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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entrepreneurs, Sustainability and the Sharing Economy

Pankov, Susanne 23 November 2020 (has links)
This cumulative dissertation captures the sharing economy’s sustainability dynamics by applying a macro-, meso-, and micro-level analysis to investigate the actors and elements involved in constituting the field. On a macro-level, the first study examines the social, political, and economic context that shapes (non-)sustainable sharing entrepreneurs’ behavior. The second study's meso-level analysis investigates how sharing entrepreneurs affect other organizations and communities to act more sustainable. Lastly, the third study adopts a micro-level analysis that focuses on entrepreneurs’ identity formation in the contested sharing economy. Overall, this dissertation contributes to a more fine-grained understanding of sustainability in the sharing economy and the various actors and elements involved in constituting the field. Moreover, the dissertation highlights the actions and interventions necessary for the sharing economy’s sustainability path.:List of Tables List of Figures List of Abbreviations CHAPTER 1: Background and Research Gap 1.1 Theoretical Framework 1.1.1 The Evolution of the Sharing Economy 1.1.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems 1.1.3 Theoretical Perspectives on Organizational Identity Work 1.2 Research Purpose and Scientific Contribution 1.2.1 Research Article I 1.2.2 Research Article II 1.2.3 Research Article III References CHAPTER 2: Research Article I CHAPTER 3: Research Article II 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Theoretical Background 3.2.1 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems 3.2.2 Sustainability in the Sharing Economy 3.3 Data and Method 3.3.1 Research Context 3.3.2 Sampling Logic and Data Collection 3.3.3 Data Analysis 3.4 Findings 3.4.1 Building a Supportive Environment 3.4.2 Disrupting Normative Standards 3.4.3 Reframing the Sustainability Paradigm 3.5 Discussion 3.5.1 Implications for Theory 3.5.2 Implications for Practice 3.5.3 Limitations and Future Research References CHAPTER 4: Research Article III 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Theoretical Background 4.2.1 Identity Narratives in Contested Fields 4.2.2 Label Work and Collective Identity 4.3 Methodology 4.3.1 Research Setting: The Sharing Economy as a Contested Field 4.3.2 Data Sources and Collection 4.3.3 Data Analysis 4.4 Findings 4.4.1 Embracing the Label for Configuring Local Identity and Field Aspirations 4.4.2 Fixing the Label to Signal Distinctiveness 4.4.3 Unfixing the Label to Embrace Tensions and Ambiguities 4.4.4 Re-Fixing the Label to Consolidate a Collective Identity 4.5 Discussion 4.6 Conclusion References

Sharing Isn't Caring? : A Qualitative Study Focused on How Industry Incumbents Can Successfully Compete with Sharing Economy Businesses

Aspebo, Philip, Kriegel, Luisa January 2021 (has links)
Sharing economy businesses have increasingly began to inhibit the competitive landscape of many different industries. Their growth can be primary connected to general digitalization developments. At its core, the sharing economy concept is built around efficiently using excess resources. In this thesis, it is argued that sharing economy businesses should be considered disruptive innovations, partly because they present incumbent firms with significant challenges. While the sharing economy business concept facilitates effective peer-to-peer exchange, and in the process provides new possibilities of employment, customer-centric innovation and market development, it can also be tied to a decreasing demand for goods and services offered by incumbents in the same marketplace. Examples of businesses built around the sharing economy concept include – but are not limited to – Airbnb, Vrbo, Uber, Lyft, Zilok, and Hygglo. Prior to the beginning of this research project, very little research regarding potential strategic countermeasures for incumbent firms to employ against sharing economy competitors had been conducted. As a result, this thesis serves the purpose of investigating the impact of sharing economy businesses from the perspective of incumbents and theorizing about potential responses. In order to facilitate this purpose, the hospitality industry was chosen as a representative of an industry that has experienced sharing economy business entrances and sharing economy business competition to a researchable extent. Through this thesis and its accompanying qualitative data collection process, several challenges that are presented to incumbents as a result of sharing economy business entrances were identified. Additionally, a focus was placed on evaluating both tried and prospective strategic measures, using existing theory and insights from the data collection to discover the key aspects needed for the development of potential responses to sharing economy businesses. A similar process was undertaken regarding business models, as the crucial and core elements of a perceived successful business model needed to be identified. The findings generated by the data collection process were then analyzed using a thematic analysis, centered on the themes of: Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry; Current Trends in the Hospitality Sector; Fundamentals of a Successful Hotel Business; and Future Strategy Suggestions and Industry Prospects. After conducting the three identification and analyzation stages, the findings were discussed in the penultimate chapter of the thesis, where the findings’ relation to existing theory was explored. Following the discussion, the possibility to answer the main research question of this thesis appeared. After discussing our findings, our analysis, and the connection to existing theory, we were able to conclude that incumbent firms can successfully compete with sharing economy businesses. Specifically, they could ensure this through strategic changes and business model innovations built around efficiently exploiting the incumbents’ internal strengths and advantages that are currently not easily imitable by sharing economy businesses. As such, they should look to create, deliver, and communicate unique value to its customers, and suggestions on how this could be achieved by both incumbent hospitality managers and others are provided.

