Spelling suggestions: "subject:"socialinteraction"" "subject:"socialinteraktion""
1031 |
Kasikismus/klientelismus ve Španělsku v letech 1874 - 1923. Sonda do historiografie. / Caciquism/Clientelism in Spain in the years 1874 - 1923. Literature survey.Šmída, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyzes caciquismo as a temporally and spatially specific type of clientelistic relations in the Restoration Spain (1874 - 1923). First, the analysis primarily focuses on Spanish historiography of caciquismo/clientelism, its development and current situation of research including contemporary reception of the problem. Second, it also deals with the discussion of contemporary manifestations of caciquismo/clientelism in relation to the issues of terminology, corruption and political clientelism in modern Spain. In both cases the researcher sonsiders other important non-Spanish theoretical works. The thesis is based on interdisciplinary approach: besides of a historical perspective, it also brings to the topic view of anthropology, political science and sociology as well. The contribution of this thesis is refuting the concept according to that the contemporary critics (regeneracionists, Generation of '98 and Generation of '14) condemn caciquismo as a wholly negative manifestation of social interaction, which is based on a psychopathological and ethno-geographical perspective destined only to the Spanish nation, the idea, which is attributed to the contemporary critics of the Restoration Spain by the historians of caciquismo. Keywords: Spain - caciquismo - clientelism - patron-client...
1032 |
A semantic framework for social search / Un cadre de développement sémantique pour la recherche socialeStan, Johann 09 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse présente un système permettant d’extraire les interactions partagées dans les réseaux sociaux et de construire un profil dynamique d’expertise pour chaque membre dudit réseau social. La difficulté principale dans cette partie est l’analyse de ces interactions, souvent très courtes et avec peu de structure grammaticale et linguistique. L’approche que nous avons mis en place propose de relier les termes importants de ces messages à des concepts dans une base de connaissance sémantique, type Linked Data. Cette connexion permet en effet d’enrichir le champ sémantique des messages en exploitant le voisinage sémantique du concept dans la base de connaissances. Notre première contribution dans ce contexte est un algorithme qui permet d'effectuer cette liaison avec une précision plus augmentée par rapport à l’état de l’art, en considérant le profil de l’utilisateur ainsi que les messages partagés dans la communauté dont il est membre comme source supplémentaire de contexte. La deuxième étape de l’analyse consiste à effectuer l’expansion sémantique du concept en exploitant les liens dans la base de connaissance. Notre algorithme utilise une heuristique basant sur le calcul de similarité entre les descriptions des concepts pour ne garder que ceux les plus pertinents par rapport au profil de l’utilisateur. Les deux algorithmes mentionnés précédemment permettent d’avoir un ensemble de concepts qui illustrent les centres d'expertise de l’utilisateur. Afin de mesurer le degré d'expertise de l’utilisateur qui s’applique sur chaque concept dans son profil, nous appliquons la méthode-standard vectoriel et associons à chaque concept une mesure composée de trois éléments : (i) le tf-idf, (ii) le sentiment moyen que l’utilisateur exprime par rapport au dit concept et (iii) l’entropie moyen des messages partagés contenant ledit concept. L’ensemble des trois mesures combinées permet d’avoir un poids unique associé à chaque concept du profil. Ce modèle de profil vectoriel permet de trouver les « top-k » profils les plus pertinents par rapport à une requête. Afin de propager ces poids sur les concepts dans l’expansion sémantique, nous avons appliqué un algorithme de type propagation sous contrainte (Constrained Spreading Activation), spécialement adapté à la structure d'un graphe sémantique. L’application réalisée pour prouver l’efficacité de notre approche, ainsi que d’illustrer la stratégie de recommandation est un système disponible en ligne, nommé « The Tagging Beak » (http://www.tbeak.com). Nous avons en effet développé une stratégie de recommandation type Q&A (question - réponse), où les utilisateurs peuvent poser des questions en langage naturel et le système recommande des personnes à contacter ou à qui se connecter pour être notifié de nouveaux messages pertinents par rapport au sujet de la question / In recent years, online collaborative environments, e.g. social content sites (such as Twitter or Facebook) have significantly changed the way people share information and interact with peers. These platforms have become the primary common environment for people to communicate about their activity and their information needs and to maintain and create social ties. Status updates or microposts emerged as a convenient way for people to share content frequently without a long investment of time. Some social platforms even limit the length of a “post”. A post generally consists of a single sentence (e.g. news, a question), it can include a picture, a hyperlink, tags or other descriptive data (metadata). Contrarily to traditional documents, posts are informal (with no controlled vocabulary) and don't have a well established structure. Social platforms can become so popular (huge number of