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Konsumentattityder gentemot köp av kläder : En jämförelse mellan två olika generationers konsumentattityder gentemot köp av kläder från nätbutiker respektive fysiska butiker till följd av Covid-19 pandemin / Consumer attitudes towards buying clothes : A comparison between two different generations of consumer attitudes towards buying clothes from online stores and physical stores as a result of the Covid-19 pandemicGuevara, Arez, Basha Agha, Ihab January 2022 (has links)
Den ökade digitalisering har lett till att e-handeln ökat rejält vilket har resulterat i att köp i fysiska butiker minskat. Idag är inköpen inte begränsade till fysiska butiker, utan konsumenter kan enkelt handla via sina datorer, surfplattor eller mobiltelefoner. När Covid-19 pandemin slog till så ökade e-handeln ännu mer, och flera bedömningar har varit att e-handeln kommer att fortsätta växa efter att restriktionerna från pandemin är över. Idag är kläder den näst mest köpta produkten via e-handel utav svenska konsumenter. Syftet med studien har varit att jämföra två olika åldersgruppers konsumentattityder gentemot köp av kläder via e-handel respektive i fysiska butiker till följd av Covid-19 pandemin.Undersökningen skedde via kvantitativ metod i form av enkätundersökningar som riktades till de två olika åldersgrupperna. Respondenterna ur den yngre åldersgruppen var individer som tillhörde generation z. Respondenterna ur den äldre åldersgruppen var individer som tillhörde generation y. Vi valde att fokusera på tre möjliga barriärer som vi fördjupade oss i, nämligen tillgång till information, trygghet, samt lojalitet. Vår studie visar att den yngre generationen är mer benägen att handla kläder via e-handel till skillnad från den äldre generationen till följd av pandemin. Vidare visar vårt resultat att det råder skillnader mellan de olika åldersgruppernas syn på tillgång till information, trygghet samt lojalitet. Slutligen ämnar studien bidra till en djupare förståelse av de förändrade konsumentbeteendena till följd av Covid-19 pandemin. / The increased digitalization has led to a significant increase in e-commerce, which has resulted in a decrease in purchases in physical stores. Today, purchases are not limited to physical stores, but consumers can easily shop via their computers, tablets, or mobile phones. When the Covid-19 pandemic struck, e-commerce increased even more, and several assessments have been that e-commerce will continue to grow after the restrictions from the pandemic are over. Today, clothing is the second most purchased product via e-commerce by Swedish consumers. The purpose of the study has been to compare the consumer attitudes of two different age groups towards buying clothes via e-commerce and in physical stores as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey was conducted via a quantitative method in the form of questionnaire surveys aimed at the two different age groups. The respondents from the younger age group were individuals who belonged to generation z. The respondents from the older age group were individuals who belonged to generation y. We chose to focus on three possible barriers that we delved into, namely access to information, safety, and loyalty. Our study shows that the younger generation is more likely to buy clothes via e-commerce unlike the older generation due to the pandemic. Furthermore, our results show that there are differences between the different age groups' views on access to information, safety and loyalty. Finally, this study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the changing consumer behaviors resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.