L'intelligence artificielle : une certaine intelligence du social

Fayon, Didier 09 1900 (has links)
Sociologie des techniques / Du point de vue d’une sociologie de la connaissance, la recherche contemporaine en intelligence artificielle tire son originalité de l’intérêt porté à la modélisation de la connaissance ordinaire, ce savoir engagé dans la vie de tous les jours (ex. aller l’épicerie, prendre son petit déjeuner). Les entreprises Facebook ou Google, le fameux GAFAM ainsi que les services de musique et de vidéos en ligne capturent et modélisent les faits et gestes du quidam afin de remettre les résultats de leurs calculs en jeu dans cette même vie courante. La recherche en IA porte également sur la mise en forme de savoirs savants et professionnels tout comme durant les années 1960 et 1970, mais cette thèse ne s’y intéressera pas. Dans le cadre d’une sociologie des sciences et des techniques, je me questionne sur ce que nous, en tant que civilisation occidentale, faisons du développement technologique, du monde que nous construisons à l’aide des diverses techniques. Ma préoccupation ne porte pas sur les choix des objets privilégiés par la recherche des laboratoires publics et privés, mais sur les usages, les débouchés selon la question très générale : en quoi telle technique modifie-t-elle ou non notre façon de vivre ? Or, cette question relève d’un exercice de prospective dans la mesure où bien souvent nous ne possédons pas assez de recul sur ces techniques. Elle demeure malgré tout une préoccupation d’arrière-plan de mes questions de recherche. En effet, ces modèles d’apprentissage machine, trouveraient-ils leur place au sein d’une civilisation qui n’accorderait pas autant d’importance à l’efficacité, à la productivité, à la rentabilité, à la science ou encore au travail ? Aussi, viennent-ils entériner l’ordre établi ou bien offrent-ils de nouvelles possibilités d’existence ? Comprendre minimalement l’artefact d’un point de vue technique et saisir du point de vue de la sociologie la façon dont les chercheurs pensent leurs objets nous éclaire sur les catégories de pensées principales qui orientent ces usages et le cas échéant sur les éventuels effets sociétaux. En l’occurrence, l’idée de modéliser de nombreuses activités de la vie quotidienne repose sur une représentation à priori de celle-ci de la part de chercheurs localisés socialement par leur profession et plus généralement leurs relations sociales diverses. Quelle est cette représentation et comment est-elle opérationnalisée dans les modèles ? Posée autrement, de quels rapports au monde témoignent ingénieurs et informaticiens par l’intermédiaire de leurs connaissances professionnelles, savantes et ordinaires ? Ainsi, dans cette thèse, mon travail se ramène à informer de la dimension sociale propre à la technique étudiée. À partir d’entretiens auprès de chercheurs en IA, la question de recherche est la suivante : quels sont les savoirs et raisonnements chez les chercheurs au fondement de l’élaboration des algorithmes relevant de l’intelligence artificielle contemporaine et qui construisent une représentation opératoire particulière de la vie sociale ? Exprimée en terme sociologique, cette question devient : en quoi les modèles d'apprentissage sont-ils un nouveau « modèle concret de connaissance » pour les usagers et informaticiens selon le concept développé par le sociologue Gilles Houles ? Les modèles dits d’apprentissage sous-tendent une conception relationnelle de la constitution de la connaissance humaine et d’un rapport à la réalité médié par l’action comme moyen d’actualisation de cette connaissance. Résumé simplement, le concept sociologique de « modèle concret de connaissance » objective les deux modalités d’existence de la vie humaine que nous retrouvons empiriquement sous deux concepts informatiques : symbolique (leur modèle mathématique) et l’action ou « l’agent informatique » ou « celui qui agit », que ce concept soit mobilisé ou non par les chercheurs. En somme, ces modèles en relation les uns avec les autres et matérialisés dans les objets dits connectés ou « smart » (ex. téléphones, électroménagers) forment un schéma opératoire organisateur de la vie sociale. Ce côté opératoire repose sur la position de « tiers médiateur » ou de « mémoire sociale technicisée » dans les relations humains-humains via machines. Je m'appuierai sur le concept de mémoire sociale et de morphologie sociale développée par le sociologue Maurice Halbwachs. Autrement dit, ce réseau d’objets connectés et d’êtres humains se ramène à l’instauration d’un cadre cognitif collectif particulier, issu des représentations sociales de groupes professionnels précis, mais mises en jeu dans la vie courante de tous, soit une institutionnalisation en cours. En effet, la diffusion et l’adoption des modèles découlent d’un processus de reconnaissance publique de savoirs sous-jacents et déjà institutionnalisés, pour l'essentiel, les mathématiques et l’ingénierie, le savoir implicite des « sciences de la gestion » et un savoir dit « scientifique » par les chercheurs. Plus précisément, le processus en cours consiste en l’institution d’êtres humains et de machines apprenantes en liens permanents via les objets connectés (« Internet of Things »). Au final, elle consiste en une mise en réseau des « régularités sociales » obtenues par classifications et régressions effectuées par les détenteurs des données. Je parlerai d'une « morphologie sociotechnique » ou d’une « configuration sociotechnique ». À la figure du robot polyvalent anthropomorphique censé condenser toute la mise en pratique du savoir sur l’IA, se substitue celle de relations sociales informatisées comme lieux du maintien des liens entre êtres humains par un concentré de savoirs et idées hétérogènes tels qu'un être humain ayant besoin d'aide ou la nécessité de la créativité par exemple. À l’usage, s’établit un type de lien social entre êtres humains via les machines pris entre la réduction propre à tout modèle de l’objet sur lequel il porte, la flexibilité qu’offre la possibilité d’ajustement (le côté « learning ») et le sens donné à l’action par l’utilisateur lambda. L’idéologie comme « mode de connaissance » du réseau sociotechnique est partie prenante de cette institutionnalisation en cours. Elle offre un cadre cognitif qui remet en cause la diversité produite par la division habituelle du travail sémantique au sein des ensembles sociaux en fournissant un modèle de légitimité, soit le discours du « partage ». L’accent mis par cette thèse sur les « sciences de la gestion » et la