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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyresniųjų klasių (9 - 12 kl.) mokinių mokymosi motyvacija, pasiekimų motyvacija, savęs vertinimas ir mokymosi sėkmė / The higher forms pupils‘ study motivation, self-assessment and study success

Čemeškaitė, Jurgita 23 May 2005 (has links)
In this paper was reached to examine the higher forms pupils‘ study motivation, self-assessment and study success; to set down pupils‘ study and march motivation, self-assessment and progress interconnections in this work. It was set down that the connection between motivation and study progress is statistically important. It means, that pupils who have higher study motivation get better assessment of their study results. Study progress correlate with study motivation statistically importantly and positively. It is why, when it is strong study motivation, there are high marks of the study progress. It was also set down the older students are in the higher forms, the better academic results they reach. Researching the connection of cognitive self-assessment with emotionalself-assessment it was noticed the statistically important and positive correlation. Consequently, if one assesses himself logically, rationally well, his positive, warm, kindly emotional assessment is getting higher.

Jauno suaugusiojo streso įveikos ypatumai / The young adults' stress management singularities

Blažienė, Neringa 23 May 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this graduate job is to investigate young adult’s personality’s psychological evolutionary singularity, stress conception, factors, stress management style and stress management styles’ links of such psychological singularities as sense of coherence, emotional intelligence, self-esteem. The young adult’s stress management singularities’ investigation has accomplished using A. Antonovskio (1995) Sense of Coherence scale, Norman S. Endler, James D. A. Parker (1999) the questionnaire of stress management, Reuven Bar-on, Ph. D. (1999, 2002) the questionnaire of emotional intelligence and M. Rosenberg (1965) the questionnaire of self-esteem. Conclusions are following: 1. For young age adults-women more typical point of emotional reaction and stress avoidance of management styles than the same age men. 2. Increasing young age adult’s the self – esteem less typical point of emotional reaction stress management style. 3. There is positive relation between the young adult sensse of coherence and the problem solution stress management style. 4. The superior common emotional intelligence the less typical point of emotional reaction stress management style.

Vaiko savęs vertinimo ir santykių šeimoje ugdymas / Development of child's self-esteem and family relations

Radavičienė, Laima 13 June 2006 (has links)
Summary Self-esteem is formed during different periods of human life. Various factors can influence its formation directly or indirectly. The aim of this study was to investigate one of self-esteem’s aspects: determine characteristics of self-esteem in relation to child’s relations with members of his or her family and self. 200 children participated in this study. Their age range was from 4 to 10 years old. Participants were divided into two groups according to their age: pre-school age group and elementary school-age group. Self esteem and participant’s relations with other family members as well as self were investigated using self-esteem scale (Beresneviciene, 1995) and projective family relations test (Chomentauskas, 1983). Data analysis confirmed the following hypotheses: children form two-parent family have a more positive relation with their father than children from one-parent family (t(43,667)=7,274, p<0,01); children from one-parent family have a more positive relations with their mother than children from to-parent family (t(101,249)=-2,207, p=0,030). Other significant relations in were found analyzing differences of relations with participant���s family members and self in groups according to age, sex, birth sequence in a family and family structure (two-parent or one -parent family); comparing self-esteem in groups according to age, sex, birth sequence in a family and family structure (two-parent or one -parent family) and investigating correlations between... [to full text]

Benamių asmenybės ypatumai / Homeless person's singularity

Kipran, Ilona 28 June 2006 (has links)
In this work are submitted the data of the homeless (living in the streets, shelters and boarding schools) and people having a living space (working people and pupils from the secondary schools), with the purpose of the analysis of homeless personality especialies. Personality especialies – motivation to study, self – esteem, values and psychological filling. 340 men participated in the research. From them 176 are homelesses (126 teenagers living in the boarding schools and 50 middle adult people living in the shelters and in the street ). The teenager‘s age was from 12 to 18 years old. Middle adult age people were selected from 34 to 60 years old ( By Barbara & Philip Newman). With the purpose to analyze homeless personality especialies, such as hypotheses and tasks were put forward (which subsequently have proved to be true): 1. The itself estimation of the middle adult age homeless is lower, than at the same age working people. 2. The value of the middle adult age homelesses and working people of the same age are different. 3. To compare personality especialies of homeless teenagers and secondary school pupils (motivation to study, self – esteem, values and psychological feelling). 4. To compare personality especialies of the middle adult age homeless and the same age working people (motivation to study, self – esteem, values and psychological filling). 5. To compare personality especialies of homeless teenagers and the middle adult age homeless (motivation to study... [to full text]

