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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Meio quilo de gente! - produção do prazer de ver e construção da pessoa fetal mediada pela ultra-sonografia: um estudo etnográfico em clínicas de imagem na cidade do Rio de Janeiro / "Half a pint of humanity" - the production of the pleasure of seeing and the construction of fetal person mediated by ultra-sound imaging: an ethnographic study in imaging clinics in the city of Rio de Janeiro

Lilian Krakowski Chazan 05 June 2005 (has links)
O foco central desta tese consiste em procurar compreender um fenômeno que se verifica na atualidade em torno das imagens ultra-sonográficas fetais. O que era a princípio e em princípio uma tecnologia de imagem médica, inventada com propósitos diagnósticos, gradualmente transformou-se em objeto de consumo e lazer. Para investigar o fenômeno, a pesquisa teórica aborda como foram construídos o olhar e o observador modernos, e de que modo as tecnologias de imageamento médico incidem na construção social do corpo. Outro aspecto teórico consiste na investigação, de um ponto de vista sócio-histórico, acerca da produção da gravidez e do feto como temas médicos, e de que modo a tecnologia de ultra-som aplicada à obstetrícia está situada na articulação de vários processos: o da construção de um novo olhar, o das reconfigurações do corpo, o da medicalização da gestação e do feto e, finalmente, o da construção do feto como Pessoa antes de seu nascimento. Estudos antropológicos produzidos no exterior, ao longo da década de 1990, apontaram que o fenômeno envolvendo as imagens fetais encontrava-se inscrito nos e delimitado pelos códigos socioculturais específicos de onde ocorriam. A inexistência de pesquisas acerca do tema, no contexto brasileiro, foi o ponto de partida para uma investigação empírica. Foi realizada uma observação antropológica de ultra-sonografias obstétricas, em abordagem etnográfica, em três clínicas privadas de imagem, ao longo de 2003, no Rio de Janeiro, visando compreender como tal fenômeno se dava, de que modo era produzido e significado pelos atores e quais os desdobramentos de tais práticas, modelados por especificidades culturais locais. O trabalho de campo evidenciou que a ultra-sonografia obstétrica caracteriza-se por ser uma tecnologia de imagem interativa, em contraste com outras técnicas de imageamento médico, uma peculiaridade que propicia a construção de diversos significados a partir das imagens fetais cinzentas e esfumaçadas. A produção do prazer de ver o feto é a pedra de toque que une o útil ao agradável, e o consumo de imagens é um ponto de articulação de diversas questões expostas ao longo da tese. Pode-se pensar nesta situação como parte de um panopticismo que devassa corpos femininos e fetais, em um mesmo processo normatizando-os e construindo novos sujeitos calcados em corporalidades virtuais. / The central focus of this thesis consists of seeking to understand a phenomenon which is presently taking place in the area of fetal ultrasound images. What began as a medical imaging technology, invented for diagnostic purposes, gradually became an object of consumption and leisure. In order to investigate this phenomenon, the theoretical investigation looks at how the modern mode of seeing and the observer were constructed, and in what way technologies of medical imaging impact the social construction of the body. Another theoretical aspect consists of the investigation, from a socio-historical point of view, of the production of pregnancy and of the fetus as medical subjects, and in what way the technology of ultra-sound applied to obstetrics is situated at the nexus of various processes: the process of constructing a new mode of seeing, of the reconfigurations of the body, of the medicalization of gestation and of the fetus, and, finally, of the construction of the fetus as a person before its birth. Anthropological studies carried out abroad, during the nineties, show that the phenomenon involving fetal images was inscribed in and delimited by the specific socio-cultural codes where the imaging was done. The lack of research in this area in the Brazilian context was the point of departure for an empirical investigation. An anthropological observation of obstetric ultra-sounds, with an ethnographic approach, was carried out in three private imaging clinics, during the course of 2003, in Rio de Janeiro, with the intention of understanding how this phenomenon took place, in what way it was produced and signified by those involved, and what were the ramifications of these practices, modeled by local cultural particularities. The field work showed that obstetric ultrasonography can be characterized as an interactive imaging technique, in contrast to other medical imaging techniques, a peculiarity which lends itself to the construction of various significations having as their origin gray and hazy fetal images. The production of the pleasure of seeing the fetus is the touchstone which links the useful to the pleasing, and the consumption of images is point of connection for various questions raised in the thesis. One can think of this situation as part of a panopticism which scans female and fetal bodies, at one and the same time normatizing them and constructing new subjects shaped by virtual corporalities.

