio engines directed towards virtual reality applications. The case studied was airborne sound insulation between two adjacent rooms in a building, the sound transmitted to the receiving room through the building structure resulting from sound pressure exciting the structural elements in the adjacent source room into vibration. The receiving room composed modelled space in the game engine Unreal Engine and Steam Audio was the considered audio engine. Sound transmission was modelled by filtering based on calculations of transmission loss via direct and flanking paths using the model included in the standard EN 12354-1. It was verified that the filtering technique for modelling sound transmission reproduced attenuations in correspondence with the predicted transmission loss. Methodology was established to quantify the quality of the audio engine room acoustics simulations. A room acoustics simulation was evaluated by comparing the reverberation time derived from simulation with theoretical predictions and the simulated reverberation time showed fair agreement with Eyring’s formula above its frequency threshold. The quality of the simulation of airborne sound insulation was evaluated relating the sound field in simulation to insulation classification by the standardized level difference. The spectrum of the simulated standardized level difference was compared with the corresponding sound transmission calculation for a modelled scenario. The simulated data displayed noticeable deviations from the transmission calculation, caused by the audio engine room acoustics simulation. However, the simulated data exhibited cancellation of favourable and unfavourable deviations from the transmission calculation resulting in a mean difference across the spectrum below the just noticeable difference of about 1 dB. Single number ratings was compared and the simulated single number rating was within the standard deviation of how the transmission model calculates predictions for a corresponding practical scenario measured in situ. Thus, the simulated data shows potential and comparisons between simulated data, established room acoustics simulation software and in situ measurements should further be made to deduce whether the deviations entails defects in the airborne sound insulation prediction or is an error imposed by the audio engine room acoustics simulation.

En jämförelse av två arbetsmetoder för framtagning av rumsbeskrivningar / A comparison between two working methods for producing a room finish schedule