users and posts), that it becomes difficult to find relevant information in the flow of notifications. Therefore, organizing this huge quantity of social information is one of the major challenges of such collaborative environments. Traditional information retrieval techniques are not well suited for querying such corpus, because of the short size of the share content, the uncontrolled vocabulary used by author and because these techniques don't take in consideration the ties in-between people. Also, such techniques tend to find the documents that best match a query, which may not be sufficient in the context of social platform where the creation of new connections in the platform has a motivating impact and where the platform tries to keep on-going participation. A new information retrieval paradigm, social search has been introduced as a potential solution to this problem. This solution consists of different strategies to leverage user generated content for information seeking, such as the recommendation of people. However, existing strategies have limitations in the user profile construction process and in the routing of queries to the right people identified as experts. More concretely, the majority of user profiles in such systems are keyword-based, which is not suited for the small size and the informal aspect of the posts. Secondly, expertise is measured only based on statistical scoring mechanisms, which do not take into account the fact that people on social platforms will not precisely consume the results of the query, but will aim to engage into a conversation with the expert. Also a particular focus needs to be done on privacy management, where still traditional methods initially designed for databases are used without taking into account the social ties between people. In this thesis we propose and evaluate an original framework for the organization and retrieval of information in social platforms. Instead of retrieving content that best matches a user query, we retrieve people who have expertise and are most motivated to engage in conversations on its topics. We propose to build dynamically profiles for users based on their interactions in the social platform. The construction of such profiles requires the capture of interactions (microposts), their analysis and the extraction and understanding of their topics. In order to build a more meaningful profile, we leverage Semantic Web Technologies and more specifically, Linked Data, for the transformation of microposts topics into semantic concepts. Our thesis contributes to several fields related to the organization, management and retrieval of information in collaborative environments and to the fields of social computing and human-computer interaction
1033 |
The multimodal and collaborative aspects of demonstrations in the teaching of budo sportsRåman, J. (Joonas) 27 August 2019 (has links)
This dissertation, and the three original articles on which it is based, explore the nature of teaching physical skills in the particular context of three budo sports: judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and aikido. In particular, this dissertation examines the way demonstrations of budo techniques are conducted in collaboration between the teachers, their partners and the students. Particular focus is on ‘whole class demonstrations’, situations where all the participants in the class are gathered in a shared participation framework, either to observe the demonstration or perform in it. This dissertation reveals how and by whom demonstrations are conducted by examining their depictive, supportive and annotative aspects. By using video recordings of naturally-occurring budo demonstrations and employing a multimodal conversation analytic method, the ‘demonstration’ is defined as a social event comprising of a physical depiction and context-establishing interactional aspects.
The three original articles introduce and examine interactional phenomena directly related to the aforementioned three aspects. The first article explores the employment of communicative moves necessary to establish the physical, temporal and participatory space for the demonstration. The second article explores the way in which the teacher and the partner can facilitate easier observation of the technique through interactional parsing, the return-practice and phase-clarifying actions. The third article explores the interaction between the teacher and the partner, by illustrating the different modalities in which the partner can be guided through the demonstration. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä väitöskirja, sekä kolme alkuperäistä tutkimusartikkelia joihin se perustuu, tutkivat fyysisten taitojen opetusta kolmen budolajin, judon, Brasilialaisen jujutsun ja aikidon kontekstissa. Väitöskirja perehtyy multimodaalisiin ja kollaboratiivisiin tapoihin, joilla budo-opettajat, heidän partnerinsa, ja oppilaansa esittelevät budotekniikoita koko luokan kattavissa demonstraatiossa, eli tilanteissa, joissa jokainen osallistuja on osa yhteistä osallistujuuskehikkoa, joko tekniikka suorittamassa tai seuraamassa. Väitöskirja paljastaa kuinka, ja kenen toimesta demonstraatiot toteutetaan tarkastelemalla niiden esittäviä, tukevia, ja selvittäviä piirteitä. Väitöskirja hyödyntää multimodaalisen keskustelunanalyysin tutkimusmetodia ja määrittää ’demonstraation’ sosiaalisena tapahtumana, joka muodostuu kehollisesta näytöstä ja kontekstia-rakentavista vuorovaikutuksellista piirteistä.
