Spelling suggestions: "subject:"role"" "subject:"ros""
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Reconnaissance study of metal sulfide deposition in tidal flat and sabkha-like environments, Gulf of California, Sonora, MexicoShaner, Linda Ann January 1982 (has links)
No description available.
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Le gouvernement de la vie dans les sociétés libérales : une relecture critique de la perspective biopolitique chez Michel Foucault, Nikolas Rose et Giorgio AgambenBorduas, Joël 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
L'un des constats fondamentaux qui se dégage de l'œuvre de Michel Foucault est celui d'une inscription moderne du biologique dans le politique. Ce constat marque ainsi l'ouverture d'une perspective biopolitique, qui propose une analyse transversale reliant les rapports de pouvoir, les modes d'objectivation du savoir, ainsi que les modes de production du sujet moderne. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous tenterons de cerner la pertinence actuelle de l'approche biopolitique comme outil pour une analyse sociologique critique des sociétés libérales contemporaines. Pour ce faire, nous proposerons une analyse synthétique et comparative des travaux de trois auteurs, qui incarnent chacun un moment-clé dans la problématisation de la biopolitique : Michel Foucault pour son articulation initiale à travers une analyse positive et relationnelle des techniques de pouvoir sur l'individu et la population, Nikolas Rose pour son actualisation sociologique des thèses de Foucault dans le champ contemporain de la santé, ainsi que Giorgio Agamben pour sa réarticulation théorique de la perspective biopolitique avec celle du pouvoir souverain. Nous proposerons donc une synthèse critique des différentes notions et conceptions qui se dégagent du corpus de chaque auteur, en les confrontant entre elles ainsi qu'à des objets sociologiques contemporains qui ont trait à l'encadrement de la vie humaine, prise à la fois comme sociale et biologique. Nous dégagerons ainsi le mode particulier de problématisation de la vie qui se dégage des textes de chacun de nos auteurs, dans le but d'interpréter leur signification en regard des mutations politiques de la modernité. Finalement, nous soulignerons la portée et les limites de leurs analyses respectives afin de faire émerger les caractéristiques d'un « gouvernement de la vie » dans les sociétés libérales contemporaines.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : assujettissement, biopolitique, biopouvoir, Giorgio Agamben, gouvernementalité, Michel Foucault, médecine, modernité, Nikolas Rose, norme, politique, population, pouvoir, santé, savoir, société libérale, souveraineté, subjectivation, sujet.
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Wind Power Potential in Palestine/Israel : An investigation study for the potential of wind power in Palestine/Israel, with emphasis on the political obstaclesOdeh, Yousre January 2011 (has links)
Wind resource assessment studies have been conducted in the Israeli side and the Palestinian side before; however, the previous studies were restricted with the political border either Palestinian or Israeli except one of them that was based on measurements dated to 1940-1983 (R. Shabbaneh & A. Hasan, 1997). Moreover, the studies were performed years ago, with simple techniques and based on old data (R. Shabbaneh & A. Hasan, 1997). Hence, the needs for a new study that is based on updated data, and using updated model is highly demanded. This study is intended to perform wind resource assessment in Palestine/Israel; the study has used two stages of assessment, primary one based on reference station data on both sides, Israeli and Palestinian. The second stage of wind resource assessment is based on WindPRO software. The wind resource assessment ends up with identifying sites with higher potential that are situated in four selected sites, North of Palestine/Israel, North of West-bank, Jerusalem, and Eilat, the higher potential was in Eilat area bearing mean wind speed of 9.88m/s at 100 m hub height.Moreover, the study recognized the importance of political situation assessment due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Based on conducted survey, the political situation assessment concluded that international non-governmental organizations seem to be most capable of starting up wind power project in Palestine/Israel. Furthermore, the study concluded that supportive policies from both the Israeli and Palestinian governments are crucial to promote wind power projects in the region.
