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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The missiological dimensions of African ecclesiology

Andriatsimialomananarivo, Solomon 11 1900 (has links)
The growth of the Church in Africa, namely at numerical level, is tremendous. However, we notice that her impact on society and public life is not so visible as the growth is, since Christian values are embodied by Christians. Yet, the Church has huge human resources, pastors, missionaries, lay leaders and theologians. The challenge for the Church in Africa is to incarnate and inculturate these values and the living message of the Gospel. In this thesis we question the co-operation between the Church and mission agencies, between native pastors and western missionaries. We notice that since 150 years, there has been a huge gap between these two entities. This is due to the fact that Theology and Missiology look like two lines that never meet. This situation leads us to revisit not only the current paradigm Church-Mission but also the current link between Theology and Missiology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

Pentecostal contributions to modern Christological thought: a synthesis with ecumenical views

House, Sean David 30 November 2006 (has links)
Pentecostalism, which developed its essential character during the classical period of 1901-1916, has many significant contributions to make to modern theology. Often viewed as a type of fundamentalism, it is actually a theological tradition in its own right that deserves consideration along with the other two major streams of protestantism, conservative evangelicalism and more liberal ecumenical-mainline thought. Although it emphasizes the experience of the Holy Spirit, pentecostalism is highly Christocentric as is evidenced by its foundational symbol of faith, the fourfold gospel of Jesus as savior, healer, baptizer, and coming king. This work examines how the pentecostal fourfold gospel, as a functional, from below Spirit Christology, anticipates and intersects with trends in twentieth century ecumenical theological thought. The result of the study is the articulation of a fuller, more holistic understanding of the work of Christ in salvation in the world today. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Purgatory: a burning issue?

O'Brien, Jerome 30 November 2007 (has links)
The thesis explores the subject of purgatory and its relative value for modern people. It summarises: 1. The manner in which biblical texts used to underpin the doctrine; 2. The history of the doctrine within the Roman Catholic Church and the reaction to it during the Reformation and beyond; and 3. Contemporary formulations of purgatory and purgatory-like ideas. The thesis argues, from several perspectives, that a modern formulation of the doctrine is: 1. Reasonable; 2. Biblically consistent; 3. Meets the criteria of an established Tradition at practice within the Church; and 4. Is capable of assisting people in understanding and appreciating the existential questions of death and the after life. The thesis is approached from the angle of a Legal Counsel presenting an argument for acceptance of the thesis. / SYS THEOLOGY and THEOL ETHICS / MTH (SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY)

The relevance of John of the Cross (1542-1591) for Canadian prairie evangelical spirituality

Peasgood, Joyce Marie 30 November 2007 (has links)
Evangelicalism in western Canada was fuelled by fundamentalist theology and devotion which evolved in this region during the early twentieth century. Generally, Canadian evangelical theologians have focused on the historical and theological implications of evangelicalism within this area. Due to the nature of evangelical theology, which is governed by reason and the defense of truth and dogma, this Christian movement in the west ignored by default concepts connected to mystical theology. This thesis researches a question which has not had an adequate response within evangelical theological tradition, primarily as a result of its disregard for mystical theology. The issue of concern in this thesis is the nature of the process of sanctification of the soul, and particularly, the purpose of the silence of God during this time. Questions to be addressed are: `what is the nature of spiritual transformation?', `what transpires in the soul of the person?' and `what is the role of the `dark night' and the `silence of God' during this experience?' This research responds with an explanation to the underlying cause for the inability of evangelical spirituality in the Canadian west to respond to this issue. It also provides a plausible resolution to the problem which is embedded in the literature of John of the Cross, a sixteenth century Spanish mystic. / CHR SPIRIT, CHURCHIST, MISS / DTH (CHR SPIRIT)

Heiligkeit bei Paulus : Hagios und Stammverwandte im Corpus Paulinum / Holiness in Paul : Hagios and related words in the Pauline literature