Björkén Nilsson, Sofia, Hansson, Jennifer January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: BIM have been criticised as a standalone framework and the believe is that the next step in BIM development is cloud computing. The technology simplify planning of a sustainable construction and hasten the building process through a collaborative friendly information management among different project actors. The implementation of the technology hasn’t been that noticeable since companies are struggling to understanding the technologies contribution. The goal of this research is therefore to investigate the potential of using cloud technology in architects daily work with room finish schedule. Method: To answer the goal of the study, interviews about room finish schedules have been made with five architect companies to collect empirical data. The company's internal documents of room finish schedule have been analysed and the research also makes a literature study and an observation of the cloud service BIMeye. Findings: The study shows that the main differences between an analogue and digital approach are: the link to the model, input of information and management of revisions. The companies have generally a positive attitude towards the technology, but there are doubts about changing their way of working. The cloud service BIMeye meets the companies needs and has great potential to make several tasks, that are considered time consuming in today´s work, more efficient, such as lay-up of rooms, input of information, review of conflicting documents and management of revisions. This mainly through the database's connection to the model and the database's way of managing information more automated. Implications: The conclusion that can be made is that great potential is seen with cloud services as a working method for producing room finish schedules. The transition process to cloud services implies a change of working method but not in the final result. Where cloud services entail additional work in the model to enable a connection to the description, but at the same time contributes to an automatic input of information about rooms. Another change in working method is the ability of cloud services to create parameters that differs from the otherwise analogue paper-work. Revisions in the database get a break through throughout the whole description, in contrast to individual adjustments in the document. Recommendations as a result of the study is to inform companies about the possibilities and impact the technology has on their work. In order to achieve an overall perspective in the industry, new solutions are required so that companies see internal profits with the implementation. Limitations: The result is considered to be applicable to other architect firms since it has appeared from interviews and document analyses that the companies work in similar ways. However, whether the result of the test of BIMeye can be applied to other cloud services is uncertain. The research’s limitation to disregard investment cost has restrict the study as it is a significant factor when implementing new technology. / Syfte: BIM har kritiserats för sitt ensamstående ramverk och nästa steg i BIM utvecklingen anses vara molnteknologin. Tekniken förenklar planering av ett hållbart byggande och påskyndar byggprocessen genom en mer sammarbetsvänlig informationshantering mellan olika projektdeltagare. Implementeringen av tekniken har inte varit så märkbar, detta då företagen har svårt att förstå dess bidrag. Målet med arbetet är därför att undersöka möjligheterna att använda molnteknologin i arkitekters arbete med rumsbeskrivningar. Metod:  För att besvara målet har intervjuer om rumsbeskrivningar gjorts på fem arkitektföretag för att samla in empiri. Företagens interna rumsbeskrivningsdokument har analyserats och i undersökningen görs även en litteraturstudie och en observation av molntjänsten BIMeye. Resultat: Studien visar att de största skillnaderna mellan ett analogt och digitalt tillvägagångsätt är kopplingen till modell, inmatning av information och hantering av revideringar. Företagen har överlag en positiv inställning till tekniken men det finns tveksamheter till att ändra sitt arbetssätt. Molntjänsten BIMeye uppfyller de önskemål som företagen har och har stor potential till att effektivisera flertalet