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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Drogmissbrukare faller mellan stolarna" : En kvalitativ studie om polis och socialtjänstens åsikt kring Sveriges lagreglering i hanteringen av missbrukare

Berggren, Anna, Zlojutro, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

"Förtroende är bra, kontroll är bättre" : en kritisk diskursanalys av kvällspressens framställning av polisen / "Trust is good, control is better" : a critical discourse analysis of the tabloids presentation of the police

Lundberg, Charlott, Karlstedt, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Den svenska polisens dödsskjutningar av civila har ökat med drygt 100 % sedan 2010, av denna anledning väcktes intresset för att se hur 2018 års dödsskjutningar framställs av kvällspressen med hänsyn till det senmoderna samhället vi lever i. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur två kvällstidningar rapporterar om polisens dödsskjutningar av civila mot bakgrund av senmoderniteten, därför används Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys. Under analysens gång har fyra diskurser identifierats: ansvars-, osäkerhets-, offer-, och rättsdiskurs och samtliga av dessa diskurser kan kopplas till senmoderniteten. Vidare visar analysen att kvällstidningarnas sätt att rapportera om polisens dödsskjutningar av civila är i huvudsak bidragande till den bredare sociala praktiken, det vill säga senmoderniteten.

Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of immigrant population in Greece (1991-2011) : Comparisons from census data and vital statistics.

Evangelou, Alexandros January 2019 (has links)
Immigrant flows in Greece after 1990 transformed Greece from a country of outwards migration to an inwards migration state. The contribution of immigrants in a globalized world of migration with sub-replacement fertility levels found in developed countries is a particularly interesting topic in demographic studies. The primary aim of this thesis is to discuss the changes of the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of immigrant population in Greece focusing on Albanian and Bulgarian immigrants. In order to answer these research questions, data from the last three national population census of 1991, 2001 and 2011 as well as vital statistics for European and non-European immigrants’ fertility in Greece have been used. The analysis is based on descriptive statistics for the differential age structure of Greek population and immigrant groups. Reasons for immigration to Greece, educational attainment of immigrants, rates of unemployment and employment status of immigrant population have been used to approach the research questions. The results indicated a younger age structure of Albanian and Bulgarian immigrant population. Meanwhile, immigrant population appears to have higher unemployment rates compared to native Greek population. Finally, a substantial decline of general fertility rates for non-European immigrant women in Greece compared to native Greek women has been observed within the years of the economic recession.

Förändringsledningens betydelse vid implementering av automatiseringsprocesser : Managementmodeller, nödvändigt eller avgörande för att lyckas med förändringsarbetet? / The importance of transition management during implementations of automised processes: : Management models, are they crucial for the successful implementation of organizational change?

Bogren, Jonas, Carpinisan, Anca January 2019 (has links)
Title: The importance of transition management during implementations of automised processes: Management models, are they crucial for the successful implementation of organizational change? Authors: Anca Carpinisan & Jonas Bogren Transition management is very common within companies, mostly because development and change is an ongoing process. Transition management has become increasingly important when companies are developing, especially when they are implementing process automation. The insurance industry is facing a very interesting future because they have a lot of room for process automation. The main pupose of this study is to gain knowledge and understanding of how transition management works and what makes it successful when implementing process automation. This study was made at an insurance company in Sweden. In order to best answer the questions in this study we have used a qualitative research strategy with an inductive approach. The data has been collected through nine semi-structured interviews from project managers. The empirical data and the theories helps us produce the results. John P. Kotter’s eight-step model is used to clarify which parts of this method that need to be used to have a successful change of process. Theories about communication and motivation are also used to better understand the transition management process. The findings of this study tell us that not all of the eight steps in John P. Kotter´s model are necessary in order to have a successful transition management process. We found that the team, authority and mandate as well as motivation are the key factors that determine how successful transition managements are when implementing process automation. The success of a transition management process has more to do with human psychology and conviction of the employees regarding the benefits of implementing it, rather than following a strict management model.

Att klä sig rätt : En studie om normers reglering av unga kvinnors klädkonsumtion / To dress properly : A study on norms regulation on young women’s clothing consumption

Birath, Josephine, Olofsson, Tove January 2019 (has links)
Gender, age and appearance are examples of factors that affect individuals' identity. Consumption of clothing is therefore a key element that makes people a part of society and its development. A correct type of clothing consumption is needed to remain part of a community, both among friends and in society, in order not to risk deviating. What is considered right, and wrong way of consuming is regulated by different social norms and processes. Historically, consumption and appearance have been more important for women than for men. In order to successfully demonstrate their status, class and identity, women are expected to relate to certain types of norms and consume clothes in a certain way. The aim is therefore to provide further understanding of what norms and social processes that regulate Swedish women between the ages of 20–27 in their clothing consumption. Due to the thematic width shown in the study’s empirical data, several different theoretical concepts and theories are used, mainly Goffman’s analysis method and identity along with gender as a theoretical concept. The study is based on ten semi-structured interviews with women from central and southern Sweden. The outcome shows four norms and social processes that regulate young women’s clothing consumption. These are society's norms on the female body, the impact of social debate, age influence on their clothing style and the importance of friend’s opinions. The main conclusion is that all women adhere to these four norms and social processes when they consume clothes and that partially happens unconsciously.

