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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den som tar sig tid att lyssna hör svaret : En studie hur sex gymnasieelever, som riskerar att inte uppnå målen för examen, upplever det specialpedagogiska stödet under sin skoltid

Strömbäck, Annette January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

”Desto tidigare jag som skolkurator upptäcker problemen, desto enklare blir det att förebygga dem” : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers syn på förebyggande av psykisk ohälsa bland elever / "The sooner I am as a school counselor detects the problems, the easier it will be to prevent them" : A qualitative study on school counselors' views on prevention of mental ill-health among students

Sundler, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
Children spend a lot of time in school during their childhood and it is important that schools are safe and good environments. Though, mental illness among pupils in Sweden continues to increase. The education act (SFS 2010:800) states that schools and especially school counselors should work with health promotion and prevention with primarily mental illness, even if the content of such prevention remain a bit unclear. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze how school counselors talk about prevention as part of their work to counter mental illness among pupils. The study has a constructionistic approach and method used is qualitative interviews, where the interviewees are school counselors.School counselors express knowledge about mental illness, but underline a need to continuously learn more about young people’s living conditions and how to prevent mental illness. The school counselors are consistent about the importance of working preventively against mental illness in school, a work which they see as unclear and primarily construct as being present among pupils and group activities. However, obstacles are perceived within school organizations to carry out such preventive work, which relate to ad hoc tasks, scarce resources, unclear guidelines and challenging collaboration with other professional groups in the school.

Iron Status of Students at North Texas State University

Orgeron, Judy 05 1900 (has links)
Hematocrit, serum-iron and iron-binding capacity were used to test the iron status of a sample of fifty-six volunteer students. Subjects completed a questionnaire to examine whether a correlation exists between iron status and iron knowledge. The sample, including 20 males and 36 females, consisted of ten nutrition majors , eight biology majors, thirty-eight other majors, and eight vegetarians. The four measures revealed that a high prevalence of iron deficiency did not exist in this student population. Other findings: sex and iron status are not related; no correlation exists between iron knowledge and iron status; and vegetarians have an iron status comparable to that of non-vegetarians.

“I jämförelsen kan man alltid hitta ett sätt att förlora” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om pressen att prestera socialt i skolan som social arena / “In comparison, you can always find a way to lose” : A qualitative study about the pressure to perform socially, in school as a social arena

Allringer, Emilia, Hagström, Moa January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate how staff in student health teams at high school perceives how the pressure to perform socially in the social arena of school affects the students and how staff prevent, or perceive that they should work preventively against this. The study is based on eight qualitative, semi-structured interviews with staff from student health-teams at high schools. The collected data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The results show that staff from the student health-teams perceived that students may feel pressure and stress to live up to some form of expectations set by themselves and others. This can lead to psychosomatic issues, condescending thoughts and self-valuations. The results also show that preventive work can focus on making norms visible and talk about what they mean and how they affect us. That can give the students an understanding of what unconsciously affects them and their well-being. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka elevhälsans uppfattningar av hur pressen att prestera socialt, i skolan som social arena, yttrar sig hos eleverna, samt hur personalen arbetar, eller uppfattar att de bör arbeta förebyggande mot social prestationspress. Åtta kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med personal ur elevhälsoteam på gymnasieskolor. Den insamlade empirin analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att personal ur elevhälsoteam uppfattar att elever kan känna press och stress att leva upp till någon form av förväntan från sig själva och andra. Det kan yttra sig i psykosomatiska besvär och nedlåtande tankar och värderingar om sig själv. Resultaten visar även att det förebyggande arbetet kan fokusera på att synliggöra normer och prata om vad de betyder och vad de gör med oss. Detta för att ge eleverna en större förståelse för vad som omedvetet kan påverka dem och deras välmående.

Skolsköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta med psykisk ohälsa hos barn i grundskolan : En kvalitativ studie / School nurses' experiences of working with mental illness in primary school children

Helgesson, Elina, Gül, Meral January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykiska ohälsa hos barn och ungdomar är ett växande dilemma i samhället. Genom hälsofrämjande insatser i tidig ålder hos barn kan psykisk ohälsa förebyggas. Skolsköterskor har en viktig roll i det hälsofrämjande arbetet i samverkan med elevhälsans övriga professioner. Syfte: Belysa skolsköterskors upplevelser av arbetet inom skolhälsovård med barns psykiska ohälsa i grundskolan. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats har använts i studien. Åtta sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom skolhälsovården i Västra Götalandsregionen intervjuades med semistrukturerade frågor. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre kategorier: Tillgänglighet, Hälsofrämjande arbete och Samverkan som är viktiga delar i det främjande arbetet med eleverna. Det finns önskemål om att utveckla screeningsverktyg för att identifiera psykisk ohälsa tidigt. Diskussion: Skolsköterskans tillgänglighet, hälsofrämjande arbete och samverkan med andra aktörer på skolan har en betydande roll och genom ett tvärprofessionellt samarbete kan hållbar elevhälsa uppnås. Studiens resultat kan bidra till framtida forskning för att förbättra skolhälsovården i grundskolan. / Background: Mental illness in children and young people is a growing dilemma in the society. Through health-promoting efforts at an early age in children, mental illness can be prevented. School nurses have an important role in the health promotion work in collaboration with the other professions of student health. Purpose: Elucidate school nurses' experiences of working in school health care with children´s mental illness in elementary school. Method: A qualitative method with an inductive approach has been used in the study. Eight nurses who work in school health care in the Västra Götaland region were interviewed with semi-structured questions. Results: In the result, three categories emerged: Accessibility, Health promotion work and Collaboration which are important parts of the promotion work with the students. There are requests to develop screening tools to identify mental illness early. Discussion: The school nurse's accessibility, health promotion work and collaboration with other actors at the school have a significant role and through interprofessional collaboration, sustainable student health can be achieved. The study´s results can contribute to future research to improve school health care in primary school.

Skolans främjande och förebyggande arbete kring studierelaterad stress bland gymnasieelever : En intervjustudie med personal ur elevhälsan

Lundqvist, Susanne January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Svensk skola och elevhälsa har ett gemensamt uppdrag att bidra till en skolmiljö som främjar lärande, utveckling och hälsa. Upplevelsen av höga skolkrav i kombination med den negativa utvecklingen av ungas psykiska ohälsa riskerar äventyra ungas möjligheter att fullfölja sina gymnasiestudier. Syfte: Studien avser undersöka elevhälsopersonalens erfarenheter av framgångsfaktorer kring skolans hälsouppdrag och arbete för att minska studierelaterad stress bland gymnasieelever. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats. Datamaterialet har analyserats utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman (2004). Ett ändamålsenligt urval har skett. N=8 från tre olika skolor. Slutsats: Studien drar slutsatsen att ett framgångsrikt arbete kring elevers hälsa förutsätter att skolans medarbetare har en samsyn gällande det gemensamma hälsouppdraget. Skolorna i studien har satt psykisk ohälsa och studierelaterad stress på agendan och det pågår såväl fortbildning bland personal som förebyggande insatser. Många insatser utgår ifrån socialt stöd men även generella anpassningar sker i undervisningen för att öka elevers förutsättningar till förutsägbarhet och kontroll. Studierelaterad stress är en riskfaktor som kan leda till psykiska besvär. Urvalet av skolorna har skett utifrån syftet att belysa goda exempel. Ledarskapet är viktigt för att ge elevhälsofrågorna legitimitet. På skolorna i studien finns organisatoriska förutsättningar för tvärprofessionella samarbeten. Hälsofrämjande insatser på gruppnivå är dock svåra att få till eftersom de konkurrerar med många andra aktiviteter som ska rymmas inom lärarnas och elevernas schema. Struktur och rutiner kring överlämningar från grundskola till gymnasium för elever med behov av extra stöd är en viktig tidig insats enligt studiens slutsatser. Likaså behovet av att införa ett ämne i Livskunskap på schemat

