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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Operation Spring of Youth och McRavens teori om relativ överlägsenhet

Unosson, Adam January 2024 (has links)
On the night between 9 and 10th of April 1973 Israel conducted Operation Spring of Youth as a retaliation to the terrorist attack during the summer Olympics in Munich 1972 where eleven Israeli athletes and coaches were killed. The operation was part of the larger operation Wrath of God. The operation took place in Beirut and targeted three high ranking PLO and Fatah members, the PFLP headquarters and three ammunitions and weapons factories in the city. The operation was hugely successful and is described as one of the largest and most comprehensive operations of its kind that Israel has conducted. The aim of this study is to explain why this operation could be carried out with such success despite being conducted in enemy territory against a vastly larger advisory in the capital of a state hostile to Israel. To answer this question the study uses William H. McRavens theory on relative superiority to explain how this operation could be carried out successfully. In conclusion the success could be traced to the extensive gathering of intelligence, rigorous planning, and preparations of the operation. Innovation, unconventional methods, the element of surprise, and a speedy execution also played a great part in why this operation succeeded.

Nätverksbaserade SF-operationer : ändrade operativa förutsättningar?

Hahn, Joachim January 2003 (has links)
Försvarsmakten skall enligt riktlinjerna omstruktureras från ett utpräglat invasionsförsvar till en nätverksbaseradinsatsorganisation. Hur denna nätverksanpassning kan påverka området SF-operationer är uppsatsens fokus.Syftet utifrån detta fokus är att analysera om de operativa förutsättningarna för SF förändras vid nätverksbaseradeSF-operationer?Inledningsvis introduceras en teori om nätverkscentrerad krigföring, vilken idag utgör det teoretiska fundamentetbakom nätverksbaserat försvar (NBF). Ett analytiskt verktyg i form av William H. McRavens -Theory of SpecialOperations- används sedan för att analysera produkten av att nätverksbasera SF-operationer.De slutsatser som dras är att nätverksbaserade operationer å ena sidan använder sig av den gemensammalägesuppfattningen för att självsynkronisera operationer och därigenom öka beslutstempot. Vikten av relativtinformationsöverläge genom skapandet (säkerhet och överraskning) och vidmakthållandet (tempo ochmålsättning) visar sig i uppsatsen vara avgörande. Å andra sidan visar sig nätverksbaserade SF-operationer ävenvara starkt begränsade av sin förberedelsefas, där nätverket medför ökat tempo i planering ochgenomförande, men kräver längre tid för övning och förberedelser mellan nätverkets olika delar.Sammantaget är slutsatsen att nätverksbaserade SF-operationer kan komma att realiseras genom en stegvisimplementering av ny teknik och nätverksbaserade metoder. De största förändringarna av de operativaförutsättningarna kommer att finnas i den politiska och militärstrategiska nivåns möjlighet till direktledning, vilket troligtvis mer är en farhåga än en praktisk realitet. / The Swedish Armed Forces have started a transition towards a Network-Centric Defence (NBF). How this network adaptation will influence the fieldof special operations is this papers main focus. The purpose regarding thisfocus is to analyse the main inquiry, if network- based special operationssignifies a new operational paradigm.The paper begins with a description of a theory behind Network–CentricWarfare, which today constitutes the theoretical fundament behind NBF. Thepaper summarizes a theory of special operations drawn from a book by CaptWilliam McRaven. This theory is then used to analyse the product ofnetwork-based special operations.The conclusions that can be made are that network-based operations use thisshared situational awareness to self synchronize operations resulting inincreased speed of decision making and in the end higher speed of operations.The importance of informational advantage through gaining (security andsurprise) and maintaining (speed and purpose) also becomes very clear. Onthe other hand, network-based special operations become very limited by themission preparation phase. So while the network increases planning speed, italso requires greater preparation time in rehearsing and exercising thedifferent parts of the network.The entire conclusion is that network-based special operations will slowlyevolve by implementation of new technology and network based procedures.The operational paradigm will mainly be seen on the political and strategiclevels ability to control individual units, which I think is more of anapprehension than a practical reality. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP T 01-03