notion de réseau l’inscrit dans le prolongement des études des trente dernières années sur cette « société informationnelle » de Manuel Castells, une « nouvelle représentation générale des sociétés » en réseau en suivant Luc Boltanski ou encore « l’esprit gestionnaire » qui s’empara des fonctionnaires d’État selon le sociologue Albert Ogien. / From the point of view of a sociology of knowledge, contemporary research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) draws its originality by its interest in the modeling of ordinary knowledge, that knowledge engaged in everyday life. The companies Facebook or Google, the so-called GAFAM, as well as online music and video services, capture and model the facts and gestures of the average person in order to put the results of their calculations back into play in its very everyday life. The research in AI also deals with academic and professional knowledge as it did in the 1960s and 1970s, but this thesis will not focus on it. Within the framework of a sociology of science and technology, I question what We, as the Western civilization, do with technological development, about the world we build with the help of various techniques. My concern is not with the choice of research objects privileged by public and private laboratories, but with the uses, the outlets according to the very general question: In what way does such a technique modify or not our way of living? Now, this question is an exercise in foresight insofar as we often do not have enough hindsight on these techniques. Nevertheless, it remains a background concern of my research. Indeed, would these machine learning models find their place in a civilization that would not give as much importance to efficiency, productivity, profitability, science or work? Also, do they endorse the established social organization, or do they offer new possibilities of existence? Understanding the artifact minimally from a technical perspective and grasping from a sociological point of view the way in which researchers think about their objects sheds light on the main categories of thought that guide these uses and, if applicable, on the possible societal effects. In this case, the idea of modeling many activities of daily life is based on an a priori representation of it by researchers who are socially situated by their profession. What is this representation and how is it operationalized in the models? Put differently, what relationships to the world do engineers and computer scientists have through their professional, academic and ordinary knowledge? Thus, in this thesis, my work comes down to informing the social dimension specific to the studied technique. Based on interviews with AI researchers, the question is as follows: What is the knowledge and reasoning of the researchers at the core of the algorithms of contemporary artificial intelligence and which build a specific operational representation of social life? Expressed in sociological terms, this question becomes: In what way are learning models a new "concrete model of knowledge" for users et researchers according to the concept developed by the sociologist Gilles Houles? The so-called learning models underlie a relational constitution of human knowledge and of a relation to reality mediated by actions as a means of actualization of this knowledge. Summarized simply, the sociological concept of "concrete model of knowledge" objectifies the two modalities of existence of the human life that we find empirically under two computing concepts: symbolic (their mathematical model) and the “action” as "the computing agent" or "the one who acts", whether this concept is used or not by the researchers. In sum, these models in relation to each other and materialized in the notorious connected or "smart" objects (e.g. telephones, household appliances) turn social life into a sociotechnical network. Its operational side relies on the position of "third-party intermediary" or "technical social memory" in human-human relations via machines. I will draw upon the concept of "social memory" and "social morphology" developed by the sociologist Maurice Halbwachs. In other words, this network of connected objects and human beings comes down to the establishment of a particular collective cognitive framework, stemming from the social representations of specific professional groups, but put into play in the everyday life of all, that is to say an institutionalization in progress. Indeed, the diffusion and adoption of the models stem from a process of public recognition of underlying and already institutionalized knowledge, essentially mathematics and engineering, the implicit knowledge of the "management sciences" and a knowledge called "scientific" by researchers. More precisely, the process underway consists in the institution of human beings and learning machines in permanent links via connected objects ("Internet of Things"). In the end, it consists in the networking of "social regularities" obtained by classifications and regressions carried out by the data's owners. I will speak of a "sociotechnical morphology" or a "sociotechnical configuration". The figure of the anthropomorphic multipurpose robot, which is supposed to condense all the practical application of knowledge on AI, is replaced by that of computerized social relations as places where links between human beings are maintained by a concentration of heterogeneous knowledge and ideas, such as a human being in need of help or the need for creativity, for example. In use, a type of social link between human beings via the machines is established, caught between the reduction proper to any modelling of the object on which it concerns, the flexibility offered by the possibility of adjustment (the "learning" side) and the meaning given to the action by the lambda user. Ideology as a "mode of knowledge" of the socio-technical network is part of this ongoing institutionalization. It offers a cognitive framework that challenges the diversity produced by the usual division of semantic labor within social groups by providing a model of legitimacy, namely the discourse of "sharing". The emphasis placed by this thesis on the "management sciences" and the notion of network places it in the continuity of the studies of the last thirty years on this "informational society" of Manuel Castells, a "new general representation of societies" into a network according to Luc Boltanski, or the "managerial spirit" which took hold of the State civil servants according to the sociologist Albert Ogien