"Created in China" : l'émergence de nouvelles subjectivités dans l'industrie du cinéma indépendant chinois en contexte postsocialiste

Proulx, Marie-Josée 04 1900 (has links)
In the current contemporary Chinese context, still caught up with a governmental censorship of the media productions as well as information circulation, creators must find diverse ways to express themselves freely. Several styles of cinemas cohabit in this country hustled by political ideologies. Two main categories are divided, opposed and intermingled, the “mainstream” cinema and the “independent” cinema. It is via the medium of cinema and more particularly that of the present generation of Chinese directors that will be highlighted the emergence of new creative subjectivities. These subjectivities are in a constant dance with the State in the reaching of professional achievement while maintaining the status of artistic independence. The author will look into the evolution of the notion of Chinese identity from the 1990s until today. Rising from an opposition between tradition and modernism, the formation of new subjectivities is founded on a constant negotiation with the imposing forces of globalization but also in relation with the Chinese State. One currently speaks about an easing of communist rigidity and even the emergence of neoliberal tendencies. This would lead to the creation of a Chinese identity, brought up to date in tune with the assertion of individual desires at the expense of the community. The collective experiment is set aside to make room for the subjectivity of creative individuals, who create while positioning themselves as a unit in interrelationship with society. / Dans le contexte actuel d’une Chine contemporaine encore aux prises avec une censure gouvernementale des productions médiatiques ainsi que de la diffusion de l’information, les créateurs doivent trouver des voies détournées afin de s’exprimer librement. Plusieurs styles de cinémas cohabitent dans ce continent bousculé par les idéologies politiques. Deux grandes catégories se distinguent, s’opposent, s’entremêlent et se côtoient, c’est-à-dire, le cinéma « mainstream » et le cinéma « indépendant ». C’est via le médium du septième art et plus particulièrement celui de la génération actuelle de réalisateurs chinois que sera mise en relief l’émergence de nouvelles subjectivités créatives. Ces subjectivités sont engagées dans une danse constante avec l’État dans l’atteinte de l’accomplissement professionnel tout en maintenant le statut d’indépendance artistique. L’auteure tentera d’approfondir l’évolution de la notion de l’identité chinoise des années 1990 à aujourd’hui. Découlant d’une opposition entre tradition et modernisme, la formation de nouvelles subjectivités est fondée sur une négociation constante avec les forces imposantes de la globalisation mais aussi avec l’État chinois. On parle actuellement d’un assouplissement de la rigidité communiste, voire même l’émergence de tendances néolibérales, qui auraient pour effet de mener à la création d’une identité chinoise actualisée en diapason avec l’assertion des désirs individuels, et ce, au profit de la collectivité. L’expérience collective est mise de côté pour faire place à la subjectivité d’individus créateurs qui créent en se positionnant en tant qu’unité en interrelation avec la société.

Mobilizing critical feminist engagement with New Public Management

Weeden, Sara Ashleigh 06 December 2010 (has links)
This thesis mobilizes a feminist critique to examine the ways in which New Public Management (NPM) represents a gendered discourse. Using Foucauldian discourse analysis, NPM is mapped as a discursive field in order to tease out its dominant and subordinate discourses. The tensions between the dominant discourses and between the dominant and subordinate discourses are examined. The discursive themes of NPM are then engaged using a feminist post-structuralist framework in order to develop a feminist critique. From this critique, it is argued that NPM discourses reinscribe dominant masculinity as well as challenge the Weberian model of bureaucracy by reconstructing a gendered division of labour that takes place entirely within the public sphere.

Translocation and female subjectivities in four contemporary narratives : Kingston’s The woman warrior, Magona’s To my children’s children and Forced to grow and Hoffman’s Lost in translation