Väitöskirjan kolme alkuperäistä tutkimusartikkelia tarkastelevat yllämainittuihin kolmeen demonstraation piirteeseen liittyviä vuorovaikutuksen ilmiötä. Ensimmäinen artikkeli tarkastelee kommunikatiivisia siirtoja, joita hyödynnetään, kun luodaan demonstraatioiden vaatima fyysinen ja ajallinen tila sekä osallistumiskonfiguraatio. Toinen artikkeli tutkii opettajien ja heidän partnereidensa hyödyntämiä budotekniikan tarkkailua helpottavia vuorovaikutuksellisia ilmiötä: vuorovaikutuksellista jäsentämistä, paluu-käytännettä, sekä budotekniikan vaiheita selventäviä toimintoja. Kolmas artikkeli perehtyy erityisesti opettajan ja tämän partnerin väliseen vuorovaikutukseen paljastamalla eri modaliteetit, joilla partneria voidaan ohjata demonstraation aikana.
1034 |
[pt] A educação a distância mediada pelo computador proporciona variadas
formas de interação. Os cursos oferecidos nesta modalidade diferem tanto
conceitual quanto metodologicamente no que concerne sua elaboração,
implementação e aperfeiçoamento. Porém, aparentemente, tais questões não são o
calcanhar-de-aquiles da EaD, posto que muito tem sido estudado e debatido sobre
o processo de aprender a aprender, o desenvolvimento da autonomia do aluno, o
trabalho colaborativo e o papel do professor neste novo ambiente. A
transformação realmente significativa após a inserção das tecnologias da
comunicação e da informação no cenário educacional se deu na forma de se
comunicar e de interagir, posto que foi a crescente facilidade de acesso à Internet,
juntamente com o desenvolvimento de aplicativos e diferentes ambientes de
aprendizado online, o que possibilitou novas e diversificadas formas de interação,
ampliando o leque de possibilidades de comunicação. Portanto, é a partir de
questionamentos acerca de como os processos interacionais ocorrem no ambiente
institucional online e como as pessoas, no caso desta pesquisa, os alunos,
negociam significados e constituem suas posições sociais é que trarão uma nova
perspectiva de entendimento da aprendizagem mediada pelo computador. Assim,
tendo como suporte metodológico as questões de face e do manejo da impressão
de Goffman, aliados aos pressupostos da sociolinguística interacional, como as
pistas de contextualização e o footing dos interagentes, é que procedo às análises
do conteúdo dos e-mails trocados entre alunos e mediadora, levando em
consideração que as interações devem ser compreendidas dentro das limitações
impostas pela tecnologia. Assim sendo, esta pesquisa objetivou, através de dois
tipos distintos de análise, uma formal e outra discursiva, contribuir para um
entendimento mais abrangente da utilização do e-mail tanto como um meio que possibilita atestar a dinamicidade das interações quanto compreender como
questões relacionadas à face emergem e podem exercer um papel crucial no
ensino-aprendizagem a distância. / [en] Distance education mediated by computers provides several forms of
interaction. The courses offered in this modality differ both conceptually and
methodologically in what regards its design, implementation and improvement.
However, apparently, these issues are not the Achilles heel of DE, since much has
been studied and debated about the process of learning how to learn, the
development of learner’s autonomy, collaborative work and the teachers’ role in
this new environment. The technology available for studying online kind of
imposed this paradigm shift in teaching and learning at a distance, since it would
not be viable to adapt the traditional model of knowledge transmission to a type of
education that privilege autonomy and collaboration. However, the actual
meaningful change after the introduction of the information and communication
technologies in the educational scenario occurred in the way people interact, since
it was the increasing ease of Internet access, along with the development of
different applications and online learning environments that allowed new and
diverse forms of interaction, expanding the range of communication possibilities.
Therefore, it is based on questionings about how the interactional processes occur
in institutional environments online and how people, in the case of this research,
the students, negotiate meanings and constitute their social positions that a new
perspective to the understanding of computer mediated learning will arise. Thus,
based on Goffman’s concepts of facework and impression management, along
with those of interactional sociolinguistics, as for example, the contextualization
cues and the footing of the interactors, I proceed to the analysis of the content of
the e-mails exchanged between the students and the mediator, taking into account
that such interactions must be understood within the limitations imposed by
technology. Therefore, through two different types of analysis, a formal and a discursive one, this study aimed at contributing to a broader understanding of the
use of the e-mail not only as a way that provides the possibility to attest the
dynamics of the interactions throughout a course but also as a means to
understand how issues related to face emerge and may play a crucial role in
distance teaching and learning.
