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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effectiveness of surgical face masks in the operating room : a systematic review / Nontsokolo Sylvia Makeleni.

Makeleni, Nontsokolo Sylvia January 2012 (has links)
Surgical face masks have been designed to protect health care professionals from the splashes of the patients’ blood or body fluids and also to minimise the transmission of oro- and nasopharyngeal bacteria from the surgical team to the patient’s wounds, thereby decreasing the likelihood of postoperative surgical site infections during a surgical procedure. However, there are several ways in which surgical face masks could potentially contribute to contamination of the wound during a surgical procedure in the operating room. The objectives of this study were to explore and describe the effectiveness of surgical face masks as a protective barrier during a surgical procedure in the operating room in the public hospitals in the North West Province, South Africa and to formulate recommendations regarding surgical face masks worn by health care professionals during a surgical procedure in the operating rooms. A systematic review was conducted, followed by a quantitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual approach. The motivation for a systematic review was to search evidence on surgical face mask efficiency. A search strategy was conducted in February and March 2012 and the total initial search was 9,933 research articles. Screening of articles on effectiveness of surgical face masks during a surgical procedure was done. After six months the search was updated and the final sample of six relevant articles (n=6) was obtained. Studies that met the inclusion criteria were critically appraised based on the scores using standardised critical appraisal tools. The findings of this research project were synthesised and evaluated in order to come to conclusions. Conclusions were integrated and synthesised as the basis of developing a clear overview of the best quality empirical evidence about effectiveness of surgical face masks during a surgical procedure in the operating room. Recommendations were formulated for the nursing practice, education and research focussing on wearing a surgical face mask during a surgical procedure in the operating room. Reviewer’s conclusion: From the limited results it is unclear whether wearing surgical face masks during a surgical procedure in the operating room serve as a protective device for both surgical team and the patient. There is a need for further research. / Thesis (MCur)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Headsetkommunikation för maskinbesättning : En kvalitativ studie om hur headsetkommunikation upplevs påverka personlig säkerhet och arbetseffektivitet för maskinbesättningen.

Petersen, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ intervjustudie som undersöker maskinpersonalens upplevelser av att använda headsetkommunikation i arbetet ombord. Totalt sex stycken maskinbesättningsmedlemmar intervjuades om deras upplevelser av hur headsetkommunikation har påverkat utförandet av arbetet, personlig säkerhet och tidseffektivitet. Resultaten som framkom av intervjuerna visar på att kommunikationen förbättrats med headsetkommunikation genom att talkommunikationen inte begränsas av höga bullernivåer vilket leder till minskad röstbelastning. De intervjuade vittnade om att den förbättrade kommunikationen underlättade i arbetet och ökade den personliga säkerheten genom att risken för missförstånd minskade samt att maskinbesättningens situationsmedvetenhet ökade. Förbättrad ergonomi vid svåra arbetsställningar i trånga utrymmen jämfört med handburna radioapparater upplevdes även det som en fördel med headsetkommunikation. Tidsåtgången i arbetet upplevdes minska när tillgängligheten till andra besättningsmedlemmar på kommunikationsradio ökade eftersom det minskade behovet av att förflytta sig för att kommunicera samtidigt som det kan leda till snabbare responstider. Den ökade tillgängligheten upplevdes även kunna leda till att olyckor inom maskinrummet upptäcks snabbare till följd av att ett uteblivet svar på radioanrop kan ses som ett avvikande beteende. / This is a qualitative interview study researching the experience engine room personnel have with using headset communication in their work onboard. A total of six crewmembers were interviewed about their experiences and how headset communication had affected their ability to perform their work, personal safety and time efficiency. The results showed that communication had improved with the use of headsets and that speech communication where no longer limited by high noise levels which in turn leads to less strain on the voice. The interviewed crew members testified that the improved communication facilitated their work and enhanced the personal safety by decreasing the risk for misunderstandings and increasing their situational awareness. Increased ergonomics in situations with difficult working postures and limited space in comparison with hand held radios were also observed as an advantage with headset communication. Time efficiency was perceived to improve since the availability of other crewmembers on the radio increased and decreased the need for moving to another area to communicate which at the same time lead to faster response times. Increased availability of crewmembers on the radio could also shorten the time before an accident in the engine room is detected since a failure to answer a radio call would be seen as irregular behavior.


