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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Achieving business impact with IT : A qualitative study of the practice and theory of driving change with technology, interaction and service design

Persson, Jakob January 2017 (has links)
As our society becomes more and more digitalized, IT projects play an increasingly important role. The relatively high failure rates in IT projects have spurred the development of methods and models to improve success rate by managing for outcomes rather than constraints. This thesis aims to contribute to our understanding of how outcome-based project methods are used in practice, and how they’re understood and conceptualized by their users such as project managers, product managers and interaction designers. It provides an overview of seven methods for managing projects for outcomes and presents findings regarding how users of a subset of these methods apply and reason about them. The study’s findings include the identification of six themes regarding the application and use of these methods and four concepts describing how they’re understood. The results indicate that the methods studied have a wide-reaching influence over workplace collaboration and culture, and provide generic strategies for solving problems in the domains of software development, interaction design and service design. Further research is recommended to determine how these methods can be used and improved to further enhance collaboration, communication, and motivation in the workplace and the methods’ wider influence on IT project success.

Design Ethnography and Service Design Thinking on Triadic Relationships in Product-Service Systems

Wahlman, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
This study has used design ethnography and service design thinking to understand triadic relationships in product-service systems. The data used in this research has been collected in an explorative user research phase of an overarching service design project at Scania CV. The service design project was of purpose to apply a user-centered design approach to investigate Scania Driver Services. The study finds Design Ethnography and Service Design Thinking as fruitful in understanding triadic relationships in product-service systems, but also identify challenges that require further exploration in order to enable the best possible value-propositions. The study contributes to understanding what kind of knowledge that applying design ethnography and a service design thinking approach to understand triadic relationships in product-service systems concern. A summary of knowledge identified is presented below. Understanding and knowledge concern: • Contradictions between the purchaser and end-user perception. • Actor perception of another actor(s). • Actor perceived evolution of another actor over time. • Actor change of view due to its own evolution. • Relationships of the service provider, purchaser and end user. • Misconceptions between actors. • Variation in communication between actors. • What the communication between actors is perceived to concern. • Additional actors than initially considered that are crucial for understanding the triadic relationship.

Värdeprofilens resa : Visualiseringsteknik som stöd för servicedesigners att identifiera potentiellt användarvärde / Value profile journey : Visualization technique that supports servicedesigners to identify potential user value

Wånsander, Victoria January 2016 (has links)
Att identifiera vad användare värderar är nyckeln till att företag kan skapa konkurrenskraftiga fördelar. Trots detta använder designers inom området för service design flera visualiseringstekniker som stöd för att visualisera olika aspekter av en service men ingen av visualiseringsteknikerna stödjer en servicedesigner att identifiera vad användare värderar. Utifrån en explorativ metodansats triangulerar studien en enkätundersökning och intervju med en sammanställning av de viktigaste ”ingredienserna” som bör finnas i en visualiseringsteknik som stödjer servicedesigners att identifiera potentiellt användarvärde innan en service är skapad. Resultatet av studien presenteras i form av visualiseringstekniken ”Värdeprofilens resa” som syftar till att stödja designers och företag att uppnå konkurrenskraftiga fördelar genom att identifiera potentiellt användarvärde genom service design. Genom att besvara frågeställningen kan studien möta den problematik som relaterar till avsaknaden av ett visualiseringsstöd som stödjer företags behov av att samla in kunskap om vilken typ av service som kan skapa värde hos användare utan att utgå från en befintlig service. Resultatet av examensarbetet är tänkt att kunna användas av servicedesigners för att identifiera aktiviteter i använ­dares liv där företag, genom sina resurser, kan skapa service som stödjer användares behov och på så sätt skapar användarvärde. / To identify what users value, is the key to business for creating competitive advantages. Despite this, designers in the field of service design using several visualization techniques for support when visualizing different aspects of a service. But none of the visualization techniques support the servicedesigner to identify what the user values. The study is based on a exploratory methodology which triangulates, a questionnaire and interview with a summary of the most important "ingredients" that should be included in visualization technology wich supports servicedesigners to identify potential user value before a service is created. The results of the study are presented in the form of the visualization technique "Value Profile Journey" that aimes to support servicedesigners and companies to whom want to achieve competitive advantage by identifying potential user value through service design. By answering the question the study can face the problems related to the lack of visual aid that supports the company's need to gather knowledge about the type of service that can create user without having to source that from an existing service. The result of this study is meant to be used by servicedesigners to identify activities in the users life in which companies, through their resources, can create services that support users needs and thereby create more value for the users.

