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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jovens e a produção de subjetividades: vidas na festa, vidas na escola

Balinhas, Vera Lúcia Gainssa 18 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:48:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vera Lucia Gainssa Balinhas_Tese.pdf: 2153120 bytes, checksum: 9b7a2b248c7bd6c24ecb183465fdafcf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-18 / This thesis focuses on the relationship between parties and school in the constitution of subjectivities of the youth. This is an ethnographic research conducted with students at the final levels of the basic education in a public school, in Cassino Beach, southern Brazil. The study is inspired primarily by the readings of Foucault and several contemporary authors dealing with the youth theme. The students pointed out to dichotomous perceptions between the school and the party: the party as a place of pleasure, fun, freedom and experimentation, while the school meant continuity, routine, obligation to do something, a demand coming from the family, a place where there is more standardization of conduct than acceptance of difference. The learning and school knowledge proved related with a promising future, engaged with speeches of sacrifices and rewards, with the postponement of satisfaction of desires and needs, and rarely with the will and pleasure for knowledge. The satisfaction in space and time appeared more linked to experiences and knowledge, which referred to the elements, contexts and festive situations. By unravelling the boundaries of the parties and the school it was possible to think and realize that, at the school, the promises that are made to motivate the pace, stumble and negotiate with the invention of other spaces and positions, with the materiality of the youth lives. / Esta tese tem como foco a relação entre festas e escola na constituição das subjetividades juvenis. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho etnográfico, realizada com estudantes da série final da educação básica de uma escola pública, no balneário Cassino, sul do Brasil. Este estudo é inspirado principalmente pelas leituras de Foucault, além de autores e autoras contemporâneas que tratam da temática juventude. As estudantes apontaram posições dicotômicas entre a escola e a festa: a festa como lugar de prazer, diversão, liberdade e experimentações, enquanto a escola significava continuidade, rotina, obrigação de fazer algo, exigência da família, lugar em que há mais padronização das condutas do que acolhimento da diferença. O aprender e o conhecimento escolar se mostraram implicados com um futuro promissor, tramados com discursos de sacrifícios e recompensas, com o adiamento da satisfação dos desejos e das necessidades e, raramente, com a vontade e o prazer de saber. A satisfação no espaço e tempo escolar apareceu mais ligada às experiências e saberes que remetiam aos elementos, contextos e situações festivas. Ao esgarçar os limites das festas e da escola, foi possível pensar e perceber que, nesta, as promessas feitas para motivar a caminhada esbarram e negociam com a invenção de outros espaços e posicionamentos, com a materialidade das vidas das jovens.

Anti-Poverty Policy as the Cultivation of Market Subjects: The Case of the Conditional Cash Transfer Program Oportunidades

Cannon, Kailey L. January 2014 (has links)
My thesis explores the conceptual underpinnings of the acclaimed Mexican conditional cash transfer (CCT) program Oportunidades as a way of engaging broader debates about how anti-poverty policy is evolving in the wake of the World Bank’s mid-1990s legitimacy crisis. I am interested in the behaviours and attitudes—or “subjectivities”—that Oportunidades attempts to cultivate amongst participants. Whereas the majority of CCT studies tend to focus on measuring the extent to which the programs “mold” beneficiaries into the categories of being prescribed by the program, my thesis is concerned with specifying and critically examining these categories. I use a hybrid neo-Gramscian, governmentality and critical feminist theoretical framework to probe how Oportunidades beneficiaries are constructed within World Bank and Mexican government discourse, as well as in external program evaluations. I argue that Oportunidades is underpinned by an agent-centred conception of poverty and that the program promotes a kind of gendered market-conducive subjectivity amongst beneficiaries. I conclude by exploring some of the implications of the CCT model. Ma thèse explore les fondements conceptuels du Oportunidades, un programme de transferts conditionnels de fonds (TMC) Mexicain acclamé. J’utilise les TMC comme une ouverture pour élargir le débat sur la manière dont la politique anti-pauvreté évolue dans le sillage de la crise de légitimité à laquelle la Banque Mondiale a fait face dans le milieu des années 1990. Je m'intéresse aux types de comportements et d'attitudes—ou «subjectivités»—que Oportunidades essaye de cultiver chez les participants. Alors que la majorité des études sur les TMC focalisent sur l’évaluation des succès du programme à modeler les participants afin qu’ils entrent dans les catégories de personnes prescrites par le programme, mon but est la spécification et l'examen critique de ces catégories. J'utilise un cadre théorique hybride qui combine néo-gramsciennes, la gouvernementalité et des théories féministes critiques pour enquêter sur la façon dont les bénéficiaires du programme Oportunidades sont construits à l’intérieur du discours de la Banque Mondiale, du gouvernement mexicain, ainsi que dans les évaluations externes du programme. Je soutiens qu’il y a, dans le programme Oportunidades, une conception sous-entendu de la pauvreté centrée sur les comportements des individus et que le programme promeut une subjectivité sexuée des bénéficiaires qui facilite leur participation au marché. Je conclus en explorant quelques implications du modèle TMC.