李逢堅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究中學生網際網路使用行為的主要目的有三:在瞭解中學生網路使用行為特性、中學生使用聊天室的互動特性,網路聊天室與學習的關係。文獻探討方面,本研究以資訊社會為背景,探討資訊素養問題,然後使用者與環境兩方面進行探討。從網路空間,鎖定在聊天室的網路環境下,使用者從青少年、匿名性到虛擬社群角度,經由使用符號在聊天室產生互動的分析,包括互動禮儀等相關主題。研究方法分調查與質性研究兩方面,調查方面針對台北市內外中學生經由網頁網路調查,質化部分分為觀察法,觀察聊天室的環境、訪談法,訪談中學生中學教師以及空大使用聊天室環境進行教學的教師。 研究結果發現:一、中學生網路使用的特性方面,使用經驗主要「半年至三年」,使用時段為18:00-21:00,最常從事的活動為聊天交友,上網地點以「家中」最多。2.使用網路交友動機主要為:想交新朋友、排遣寂寞感、打發時間、好奇等。3.中學生學會使用電腦網路與聊天室的都以朋友為主要來源。4.中學生選擇聊天室的條件包括:功能較豐富,畫面多采多姿,人數適中,主題相符,與室內對象的互動感覺不錯的人數越多等。 二、中學生使用聊天室的互動特性:1.聊天室互動與面對面互動皆需語言與非語言符號,但呈現方式不同。中學生使用者在「追求速度」以及「夠炫」的價值觀驅使下,產生當前的網路次級語言。2.使用匿名主要原因是「保護自己、隱密」,匿名產生兩極化現象,化名的命名包括:與姓名有關、與自己的表徵相關、自己想的理想名字、戲劇或故事角色中的名字、比較奇特沒有重複的名字等。化名以自己的考量為出發,而非為以吸引聊天對象,而除了化名外,在性別、年齡、職業。學歷上,大多數不使用假身份。3.互動對象上,「男女都有」最多,幾乎都為學生,以15-18歲高中生最多。網友數量上,十位以上最多。在網友與面對面情境的朋友差異上,大部分傾向認為面對面情境的朋友瞭解較深,而對網友持半信半疑的態度,但仍有認為網友較能無所顧忌的聊天,及交往容易而較能認同網友。 4.聊天社群遵循的互動禮儀,主要分為三個層次:第一層次為「基本原則」,以不造成身心傷害或不愉快的基本規則,大都屬於網路禮貌(netquette)的範圍,包括不暴露真實身份,不激怒對方,不羞辱對方,及自我保護等。第二層次為「順利原則」,不讓雙方產生誤解或困窘的規則,包括:1.成員發言權利平等,2.同時多人對談,3.「插話」行為的正常,4.高度的流動性,5.主題規範言論範圍,6.「舉止」文雅卻開放,7.關係的速成與脆弱,8.聊天室的社群關係(「我們一體」)。第三層次為「愉快原則」:此為更高的層次即是讓對方在互動中覺得愉快,包括:1.儘速的回應,2.善用聊天室的功能,3.使用網路次級用語。 三、網路聊天室與學習的關係方面:使用聊天室所習得的資訊素養上,在操作能力方面,是網路的操作熟練度;在技能上主要在「打字速度」,並且有較多的機會從中學習表達自我,抒發內在的情感,對網路的資訊採「半信半疑」的「後設處理」態度。適法性與倫理問題,則與聊天室的禮儀有關。使用聊天室的缺點在:1對資訊類科學生,可能無心學習程式設計等基礎課程2.網路次級用語,對傳統的國文教育,影響使用錯別字,不會斷句等。3.下課時間上網聊天,容易將聊天時後無論正向或負向的情緒,帶到下一堂課。4沈迷者無法自拔,影響功課。使用聊天室的好處在:1.相關的網路使用更為順手。2.機會學習電子郵件的使用、ICQ聊天,等相關軟體環境。3.短期內的「記憶」能力可能較佳。 教學的作法與注意事項方面,就環境特性而言包括:1.空間解放,2.時間解放,3.使用化名,4.兩極化現象,5.善用聊天室功能。就互動特性而言:1.輕鬆的氣氛,2.創造學習社群的「我們一體」感,3.社會建構主義式教學,4.協同教學,5.教師扮演導引的角色,6.教師仍擁有的絕對權力,7.人數的限制,8.善用「面子」問題,9.鼓勵正向自我坦露,10.激發集體智慧。11.先以閒聊開場。 建議方面,對中學生學校教育的建議:1.資訊素養的培養,2.與人交往的技巧,3..多元化的休閒活動,4.教師應親自使用網路,5.網路使用行為良好習慣的培養,6.多元使用教學管道,7.網路在學習上的運用。對中學生網路使用行為的輔導建議:1.對同學平時的關心與瞭解,2.傾聽多於建議,施以適時的輔導,3.注意交友狀況,4. 指導學生正當的情緒抒發行為,提供多重的抒發管道,5.多與他人接觸,學習人際相處之道,6.建立網路使用行為的責任,7.使用網路自我保護行為的教導。 / There are there main purposes of the research:1. To understand the characteristics of behavior of secondary school student using Internet, 2.the characteristics of interaction of secondary school student using chat room, 3.and the relationship of the chat room with learning. The research begins with the information society and information literacy. Then it analyzes the human interaction through Internet from two aspects: the environment and the people in it. The environment started with the human-computer interaction (HCI) , then it is based on the characteristics of cyberspace and further focused on the chat room. The user of the Internet discussed including 'anonymity', 'virtual community' and the 'youth'. The research methods include survey, observation and interview. The research results are found as follows: Most secondary school students using Internet at home at 18:00-21:00, and they have been using Internet for half to three years. The motivation of using Internet to make friends for: 1.making new friends,2. to let go of the loneliness,3. playing around and 4.curiosity etc. The interaction in chat room takes both language and non-language symbol. For the purpose of 'speed' and to 'show off', youth create and use sub-language in the Internet, it represented a kind of 'collective intelligence'. The anonymity is served to protect and conceal the users themselves. But except alias most youth user show their real status in chat room. The people they interact with including both sexes and most are students. Most users think their classmates are more familiar with than net friends, but still others think net friends are easier to talk any secrets without worrying they might tell other people users know around. There are three levels about ritual in the internet: 1.basic principle;2.smooth principle;3.pleasure principle. Every principle and its rules contain are also discussed. The negative effect of using chat room includes: 1. For students major in computer too early to use Internet may let them disconcentrate on program design, 2. Chatters of chat room always use bad Chinese grammar, 3.When chatting between two courses, the mood will affected even next course begins,4. Users who indulge in it will badly affect their learning. The positive effect of using chat room including: 1.they can use Internet more smoothly, 2. They Have more chances to learn to use e-mail, ICQ etc., 3.they may remember things better for a short period of time. When teaching through chat room, it will help teachers to achieve the aim by noticing following notes: 1.create the easy atmosphere, 2.forming 'we-us' learning community, 3.social constructivism teaching, 4.corporate teaching. 5.the leading role of teacher, 6.absolute power for teacher, 7.limitating the number participators, 8.make best of 'face value', 9.encouraging positive self-expression, 10.arousing collective intelligence, 11. courses begin with chatting. Suggestions for secondary school, for secondary school student and for further study are also described.