Från att drömma till att minnas i digitala kanaler : En kvalitativ fallstudie om digitala strategier, informationsbehov och värdeskapande vid internationell turism i Stockholms skärgård / From dreams to memories through digital channels

Lindström, Johanna, Nilsson, Marie January 2016 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks internationella turisters informationsbehov före under och efter ett besök i Stockholms skärgård där fallet utgår från samverkansprojektet Stockholm Archipelago. Undersökningens syfte är att få en ökad förståelse för informationsbehov i relation till Stockholm Archipelagos utformning av digitala informationstjänster som skapar bruksvärde för turistupplevelsen i Stockholms skärgård. Undersökningen grundar sig på intervjuer med internationella turister och anställda inom ramen för projektet Stockholm Archipelago. Studien utgår från service-perspektivet; utifrån-och-in med fokus på förståelse för kundernas informationsbehov före, under och efter ett skärgårdsbesök. Undersökningen visar att turisternas gemensamma informationsbehov och att Stockholm Archipelagos digitala tjänster stödjer behoven men hur turisterna vill erhålla informationen skiljer sig åt. Detta för att bruksvärdet främst skapas genom digitala kanaler med användargenererat innehåll som är mer individanpassat. / This paper examines international tourists information needs before, during and after a visit in the Stockholm archipelago, where the case of analys is based on the collaborative project Stockholm Archipelago. The purpose is to gain a better understanding for the information needs in relation to Stockholm Archipelagos strategies towards digital information that creates value-in-use for the tourist experience in the Stockholm archipelago. The study is based on interviews with international tourists and people within the project Stockholm Archipelago. The study takes a service management-perspective; outside-in to understand customers' needs for information before, during and after a visit to the archipelago. The survey shows that tourists' information needs are the same and that Stockholm Archipelagos digital services supports the needs, but how the tourists want to receive information differs. This is because value-in-use is primarily created through digital channels with user-generated content that is more individualized.

Continuity of Service in Design for a Specific Platform : Combining service- and interaction design perspectives in a multiple platform environment

Nilsson, Linus January 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents a design work in which one platform specific User Interface (UI) is redesigned to fit into the multiple platform range of a software application. Among other design methods a service design analysis and a platform general UI framework are used. The thesis aims to study the impact of these methods. The service design analysis starts with a workshop which outcome is used as reference point during the design process and later in the analysis of the results. The general framework is extracted from existing mobile implementations of the software and is used as a guideline in the design of the platform specific solution. The results presented show that the service design perspective added high level priority tools to the process, and there are indications that this method can be even more valuable in earlier stages of adaptation of software to new platforms. The general framework is shown to have contributed on a more detailed level and there is indication that this method can facilitate the work of obtaining continuity between platforms.

Smarta upplevelser inom regional turism och destinationsutveckling : En fallstudie av nuläge och möjligheter kring teknisk mediering och turistupplevelser i Nyköping / Smart experiences in regional tourism and destination development : A case study of present situation and opportunities with technologically mediated tourist experiences in Nyköping