Teaching with Social Media: A Multiple Case Foucaudian Discourse Analysis of Participatory and Egalitarian Potential

Meabon Bartow, Susan L. 02 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Farm animal welfare and sustainability

Hodge, Alison January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with acknowledging farm animals and their co-presence in the more-than-human space of the livestock farm, and with accounting for them responsibly in sustainability debates. The enrolment of farm animals as actors in political agendas for environmental sustainability, and farm animal welfare suggests that there are new ways of seeing and being with farm animals that permit their relational presence and recognise their subjectivity. Indeed geographers have in recent years acknowledged animals and their relations with humans, and they have begun to recognise the nature of animal subjectivies. However, within the fundamental rethinking of animals that has been provoked by these discussions, I suggest that farm animals have remained relatively invisible. Occupying ethically confusing terrain, farm animals have nonetheless been visible in a set of philosophical positions regarding their moral status, yet these debates present a rather confusing picture in which the farm animal as an individual is conspicuous by its absence. In seeking to redress the invisibility of farm animals within these debates, and recast them in relation to humans and the broader farm ecology, this thesis attempts to set out an epistemological and methodological framework through which farm animals might become visible as individual fleshy beings. Drawing on the concept of agricultural stewardship and new agendas in farm animal welfare science, it makes use of new methodological tools that have emerged in the social sciences to conduct a relational study of the livestock farm; a study in which farm animals themselves participate. It also considers how the divisions that have been constructed between humans, farm animals and the environment can be reconfigured as a more unified political science of the livestock farm.


LUCIANA FERREIRA BARCELLOS 16 July 2007 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a experiência atual de jovens, provenientes dos cursos pré-vestibulares comunitários, como estudantes universitários, na PUC-Rio. Através do projeto Bolsa de Ação Social, desde 1994, a Universidade vem possibilitando a formação gratuita de jovens impossibilitados de custear o curso superior. Este projeto tem propiciado um cenário de convivência com a diferença, onde trajetórias de vida distintas seriam confrontadas diariamente, redimensionando valores e paradigmas. A pesquisa foi realizada através de entrevistas com os jovens bolsistas − de uma pluralidade de cursos e áreas do conhecimento − e da observação- itinerante. Optou-se por privilegiar os jovens oriundos dos cursos pré-vestibulares comunitários, apostando que, as propostas político-pedagógicas, de alguns destes cursos, promovem mudanças nas concepções e no posicionamento dos jovens frente ao mundo. Os autores Michel de Certeau e Mikhail Bakhtin serviram como referenciais de base para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa e para a análise do material obtido. Em um espaço estruturado em função de um perfil específico de alunado, estes jovens forasteiros criam seus próprios trajetos e se apropriam, criativamente, do espaço de modos particulares. Táticas coletivas (e/ou individuais) são utilizadas para o enfrentamento dos obstáculos e impasses que se colocam no cotidiano acadêmico. Se, de um lado, corroboram velhos paradigmas e concepções, de outro, são surpreendidos e os re-significam. Os jovens afetam e são, simultaneamente, afetados pelo novo espaço. Constroem-se novas identidades e novos processos de subjetivação. / [en] The present study aims to analyze the lives experiences of contemporary university students of PUC-Rio from community pre-university preparatory courses. Since 1994, through the project Bolsa de Ação Social, this university promotes the graduation of the students from this courses providing full scholarship due to their difficulty to finance their own study. This project allows the formation of a co- living scenario that stirs different and confronting lifetime histories leading to changes in values and paradigms concepts. This investigation was enrolled through individual interviews with students of different knowledge areas with the history above, and from itinerant- observation. This group of students was selected due to the belief that the political and pedagogical proposals of their courses promotes reevaluation of the concepts and of the place occupied by these students front the world. Important authors such as Michel de Certeau and Mikhail Bakhtin were the basis for the development of research and analysis of data obtained. In an environment structured according to a specific group of students profile, these foreign students creates pathways and creatively occupies places with particular means. Collective tactics (and/or individual), are utilized to face obstacles of the academic quotidian. Ether way they corroborate old paradigms and concepts or are surprised and remodel them. Students affect and are self affected by this new environment in which new identities and subjectivities process are constructed.