arbetsmoment som anses tidskrävande i dagens arbete, såsom uppläggning av rum, inmatning av information, granskning av motstridiga handlingar och hantering av revideringar. Detta främst genom databasens koppling till modell och databasens sätt att hantera information mer automatiserat. Konsekvenser: Slutsatsen är att det finns en stor potential med molntjänster som arbetsmetod vid framtagning av rumsbeskrivningar. Övergångsprocessen till molntjänster innebär förändring av arbetsmetod, men inte i slutresultat. Där molntjänster medför ett merarbete i modellen för att möjliggöra en koppling till beskrivningen, men medför samtidigt automatisk inmatning av information om rum. En annan förändring i arbetsmetod är molntjänsters möjlighet att skapa parametrar som skiljer sig från det annars analoga skrivarbetet. Revideringar i databasen får genomslag i hela beskrivningen, tillskillnad från enskilda justeringar i dokumentet. Rekommendationer till följd av arbetet blir att upplysa företagen om teknikens möjligheter och påverkan på arbetet. För att uppnå ett helhetsperspektiv i branschen behövs nya lösningar så att företagen ser interna vinningar med implementeringen. Begränsningar: Resultatet anses applicerbart på fler arkitektföretag än Krook & Tjäder då det framgått från intervjuer och dokumentanalyser att företagen arbetar på liknande sätt. Däremot huruvida resultatet från testet av BIMeye går att applicera på andra molntjänster är oviss. Arbetets avgränsning till att bortse från investeringskostnader har begränsat arbetet då det är en betydande faktor vid implementering av ny teknik.

Etude de la propagation des ondes de choc en milieu confiné à géométrie complexe / Shock waves propagation analysis within a multi-chamber system

Julien, Baptiste 04 April 2014 (has links)
La sécurité des biens et des personnes est, de nos jours, une préoccupation première, en particulier lorsqu'elle concerne l'usage des explosifs. Afin de répondre à ces exigences de sécurité, il est nécessaire de pouvoir prédire le comportement des ondes de pression issues d'une explosion, que ce soit à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur du bâtiment, et leur interaction avec leur environnement. Une importante quantité d'informations sur les ondes de choc se propageant en champ libre est disponible dans la littérature, de sorte que leur comportement est maintenant bien connu. Toutefois, il y a très peu de données disponibles en littérature ouverte sur les explosions en milieu confiné. Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire de thèse s'inscrivent dans le cadre de l'étude du comportement des ondes de choc en milieu confiné multi-chambres et de l'effet de différents paramètres tels que le volume des cellules ou la largeur du couloir sur les profils de pression à l'intérieur d'un bâtiment. La propagation de l'onde de choc est analysée par l'évolution de certains paramètres du choc (temps d'arrivée, surpression maximale et impulsion positive).Plusieurs essais à échelle réduite ont été réalisés à l'aide d'une maquette modulable, représentative d'un bâtiment pyrotechnique de plein pied, composé de quatre pièces alignées et reliées entre elles par un couloir. / Security is nowadays a real and major concern, especially when explosives are involved. To address this security issue, an accurate prediction of the behavior of shock waves caused by a detonation propagating inside or outside a building and interacting with the surrounding environment is required. Extensive knowledge regarding shock waves in free field can be found in the literature so that their behavior is now well known. However, there is very few information available in the open literature for confined configuration. This study focuses on the behavior of a shock wave within a confined multi-chamber system and on the impact of different parameters such as the size of the rooms and the width of the corridor on the pressure history inside the building. The shock wave propagation is analyzed through the evolution of some of the shock parameters (arrival time, maximum overpressure and positive impulse). Several small-scale experiments have been carried out using an adjustable model of a four-roomed single-story building. The rooms are connected to a single corridor and all on the same side. This model is representative of a pyrotechnic workshop.