Kiltoft, Casandra, Sevelin, Simona January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats beskriver smart turism, undersöker utvecklingsmöjligheter på tekniskt medierade upplevelser och framställer en fallstudie av Nyköping som turistdestination med ett inbäddat fall Nyköpingshus. Studien baseras på en empirisk forskningsstrategi med kvalitativa undersökningsmetoder. Angreppssättet har en explorativ karaktär med fem olika kvalitativa datainsamlingstekniker. Studiens ramverk tar form i tre kompletterande perspektiv – leverantör, tjänst och konsument. Syftet med studien är att bidra med ny kunskap om smart turism och utvecklingsmöjligheter med tekniskt medierade upplevelser. Undersökningen skapar en helhetsbild av Nyköpings och Nyköpingshus nuläget och avslutar med ett nyläge samt identifierar hur smart turism i samband med tekniskt medierade upplevelser kan stödja nytt värdeskapande hos konsumenterna på en turistdestination. Undersökningen visar att smart turism beskrivs som ett paraplybegrepp som omfattar alla integrerade insatser på en turistdestination för att samla in, forma och kontrollera data som kommer från fysisk infrastruktur, sociala kontakter, statliga eller verksamhetskällor och mänskliga sinnen. För att utveckla en framgångsrik smart turistdestination krävs det tillgång till nödvändiga resurser och besökarnas engagemang genom tekniskt medierade upplevelser. De värdehöjande faktorerna av smarta turistupplevelser som ökar vinsten och prestige för destinationen är turistattraktioner, tillgänglighet, faciliteter, aktiviteter och tillhörande tjänster som medieras genom teknik. Den genomförda studien påvisar att Nyköping och Nyköpingshus har alla förutsättningar att bli ”smartare” i samband med tekniskt medierade turistupplevelser som skulle gynna alla parter – både turister och turistdestinationer. / This paper describes smart tourism, examines opportunities for development with smart experiences and provides a case study of Nyköping as a tourist destination with Nyköping castle as an embedded case. The study is based on empirical research strategy with qualitative research methods. The approach is explorative and uses five different data collection techniques. The structure of this study has three complementary perspectives – supplier, service and consumer. The purpose of this study is to contribute with new knowledge about smart tourism and development opportunities with technology mediated experiences. The survey creates an overall picture of Nyköping and Nyköping castle present situation and concludes with suggestions for development, as well, it identifies how smart tourism with technology mediated experiences can support the creation of new value-in-use for consumer on a tourist destination. The survey shows that smart tourism is described as an umbrella term that covers all integrated efforts of a tourist destination to gather, shape and control the data emerging from the physical infrastructure, social contacts, governmental or business sources and human minds. To develop a successful smart tourist destination requires access to the necessary resources and visitors’ engagement through technology mediated experiences. The value adding factors of smart experiences that increase profits and prestige for destination are tourist attractions, availability, facilities, activities and related services that are mediated through technology. The current study demonstrates that Nyköping and Nyköping castle has all prerequisites to become “smarter” in relation to technology mediated experiences that would benefit all parties – both tourists and tourist destinations.

Creating Strong Cross Media Concepts for Museum Exhibitions

Hall, Sebastian January 2013 (has links)
In this paper I argue that, in an effort to create novel cross media exhibition concepts, museums should use service design. By realigning their organizations and embrace the fact that what they are offering is indeed a service, they can gain a new outlook and generate new ideas about how to create novel cross media exhibition concepts. I also suggest that treating the exhibition in a similar way that film studios treat franchises could help shift the mindset and make it cross media-centric. In order to arrive at these conclusions I performed an observational study and conducted qualitative interviews with museum professionals working in various museums in Sweden. The observational study was designed to get a grasp of the current state of digital artefacts in Swedish museums whereas the interviews were aimed towards identifying attitudes as well as knowledge of current opportunities and obstacles. The observational study taught me that instances of rich, meaningful interactions with ties to an overall concept was not common, and that there is definitely opportunities to think differently about delivering these types of distributed user experiences. The interviews gave me a greater understanding of the intricacies of the field of cultural preservation and museums, as well as insight into some of the reasons why things are the way they currently are. Using service design to align these organizations could perhaps aid with some of these reasons.

Fortsättning följer : En kvalitativ studie om kundrelationer inom tjänstedesignbranschen