Drivers of customers' service experiences : a customer perspective on co-creation of restaurant services, focusing on interactions, processes and activities

Walter, Ute January 2011 (has links)
It is essential for service companies to understand how their customer service experiences are formed. This is especially important since service experiences are highly subjective and involve customers cognitively, emotionally and behaviorally. Although customer service experiences are a well recognised research topic in both, culinary arts and service research, dynamic interactions, activities and the customers’ active involvement have so far gained little attention. As a consequence the approach in previous research paints a rather static picture of customer service experiences. By introducing the principles of service dominant logic a first person view and the understanding of drivers of customer service experiences could be facilitated. The overall aim of the thesis is to extend and deepen the understandin of drivers of favourable and unfavourable customer service experiences.The context selected is the restaurant context. The overall aim is reflected in four intermediate aims. Two separate studies were conducted. First a two-stage questionnaire based study, describing the phone reservation encounter compared to dining satisfaction; second a critical incident technique study including 195 short narratives of customers’ favourable and unfavourable service experiences at restaurants. Interview data were analysed according to constant comparative analysis principles.The main empirical contributions of this thesis are the move from static descriptions of service to examining dynamic drivers of favourable and unfavourable customers’ service experiences, and especially the analysis of social interactions as a driver of service experiences and the categorisation of drivers. Theoretically the thesis introduces the experience driver constellation, reflecting the dynamic process of co-creation in specific situations,when favourable and unfavourable customer service experiences are formed. Suggestions are made to develop the Five Aspects Meal Model and the Experience Room Framework through the addition of actors, the exterior environment and organisational routines to the models.

