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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les dialectes des migrants : représentations sociolinguistiques et dynamiques d'intégration territoriale dans l'Italie contemporaine / Migrants' dialects : sociolinguistic representations and dynamics of territorial integration in contemporary Italy

Villa, Valeria 24 June 2014 (has links)
Dans cette recherche nous avons analysé les dynamiques de contact linguistique avec la langue italienne, les dialectes et les variétés régionales décrites par des citoyens immigrés adultes ainsi que leurs représentations sociolinguistiques de ces variétés. Notre étude s’est basée sur un corpus de cinquante interviews audio-enregistrées, recueillies dans la région italienne de l’Emilie-Romagne (à Bologne et à Forlì), et réalisées sur les lieux de travail des migrants. L’acquisition des dialectes et des variétés régionales a été considérée dans un nombre réduit de recherches dans le Nord et dans le Sud de l’Italie. Toutefois, les pratiques de socialisation linguistique qui impliquent le plurilinguisme endogène ont été moins étudiées et elles constituent le focus de notre recherche dans laquelle nous avons examiné le rôle des dialectes dans le parcours de mobilité des migrants en Italie. Nous avons analysé les déclarations des informateurs sur leur emploi des dialectes ainsi que l’usage de ces variétés par les natifs faisant partie de leurs réseaux sociaux. Il émerge que les dialectes sont employés dans les pratiques de socialisation linguistique ; celles-ci ont lieu dans plusieurs contextes, notamment dans les espaces professionnels, et ces échanges ont un rôle important dans le parcours d’intégration linguistique et sociale en Italie. / In this research we analyze the dynamics of linguistic contact with the Italian language, dialects and regional varieties described by adult immigrants and their sociolinguistic representations of these varieties. Our study is based on a corpus of fifty audio-taped conversations gathered in the Emilia-Romagna region (in Bologna and Forlì) and realized at immigrants’ work places. The acquisition of dialects and regional Italian varieties has also been considered in some linguistic studies on immigration but they have mainly highlighted the use and attitudes of migrants, underlining their role in the experience of linguistic learning in some regions of the North and of the South of Italy. Neverthless, linguistic socialization practices, which involve the endogen plurilingualism, seem to be less studied and they are the focus of our research which examines the role of dialects for immigrants in their journey since their arrival in Italy and in relation to their personal social network. We considered the role of linguistic socialization practices at work places for repercussions on social and linguistic integration in the host country.

Heritage Language Preservation and its Impact on Integration: The Case of the Vietnamese in the Czech Republic.

Chudoba, Barbara January 2015 (has links)
Heritage language preservation or conversely, a language shift (a loss or decrease of language proficiency) can directly impact a minority ethnic group's integration into a host society. Multiple theories and studies have demonstrated that students from an ethnic group who are encouraged to celebrate their ethnicity and practice their heritage language have better relationships with parents and peers and overall are more academically and cognitively advanced, less likely to commit crimes and have more economic opportunities available to them. In short, these individuals would seem more likely to successfully integrate into a host country's society. Therefore, looking at the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic I attempted to gauge the standing of Vietnamese as a heritage language within this ethnic community by using qualitative research to better understand the existing sociolinguistic landscape. Ultimately, what I determined from my research is that heritage language preservation can act as a barrier to integration for the first generation if retaining the heritage language comes at the expense of learning the host country's language. However, for the later generations, a language shift is occurring which might actually hinder integration in the long run. Keywords Heritage language,...


