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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of the socialisation of primary school headteachers from a role boundary perspective

Cottrell, Matthew R. January 2013 (has links)
The experience of socialisation for those new to headship can be challenging and often traumatic (Crow, 2007). Research into the socialisation of new headteachers is not extensive and has primarily been concerned with identifying and ordering stages in the socialisation process, for example, phases of headship. Such an approach neither allows for an analysis of the complexity of socialising influences nor does it enable the generation of explanatory theories. The purpose of the current research was to provide an understanding of the socialisation of new headteachers from an analysis of significant socialising experiences. The aims of the research were to: 1.analyse the socialisation of new primary headteachers from a role boundary perspective. 2.test the suitability of the role boundary concept as a rigorous, theoretical and methodological tool that can be applied to researching the field of headteacher socialisation. The research analysed critical incident vignettes from the experiences of seven newly appointed primary school headteachers up to their first three years in post. Data was collected using two research methods; semi-structured interviews and a written log. Twenty two critical incident vignettes were analysed using an interpretive methodology underpinned by an analytical framework based upon the concept of role boundary. The role boundary is described as being the point of delineation between a set of behaviours that are considered to be legitimate in role and those behaviours that are considered illegitimate in role. The role boundary concept allows for an analysis of the socialising experiences of new headteachers as they and the organisation engage in a recurrent, reciprocal and relational socialising process that seeks to establish those behaviours that are, and those that are not, legitimately enclosed by their role boundaries. The research found that socialisation is the process by which the new headteacher and the organisation seek to establish and position their respective role boundaries. Headteachers experience socialisation as a series of emotionally challenging interactions where the central purpose is to establish who has the legitimate authority to take decisions and to take actions in the following three main areas; task role allocation, resource allocation and the creation and application of organisational procedure. These interactions are immediate, are intense and have the potential to lead to conflict where individuals contest the limits of their respective role boundaries. The research finds the concept of role boundary as a theoretical and methodological tool to be of heuristic and analytical value in understanding and explaining headteacher socialisation and presents a role boundary socialisation theory to explain the dynamics of the socialisation process.

Regler eller röra? En studie kring regler i förskolan / Rules or a mess? A study about rules in pre-school

Olausson, Anette, Sandvik, Annika January 2010 (has links)
BAKGRUND:I detta avsnitt redogörs för aktuell forskning inom områden som kan kopplas till regler. Dessahandlar bland annat om barns fostran och lärande i förskolan samt om den pedagogiskapraktiken. Dessutom beskrivs följande begrepp: kultur, inflytande och demokrati samt maktstrukturer,eftersom dessa på olika sätt påverkar de sammanhang där regler existerar.SYFTE:Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på hur pedagoger beskriver regler i några vanligasituationer i förskolan.METOD:Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ metod och samlat in data genom self report, där pedagogernahar fått besvara några få frågor kring regler. Tjugo pedagoger från sex olika förskolor deltogi undersökningen.RESULTAT:Pedagogerna beskrev i sina svar flera olika regler och syften vilka handlar om olika områden.Vissa regler handlar om att barn ska lära sig någonting medan andra handlar om attunderlätta för barn och vuxna i den pedagogiska verksamheten. Ordningsregler är något somofta beskrevs av pedagogerna och som tycks vara nödvändiga för att få verksamheten attfungera. Det framkom även regler som har till avsikt att markera allas lika värde liksom vislutligen också kan se regler som kan ses som att handla om vuxnas kontroll av barnen.

Enquête sur la microphysique du pouvoir à l'école : actualisation, imbrication des rapports de domination et modalités d’une pédagogie émancipatrice / Inquiry about microphysics of power at school : actualization, interlocking of domination relationships and modalities of an emancipatory pedagogy