都市型マンションにおける機能的かつ持続可能なコミュニティ創出に関する実践的研究 / トシガタ マンション ニオケル キノウテキ カツ ジゾク カノウナ コミュニティ ソウシュツ ニカンスル ジッセンテキ ケンキュウ

原 有佳里, Yukari Hara 21 March 2020 (has links)
都市部においては、通常「マンション」と呼ばれる高層集合住宅での居住はごく一般的になっている。区分された居室に各世帯が生活するマンションでは、対面の機会が少ないことによる居住者間のコミュニケーション不足、プライバシー確保のための相互不干渉原則がもたらす無関心、その結果としての独居高齢者や病弱者の孤独死、子どもの社会性育成不全、災害対応力の脆弱性などの問題が生じている。本論は、ソーシャル・キャピタルやコミュニタリアニズム、およびシェアリングエコノミーの視点から、コミュニティの存在意義とその機能を理論的かつ歴史的に考察した上で、こうしたマンション特有の問題を解決するにはマンション内のコミュニティの形成と活性化を図ることが有効ではないかとの仮説を立て、その仮説を実証すべく、マンション住民による共同農作業等の社会実験を実施し、その結果を分析し、そこから得られた知見を基に、機能的かつ持続可能なマンション・コミュニティ実現のための方途や課題を提示したものである。 / 博士(ソーシャル・イノベーション) / Doctor of Philosophy in Social Innovation / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Snabbt, smidigt och enkelt : En användarundersökning om användares upplevelser av bildelningstjänster / Fast, flexible and easy : A user study about user experience in carsharing services