1035 |
Dire et faire dire l'indicible : Entre secret et stigmate, l’analyse d’un processus d’enquête sociologique sur le ballonnement / Say and bring to say the inexpressible : Between secrecy and stigma, analysis of a sociological investigation process on bloatingBonnet, Agathe 29 March 2012 (has links)
La thèse s’intéresse aux enjeux méthodologiques présents en situation d’enquête de terrain. Les enquêtes qualitatives réalisées dans le cadre de cette recherche visaient à explorer un trouble de santé. L’enquête portant sur le trouble du ballonnement met notamment en avant le jeu interactionnel entre enquêtée et enquêtrice, et fait apparaître les concepts de stigmate et de secret. L’analyse des interactions sociales entre ces deux acteurs invite à percevoir l’enquête comme un processus au sein duquel différentes phases se déclinent et interagissent ensemble. A partir du recrutement jusqu’à la clôture du terrain, les effets de l’enquête sont observés et analysés à travers le double regard de l’enquêtrice et de l’enquêtée. Nous qualifions cette démarche méthodologique d’ « observation interactive », puisant ses fondements au sein de la méthode d’observation participante et de la tradition de l’interactionnisme symbolique. Une réflexion est également menée sur les effets de réciprocité entre l’élaboration de stratégies d’enquête et le déroulement de l’enquête soumise à l’imprévisibilité du terrain. / This thesis concerns methodological matters existing in the situation of fieldwork. Here the qualitative survey realized in the frame of this research was to explore minor health issues. The survey conducted on bloating issue does notably shed light on the ‘interactional game’ between a female interviewee and a female interviewer revealing the key concepts of stigma and secrecy. Indeed, the analysis of social interactions between both actors incites to perceive the notion of fieldwork as a process where different phases decline and interact altogether. From the recruitment procedure to the closure of the survey, the effects of the investigation are observed and analyzed through a dual “eye”, the interviewee and interviewer. We qualify this methodological approach as “interactive observation”. This “interactive observation” feeds its very principle within the methodology relative to the ideas of participative-observation and the tradition of symbolic interactionism. A reflection is lead on the effects of reciprocity between the elaboration of the fieldwork’s strategies and the unfolding of the study submitted to the unpredictability of the fieldwork.
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"Jag tror på ett nära ledarskap" : En grundad teori om ett framgångsrikt ledarskap utifrån HR-konsulterHolmgren, Emelie, Wernersson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Human resources är en allt mer växande profession som arbetar nära såväl chefer som medarbetare. Genom att undersöka framgångsrikt ledarskap utifrån ett HR-perspektiv åsyftar den föreliggande studien att bidra med en intressant synvinkel med utgångspunkt att HR som profession i synnerhet besitter både ledar- och medarbetarperspektiv. För att avgränsa studien inom det breda yrkesområde som HR är, riktades fokuset till HR-konsulter. Syftet med studien är att sålunda att finna huvudangelägenheten av HR-konsultens upplevelse av framgångsrikt ledarskap. Med grundad teori som metodansats har en kvalitativ studie genomförts som åsyftat att generera en teori grundad i data genom en öppenhet inför det som framträtt på fältet och med avstånd från befintliga teorier. Tio stycken intervjuer genomfördes med HR-konsulter från olika arbetsplatser för att upptäcka deras upplevelse av framgångsrikt ledarskap. Resultatet visar att respondenternas huvudangelägenhet utgörs av interaktion mellan chef och medarbetare som hanteras genom kärnkategorin närvaro i social interaktion. Således består den genererade teorin av kärnkategorin och ytterligare sex kategorier samt deras relation till kärnkategorin som tillsammans besvarar studiens forskningsfråga och därmed utgör en teoretisk modell. / Human resources are an increasingly growing profession that works closely with both managers and employees. By examining successful leadership from an HR perspective, the present study aims to contribute with an interesting point of view based on the fact that HR as a profession in particular possesses both leadership and employee perspectives. In order to delimit the study within the broad professional area that HR is, the focus was directed on HR consultants. The purpose of the study is thus to find the main issue of HR consultants' experience of successful leadership. With grounded theory as method approach, a qualitative study has been conducted aimed at generating theory based on data through openness to what appears in the field and with distance from existing theories. Ten interviews were conducted with HR consultants from different workplaces to discover their experience of successful leadership. The result shows that the respondents' main concern consists of interaction between the manager and employees who are managed through the core category presence in social interaction. Thus, the generated theory consists of the core category and another six categories as well as their relation to the core category which together answer the study's research question and thus constitute a theoretical model.