Magar-Braeuner, Joelle 07 February 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse explore la microphysique du pouvoir à l’oeuvre dans le champ scolaire pour en repérer les mécanismes. Elle s’inscrit dans le domaine de la sociologie des inégalités à l’école ainsi que dans le champ des études féministes, à partir du constat d’une faible production d’études qui permettent d’envisager la dynamique et l’imbrication des rapports sociaux dans l’éducation. La recherche ethnographique, conduite dans quatre établissements scolaires en France et au Québec, permet d’identifier les « mécanismes menus » par lesquels se co-construisent les rapports sociaux de sexe, de classe et de race en mobilisant les outils de l’interactionnisme. Le rapport pédagogique adossé au rapport d’âge, est susceptible à la fois d’amplifier ou transformer la dynamique de ces rapports selon des situations qu’il est toujours nécessaire de contextualiser pour en saisir les variations. La perspective comparative entre les pays, mais aussi entre les établissements scolaires offre cette opportunité. L’apprentissage du conflit dialogique comme condition de la démocratie, couplée à la prise en compte de l’affectivité et des émotions dans la relation éducative participent aux modalités d’une pédagogie émancipatrice dont la conceptualisation est réalisée sur la base de savoirs empiriques acquis en formation des enseignant.e.s. / Schools, spaces of multiple conflictualities, are fundamental locations of citizenship where domination relationships are created and recreated. This thesis explores the microphysics of power in the school sector in order to recognize its mechanisms. It is affiliated to the field of sociology concerning inequalities in school, but also to the field of feminist studies, given the few studies that enable considering the dynamics and the interweaving of social relations in education. This ethnographic research, led in four educational institutions in France and in Quebec, enables the identification of “Menu mechanisms” through which social relationships to sex, class and race build each other by mobilizing the tools of interactionism. The pedagogical relationship, leaned on the age relationship, is likely to simultaneously amplify or transform the dynamics of these relationships according to situations that always need to be contextualized in order to grasp their variations. The comparative perspective between both countries, but also betweenthe schools offers this opportunity.The learning process of dialogical conflicts as a condition of democracy, interlinked with the awareness of affectivity and emotions in the educational relation contribute to the modalities of an emancipatory pedagogy, whose conceptualization is achieved on the basis of empirical knowledge acquired through teacher's training.

Les femmes dans les manades en Camargue : "faire comme un homme " et "garder sa féminité" / Female herders in the Camargue : “working like a man” while “remaining feminine”

Vignon, Sophie 30 June 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse à la présence de femmes manadières et gardianes dans un monde masculin. Il s’agit de comprendre comment ces femmes deviennent gardianes ou manadières, dans quelles conditions relatives aux normes sexuées elles investissent ce monde inhabituel pour des femmes. L’enquête s’appuie sur des séquences d'observation participante et sur des entretiens auprès de manadier-es et de gardian-es : 35 femmes et 10 hommes. Arrivées dans les années 80, les femmes intègrent les manades par 2 voies d’accès. Elles sont héritières par leur père ou converties suite à la rencontre d’un conjoint et à la pratique d’un sport masculin ou similaire. Le rapport père fille est un rapport privilégié, celle-ci jouant souvent le rôle du garçon manquant. Ces femmes ont connu des socialisations atypiques durant leur enfance s’adonnant majoritairement à des activités (jeux, sports) masculines. Elles préfèrent la compagnie des garçons en dévalorisant une certaine féminité mais certaines fréquentent aussi des filles. Ces différents canaux de socialisations leur procurent des dispositions plurielles. La plupart d’entre elles n’occupent pas les postes les plus physiques ou perçus comme masculins. Afin de se maintenir dans les manades, elles vont devoir prendre les codes des hommes et montrer qu’elles ont du caractère. Elles vont se masculiniser en infériorisant une catégorie de femmes dites fragiles et dangereuses. Pour autant, les femmes des manades ne veulent pas perdre leur féminité et s’attachent à la montrer. Le féminin comme le masculin sont des catégories instables. Pour les femmes comme pour les hommes, le contenu de ce qui est considéré comme masculin ne fait pas consensus. / This research focuses on the presence of manadières and gardianes – female herders of semi-feral horses and cattle – in the male world of the Camargue delta, where the Rhone River drains into the Mediterranean Sea. The idea is to understand how these women become herders; in what conditions, in terms of gender norms, they join an essentially man’s world. The study is based on participant-observer periods and interviews with 35 female and 10 male herders. Female herders first appeared on the scene in the 80’s. They tend to enter the profession in one of two ways: ether inheriting the mantle from their fathers, or being converted to it by a significant other or through involvement in a male sport or activity. The father-daughter relationship is a privileged one; the girls are often tomboys; the sons their fathers never had. As children, these women are socialized atypically, participating almost exclusively in “male” activities (games and sports). They prefer the company of boys and look down on a certain kind of femininity, although some of them do have female friends. The different channels of socialization lead to different situations. Few female herders are found in what are seen as the most strenuous, or masculine, roles. To hold their own in the manades, the women have to adapt male codes and prove that they have character. They become more masculine, and view a category of women described as fragile and dangerous as inferior. Yet the manade women don’t want to lose their femininity; they care about flaunting it. Feminine and masculine are unstable categories. There is no consensus as to what defines being masculine for either women or men.