Joss, Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (English Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Drawing on theories of gender and subjectivity, this thesis explores the way in which constructions of modernity as well as tradition are mapped onto geographical localities and thus expressed through gender acts. The female protagonists in Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior, Sindiwe Magona’s To My Children’s Children and Forced to Grow, as well as Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Translation undergo either transnational translocation or imagined translocation where they straddle multiple cultural contexts concurrently. The role of globalism and modernity amplifies the female’s ambiguous position and therefore challenges her gender identity as she takes on additional gender characteristics. This challenge, a result of translocation, causes both the individual and collective nature of the subject to be emphasised and placed in multiple cultures concurrently. The female’s subjectivity is under much tension as the cultures she immerses herself in interlace but also clash. As a result of this, her sense of self is constantly in flux as she attempts to achieve stability and coherence. This sense of a gendered, stable and located self will, I argue, both dissipate and transmutate upon undergoing physical or imagined translocation. In addition, this thesis examines the manner in which globalism allows for the dissolving of boundaries and explores the extent to which the ambiguous position these female protagonists occupy enables them to reformulate and refashion their gender identity as well as write themselves away from the marginalised positions they inhabit. I will further explore how female subjects are compelled to take on additional feminine or masculine attributes upon translocation, seeming to become androgynous in the reformulation of their gender identity for a certain period of time. I will argue that protagonists supplement their gender in order to obtain a sense of belonging in a specific cultural context which requires this alteration of gender, and argue that this is also a means by which they liberate themselves from the marginal positions they occupy in their ethnic culture where sexism and prejudice are prevalent. However, I will demonstrate that modernity does not only provide them with liberation and autonomy, but that simultaneously it is also restrictive on the subject’s gender identity. Finally, this thesis explores whether the female protagonists are able to use their ambiguous positioning strategically in order to generate coherence of the self yet, concurrently, maintain fluidity between multiple cultural boundaries of the self. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling gebruik geslags- en subjektiwiteitsteorieë om ondersoek in te stel na die maniere waarop konstruksies van moderniteit en tradisie uiting vind in geslagshandeling. Dieselfde teorieë word gebruik om ondersoek in te stel na die invloed van geografiese plasing op geslagshandeling. Die vroulike protagoniste in Maxine Hong Kingston se The Woman Warrior, Sindiwe Magona se To My Children’s Children en Forced to Grow, sowel as Eva Hoffman se Lost in Translation, ervaar elkeen óf transnasionale translokasie, óf verbeelde translokasie, waardeur hulle vele kulturele kontekste tegelykertyd in die dwarste beset. Die rol van globalisering en moderniteit versterk sonder twyfel die vroulike protagonis se dubbelsinnige posisie, en haar geslagsidentiteit word in twyfel getrek soos sy addisionele geslagseienskappe aanneem. Hierdie vertwyfeling – die gevolg van translokasie – veroorsaak dat beide die kollektiewe sowel as die individuele aard van die subjek benadruk word, en gelyktydig in meervoudige kulture geplaas word. Die protagonis se subjektiwiteit verkeer onder baie spanning omdat die kulture waarin sy haarself verdiep onderling vervleg is, maar tog ook bots. Derhalwe is haar beskouing van haarself voortdurend vloeibaar en veranderend terwyl sy probeer om samehorigheid en stabiliteit te bewerkstellig. Ek is van mening dat hierdie sin van 'n “geslaghebbende”, stabiele, gelokaliseerde self verdwyn en/of transmuteer wanneer dit fisiese of verbeelde translokasie ondergaan. Gevolglik ondersoek hierdie verhandeling dus ook die manier waarop globalisme die ontbinding van grense tot gevolg het, sowel as die mate waartoe die dubbelsinnigheid van die vroulike protagoniste se posisie hulle toelaat om hul geslagsidentiteit te herformuleer en te herontwerp, en hulself weg, of uit, die gemarginaliseerde posisies wat hulle beset te skryf. Ek wil ook kyk na die maniere waarop die vroulike subjek genoop is om, as gevolg van translokasie, addisionele vroulike of manlike karaktertrekke aan te neem, met dié dat dit blyk dat die protagoniste vir 'n ruk lank androgene eienskappe in hul geslagsidentiteit toon. Ek argumenteer dat die protagoniste hul geslag aanvul, nie net sodat hul aanklank binne 'n spesifieke kulturele konteks kan vind nie, maar ook as 'n manier waarop hul hulself kan bevry van die marginale posisies waarin hulle hul in 'n etniese kultuur, waar seksisme en vooroordeel gedy, bevind. Nietemin wil ek ook aantoon dat moderniteit nie bloot net bevryding en selfstandigheid aan die vroulike protagoniste bied nie, maar dat dit ook tegelykertyd beperkings op die subjek se geslagsidentiteit plaas. Die uitkoms van hierdie tesis is om te bepaal of die vroulike protagoniste in staat is tot die strategiese gebruik van hul dubbelsinnige posisionering, wat koherensie van die self sal meebring, en tog terselfdertyd vloeibaarheid tussen verskillende kulture sal behou.