Gestão escolar e educação inclusiva: articulação entre o atendimento educacional especializado e o ensino regular / School management and inclusive education: articulation between specialized educational attendance and regular teaching

Flores, Andrezza Santos 15 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Andrezza Santos Flores (andrezzaflores6@gmail.com) on 2018-10-10T16:16:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Andrezza Santos Flores.pdf: 1822470 bytes, checksum: be18076356ebd735b146665947869b38 (MD5) / Rejected by Elza Mitiko Sato null (elzasato@ibilce.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize correções na submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: Problema 01) Nos agradecimentos, segundo a Portaria nº 206, de 4 de setembro de 2018, todos os trabalhos que tiveram financiamento CAPES deve constar nos agradecimentos a expressão: "O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Código de Financiamento 001 Lembramos que o arquivo depositado no repositório deve ser igual ao impresso, o rigor com o padrão da Universidade se deve ao fato de que o seu trabalho passará a ser visível mundialmente. Agradecemos a compreensão on 2018-10-10T17:19:47Z (GMT) / Submitted by Andrezza Santos Flores (andrezzaflores6@gmail.com) on 2018-10-10T17:38:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Andrezza Santos Flores.pdf: 1823625 bytes, checksum: 9817dae87a802f76ac5ce5fc40788463 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Elza Mitiko Sato null (elzasato@ibilce.unesp.br) on 2018-10-10T18:17:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 flores_as_me_sjrp.pdf: 1823625 bytes, checksum: 9817dae87a802f76ac5ce5fc40788463 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-10T18:17:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 flores_as_me_sjrp.pdf: 1823625 bytes, checksum: 9817dae87a802f76ac5ce5fc40788463 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A Declaração de Salamanca, a Constituição Federal de 1988 e a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDBEN) nº 9.394/96, entre outros instrumentos legais, estabelecem a educação como direito de todos. Nesse esteio, inclui-se e ressalta-se a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência, principalmente na rede regular de ensino, garantindo o Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE), por meio das Salas de Recursos, e, nesse sentido, a gestão escolar se configura como uma das principais esferas que, quando disposta, pode efetivar a educação inclusiva, pautando-se nos princípios de uma escola verdadeiramente democrática. Nessa perspectiva, evidencia-se a importância da articulação entre os professores do ensino regular e da sala de recursos, mediados pela gestão por meio de diálogo, discussões e ações que visem à inclusão dos alunos com deficiência. Assim, a presente pesquisa objetivou analisar como a gestão escolar viabiliza a articulação entre a professora da sala de recursos e professores de Ciências e Biologia de uma escola pública do interior paulista, para a efetivação do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE). Com isso, as temáticas AEE, ensino de Ciências e Biologia para Deficientes Visuais (DV), formação de gestores e professores, inclusão, gestão escolar, políticas públicas e sala de recursos foram problematizadas durante a investigação, tomando como referência diversos autores e documentos oficiais relativos à inclusão de pessoas com deficiência na escola regular. Trata-se de uma investigação de natureza qualitativa, caracterizada como um estudo de caso de abordagem descritiva e interpretativa do contexto, contando com a participação da gestão escolar - diretora, vice-diretora e coordenadora pedagógica -, juntamente com as professoras de Ciências e Biologia e a professora da Sala de Recursos. Para a coleta de dados foram realizadas as seguintes ações: análise documental do Projeto Político-Pedagógico (PPP), estado da arte sobre o ensino de Ciências e Biologia para DV, observações in loco em sala de aula, reuniões pedagógicas e entrevista semiestruturada, que permitiram uma análise textual discursiva. A seleção e análise dos dados foram realizadas a partir da leitura minuciosa dos registros para a definição das categorias e triangulação dos resultados. A pesquisa revela que a gestão escolar, na medida do possível, viabilizou a articulação entre as professoras de Ciências e Biologia e a professora da Sala de Recursos para a efetivação do AEE na sala regular, carecendo, contudo, de maiores discussões sobre essa temática no ambiente escolar, de tal forma que os profissionais da educação possam se apropriar de mais elementos para a potencialização de ações efetivas no âmbito do trabalho coletivo. / The Declaration of Salamanca, the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education (LDBEN) nº 9.394 / 96, among other legal instruments, establish education as everyone's right. This includes the inclusion of people with disabilities, especially in the regular education network, guaranteeing the Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE), through the Resource Rooms, and, in this sense, school management is configured as one of the main spheres that, when it is ready, can effect inclusive education, based on the principles of a truly democratic school. In this perspective, it is evident the importance of the articulation between the teachers of the regular education and the room of resources, mediated by the management by means of dialogue, discussions and actions that aim at the inclusion of students with disabilities. Thus, the present research aimed to analyze how the school management makes possible the articulation between the teacher of the resource room and teachers of Science and Biology of a public school in the interior of São Paulo, for the implementation of Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE). With this, the themes of AEE, teaching of Science and Biology for the Visually Impaired (DV), training of managers and teachers, inclusion, school management, public policies and resource room were problematized during the investigation, taking as reference several authors and official documents related to inclusion of people with disabilities in regular school. It is a research of a qualitative nature, characterized as a case study of a descriptive and interpretative approach of the context, counting on the participation of the school management - director, vicedirector and pedagogical coordinator -, together with the teachers of Sciences and Biology and the teacher of the Resource Room. In order to collect data, the following actions were carried out: documentary analysis of the Political-Pedagogical Project (PPP), state of the art on the teaching of Science and Biology for DV, on-site observations in the classroom, pedagogic meetings and semi-structured interview, which allowed a discursive textual analysis. The selection and analysis of the data were performed from a thorough reading of the records for the definition of the categories and triangulation of the results. The research reveals that, as far as possible, school management made possible the articulation between Science and Biology teachers and the Resource Room teacher for the effective AEE in the regular classroom, but there is a need for more discussions on this subject in the school environment, in such a way that educational professionals can appropriate more elements for the enhancement of effective actions in the scope of collective work. / CAPES: 001

Pracovní zátěž u sester v perioperační péči / The workload of nurses in perioperative care