1037 |
Evaluation de la cognition sociale en situation d'interaction dans le traumatisme crânien / Social cognition evaluation in interaction situation in traumatic brain injuryTaché, Emmanuelle 09 February 2018 (has links)
La cognition sociale, i.e. notre capacité à attribuer des états mentaux à autrui et à identifier ses émotions, est souvent perturbée dans certaines pathologies telles que le traumatisme crânien (TC). Cette capacité est traditionnellement évaluée à l’aide de tâches sous format « papier-crayon » n’impliquant pas le participant dans une situation d’interaction sociale. Pourtant, la cognition sociale est fondamentale dans nos interactions sociales car elle nous permet de comprendre le discours et le comportement d’autrui. Ainsi, dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons évalué les capacités d’attribution d’états mentaux et de reconnaissance émotionnelle de personnes ayant subi un TC à l’aide de tâches les impliquant activement dans une situation de communication (tâche de communication référentielle et tâche EViCog), ce qui n’a jamais été fait dans cette pathologie. La tâche EViCog (Evaluation de la cognition sociale en interaction virtuelle), créée pour cette étude, permet d’avoir des conversations audio-visuelles avec des humains virtuels, qui expriment des émotions et produisent du discours nécessitant d’inférer leurs états mentaux. Les résultats ont montré que les difficultés des personnes TC étaient encore plus importantes pour la tâche en situation d’interaction (tâche EViCog) par rapport à des tâches traditionnelles au format « papier-crayon ». Par ailleurs, en situation d’interaction, les performances de cognition sociale semblent dépendre en partie des capacités mnésiques (mémoire autobiographique et du contexte), ainsi que des fonctions exécutives, alors que pour les tâches traditionnelles, les performances ne seraient expliquées que par certaines capacités exécutives. / Social cognition, i.e. the ability to attribute mental states to others and to identify emotions, is often impaired in various pathologies, such as traumatic brain injury (TBI). This ability is traditionally assessed with “paper-and-pencil” tasks that do not involve the participant in a social interaction situation. However, social cognition is central in our daily social interactions, as it helps us understand others’ speech and behavior. Thus, in this study, we assessed mental state attribution and emotion recognition abilities of TBI participants, using tasks that involve the participant in a communication situation (referential communication task and EViCog task). The EViCog task (social cognition evaluation in virtual interaction), designed for this research, provides audio-visual conversations with virtual humans, which express emotions and produce speech requiring mental state inference. The results showed that the difficulties of the TBI participants were even more important for the task in interaction situation (EViCog task) compared to traditional tasks in paper-and-pencil format. Moreover, in interaction situation, social cognition performance seemed to rely on mnemonic abilities (autobiographical memory and context memory), and on executive functions, while for traditional tasks, performances were only explained by some executive abilities.