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Por otra lectura de Charles d'Orléans: el valor de la imagenGarcía Bascuñana, Juan Francisco 15 May 1987 (has links)
La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo prioritario poner de relieve la importancia de la imagen en la obra de Charles d'Orléans, más allá del carácter alegórico de esta poesía, como expresión definitiva que es de toda una corriente literaria que partiendo, sobre todo, del siglo XIII, con "Le Roman de la Rose", abarca los siglos XIV y XV.De ahí que en la introducción a nuestro estudio, aparte de situar la obra del duque de Orléans en el contexto literario que le es propio, junto y no contra Villon, a pesar de las diferencias que les separan, no sólo por su propia condición, sino también por su concepción poética que surge de fuentes de inspiración, si no opuestas, al menos distintas, hayamos intentado delimitar un concepto eminentemente ambiguo como el de imagen. Dilucidar esas imágenes creativas, convertidas en supremo valor poético, que impregnan toda la obra del príncipe, se iba a convertir en punto de partida ineludible de nuestro itinerario; ya que desde el primer instante, se nos había hecho evidente que la imagen -y el consiguiente imaginario que de ella se desprende- constituía en Charles d'Orléans el núcleo esencial de sus poemas. Pero se trataba de evidenciarlo, y para ello era indispensable establecer bases teóricas e instrumentales que sirvieran de trampolín a lo que iba a constituir al mismo tiempo nuestra estrategia y nuestro objetivo.Dicha aproximación a la noción de imagen la hemos llevado a cabo desde una perspectiva moderna -ausente de la retórica, ya que el término imagen en la Edad Media estaba casi exclusivamente relacionado con la representación plástica- y, en particular, a partir de la visión que se desprende de los trabajos de Gastan Bachelard, con su descripción de la ilusión poética centrada en los cuatro elementos y en sus propiedades estáticas o dinámicas, plurales o unitarias, íntimas o sublimes, etc. Y todo ello sin olvidar, en ningún momento, que nos encontrábamos ante la obra de un poeta del siglo XV, con todo lo que ello comporta. De todos modos, el ejemplo de Alice Planche (1), aproximando la obra de Charles d'Orléans a la de poetas corno Baudelaire, Verlaine y, sobre todo, Mallarmé, no podía dejar de alentarnos.Por otra parte, nos parecía de todo punto imposible cualquier aproximación al concepto de imagen sin tener en cuenta la importancia capital del fenómeno alegórico en la Edad Media. Sin partir del supuesto de que el pensamiento alegórico es la savia que nutre toda la estética medieval -religiosa y profana-, el estudio de la imagen literaria queda falseado desde su inicio y condenado al fracaso; sobre todo a partir del siglo XIII, como ya hemos apuntado, y de manera especial con su «explosión» definitiva en el siglo XV, ya que la construcción alegórica caracteriza el período final de la Edad Media.Lo que resulta patente en nuestro trabajo es que era necesario conciliar los aspectos de fidelidad a la tradición cortés que se desprenden de la poesía del duque de Orléans y lo que en ella aparece de «nuevo», tratando de ver esa obra como una culminación, más que como una decadencia. En ese sentido los estudios de Daniel Poirion y especialmente su obra capital "Le Poéte et le Prince. L'Évolution du lyrisme courtois de Guillaume de Machaut a Charles d'Orléans" (2) han sido punto de referencia continua, y es porque se pretendía situar la obra del príncipe en toda su complejidad por lo que antes de pasar a estudiar lo que constituye la parte esencial de nuestra tesis, nos pareció conveniente introducir una primera parte en la que se estudian dos aspectos de la poesía del príncipe fuertemente arraigados en la tradición retórica medieval: el amor, enfocado desde una perspectiva cortés, y el exordio estacional. Ya que no hay que olvidar que es en realidad porque Charles d'Orléans ha sabido ser el último poeta cortés, es decir la culminación armoniosa de un proceso poético que cubre la mayor parte de la creación lírica medieval, por lo que su poesía llevaba en sí misma un anuncio de modernidad.Modernidad que queda subrayada en la segunda parte de la tesis, en la que se ha tratado de captar las ricas variaciones de la poesía de Charles d'Orléans, a través de las imágenes que conforman un universo alegórico único hasta acabar desbordándolo, erigiéndose en entidades con peso específico propio. Imágenes agrupadas en torno a tres nociones elementales: el bosque, el agua y la tierra, que, en realidad, se resuelven en dos: imágenes de la materia en movimiento y de la materia en reposo. En cuanto al hecho de distinguir entre el bosque y la tierra, se basa en razones que; más allá de la contradicción que puede suponer, proceden del propio itinerario creador del poeta.El bosque se presenta en Charles d'Orléans como prefiguración del refugio soñado, signo de soledad y de rechazo; imagen ambivalente, generadora de angustia y serenidad, de opresión y simpatía, que separa de los hombres y de los lugares en los que habitan. El bosque -imagen