Strategic safety stocks in supply chains /

Minner, Stefan. January 2000 (has links)
Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss.--Magdeburg, 1999. / Literaturangaben.

"The great work begins" : Tony Kushner's theater for change in America /

Klüssendorf, Ricarda. January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Heidelberg, Univ., Diss., 2006.

Σχεδιασμός ηλεκτρολογικής εγκατάστασης και ακουστική μελέτη της κύριας αίθουσας του Συνεδριακού και Πολιτιστικού Κέντρου του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών με τη βοήθεια υπολογιστή (AutoCAD)

Λάμπου, Ανδριάνα 13 September 2011 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία εκπονήθηκε στο τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών και το θέμα της αφορά τη σχεδίαση της ηλεκτρολογικής εγκατάστασης στα αρχιτεχνονικά σχέδια της κύριας αίθουσας του Συνεδριακού και Πολιτιστικού Κέντρου του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών (Σ.Π.Κ) και στην ακουστική μελέτη του αμφιθεάτρου. Για τη σχεδίαση της ηλεκτρολογικής εσωτερικής εγκατάστασης χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τα σύμβολα και οι κανονισμοί από τον ΕΛΟΤ HD384. Για την κατασκευή των σχεδίων χρησιμοποιήθηκε το λογισμικό AutoCAD 2008 και για την ακουστική μελέτη το λογισμικό CATT-Acoustic v7.2I,το οποίο είναι ένας προσομοιωτής μοντέλου ακουστικής χώρου. Η διπλωματική εργασία χωρίζεται σε 6 κεφάλαια όπου στο 1ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια γενική περιγραφή για το Σ.Π.Κ. Στο 2ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια γενική περιγραφή για την Εσωτερική Ηλεκτρική Εγκατάσταση (Ε.Η.Ε) , γενικές οδηγίες-κανονισμοί και αναφορά στα διάφορα καλώδια και αγωγούς που χρησιμοποιούνται. Στο 3ο κεφάλαιο, εξετάζονται στοιχεία φωτοτεχνίας και εξηγείται αναλυτικά η σημαντικότητα της χρήσης του σωστού είδους τεχνητού φωτισμού στο Σ.Π.Κ . Στη συνέχεια, στο 4ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται η παρουσίαση του κάθε ηλεκτρικού κυκλώματος που σχεδιάστηκε και τι αγωγοί, ασφάλειες και συσκευές προτείνονται για την υλοποίησή του. Στο 5ο κεφάλαιο, παρουσιάζεται η θεωρία ακουστικής και στο 6ο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται η μεθοδολογία που ακολουθήθηκε για τη διεξαγωγή της ακουστικής μελέτης και παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα και τα συμπεράσματα της ακουστικής προσομοίωσης. / The present dissertation has been done in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the University of Patras and the subject concerned the design of electrical installation for the architectural plans of Conference and Cultural Center of the University of Patras (C.C.C.), as well as the acoustic study of an amphitheatre inside C.C.C. For the design of this electrical installation symbols and regulations from ELOT HD 384 were used. The construction of the electrical plans was done on the software AUTOCAD 2008 and the acoustic study was done using the CATT-acoustic v.32, which is software for simulating rooms acoustic. The dissertation is divided in to 6 chapters. In the first chapter, a general description of C.C.C. is given. In the 2nd chapter a general description of the electrical installation is given, general instructions and regulations and reference to cables and wires that are used. In the 3rd chapter, elements of light are examined and the importance of using the correct kind of technical light in C.C.C. Next, in the 4th chapter, every electrical circuit that is designed is presented with the appropriate cables, fuses and appliances for its implementation. In the 5th chapter, the acoustic theory is explained and in the 6th chapter the methodology for the acoustic simulation and the results are presented.