Ett möte som kräver handling : Skolsköterskors upplevelser av att möta barn där farhågor finns att barnet far illa / An encounter that requires action : School nurses' experiences of meeting children where there are fears that the child will be harmed

Skogefors, Marie, Sällström, Carolina January 2023 (has links)
Barn som far illa är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem där barn orsakas kroppskada, lidande, vanmakt eller sjukdom vilket ger konsekvenser för barnet både kortsiktigt och långsiktigt. Att växa upp i trygghet är en rättighet för alla barn. Skolsköterskan träffar barn regelbundet och har en unik position att identifiera barn som riskerar att fara illa eller far illa. Syftet med magisteruppsatsen var att skapa en övergripande sammanställning om skolsköterskors upplevelser av att möta barn där farhågor finns att barnet far illa. Metoden som användes var en systematisk och integrativ litteraturöversikt. Litteratursökningarna genomfördes i databaserna Cinahl, PubMed och PsycINFO och genererade i totalt 363 träffar. Efter kvalitetsgranskning och en systematisk urvalsprocess inkluderades tio artiklar, två med kvantitativ ansats, två med mixad metod och sex med kvalitativ ansats. Tematisk analys användes till dataanalysen. Under analysen växte två huvudteman och fem underteman fram. Det första huvudtemat var Ett möte som innefattar ett ansvar att se och handla – Att ha erfarenhet att och våga fråga, Att samverkamed andra och Att uppleva behov av kunskap och handledning. Det andra huvudtemat var Ett möte som väcker starka känslor – Att balansera mellan känslor och Att skapa relationer och tillit. Som en del av hållbar utveckling kan skolsköterskans kunskap och erfarenhet bidra till en tidig identifiering av barn som far illa, vilket kan skydda barn från onödigt lidande. / Child abuse is a global public health problem where children are caused bodily harm, suffering, powerlessness or illness, which has consequences for the child both in the short term and in the long term. Growing up in safety is a right for all children. The school nurse sees children regularly and is in a unique position to identify children who are at risk of harm or harm. The purpose of the master's thesis was to create an overall compilation of school nurses' experiences of meeting children where there are fears that the child will be harmed. The method used was a systematic and integrative literature review. The literature searches were carried out in the databases Cinahl, PubMed and PsycINFO and generated a total of 363 hits. After quality review and a systematic selection process, 10 articles with a quantitative approach, 2 with a mixed method and 6 with a qualitative approach were included. Thematic analysis was used for the data analysis. During the analysis, two main themes and five sub-themes emerged. The first main theme was A meeting that includes a responsibility to see and act - To have experience and dare to ask, To collaborate with others and To experience the need for knowledge and guidance. The second main theme was A meeting that evokes strong emotions - Balancing emotions and Creating relationships and trust. As part of sustainable development, the school nurse's knowledge and experience can contribute to the early identification of children who are in harm's way, which can protect children from unnecessary suffering.

Studenthälsa på distans : En intervjustudie om omställningen under covid-19 / Remote student health care : An interview study about the transition due to covid-19

Jonsson Masnikosa, Clara January 2021 (has links)
The covid-19 crisis has strongly affected people and organizations worldwide, and workers and students had to adjust to restrictions and recommendations to reduce the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Social workers have had to find new strategies through information and communication technology (ICT) to maintain communication with both clients and colleagues. The universities' transition to remote work has affected students and teachers and has also affected the work of counsellors at student health services. The purpose of the current study is to examine how counsellors employed by student healthcare services at universities in Sweden experienced the rapid transition to remote work in terms of the working environment and the ability to deliver psychosocial support through ICT to university students. The main research questions were, what strategies did the counsellors use during COVID-19 and what opportunities and limitations with remote student health care did they identify? The result showed that counsellors used different strategies to cope with the challenges related to the work environment and psychosocial support to university students during COVID-19. The limitations described were mainly about the lack of collegial support and peer presence due to remote work. The opportunities highlighted were mainly the digital development of student health care and increased availability.