alegórica- aparece en repetidas ocasiones, tanto en las «ballades» como en los «rondeaux»: diferentes bosques («Fôret d'Ennuyeuse Tristesse» ,«Fôrét de Longue Attente», etc.), que encierran con frecuencia toda la significación propia del bosque medieval y que comportan, a veces, un alegorismo místico muy preciso. El bosque, de todos modos, no es un refugio de intimidad, de seguridad. Cuando el refugio más que acoger aleja y se convierte en lugar de huida, nos encontramos con la imagen del bosque por antonomasia, símbolo de lo asocial. De hecho la imagen alegórica del bosque va asociada frecuentemente en Charles d'Orléans al tema del viaje. Tema que relaciona los dos elementos esenciales de todo viaje medieval: el bosque, con toda su carga simbólica y realista al mismo tiempo, y el agua, con las enormes posibilidades que dicha imagen comporta. En los inmensos espacios del bosque medieval no existe más que lo desconocido; pero más allá del bosque existen las orillas y los límites seguros de las tierras habitadas. Para llegar hasta allí, cuando se viene del otro lado, no hay más alternativa que el viaje.Las aguas de Charles d'Orléans son esencialmente dinámicas, sobre todo marinas, y unen más que separan. Llevan a los hombres a sus «moradas», a la tierra, imagen rutilante de vida, de libertad y de intercambios humanos, pero también de renuncia. Aguas, pues, que conducen a orillas de liberación, de reencuentro -«imagen-realidad»- inseparable de los largos años de exilio del príncipe-poeta en Inglaterra, a raíz de la aciaga jornada de Azincourt- o de la vejez y de la muerte.La imagen «fundadora» del agua -y utilizamos la terminología del propio Bachelard- se sitúa en paralelo o, más bien , de modo tangencial a la de la tierra, refugio último. Llegamos, así pues, al entramado de asociaciones que constituyen la imagen postrera de la tierra, en que partiendo de la negación y la violencia que comporta la prisión -y su causa inmediatamente anterior que es la guerra-, llegamos a esas imágenes finales de la intimidad, representadas por esas numerosas estancias y moradas por las que deambula el yo -o los yo- del poeta, y de lasque la propia prisión inglesa sería ya prefiguración como las moradas, metáfora de la vejez -con todo lo que ésta encierra de renuncia y apartamiento definitivo-, que son a su vez el eco tardío de esa prisión lejana.Pero un grupo de asociaciones viene a interferirse formando por sí mismo un lugar particular que se inscribe a su vez en el imaginario del poeta: son las imágenes que se constituyen en torno al tema del negocio y del comercio, y que por lo que significan de compromiso, de resolución de contrarios, producen una imagen-puente entre la prisión y las moradas de la intimidad, moradas que simbolizan ese refugio que en última instancia fue para el poeta su propia obra, confidente yeco de la soledad, lugar de otra vida tan real como la propiamente vivida.NOTAS:(1) Charles d'Orléans, ou la recherce d'un langage. París, Champion, 1975. (2) París, P.U.F., 1965.ADVERTENCIA: DEBIDO AL ESTADO DEL SOPORTE ORIGINAL, LA REPRODUCCIÓN DE ALGUNAS DE LAS PÁGINAS DE LA TESIS PRESENTA CIERTAS DEFICIENCIAS. / The main aim of the thesis is to show how the importance of image in the work of Charles d'Orléans goes beyond the structure of allegory which characterized the poetry of the late Middle Ages. Herein, the image, which is an eminently ambiguous concept, is to be defined as a modern concept, lacking in rhetoric, departing particularly from the work of Gaston Bachelard and his description of poetic illusion based on the four elements.Although the first part ofthe thesis has as its task the study of certain aspects of the poetry of Charles d'Orléans relating to the medieval rhetorical tradition encompassing the themes of courtly love, seasonal exordium, the second and most essential part tries to grasp the rich variations present in this unique poetry through the study of images constituting a unique allegorical universe; images grouped around the three basic notions: the forest, water and earth - there being, of course, no contradiction between forest and eart as this division originates in the poet's own poetic itinerary.One is led from tempting solitude of the forest, particularly the medieval forest with its special significance, throug the amiguous, even contradictory image of water, to earth images appearing in the numerous dwellings through which the persona or personae ofthe have passed.Nevertheless, an ensemble of associations ariseand come to interfere in the poems, forming a particular place which in turn constitute the poet's stock of images: images clustered around the themes of business and commerce, which, for their connotation of commitment and resolution of contradictions, become an image/bridge between prison, the real prison and not by any means prison as a metaphorical game, and the dwelling places of intimacy which symbolize that refuge which in the final analysis was the poet's work itself. It was in his own poetry that he found not only his confidante and the eco of his sotitude, but another life as real as his own.