Sergančių žmonių psichologinės savijautos veiksniai (sveikatos kontrolės lokusas, nerimas, nerimastingumas, savęs vertinimas) / Psychological health factors of ill people (the health control locus, worry, self-appreciating)

Saulienė, Leonora 25 June 2006 (has links)
People psychological health is undoubtedly the question of the day in nowadays society. Factors of ill adults’ psychical health, its relationships, and view to their health condition are analyzed in this work. 70 patients from Rokiškis psychiatry hospital, who have slight psychical disability, have attended in this research. 70 healthy adults, who haven’t treat their selves is same sort institutions, formed auditorial group. All the respondents are 20-55 years old. In our research we used the technique of K. Wallston (1978) – Multidimensional health locus methodology, which is intended to assess the different people views to important problems, which are associated with their health; the result of assigned project was expressed indicators: internality(HLC), chance (CHC), powerful others (PHLC). The health of respondents was evaluated by Ch. Spielberger scale (2000) of anxiety and worry (how they feel now and generally).

Pradinukų savęs vertinimas ir pasitikėjimas savimi per kūno kultūros pamokas / Self – esteem and self – confidence of the beginners during the lessons of physical education

Labunskytė, Irma 13 May 2005 (has links)
The subject of master‘s work – “Self – esteem and self – confidence of the beginners during the lessons of physical education”. The aim of the work – to define self – esteem and self – confidence of the beginners during the lessons of physical education. The following tasks were raised in the work: 1. to determine theoretical presumptions of the beginners self – esteem and self – confidence during the lessons of physical education; 2. to disclose the beginners (boys and girls) self – esteem during the lessons of physical education according to sex and age; 3. to define the beginners (boys and girls) self – confidence during the lessons of physical education according to sex and age. To fulfill the task the following methods of analyses were used: 1. analyses of literature; 2. methodic of analyses (to determine the level of self – esteem) by D. Bogdanova and J. Kiseliovas; 3. methodic by M. Rozenberg (to determine self – esteem); 4. methodic by V. Stolinas (to determine self – confidence); 5. scale by J. Kiseliovas „Termometras“ (to determine self – confidence); 6. mathematical statistics. Seeking to find out the level of the beginners self – esteem and self – confidence during the lessons of physical education, four types of questionnaires were given to the children: two – to determine the level of self – esteem and two – of self – confidence. After the analyses we established: during the lessons of physical education the boys are more self – confident than the... [to full text]

Privalomosios pradinės karo tarnybos karių sveikatos kontrolės lokusas ir savęs vertinimas / Soldiers of compulsory military service health locus control and self - evaluation

Jablonskytė, Audronė 23 May 2005 (has links)
Master’s theses are carried out at Vilnius Pedagogical University, at the faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology department of Psychological didactics. The investigation is based on K. Wallston’s 1978 methodology of Multidimensional scale of Health locus control and on A. Petrulyte 1985 self evaluation scale. The main purpose of the work is to analysis specific features of health locus control and self - evaluation of soldiers of compulsory military service. In research involvement 239 soldiers of compulsory military service and 240 students of Klaipėda University. The investigation showed that the average of soldiers of compulsory military service and students health locus control index is different. The soldiers and students is rely on HLC ( = 24,80), but there is a tendency that the PHLC ( = 22,20) is higher than CHC ( =20,26). The analysis showed that solders and students CHC negatively and statistically correlates with cognitive self – evaluation (r = -0,119 p = 0,009). Students HLC positively and statistically correlates with emotional self – evaluation (r = 0,130 p = 0,045), students CHC negatively and statistically correlates with cognitive self – evaluation (r = -0,205 p = 0,001). Soldiers of compulsory military service HLC, CHC and PHLC health locus of control did not statistically correlates with cognitive and emotional self – evaluation.