Negin H Goodrich (9037970) 24 July 2020 (has links)
<p>This investigation into the status of English in Iran and cultural presentations in Iranian English has two areas of emphasis. The first is a sociolinguistic profile of English in Iran in which the status, functions, uses and users of this language are described within in the country’s social and political contexts. In this part, contributing factors to the growth of English in three political periods, including the Qajar dynasty (1796 -1925), the Pahlavi era (1925-1979) and post-Revolutionary time (1979 – present), are elaborated upon to establish the historical and political bases for the second area of focus.</p> <p>The second focus is the cultural content in the locally developed English textbooks used from 1939 to the present time (2020). Accordingly, the content of four generations (across five textbook series) of Iranian high school English textbooks are analyzed based on an evaluation scheme which the author has developed. This research finds answers to the questions on the status of culture in the Iranian English textbooks; distribution of Iranian and non-Iranian cultures; dominance of cultural elements (products, practices and perspectives) in each English textbooks series; and the political and ideological influence of each era on the content of English textbooks.</p> <p>This investigation finds that the English textbooks which were developed before the Islamic Revolution (first and second generations) were highly cultural compared to the post-Revolution materials (third and fourth generations). Also, non-Iranian cultural components (particularly the American and British cultures) were more represented in the English textbooks of the Pahlavi period, whereas Western cultures were all eliminated in the post-Revolution textbooks, replaced by the Islamic/Revolutionary cultures. Additionally, cultural perspectives outnumbered cultural products and practices in the first and second generations of English textbooks (Pahlavi era) whereas cultural products dominated the post-Revolutionary English materials. This study finds that political and ideological hegemony of each era have directly influenced the textual and illustrative content of locally developed English textbooks in Iran.<a> </a></p>

Kulturologické aspekty ve výuce ruštině a němčině (na materiálu českých, ruských a německých pranostik) / Culturological aspects in lessons of Russina and German (based on the material regarding Czech, Russian and German lores)

Havelková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
HAVELKOVÁ, L. Culturological aspects in lessons of Russian and German (based on the material regarding Czech, Russian and German lores) : Dissertation thesis. Praha : Univerzita Karlova, 2011. 254 p. Supervisor: PhDr. Hana Žofková, CSc. Key words: communicative competence, comparison of lores, (folk)lores, foreign-language education, language picture of the world, sociolinguistic competence, use of lores in foreing- language teaching Abstract: The dissertation thesis deals with culturological aspects of foreign-language education when concentrating on folklores, their culturological potential, their comparison and the possibility of their use in German and Russian language class work. The thesis is dedicated to the issue that has not been either theoretically or practically developed yet. The main objective was the discovery whether folklores can be used in foreign-language education while shaping communicative competence and eventually how they can be used. The thesis comes out from general relation between a language and culture, from knowledge about national culture and its components and from the analysis of basic modern linguistic didactic principles. The theoretical part explains basic terms and relations towards related disciplines which are crucial for the issue solution as well as the communicative...

La construction discursive de la justice et des injustices spatiolinguistique.s dans le capitalisme contemporain : l’exemple de l’action et de l’organisation communautaires à Verdun – Montréal