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Great transformations : Karl Polanyi and Nikolas Rose on the shifting fortunes of social strategies of government : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Arts in Sociology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandWynyard, Matthew Adam January 2009 (has links)
This thesis seeks to make sense of the emergence of neoliberalism at the close of the twentieth century and the subsequent appearance of Third Way strategies of government in recent decades. In so doing it deals comparatively with the work of two very different, yet nevertheless both increasingly influential theorists of social change - Karl Polanyi and Nikolas Rose. In the middle decades of the twentieth century Karl Polanyi theorized what he held to be the inevitable shift from a market society to one in which the economy was embedded in a web of social relations. Some half century later in the 1990s, Nikolas Rose theorized the 'death of the social', the process by which the social logic that underpinned Western welfare states for much of the twentieth- century is giving way to a new formula for rule. Rose terms this new way of governing advanced liberalism. This thesis argues that an approach to neoliberalism and the third way that employs both Polanyi's analytical and critical tools as well as the insights gained from Nikolas Rose's governmentality studies can help to render neoliberalism both visible and contestable in new ways. Further such an approach might serve to illuminate potential paths forward.
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Com a palavra o segundo sexo : percursos do pensamento intelectual feminista no Brasil dos anos 1960Méndez, Natalia Pietra January 2008 (has links)
A análise da intelectualidade e de seu papel como um dos agentes de mudanças sociais e culturais é um tema que vem galgando espaços significativos na produção historiográfica. Neste trabalho, proponho um estudo sobre o percurso do pensamento feminista no Brasil Contemporâneo. Para tanto, escolhi três autoras que desempenharam um importante papel ao introduzir um olhar feminista no campo intelectual brasileiro: a jornalista Carmen da Silva, a escritora e editora Rose Marie Muraro e a socióloga Heleieth Saffioti. Através da palavra, estas mulheres colaboraram para o questionamento do conhecimento tradicional e misógeno. Trouxeram à luz novas interpretações para os problemas sociais, afirmando a análise das relações entre os sexos como um ponto fundamental para a compreensão e transformação da sociedade. Atentas às alterações na vida das mulheres que transcorriam ao longo do século XX, mantiveram os olhos focados na realidade brasileira. Na década de 1960, em meio a um regime ditatorial, seus escritos simbolizaram a liberdade almejada por mulheres e homens que sonhavam com a possibilidade de um país diferente. No período em questão, Carmen, Rose e Heleieth germinaram um debate, a partir de seus espaços de atuação, sobre a condição da mulher. Respectivamente, a Imprensa, a Igreja Católica e a Universidade. São instituições de onde surgiram parte significativa dos pensadores e da atividade intelectual no Brasil. Analisar as obras e as trajetórias de vida destas mulheres proporciona outros olhares sobre as relações de poder vigentes no contexto dos anos de 1960 e sobre o papel da intelectualidade na elaboração e difusão do pensamento feminista. / The analysis of the intellectuality and its role as one of the responsible for the social and cultural changes is a theme which is achieving meaningful positions in the historical production. In this study, I propose an analysis concerning to the development of the feminist thought in the Contemporary Brazil. So, three authors who have performed an important role in this field were chosen since they introduced a feminist perspective in the Brazilian intellectual environment. Such women are: the journalist Carmem da Silva, the writer and publisher Rose Marie Muraro and the sociologist Heleieth Saffioti. These women have collaborated to the inquiring of the traditional and misogynist knowledge through their concepts. They have brought to light new interpretations to the social problems, claiming the analysis of the gender relations as a fundamental subject for the comprehension and changing of the society. Being careful about the changes in the women lives that happened during the XX century, they kept their eyes focused on the Brazilian reality. In the 1960s, during the dictatorial period, their writings symbolized the desired freedom by women and men who dreamed about the possibility of a different country. In that period, Carmen, Rose e Heleieth evolved a debate about the women's condition starting from their working fields. Respectively, the press, the Catholic Church and the Universities are institutions from where emerged a significant part of the scholars and of the intellectual activity in Brazil. The analysis of these women's issues and their course of life provides us with a different point of view about the relation of the power in effect in the context of the 1960s and on the role of the intellectuality in the development and spreading of the feminist thought.