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A Study of Weather’s Impact on Consumption of Goods / En studie om vädrets påverkan på varukonsumtion i mindre matvarubutikerKrylstedt, Johan, Weidlertz, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
This bachelor thesis in applied mathematics and industrial engineering aims to determine if and how weather affects the consumption of goods at small grocery stores. To study this, we conducted a regression analysis based on sales data from an ICA Nära. We have collected one year’s weather- and sales data and used mathematical statistics to determine how weather affects the sales for different product groups. Our belief is that weather does affect the consumption. Several large actors in the industry have some sort of consumption of goods forecast. None of these takes weather into account when creating their sale forecast. Hopefully, this thesis will provide information aiding companies in deciding whether or not to use weather forecasts as a prediction parameter. The results indicate a large effect on sales for some groups of products. The regression reveals how much the sale of a group increase along with an increase of one unit of the different measured weather factors. There is, most likely, not a perfect linear relation between our response variable and the explanatory variables. Therefore, one must interpret the results carefully. In addition, we discuss how a possible implementation affects the supply chain of a large grocery store company and the importance of flexibility in one’s supply chain. / Detta kandidatexamensarbete i tillämpad matematik och industriell ekonomi syftar till att undersöka korrelationen mellan väderlek och försäljning av vissa sorters varor i en mindre matbutik. Genom att genomföra en regressionsanalys baserat på säljdata från en ICA Nära och väderdata från SMHI kan vi undersöka sambandet. Förhoppningsvis ger arbetet ett tydligare beslutsunderlag gällande huruvida företag bör implementera väderleksprognoser i sina varuåtgångsprognoser. Varuåtgångsprognoser är något flera stora aktörer på marknaden använder sig av, ingen av dessa tar väderprognoser i beaktning. Vi har antagit att väderlek påverkar försäljningen av varor. Resultaten påvisar en stark relation mellan väder och försäljning för vissa varugrupper. Emellertid måste resultatet tolkas på rätt sätt, det visar en ökning i försäljning av en grupp varor då väderparametern ökar med en enhet. Detta skulle beskriva verkligheten perfekt förutsatt att det existerar ett linjärt samband mellan vädret och försäljningen, vilket det förmodligen inte gör. Följaktligen ska resultaten tolkas aktsamt. Utöver genomförda regressionsanalys har ”supply chain” diskuterats. Matvaruföretags ”supply chains” påverkas om de förändrar sin prognostisering av varuåtgång. Den främsta effekten är att det sätter krav på hur nära inpå en butik kan beställa innan de får leveransen. Således blir ”supply chain flexibility” en viktig aspekt för att företaget ska ha möjlighet att implementera förändringar.
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Ensuring Supply Chain Resilience in the Food Retail Industry during COVID-19 : The Case for the Food Retail Companies in Sweden using Resource-Based View TheoryJamil, Kazi Safayat, Soares, Manuel January 2021 (has links)
Background: COVID-19 has brought so many changes in the business environment and in the ways of doing business. Food retail companies in Sweden have been trying to cope with the changes and challenges and have made necessary decisions to become resilient. It is in their urge to become resilient; however, the implementation is arduous at times. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is two-folded. One is to know the supply chain inefficiencies, and the other is to understand how the inefficiencies can be mitigated through the actions of the supply chain professionals. Method: Semi-structured questions have been asked in the interviews to gather in-depth insights from the industry expert. The interviews were taken from the branch managers of food retail stores in Sweden. The analysis has been done based on the content analysis. Findings: Content analysis assisted the emergence of the factors. It was done by analyzing the quotes from the branch managers. Therefore, the relationship between the characteristics and the RBV theory has been scrutinized. Conclusion: The purpose of the thesis was to find the inefficiencies of the food retail supply chain in pandemic times. Also, it was to find the solution about how the supply chain inefficiencies can be tackled to ensure supply chain resilience in the food retail stores in Sweden. For that purpose, data have been collected right from the field where the action takes place, and therefore, the data have been analyzed. Hence, the problems have been found, and the solutions have been recommended.
