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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo sobre feixes intensos e não-contínuos de partículas carregadas / A study of intense bunched charged particle beams

Silva, Thales Marques Corrêa da January 2016 (has links)
Nesta tese, estudamos feixes intensos não-contínuos de partículas carregadas. Na primeira parte, analisamos um feixe com simetria esférica e a sua relaxação para um estado quase-estacionário. Por ser um sistema com interação de longo alcance, a evolução do feixe e dominado pela dinâmica de Vlasov-Maxwell. Mostramos que o mecanismo de relaxação e a ressonância entre o movimento coletivo e o individual de algumas partículas. Fazemos uma analogia entre a dinâmica de Vlasov e um gás de férmions para modelar o estado quase estacionário. Os parâmetros do modelo são calculados usando princípios básicos, como os de conservação de energia e de partículas no transporte. Os resultados quando comparados com simulação mostram uma boa concordância. Na segunda parte, verificamos a estabilidade do modo de oscilação simétrico para um feixe esférico. Argumentamos que, quando esse modo for estável, o modelo para o estado quase-estacionário pode descrever feixes levemente anisotrópicos, o que e uma situação mais realista em experimentos. Constatamos que, num regime de interesse prático, esse modo e sempre estável. Por fim, estudamos um caso em que as forças focalizadoras externas são anisotrópicas, e o feixe tem simetria elipsoidal. Mostramos que, para certos valores dos parâmetros, há um forte acoplamento entre a dinâmica não-linear dos envelopes, o que causa uma troca de energia entre os graus de liberdade. Os resultados quando comparados com dinâmica molecular mostraram uma boa concordância. / In this thesis, we study intense bunched charged particle beams. In the rst part, we analyze a beam with spherical symmetry and its relaxation to a stationary state. The beam evolution follows the Vlasov-Maxwell dynamics since it is a system of long range interaction. We show that the main mechanism for the beam relaxation is a resonance between the collective beam motion and individual particle motion. We make an analogy between Vlasov dynamics and a Fermi gas to model the beam quasistationary state. The parameters of the model are calculated using basic principles, such as energy and particle conservation in the beam transport. The results compared with simulation showed a good agreement. In the second part, we verify the symmetric oscillation mode stability for a spherical beam. We argue that when this mode is stable, our model for the quasistationary state can also describe slightly anisotropic beams, a situation more realistic in experiments. We nd out that in situations of practical interest the mode is always stable. Finally, we study a situation in which the external focusing forces are anisotropic, and the beam has ellipsoidal symmetry. We show that, for certain values of the parameters, there is a strong coupling between the nonlinear envelopes dynamics, which causes exchange of energy between the degrees of freedom. The results compared with molecular dynamics showed a good agreement.

Hyperarbres et Partitions semi-pointées : aspects combinatoires, algébriques et homologiques / Hypertrees and semi-pointed Partitions : combinatorial, algebraic and homological Aspects

Delcroix-Oger, Bérénice 21 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude combinatoire, algébrique et homologique des hyperarbres et des partitions semi-pointées. Nous étudions plus précisément des structures algébriques et homologiques construites à partir des hyperarbres, puis des partitions semi-pointées.Après un bref rappel des notions utilisées, nous utilisons la théorie des espèces de structure afin de déterminer l’action du groupe symétrique sur l’homologie du poset des hyperarbres. Cette action s’identifie à l’action du groupe symétrique liée à la structure anti-cyclique de l’opérade PreLie. Nous raffinons ensuite nos calculs sur une graduation de l’homologie, appelée homologie de Whitney. Cette étude motive l'introduction de la notion d’hyperarbre aux arêtes décorées par une espèce. Une bijection des hyperarbres décorés avec des arbres en boîtes et des partitions décorées permet d’obtenir une formule close pour leur cardinal, à l’aide d’un codage de Prüfer. Nous adaptons ensuite les méthodes de calcul de caractères sur les algèbres de Hopf d’incidence, introduites par W. Schmitt dans le cas de familles de posets bornés, à des familles de posets non bornés vérifiant certaines propriétés. Nous appliquons ensuite cette adaptation aux posets des hyperarbres. Enfin, au cours de notre étude une généralisation des posets des partitions et des posets des partitions pointées apparaît : les poset des partitions semi-pointées. Nous montrons que ces posets sont aussi Cohen-Macaulay, avant de déterminer à l’aide de la théorie des espèces une formule close pour la dimension de l’unique groupe d’homologie non trivial de ces posets / This thesis is dedicated to the combinatorial, algebraic and homological study of hypertrees and semi-pointed partitions. More precisely, we study algebraic and homological structures built from hypertrees and semi-pointed partitions. After recalling briefly the notions needed, we use the theory of species of structures to compute the action of the symmetric group on the homology of the hypertree posets. This action is the same as the action of the symmetric group linked with the anticyclic structure of the PreLie operad. We refine our computations on a grading of the homology : Whitney homology. This study is a motivation for the introduction of the notion of edge-decorated hypertrees. A one-to-one correspondence of decorated hypertrees with box trees and decorated partitions enables us to compute a close formula for the cardinality of decorated hypertrees, thanks to a Prüfer code. Moreover, we adapt computation methods of characters on incidence Hopf algebras, introduced by W. Schmitt for families of bounded posets, to families of unbounded posets satisfying some additional properties, called triangle and diamond posets. We apply these results to the hypertree posets. Finally, we unveil a new family of posets : the semi-pointed partition posets, which generalize both partition posets and pointed partition posets. We show the Cohen-Macaulayness of these posets and obtain, thanks to species theory, a closed formula for the dimension of its unique homology group, which extend the ones established for partition posets and pointed partition posets