Måltidsmiljöns utformning och inverkan på patienter med demenssjukdom : En litteraturöversikt / The design and impact of the meal environment on patients with dementia : A literature review

Abo-azaz, Mari, Magan, Sahuur January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Demens är en obotlig sjukdom. Demenssjukdom kan leda till allvarliga symtom som språksvårigheter, minnesdysfunktion och beteendeförändringar. Detta bidrar till att personer med demenssjukdom kräver en särskild och väl anpassad omgivning. Personer med demenssjukdom behöver trygghet i sin vardag, vilket blir en viktig uppgift för sjuksköterskan. I omvårdnadsarbetet ska sjuksköterskan sträva efter att öka välbefinnandet hos patienter. I detta fall utforma omgivningen i matsalen utifrån patienters förutsättningar. Syfte: Att beskriva måltidsmiljöns utformning och hur den påverkar personer med demenssjukdom. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har genomförts. Elva kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar har använts till studien. Artiklarna har valts ut från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed som svarar på syftet. Artiklarna analyserades enligt Fribergs analysmetod för att kunna slutföras som material till resultatet. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas utifrån ett tema; omgivningen kring patienter när de äter och tre subtema; musikens betydelse vid måltidssituationen; belysningens betydelse vid måltidssituationen; betydelsen av en hemlik matsal. Dessa beskriver olika resurser som visade sig öka välbefinnandet hos patienter med demenssjukdom. Diskussion: Måltidsmiljön hade en stor inverkan på personer med demenssjukdom. Omgivningen i matsalen anpassades utifrån patientens förutsättning. Den förändrande måltidsmiljön ökade patientens välbefinnande. Hemlik miljö, lugn bakgrundsmusik och tillräcklig belysning under måltiden hade en stor betydelse för patienten. Den positiva effekten kunde bidra till ökat kaloriintag och minskad negativ beteende hos patienter. / Background: Dementia is an incurable disease. Dementia can lead to serious symptoms such as language difficulties, dysfunction and behavioral changes. People with dementia need a special and well-suited environment. People with dementia need security in their daily lives, which becomes an important task for the nurse. In nursing work, the nurse will aim to increase the wellbeing of patients. In this case, the environment is designed in the dining room based on the patient's conditions. Aim: To describe the design of the meal environment and how it affects people with dementia. Method: A literature review has been carried out. Eleven quantitative scientific articles have been used for the study. The articles have been selected from the CINAHL and PubMed databases corresponding to the purpose. The articles have been analyzed with Friberg’s analysis method to be completed as material for the result. Results: The result is based on a theme; the environment around the patients when they eat and three subtemes; the importance of music in the meal situation; the importance of lighting in the meal situation; the meaning of a home-like dining room. These describe the various resources required to increase the well-being of patients with dementia. Discussion: The meal environment had a major impact on people with dementia. The environment in the dining room was adapted to the patient's requirements. The changing meal environment increased patient wellbeing. The home-like environment, calm background music and sufficient lighting during the meal were of great importance to the patient. The positive effect could contribute to increased calorie intake and decreased negative behavior in patients.

Études in-situ dans un microscope électronique en transmission des réactions à l’état solide entre métal et nanofil de Ge / In-situ transmission electron microscopy studies of metal-Ge nanowire solid-state reactions

El Hajraoui, Khalil 17 March 2017 (has links)
Le domaine des nanofils semi-conducteurs est en pleine expansion depuis ces dix dernières années grâce à leurs applications dans de nombreux domaines tels que l’électronique ou la conversion d’énergie. Dans cette étude on part d’une base de nanofil de germanium (le canal), on dépose des contacts métalliques qui seront chauffés par effet joule. Une différence de potentiel est alors appliquée au contact d’entrée (la source), le courant électrique est récupéré et mesuré par le contact de sortie (le drain). Une réaction à l’état solide permet aux atomes du métal de diffuser dans le nanofil. La propagation d'une phase métal/semi-conducteur est suivie dans un microscope électronique en transmission (MET) dont la résolution permet une observation à l’échelle atomique au niveau de la source, le drain et le canal. Les dispositifs caractérisés au cours de ce stage ont été élaborés à partir de deux types de membranes, l’une plane et l’autre avec des trous. Chacune d’entre elles sont constituées d’une couche de nitrate de silicium Si3N4 à leurs surfaces présentant l’avantage d’être transparents aux électrons et isolants au courant. / Semiconductor nanowires (NWs) are promising candidates for many device applications ranging from electronics and optoelectronics to energy conversion and spintronics. However, typical NW devices are fabricated using electron beam lithography and therefore source, drain and channel length still depend on the spatial resolution of the lithography. In this work we show fabrication of NW devices in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) where we can obtain atomic resolution on the channel length using in-situ propagation of a metallic phase in the semiconducting NW independent of the lithography resolution. We show results on semiconducting NW devices fabricated on two different electron transparent Si3N4 membranes: a planar membrane and a membrane where devices are suspended over holes. First we show the process of making lithographically defined reliable electrical contacts on individual NWs. Second we show first results on in-situ propagation of a metal-semiconductor phase in Ge NWs by joule heating, while measuring the current through the device. Two different devices are studied: one with platinum metal contacts and one with copper contacts. Different phenomena can occur in CuGe NWs during phase propagation.