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El e-commerce en el proceso de internacionalización de las tiendas por conveniencia del sector retail en Lima Metropolitana en los años 2017-2019 / E-commerce in the process of internationalization of convenience stores in the retail sector in Metropolitan Lima in the years 2017-2019Pinares Loayza, Gerdy Alexia, Vásquez Samame, José Luis 20 February 2021 (has links)
En presencia de la evolución constante y los cambios de las tendencias del mercado, es necesario buscar formas de adaptarse a las necesidades de los clientes, siendo el comercio electrónico una forma de revolucionar el sector retail, el cual se considera relativamente estable, a pesar de los momentos difíciles que ha experimentado el país. El sector minorista no escapa a la realidad de que el mercado se considera altamente volátil, por lo que el interés en torno a este estudio se centra en profundizar en el conocimiento de la intervención del comercio electrónico en el proceso de internacionalización. El objetivo principal de la investigación fue conocer y comprender cómo interviene el e-commerce en el proceso de internacionalización de las tiendas por conveniencia del sector retail en Lima Metropolitana en los años 2017-2019. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se tuvo un enfoque cualitativo, fue de tipo exploratoria y se utilizó la entrevista semi-estructurada como instrumento de recolección de datos, cuya muestra fueron seis expertos en el área del e-commerce y la gerencia de dos cadenas de tienda de conveniencia importantes como lo son Oxxo y Repsol Sprint. Dentro de sus resultados se encontró que el e-commerce, aunque no es necesario para el proceso de internacionalización, sí puede representar un ingreso extra o incluso un factor de éxito para empresas que inician actividades en un país nuevo. / In the presence of constant evolution and changes in market trends, it is necessary to seek ways to adapt to customer needs, with e-commerce being a way to revolutionize the retail sector, which is considered relatively stable, despite the difficult times the country has experienced. The retail sector does not escape the reality that the market is considered highly volatile, so the interest around this study focuses on deepening the knowledge of the intervention of electronic commerce in the internationalization process. The main objective of the research was to know and understand how e-commerce intervenes in the internationalization process of convenience stores in the retail sector in Metropolitan Lima in the years 2017-2019. From the methodological point of view, it had a qualitative approach, it was exploratory and it used the semi-structured interview as a data collection instrument, whose sample was six experts in the area of e-commerce and the management of two important chains such as Oxxo and Repsol Sprint. Among its results, it was found that e-commerce, although not necessary for the internationalization process, can represent an extra income or even a success factor for companies that start activities in a new country. / Tesis
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Liderazgo Transformacional según Género y el Desempeño Laboral en los Colaboradores de las Tiendas por Departamento en Lima Metropolitana, 2020-2021 / Transformational Leadership according to Gender and Labor Performance in Employees of Department Stores in Metropolitan Lima, 2020-2021Espinoza García, Daniela Nicolle, Salazar Condori, Alonso Enrique 04 November 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo examinar la influencia que existe entre el liderazgo transformacional según género y el desempeño laboral en los colaboradores de las tiendas por departamento en Lima Metropolitana, 2020-2021. El presente estudio de enfoque cuantitativo aplicado, cuenta con un diseño no experimental con base transversal de tipo correlacional-causal, donde se encuestó a 375 colaboradores de las sedes centrales de las tres tiendas por departamento que operan actualmente en Lima Metropolitana. Por tanto, con la finalidad explicar cómo se relacionan las variables mencionadas, se aplicaron dos cuestionarios. El primero es el Cuestionario Multifactorial de Liderazgo (MLQ), el cual consta de un total de 45 preguntas, sin embargo, para fines de la investigación se extrajeron las 20 preguntas que permiten medir el liderazgo transformacional y sus cuatro dimensiones. El segundo aplicado es el Cuestionario Individual de Desempeño Laboral (IWPQ), el cual cuenta con 18 preguntas que miden el desempeño laboral y sus tres dimensiones. De acuerdo a los resultados estadísticos, se puede afirmar que el liderazgo transformacional según el género del líder si influye sobre el desempeño laboral en los colaboradores de las tiendas por departamento en Lima Metropolitana, 2020-2021. / This research aims to examine the influence that exists between transformational leadership according to gender and job performance in department store employees in Metropolitan Lima, 2020-2021. The present study of applied quantitative approach has a non-experimental design with a cross-sectional