POLÁKOVÁ, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
The basic theoretical background: It is known that the profession of nurses is very physically and mentally challenging. Otherwise, it is not even for nurses in the operating room. The work of nurses in operating rooms is highly specialized and demanding profession that requires specific skills and knowledge primarily because the operating rooms is very specific and puts high demands on the technical and material equipment, flawless organization work and to perfect the principles of antisepsis and asepsis. It's about challenging, diverse activities, including the preparation of operating material, devices, apparatus, instruments and sterilization. The correct execution of all these activities, the profession ranks between occupation with time pressure, physical stress and irregular rhythm of life and professions, in which psychological and physical depletion of reserves means not only a danger to themselves, but also the health of the patient. The objectives of the work: To meet the main intent of the work were established two objectives. The first goal is to find out what type of workload for nurses in perioperative care predominates. The second goal is to compare the differences of the workload for novice and long - term working nurses in perioperative care. Hypothesis: Depending on the set objectives have been identified four hypotheses. H1: the incidence of psychological burden for nurses in perioperative care predominates over the occurrence of physical exertion. H2: for nurses working less than three years in perioperative care is the presence of psychic load higher than for senior sisters. H3: for nurses working for more than three years in perioperative care is the presence of physical load higher than the sisters with less length of practice. H4: the workload of nurses in perioperative care does not differ from the standard, based on the Meister´s method of assessing workload. Methodology: Research method of quantitative inquiry of research using the techniques of a standardised questionnaire, supplemented by their own questions. The questionnaire was completely anonymous and respondents ' participation in the research was voluntary. Were used two standardized questionnaires. The first questionnaire was elected from Maister, which assesses the impact of work on the psyche of the individual. The second questionnaire was used as a working activity from Baecky, which is used to measure physical activity. The target group were the nurses working in the perioperative care. In total, were interviewed across nine hospitals of the Czech Republic. All selected Hospital have agreed to perform the research investigation to this thesis. The results obtained were statistically processed. Conclusion: The work provides information about what type of workload predominate for nurses in perioperative care and about the differences of the workload for starting and working nurses in perioperative care. The results of the thesis can be used by medical facilities to identify the workload for nurses in perioperative care and by the perioperative nurses. From the above results, it is clear that the issue of mental and physical loads primarily nurses in the operating room is a very current topic, and it is important to deal with manifestations of this load. In addition to this thesis was created, information material on the prevention of the workload and the methods of its elimination.

Avaliação inicial do aluno com deficiência mental na perspectiva inclusiva

Sousa, Gabriela Maria Brabo January 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa realizada entre os anos de 2005 a 2007, cujo objetivo principal foi analisar como é feita a Avaliação Inicial do aluno com indícios de Deficiência Mental e que se encontra freqüentando a Escola Regular, na perspectiva inclusiva, e de que forma essa avaliação pode contribuir para o processo de aprendizagem desse aluno. Tal pesquisa apresenta como aporte teórico o referencial sócio-histórico, mais especificamente as contribuições de Lev Seminovich Vygotsky, que defendia a realização de uma avaliação contextualizada da criança e levando em conta o contexto social onde ela está inserida, as relações desse contexto com a sua conduta e as relações da própria criança com o seu todo. A abordagem escolhida foi de natureza qualitativa, tendo como espaço a Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre. Como instrumentos metodológicos, foram utilizados: entrevistas semi-estruturadas com professores especialistas que atuam em Salas de Integração e Recursos - SIR da referida rede, visto terem sido identificados como os profissionais que atualmente realizam a avaliação inicial; análise de documentos relativos à avaliação dos alunos encaminhados a essas salas e o diário de campo de toda a trajetória de pesquisa. Buscou-se compreender quais concepções os sujeitos possuem com relação à Avaliação Inicial e qual a sua importância para o processo de aprendizagem do aluno com necessidades educacionais especiais, mais especificamente, com deficiência mental; como tais sujeitos percebem o espaço de apoio no qual atuam - a SIR e de que forma contribuem com a inclusão desse aluno no ensino comum; que sentimentos vivenciam no desenvolvimento de seu trabalho; e, por fim, qual a análise que fazem do movimento inclusivo e como percebem os alunos que atendem e a si mesmos dentro desse movimento. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa possibilitou uma visão de caminho percorrido pela avaliação inicial, que deixa de seguir um modelo clínico para privilegiar um enfoque mais educacional, sendo realizada por educadores especialistas e dentro do próprio ambiente escolar. Embora tenha sido observada certa ausência de sistematização dos procedimentos avaliativos, como também uma relativa variedade quanto aos referenciais teóricos que servem como base para a sua prática, ficou evidenciado que essa avaliação inicial apresenta características de um processo contínuo, que possui estreitas ligações com a avaliação do próprio processo de aprendizagem do aluno. Assim, a maneira como é realizada indica avanços em seu percurso na direção de novos olhares, novas práticas e novos modos de viver em relação. / The present work presents a research carried through between the years of 2005 and 2007, whose main objective was to analyze how is made the Initial Evaluation of the pupil with indications of Mental Deficiency that is frequenting the Regular School, in the inclusive perspective, and in which forms this evaluation can contribute for the process of learning of this pupil. Such research presents as theoretical support the social-historical referential, more specifically the contributions of Lev Seminovich Vygotsky, that defended the accomplishment of a contextualized evaluation of the child and taking in account the social context where the child is inserted, the relations of this context with the child’s behavior and the relations of the proper child with everything. The chosen approach was of qualitative nature, having as space the Municipal Network of Education of Porto Alegre. As methodological instruments, it has been used: half-structuralized interviews with professors specialists that work in Rooms of Integration and Resources - SIR of the related network, since they have been identified as the professionals who currently carry through the initial evaluation; analysis of documents regarding the evaluation of the pupils directed to these rooms and the field log of all the trajectory of research. It was searched to understand which conceptions the subjects possess regarding the Initial Evaluation and its importance for the process of learning of the pupil with special educational necessities, more specifically, with mental deficiency; as such subjects perceive the space of support in which they act - the SIR and in which ways they contribute with the inclusion of this pupil in common education; which feelings they live deeply in the development of their work; and, finally, what analysis they make of the inclusive movement and how they perceive the pupils they take care of and themselves inside of this movement. The development of the research made possible a vision of the way covered to the initial evaluation, that stops to follow a clinical model to privilege a more educational approach, being carried through by educators specialists and inside of the proper school environment. Although it has been observed a certain absence of systematization of the evaluative procedures, as also a relative variety regarding the theoretical references that serve as basis for its practice, it was evidenced that this initial evaluation presents characteristics of a continuous process, that possess narrow links with the evaluation of the proper process of learning of the pupil. Thus, the manner it is carried through indicates advances in its way in the direction of new looks, new practices and new ways of living in relation.