Deshayes, Thierry 12 1900 (has links)
Thèse en cotutelle (Programme de Sciences Humaines Appliquées de l'Université de Montréal et Département de Communication de l'Université Rennes 2 - France) / Cette recherche se propose de problématiser et d’interroger empiriquement la justice spatiolinguistique en sociolinguistique urbaine. Cette dernière notion, inspirée de celle de justice spatiale en géographie et en études urbaines, permet effectivement au chercheur de devoir interroger, au-delà des « inégalités », « discriminations », de l’« exploitation » ou de la « ségrégation » observées « sur le terrain », le travail de théorisation politique sous-jacent à partir duquel il les identifie comme telles. La justice spatiolinguistique constitue également une façon d’aborder la pluralité des conceptions de la justice des partenaires de la recherche autant que la façon dont s’instituent discursivement les injustices spatiolinguistiques et dont peut aussi s’instituer, par les pratiques langagières, des réalités spatiolinguistiques plus justes. Empiriquement, la justice spatiolinguistique est interrogée ici dans le contexte de l’action et de l’organisation communautaires dans l’arrondissement Verdun de Montréal au Québec. Dans une perspective à dominante marxienne, en problématisant centralement la question des institutions, des sujets et de l’idéologie, il s’agit alors d’étudier la façon dont l’espace urbain du capitalisme avancé et la gouvernementalité néolibérale contemporaine affectent le travail des acteurs de l’organisation communautaire. Dans la perspective croisée de la sociolinguistique urbaine prioritaire, de la linguistique sociale et des sociolinguistique critique et politique, ces phénomènes de justice et d’injustices spatiolinguistiques sont observées à travers l’étude des mises en mots des transformations spatiales, à travers les territorialisations sociales et sociolinguistiques des interlocuteurs de la recherche, notamment via la méthode de l’Analyse du Discours à Entrée Lexicale (ADEL) ainsi qu’à travers l’étude catégorielle de leurs « actes de discours » contre-interpellants, « scénographies », « discours rapportés » et autres pratiques langagières critiques. / This research problematizes and questions empirically the theoretical concept of spatiolinguistic justice, developed in French urban sociolinguistics. This term spatiolinguistic justice, inspired from spatial justice as used in critical geography and urban studies, requires that the researcher inquires his own political theorization behind his use of terms such as “inequality” “discrimination” “exploitation” and “segregation”, terms that are often considered as observed “realities” rather than as discursively constructed. Spatiolinguistic justice also allows the researcher to examine the diversity of approaches to justice as expressed by participants in ethnographic research, and the way justice and injustice are discursively institutionalized through language practices. In this thesis, spatiolinguistic justice is investigated through community action and organization in Verdun (a borough of Montreal) in Quebec. Adopting a (mainly) Marxian perspective to problematize institutions, ideology/ideologies and subjects, the purpose of this study is to examine the way capitalist urban space and neoliberal governmentality affect community organizing actors and their discourse. Weaving together theorization in urban sociolinguistics, social linguistics, critical sociolinguistics and political sociolinguistics, this study approaches spatiolinguistic justice and injustice through the analysis of discourse on spatial transformation and through social and sociolinguistics territorialization. This is done through a lexical entry method to discourse analysis but also through the study of the participants’ counter-interpelling “discourse acts”, “discursive scenography”, “reported speech” and other approaches to critical analysis of language practices.

La littérature de jeunesse huttérite : thèmes, perspectives et perceptions d'une pratique littéraire