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Capital social e tecnologia social: um estudo de caso na Associaçāo Aroeira em Alagoas.Oliveira, Alvaro José de 26 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Alvaro José de Oliveira (alvaroifal@hotmail.com) on 2017-02-06T17:33:03Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese CAPITAL SOCIAL E TECNOLOGIA SOCIAL- Um estudo de caso na Associação Aroeira em Alagoas : Autor - Alvaro José de Oliveira.pdf: 59560981 bytes, checksum: 7531bfd6b104641b30fbf4f873ee9c6b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2017-02-17T18:45:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese CAPITAL SOCIAL E TECNOLOGIA SOCIAL- Um estudo de caso na Associação Aroeira em Alagoas : Autor - Alvaro José de Oliveira.pdf: 59560981 bytes, checksum: 7531bfd6b104641b30fbf4f873ee9c6b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-17T18:45:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese CAPITAL SOCIAL E TECNOLOGIA SOCIAL- Um estudo de caso na Associação Aroeira em Alagoas : Autor - Alvaro José de Oliveira.pdf: 59560981 bytes, checksum: 7531bfd6b104641b30fbf4f873ee9c6b (MD5) / CAPES / A presente tese teve como objetivo analisar dimensões do Capital Social dos membros de uma Associação no Estado de Alagoas onde houve o desenvolvimento de uma Tecnologia Social. As dimensões do capital social analisadas foram: Capacidade Associativa, Confiança interpessoal, Cooperação e Sociabilidade. Os principais aportes teóricos versaram sobre capital social e tecnologia social. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram os membros da Associação Aroeira, localizada no município de Piaçabuçu no Estado de Alagoas/Brasil, onde houve o desenvolvimento da tecnologia social de beneficiamento da pimenta-rosa, bem como representantes do Instituto Ecoengenho, instituição que colaborou com a Associação Aroeira no desenvolvimento da tecnologia social, e membros da comunidade de Piaçabuçu. Trata-se de um estudo de caso único, caracterizado como pesquisa aplicada, quali- quantitativa e exploratória que evoluiu para uma pesquisa descritiva, adotando como procedimento uma pesquisa de levantamento, com entrevistas e aplicação de formulário, e a observação sistemática. Observou-se como resultado que a tecnologia desenvolvida para o beneficiamento da pimenta-rosa caracteriza-se como tecnologia social. Quanto às dimensões do capital social analisadas, verificou-se que os membros da Associação Aroeira demonstraram terem aprofundado estas dimensões a partir do desenvolvimento da tecnologia social, ressaltando-se que a dimensão que apresentou alguma fragilidade foi a capacidade associativa. / ABSTRACT
This thesis aimed to analyze dimensions of Social Capital of the members of an
association in the state of Alagoas, Brazil, where they developed a social
technology. Some dimensions of social capital were analyzed: associative capacity,
interpersonal trust, cooperation and sociability. The main theoretical contributions
were about social capital and social technology. The individuals from the research
were members of Aroeira Association, located in Piaçabuçu county in the state of
Alagoas / Brazil, where there was the development of pepper rose improvement of
social technology; as well as representatives of Ecoengenho Institute, an institution
that collaborated with Aroeira Association in the development of social technology,
and members of Piaçabuçu community. This is a single case study, characterized
as applied research, qualitative and quantitative, and exploratory which evolved into
a descriptive research, adopting as a search procedure, with interviews and
application forms, and also systematic observation. It was observed as a result that
the developed technology for the pink pepper improvement was characterized as
social technology. As to the dimensions of the social capital analyzed, it was found
that the members of the Aroeira Association demonstrated have deepened these
dimensions from the development of social technology, it should be emphasized
that the dimension that showed some weakness was the associative capacity
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Nanofluidics : a theoretical and numerical investigation of fluid transport in nanochannels / Nanofluidique : une investigation théorique et numérique du transport fluidique dans les nanocannauxGravelle, Simon 17 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit diverses situations liées au transport fluidique aux nano-échelles. Le premier chapitre est une introduction à la nanofluidique qui contient une revue des longueurs caractéristiques, des forces et des phénomènes présents aux nano-échelles. Le deuxième chapitre est une étude de l'impact de la géométrie sur la perméabilité hydrodynamique d'un nanopore. Inspirée par la forme des aquaporines, cette étude suggère une optimisation possible pour des canaux biconiques. Le troisième chapitre est une étude du remplissage capillaire dans des canaux sub-nanométriques en carbone. Cette étude montre l'importance de la pression de disjonction induite par la structure du fluide sur le remplissage. Le