Fagerberg-Ask, Emelie, Sandén, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
Sedan 1970-talet har västvärlden gått mot ett mer renodlat tjänstesamhälle, tjänstesektorns ökande konkurrens har lett till framväxten av tjänstedesign. Tjänstedesign-branschen är en växande bransch och syftet med tjänstedesign är att förbättra och utveckla alla kundupplevelser i tjänsteföretag. Byråer inom tjänstedesign-branschen arbetar mot andra företag och relationen, business-to-business, är ofta mer komplex än relationen mellan företag och konsument. Att behålla befintliga kunder är i längden en ekonomisk fördel framför valet att inleda nya kundrelationer, därav undersöks det i denna studie hur inleds samt vilka faktorer är viktiga för att skapa hållbara kundrelationer inom tjänstedesign-branschen? Studien utgår från en kvalitativ ansats där intervjuer med tjänstedesignbyråerna Daytona, Usify, Äventyret och Expedition Mondial har lett till ett resultat som beskriver att den inledande relationen med kunder sker på deras initiativ genom personliga rekommendationer som spridits via word-of-mouth. Det är ofta kunden som kontaktar företagen och inleder relationen. Resultatet visar att samtliga företag skapar projektteam där kunden alltid är involverad, att löften och kundens förväntningar på den levererade tjänsten uppfylls, att personliga relationer mellan kunden och medarbetare skapas genom att ha en nära kontakt. Studiens slutsats har identifierat att i inledningsfasen av en kundrelation är det kunden som tar initiativet och kontaktar företaget på grund av rekommendationer. Fem faktorer som har identifierats som viktiga för att inleda samt skapa hållbara kundrelationer är: kunden tar initiativet till inledande kontakt, hög tjänstekvalitet, ett nära samarbete med kunden, involverade kunder samt vikten av en personlig relation till kunden. / The Western world has since 1970's changed towards a society focused on services, the competition between companies in the service sector has led to the emerge of Service design. Service design is a growing industry and the purpose with service design is to improve and develop customer experiences in service companies. Agencies within service design industry work towards other companies and the relationship, business-to-business, are more complex than the relationship business-to-customer. It's an economical benefit to keep existing customers rather than starting new customer relationships, that's why this study examines how customer relations begins and what factors are important for creating sustainable customer relations in the service design industry? The study is based on a qualitative approach where interviews with service design agencies Daytona, Usify, Äventyret and Expedition Mondial have led to a result describing that the initial relationship with customers takes place on their initiative through personal recommendations spread through word-of-mouth. It is often the customer who contacts the companies and initiates the relationship. The result shows that all companies create project teams where the customer is always involved, that the promises and customer expectations of the delivered service are met, that personal relationship between the customer and employees are created through close contact. The conclusion of the study is that we have identified that in the initial phase of a customer relationship, it is the customer who takes the initiative and contacts the company due to recommendations. Five factors has been identified as important for creating sustainable customer relations: The customer takes the initial contact, high quality of service, close collaboration with the customer, involved customerand the importance of a personal relationship with the customer.

Tjänstedesign – en Institutionaliserad Superstandard? : En kvalitativ studie om tjänstedesign med fokus på den ökande psykiska ohälsan

Säfbom, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
The essay describes how institutionalized standards arise and spreads in the global organizational community. From an institutional perspective, service design is analyzed as an institutionalized standard focusing on its claims to address a current problem in society, the increasing mental health.   The purpose is to analyze how service design is formulated as meaningful in the institutional environment and whether service design meets the characteristics that characterize successful institutionalized standards. Furthermore, the purpose is to analyze the way in which service design is presented as meaningful to address the problem of increasing mental illness. Does service design in this regard fulfill the characteristics that characterize successful institutionalized standards and how does service design look like spreading in this claim?  The approach to achieving the purpose is by distinguishing indicators of the characteristics that characterize successful institutionalized standards. The indicators consist of central meanings of service design based on a general presentation and based on a problem focused presentation. Secondary data in the form of conceptual literature form the basis of the general presentation, and primary data in the form of semistructured interviews focus on the current problem of increasing mental illness.   The conclusion is that service design based on a general presentation already fulfills most characteristics that characterize successful institutionalized standards and thus has a good opportunity to institutionalize and spread. Furthermore, it is concluded that service design focusing on the problem of increasing mental health meets the characteristics required in an external sense to institutionalize and spread. There is, however, no basis for determining whether service design focusing on the problem of increasing mental health internally within the organizational activity has the characteristics required to institutionalize and spread in the global organizational community. / Uppsatsen beskriver hur institutionaliserade standarder uppstår och sprids i det globala organisationssmahället. Utifrån ett institutionellt perspektiv analyseras tjänstedesign som en institutionaliserad standard med fokus på dess anspråk att hantera ett aktuellt problem i samhället, den ökande psykiska ohälsan. Syftet är att analysera hur tjänstedesign framställs som meningsbärande i den institutionella omgivningen och om tjänstedesign uppfyller de egenskaper som kännetecknar framgångsrika institutionaliserade standarder. Vidare är syftet att analysera på vilket sätt tjänstedesign framställs som meningsbärande i anspråk till att hantera problemet med den ökande psykiska ohälsan. Uppfyller tjänstedesign i detta anspråk de egenskaper som kännetecknar framgångsrika institutionaliserade standarder och hur ser tjänstedesignens möjlighet ut till att spridas i detta anspråk? Tillvägagångssättet för att uppnå syftet är genom att urskilja indikatorer på de egenskaper som kännetecknar framgångsrika institutionaliserade standarder. Indikatorerna utgörs av tjänstedesignenens möjliga meningsskapande – och meningsbärande centrala betydelser utifrån en allmän framställning och utifrån en problemfokuserad framställning.  Sekundärdata i form av konceptlitteratur ligger till grund för den allmänna framställningen och primärdata i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer fokuserar på det aktuella problemet med den ökande psykiska ohälsan.   Uppsatsens slutsats är att tjänstedesign utifrån en allmän framställning redan uppfyller flertalet egenskaper som kännetecknar framgångsrika institutionaliserade standarder och har därmed en god möjlighet att institutionaliseras och spridas.  Vidare är slutsatsen att tjänstedesign med fokus på problemet med den ökande psykiska ohälsan uppfyller de egenskaper som krävs i extern bemärkelse för att institutionaliseras och spridas. Det saknas däremot underlag för att avgöra om tjänstedesign med fokus på problemet med den ökande psykiska ohälsan internt inom den organisatoriska verksamheten har de egenskaper som krävs som att institutionaliseras och spridas i det globala organisationssmahället.