base of correlational-causal type, where 375 collaborators of the headquarters of the three department stores that currently operate in Metropolitan Lima were surveyed. Therefore, in order to explain how the aforementioned variables are related, two questionnaires were applied. The first is the Multifactorial Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), which consists of a total of 45 questions, however, for the purposes of the research, the 20 questions that allow measuring transformational leadership and its four dimensions were extracted. The second applied is the Individual Job Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ), which has 18 questions that measure work performance and its three dimensions. According to the statistical results, it can be affirmed that transformational leadership according to the gender of the leader does influence the work performance of the employees of the department stores in Metropolitan Lima, 2020-2021. / Tesis
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La relación de proximity, trust y loyalty en tiendas de convenienciaGregori Canales, Diego Alfonso, Requejo Villacorta, Melissa 03 March 2021 (has links)
Este estudio tiene como principal objetivo examinar la relación entre la proximidad, la confianza y lealtad de los clientes hacia las tiendas de conveniencia. Según lo investigado, se pudo evidenciar un efecto positivo con las dimensiones de proximidad como access, functional, relational y social, tanto en la confianza como en la lealtad del cliente. Estas relaciones se probarán mediante un cuestionario y serán medidas por medio de la escala de Likert de 1-5 puntos. Por último, para el análisis de los resultados se utilizará la técnica de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) basado en la variancia (PLS). / The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship between proximity, trust and customer loyalty towards convenience stores. As investigated, a positive effect could be evidenced with the proximity dimensions such as access, functional, relational and social, both in trust and customer loyalty. These relationships will be tested by means of a questionnaire and will be measured using the 1-5 point Likert scale. Finally, for the analysis of the results, the technique of structural equations (SEM) based on variance (PLS) will be used. / Trabajo de investigación
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El E-Service Quality y su relación con la E-Satisfaction y E-Loyalty en las tiendas por departamento / E-Service Quality and his relationship with E-Satisfaction and E-Loyalty in department storesMego Jaramillo, Luis Antonio, Vallejos Espinoza, Thaís Flavia 03 December 2020 (has links)
Con el incremento progresivo del comercio electrónico, los usuarios tienen la posibilidad de adquirir productos por diferentes medios en cualquier momento. Asimismo, esta modalidad viene ganando terreno en el Perú y ha mostrado una evolución constante gracias a factores como la calidad del servicio electrónico. Cabe recalcar, que las tiendas por departamento en el Perú, han tomado en cuenta esta variable en su estrategia de ventas digital. A raíz de esto, esta investigación académica tiene como finalidad identificar cuál es el nivel de relación de variables como la calidad del servicio con la satisfacción electrónica, y posteriormente con la lealtad electrónica en las tiendas por departamento en Lima Metropolitana. Por ello, utilizando una muestra por conveniencia de 384 personas, este estudio investiga la relación entre la calidad del servicio electrónico y la lealtad electrónica dentro de las tiendas por departamento peruanas. Todas las respuestas serán medidas en escala Likert de 5 puntos, donde 1 es “totalmente en desacuerdo” y 7, “totalmente de acuerdo”. / With the progressive increase in E-Commerce, users have the possibility of purchasing products by different media at any time. Likewise, this modality has been gaining ground in Peru and showed a constant evolution thanks to factors such as E-Service Quality. It should be noted that department stores in Peru have taken this variable into account in their digital sales strategy. As a result of this, this academic research aims to identify what is the level of relationship of variables such as E-Service Quality with E-Satisfaction and later with E-Loyalty in department stores in Metropolitan Lima. Therefore, using a convenience sample of 384 people, this study investigates the relationship between electronic service quality and electronic loyalty within Peruvian department stores. All responses will be measured on a 5-point Likert scale, where 1 is “totally disagree” and 7, “totally agree”. / Trabajo de investigación