Materielförsörjning av specialförband

Björk, Magnus January 2014 (has links)
Specialförband ska tillföra handlingsalternativ som ligger utanför reguljära förbands förmågor. Specialförband ska genomföra specialoperationer i hela kontinuumet mellan fred och krig med bred palett av förmågor. Detta ställer höga krav på en adekvat materielförsörjning som svarar mot de krav som ställs på specialförbanden. Trots detta är det lite forskat inom detta område. Syftet med denna uppsats är att med utgångspunkt i McRavens specialförbandsteori och med stöd av strategiskt vald empiri inom materielförsörjning identifiera kriterier som bör beaktas vid materielförsörjning av specialförband. Resultatet är femton kriterier som är av vikt för en materielförsörjningsorganisation. Kriterierna klustrades i fyra grupper: personliga egenskaper, organisatoriska egenskaper, metodologiska egenskaper och materiella egenskaper. Det uppsatsen visar på som är mycket viktigt är de personliga egenskaperna, utan dessa kommer det vara svårt att uppnå de övriga kriterierna som identifierades.

The enemy within : Future SOF need to fight their toughest enemy to date, themselves

Lilja, Johan January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how new risks associated with the organizational development of special operations forces should be best dealt with in a supplement to William McRaven's theory of relative superiority. The special operations’ forces structure is approaching the size of more conventional forces and a development of theories may be needed to address the growth challenges the organization is experiencing. The questions this thesis aims to answer are: How were the new risks present in Operation Neptune Spear and what were their consequences for the operation? How were these consequences managed? The research design contains a single case study based on text and process tracing methodology and analysis.The result of the thesis confirms that risk factors linked to organizational development can be traced in Operation Neptune Spear and therefore affects McRaven's theory. The author proposes a supplement to the theory in order to better manage these risks.

Relativ överlägsenhet i kriget mot terrorismen : en teoriprövande tvåfallsstudie om specialförbandsteori

Ekvall, Niklas January 2021 (has links)
In 1993 William McRaven developed a theory about how special forces units could achieve relative superiority against a larger, well-defended force. To achieve relative superiority, the unit mustconsider the six principles that in one way or other effects the result and makes the difference between failure and success. But a lot have happened since 1993. September 11, 2001 marks as a turning point in the war against terror when al-Qaeda hijacked airliners and flew them straight into World Trade Center and Pentagon. President George Bush declared war against terror immediately, a war that still is beingfought today. Since then, the use of special operations forces has increased dramatically but studies about them remains far behind. The aim of this study is to analyze if McRavens theory remain relevant in modern conflictsagainst terror organizations. This was achieved by applying McRavens theory on two cases, Operation Neptune Spear and The Raid on Yakla. The result shows that the theory has explanatory power but when operating under highest secrecy, information remains restricted for scholars and researchers. Making it difficult to generalize a theory of units of this character.

Den strategiska nyttan hos svenska specialförband

Vilhelmsson, Tobias January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the strategic utility of Swedish Special Operations Forces (SOF) at the political level. Utilizing Colin S. Gray's framework, the research analyzes how these elite units provide significant strategic benefits through operations in Afghanistan, Mali and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Swedish SOF enhances political decision-mak-ing flexibility and achieves strategic goals with minimal resources by enabling rapid and flexible responses to international crises. The analysis highlights the strategic value of SOF in supporting Sweden's foreign policy objectives and strengthening international alliances. Political discourse, reflected in parliamentary debates and official documents, underscores the strategic utility of SOF. This study contributes to the understanding of SOF's role in the broader strategic context, emphasizing their importance as a tool for political and military leaders. It also identifies areas for further research, particularly the military-strategic utility of SOF and comparative analyses of different operations.

VILSELEDANDE SPECIALFÖRBAND, ELLER INTE? En teoriprövande studie om vilseledning i specialförandsoperationer.