LUCIANA FERREIRA BARCELLOS 23 July 2013 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar as práticas cotidianas a partir da implementação da política de reserva de vagas na UERJ. A política foi implementada nas universidades publicas brasileiras no conjunto mais amplo de ações afirmativas no ensino superior no Brasil, estando entre as pioneiras, a UNB (2002); UNEB (2003) e UERJ (2002). Os recortes contemplados pela política são vários, e os critérios de ingresso são estabelecidos de acordo com cada universidade, incluindo a autodeclaração, comissão de avaliação, fotografia, descendência, etc. A pesquisa pretendeu investigar as práticas cotidianas na UERJ a partir da política de reserva de vagas, que adota como recortes a raça e a condição socioeconômica, cujo critério de ingresso foi a autodeclaração. Estruturou-se uma política de assistência estudantil através do Proiniciar e da concessão de bolsa-permanência e do kit_cotista para custeio de gastos básicos para a formação do estudante ingressantes pela reserva de vagas. A UERJ fala pelas paredes: este é modo de comunicação entre os sujeitos da UERJ que torna esta instituição peculiar. Sendo assim, proposta metodológica utiliza o registro de imagens-fotográficas de cartazes, informes, desenhos espalhados pelas paredes da universidade e a entrevista como etapa suprasequente, pondo em diálogo as imagens expostas na UERJ, o pesquisador e os sujeitos da pesquisa – grupos e/ou sujeitos ativos politicamente e participantes do cotidiano da instituição – estudantes, cotistas e não-cotistas, funcionários, movimentos estudantis e representações dos cursos de graduação. Entende-se entrevista como um espaço de produção de sentidos e interdiscursividade como a possibilidade de trazer à tona a rede ideológica e de forças que compõem e atravessam as relações e experiências dos sujeitos da UERJ a partir da experiência da reserva de vagas. / [en] The study aims to present the research conducted at UERJ in order to investigate the current experiences of subjects, from the advent of the policy for vacancies reservation in this institution (implemented since 2003). This institution is the pioneer in implementing the policy of vacancies quota reservation in the country. Although different criteria have been established via a quota system - racial, public schools, among others - the triggering factor of greater polemic and controversy was the use of racial cut-off. UERJ talks though walls. The specificity of communication modes and transmission of information by the institution raised a methodology where the researcher was pointed toward the walls, murals, corridors and institutes surroundings. Traces of the signs left by the records of the subjects at the university are followed by the researcher during random walk (for six months 600 hundred images were photographically registered). The researcher, the research subjects and photographic images, interact at the time of interview, the same being understood as a space for the construction of meaning mediated by language. What the policy for vacancies quota reservation made exist at the university and everyday practices that were triggered by the experience? These and other questions guided the research and identified ways and thoughts, especially in the field of social psychology, sociocritical perspective. The authors Michel de Certeau, M. Bakhtin, F. Guattari and M. Foucault helped to reflect on the construction of subjectivity and everyday practices through the implementation of a policy of affirmative action, the themes for it triggered and the micropolitical effects of its consolidation in the scenario of Brazilian higher education.