Paauglių (7 ir 9 kl.) mokymosi motyvacijos, savęs vertinimo ir mokymosi sėkmės ypatumai ir dermė / Juvenile of learning motivation, self – evaluation and success achieved in learning of younger teenagers

Žuravliovienė, Jūratė 23 May 2005 (has links)
In this master‘s of psychology final work peculiarities and connections between motivation of learning, self-evaluation and success in learning of younger teenagers are discussed. The research work was carried out at Kėdainiai „Ryto“ Secondary School. 161 students took part in the research work, 95 of them the seventh and 66 - the ninth formers. Methodics used in this final work is: subjective self-evaluation scale (A.Petrulytė, 1995). and the test of motivation of teenagers‘ learning (Entwistle N.J.1979,1981,1983 ). To achieve the final goal the following aims were to be carried out: to find the arithmetical mean of motivation of learning and self-evaluation of the whole group of students; to investigate peculiarities of motivation of learning and self-evaluation between boys and girls; to compare the indices of motivation of learning and self-evaluation of the seventh and ninth formers; to define connection between studets‘ self-evaluation, motivation of learning and academical success. With the help of statistical analyses it was established that more students evaluate themselves better than do not evaluate, there is no difference between girls and boys nor the seventh and ninth formers according to self-evaluation and motivation of learning indices. Statistical reliable relation between academical success and motivation of learning and self-evaluation are found. Statistically reliable relation is not observed between self-evaluation and motivation of learning. The... [to full text]

5-12 klasių mokinių psichologinės savijautos veiksniai (sveikatos kontrolės lokusas, savęs vertinimas) / Faktors influencing the state of 5-12 class children's psychology (health control locus, self-esteem)

Naktinytė, Eglė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Jaunesniojo paauglio psichologinė savijauta - neabejotinai aktualus klausimas šiandieną ugdant sveiką visuomenę. Svarbiausias paauglio asmenybės ir psichologinės savijautos aspektas yra sveikatos kontrolės lokusas, kuris parodo, kaip žmogus suvokia savo sveikatą bei priežastis, nuo kurių priklauso jo sveikata, ir savęs vertinimas. Šio magistro darbo tikslas - ištirti 5-12 klasių mokinių savęs vertinimo ir sveikatos kontrolės lokuso ypatumus sąryšyje su sveikata ir mokymosi sėkme. Siekiama nustatyti 5-12 klasių mokinių sveikatos kontrolės lokuso ir savęs vertinimo skalių įverčių vidurkius pagal amžių (11-18m.) ir lytį, taip pat ištirti sveikatos kontrolės lokuso ir savęs vertinimo ryšį su praleistų pamokų skaičiumi dėl ligos bei su pažangumu. Tyrime dalyvavo 240 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokinių (5-12 kl, 11-18 m.). Tyrimui atlikti buvo naudojama daugiadimensinė sveikatos kontrolės lokuso skalė/MHLC - A forma (Wallston K.,1978) ir M. Rosenberg savigarbos skalė (Rosenberg M., 1965). Užduočių rezultatai buvo išreikšti 4 rodikliais: vidinė kontrolė(HLC), atsitiktinumas(CHC), kitų įtaka(PHLC), savęs vertinimas(BRSV). / Nowadays the psychological being of pupils ‘is a very topical issue in trying to raise a healthy community. One of the main factors indicating the psychological health of the individual is the health control locus and self-esteem, showing how a person conceives his health and himself, his abilities, properties, and his status among other people. A teenager‘s psychical and physical health relies strongly on this, as well as learning advance and relationship to other people. The aim of the present work has been to analyze the 5 – 12 class children self-esteem and health control locus singularity in connection with learning advance. In the research, however, the aim has been to analyze 5 – 12 class children‘s indicators of health control locus and self-esteem according to the age (11-18 years old) and sex, quest 5 – 12 class children health control locus and self-esteem in connection with absences from school due to some illness and with learning advance. There were data collected from 240 schoolchildren 5 – 12 class (11-18 years old) in Lithuanian comprehensive schools. In the research there were used Multidimensional health locus of control scale (MHLC) (Wallston K., 1978) and Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale (RSV) (Rosenberg M., 1965). The result of work was expressed by the following four indicators: internality (HLC), chance (CHC), powerful others (PHLC) and self-esteem (BRSV). The results of the research revealed that the average locus in the pupil‘s health control scales... [to full text]