Joaquin Schedin, Niklas, Tony, Tony January 2022 (has links)
Kollaborativ konsumtion och bildelningstjänster är två fenomen som under de senaste åren blivit allt mer populära som ett sätt att bemöta hållbarhetskrisen. Bildelningstjänster är en form av kollaborativ konsumtion och är ofta drivna av kommersiella krafter. Syftet med tjänsterna är att erbjuda kunder moderna och hållbarhetsdrivna lösningar som ett alternativ till det privata bilägandet. I användandet av bildelningstjänster uppstår interaktioner mellan olika aktörer, mänskliga såväl som icke-mänskliga, både direkt- och indirekt. I användningen av bildelningstjänster och i dessa interaktioner, skapas en upplevelse för användarna. Genom en enkät och nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med användare av bildelningstjänster, studerar vi i denna studie, dessa upplevelser. Användarupplevelsemål och delade användarupplevelser, samt aktör-nätverksteori används som teoretiska ramverk för att analysera och diskutera den insamlade datan. I denna studie drar vi slutsatsen att användandet av bildelningstjänster inte enbart handlar om användarens individuella upplevelse av att använda bilen och mobilapplikationen. Användandet av bildelningstjänster består av flera samverkande faktorer som påverkarvarandra och som tillsammans påverkar användarupplevelsen. Slutligen ger studien ytterligare insikter i hur aktörer påverkar förarens användarupplevelse av bildelningstjänster. Med kunskapen om hur förarens upplevelse, i användandet av bildelningstjänster, påverkas av både mänskliga och icke-mänskliga aktörer. Dessa aktörer utgörs för omfånget av denna studie den mobila applikationen, bilen, kundtjänsten, den tidigare föraren och passagerarna. / Collaborative consumption, shared mobility, and car sharing services are three modern phenomena that in recent years have become a popular way to respond to the sustainability crisis. Carsharing services are a subcategory of collaborative consumption and are often driven by commercial forces. The aim of the services is to offer modern and sustainably-driven solutions to users as an alternative to private car ownership. In the use of carsharing services, an interaction occurs between different actors, human as well as non-human actors, both direct- and indirect. These interactions generate a user experience which this thesis aims to study through a survey and nine semistructured interviews with users of carsharing services. User experience goals, shared user experience, as well as Actor-network theory, is used as theoretical frameworks to analyze and discuss the collected data. Through this study, we conclude that the act of using car sharing services isn’t solely an individual experience between the users and the artifacts such as the car or the mobile application. Instead, the use of carsharing services often consists of several collaborating actors who influence each other and together affect the user experience. Lastly, the study contributes further insights into how actors affect the driver's user experience of carsharing services. With the knowledge of how the driver's experiences in the use of carsharing services are affected by both human and non-human actors. These actors consist of the mobile application, the car, previous users, customer service, and passengers.

GIG-MÖJLIGHETER : En omvärldsanalys kring framtidens arbetsformer, innovationsfrämjande insatser och affärsmodellsinnovation inom gig-ekonomin / GIG-OPPORTUNITIES : A foresight analysis about the future of work, innovation capabilities and business model innovation in the gig-economy

Nordin, Maria, Lillieroth, David January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to explore future forms of work and their connection to innovation capabilities. Moreover, to deep-dive into how the gig-economy might evolve through business model innovation within knowledge-intense professions. The gig-economy as a phenomenon is relatively new and previous research is limited. Due to the limited amount of research, it’s safe to assume that the gig-economy still is in an early developing phase and that possible business model development therefore is valuable to predict. The method for this study is a forecast analysis where data from 21 respondents have been collected as well as secondary sources such as newspapers, media, webbinairs and reports. Through thematic analysis of the collected data the study predicts seven upcoming and current trends. These trends lay the groundwork for a scenario prediction resulting in four potential futures for the gig-economy: The public opinion rules, The individual rules, The business giants’ rules and The niche businesses rules. The study finds that the gig-economy has a natural place in the future of work and that it can contain elements which fosters innovation capabilities, partly through open innovation and sharing of competences and knowledge. / Denna studie ämnar undersöka framtidens arbetsformer och hur dessa kan främja innovation. Dessutom djupdyker studien i hur gig-ekonomi kan komma att utvecklas genom affärsmodellsinnovation för kunskapsintensiva yrkesgrupper. Gig-ekonomi är ett relativt nytt fenomen och tidigare forskning på området är begränsat. På grund av arbetsformens unga ålder finns det anledning att tro att vi är i en tidig fas av denna affärsmodell och att det kan finnas ett värde i att undersöka hur en förväntad utveckling kommer se ut. Studien har omvärldsanalys som huvudsaklig metod där data från 21 respondenter samlats in tillsammans med sekundärdata från tidningar, medier, webbinarier och rapporter. Genom tematiska analyser framkommer sju aktuella trender. Dessa trender ligger till grund för ett scenariokors med fyra potentiella framtidsscenarion för gig-ekonomin, opinionen styr, individen styr, företagsjättarna styr och nischade företag styr. Slutsatsen mynnar ut i att gig-ekonomi har en självklar del i framtidens arbetssätt och att gig-ekonomi innehåller element som kan främja innovation, inte minst genom open innovation och delande av kompetens och kunskap.