Inclusão escolar : formação docente para o uso das TICs aplicada como tecnologia assistiva na sala de recurso multifuncional e sala de aula

Emer, Simone de Oliveira January 2011 (has links)
A inclusão sócio-digital é uma das possibilidades que a educação inclusiva propõe para a atualidade. Nesse sentido, as Pessoas com Necessidades Educacionais Especiais (PNEEs) possuem o direito que os sistemas de ensino também se organizem para desenvolverem processos de inclusão. Diante disso, as salas de recursos e a Tecnologia Assistiva (TA) apresentam-se como alternativas possíveis e viáveis cedidas pelo governo federal para as escolas públicas. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar a percepção dos professores, da rede municipal de ensino das cidades de Caxias do Sul e Farroupilha, sobre o processo de inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiência, considerando as ações e o apoio da Sala de Recurso Multifuncional com a TA, na prática pedagógica. A abordagem da pesquisa foi qualitativa, usando-se do procedimento estudo de campo, para isso, o foco de investigação foi a integração das salas citadas utilizando a Tecnologia Assistiva no processo de desenvolvimento dos alunos, visando à inclusão escolar. Caxias do Sul possui 26 escolas e Farroupilha 10 escolas com os equipamentos cedidos pelo MEC para a estruturação da sala de recurso multifuncional, das quais foram selecionadas, para coleta de dados, 10 escolas de Caxias e 05 de Farroupilha. A coleta dos dados foi através de uma entrevista com o uso do questionário referente a pesquisa de opinião e observação. E para a análise dos dados coletados utilizou-se das categorias da Análise de Conteúdo. A base teórica desse estudo foi a Teoria Sócio-Histórica de Vygotsky, focalizando a Mediação e a Interação na prática e nas escolhas das ferramentas pedagógicas para a inclusão. Os resultados dessa pesquisa demonstram que na maioria das escolas investigadas, ferramentas classificadas como Tecnologia Assistiva, são desconhecidas pelos professores, por isso, muitas que foram enviadas pelo governo, permanecem em desuso. Questões como essa, são causa de preocupação dessa investigação, pois garantir que os recursos cheguem até as escolas públicas, já não é mais o suficiente, ou seja, não garante a realização do processo. É preciso a adaptação da sociedade, da escola e dos professores para superar as barreiras e efetivar uma verdadeira inclusão na escola e na sociedade. / Digital Inclusion is a member of the possibilities that offers inclusive education for today. In this sense, the People with Special Educational Needs (PNEEs) have the right to education systems are also organized to develop processes of inclusion. Therefore, the resource rooms and Assistive Technology (AT) present themselves as viable alternatives and provided by the federal government for public schools. The aim of this study was to observe and analyze the process of school inclusion of students with disabilities through the use of the tools available in the resource rooms multifunctional integrated technologies and their pedagogical practice in the classroom teaching in public schools in the cities of Caxias do Sul and Farroupilha. The research approach was qualitative, using field study of the procedure for this, the research focus was the integration of the rooms mentioned using Assistive Technology in the development process of the students, aiming at the inclusion school. Caxias do Sul has 26 schools and 10 schools with Farroupilha equipment granted by the MEC for the structuring of multi-functional resource room, which were selected for data collection, 10 schools Caxias and 05 Farroupilha. Data collection was through an interview using the questionnaire for the survey and observation. And to the analysis of data collected using the categories of content analysis. The theoretical basis of this study was to Socio-Historical Theory of Vygotsky, focusing on interaction and mediation practice and choices of pedagogical tools for inclusion. The results of this survey show that most of the schools surveyed, classified as assistive technology tools, teachers are unknown, so many that were sent by the government, remain unused. Questions like this are cause for concern in this investigation as to ensure that resources reach the schools, is no longer enough, does not guarantee the realization of the process. It requires the adaptation of society, school and teachers to overcome barriers and realize a true inclusion in school and society.