Construire l’altérité : représentations et narratives identitaires des Afro-Péruviens au sein du contexte liménien / Constructing alterity : representations and narrative identities of Afro-Peruvians in Lima / Construir la alteridad : representaciones y narrativas identificatorias de los Afroperuanos en el ámbito limeño

Delevaux, Maud 04 June 2018 (has links)
A Lima, au XIXe siècle, au sein d’une quête identitaire locale et nationale, l’altérité de la population descendante d’Africains fut réélaborée notamment après l’abolition de l’esclavage (1854). Ce processus définit des représentations particulières attribuées aux noirs qui entrecroisaient à la fois des catégories socio-économiques et raciales liées à une histoire culturelle de la ville dite criolla. A travers un éclairage historique, cette thèse analyse cette construction de lo negro (ce qui est entendu comme noir) et étudie la réappropriation et la resignification de ces images. Au XXe siècle, à partir de la revalorisation d’expressions artistiques, plusieurs artistes révélèrent et revendiquèrent leurs origines africaines, réécrivant une narrative identitaire et définissant un corpus culturel singulier afro-péruvien. Celui-ci devint central pour les subjectivations identitaires des générations suivantes d’Afro-descendants. Ainsi, l’enquête ethnographique, auprès de jeunes péruviens, s’identifiant comme afro-péruviens, montre de quelles manières la narrative culturelle afro-péruvienne leur permet de renouer avec « leur histoire » et « leur culture ». Enfin, dans une dynamique globale d’affirmation de l’afro-descendance et un contexte politique national de reconnaissance de la diversité ethnique du pays, cette recherche analyse l’institutionnalisation de l’afro-péruvianité. En réponse aux enjeux issus de cette reconnaissance se développent des renégociations identitaires, principalement, au sein d’un espace militant afro-péruvien. En quête de légitimité, ces réélaborations identitaires ne cessent de réinventer la narrative afro-péruvienne en fédérant des expériences singulières et plurielles, et esquissant le projet d’un collectif afro-péruvien. / Within a context of local and national search for identity, in the 19th century, in Lima, the alterity of the Afro-descendant population was re-evaluated. This re-evaluation process defined the particular representations ascribed to the black population that criss-crossed both socio-economic and racial categories related to the cultural history of the town dubbed Criolla. Through a historical perspective, this thesis analyses the blackness construction and studies the reappropriation and redefinition of these representations. During the 20th century, with the revaluation of artistic expressions, many artists unveiled their African heritage through their expressions and claimed their African roots, establishing a singular Afro-Peruvian cultural corpus. It became a central and founding movement for the identity subjectivations of the next generations of Afro-descendants. Thus, the ethnographic investigation carried out on young Peruvians, identifying themselves as Afro-Peruvians, shows how the Afro-Peruvian cultural narrative enables them to reconnect with their ‘history’ and ‘culture’. Finally, in a global impetus of Afro-descendant’s assertiveness and a national political context of acknowledgement of the country’s ethnic diversity, this study analyses the institutionalization of Afro-Peruvianity. In response to the stakes caused by this acknowledgement, one notices the development of identity renegotiations. In the quest for legitimacy, while rallying historical figures of alterity, these identity re-evaluations keep on reinventing the Afro-Peruvian narrative, by unifying individual and group experiences, and by drafting the project of an Afro-Peruvian community. / En Lima, en el siglo XIX, en el contexto de una búsqueda identitaria local y nacional, la alteridad de la población afrodescendiente fue nuevamente elaborada luego de la abolición de la esclavitud (1854). Este proceso definió representaciones particulares atribuidas a los negros que entrecruzaban categorías socioeconómicas y raciales relacionadas a una historia cultural (criolla) de la ciudad. A través de una perspectiva histórica, esta tesis analiza esta construcción de lo negro y estudia una nueva apropiación y una nueva significación de estas imágenes.En el siglo XX, a partir de la revalorización de expresiones artísticas, varios artistas dieron a conocer la herencia africana y reivindicaron sus orígenes africanos, volviendo a escribir una narrativa identificatoria y definiendo un corpus cultural singular afroperuano. El cual se volvió central para los procesos del subjetivismo identificatorio de las generaciones futuras de Afrodescendientes. De esta manera, la investigación etnográfica con jóvenes peruanos, que se identifican como afroperuanos, muestra en qué medida la narrativa cultural afroperuana les permite reanudar con "su historia" y "su cultura".Finalmente, en una dinámica global de afirmación de la afrodescendencia y en un contexto político nacional de reconocimiento de la diversidad étnica del país, esta tesis analiza la institucionalización de la afroperuanidad y el desarrollo de negociaciones identificatorias en respuesta a los desafíos y tensiones nacidas de este reconocimiento político. En busca de legitimidad, estas reelaboraciones no dejan de inventar de nuevo la narrativa afroperuana federando experiencias singulares y plurales, y delineando el proyecto de un colectivo afroperuano.