Engagement et mobilité sociale par la culture : étude de trois configurations politiques et artistiques en banlieue rouge (1960-2014) / Commitment and social mobility through culture : a study of three political and artistic configurations in Paris’ “red suburbs” (1960-2014)

Clech, Pauline 20 November 2015 (has links)
La thèse porte sur l'étude comparée de trois configurations artistiques situées dans des espaces historiquement gérés par des élus communistes (Saint-Denis, Nanterre, Conseil général de la Seine-Saint-Denis). Dans ces configurations, il s'est agi de mettre au jour les logiques sociales et historiques permettant la reconnaissance de certaines formes artistiques (théâtre, fêtes de ville, cirque, arts de la rue, hip hop, musique principalement). L'approche repose sur une analyse dispositionnelle et relationnelle des individus impliqués dans ces phénomènes de légitimation ou d'illégitimation artistiques. Remonter aux schèmes de perception du monde social et aux contextes de leur actualisation permet d'en comprendre les ressorts. Cette analyse a permis d'identifier l'existence d'individus politisés s'engageant dans les mondes de l'art ou dans le champ politique pour subvertir les rapports sociaux dominants. Outre l'analyse des conséquences de ces engagements sur le paysage artistique, la thèse porte sur l'étude des incidences biographiques, territoriales et politiques croisées. Position sociale, engagement et institutions locales sont dialectiquement liées. Au cours de leur engagement, ces individus atteignent les classes moyennes et en constituent une strate bien spécifique : politisée, autochtone et disposant d'un capital culturel non certifié par des diplômes. L'existence de cette strate, dans les espaces étudiés, a des incidences sur la structuration de la société locale. L'autochtonie et les essais de définition d'une société basée sur un "roman national" post-colonial sont les deux dimensions qui ont été principalement étudiées. / My thesis focuses on the comparative study of three artistic configurations located in spaces historically run by communist elected representatives (Saint-Denis, Nanterre, General Council of Seine-Saint-Denis). In these configurations, I uncover the social and historical logics leading to the recognition of certain art forms (mainly theater, municipal festivals, circus, street arts, hip hop, music). My approach is based on a dispositional and relational analysis of individuals involved in these processes of artistic legitimization (or delegitimization). The study of these processes is conducted by analyzing individuals’ schemes of perception of the social world and the contexts in which these schemes are used. This analysis identified the existence of politicized individuals committed in the worlds of art or in the political field in order to subvert the dominant social relations. In addition to analyzing the impact of these commitments on the artistic landscape, my thesis focuses on the study of their biographical, territorial and political consequences. Social position, commitment and local institutions are dialectically linked. Through their commitment, these individuals reach the middle class and constitute a very specific stratum thereof: politicized, indigenous and possessing cultural capital that is not certified by diplomas. The existence of this social stratum, in the studied areas, has implications for the local social structure. I mainly studied two dimensions of these implications, namely Indigeneity and the definition of a postcolonial national narrative.

Enculturation process : what does it mean?

Muthelo, Dimakatjo James 02 June 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)(Mathematics Education) -- University of Limpopo, 2010. / Culture has become a household name in research circles mainly due to different interpretations that people come up with. How one defines it is relative to the discipline from which one is reasoning from. My engagement with literature in trying to define culture was limited to what happens in the mathematics classroom. What comes out as the operating definition in this study is that culture evolves. Classroom is about learning. As with culture, there are different interpretations of what it means. In this study my discussions on this issue were limited to those that use constructivism as a referent to learning. However, there are still a lot of debates within constructivism in terms of what it means to learn. My discussions were then confined to what it means to learn from a sociocultural perspective. From this perspective learning is accounted for on social and cultural processes. In contrast from a constructivist perspective the individual’s cognitive processes and the classroom culture are reflexively related. The evolving classroom culture does not exist apart from the teacher’s and students’ attempt to coordinate their individual activities (Cobb and Yackel, 1998). Initially the study was aimed at collaborating with an intermediate mathematics teacher in creating a constructivist classroom learning environment. However, the nature of data I had was such that I developed interest in what constitute enculturation process. I had moved between my classroom experiences and experiences with literature to establish what constitute enculturation process. The following constructs emerged as attributes of what enculturation process for both classroom and mathematics culture entails: language, learning, and negotiation of meaning. / N/A

Abrahams barn, tv-spel och utbildning : En rapport om tv-spel och religionsdidaktik ur ett etnografiskt perspektiv / The children of Abraham, videogames and education : A report on videogames and the didactics of religion from an ethnographic perspective