Moksleivių vidinės darnos, psichosocialinės aplinkos ir sveikatos nusiskundimų sąsajų tyrimas / Associations between sense of coherence, psychosocial environment and health complaints among students

Kirtiklytė, Kristina 16 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti moksleivių vidinės darnos, psichosocialinės aplinkos ir sveikatos nusiskundimų sąsajas. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo 291 Kauno X vidurinės mokyklos 5 – 12 klasių moksleiviai (atsako dažnis 67,8 proc.). Tyrimas atliktas 2007 m. lapkričio – 2008 m. kovo mėnesiais. Duomenys surinkti anoniminės anketinės apklausos būdu. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant kompiuterinį SPSS 13.0 statistinį paketą ir MS Excel. Rezultatai. Mūsų rezultatai parodė, kad 59,2 proc. apklaustų moksleivių pasižymėjo aukšta vidine darna, žema vidine darna pasižymėjo 7,0 proc. 5-9 klasių moksleivių, ir 4,1 proc. 10 - 12 klasių moksleivių. Žema vidine darna pasižymintys moksleiviai patikimai dažniau skundėsi liūdesiu (p<0,0001), nemiga (p=0,004), silpnumu (p<0,001), jautė stresą (p<0,0001), jautėsi nelaimingi (p<0,0001), palyginus su aukšta vidine darna pasižyminčiais moksleiviais. Dažną priekabiavimą (kartą per savaitę ir dažniau) patyrė 16,6 proc. moksleivių, atsitiktinį 36,9 proc. moksleivių. Žemos vidinės darnos grupėje net 43,8 proc. moksleivių patyrė dažną priekabiavimą mokykloje (p=0,003), palyginus su priekabiavimo nepatyrusiais) ir 18,8 proc. moksleivių priekabiavimą patyrė metus ir daugiau. Net 22,4 proc. moksleivių rūko arba kažkada rūkė. Kas savaitę ir dažniau alkoholį vartoja 5,9 proc. moksleivių. Didžiausia dalis moksleivių jautėsi pavargę ryte (51,7 proc.), skundėsi irzlumu (40,3 proc.) ir įtampa (31,4 proc.). Rezultatai patvirtino statistiškai reikšmingas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective of the study. To evaluate the associations between sense of coherence, psychosocial environment and health complaints among students. Methods. The survey was conducted among Kaunas X secondary school 5 – 12 grade students from November, 2007 until March, 2008. Totally 291 students participated in the study (response rate 67.8 percent). Data collection was performed by means of anonymous questionnaire. The statistical softwares SPSS 13.0 and MS Excel. were used in the statistical analysis. Results. Our results indicated that 59.2 per cent of students had high sense of coherence, 7 percent of 5-9 grade students and 4.1 percent of 10 and 12 grade students had low sense of coherence. Sadness (p<0.0001), insomnia (p=0,004), weakness (p<0,001), stress (p<0.0001), unhappiness (p<0.0001) were more prevalent in the subgroup of low sense of coherence as compared to the high one. 16.6 percent of students experienced frequent harassment (once per week and more often), and 36.9 percent of students experienced occasional harassment. The prevalence of frequent harassment was 43.8 percent in the subgroup of low sense of coherence (p=0,003 compared to non-experienced the harassment and 18.8 per cent of students experienced harassment for one year and longer. Even 22.4 percent of students were recent or former smokers, 5.9 percent were weekly and more often alcohol users. The most prevalent health complaints were tiredness in the morning (51.7 percent), irritability (40.3 percent)... [to full text]

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