Arquitetura de segurança fim-a-fim para redes de sensores sem fio. / End-to-end security architecture for wireless sensor networks.

Bruno Trevizan de Oliveira 03 August 2012 (has links)
Diversas aplicações de redes de sensores sem fio necessitam de serviços de segurança, como confidencialidade, integridade e autenticação de origem de dados. Contudo, dadas as limitações de processamento, memória e suprimento de energia dos dispositivos, os mecanismos de segurança tradicionais podem causar efeitos indesejáveis na rede, como atraso na comunicação e aumento no consumo de energia, impondo obstáculos para seu uso na tecnologia em questão. Muitas propostas de esquemas de segurança baseados em criptografia simétrica projetados especificamente para redes de sensores sem fio são encontradas na literatura. Contudo, essas soluções são focadas na segurança salto-a-salto. Tal abordagem é adequada para garantir a segurança dos enlaces deste tipo de rede, mas não garante a segurança na comunicação fim-a-fim. Neste trabalho são apresentados cenários e desafios de implementação de segurança neste tipo de rede, e a concepção, o projeto e a implementação de uma arquitetura de segurança para redes de sensores sem fio, que tem como objetivos: prover segurança na comunicação fim-a-fim; permitir a interoperabilidade entre diferentes sistemas; e possibilitar uma maior flexibilidade em relação à utilização de chaves criptográficas em diferentes cenários e topologias. Adicionalmente, a solução proposta suporta ativação e desativação de seus serviços em tempo de execução. O projeto da referida arquitetura, atuante na camada de aplicação da pilha de protocolos de rede, foi construído com base na análise das características de arquiteturas encontradas na literatura, bem como de estratégias adotadas por estas. Para a construção da implementação foram selecionados mecanismos e algoritmos criptográficos a partir da avaliação de desempenho que considerou assimétricas de uso de memória, tempo de execução e consumo de energia. Como resultados são apresentados a especificação da arquitetura, a avaliação qualitativa da mesma e a avaliação de desempenho da implementação desenvolvida como prova de conceito. Além disso, é apresentada uma análise do impacto de diferentes topologias e características de disposição na tarefa de distribuição de chaves criptográficas em redes de sensores sem fio. / Many wireless sensor networks applications need security services, such as confidentiality, data integrity and data source authentication. On the other hand, because of device limitations, security mechanisms may affect the network energy consumption and communication delay, which impose a great challenge for practical implementation of security mechanisms in such scenario. Many solutions based on symmetric cryptography were proposed for the specific challenges of wireless sensor networks. Nevertheless, they are focused on hop-by-hop security. Such approach is suited to provide link-layer security, but it cannot guarantee end-to-end security. This work presents scenarios and challenges to implement security in wireless sensor networks, and the conception, design and implementation of a security architecture, which aims to provide: security in end-to-end communication; interoperability between different systems, and enable greater flexibility in cryptographic keys distribution in different scenarios and topologies. Additionally, the proposed solution supports on-the-y adjustment of its security services. The architecture design, which targets the application layer of the network protocol stack, was based on the main properties of the architectures found in literature as well as adopted strategies. For the implementation, mechanisms and cryptographic algorithms were selected through the performance evaluation that considers memory usage, execution time and power consumption as metrics. The results were the architecture specification and its qualitative analysis, and the performance evaluation of the implementation developed as proof of concept. Furthermore, we present an analysis of topology and deployment impact on key distribution task.