Mattisson, Isa January 2022 (has links)
Deception seems to be a vital part for special forces operations and a new prioritized task in the future. Despite that, is deception a phenomenon that is not taking an independent starting point in special operations theories. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the debate about the role of deception in special forces operations. This has been done by examining the extent to which Barton Whaley’s theory can explain the outcome of special operations. By analysing Operation Neptune’s Spear and Operation Gothic Serpent with Whaley’s theoretical framework, the conclusion is that deception can, to some extent, explain the outcome. The operations are opposites, one successful and the other unsuccessful. The result shows that deception is more common in the successful one. Despite this, the result suggest that more research is needed to draw relevant conclusions. One can only say that the result gives an indication about the role of deception in these kinds of operations.

Tre principer för försvar mot specialoperation

Westin, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
Den moderna vapenutvecklingen har skapat möjligheter, som rätt exploaterat, skapar dilemman för försvararen. Som motmedel har en utvecklad version av Biddles (2006) tre principer: reducera motståndarens vapenverkan, reducera motståndarens rörlighet och säkerställa egen rörlighet, prövats ur ett försvarsperspektiv gentemot specialoperationer. Resultatet visar att principerna har god passning på taktisk nivå. Studien fokuserar på inverkan av de immateriella faktorerna, i motsats till numerisk och teknologisk spets. Arbetet tydliggör att förmågan att använda, organisera och leda sina militära förband är en viktig framgångsfaktor. Arbetet visar att tillämpningen av immateriella faktorer kan förklara, variationen, varför försvaret i vissa fall segrar och i andra fall lider nederlag. Arbetet ger ny kunskap till forskningen om försvar mot specialoperationer likväl som den kan vara ett embryo till en intresseväckande debatt om defensiva markoperationer. / Modern weapon development has created opportunities, which, properly exploited, create dilemmas for the defender. As a countermeasure, a developed version of Biddle's (2006) three principles: avoid the opponent's weapon effect, delay the opponent's mobility, and, create their own mobility, has been tested from a defense perspective against attacking special operations. The result shows that the principles have good fit even at the tactical level. The study focuses on the influence of intangible factors, as opposed to numerical and technological cutting-edge. The work makes it clear that the ability to use, organize and lead their military units is an important factor, for success. The work shows that the application of intangible factors can explain, the variety, why in some cases defense triumphs and in other cases suffers defeat. The work provides new knowledge to research on defense against special operations as well as it can be an embryo of an interesting debate about defensive ground operations.

'Allå, 'allå, Sveriges 'emliga specialförband : Hur Sveriges hemliga specialförband gestaltas i dagspressen / Allo 'Allo! Swedish Secret Special Forces : How Sweden's secret special forces are portrayed in the Swedish newspapers.

Jansson, Henrik January 2024 (has links)
Sveriges specialförband introducerades för allmänheten 1997 och har sedan dess varit delaktigt i internationella insatser som i Afghanistan, Kongo och Mali. Denna studie syftar till att analysera den svenska dagspressens intresse och gestaltning av specialförbanden under en 25-årsperiod. För att ta reda på dagspressens intresse användes en kvantitativ metod för att samla in data från de fyra största tidningarna i Sverige. Efter detta användes kvalitativ textanalys, stödd av gestaltningsteorin, för att undersöka dagspressens gestaltning av specialförbanden. Medieporträttet av de svenska specialförbanden har genomgått betydande förändringar under de senaste 25 åren, ofta i olika faser. I början jämfördes specialförbanden ofta med fiktiva figurer så som Carl Hamilton. Viktiga händelser, bland annat som dödsfallen 2005 och skandalerna 2008, ledde till en förändring i medierapporteringen och resulterade i en mer humaniserad bild av specialförbanden. Trots att de fortfarande betraktas som gåtfulla, framställs de nu som en viktig del av Sveriges försvar och intressen. Medieintresset intensifierades under kritiska perioder och genererade en mer nyanserad bild av specialförbanden. Tidigare fokus på deras hemlighetsfulla verksamhet och kopplingar till fiktivafigurer ändrades mot en mer mänsklig bild. Denna utveckling av dagspressensgestaltning belyser förändringar i synen på specialförbanden och deras roll i Sveriges insatser. Studien strävar efter att fördjupa förståelsen för dessa skiftande faser avgestaltningar och deras påverkan på allmänhetens uppfattning av de svenska specialförbanden / Sweden's special forces were introduced to the public in 1997 and have since been involved in international operations such as those in Afghanistan, Congo, and Mali. This study aims to analyze the Swedish newspaper’s interest in and portrayal of Swedish special forces over a 25-year period. A quantitative method was used to gather data from the four largest newspapers in Sweden to find out the newspaper's interests. Subsequently, qualitative text analysis, supported by the framing theory, examined how the newspapers portrayed the special forces. The newspaper’s portrayal of Sweden's special forces has undergone significant changes over the past 25 years, often in distinct phases. Initially, the special forces were frequently likened to fictional characters such as Carl Hamilton. Key events, including fatalities in 2005 and scandals in 2008, prompted a shift in newspaper coverage, resulting in a more humanized depiction of the special forces. While they are still perceived as enigmatic, they are now portrayed as essential to Sweden's defense and interests. Newspaper’s interest intensified during critical periods, presenting a more nuanced view of the special forces. The prior emphasis on their secretive operations and associations with fictional figures shifted towards a more human representation. This evolution in the newspaper’s portrayal highlights changes in perceptions of the special forces and their role in Sweden's operations. The study aims to deepen understanding of these shifting representations and their impact on the public perception of Sweden's special forces.