Ett uppskattat samtal : föräldrars erfarenhet av enskilda samtal med en kurator på en familjecentral / An appreciated counseling : parents' experiences of individual counseling with a social worker at a family center

Forinder, Katarina, Wannbäck, Karin January 2018 (has links)
Under hösten 2016 genomfördes en enkätundersökning på en familjecentral i syfte att utvärdera vad föräldrarna på familjecentralen upplevde som bra och mindre bra i enskilda samtal med en kurator på verksamheten. Resultatet av enkäten var till största del positivt, vilket ledde till att kuratorerna på familjecentralen önskade öka kunskapen kring vad som varit bra, samt undersöka vidare vad föräldrarna upplever som mindre bra i samband med samtalen. På uppdrag av dessa kuratorer har denna studie utformats med syfte att öka kunskapen kring föräldrars erfarenheter i samband med enskilda samtal med en kurator på en familjecentral, med fokus på vad föräldrar upplever som resurser och hinder i samtalen. Empirin har samlats in med hjälp av kvalitativ metod för att fånga föräldrars uppfattningar om de enskilda samtalen och för att få en djupare förståelse för dessa uppfattningar. Empirin består av åtta stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med föräldrar som har deltagit i enskilda samtal med en kurator på den aktuella familjecentralen. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats med hjälp av fyra teoretiska utgångspunkter vilka är Bernler och Johnssons teori för psykosocialt arbete, allians, empati samt aktivt lyssnande. Det slutgiltiga resultatet visar att det som föräldrar främst upplever som resurser i de enskilda samtalen är relationen till kuratorn, att få konkreta råd, tillgängligheten till kuratorerna och familjecentralen samt trivsamma lokaler. Resultatet som belyser hinder i samband de enskilda samtalen berör föräldrarnas önskan om att få prata med kuratorn på familjecentralen om fler ämnen än sitt barn och sin föräldraroll, att erbjudas uppföljning efter avslutad kontakt och att kuratorernas delade lokaler med öppna förskolan kan upplevas som besvärligt. Studiens slutsatser är att föräldrarna uppskattar familjecentralen och att verksamheten är en bra arena för socialtjänsten att arbeta förebyggande på. En annan slutsats är att föräldrarna uppskattar kombinationen av både få stöd och konkreta råd från kuratorerna samtidigt som de får formulera sina egna behov. Det finns även indikationer på att familjecentralen kan behöva utöka sitt stöd eftersom att föräldrar beskriver att de hade velat prata om annat än det som rör föräldraskapet. / During the fall of 2016, a survey was implemented at a family center with the purpose to evaluate what the parents who visited the family center experienced as positive and negative aspects during individual counseling with a social worker at the family center. The survey showed a positive result, which led to that the social workers at the family center wanted to increase the knowledge about which aspects the parent found positive. They were also keen on to investigate more closely if the parents experienced some negative aspects during the counseling. On behalf of the social workers at the family center, this study has been designed to increase knowledge about parents' experiences of individual counseling with a social worker, focusing on what parents perceive as resources and obstacles in the counseling. The material of the study has been gathered using qualitative methods to capture parents' perceptions of individual counseling and to gain a deeper understanding of these views. The material consists of eight semistructured interviews with parents who have participated in individual counseling with a social worker at the current family center. The collected material has been analyzed using four theoretical starting points which are Bernler and Johnssons' theory of psychosocial work, alliance, empathy and active listening. The final result shows that what parents primarily perceive as resources in the individual counselings is the relationship with the social worker, getting hands on advice, the access to the social workers and the family center, as well as the enjoyable premises. The result that highlights obstacles in the individual counseling concerns the parents' desire to talk to the social worker at the family center about more than just their child and parenthood, to be offered a follow-up after the contact has been completed and that the professionals shared premises with the open preschool can be problematic. The conclusions of the study include the fact that the parents appreciate the family center and that the family center is a good arena for social services to work preventively on. Another conclusion is that parents find that a combination of both support and concrete advice from the counselors as well as the possibility to formulate their own needs is an appreciated balance in the individual counseling. There are also indications that the family center may need to expand its support since parents describe that they wanted to talk about other subjects other than parenting.

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