Dialogical narratives : reading Neville Alexander's writings

Dollie, Na-iem 09 1900 (has links)
This thesis is a transdisciplinary study of leading South African Marxist intellectual, political activist and sociologist of language Neville Edward Alexander’s written work in English. It is an attempt to explore the “dialogical narratives” as a proposition in my assessment of his work and it is also a description of a method he employs to arrive at his own political and literary compositions. In tracking his formation as a political subject and an activist, Alexander’s and other writers’ interpretations of his meetings with and his stories about people are explored. His writings cover the spectrum of politics, education and language, and he employed a political economy approach in all his written expositions. The study argues that he had an exceptional ability to “argue against himself” because he was a dialectical reasoner and because he embraced the political and sociological toolkit of historical materialism as the philosophical matrix of his work. / History / D.Lit et Phil. (History)

Meio quilo de gente! - produção do prazer de ver e construção da pessoa fetal mediada pela ultra-sonografia: um estudo etnográfico em clínicas de imagem na cidade do Rio de Janeiro / "Half a pint of humanity" - the production of the pleasure of seeing and the construction of fetal person mediated by ultra-sound imaging: an ethnographic study in imaging clinics in the city of Rio de Janeiro

Lilian Krakowski Chazan 05 June 2005 (has links)
O foco central desta tese consiste em procurar compreender um fenômeno que se verifica na atualidade em torno das imagens ultra-sonográficas fetais. O que era a princípio e em princípio uma tecnologia de imagem médica, inventada com propósitos diagnósticos, gradualmente transformou-se em objeto de consumo e lazer. Para investigar o fenômeno, a pesquisa teórica aborda como foram construídos o olhar e o observador modernos, e de que modo as tecnologias de imageamento médico incidem na construção social do corpo. Outro aspecto teórico consiste na investigação, de um ponto de vista sócio-histórico, acerca da produção da gravidez e do feto como temas médicos, e de que modo a tecnologia de ultra-som aplicada à obstetrícia está situada na articulação de vários processos: o da construção de um novo olhar, o das reconfigurações do corpo, o da medicalização da gestação e do feto e, finalmente, o da construção do feto como Pessoa antes de seu nascimento. Estudos antropológicos produzidos no exterior, ao longo da década de 1990, apontaram que o fenômeno envolvendo as imagens fetais encontrava-se inscrito nos e delimitado pelos códigos socioculturais específicos de onde ocorriam. A inexistência de pesquisas acerca do tema, no contexto brasileiro, foi o ponto de partida para uma investigação empírica. Foi realizada uma observação antropológica de ultra-sonografias obstétricas, em abordagem etnográfica, em três clínicas privadas de imagem, ao longo de 2003, no Rio de Janeiro, visando compreender como tal fenômeno se dava, de que modo era produzido e significado pelos atores e quais os desdobramentos de tais práticas, modelados por especificidades culturais locais. O trabalho de campo evidenciou que a ultra-sonografia obstétrica caracteriza-se por ser uma tecnologia de imagem interativa, em contraste com outras técnicas de imageamento médico, uma peculiaridade que propicia a construção de diversos significados a partir das imagens fetais cinzentas e esfumaçadas. A produção do prazer de ver o feto é a pedra de toque que une o útil ao agradável, e o consumo de imagens é um ponto de articulação de diversas questões expostas ao longo da tese. Pode-se pensar nesta situação como parte de um panopticismo que devassa corpos femininos e fetais, em um mesmo processo normatizando-os e construindo novos sujeitos calcados em corporalidades virtuais. / The central focus of this thesis consists of seeking to understand a phenomenon which is presently taking place in the area of fetal ultrasound images. What began as a medical imaging technology, invented for diagnostic purposes, gradually became an object of consumption and leisure. In order to investigate this phenomenon, the theoretical investigation looks at how the modern mode of seeing and the observer were constructed, and in what way technologies of medical imaging impact the social construction of the body. Another theoretical aspect consists of the investigation, from a socio-historical point of view, of the production of pregnancy and of the fetus as medical subjects, and in what way the technology of ultra-sound applied to obstetrics is situated at the nexus of various processes: the process of constructing a new mode of seeing, of the reconfigurations of the body, of the medicalization of gestation and of the fetus, and, finally, of the construction of the fetus as a person before its birth. Anthropological studies carried out abroad, during the nineties, show that the phenomenon involving fetal images was inscribed in and delimited by the specific socio-cultural codes where the imaging was done. The lack of research in this area in the Brazilian context was the point of departure for an empirical investigation. An anthropological observation of obstetric ultra-sounds, with an ethnographic approach, was carried out in three private imaging clinics, during the course of 2003, in Rio de Janeiro, with the intention of understanding how this phenomenon took place, in what way it was produced and signified by those involved, and what were the ramifications of these practices, modeled by local cultural particularities. The field work showed that obstetric ultrasonography can be characterized as an interactive imaging technique, in contrast to other medical imaging techniques, a peculiarity which lends itself to the construction of various significations having as their origin gray and hazy fetal images. The production of the pleasure of seeing the fetus is the touchstone which links the useful to the pleasing, and the consumption of images is point of connection for various questions raised in the thesis. One can think of this situation as part of a panopticism which scans female and fetal bodies, at one and the same time normatizing them and constructing new subjects shaped by virtual corporalities.