Groulx, Nicolas 12 1900 (has links)
La littérature de jeunesse constitue un objet culturel essentiel pour nous aider à cerner une société à un moment précis de son histoire, par exemple à travers les enjeux, les idées ou les grands principes qui l’animent, les changements qui s’y opèrent ou les individus qui la composent. En effet, puisqu’elle a souvent une vocation éducative, elle tend à refléter le contexte social dans laquelle elle est produite, à dépeindre des modèles ou des comportements souhaités, et à transmettre une vision particulière du monde – généralement celle des adultes qui y gravitent. Cette thèse porte spécifiquement sur la littérature de jeunesse huttérite – jusqu’à maintenant largement méconnue – et s’intéresse aux ouvrages produits par cette communauté établie en territoire canadien et étatsunien depuis plus de 100 ans et dont les pratiques découlent d’une approche rigoriste de l’anabaptisme. Le projet vise essentiellement à illustrer comment et dans quelle mesure ce genre transpose, à l’écrit, l’environnement du groupe, son identité unique et son héritage socioculturel, linguistique, religieux et historique. Pour ce faire, deux éléments ont été utilisés pour former le corpus de recherche : 1) les œuvres, notamment analysées avec une perspective issue de la narratologie, et 2) des questionnaires, construits de manière à recueillir l’opinion de membres de la collectivité et ainsi à comprendre leur vision quant aux différents enjeux (littéraires, langagiers, pédagogiques ou moraux) entourant cette littérature. D’abord, le projet montre que les auteur·es de la communauté proposent au lectorat des ouvrages où les pratiques présentées et ce que nous pourrions appeler un « savoir-être » huttérite sont valorisés et viennent conforter l’affiliation identitaire et socioculturelle des jeunes à l’huttérisme. Les trames narratives, composées entre autres par les thématiques, les péripéties ou les personnages des récits, véhiculent les grands fondements idéologiques du groupe, témoignent de ce qui est attendu des enfants, notamment leur rôle et leur place dans la collectivité, et les adultes, qui permettent l’accès aux œuvres, exposent dès lors ce qui constitue une lecture appropriée pour les jeunes ou confirment implicitement que certains sujets demeurent sensibles ou tabous. Ensuite, notre analyse montre comment le plurilinguisme unique des huttérites, qui parlent un dialecte qui leur est propre, l’huttérien, ainsi que l’anglais et l’allemand, se retrouve dans l’objet littéraire, de quelle manière les différentes langues s’y entremêlent, et comment ces livres « interlinguaux » illustrent le « parler multilingue » du groupe. Bien que l’anglais occupe dans les documents un espace considérable et paraisse reléguer l’huttérien à l’arrière-plan, ce dernier apparait comme un élément fondamental pour symboliser et légitimer l’univers mental du lectorat. Certain·es auteur·es stipulent même que leur ouvrage s’inscrit dans une démarche visant à maintenir, voire à revitaliser le dialecte, alors que l’anglais prend de plus en plus de place au quotidien. Si la littérature de jeunesse huttérite semble essentiellement destinée au lectorat de la communauté, elle ne se restreint pas à ce destinataire : elle offre, au contraire, à quiconque le souhaite, l’occasion de découvrir et de démystifier une collectivité dont le parcours original et les contributions littéraires mériteraient de susciter davantage l’intérêt. / Children’s literature forms an essential cultural asset that can help us understand a society at a specific point in its history, for example the issues, the ideas or the major principles driving it, the changes taking place or the people that are part of it. In fact, because it often has an educational purpose, it tends to reflect the social context in which it is produced, to depict role models or desired behaviours, and to convey a unique vision of the world – generally the one of a group or of a particular society. This thesis focusses on Hutterite children’s literature – until now largely unknown – and examines the works of this community, which established itself in Canada and in the Unites-States over 100 years ago, and whose religious practices result from a rigorous following of Anabaptism. The research corpus of this thesis is based on two components: 1) books of Hutterite’s children’s literature, analyzed with a perspective from the field of narratology, and 2) surveys, designed to gather the opinions of the Hutterite society, and therefore understand its point of view on different issues concerning this type of literature (literary, language, pedagogical or moral concerns). First, the study shows that authors from the community offer readership books in which the practices depict what we could call an ideal “Hutterite citizen” reinforcing the identity and the sociocultural affiliation of children