La mondialisation culturelle en Afrique francophone : le cas du cinéma à Libreville (Gabon) / Cultural globalization in French-speaking Africa : the case of the cinema with Libreville (Gabon)

Nkoule Nkoghe, Carinne 21 May 2014 (has links)
Circulation des produits culturels, uniformisation des cultures, diversité culturelle, américanisation des cultures. Telles sont les théories véhiculées par la mondialisation culturelle. Toutefois, l’histoire démontre que la théorie qui fait l’unanimité en passant par les Sciences économiques, le Management des entreprises et la Sociologie est : la circulation des produits culturels, des services et des biens économiques à l’échelle planétaire. Au regard de ce fait, nous avons voulu l’expérimenter en Sociologie et plus précisément dans le domaine du cinéma au Gabon. A cet effet, nous avons relevé par le biais des programmes cinématographiques des chaînes de télévision, de la salle de l’Institut Français du Gabon et des vidéoclubs qu’il existe un panorama de films mondiaux (Américains, Français, Nigérians, Ivoiriens, Mexicains et Gabonais etc) qui circulent dans ce marché. Par ailleurs, il était aussi capital pour nous, de démontrer que la population gabonaise ne subit pas la mondialisation culturelle. C’est de ce pas que l’étude de la culture du cinéma au Gabon trouve tout son sens. Cette étude a confirmé que les Gabonais s’attachent particulièrement aux films qui se rapprochent de leur société (faits sociaux et cultures traditionnelles). Ceci explique le fait que les cinémas ivoirien, latino-américain, nigérian et ghanéen soient les plus préférés. D’autres cinémas (à l’exemple du cinéma américain) sont également bien reçus. Fort de tout ce qui précède, nous pouvons affirmer que le Gabon est véritablement dans la mondialisation culturelle. / Movement of cultural products, standardization of cultures, cultural diversity, Americanization of cultures. These are the theories which are conveyed by cultural globalization. However, History has shown that the theory which is approved unanimously by Economics, Corporate Management and Sociology is: the movement of cultural products, services and economic goods on a worldwide scale. For this reason, we wanted to experiment it in Sociology and more precisely in the area of cinema. For this purpose, we have noted down thanks to the cinema programmes of television channels, of the theatre room of the French Institute of Gabon, and of videoclubs that there is a panorama of world films (American, French, Ivoirian, Mexican, Gabonese, etc.) that are in circulation on the market. Furthermore, it was also important for us to demonstrate that the Gabonese people does not undergo cultural globalization. Therefore, the study of the cinema culture in Gabon makes sense. This study has confirmed the fact that the Gabonese are particularly interested in films which are close to their society (social facts and traditional cultures). This explains the fact that Gabonese people mostly prefer films from Ivory Coast, Latin American, Nigeria and Ghana. Other cinemas - the American one, for instance- are well accepted too. In light of this, we can say that Gabon is really in cultural globalization.