Incorporation of Alternative income Streams Into the Lessor’s Business Model and it’s Effects on a Building Asset Value : A Case Study on Stockholm’s Private Rental Sector / Inkorporering av alternativa intäktsströmmar i bostadsägares affärsmodell och dess effekter på fastighetsvärdet : En fallstudie om Stockholms privata hyressektor

Medlöv, Daniel, Robles, José Maria January 2021 (has links)
Digital platforms and tools have already taken over a large part of human daily lives and with the latest pandemic of COVID-19 it is clear how these technological trends have just increased, in both intensity and complexity, across most of the different aspects that comprehend our everyday activities. For instance, people are staying more at home and people now socialize, consume and work with help of different digital tools, which in other words means that the homes’ original role is changing to a more multifaceted and integral function. Based on such reality, this master thesis aims to investigate how property owners of housing rentals in Stockholm could extract value from these mentioned trends and context by incorporating new alternative income streams in their current business models. Moreover, this academic inquiry also intends to investigate the financial effect that these streams incorporation could have on a property valuation in the housing rental sector of Stockholm.  This thesis project follows two different, yet subsequential, lines of research, where the first one is an interview with local industry experts that provided insights in which kind of potential new value streams that property owners could incorporate in their current business models. They also shared information regarding which kind of digital tools are needed nowadays to make the new offering to the tenants in the most effective way within the Stockholm Private Rental Sector context. The industry experts also gave estimations of the cash flows enhancements that these service incorporation could bring to the owner . This information created the foundation that was used to later interview property owners. The property owners gave information of which kind of digital tools they used today, and what their view was about incorporating the new services and contracts that the industry experts had pointed out as possible new income streams. Both sets of interviews were analyzed with help of finding themes and reviewed literature that allowed the authors of this project to move on to evaluate the financial effect on a housing rental property in Stockholm whenever the new cash flows of the filtered income streams were considered.  The thesis has reached the conclusion that an incorporation of provision of services can create value for both the tenant and the property owner, even though specific services that should be incorporated aren't pointed out. The market was, at the time this thesis was written, immature and fast moving, which makes it hard to say which services will be successful in the Swedish market. Despite this are the results pointing out that contracts as home-electricity and insurances are among the services that have the lowest barrier to implement, and have already been tried by some actors in the industry. For those actors that have started an incorporation of provision of services have already noticed new cash-flows streams, even if they today are minor. The second conclusion is that those cash-flows will in the future trigger higher property values as properties will be a more attractive asset to possess. To be able to identify the demand and extract value from it in a successful way is a user-centered approach a key aspect, as the transaction must create new value for all actors involved / Digitala plattformer och verktyg har redan tagit över en stor del av människors dagliga liv och med den senast Corona-pandemin är det tydligt hur teknologiska trender har ökat, i både intensitet och komplexitet, och påverkar de flesta människors vardagsaktiviteter. Under Corona-pandemin har människor spenderat mer tid hemma och människor har socialiserar, konsumerar och arbetar med hjälp av olika digitala verktyg, vilket innebär att hemmets originella funktion har förändrats till en mer mångfacetterad funktion i människors liv. Baserad på detta så undersöker denna masteruppsatsen hur fastighetsägare, av hyresrätter i Stockholm, kan extrahera värde från dessa nämnda trender genom att inkorporera nya intäktsströmmar i deras befintliga affärsmodell. Denna akademiska uppsats undersöker också vilken påverkan dessa nya intäktsströmmar har på fastighetsvärden i hyresrättssektorn i Stockholm.  Metoden för att nå en slutsats är uppdelad i två processer, där den första är att intervjua vad som benämns i uppsatsen som industri-experter inom ämnet proptech. Dessa bidrar med insikt kring vilka nya intäktsströmmar som möjliga att inkorporera i fastighetsägares nuvarande affärsmodell. Dom understödjer också med information kring vilka digitala verktyg som är nödvändiga för att kunna inkorporera tjänsteförmedling på ett effektivt sätt till hyresgäster i Stockholms privata hyressektor. Utöver detta så ger industri-experterna estimeringar kring vilka värden som kunde tillfalla fastighetsägarens för varje enskild tjänsteförmedling. Denna information används som ett underlag vid nästa skede av intervjuprocessen med fastighetsägarna. Fastighetsägarna bidrar med information kring vilka digitala verktyg dom använde, vid tidpunkten denna uppsats skrevs, och deras syn på att inkorporera förmedling av de tjänster och kontrakt som industri-experterna pekar ut under första intervjuprocessen. Intervjuerna analyseras med hjälp av tematisk analys och parallellt med detta analyseras litteratur, vilket skapade möjlighet att utvärdera vilka finansiella effekter som en inkorporering av tjänsteförmedling kan få på hyresrättssektorn i Stockholm.  Uppsatsen når slutsatsen att inkorporering av tjänsteförmedling kan skapa värde för både hyresgästen och fastighetsägaren, även om de specifika tjänsterna inte pekas ut. Marknaden var vid tidpunkten när denna uppsats skrevs omogen och utvecklades snabbt vilket gör det svårt att svara på vilka tjänster som kommer vara framgångsrika i en svensk marknad. Trots detta pekar resultat på att kontakt som hushållsel och hemförsäkring hade låga ingångsbarriärer i marknaden att implementera, och vissa fastighetsägare har redan påbörjat denna process. Denna inkorporering har för dessa aktörer inneburit vissa nya intäktsströmmar, som dock är väldigt begränsade. Den andra slutsatsen är att de nya intäktsströmmar i framtiden kommer utlösa högre fastighetsvärderingar då fastigheter kommer bli en attraktivare tillgång att inneha. För att kunna identifiera efterfrågan och extrahera värdet ur en tjänsteförmedlingen, på ett framgångsrikt sätt, är en användarcentrerad strategi en viktig aspekt då transaktionerna som sker mellan fastighetsägaren och hyresgästen måste vara värdeskapande för alla inblandade aktörer.