Nationalismens återkomst : En kvalitativ undersökning om svenska myndigheters hantering av vit makt miljön / The return of nationalism : A qualitative investigation into the handling of the white-power environment by Swedish authorities

Olsson, Erika, Benson, Philippa January 2019 (has links)
Denna sociologiska uppsats syftar till att undersöka svenska myndigheters hantering av våldsbejakande högerextremistiska rörelser. Uppsatsens syfte är att förstå hur svenska myndigheter, i relation till det offentliga rummet, arbetar mot den högerextremistiska våldsbejakande vit makt-miljön och på så vis bidra till förståelse för olika myndigheters olika ansvar. Utifrån hermeneutiken som tolkande metod har telefonintervjuer genomförts med sju personer anställda inom geografiskt spridda kommuner i Sverige, där samtliga är yrkesverksamma som säkerhetssamordnare eller liknande befattningar, samt med en person med anställning inom Polismyndigheten. De teorier som agerat ram för denna undersökning är Rolf Lidskogs diskussion gällande det brottsförebyggande arbetet, social kontroll och social ordning samt Ron Eyerman och Andrew Jamisons bok “Sociala rörelser i en ny tid” och till sist Karl Poppers bok “Det öppna samhället och dess fiender”. Undersökningens resultat har påvisat att kommunernas arbete mot högerextremism skiljer sig åt i omfattning. Kommunerna hanterar detbrottsförebyggande arbetet och polismyndigheten har som uppgift att ingripa när ett lagbrott väl har skett. Det här innebär att nordiska motståndsrörelsen, i linje med fri åsiktsbildning och yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen, har rätt till det offentliga rummet och myndigheter kan endast ingripa om ett brott begås. Detta är något som väcker frustration och ilska inom civilsamhället, då myndigheter framstår som handfallna inför nordiska motståndsrörelsen. / This sociological thesis aims to investigate Swedish authorities’ handling of violent right-wing extremist movements. The purpose of this thesis is to understand how Swedish authorities, in relation to the public domain, work against the violent right-wing extremist white power environment, and in so doing contribute to the understanding of the varying responsibilities of different authoritative bodies. Using hermeneutics as the interpretive method, phone interviews have been conducted with seven people employed by the authorities of geographically disparate municipalities in Sweden, all working as security coordinators or in similar positions, as well as with one person employed by the Swedish Police. The theories that have acted as a framework for this study are those of Rolf Lidskog’s concerning crime prevention, social control and social order, as well as Ron Eyerman’s and Andrew Jamison’s book “Sociala rörelser i en ny tid” (social movements in a new era) and lastly Karl Popper’s book “The open society and its enemies”. The results of the investigation/analysis have shown that the work done by the municipalities against right-wing extremism differs in scope. The municipalities handle crime prevention work and the duty of the Swedish Police is to interfere when a crime has been committed. What follows is that the nordic resistance movement, in accordance with the laws regarding the freedom to form an opinion and the freedom of speech, have access to the public domain and the authorities may only act if a crime is committed. This invokes frustration and fear within the civil society, as authorities often appear powerless/hamstrung in the face of the nordic resistance movement.

The counter stereotypical gender dilemma : A qualitative study about women and their experience of the counter stereotypical gender dilemma when deciding salary claims in salary negotiations

Vershovsky, Viktoria January 2019 (has links)
This study focuses on the mechanisms of women behaviour in salary negotiation, inparticular the counter-stereotypical gender dilemma, a concept this study develops. The dilemma is based on a conflict between the woman role (with characteristics such assubmissiveness, friendliness and communality) and the negotiator role (with conflicting male characteristics such as being strong, being dominant, being assertive and being rational) and is defined as the dilemma of whether to act in accordance to the gender stereotypical role or counter the stereotypical gender role in salary negotiations. The purpose of this study is thus to deepen the understanding of women behaviour in wage negotiations and in the long run contribute to pay equality between men and women. The research question is: how do women experience the counter-stereotypical gender dilemma when deciding salary claims in salary negotiations? 12 women working in white collar – female dominated professions were interviewed. The findings showed that women experienced salary negotiations as in conflict with their sense of self, this sense of self included many characteristics of the stereotypical woman role. This conflict caused women to lower their salary claims as they found high salary claims to be in conflict with who they are. The participating woman also expected backlash for going outside the woman role and claim high salary, this also caused women to lower their salary claims. However the findings also showed that women developed strategies to deal with this dilemma and contexts that mitigated the dilemma where identified.