S’exposer en inquiétude. Le sujet fait et défait avec les médiations nouvelles sur sa santé

Romijn, François 24 April 2018 (has links)
Dans ce travail de recherche, nous sommes parti du constat que l’humain est de plus en plus souvent inscrit dans des contextes où lui est accessible un savoir nouveau – permis par les avancées technologiques et scientifiques – portant sur sa vie biologique. A portées de mains ou de clics, de plus en plus de données objectivantes sur son intériorité biologique éprouvent l’individu confronté à de nouvelles inquiétudes qu’il doit traverser. Nous avons interrogé ce phénomène de société en cherchant à préciser la variété des mouvements lui permettant d’intégrer ces données qui s’accompagnent d’une prétention à un réalisme fort. Nous proposons une approche sociologique renouvelant l’analyse des usages individuels de trois médiations situées dans le champ de la santé (consultation médicale, l’usage du web en matière de santé, l’usage de tests génomiques). Notre approche s’articule à un questionnement anthropologique singulier :Comment la personne s’arrange-t-elle de situations dans lesquelles elle est mise en relation non plus seulement avec d’autres humains mais au premier titre avec des données objectivantes relatives à son intériorité biologique ?Cette question anthropologique invite à porter au moins autant d’attention à ce qui nous relie à autrui et à notre environnement, qu’aux façons dont l’humain assure une continuité avec lui-même dans des situations où le vivant pose question. Nous privilégions l’usage d’outils sociologiques qui sous-tendent une conception plurielle du sujet et qui ne circonscrivent pas trop vite l’analyse à une conception de l’action et de la subjectivité comme d’emblée écrasée par une présomption stratégique ou managériale. Notre analyse pragmatique de l’exposition de l’inquiétude du sujet en train de se faire et de se défaire met notamment en exergue le caractère marginal de l’autonomie – comme prise en charge de soi éclairée par une connaissance partagée qui le rend disponible pour le débat public. Sur les trois sites enquêtés, l’examen attentif du maintien du sujet mis à l’épreuve de l’inquiétude tire l’analyse vers la nature composite des conduites. Plutôt que de considérer le caractère ambivalent, équivoque et parfois carrément ambigu de l’action comme un échec de l’analyse, ce travail de recherche contribue à une approche de la composition dans le rapport à soi et à autrui. / This work originates in the observation that individuals are more than ever before involved in contexts where new knowledge about their biological life – produced by the technological and scientific progresses – are directly accessible to them (about their bodies, neurons, genes). Within easy reach, an ever-growing number of objectifying signs and data related to the biological self puts the individuals to test. They are confronted to inquietudes they have to cope with. We are investigating this societal phenomenon in a manner that the very diverse movements allowing the individual to integrate these data can be precised. Building on an anthropological problematic questioning how human beings find arrangements with situations in which they are not only confronted to others but also with objectifying data related to their biological life, the research focuses on the dynamics of individual users integrating the findings made while using three different health-related mediations (the classic medical examination, health-related information on the Internet, health-related direct-to- consumer genomic tests). We adopt a set of complementary sociological tools based on a plural conception of the subject; which do not limit the analysis of the action ‘taking place’ in a situation as guided only by a strategic or a managerial assumption.Through a pragmatic approach of the uneasiness exposed, we shed light on insightful dynamics irreducible to the often expected autonomy of an individual taking decisions informed by a shared knowledge required to participate to public debates. A careful analysis of the subject’s action highlights dynamics that have received little attention with regards to ‘what is worth in a given situation’. Moving from a fieldwork to another, we did not focus on the action’s heterogeneity as much as the way the individual brings together different positions that s/he can hold in order to arrange with these discoveries related to one’s biology. On the three sites investigated, the examination of the subject’s consistence draws the analysis toward the composite nature of the action. Rather than considering the equivocal features and sometimes the outright ambiguity of the conducts as a failure of the analysis, our research effort contributes achieving a better understanding of the pervasiveness of composition in our relationship to our self and the others in the social context related to biology. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Múltiplas possibilidades: a internalização de práticas discursivo-sociais por dois pares de irmãos gêmeos / Multiple voices: the internalization of social discursive practices of two pairs of twins.