to Hutterites beliefs. Narrative frameworks, such as the themes, the plots and the characters in the stories convey the group’s ideological basis, indicating what is expected of children, in particular their role and place in the community. As a result, the Hutterite community, which ultimately decides what books are a suitable reading for children, implicitly confirms that some topics remain sensitive or taboo. Furthermore, this research shows how the unique multilingualism of the Hutterites, who speak their own dialect, Hutterisch, as well as English and German, is reflected in their children’s literature: children’s literary works, often “interlingual books”, usually combine different languages, using the “multilingual speech” of the group. Although English is predominantly used in Hutterite children’s literature, Hutterites words and phrases appear to emphasize and legitimize Hutterite culture and beliefs. Some authors are proud to highlight the fact their work provides the means of maintaining and even revitalizing the dialect, as the English language is encroaching on their society. Though Hutterite children’s literature seems to be destined essentially to the community’s readership, it is not limited to it: on the contrary, it offers everyone the opportunity to discover and to demystify a communal group whose journey and literary contributions deserve our attention. / Kinderliteratur ist ein wesentliches Kulturgut, das uns ermöglicht, eine Gesellschaft zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt ihrer Geschichte zu erfassen. Man kann beispielsweise an die folgenden Punkte denken: die Herausforderungen, die Ideen oder die wichtigen Prinzipien, die diese Minderheitsgruppe anregt, die Veränderungen, die geschehen, oder die Individuen, die sie bilden. Da sie häufig eine pädagogische Aufgabe erfüllt, zielt sie meistens darauf ab, den sozialen Hintergrund widerzuspiegeln, Vorbilder oder gewünschte Verhalten zu schildern oder ein bestimmtes Weltbild zu vermitteln – i.d.R. die Denkweise der Erwachsenen. Die vorliegende These befasst sich mit der Kinderliteratur der Hutterer*innen – bisher größtenteils unbekannt – und beschäftigt sich mit den Werken dieser Gemeinschaft, die sich seit über hundert Jahren sowohl in Kanada als auch in den USA befindet, und deren Gepflogenheiten auf einer rigoristischen Herangehensweise beruhen. Das Projekt veranschaulicht, wie und inwiefern Kinderliteratur sowohl den gesellschaftlichen Kontext dieser Gruppe als auch ihre einzigartige Identität und ihr soziokulturelles, sprachliches, religiöses und historisches Erbe auf Papier überträgt. Dafür formen zwei Elemente den Forschungskorpus: 1) die Werke, die u.a. mit Hilfe der Narratologie analysiert werden und 2) Fragebögen, die die Meinung einiger Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft sammeln sollten und ihre Weltanschauung bezüglich verschiedener Themen, die diese Literatur betreffen (z.B. literarische, sprachliche, pädagogische oder moralische Fragen), demonstrieren sollten. Zuerst beweist das Forschungsprojekt, dass hutterische Autor*innen der Leserschaft Bücher bieten, in denen die vorgestellten Herangehensweisen und ein „typisch hutterisches“ Verhalten wertgeschätzt werden und die identische und soziokulturelle Zugehörigkeit der Kinder bestärken. Die Erzählstrukturen der Werke, u.a. die Themen, die Handlungen oder die Figuren, vermitteln die ideologischen Grundlagen der Gemeinschaft und zeigen, was von der Leserschaft erwartet wird, neben ihrer Rolle und ihrem Platz in der Gesellschaft. Die Erwachsenen, die die Werke zugänglich machen, deuten außerdem darauf hin, welche Lektüre für Kinder geeignet ist, und bestätigen dabei implizit, welche Themen nach wie vor sensibel sind oder tabuisiert werden. Danach stellt die Analyse dar, wie die besondere Mehrsprachigkeit der Hutterer*innen, die einen einzigartigen Dialekt (Hutterisch), Englisch und Hochdeutsch sprechen, in den Werken verkörpert wird, auf welche Weise die verschiedenen Sprachen sich mischen, und wie „interlinguale“ Bücher das „mehrsprachige Sprechen“ dieser Gruppe schildern. Trotz des großen Platzes, den das Englische einnimmt, und des Eindrucks, dass das Hutterische in den Hintergrund rückt, ist der Dialekt in der Tat ein grundlegendes Element, um die Gedankenwelt der Leserschaft zu symbolisieren und zu legitimieren. Einige Autor*innen erwähnen sogar ausdrücklich, dass das Buch zum Erhalten und zur Wiederbelebung des Dialekts beitragen soll – da die englische Sprache immer mehr Platz in ihrem Alltag einnimmt. Obgleich diese Literatur sich eher an die Kinder der Gemeinschaft zu richten scheint, beschränkt sie sich nicht auf diese Leserschaft. Sie bietet jungen Leser*innen die Möglichkeit, eine Gemeinschaft zu entdecken und zu entmystifizieren, deren einzigartige Geschichte und literarische Beiträge weitaus mehr Interesse erwecken sollten.