Abordagens e discussões sobre o espaço museal, a patrimonialização e a comunicação cultural no estudo comparativo entre o museu e a sala de milagres do Santuário do Bomfim, em Salvador, Bahia

Silva, Genivalda Cândido da 15 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-01T15:10:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Genivalda Cândido.pdf: 14101984 bytes, checksum: 6b41f506818bc712362ae23e0e58cf25 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-08T17:48:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Genivalda Cândido.pdf: 14101984 bytes, checksum: 6b41f506818bc712362ae23e0e58cf25 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-08T17:48:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Genivalda Cândido.pdf: 14101984 bytes, checksum: 6b41f506818bc712362ae23e0e58cf25 (MD5) / FAPESB / A pesquisa intitulada de “Abordagens e discussões sobre o espaço museal, a patrimonialização e a comunicação cultural no estudo comparativo entre o museu e a sala de milagres do Santuário do Bomfim, Salvador, Bahia”, teve como objetivo realizar um breve panorama histórico a partir do período que abrange a chegada de Theodózio Rodrigues de Faria a Salvador, e o surgimento do Santuário do Bomfim, que transcorreu no século XVIII, especificamente nos anos de 1740 até 1770. Tendo como foco primeiro no contexto histórico, mudanças sociais, urbanas, econômico-social que corroboraram de certa forma para a construção da Basílica do Bomfim. Em Segundo momento procuramos tecer uma ligação aos itens que contribuíram para toda a discussão presente nos referidos ambientes, como a religiosidade, a estética, o espaço e a comunicação. Itens estes primordiais no desenvolvimento das análises realizadas. A pesquisa também objetivou analisar como as práticas ex-votivas, presentes nos dois espaços, se vinculou à cultura popular dos pagadores de promessa, inerentes as classes sociais que transitam livremente pela sala de milagres, e os objetos ex-votivos que são museografados no Museu dos Ex-votos, local onde não é permitido ao crente, a colocação de ex-votos. Assim, então, se fez necessário a interpretação e elucidação das novas dimensões e significados culturais da arte e da religiosidade popular, e a retratação do ex-voto como um documento integrante do patrimônio cultural do Santuário do Bomfim. The research titled "Approaches and discussions on the museum space, the patrimonial and cultural communication in a comparative study of museum or room of miracles in Bomfim Church in Salvador, Bahia", aimed to make a brief historical overview from the period covers the arrival of Theodózio Rodriguez de Faria from Salvador, and the emergence of the Sanctuary of Bomfim, which takes place in the eighteenth century, specifically the years between 1740 to 1770. With the first focus social, urban changes, the historical context, economic and social that corroborated in a way for the construction of Bomfim's Cathedral. Weaving a link to items that corroborate all this discussion in these environments, such as religion, aesthetics, space and communication. These primary items in the development of the analysis. A priori the project aimed to analyze how former votive practices, present in the Sanctuary of Bomfim, is linked to the popular culture of the promise of paying inherent social classes who freely move around the miracles of room, and the former votive objects that are museographic in Ex-votos of the Museum, which is not allowed, by the believer, the placement of exvotos. So, then, if the interpretation and elucidation of new dimensions and cultural meanings of art and popular religiosity was necessary, and the retraction of the ex-votos as an integral document of the cultural heritage of the Sanctuary of Bomfim.

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