Comunicação, consumo e envelhecimento prét-á-porter : Jane Fonda e o ideal de envelhecimento bem-sucedido / Communication, consumption and aging pre-a-porter: Jane Fonda and the ideal of successful aging

Terenzzo, Kareen Regina 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2017-11-13T14:43:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 KAREEN TERENZZO.pdf: 2130706 bytes, checksum: 07f06cb97f9d0f8e25232b4cebd13d9c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2017-11-13T14:44:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 KAREEN TERENZZO.pdf: 2130706 bytes, checksum: 07f06cb97f9d0f8e25232b4cebd13d9c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Cristina Ropero (ana@espm.br) on 2017-11-22T12:54:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 KAREEN TERENZZO.pdf: 2130706 bytes, checksum: 07f06cb97f9d0f8e25232b4cebd13d9c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-22T13:01:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KAREEN TERENZZO.pdf: 2130706 bytes, checksum: 07f06cb97f9d0f8e25232b4cebd13d9c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / This research has the theme of female aging in contemporary times: the debate on the subject and its growing media presence through based on assumptions that attribute the responsibility of "aging well" to the self-management of the individual. It is a pedagogy of behaviors that will utter lifestyles and ways to age successfully. From the representations in the media that not take into account the aging in their differences and diversities, we use the term "ready-to-wear aging", to designate an aging model idealized to serve all women, indiscriminately. We understand that this ideal of aging has its basis in the spirit of time in the historical interface that the transformations of modernity and its interconnections between communication and consumption, which alt ered the way of living and consuming. To anchor our research, we chose as empirical object the actress and celebrity Jane Fonda, that turned into author of self-help and is willing to serve as a model for what she calls "the third act of life "- a self-management project to age" well "and" live life fully "in the maturity. The research is supported by three main axes: communication and consumption, subjectivities and female aging. The discussion is based on the contributions of the cultural studies, from celebrity studies; aging studies; feminist studies and studies that relate communication, consumption and entertainment to critically analyze the empirical corpus selected. From the reflective analysis we present a selection of materials in which Fonda appears as a mentor and model of aging considered "successful" based on the youth imperative and the project of self-management of the modern self. In conclusion, Jane Fonda's trajectory is presented in in harmony with capitalism - its socioeconomic configuration of neoliberal society - and the social project based on the management of the "entrepreneurial self". / Esta pesquisa tem como tema o envelhecimento feminino na contemporaneidade: o debate social sobre o assunto e sua crescente presença midiática por meio de narrativas imagéticas positivas e apoiadas em premissas que atribuem a responsabilidade de “envelhecer bem” à autogestão do indivíduo. Trata-se de uma pedagogia de comportamentos que irão proferir estilos de vida e modos de envelhecer com sucesso. A partir das representações na mídia que costumam não levar em conta o envelhecimento em suas diferenças e diversidades, utilizamos a expressão “envelhecimento prêt-à-porter”, para designar um modelo de envelhecimento idealizado que se propõe a servir a todas as mulheres, indiscriminadamente. Entendemos que esse ideal de envelhecimento tem suas bases no espírito do tempo na interface histórica que conduziu as transformações da modernidade e suas interligações entre comunicação e consumo, as quais alteraram o modo de viver e consumir. Para ancorar nossa pesquisa, elegemos como objeto empírico a atriz e celebridade Jane Fonda, que se transformou em autora de autoajuda e se dispõe a servir como modelo para o que ela chama de “o terceiro ato da vida” – um projeto de autogestão para envelhecer “bem” e “viver a vida plenamente” na maturidade. A pesquisa está apoiada em três eixos principais: comunicação e consumo, subjetividades e o envelhecimento feminino. A discussão se fundamenta à luz dos aportes dos estudos culturais, dos estudos de celebridades; estudos do envelhecimento; estudos feministas e estudos que relacionam comunicação, consumo e entretenimento para analisar criticamente o corpus empírico selecionado. A partir da análise de cunho reflexivo apresentamos uma seleção de materiais nos quais Fonda se afigura como mentora e modelo do envelhecimento considerado “bem-sucedido” fundamentado no imperativo da juventude e no projeto de autogestão do eu moderno. Como conclusão, se apresenta a trajetória de Jane Fonda em sintonia com o capitalismo - sua configuração socioeconômica da sociedade neoliberal - e o projeto social alicerçado na gestão do “eu empreendedor”.