Unidades de ZCpn / Units of ZCp^n

Kitani, Patricia Massae 02 March 2012 (has links)
Seja Cp um grupo cíclico de ordem p, onde p é um número primo tal que S = {1, , 1+\\theta, 1+\\theta+\\theta^2, · · · , 1 +\\theta + · · · + \\theta ^{p-3/2}} gera o grupo das unidades de Z[\\theta] e é uma raiz p-ésima primitiva da unidade sobre Q. No artigo \"Units of ZCp\" , Ferraz apresentou um modo simples de encontrar um conjunto de geradores independentes para o grupo das unidades do anel de grupo ZCp sobre os inteiros. Nós estendemos este resultado para ZCp^n , considerando que um conjunto similar a S gera o grupo das unidades de Z[\\theta]. Isto ocorre, por exemplo, quando \\phi(p^n)\\leq 66. Descrevemos o grupo das unidades de ZCp^n como o produto ±ker(\\pi_1) × Im(\\pi1), onde \\pi_1 é um homomorfismo de grupos. Além disso, explicitamos as bases de ker(\\pi_1) e Im(\\pi_1). / Let Cp be a cyclic group of order p, where p is a prime integer such that S = {1, , 1 + \\theta, 1 +\\theta +\\theta ^2 , · · · , 1 + \\theta + · · · +\\theta ^{p-3/2}} generates the group of units of Z[\\theta] and is a primitive pth root of 1 over Q. In the article \"Units of ZCp\" , Ferraz gave an easy way to nd a set of multiplicatively independent generators of the group of units of the integral group ring ZCp . We extended this result for ZCp^n , provided that a set similar to S generates the group of units of Z[\\theta]. This occurs, for example, when \\phi(p^n)\\leq 66. We described the group of units of ZCp^n as the product ±ker(\\pi_1) × Im(\\pi_1), where \\pi_1 is a group homomorphism. Moreover, we explicited a basis of ker(\\pi_1) and I m(\\pi_1).

Towards Designing Energy Efficient Symmetric Key Protocols

Talluri, Sai Raghu 01 January 2018 (has links)
Energy consumption by various modern symmetric key encryption protocols (DES, 3-DES, AES and, Blowfish) is studied from an algorithmic perspective. The work is directed towards redesigning or modifying the underlying algorithms for these protocols to make them consume less energy than they currently do. This research takes the approach of reducing energy consumption by parallelizing the consecutive memory accesses of symmetric key encryption algorithms. To achieve parallelization, an existing energy complexity model is applied to symmetric key encryption algorithms. Inspired by the popular DDR3 architecture, the model assumes that main memory is divided into multiple banks, each of which can store multiple blocks. Each block in a bank can only be accessed from a cache of its own, that can hold exactly one block. However all the caches from different banks can be accessed simultaneously. In this research, experiments are conducted to measure the difference in energy consumption by varying the level of parallelization, i.e. variations of, number of banks that can be accessed in parallel. The experimental results show that the higher the level of parallelism, smaller is the energy consumption.

利用計算矩陣特徵值的方法求多項式的根 / Finding the Roots of a Polynomial by Computing the Eigenvalues of a Related Matrix

賴信憲 Unknown Date (has links)
我們將原本求只有實根的多項式問題轉換為利用QR方法求一個友矩陣(companion matrix)或是對稱三對角(symmetric tridiagonal matrix)的特徵值問題,在數值測試中顯示出利用傳統演算法去求多項式的根會比求轉換過後矩陣特徵值的方法較沒效率。 / Given a polynomial pn(x) of degree n with real roots, we transform the problem of finding all roots of pn (x) into a problem of finding the eigenvalues of a companion matrix or of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix, which can be done with the QR algorithm. Numerical testing shows that finding the roots of a polynomial by standard algorithms is less efficient than by computing the eigenvalues of a related matrix.

一些可分組設計的矩陣建構 / Some Matrix Constructions of Group Divisible Designs

鄭斯恩, Cheng, Szu En Unknown Date (has links)
在本篇論文中我們使用矩陣來建構可分組設計(GDD), 我們列出了兩種型 式的建構, 第一種 -- 起因於 W.H. Haemers -- A .crtimes. J + I .crtimes. D, 利用此種建構我們將所有符合 r - .lambda.1 = 1 的 (m,n,k,.lambda.1,.lambda.2) GDD 分成三類: (i) A=0 或 J-I, (ii) A 為 .mu. - .lambda. = 1 強則圖的鄰接矩陣, (iii) J-2A 為斜對稱 矩陣的核心。第二種型式為 A .crtimes. D + .Abar .crtimes. .Dbar ,此種方法可以建構出 b=4(r-.lambda.2) 的正規和半正規 GDD 。另外在 論文中, 我們研究在這些建構中出現的相關題目。 / In this thesis we use matrices to construct group divisible designs (GDDs). We list two type of constructions, the first type is -- due to W.H. Heamers -- A .crtimes. J + I .crtimes. D and use this construction we classify all the (m,n,k,. lambda.1, .lambda.2) GDD with r - .lambda.1 = 1 in three classes according to (i) A = 0 or J-I, (ii) A is the adjacency matrix of a strongly regular graph with .mu. - .lambda. = 1, (iii) J - 2A is the core of a skew-symmetric Hadamard matrix. The second type is A .crtimes. D + .Abar .crtimes. .Dbar , this type can construct many regular and semi-regular GDDs with b=4(r-.lambda.2). In the thesis we investigate related topics that occur in these constructions.