Estudio sociolingüístico de las interferencias fonéticas-fonológicas de inmigrantes portugueses en Venezuela según relatos de vida: una orientación intercultural

Prato Duarte, Viana Carolina 15 February 2021 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo de investigación trata sobre las interferencias fonéticas-fonológicas presentes en relatos de vida de inmigrantes portugueses en Venezuela. La utilidad de este estudio radica en el hecho de que el fenómeno migratorio es universal, en el que dos culturas se encuentran, influyéndose mutuamente, por lo que la comprensión del principal vehículo integrador como lo es la lengua debe ser objeto de estudio minucioso. Nuestro objetivo de investigación es explicar las interferencias lingüísticas en el discurso oral de los inmigrantes portugueses que llegaron a Venezuela en el periodo 1950 a 1980, conforme a la clasificación de las interferencias fonéticas- fonológicas de Porto (2009), Niño (2007) y Obediente (2007). Utilizamos un cuestionario y la técnica de la entrevista. La muestra estuvo constituida por 26 sujetos elegidos al azar. Utilizamos el Software Atlas ti versión 8.0 para identificar la frecuencia de las interferencias fonéticas - fonológicas en los relatos de vida. En conclusión, se observa un estancamiento en la evolución de la interlengua, es decir se evidencia una fosilización de L2. La edad al emigrar aparece como un factor determinante en la adquisición de la L2, a la hora de adquirir una integración sociolingüística identitaria. Este factor se muestra como elemento predictivo de una mejor integración y de una menor frecuencia de interferencias fonéticas. / [CA] Aquest treball de recerca tracta sobre les interferències fonètiques-fonològiques presents en relats de vida d'immigrants portuguesos a Veneçuela. La utilitat d'aquest estudi radica en el fet que el fenomen migratori és universal, en el qual dues cultures es troben, influint-se mútuament, per la qual cosa la comprensió del principal vehicle integrador com ho és la llengua ha de ser objecte d'estudi minuciós. El nostre objectiu d'investigació és explicar les interferències lingüístiques en el discurs oral dels immigrants portuguesos que van arribar a Veneçuela en el període 1950 a 1980, conforme a la classificació de les interferències fonètiques-fonològiques de Porto (2009), Niño (2007) i Obediente (2007). Utilitzem un qüestionari i la tècnica de l'entrevista. La mostra va estar constituïda per 26 subjectes triats a l'atzar. Utilitzem el Programari Atlas ti versió 8.0 per a identificar la freqüència de les interferències fonètiques -fonològiques en els relats de vida. En conclusió, s'observa un estancament en l'evolució de la interllengua, és a dir s'evidencia una fossilització de L2. L'edat en emigrar apareix com un factor determinant en l'adquisició de la L2, a l'hora d'adquirir una integració sociolingüística identitària. Aquest factor es mostra com a element predictiu d'una millor integració i d'una menor freqüència d'interferències fonètiques. / [EN] This research work deals with the phonetic-phonological interferences present in the life stories of Portuguese immigrants in Venezuela. The usefulness of this study lies in the fact that the migratory phenomenon, in which two cultures meet and influence one another, is universal, so the understanding of the main integrative vehicle as the language must be carefully studied. Our research objective is to classify linguistic interference in the oral discourse of Portuguese immigrants who arrived in Venezuela in the period 1950 to 1980, according to the classification of phonetic-phonological interferences of Porto (2009), Niño (2007) and Obediente (2007). We use a questionnaire and interview techniques. The sample consisted of 26 randomly chosen subjects. We use the Atlas Ti software version 8.0 to identify the frequency of phonetic - phonological interferences in life stories. In conclusion, there is a stagnation in the evolution of the interlanguage, that is, a fossilization of L2 is evident. Age when emigrating appears as a determining factor in the acquisition of L2, when acquiring an identity sociolinguistic integration. This factor is shown as a predictive element of better integration and a lower frequency of phonetic interferences. / Prato Duarte, VC. (2021). Estudio sociolingüístico de las interferencias fonéticas-fonológicas de inmigrantes portugueses en Venezuela según relatos de vida: una orientación intercultural [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/161314