Delningsekonomi ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv : Analys av hur de delningsekonomiska organisationerna Uber och Bilpoolarna uppfyller Elinor Ostroms principer för samarbete över allmänna resurser

Bellgran, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines whether two sharing economy organisations, Uber and Bilpoolarna, can be characterized by Elinor Ostrom’s principles for cooperation of common goods or not. The idea for the research question came from the global difficulties with the decision-making regarding the climate issue and Elinor Ostroms studies about the possibility to create sustainable cooperations regarding the distribution of common goods. If cooperation is possible, we might be able to together develop the climate actions in the right direction and make sustainable distributions of resources we have despite missing actions on a global level. The current growth of the sharing economy could be a sign of that possibility. The final result is that the association Bilpoolarna fulfills all principles more or less while Uber fails to fulfill principle 3, 5 and 6, and only to a small extent fulfills the remaining principles. The result indicates that Ostrom’s principles of cooperation not only characterizes common, non-excludable goods such as water and land, but also can extend its principles to the distribution of modern resources, such as the cars of Bilpoolarna – as long as the cooperation is voluntary and on a local level.

Analysis of technology and business antecedents for spectrum sharing in mobile broadband networks

Yrjölä, S. (Seppo) 21 March 2017 (has links)
Abstract Sharing is emerging as one of the megatrends influencing future business opportunities, and wireless communications is no exception to this development. Future mobile broadband networks will operate on different types of spectrum bands including shared spectrum, which calls for changes in the operation and management of the networks. The creation and capture of value by the different players in the mobile broadband ecosystem is expected to change due to regulation, technology, and business landscape related drivers that concern not only spectrum sharing, but also sharing of other resources such as infrastructure, technologies, or data. This thesis examines the key business and technology enablers needed to exploit spectrum sharing in mobile broadband networks, and presents the business model characteristics and strategic choices that spectrum sharing concepts support. Action research and integral scenarios methodologies were applied for strategic and business analysis utilizing the capacity and expertise of the policy, business and technology research communities. The thesis introduces a new approach to analyze the scalability of the spectrum sharing concepts and their business model elements utilizing sharing economy antecedent factors. The results indicate that all analyzed sharing concepts meet basic requirements to scale. The Licensed Shared Access (LSA) leverages existing assets and capabilities of the mobile network operator domain, the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) extends the business model dynamics from connectivity to content, context and commerce, and the hybrid usage of Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band by Digital Terrestrial TV (DTT) and downlink Long Term Evolution (LTE) (HUHF) enables new collaborative opportunities between converging communication, Internet and media domains. The thesis validates the feasibility of spectrum sharing between mobile broadband networks and other types of incumbent spectrum users utilizing Finnish cognitive radio field trial environment (CORE), and expands the notion of spectrum sharing beyond the mobile broadband domain to be applied to other wireless systems including the media and broadcasting. The presented results can be used in developing the future mobile broadband systems enhanced with innovative spectrum sharing enabled business models to cope with the