Elevhälsans vägledning : En fallstudie om specialpedagogiskt arbete / Student health guidance : A case study about special educators’ work

Milic Pavlovic, Ljiljana January 2021 (has links)
Milic Pavlovic, Ljiljana (2021). Student health guidance. A case study about special educators' work. Master degree in Special education, School development and Leadership, Faculty of Education and Society, Malmo UniversityThe purpose of the study is to investigate how consultants from the Central Student Health's specialist team support compulsory school educators for early school years in relational competence when they meet students with neuropsychiatric disabilities. The study means to illustrate opportunities and obstacles that arise during the support process. The relational pedagogy and the special pedagogical perspectives are theoretical frameworks for the study. The study is about four consultants at a centrally organized student health institute and therefore the case study methodology is being used as the motivated research approach. The study focuses on the consultants' perceptions of their work as well as descriptions of opportunities and obstacles that arise when they support educators in the field of relational competence towards students with neuropsychiatric disabilities. The study also intends to show how the support is organized, implemented, and evaluated and how it contributes to the teachers' competence development in the meeting with students with neuropsychological disabilities. Since the study focuses on the consultants' perceptions, semi-structured interviews are the chosen method. The results show that the consultants perceive their support as a combination of different types of consultations and tutorials, with an appearance of the collaborative consultation (Sundqvist & Ström, 2015). The consultants identify the schools' explicit focus on the categorical perspective as the biggest obstacle to their supporting work. At the same time, the consultants identify several opportunities that can be created through successful consultation. One opportunity is the change of perspective to the relational perspective where, a permanent development of relational competence in pedagogical contexts and opportunities for collegial learning and development has been identified. It could gradually lead to a broad impact on all students' learning and development, regardless of whether students have a disability or not. The consultants also see an opportunity for consultation from a preventive perspective which in combination with education in neuropsychiatric disabilities could improve schooling for students with neuropsychiatric disabilities. There are variations in the consultants' perceptions of their work that can be interpreted based on the concept of inclusion and equivalent education, something that could create both opportunities and obstacles for the school's compensatory mission. The organizing of consultation can be presented as a timeline, in a chronologic order from the beginning to the end. The timeline extends throughout the process, from the application for seeking support to Central Student Health to the conclusion of the support work. It also contains a continuous evaluation that follows the consultation process with adaptations to the educators' needs. The consultation process has been identified as a circle where each consultation opportunity creates opportunities for new initiatives in the practical work in the classroom, but also modification or confirmation of the implemented initiatives. In this way, the effects are created at all three levels, namely conclusion level, teacher level and student level. These effects contribute to learning and development for all parties involved

Att förebygga att unga hamnar i ett "hemmasittande" : En kvalitativ studie om elevhälsans arbete med tidiga insatser för att förebygga frånvaro i skolan / To prevent young people from becoming acute social withdrawan : A qualitative study of student health´s work with early interventions to prevent absenteeism in school

Edestedt, Linnea, Angelis Lind, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
In step with the development of society, new social phenomena develop where ”acute social withdrawl” is one of them. Acute social withdrawl is a phenomenon that is about individuals ending up in a social isolation where they withdraw from different relationships and contexts, such as school. Problematic school absenteeism is something that student health works withdaily so students don´t become acute social withdrawn. Based on previous research, we find that early coordinated interventions are significant for the preventive work towards individuals who are at risk for becoming acute social withdrawn. However, we see a knowledge gap in how this type of work should be performed. Through a qualitativ studie in the form of semistructured interviews, we interviewed six people who work actively in a student health team to gain deeper understanding of their work with early interventions. The theories we used to analyze the empirical meterial are Collaboration, Systems theory and Empowerment. Based on our study, we could see several conclusions. For example, we saw that the different interviewees had different functioning processes to draw attention to the students needs, and that collaboration with external organisations worked differently in different municipalities. This is due to the availability, resorurces and willinggness. That it´s not only being meetings and meetings without any results. Based on this, we can se that student health´s work with early coordinated interventions is limited and instead we saw that the interviewees themselves, in their professional role had to find their own 3(64)strategies. In Conclusion, we can see that a group perspective is lacking inte work, as there is a lot of individual focus.

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