Söderberg, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
The terms of socialization have changed with the development of society. Today’s modernity acts as cause for change and technology is no exception. When society change, the context of our lives does as well, and today’s transformation seem to affect young people at a larger rate than it did for older generations. This report aims to investigate the didactic potential of video games by using an ethnographic perspective on how religious symbols and religious symbolism is portrayed and exposed in a digital format. By investigating the occurrences of these aspects in popular videogames with sales over 10 millions, and analyzing the findings through literature and scientific methodologies, the paper could conclude that the videogames God of War, Assassin’s Creed and Assassin’s Creed: Revelations held a didactic potential in the aspect of contributing to the students’ own self-chosen educational process. While acting as motivational means, videogames could result in a boost affecting the motivation within young students in the learning-process that further on is affirmed in an educational environment. By taking advantage of a process the student has already chosen of its own free will, the pedagogic behind the theory may then be able to affirm and reinforce the foundation on which certain knowledge stands. Earlier studies showed that the motivational aspect of video games in education has a strong connection to young students today and the self-chosen learning-process has an important role to play in the potential video games pose in further usage in an educational context.

Japanese families in diaspora: child-rearing practices: a comparative study of 'stayers' and 'sojourners' in Western Australia.

Becker, Anne January 2002 (has links)
This thesis investigates and analyses the child-rearing patterns of two groups of Japanese parents living in Perth, Western Australia. The first group, the 'Stayers have migrated to Australia as a couple with the intention of making Australia their home and occasionally visiting Japan with their children. The second group, the Sojourners' are in Australia for a fixed period of time, generally 4-5 years, as a result of the company requirements expected of the husband/father. Their time in Australia is an interlude, an experience, an opportunity for the whole family.The research compares a number of case studies of families in both groups. In depth interviews following detailed questionnaires provide the data about the child-rearing practices as expressed by mothers and fathers in the two groups. Parental expectation of children's private and public behaviour, as well as their relevance to gender and age are explored.The findings from the survey suggested that the qualities held to be the most important for the Stayer group were those qualities that would be useful for their children to be successful in Australia. Qualities such as independence, assertiveness and using initiative were rated as being more desirable to develop for the children in the Stayer group than those children in the Sojourner group. Some Stayer families with older children had socialised their children to operate successfully in both cultures. The findings also suggested that the qualities held to be important for the Sojourner group were consistent with the qualities that the Japanese view as being valued for Japanese in Japan.

En tvåspråkig förskoleavdelning : tvåspråkig utveckling genom arbetssätt och föräldrainflytande

Khan, Sofia, Rådström, Sanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>I denna uppsats studeras verksamheten vid en tvåspråkig kommunal förskoleavdelning. Vi har valt att undersöka på vilket sätt den studerade avdelningens arbetssätt möjliggör för barnen att utveckla två språk och dubbel kulturtillhörighet. Verksamheten utgår ifrån Lpfö98 och utformas kontinuerligt i samarbete med föräldrar. Vi har bland annat funnit att pedagogers inställning är av avgörande betydelse för att barn ska kunna utveckla två språk och dubbel kulturtillhörighet. Vår studie visar att denna inställning består i intresse, kunskap och medvetenhet kring barns modersmål samt allmän språk- och tvåspråkighetsutveckling. Föräldrarna betraktas av den studerade avdelningen som viktiga för barnens hela utveckling varför de ställer sig positiv till ett reellt föräldrainflytande. Ytterligare en faktor som vi har sett påverkar barnens utvecklande av två språk och dubbel kulturidentitet är på det sätt miljön speglar verksamhetens syfte. Vår studie bygger på deltagande observation, kvalitativa intervjuer samt litteraturstudier.</p>

Student Influence during English Lessons : A Comparison of the Socialisation in India and Sweden

Kihlstenius, Therese, Thorsteinsen, Linnéa January 2010 (has links)
<p>This project is a comparative study of three elementary schools in India and two elementary schools in Sweden. The purpose of this project is to study if Indian and Swedish students have the possibility to have influence on their English lessons. The research involves values conveyed in the socialisation and their consequences for student influence, democracy and society in the two countries.</p><p>National and international research and literature concerning socialisation, language didactics, democracy and student influence were used as a foundation of this study. Furthermore, the study investigates the Swedish and the Indian curricula, and makes use of observations of English lessons, questionnaires and interviews with teachers in both countries. The method for this research is qualitative with some features of quantitative research and based in the method of Grounded theory.</p><p>The results of this project is that the teachers in both countries controlled the students in different ways during the lessons and practiced student influence only when letting the students choose between preselected materials. Exclusion, inclusion and the hidden curriculum were aspects that appeared, which are likely to teach the students about their individual values in society. The lack of student influence consequently leads to the students being discouraged to be partaking citizens. Instead, the students will learn to follow the rules of society, be loyal to authorities and to carry established values with them and thus reproduce the society in each country and make it remain the same.</p>

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