以服務設計思維建構專業代工緯創的未來 / The Future of Wistron through the Service Design Lens

劉昌奇, Liu, Chang Chi Unknown Date (has links)
「台灣的代工製造產業應該如何發展」的問題,是困擾PC產業的管理難題,特別是在公司面臨產品成熟、訂單驟減、毛利下滑的時刻。所有台灣的代工製造產業亟思轉型的方法和方向,但是轉型到的新的產品市場或產品也是非常複雜、動態、多重因素多相互依存及影響。屬於複雜難解的問題(Wicked Problem)、問題本身都還需要定義及釐清。本論文將列出想解決的議題並定義為服務設計的議題。 因此本研究的服務設計議題(Service Design Challenge)可定義如下:「以服務設計思維建構專業代工緯創的未來」。本論文經由訪談傳統PC產業的品牌公司、IC供應商、作業系統公司和工業PC的公司,研究過程藉由運用服務設計(Service Design)手法並發掘洞見(Insights)與價值,據此將真正符合客戶需求,在找出表面及深層需求後、設計新的服務模式,得到其反饋之後再修正設計;接著結合最新科技趨勢,例如:物聯網、工業4.0、感測器和機器手臂,以提供客戶安心的代工服務;最後希望藉由改變運營模式,達到緯創成功轉型的目標。 雖然新的科技尚未成熟,只要方向正確,這些模式或能力成熟後,可以快速讓公司保持彈性,能充分利用的資源,進行個別化差異設計。 / “How to develop the ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) industry in Taiwan” is plagued by PC industry management problems, especially for those companies facing product maturity, orders plummeted and the decline in gross margin. The ODM in Taiwan is trying to change the way and direction, but the transition to the new product market or product is very complex, dynamic and involves multiple inter-dependent factors. It is a complex problem (Wicked Problem), and the problem itself also needs to be defined and clarified. The aim of this thesis is to address and define the issues through the lens of service design. Therefore, our Service Design Challenge Problems can be defined as: “The Future of Wistron through the Service Design Lens". This thesis, through interviews with traditional PC industry brand companies, IC suppliers, operating systems companies and industrial PC companies, adopts the research process of the service design approach and explores the insights and value, which will truly meet Customer needs, identify the surface and deep demand, attain the design of new service model, and integrate the latest technology trends, such as Internet of things, industry 4.0, the sensor and the robot arm, in order to provide customers with reliable and assured ODM services. Our final hope is to change the operating mode and achieve a successful Enterprise Transformation of Wistron. Although the new technology is not yet mature, as long as the direction is correct in light of these models or abilities to mature, the company can remain flexible, make full use of resources, and create individualized design differences.

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