1038 |
Polimorfismo e polietismo na comunicação química, comportamento de limpeza e trofalaxia em Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) / Polymorphism and polyethism in chemical communication, grooming and trophallaxis of the leaf cutter ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)Sujimoto, Fernando Ribeiro 05 April 2018 (has links)
Formigas são insetos eusociais intensamente dependentes da comunicação química, possuindo características morfológicas, bioquímicas, fisiológicas e comportamentais adaptadas a um estilo de vida circundado por mensagens químicas. Esta peculiaridade olfativa do ponto de vista biológico, reflete nos padrões altamente polimórficos encontrados nas colônias dos grupos mais derivados, como as formigas cortadeiras (Attini). Assim, as castas e sub castas encontradas nos ninhos de formigas do gênero Atta, possuiriam características, como os órgãos olfativos e a sensibilidade eletrofisiológica, variáveis de acordo com seus tamanhos corpóreos e funções exercidas na colônia. Portanto, haveria uma correlação direta ou indireta do tamanho das formigas, os perfis comportamentais e comunicação química nessas espécies. Essa relação poderia ser vista em diversas atividades, como a limpeza entre os indivíduos e a troca de alimentos via oral. Dessa forma, a presente tese foca na interação entre o polimorfismo, polietismo e comunicação química nas formigas de Atta sexdens. Ainda descreve a participação das operárias e rainha nos comportamentos de grooming e trofalaxia, ligando-os à possível função de dispersão de hidrocarbonetos de cutícula na colônia. A tese esta dividida em quatro capítulos. O Capítulo 1, compreendeu uma introdução dos conhecimentos abordados em toda tese, e as linhas gerais do trabalho. No Capítulo 2, foi realizado uma descrição quantitativa e qualitativa das sensilas em todas as castas e sub castas encontradas em ninhos de A. sexdens. Os resultados indicaram que esses órgãos sensoriais variaram de acordo com os padrões polimórficos e perfis etológicos. O Capítulo 3 abordou as respostas eletrofisiológicas da antenas a diferentes feromônios, comparando todos os grupos polimórficos de A. sexdens. Foram observados neste caso, similaridades e discrepâncias na sensibilidade aos conteúdos das glândulas de veneno, Dufour e mandibular entre as sub castas (jardineiras, generalistas, forrageiras e soldados), e também entre os machos e rainhas, possibilitando a correlação com as atividades que exercem no ninho. No Capítulo 4 investigou-se a participação de cada tipo de operárias de A. sexdens nos comportamentos de trofalaxia, allogrooming e self-grooming, relacionando-os com a presença da rainha dentro da câmara. Adicionalmente, frente aos resultados, as diferentes ações das sub castas nesses comportamentos puderam ser associadas à possível importância da limpeza e troca de alimentos na dispersão de compostos de reconhecimento e formadores do gestalt químico da colônia. Estes resultados, contribuem para uma melhor compreensão do complexo cenário sustentado pela eusocialidade, ecologia química, percepção olfativa e comportamento nas formigas cortadeiras. / Ants are eusocial insects intensely dependent on chemical communication. They have morphological, biochemical, physiological and behavioral features adapted to a life surrounded by many molecules messages. Furthermore, each olfactory peculiarity in any of the biological level mentioned above, reflects on the highly polymorphic patterns found in the colonies of the most derived groups, as the leaf cutter ants (Attini). Thus, the castes and sub castes of Atta ants, would have characteristics, as olfactory organs and electrophysiological sensibility, that vary following the body sizes and tasks performed in the colonies. Therefore, it would have a direct or indirect correlation among the sizes of the ants, their ethological profiles and the chemical communication in these species. This relation could be seen over different activities, as the grooming and oral trophallaxis. In this way, this thesis focus in the interaction among the polymorphism, polyethism and chemical communication in Atta sexdens. It still describes the participation of workers and queen in grooming and trophallaxis, linking them to a possible role in cuticular hydrocarbon dispersion over the colony. The thesis is divided in four chapters. In the Chapter 1, it is presented an introduction to the knowledge explored in all thesis, and also its outline. In the Chapter 2, there is a quantitative and qualitative description of sensilla from all castes and sub castes of A. sexdens, showing that these sensory organs vary following the polymorphic patterns and ethological profiles. The Chapter 3 explores the differences in the antennae electrophysiological responses to three pheromones, comparing them with all polymorphic groups of A. sexdens. The results demonstrate similarities and discrepancies in the sensibility to the contents of poison, Dufour and mandibular glands among the sub castes (gardeners, generalists, foragers and soldiers), and also between males and queens, enabling a correlation with their tasks. In the Chapter 4, it is investigated the roles of each type of A. sexdens workers in the trophallaxis, allogrooming and self-grooming behaviors, relating them with the queen presence. Additionally, and based in the results, the different roles of the sub castes can be associated to a possible action of grooming and trophallaxis in the dispersion of intraspecific recognition molecules and in the formation of a colony chemical gestalt. All results and discussion distributed along the thesis, therefore, contribute to a better understanding of a complex scenario, supported by the eusociality, chemical ecology, olfactory perception and behavior of the leaf cutter ants.