Language use in industry

Ribbens, Irene Rita 09 1900 (has links)
An immense degree of linguistic diversity exists in the work force where it is possible for speakers of twenty-three home languages to come into contact on the work floor. The language of management in industry is predominantly English; while supervisors are primarily English- or Afrikaans-speaking. Misinterpretation of speaker intent plays a significant role in communication breakdown that occurs when management or foremen/supervisors communicate directly with workers who do not understand the two erstwhile official languages sufficiently or not at all. Reagan ( 1 986) hypothesized that the greatest number of problems are caused by what might be termed mutual ignorance, rather than by language difficulties. The aim of the thesis was therefore to establish what constitutes the mutual ignorance that leads to misinterpretation of speaker intent. The Hymesian model, the ethnography of speaking, was used as a model for an analysis of sociolinguistic features in factories in the Pretoria-WitwatersrandVereeniging area. For data collection a process of triangulation was used and qualitative and quantitative methods used. The Free Attitude Interview technique was used for unstructured interviews. Other methods include observation, and elicitation procedures such as the Discourse Completion Test, which were used in structured interviews. Language preference, forms of address and politeness markers were examined. Findings revealed that the major differences were found to be in the area of non-verbal behaviour. Speakers of Afrikaans and English are, on the whole, unaware of politeness markers used by speakers of African languages. Afrikaans and English speakers are unaware of offensive non-verbal behaviour used by them. It is revealing that speakers of the official languages believe this to be the very area that makes communication possible, but it is the area in which they may cause offence. It was also found that speakers of African languages have adopted many of the features of the power dominant group at work. The findings of the research are important for the development of strategies for overcoming misinterpretation of speaker intent and negative stereotyping. This research was undertaken as part of the Human Sciences Research Council's programme entitled Language in the labour situation. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

O comportamento lingüistico na comunidade bilíngüe ítalo-brasileira de Nova Pádua/RS : identidade, prestígio e estigma lingüísticos

Toscan, Mirian Peccati 09 December 2005 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida na comunidade lingüística ítalo-brasileira de Nova Pádua, situada Nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul, fundada em 1885 por imigrantes italianos. Esse grupo etnolingüístico convive com uma situação de línguas em contato e bilingüismo. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar atitudes lingüísticas dos bilíngües em relação aos sistemas de fala utilizados pelo grupo étnico-social: a língua portuguesa standard, o dialeto italiano (Coiné) e a variedade de fala de língua portuguesa local. A investigação partiu do pressuposto de que os bilíngües adotam atitudes positivas ou negativas, de prestígio ou estigma, em relação às variedades lingüísticas. Além disso, pressupõe-se que o comportamento dos bilíngües é regulado por valores atribuídos às línguas. Os resultados mostraram uma gama de valores positivos e negativos atribuídos e percebidos nas variedades lingüísticas, e esses valores orientam o uso dessas variedades. Não só a avaliação positiva ou negativa orienta o comportamento lingüístico dos bilíngües, mas também fatores extralingüísticos como situações de interação formal ou informal e a solidariedade ao interlocutor. Inesperadamente, a pesquisa mostrou um conflito de valores e de identidade lingüísticos entre os participantes da amostra. Esse conflito revelou-se na contradição existente nos juízos de valor atribuídos às variedades lingüísticas, nas duas situações de avaliação propostas pela pesquisa. Na primeira, em que o falante seria uma terceira pessoa e não o sujeito da pesquisa, o dialeto italiano é o sistema de fala de maior prestígio, e a língua portuguesa standard, a língua de menor prestígio. As atitudes positivas em relação ao dialeto italiano ou dialeto vêneto (Coiné) apontam para uma ligação afetiva entre o sentimento étnico italiano e a identidade lingüística da amostra. Contraditoriamente, para uma situação interpessoal, em domínios usuais como: casa, Capela, escola, em que o próprio bilíngüe deveria falar, os valores divergiram. Isto é, os sistemas de fala de língua portuguesa, local e standard, receberam maior prestígio do que o dialeto italiano. Essas atitudes foram justificadas, entre outros motivos, pela necessidade de domínio da língua portuguesa, pela solidariedade ao interlocutor e pelo reconhecimento de uma forma lingüística de língua portuguesa local, língua portuguesa com marcas italianas. Dessa forma, os dados mostraram que a identidade lingüística italiana é mais idealizada e/ou nostálgica do que real. Em contrapartida, parece surgir um latente reconhecimento de uma prática lingüística ítalo-brasileira local. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-12T16:34:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Mirian Peccatti Toscan.pdf: 3947798 bytes, checksum: a5d257f3d33157c295cb83d4aebe92a3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-12T16:34:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Mirian Peccatti Toscan.pdf: 3947798 bytes, checksum: a5d257f3d33157c295cb83d4aebe92a3 (MD5) / This reasearch was developed in an Italo-Brazilian linguistics community of Nova Pádua, located in the northeast of Rio grande do Sul, which was founded in 1885 by Italian imigrants. This etnolinguisitcs group lives with a situation of bilinguism and languages in contact with each other. The aim of our work was to investigate the linguistics attitudes of the bilingual speakers in relation to the used speaking systems by the ethnic-social: the standard Portuguese language, the Italian dialect (Coiné) and the variety of the local speaking Portuguese language. The investigation began with the presupposition that bilingual speakers have positive or negative attitudes, prestige or stigma, in relation to the linguistics varieties. Besides this, we presupposed that bilingual speakers behaviour is measured by the values given to the languages. The results showed a series of positive and negative values related and perceived in the linguistics varieties. Not just the positive and negative evaluation guides the linguistics behaviour of bilingual speakers, but also extra-linguistics factors as a formal interation situation or the speaker s solidarity. Surprisingly, the research showed a conflict of values and linguistics identity in the sample. This conflict was revealed in the contradiction of the values judgement given to the linguistics varieties in the two evaluation proposals suggested by the research. In the first proposal, where the speaker is a third person, not the one belong to the research, the Italian dialect is the speaking system of the greatest prestige and the standard Portuguese language, the language of minor prestige. The positive attitudes in relation to the Italian dialect direct to an afective link between the Italian ethnic feeling and the sample s linguistic identity. Contradictorily, for an interpersonal situation, in usual dominions as house, school, chapel where the own bilingual should speak, the values differ. It means that the regional and standard Portuguese language speaking systems receive more prestige than the Italian dialect. Among other aspects, these attitudes were justified by the necessity of the Portuguese language dominium, by the speakers solidarity and by the recognition of a linguistics form of a local Portuguese language, Portuguese with Italian marks. By all these, the dates showed that the Italian linguistics identity is more idealized and/or nostalgic than real.On the other side, it seems appearing a latent recognition of a local Italo-Brazilian linguistcs practice.