quatrième chapitre est une étude d'une diode nanofluidique, un composant connu pour imiter le comportement d'une diode à semi-conducteur. On montre qu'un fort couplage entre l'eau et la dynamique des ions entraîne une rectification du flux d'eau à l'intérieur de la diode. Le cinquième et dernier chapitre est une étude de l'origine du bruit rose (1=f) communément observé lors des mesures de courant ionique dans les nanopores / This thesis discusses various situations linked to transport at the nanoscale. The first chapter is an introduction to nanofluidics, containing a review of characteristic lengths, forces, or phenomena existing at the nanoscale. The second chapter is a study of the impact of geometry on the hydrodynamic permeability of a nanopore. This study, inspired by the shape of aquaporins, suggests a possible optimisation of permeability for bi-conical channels. The third chapter is a study of capillary filing inside subnanometric carbon channels which highlights the importance of the disjoining pressure induced by the fluid structuring inside the nanochannel. The fourth chapter is a study of nanofluidic diode, a component known to mimic the behaviour of semiconductor diode. The study highlights a strong coupling between water and ion dynamics which leads to a water flow rectification inside the diode. The fifth and last chapter is a study of the origin of commonly observed pink noise (1=f) in ionic current measurements through nanopores
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Com a palavra o segundo sexo : percursos do pensamento intelectual feminista no Brasil dos anos 1960Méndez, Natalia Pietra January 2008 (has links)
A análise da intelectualidade e de seu papel como um dos agentes de mudanças sociais e culturais é um tema que vem galgando espaços significativos na produção historiográfica. Neste trabalho, proponho um estudo sobre o percurso do pensamento feminista no Brasil Contemporâneo. Para tanto, escolhi três autoras que desempenharam um importante papel ao introduzir um olhar feminista no campo intelectual brasileiro: a jornalista Carmen da Silva, a escritora e editora Rose Marie Muraro e a socióloga Heleieth Saffioti. Através da palavra, estas mulheres colaboraram para o questionamento do conhecimento tradicional e misógeno. Trouxeram à luz novas interpretações para os problemas sociais, afirmando a análise das relações entre os sexos como um ponto fundamental para a compreensão e transformação da sociedade. Atentas às alterações na vida das mulheres que transcorriam ao longo do século XX, mantiveram os olhos focados na realidade brasileira. Na década de 1960, em meio a um regime ditatorial, seus escritos simbolizaram a liberdade almejada por mulheres e homens que sonhavam com a possibilidade de um país diferente. No período em questão, Carmen, Rose e Heleieth germinaram um debate, a partir de seus espaços de atuação, sobre a condição da mulher. Respectivamente, a Imprensa, a Igreja Católica e a Universidade. São instituições de onde surgiram parte significativa dos pensadores e da atividade intelectual no Brasil. Analisar as obras e as trajetórias de vida destas mulheres proporciona outros olhares sobre as relações de poder vigentes no contexto dos anos de 1960 e sobre o papel da intelectualidade na elaboração e difusão do pensamento feminista. / The analysis of the intellectuality and its role as one of the responsible for the social and cultural changes is a theme which is achieving meaningful positions in the historical production. In this study, I propose an analysis concerning to the development of the feminist thought in the Contemporary Brazil. So, three authors who have performed an important role in this field were chosen since they introduced a feminist perspective in the Brazilian intellectual environment. Such women are: the journalist Carmem da Silva, the writer and publisher Rose Marie Muraro and the sociologist Heleieth Saffioti. These women have collaborated to the inquiring of the traditional and misogynist knowledge through their concepts. They have brought to light new interpretations to the social problems, claiming the analysis of the gender relations as a fundamental subject for the comprehension and changing of the society. Being careful about the changes in the women lives that happened during the XX century, they kept their eyes focused on the Brazilian reality. In the 1960s, during the dictatorial period, their writings symbolized the desired freedom by women and men who dreamed about the possibility of a different country. In that period, Carmen, Rose e Heleieth evolved a debate about the women's condition starting from their working fields. Respectively, the press, the Catholic Church and the Universities are institutions from where emerged a significant part of the scholars and of the intellectual activity in Brazil. The analysis of these women's issues and their course of life provides us with a different point of view about the relation of the power in effect in the context of the 1960s and on the role of the intellectuality in the development and spreading of the feminist thought.