growing demand for capacity and new services by humans and machines. / Tiivistelmä Jakamistalous on yksi suurista tulevaisuuden liiketoimintamahdollisuuksiin vaikuttavista trendeistä, eikä langaton tietoliikenne ole tässä poikkeus. Tulevaisuuden laajakaistaiset matkapuhelinverkot tulevat hyödyntämään erityyppisiä radiotaajuuksia, kuten jaettuja taajuuskaistoja, mikä vaatii muutoksia verkkojen toimintoihin ja hallintaan. Eri toimijoiden arvonluonti- ja ansaintamahdollisuuksien odotetaan muuttuvan näissä liikkuvan laajakaistan ekosysteemeissä regulaation, teknologian ja liiketoimintaympäristön kehittyessä, ei vain taajuuksien jakamisessa, vaan myös kun kyseessä on muiden resurssien kuten infrastruktuurin, teknologioiden tai tiedon jakaminen. Väitöskirja tutkii teknologia- ja liiketoimintaedellytyksiä taajuusjakomenetelmille matkapuhelinverkoissa, sekä esittelee ja analysoi menetelmien mahdollistamia liiketoimintamalleja ja strategisia valintoja. Strategia- ja liiketoiminta-analyyseissä käytettiin toimintatutkimus- ja skenaariomenetelmiä poikkitieteellisissä tutkimusprojekteissa yhteistyössä reguloinnin, liiketoiminnan ja tekniikan tutkimusyhteisöjen kanssa. Tutkimus esittelee uuden lähestymistavan taajuusjakotekniikoiden liiketoimintamallien skaalautuvuuden analysointiin jakamistalouden määritelmiä hyödyntäen. Tulokset osoittavat, että kaikki tutkitut tekniikat täyttävät perusedellytykset skaalautuvuudelle; Licensed Shared Access (LSA) hyödyntäen matkapuhelinoperaattorin olemassa olevia resursseja ja kyvykkyyksiä, Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) laajentaen liiketoimintamalleja tietoliikenteestä sisältöön, kontekstiin ja kaupankäyntialustoihin, sekä digitaalitelevision ja langattoman LTE-tekniikan hybridikäyttö UHF-taajuuskaistalla (HUHF) mahdollistaen uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia lähentyvien tietoliikenne-, Internet- ja mediaekosysteemien välillä. Väitöskirja tulokset vahvistivat taajuuden jakamisen soveltuvuuden liikkuvan laajakaistaverkon ja saman taajuusalueen eri teollisuudenalan haltijan välillä suomalaisessa CORE kenttätestausympäristössä, ja laajensivat taajuusjakotekniikan sovellettavuutta myös muihin langattomiin järjestelmiin sisältö- ja mediajakelussa. Esitettyjä tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää tulevaisuuden langattomien laajakaistaverkkojen kehitystyössä vastaamaan ihmisten ja koneiden kasvaviin tietoliikennepalveluiden ja -kapasiteetin tarpeisiin hyödyntäen tehokkaita taajuusjakotekniikoita ja niiden mahdollistamia innovatiivisia liiketoimintamalleja.

Teologie práce sv. Jana Pavla II. / St. John Paul II's theology of labor

Košut, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis "Theology of Labour of St. John Paul II." is to summarize John Paul II.'s theological view of human labour, its impact on Christian spirituality and evangelization and pastoral efforts of the church. There is also attention paid to influence of his theology on further social magisterial texts. At the end, there is a reflection of impacts of this teaching to everyday economic and political life. The thesis is based on magisterial documents of John Paul II., especially on the encyclical Laborem exercens and his two further social encyclicals, Sollicitudo rei socialis and Centisimus annus. Other inspiring ideas come especially from reflections on St. Joseph and from the theology of body. There is a discussion on relation of human labour to the Mystery of The Holy Trinity, on perichoretical and sharing character of human labour. As a part of discussion on spirituality, there is the work state of life defined as analogy to Christian state of life. Human labour is a key to the social question, it is a tool for our salvation and therefore the mission of the church. Keywords St. John Paul II., Theology of Labour, Human Labour, Spirituality of Labour, Ethics of Labour, Wage Labour, Labour Capitalization, Labour Rights, Dignity of Human Labour, Sharing Economy

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