Speech in space and time : contact, change and diffusion in medieval Norway

Blaxter, Tam Tristram January 2017 (has links)
This project uses corpus linguistics and geostatistics to test the sociolinguistic typological theory put forward by Peter Trudgill on the history of Norwegian. The theory includes several effects of societal factors on language change. Most discussed is the proposal that ‘intensive’ language contact causes simplification of language grammar. In the Norwegian case, the claim is that simplificatory changes which affected all of the Continental North Germanic languages (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian) but not the Insular North Germanic Languages were the result of contact with Middle Low German through the Hanseatic League. This suggests that those simplificatory changes arose in the centres of contact with the Hanseatic League: cities with Hansa trading posts and kontors. The size of the dataset required would have made it impossible for previous scholars to test this prediction, but digital approaches render the problem tractable. I have designed a 3.5m word corpus containing nearly all extant Middle Norwegian, and developed statistical methods for examining the spread of language phenomena in time and space. The project is made up of a series of case studies of changes. Three examine simplifying phonological changes: the rise of svarabhakti (epenthetic) vowels, the change of /hv/ > /kv/ and the loss of the voiceless dental fricative. A further three look at simplifying morphological changes: the loss of 1.sg. verbal agreement, the loss of lexical genitives and the loss of 1.pl. verbal agreement. In each case study a large dataset from many documents is collected and used to map the progression of the change in space and time. The social background of document signatories is also used to map the progression of the change through different social groups. A variety of different patterns emerge for the different changes examined. Some changes spread by contagious diffusion, but many spread by hierarchical diffusion, jumping first between cities before spreading to the country at large. One common theme which runs through much of the findings is that dialect contact within the North Germanic language area seems to have played a major role: many of the different simplificatory changes may first have spread into Norwegian from Swedish or Danish. Although these findings do not exactly match the simple predictions originally proposed from the sociolinguistic typological theory, they are potentially consistent with a more nuanced account in which the major centres of contact and so simplifying change were in Sweden and Denmark rather than Norway.

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