Renata do Monte Vecina 28 April 2011 (has links)
Na presente pesquisa foram contempladas intersecções entre os discursos de dois pares de gêmeos, seus responsáveis e dois de seus professores sobre os modos desses gêmeos agirem, pensarem e se comportarem no mundo. Procurou-se identificar se a construção das narrativas dos gêmeos sobre os significados que atribuem à vida familiar, à vida escolar, a si próprios e à relação com seu co-gêmeo é permeada pelos discursos e práticas educativas dos pais e professores e se as práticas educativas nas quais os gêmeos se inserem e os discursos que eles escutam a respeito de si próprios podem se configurar como profecias auto-realizadoras. O discurso a respeito dos processos de desenvolvimento humano, especialmente do desenvolvimento de gêmeos, costuma seguir forte tradição determinista. A fim de romper com tradições deterministas forjadas por pressupostos endógenos ou exógenos, utilizou-se referencial teórico bakhtiniano (BAKTHIN, 2003, 2009), da psicologia histórico-cultural de Vygotsky (1984, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2004) e de autores que seguem essa linha teórica - como Oliveira (1990, 1993, 1997, 2002), Pino (2000, 2005), Rossetti-Ferreira et al. (2004, 2008, 2010), Smolka (1993, 2002, 2004), Rego (1994, 1996, 1998, 2004) - além de estabelecer debates com autores da sociologia (LAHIRE, 1997, 2002; ELIAS, 1994). O referencial teórico adotado privilegia as relações situadas social e historicamente, as significações que o indivíduo faz de si próprio e de seu mundo e a noção de sujeito discursivo e da importância das narrativas. Esta investigação visa compreender o lugar do outro nas narrativas e nas versões que os gêmeos construíram sobre si. Conhecer as expectativas de importantes agentes do processo educativo e as maneiras de apropriação desses discursos pelos gêmeos pode ajudar a reorientar modos de agir e de educar essa parcela da população. Apesar de a pesquisa ser feita especificamente com gêmeos, sua contribuição se dá também num campo mais amplo, do desenvolvimento em geral. Isso ocorre porque gêmeos são tratados como casos emblemáticos do estudo do desenvolvimento ao evidenciarem o caráter de construção da subjetividade, possibilitando o estudo de questões que acabam sendo postas para todos os indivíduos. Num âmbito maior, a pesquisa possibilita entender como as pessoas constroem versões de si próprias atravessadas pelos discursos que os outros constroem a respeito delas. A análise aponta para a importância de práticas sócio-discursivas dos outros para a constituição das versões que as pessoas fazem sobre si. A conclusão também incide sobre a necessária reflexão, por parte de pais e de professores, a respeito de seus papéis como mediadores entre seus filhos/alunos e o mundo cultural e simbólico que eles vivem, uma vez que as práticas discursivas e educativas utilizadas por eles são internalizadas por seus filhos/alunos. Constata-se, também, que os gêmeos fazem uma atualização dos lugares e dos significados sociais estabelecidos pelos pais e professores sobre seus modos de ser, de agir e de pensar e que as práticas sócio-discursivas podem, portanto, se configurar, muitas vezes, como fortes circunscritores dos processos de desenvolvimento desses jovens. / In the present study were covered intersections between discourses of two pairs of twins, their parents and two of their teachers about the ways these twins act, think and behave in the world. We sought to identify whether the construction of narratives of the twins on the meanings they attach to family life, school life, themselves and the relationship with their cotwin is permeated by the discourses and educational practices of parents and teachers and practices education in which the twins are in and the discourses they hear about themselves can be configured as self-fulfilling prophecies. Speaking about the processes of human development and especially the twin development typically follows a strong tradition of determinism. In order to break with tradition forged by deterministic assumptions endogenous or exogenous, we used theoretical Bakhtinian (BAKTHIN, 2003, 2009) and cultural-historical psychology of Vygotsky (1984, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2004) and authors who follow this theoretical line, as Oliveira (1990, 1993, 1997, 2002), Pino (2000, 2005), Rossetti-Ferreira et al. (2004, 2008, 2010), Smolka (1993, 2002, 2004), Rego (1994, 1996, 1998, 2004) and to establish discussions with authors in sociology (LAHIRE, 1997, 2002; ELIAS, 1994) theoretical framework capable of focusing on links situated socially and historically, the meanings that the individual makes of himself and his world and the notion of subject and the importance of discursive narratives. This research aims to understand the other\'s place in the narratives and versions built on the twins themselves. Knowing the expectations of important stakeholders in the educational process and ways of appropriation of these discourses by the twins can help to reorient ways and to educate this segment of the population. Although the research was done specifically with twins, its contribution is made also in a broader field of development in general. This is because twins are treated as emblematic cases of the development study which show the character of subjectivity construction, allowing the study of questions that are put to all individuals. On a wider scale, the research allows to understand how people construct versions of themselves traversed by the speeches that others built about them. The analysis points to the importance of socio-discursive practices of others to the formation of the versions that people have about themselves. The conclusion also relates to the necessary reflection of parents and teachers about their roles as mediators between their children / students and the cultural and symbolic world that they live, as the discursive practices and practices used by them are internalized by their children / students. There is relevant that the twins make an update of the \"places\" and social meanings established by parents and teachers about their ways of being, acting and thinking and that the sociodiscursive practices can therefore be set often as strong constraints of development processes of these young people.