Hundt, Christian 10 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the use of hagios and related words in the Pauline Literature. Its aim is to outline the understanding of holiness in Paul. A methodological outline is following on introduction (Holiness in OT and Second Temple Judaism) and summary of research. A first survey of the relevant biblical references indicates a division into three chapters to be appropriate: Holy Spirit, Sanctification and the Holy Ones. Paul’s thinking on Holiness and Sanctification is theocentrically grounded with strong christological inclinations. Sanctification concerns all areas of life, demands dedication and ethical consequences and leads to eschatological perspectives. Sanctification is a com- munal enterprise, forms identity and urges for solidarity. Sanctification doesn’t follow on justification. Both are parallel expressions for the Christ-event reaching out on human lives. Holiness-terminology has a manifold communicative potential: the transfer towards God’s sphere is described, paraenesis is motivated for, identity founded and strengthened, christian solidarity advertised for. / Diese Arbeit untersucht den Gebrauch von Heiligkeitsterminologie (insbesondere Hagios und Stammverwandte) im Corpus Paulinum, um sich so dem Heiligkeitsverstandnis des Paulus zu nahern. Nach Einleitung (u.a. Heiligkeit in AT und Fruhjudentum) und Forschungsuberblick wird die Konzeption der Untersuchung dargestellt. Ein erster Uberblick uber die relevanten Stellen legt nahe, das Material in je ein Kapitel zu „Heiligem Geist", „Heiligung" und „den Heiligen" zu gliedern. Paulus versteht Heiligkeit und Heiligung theozentrisch-soteriologisch fundiert und christologisch akzentuiert. Heiligung betrifft das ganze Leben, erfordert Hingabe und ethische Konsequenzen und geht einher mit eschatologischer Orientierung. Heiligung geschieht in Gemeinschaft. Heiligkeit formt Identitat („die Heiligen") und fordert Solidaritat. Rechtfertigung und Heiligung stehen nicht im Verhaltnis eines „Nacheinander", sondern sind parallele Ausdrucksformen fur das Menschen ergreifende Christusgesehehen. Das kommunikative Potential von Heiligkeitsterminologie ist vielfaltig: der „Transfer auf die Seite Gottes" wird beschrieben, Paranese motiviert, Identitat gestiftet und gestarkt und um christliche Solidaritat geworben. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

The missiological dimensions of African ecclesiology

Andriatsimialomananarivo, Solomon 11 1900 (has links)
The growth of the Church in Africa, namely at numerical level, is tremendous. However, we notice that her impact on society and public life is not so visible as the growth is, since Christian values are embodied by Christians. Yet, the Church has huge human resources, pastors, missionaries, lay leaders and theologians. The challenge for the Church in Africa is to incarnate and inculturate these values and the living message of the Gospel. In this thesis we question the co-operation between the Church and mission agencies, between native pastors and western missionaries. We notice that since 150 years, there has been a huge gap between these two entities. This is due to the fact that Theology and Missiology look like two lines that never meet. This situation leads us to revisit not only the current paradigm Church-Mission but also the current link between Theology and Missiology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

Sanctification of Work: A Potential Moderator of the Relationship between Work Stress and Health

Backus, Lisa 09 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Job Insecurity and Religious/Spiritual Coping: Sacred Resources for Employment Uncertainty

Lucero, Steven M. 01 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Gemeindeaufbau und -Wachstum bei den Russlanddeutschen evangelikalen Christen in Deutschland inmitten der Spannung von Einwanderung und Integration / Church planting and church growth among evangelical Russian German Christians in Germany in the tension between immigration and integration

Klassen, John Niebuhr 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Die Arbeit ist eine ekklesiologisch-rnissiologische Untersuchung einer Migrantengruppe, der uber eine Viertelrnillion zahlender Russlanddeutscher, evangelisch freikirchlicher Tradition, die innerhalb von 35 Jahren, beginnend rnit 1963, als Aussiedler aus der vorrnaligen Sowjetunion in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland eingewandert sind. Die Aussiedlung und Einwanderung geschah in Absprache beider Staaten als Farnilienzusarnrnenfiihrung von Menschen deutscher Volkszugehorigkeit, die durch den zweiten Weltkrieg getrennt worden waren. Ethnisch ein Tei! von rund 1.900.000 Menschen, die oft nach vielen, anstrengenden aber entschlossenen Bernilhungen die Erlaubnis erlangten auszureisen. In Deutschland wurden sie unerwartet freundlich und hilfreich aufgenornrnen. Da keine offiziellen Angaben fiber die Anzahl der eingewanderten freikirchlichen Aussiedler vorliegen, war das erste Ziel der Studie, ihre zahlenrnaBige GroBe festzustellen. Ergebnis: Etwa 270.000 Personen sind als Farnilien der baptistischen und rnennonitischen Freikirche zuzurechnen. Von ihnen hatten sich rund 55.000 Erwachsene dern christlichen Glauben zugewandt und sich diesen Gerneinden angeschlossen. Die anderen waren Minderjahrige oder der Gerneinde bisher ferngeblieben. Erst nach der Aufnahrne in das Land ihrer Yater rnerkten viele, dass sie Frernde in der Heirnat waren. Wollten sie nicht Frernde bleiben, rnussten sie sich sozial, kulturell und kirchlich durch Anpassung integrieren. Dieser Prozess ist schwer, weil der einzelne Einwanderer sich dazu verandern rnuss. Zunachst aber wollen viele bleiben wie sie sind und so leben, wie sie in der alten Heirnat gelebt hatten. Besonders schwierig erweist sich die kirchliche Integration. Etwa sechs von sieben freikirchlichen Aussiedlern ( etwa 48.000) haben eigene Gerneinden gegrilndet, die anderen ( etwa 7 .000) haben ihre geistliche Heirnat in bestehenden Gerneinden gefunden. Diese neugegrilndeten Gerneinden weisen flir die BRD eine uberdurchschnittliche Wachsturnsrate auf. Ein zweites Anliegen ging der Frage nach, wie diese Gerneinden wachsen: Durch neuen Zuzug aus der GUS oder durch Bekehrung und Taufe? Ergebnis: Von den rund 62.000 Mitglieder (aus den ursprilnglichen 48.000) in Aussiedlereigenen Gerneinden (Stand 1998) sind rund 24.500 Glaubige in Verbindung rnit der Taufe zur Gerneinde gekornrnen. Die Zahl der Aussiedler-Taufen in den einheirnischen Gerneinden ist nicht bekannt. Drittens wurde diskutiert, inwiefern die Gerneinden ihre Lebensordnung bewahren und trotzdern ihren Missionsauftrag wahrnehrnen konnen. / The thesis is an ecclesio-missiological study of a migrant group of more than a quarter of a million Russian Germans, by tradition free church evangelicals. Beginning in 1963, they migrated from the former Soviet Union as 'Aussiedler' (re-settlers) to the Federal Republic of Germany. The resettling - agreed upon by both states - was a program of re-uniting families that had been separated during the Second World War. Ethnically, part of a larger group of 1,900.000 German people who, after exhausting but determined efforts, were permitted to leave for Germany. Here being welcomed and given generous material and social support. As no statistics about evangelical free church family immigrants are recorded, the first aim of the research was to establish their numerical size. The result:: By 1998 some 270,000 family members of this confession had entered Germany. Of these about 55,000 were adult Christian believers who had become members of a Baptist or a Mennonite Church. The rest were minors or adults with no confession of faith to date. In the country of their forbears many of the 'Aussiedler' realised: ,,We are strangers in our homeland. If we do not want to remain strangers, we need to adjust culturally, socially and religiously". Initially many resisted change. Change in to religious customs was particularly difficult. As a result, many did not join existing churches but established new congregations where they could practice their faith in the traditions familiar to them. Since the new 'Aussiedler' churches have been growing at an above average growth rate, the second goal was to investigate the reasons for this phenomenon. How much growth was by immigrantion? How much by conversion and baptism? It was found that of the ca. 62,000 members in the Aussiedler congregations (1998) ca. 24,500 had joined through baptism. The others had come in by immigration. A third area of discussion related to the question: In how far can immigrant Christians retain their own culture and still be faithful to their missionary calling? / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