Where do teachers teach? : Choice strategies developed by Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) in Greater Manchester

Heywood, Philippa January 2019 (has links)
The tools of Pierre Bourdieu are garnered in the present study to examine the mechanisms behind choice strategies employed by secondary NQTs when choosing where to teach. 10 Semi-structured interviews, supported by 50 survey responses, form a qualitative foundation, delivering detailed personal narratives which offer a unique insight in to the career trajectories envisioned by the most recent cohort of trainee teachers. Administrative data on secondary schools, with a geographical focus on the area of Greater Manchester, forms a backdrop of the job market, and highlights a concurrent and historical North/South divide which continues to segregate communities, schools and teachers.          Narratives of a teacher shortage prevail and increasingly, where holding a relevant degree is used as a marker of teacher quality, evidence illuminates a significant socio-economic gradient, intensifying the pertinence of the question; who chooses to teach where, and why? The interviews testify to the importance of social background, motivating teachers to pursue a best fit approach which allows them to recreate their own experiences of education and ‘return home’, a divide characterised by a preference for the academic versus the pastoral. Equally, NQTs’ individual levels of capital manipulate the ‘choice’, manoeuvring actors into positions, sometimes outside their comfort zone.

Delaktighet och inflytande : En studie inom den öppna fritidsverksamheten om tjejers utveckling till framtida medborgare / Participation and influence : A study within youth recreations centers about girls’ development into future citizens.

Gunnarsson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Young people cannot, due to their age, possess a full citizenship. But through their education, they are future citizens under development and have rights such as participation and influence in matters that affect their lives. Historically, women have been excluded from citizenship. Young girls today are thus in a complex situation where their sex and age can affect their citizenship. The aim is therefore to provide further understanding of how experiences of participation and influence are interpreted by girls between the ages of 13 – 17 within youth recreation centers in Växjö municipality, as part of the development of a future citizenship. It also intends to examine what influences the girl’s interpretations of participation and influence. The theoretical outset starts with Marshall and Bottomore’s theory of citizenship but mainly focuses on Listers four building blocks for children and young people's citizenship as well as gender and power. The study is based on twelve semi-structured interviews with girls who visits different youth recreation centers. The outcome shows that the girls have experience of participation and influence because they feel included. They view age and lack of knowledge as possible risks of not getting the opportunity for participation and influence. Personal qualities such as responsibility alongside with the social environment’s acceptance creates the conditions and opportunities to participation and influence. One conclusion is that; affiliation, inclusion, interaction with the social environment, individual characteristics and social relationships to friends and youth recreation leaders can influence the girl’s interpretations of participation and influence. The main conclusion is that opportunities to exercise participation and influence is seen as a process of becoming a future citizen.

Ungas psykiska ohälsa som politiskt problem : Kritisk diskursanalys av problemrepresentationer

Lindström, Sigrid, Lundquist, Tova January 2019 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa hos unga i Sverige har under de senaste åren diskuterats i media såväl som i riksdagen, som ett allt större problem. De typer av psykisk ohälsa som konstateras öka mest är olika ångestsyndrom, depressioner och stressrelaterad ohälsa. Denna studie fokuserar på dessa typer av psykisk ohälsa. Uppfattningar om vad som är patologiskt eller friskt kan förändras och vad som utgör psykisk ohälsa kan framställas på olika sätt. Vi har med utgångspunkt i Bacchis diskursteoretiska perspektiv på problemrepresentation granskat politiska framställningar av ungas ökade psykiska ohälsa från tidsperioden 2016–2018. Genom att diskursanalytiskt undersöka dessa framställningar har mönster över vanligt förekommande problemrepresentationer inom svensk politisk kontext kunnat identifieras. Bacchis fokus på problemrepresentationer har kompletterats med Becks teori om risksamhället samt begrepp från Faircloughs modell för kritisk diskursanalys. Detta för att möjliggöra en analys med fler dimensioner. Framtida risker är genomgående i fokus för problemrepresentationerna i materialet och många lösningar handlar om att riskminimera för framtiden genom en riskminimerande uppfostran. Politiska ideologier samt maktrelationerna mellan de skilda politiska partierna påverkar hur ungas psykiska ohälsa framställs som problem. Det finns dock en diskrepans mellan slutsatserna i tidigare forskning och de politiska problemrepresentationerna, som inte alltid kan härledas till ideologi eller maktrelationer. Både forskning beställd av svenska staten såväl som fristående forskning identifierar genomgående miljöfaktorer som de främsta orsakerna bakom den ökande psykiska ohälsan. Trots detta innebär de vanligaste politiska problemrepresentationerna ofta att psykisk ohälsa som ett problem härleds till individerna. Arvet efter folkhemmet, individualism som hegemoniskt värde och statliga resursbegränsningar tolkas i denna studie som bakomliggande faktorer till denna diskrepans.

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