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COVID-19 och dess påverkan på beteenden hos konsumenter inom livsmedelshandel : En kvalitativ studie ur ett företagsperspektiv fokuserad på livsmedelshandeln.Saeys, Erik, Johansson, Melissa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: COVID-19 pandemin har förändrat samhället och påverkat olika företags förhållningssätt. Konsumentbeteendet har förändrats på grund av isoleringar, statliga rekommendationer och riktlinjer i försök att minska smittspridningen. Detta har påverkat livsmedelsbutiker, de har infört olika åtgärder och förändringar för att möta nya efterfrågan och krav från samhället. Det är därför intressant att studera ifall konsumentbeteenden och åtgärder orsakad av COVID-19 pandemin är bestående när rekommendationer och riktlinjer har avskaffats. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka olika konsumentbeteenden och åtgärder inom livsmedelsbranschen som har uppstått till följd av COVID-19 pandemin. Studien identifierar på vilket sätt dessa nyligen antagna beteenden och åtgärder är bestående efter pandemin. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där semistrukturerade intervjuer medtre olika bolag har sammanställts utifrån resultatet från fem olika livsmedelsföretag. Studien har antagit en abduktiv forskningsansats med fokus på att skapa en tematisk analys. Slutsats: Studien visar att konsumentbeteendet har förändrats som ett resultat av pandemin. Samtliga livsmedelsföretag ser numera att konsumenter köper mer produkter med längre hållbarhet. Konsumenter är numera mer strategiska i sin handling av matvaruprodukter. Ehandel har ökat som ett resultat tack vare pandemin och används mer frekvent av konsumenter. Bestående åtgärder är allt ifrån plexiglas i kassor, handdesinfektion runt om i butiker för personal och kunder. / Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed society and impacted how businesses operate regularly. Consumer behaviour has altered due to isolations and government recommendations and guidelines with the goal at reducing the spread of the virus. This has influenced how grocery stores conduct their businesses, as they have implemented various measures and changes to be able to meet the new demands and social requirements. Hence it is interesting to study whether consumer behaviours and measures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are enduring when recommendations and guidelines have been repealed. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate various consumer behaviours and measures within grocery stores that have emerged as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study aims to identify the extent to which these recently adopted behaviours and measures have persevered after the pandemic. Method: This study has utilised a qualitative research methodology, where semi-structured interviews with three different companies have been compiled based on the findings from five distinct grocery stores. The study has adopted an abductive research approach relying on a thematic analysis. Conclusion: Key findings present that consumer behaviour has changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each grocery store now observes that consumers are purchasing more products with a longer sustainability. Consumers are now more strategic while shopping for groceries. E-commerce has increased as a result of the pandemic and is now being used more frequently by consumers. Enduring implemented measures range from plexiglass at checkouts to hand sanitizing stations for both staff and customers throughout the stores.
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Evaluating the Vector Supercomputer SX-Aurora TSUBASA as a Co-Processor for In-Memory Database SystemsPietrzyk, Johannes, Habich, Dirk, Damme, Patrick, Focht, Erich, Lehner, Wolfgang 16 June 2023 (has links)
In-memory column-store database systems are state of the art for the efficient processing of analytical workloads. In these systems, data compression as well as vectorization play an important role. Currently, the vectorized processing is done using regular SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) extensions of modern processors. For example, Intel’s latest SIMD extension supports 512-bit vector registers which allows the parallel processing of 8× 64-bit values. From a database system perspective, this vectorization technique is not only very interesting for compression and decompression to reduce the computational overhead, but also for all database operators like joins, scan, as well as groupings. In contrast to these SIMD extensions, NEC Corporation has recently introduced a novel pure vector engine (supercomputer) as a co-processor called SX-Aurora TSUBASA. This vector engine features a vector length of 16.384 bits with the world’s highest bandwidth of up to 1.2 TB/s, which perfectly fits to data-intensive applications like in-memory database systems. Therefore, we describe the unique architecture and properties of this novel vector engine in this paper. Moreover, we present selected in-memory column-store-specific evaluation results to show the benefits of this vector engine compared to regular SIMD extensions. Finally, we conclude the paper with an outlook on our ongoing research activities in this direction.
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Food Desert Mapping and Analysis in the City of Youngstown, OhioGurung, Aastha 30 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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