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Transgredir, jamais! Interação e cortesia linguísticas nos manuais de etiqueta / Transgress, never! Linguistic interaction and politeness inside etiquette manualsCirelli, Renira Appa de Moraes 02 August 2012 (has links)
A presente tese discute a comunicação como fator dependente da interação e da cortesia linguísticas inseridas nos manuais de etiqueta, visando a identificar explícita e implicitamente as estratégias interacionais apresentadas por três autores, escolhi-dos como corpus, os quais compõem três guias de comportamento: 1)Marcelino por Claudia: o guia de boas maneiras de Marcelino de Carvalho interpretado por Claudia, de Claudia Matarazzo; 2)Etiqueta Século XXI: um guia prático de boas ma-neiras para os novos tempos, de Celia Ribeiro; 3)Sempre, às vezes, nunca: etiqueta e comportamento, de Fabio Arruda. Destes três manuais, foram escolhidas algu-mas partes que cabiam à análise proposta. A pesquisa busca embasamento nas perspectivas da Análise da Conversação (AC) e na Sociolinguística Interacional (SI). Essas bases possuem duas linhas dorsais, com estudos sobre interações e cor-tesia linguística. Dá-se ainda uma visão panorâmica dos três livros pertencentes ao corpus, com uma breve análise da variação linguística. Investiga-se também a utili-dade desses manuais na melhoria dos níveis de interação social. A análise dos mar-cadores de cortesia percorre os critérios de correção, atenuadores, modalizadores, formas de tratamento e situações de ameaça às faces, visando a encontrar respos-tas para os questionamentos da pesquisa. Quanto aos aspectos comportamentais da cortesia são pouco mencionados, exceto os que estão inseridos no contexto fala ou na intenção de fala. O estudo parte de um ponto de vista sobre a cortesia linguís-tica; teoria de ameaça às faces positiva e negativa, concentrando-se na linguagem de interesse social e na interação entre indivíduos ou grupos. / This thesis discusses communication as an interaction-dependent factor and linguis-tic politeness inserted in etiquette manuals, in order to explicit and implicitly identify the interactional strategies presented by three authors chosen as corpus, which is comprised of some parts chosen from three manuals of behavior: 1) Marcelino by Claudia: the guide to good manners by Marcelino de Carvalho interpreted by Clau-dia, by Claudia Matarazzo; 2) 21st Century Etiquette: a practical guide to good manners for modern times, by Celia Ribeiro; 3) Always, sometimes, never: etiquette and behavior, by Fabio Arruda. This research seeks to establish the bases for per-spectives in Conversation Analysis (CA) and in Interactional Sociolinguistics (IS). These theorical bases have two dorsal structures or chief ideas, with studies on lin-guistic interactions and politeness. It gives still a birds-eye view of the three books belonging to the corpus, with a brief analysis of linguistic variation. It also investigates the usefulness of these manuals in the improvement of social interaction levels. The analysis of politeness markers traverses the criteria for correction, attenuators, modalizations (a speakers attitude towards their own utterance), forms of treatment, and faces threatening acts (FTA), in order to find answers to the researchs posing questions. Behavioral aspects of courtesy are mentioned only when inserted into speech context or its intention. The study originates from a point of view about lin-guistic politeness; threatening theory on positive and negative faces, focusing on the language of social interest, with the purpose of continuity of interaction between indi-viduals or groups.
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"Jag skriver" - yngre barns anammande av litteracitetGolabek, Mariola, Janneh, Sophia January 2019 (has links)
The aim with this research is to get an idea how younger preschool children embrace literacy in spontaneous activities, started by themselves or together with other people. We want to pay attention to and delimit the literacy events and investigate, interpret and understand what happens in the interaction between the children and between children and the material in the preschool environment. In addition to get an understanding how the children interact with the material in the physical environment and what strategies they use in the encounter with literacy. We hade to observe the children closely, in order to achieve that we conducted, an ethnographically inspired study, we can interact and observe children for a longer period. That helped to give us the opportunity to get closer to the children and we were regarded as a natural part of the group. Based on the observations, we saw that the children are exploring literacy with the material, which includes pens, papers and books. The specific material captured the children's curiosity and it contributed to that they started "test-writing" and "test-reading", both on their own but also with others. Although the children in some situations wanted to explore the material themselves, at the same time they wanted to be close to the group. Based on Karen Barad's theory of realistic realism, we saw that the environment and the material interact with the children. We can note that the children conquer literacy, literally in social interactions but in order to conquer literacy, the material's availability is crucial.
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