Experiências de estudantes na construção do conhecimento de derivada em aulas de cálculo 1

Junqueira, Sonia Maria da Silva 15 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:57:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sonia Maria da Silva Junqueira.pdf: 2968664 bytes, checksum: 244305f9a82500e6330e73d3d5b791a2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Aiming to point the possibilities of students experiences in Calculus 1 classes, specifically regarding the derivative content, the theoretical choices were conducted around the dialogic relationship of Buber, the inter-human relationship, and also from the choices that lead the human life according Bauman e May and the dimension of the experience of Larrosa, the field of subjectivity in which the problematic Calculus 1 lies. A qualitative with quantitative data survey was delineated having interpretative and descriptive aspects through which a content analysis was planned Bardin and carried out with 186 students majoring engineering, mathematics, physics and chemistry enrolled in a Public Federal University. The data collection was done through three different approaches, the first and the second revealed subjective hypothesis identified from the investigated subjects talk, and the third, conducted by representations shown in Initial Concept Maps. It was concluded that the experience in Calculus 1 classes has been of reciprocity, in a two-way action that includes contents and subjects of the experience; of singleness, by the subjectivity and identity of each subject; of unpredictability, by the uncertainties, dangers and possibilities of the experience; of temporality, because it dispenses the recognition of distinct time and space to the subjects of the experience. The investigated subjects showed aspects apparently contradictory that however, denoted complementarities. They showed that students who had a weaker base in mathematics reached as many positive results as the negative ones, and that personal goals contributed to the adaptation and development in the school subject, showing aspects of co-responsibilities although they were not the same among the subjects, revealing marks of a process particular in choices as well. Yet, it was highlighted that the strengthening of the transparency mechanism and institutional communication could contribute to the process of development of those subjects. Facing Calculus 1, the students showed emotions, feelings. Facing the derivative they were incipient. However, they revealed marks of experiences that consolidate themselves in the construction of knowledge / Com o objetivo de apontar possibilidades de experiências de estudantes em aulas de Cálculo 1, especificamente, em relação ao conteúdo Derivada, as escolhas teóricas foram conduzidas em torno da relação dialógica de Buber, a relação inter-humana, também das escolhas que conduzem a vida humana Bauman e May e da dimensão da experiência de Larrosa, o campo de subjetividades no qual se assenta a problemática do Cálculo 1. Delineou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa com dados quantitativos, com aspectos interpretativos e descritivos, por meio dos quais se planejou uma análise de conteúdo constituída junto a 186 estudantes de cursos de Engenharias e Licenciaturas, matriculados em uma Universidade Pública Federal. A coleta de dados ocorreu em três abordagens, sendo a primeira e segunda reveladoras de hipóteses subjetivas identificáveis a partir dos relatos dos sujeitos investigados, e a terceira, conduzida por representações exteriorizadas em Mapas Conceituais Iniciais. Concluiu-se que a experiência em aulas de Cálculo 1 tem sentidos de reciprocidade, na ação de mão dupla que engloba conteúdos e sujeitos da experiência; de unicidade, pela subjetividade e identidade de cada sujeito; de imprevisibilidade, pelas incertezas, perigos e possibilidades da experiência; de temporalidade, pois prescinde o reconhecimento de tempos e espaços distintos aos sujeitos da experiência. Os sujeitos investigados deixaram transparecer aspectos aparentemente contraditórios, que, todavia, denotaram complementaridades. Apontaram que estudantes com uma base mais fraca em Matemática alcançaram tanto resultados positivos quanto negativos, e que buscas pessoais contribuíram em favor da adaptação e desenvolvimento na disciplina, demonstrando aspectos de corresponsabilidades, embora não unânimes entre os sujeitos, revelando também marcas de um processo particular de escolhas. Ainda, evidenciou-se que o fortalecimento de mecanismos de transparência e de comunicação institucionais pode contribuir para o processo de formação desses sujeitos. Diante do Cálculo 1, os estudantes revelaram emoções, sentimentos. Diante da Derivada se mostraram incipientes, entretanto, revelaram marcas de experiências que se consolidam na construção desse conhecimento

Décolonisation des subjectivités et renaissance africaine : critique et réforme de la modernité chez Scholastique Mukasonga, Ngugi wa Thiong’o et Valentin-Yves Mudimbe / Decolonization of subjectivities and african renaissance : criticism and reform of modernity by Scholastique Mukasonga, Ngugi wa Thiong'o and Valentin-Yves Mudimbe