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Le troisième genre : androgynie et trouble de la masculinité dans les arts visuels en France au passage du XXe siècle / The third gender : androgyny and the trouble of the masculinity in the visual arts in France at the turn of the 20th centuryDelille, Damien 14 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse entend analyser la figure de l’androgyne du mouvement symboliste à l’avant-garde abstraite. La relecture de la modernité au passage du XXe siècle en France permet de comprendre de quelle manière le symbolisme a exploré le trouble de la sexualité dans un contexte sociopolitique de crise de la masculinité. L’étude visuelle et anthropologique des normes sexuelles révèle une angoisse de l’entre-deux androgyne, associée aux théories psychopathologiques de l’homosexualité. Cette thèse démontre de quelle manière l’androgynie correspond à ce que nous intitulons « le troisième genre » artistique, défini par le rejet des assignations de genre et par de nouveaux modèles de représentation et d’intersubjectivité, issus de l’immersion du féminin dans le masculin. Dans la première partie, l’étude des sources néo-classiques et spirituelles de l’androgyne révèle la recherche d’un idéal politique et artistique permettant la régénération de l’unité des sexes. La deuxième partie envisage la résurgence de cet idéal dans les pratiques symbolistes fin-de-siècle, à travers différents modèles androgynes comme la figure de l’ange, celles d’Orphée et du troisième sexe primitif. Face au trouble des identités sexuelles, la réception de l’idéalisme est analysée à partir de la rhétorique de la dégénérescence associant androgynie, efféminement du masculin et homosexualité. La quatrième partie examine la poursuite de l’idéal androgyne dans les sources de l’abstraction. Le troisième genre abstrait alimente l’utopie avant-gardiste d’un art qui s’auto-génère, dépourvu de caractère sexué et créé par un artiste moderne, célibataire et androgyne. / This thesis aims to analyze the figure of androgyny from the movements of Symbolism to the abstract avant-garde. This reinterpretation of modernity at the turn of the 20th century in France allows an understanding of how Symbolism explored the trouble of sexuality within a social and political context entrenched by the crisis of masculinity. The visual and anthropological study of sexual norms reveals a fear of the androgynous in-between associated with psychopathological theories of homosexuality. This thesis demonstrates how androgyny is tied to what I call the artistic “third gender,” defined by the refusal of gender assignation and new models of representation and intersubjectivity, following the feminine immersion within the masculine. In the first part, the study of the Neoclassical and spiritual sources of androgyny demonstrates the search for the political and artistic ideal, allowing for the regeneration of the unity of sex. The second part reveals the resurgence of this ideal in the fin-de-siècle Symbolist's practices through different androgynous models such as the figure of the angel, the ones of Orpheus and the primitive third sex. Toward the trouble of sexual identities, the reception of idealism is analyzed through the rhetoric of degeneration associating androgyny, masculine effeminacy and homosexuality. The last part examines the pursuit of the androgynous ideal in the sources of abstraction. The abstract third sex nourishes the avant-gardist utopia of an art that is self-perpetuating, devoid of sexual characteristic and led by a modern artist, single and androgynous.
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