La cinématographie-attraction à Montréal à la lumière de la législation (1896-1913)

Marzloff, Alice 05 1900 (has links)
La cinématographie-attraction a longtemps été considérée comme les débuts du cinéma, jusqu’à ce qu’une controverse, en 1978, marque une rupture historiographique et la considère comme un objet d’études à part entière, distinct du cinéma institutionnel. Nous l’analysons ici dans le contexte de Montréal, entre la présentation du Cinématographe Lumière en 1896 et l’entrée en fonction du Bureau de censure des vues animées de la province du Québec en 1913. Plus précisément, nous interrogeons son institutionnalisation à la lumière de la législation ; les représentants du gouvernement canadien donnent un statut juridique aux vues animées en modifiant et en votant des textes légaux. Cette étude définit le contexte cinématographique, historique et géographique. Elle aborde ensuite trois domaines de la cinématographie-attraction qui ne sont pas les mêmes que ceux du cinéma : la fabrication (le financement, le tournage et la modification des œuvres cinématographiques), l’exhibition (les séances de projections payantes d’images animées) et la réception (les jugements portés sur les vues animées). Nous montrons comment la cinématographie-attraction est d’abord contrôlée par de nombreuses personnes (celles qui financent, celles qui tournent les vues animées, les propriétaires de lieux d’amusements, le policier ou le pompier présent au cours des projections), puis par des institutions reconnues et les représentants du gouvernement. En nous appuyant sur la presse montréalaise, les discours officiels, les discours diocésains, les textes légaux, les catalogues publiés par les compagnies de fabrication et sur les vues animées, nous montrons quels sont les enjeux de l’institutionnalisation pour les différents groupes sociaux. / Cinématographie-attraction / kine-attractography has for a long time been associated with the origins of cinema. But in 1978, an academic controversy created a rift in cinematic historiography and these works were subsequently deemed to be a separate object of study, one distinct from institutional cinema. This thesis will focus on kine-attractography in the setting of Montreal from the use of the Lumière Cinematograph projector in 1896 to the founding of the Quebec Board of Censorship in 1913. The legislative context surrounding these new forms of ‘amusement’ will be discussed (bills were modified or created to address legal questions). This thesis will investigate these events within the relevant historical, geographical and cinematographic contexts. It will then consider three aspects of kine-attractography that differ from those in cinema: manufacturing (which includes the way cinematic works were financed, shot and later modified), exhibition (the matter of where and how these works were shown) and reception (the ways these works were evaluated or judged). We will discuss how kine-attractography was initially overseen by diverse groups of people (from those who financed or shot the moving pictures, to the owners of ‘amusement’ theatres, to the policeman or fireman who was present at each projection), and then subsequently overseen by recognized institutions, government representatives included. We will explore the issues which accompanied its institutionalisation relative to these various groups by studying articles and ads in Montreal’s newspapers, legal texts, official pronouncements, diocese speeches, catalogues published by manufacturing companies, and the moving pictures themselves.

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