Boizette, Pierre 21 May 2019 (has links)
L’institutionnalisation des études postcoloniales et l’essor récent du champ décolonial ont mis en évidence la reconnaissance dont bénéficient aujourd’hui les intellectuels issus d’anciens territoires colonisés. Parmi eux, Ngugi wa Thiong’o et Valentin-Yves Mudimbe sont des figures respectées dont les écrits, aussi bien théoriques que fictionnels, cherchent à résoudre les crises générées par l’expérience coloniale. Conscients que celle-ci ne s’est pas achevée avec la vague des indépendances, ils maintiennent éveillé dans leurs œuvres le désir utopique qu’elles avaient vu naître, celui de concevoir un monde nouveau où les relations entre les peuples et les individus seraient renégociées, et ce, malgré les désillusions de la période qui leur succéda. Pourtant, la survenue, en 1994, du génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda aurait bien pu symboliser l’échec de leurs entreprises de détachement épistémique avec la modernité occidentale. Celui-ci consistait en effet en la réitération, sur le continent africain, d’un crime semblable à celui qui avait poussé nombre d’intellectuels à vouloir rompre avec l’ordre dont la Shoah était la conséquence. Néanmoins, bien au contraire, les textes de Scholastique Mukasonga témoignent de la reprise de l’impératif formulé par Ngugi wa Thiong’o et Valentin-Yves Mudimbe, à savoir le besoin de parvenir à une décolonisation des subjectivités pour initier une renaissance africaine. L’étude de chacune de leurs trajectoires a pour ambition de montrer la complémentarité de ces deux processus dans leurs œuvres qui, séparément, ouvrent la voie à de multiples futurs possibles pour l’humanité. / The institutionalization of postcolonial studies and the recent development of decolonial studies have highlighted the recognition that intellectuals from former colonized territories enjoy today. Among them, Ngugi wa Thiong'o and Valentin-Yves Mudimbe are respected figures whose writings, both theoretical and fictional, seek to resolve the crises generated by the colonial experience. Aware that this did not end with the wave of independence, they kept alive in their works the utopian desire, that of conceiving a new world where relations between peoples and individuals would be renegotiated, despite the disappointments of the postcolonial regimes. However, the 1994 genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda could well have symbolized the failure of their epistemic detachment efforts with Western modernity. This consisted in the repetition, on the African continent, of a crime similar to the one that had pushed many intellectuals to want to break with the order of which the Shoah was the consequence. On the contrary, Scholastique Mukasonga's texts bear witness to the repetition of the imperative formulated by Ngugi wa Thiong'o and Valentin-Yves Mudimbe, namely the need to achieve a decolonization of subjectivities to initiate an African renaissance. The study of each of their trajectories aims to show the complementarity of these two processes in their works which, separately, open the way to multiple possible futures for humanity.

論述的眾生相:《尤利西斯》中女性角色主體光譜之研究 / Multiple Discursive Lives: A Spectrum of Women's Subjectivities in Ulysses