CLAUDIO FERNANDO LIMA DOS SANTOS 06 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação se propõe abordar o tema dedicado às relações raciais no Brasil, focando na construção de identidades negras em contextos acadêmicos, com ênfase nos Núcleos de Estudos Afro-Brasileiros (NEABs) e correlatos. O estudo se concentra no Núcleo de Estudos Afro-Brasileiros e Indígenas da Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (NEABI UENF) e no Programa de Estudos e Debates dos Povos Africanos e Afro-americanos da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (PROAFRO UERJ). Através da observação participante, procurou-se explorar a atuação desses grupos e sua influência sobre os integrantes. A partir de uma sociologia histórica, destaca-se o Movimento Negro como sujeito central na luta por reconhecimento e resgatam-se conceitos como negritude, pedagogia cívica, educação não-formal e demais pedagogias que se mostram no processo de formação dos sujeitos. Diante da relevância histórica dos núcleos e os diversos atravessamentos, conclui-se através de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que esses espaços fortalecem identidades negras, incentivando a participação política e, ainda, a permanência de estudantes negros na universidade, de forma a promover igualdade racial nesses ambientes, o que contribui para o aspecto da diversidade e representatividade acadêmica. / [en] This dissertation aims to address the topic dedicated to racial relations in Brazil, focusing on the construction of black identities in academic contexts, with an emphasis on Afro-Brazilian Studies Centers (NEABs) and related entities. The study centers on the Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies Center at the State University of Northern Rio de Janeiro (NEABI UENF) and the Program of Studies and Debates of African and Afro-American Peoples at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (PROAFRO UERJ). Through participant observation, sought to explore the activities of these groups and their influence on their members. Employing historical sociology, I highlight the Black Movement as a central agent in the struggle for recognition and revisit concepts such as blackness, civic pedagogy, non-formal education, and other pedagogies evidenced in the process of individual formation. Given the historical significance of these centers and its various intersections, a qualitative inquiry concludes that these spaces strengthen black identities, encouraging political participation and also the retention of black students in universities, thus promoting racial equality in these environments, which contributes to the aspects of academic diversity and representation.

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