VAD SOM ÄN KRÄVS! : En studie om drivkrafter hos blivande operatörer.

Andersson, Daniel, Södergren, Pierre January 2021 (has links)
För att hantera den förändrade situationen i närområdet måste Försvarsmakten öka sin operativa förmåga och med det, även sin rekrytering. För specialförbanden har utebliven värnplikt inneburit en reducerad rekryteringsbas samtidigt som Försvarsmakten, för att öka sin operativa förmåga, bl.a. skapat förband med specifika kompetenser, förmågor och uppgifter vilket i sin tur lett till en konkurrenssituation avseende bemanning. För specialförbanden har detta tillsammans med ett lågt utfall från uttagningstesterna inneburit en utmaning att tillgodose det operativa behovet av systemets viktigaste resurs, personalen. Denna kvalitativa studie som baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer och en workshop syftar till att, utifrån operativ personal vid specialförbanden, fördjupa förståelsen för hur utfallet av uttagningstesterna skall kunna förbättras. Studiens identifierade drivkrafter, som ligger till grund för individer att söka till samt fullfölja de fysiskt och psykiskt krävande uttagningstesterna, analyseras därför gentemot motivationsteorier, organisatoriska perspektiv och psykologiska begrepp. Studien tyder på att även om drivkrafterna för att söka till respektive fullfölja testerna skiljer sig åt, så bidrar dessa tillsammans med stödjande funktioner till individens förmåga att härda ut, vilken är avgörande för att fullfölja uttagningstesterna.  Utifrån resultatet kan specialförbandens attraktion utformas och riktas på ett tydligare sätt. Vidare kan befintliga urvalskriterier vidareutvecklas för att ur det totala antalet sökande, kunna kalla de individer med bäst förutsättningar att lyckas fullfölja och klara uttagningsprocessen. / The Swedish Armed Forces needs to increase the recruitment rate and operational capability in order to handle the developing situation in the region. For the Special Forces, the lack of conscripts has meant a reduced recruitment at the same time as the rest of the Armed Forces, in order to increase operational capability, has created units with specific skills, abilities and tasks, which in turn have led to a competitive situation regarding the staff. This together with a high attrition rate from selection process has led to a challenge meeting the operational demand regarding the Special Forces most valuable asset, the personnel. This qualitative research, based on semi-structured interviews and a workshop with operational personnel at the Special Forces aims to increase the understanding of how the outcome of the selection process can be improved. The driving factors identified in this research, which form the basis for individuals to apply to the Special Forces and complete the physically and psychologically demanding selection tests, are hence analysed in relation to motivational theories, organizational perspectives and psychological terms. The study indicates that the drive for applying to and completing the selection differ, however, both of them combined with supportive functions contribute to the individual's ability to persevere and are crucial elements for completing the selection process.  Based on the results attraction of the Special Forces can be designed and directed more accurately. Furthermore, existing selection criteria can be refined in order to, out of the total number of applicants, be able to select the individuals with the best chance to successfully complete the selection process.

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