黃郁珺, Huang, Yu-chun Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的目的在於討論詹姆斯˙喬伊斯(James Joyce)的小說《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)中對女性角色的描摹與傅柯(Michel Foucault)思想中所關切的議題:論述(discourse)、知識與權力、個體主體性之間的相互作用,並且論證喬伊斯的小說充分落實及展演傅柯的理論表述。透過研究小說中女性角色以何種形貌出現在1904年的都柏林與思考他們如何被形塑成為其樣貌,我發現喬伊斯呈現出一道女性主體之光譜,在此光譜中,不同女性角色面對著論述力量的運作,映照出不同程度的個體主體性。更重要的是,喬伊斯對這些角色的處理預示了傅柯念茲在茲的獨立且自決的個體主體性能夠出現的可能。本論文的第一、二章著重討論論述的規範化(normalization)機制,憑藉規範化的技術,任何特定的言說論述得以確立合法性地位,並且於已被規範化的個體身上展現其權力效應(power-effect)。第一章論證愛爾蘭國族主義的論述展現如同傅柯理論中所探討的論述之規範化力量,控制並且充分利用小說的太陽神牛(“Oxen of the Sun”)該章中的產婦普里福伊太太(Mrs Purefoy)之馴服的身體,本章的討論說明,龐大論述的網絡中女性個體主體性的完全臣服且消匿無蹤。第二章藉由格蒂(Gerty)與二位奧蒙德飯店酒吧的女侍(Ormond barmaids)與論述言說的互動,討論個體主體性形成的過程所涉及到論述力量的影響,論述施加於此三位角色身上的既是個體化(individualization)的力量又同時發揮規範化的效果。第三章的討論落實傅柯對「真理」(truth)不證自明的真實性(truthfulness)的質疑和批判。莫莉(Molly)在小說最終章的獨語,表現出她面對論述力量宰制時足以獨立思考且批判的主體性,就此而言,喬伊斯對莫莉的處理合乎傅柯對個體獨立的主體性之期待。這樣的光譜式研究,目的並非在於塑造個體主體性的刻板典型(stereotype),而是將此一光譜視為個體主體性出現的種種可能性與可行的面貌。藉由喬伊斯小說與傅柯理論的對話,我期望《尤利西斯》中女性角色的主體性這道光譜,能夠於討論個體主體性之相關議題時,提供某種程度上可行的解決之道。 / The goal of my thesis is to argue that Joyce’s portrayal of the female characters in Ulysses fleshes out Foucault’s theoretical formulation of the interplay of discourse, power and knowledge, and individual subjectivity. Studying the appearances of the female citizens in 1904’s Dublin and how they are shaped into such appearances, I argue that Joyce’s characterization demonstrates Foucauldian distrust of the discursively elaborated truth (truthful knowledge) and anxiety about the encompassing exercise of power and discourse functioning in an individual’s sense of self and subjectivity. More importantly, Joyce envisions a spectrum of subjectivities in his delineation of these Irishwomen—the spectrum that expresses distinct degrees of subjectivities formed in different individuals in the face of various discursive practices incessantly entrenching and shaping their lives. In this spectrum, Joyce also prefigures the actualization of Foucauldian struggle for the coming about of a self-determined and autonomous subjectivity in an individual against the ubiquitous discursive dominations. Chapter One and Two focus on the normalization mechanism of discourse and the discursive power-effect achieved in the individual. In Chapter One, the discussion is to demonstrate how the discourse of Irish nationalism incorporates what Foucault theorizes about the normalizing technologies by means of which a specific discourse attains its discursive effect and exerts coercion upon the individual. The lying-in Mrs Purefoy in “Oxen of the Sun” represents the subjection and omni-disappearance of the individual’s subjectivity within the discursive network. Chapter Two stresses the simultaneously individualizing and normalizing forces of discursive power concerning the making of an individual subjectivity. With their interactive gestures and responses to discourses, Gerty and the two Ormond barmaids seem to have attained the individual identity of her own, whereas the presumable individuality of theirs is still enveloped in the process of normalization. Foucault’s critical attitude towards the “truthfulness” of the so-called truth and the neutrality of any seemingly truthful knowledge finds a counterpart in Molly’s soliloquy in “Penelope”—the finale of Ulysses. Discourse as a construct on which Foucault insists is incorporated in the interrogative attitude that Molly has towards the ostensibly neutral discursive statements. Molly’s actions and thoughts register her subversive and resistant gestures towards the imposing discursive practices. She would epitomize the possible actualization of the Foucauldian prospect of an autonomous and self-determined subjectivity taking form in the individual. From the omni-subjection of an individual to the individuality within normalization and to the coming forth of the individual’s subjectivity, my discussions of Mrs Purefoy, of Gerty and the two Ormond barmaids, and of Molly comprise a spectrum showing distinct power-effect demonstrated respectively in these women through discursive practice. My study does not intend to stereotype the result of discursive practice imposed upon these women by locating these female characters in such a spectrum of subjectivities. Rather, I see the spectrum as a multiplicity of subjectivities taking shape in distinct individuals confronted with discourse and power. In addition to sharing the similar insight with Foucault, Joyce rather has the vision, prior to Foucault’s theorizing, in which the Foucauldian anticipation of the liberation from the regime of discourse is made possible. The enormous pressure facing today’s people in the forming of subjectivity is definitely the normalizing power, the imposing discursive knowledge as truth, and the power-effect which shapes individuals’ life without being discerned. It is to be hoped that the correspondence between Joyce’s characterization and Foucault’s critical concerns could propose a practicable solution to the issue of individual subjectivity.

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