Insiders’ outside/Outsiders’ inside : Rethinking the insider regulation

Sjödin, Ulrika January 2006 (has links)
<p>Financial speculation has increased dramatically over the last 30 years. This means that a practice that used to be viewed as immoral <i>gambling</i> has become legitimate financial <i>trade</i>. This book explores the<i> genealogy</i> of the coexisting<i> insider trading laws</i>. The insider regulation prohibits trade based on privileged information in order to create equal trading conditions, and in this way uphold confidence in the financial markets among the general public. However, this study shows that the existing view of the insider regulation is <i>misleading</i> and that the regulation is best understood as a <i>game rule</i> aiming to <i>stimulate</i> financial speculation. The protection interest is therefore not primarily the general public, but the financial system as such: the professional market actors sustaining the speculative activities and a growing financial sector. </p><p>The consequence of stimulating financial speculation is that today’s authorities are attempting to make the financial markets into a lotto-like game, rather than a market for long-term investment. To make the financial markets into liquid and volatile public “games” means that the <i>risks</i> involved in the financial speculation are created by the human hand and the economic system<i> itself</i> rather than being naturally given. This places <i>desire</i> rather than rational <i>needs</i> as the fundamental ground of the economy. The concluding question is; why are we making our economy into a game? </p>

Strings, Branes and Non-trivial Space-times

Björnsson, Jonas January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with different aspects of string and /p/-brane theories. One of the motivations for string theory is to unify the forces in nature and produce a quantum theory of gravity. /p/-branes and related objects arise in string theory and are related to a non-perturbative definition of the theory. The results of this thesis might help in understanding string theory better. The first part of the thesis introduces and discusses relevant topics for the second part of the thesis which consists of five papers.</p><p>In the three first papers we develop and treat a perturbative approach to relativistic /p/-branes around stretched geometries. The unperturbed theory is described by a string- or particle-like theory. The theory is solved, within perturbation theory, by constructing successive canonical transformations which map the theory to the unperturbed one order by order. The result is used to define a quantum theory which requires for consistency d = 25 + p dimensions for the bosonic /p/-branes and d = 11 for the supermembrane. This is one of the first quantum results for extended objects beyond string theory and is a confirmation of the expectation of an eleven-dimensional quantum membrane.</p><p>The two last papers deal with a gauged WZNW-approach to strings moving on non-trivial space-times. The groups used in the formulation of these models are connected to Hermitian symmetric spaces of non-compact type. We have found that the GKO-construction does not yield a unitary spectrum. We will show that there exists, however, a different approach, the BRST approach, which gives unitarity under certain conditions. This is the first example of a difference between the GKO- and BRST construction. This is one of the first proofs of unitarity of a string theory in a non-trivial non-compact space-time. Furthermore, new critical string theories in dimensions less then 26 or 10 is found for the bosonic and supersymmetric string, respectively.</p>

The Fall and Rise of Antimatter: Probing Leptogenesis and Dark Matter Models

Vertongen, Gilles V.M.P. 25 September 2009 (has links)
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), together with the analyses of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies, confirm what our day to day experience of life attests : antimatter is far less present than matter in the Universe. In addition, these observables also permit to evaluate that there exists about one proton for every 10^{10} photons present in the Universe. This is in contradiction with expectations coming from the standard hot big bang, where no distinction between matter and antimatter is made, and where subsequent annihilations would lead to equal matter and antimatter contents, at a level 10^{−10} smaller than the observed one. The Standard Model of fundamental interactions fails to explain this result, leading us to search for ‘Beyond the Standard Model’ physics. Among the possible mechanism which could be responsible for the creation of such a matter asymmetry, leptogenesis is particularly attractive because it only relies on the same ingredients previously introduced to generate neutrino masses. Unfortunatelly, this elegant proposal suffers from a major difficulty : it resists to any tentative of being probed by our low energy observables. In this thesis, we tackle the problem the other way around and propose a way to falsify this mechanism. Considering the type-I leptogenesis mechanism, i.e. a mechanism based on the asymmetric decay of right-handed neutrinos, in a left-right symmetric framework, we show that the observation of a right-handed gauge boson W_R at future colliders would rule out any possibility for such mechanism to be responsible of the matter asymmetry present in our Universe. Another intriguing question that analyses of the anisotropies of the CMB confirmed is the presence of a non-baryonic component of matter in our Universe, i.e. the dark matter. As hinted by observations of galactic rotation curves, it should copiously be present in our galactic halo, but is notoriously difficult to detect directly. We can take advantage on the fact that antimatter almost disappeared from our surroundings to detect the contamination of cosmic rays from standard sources the annihilation products of dark matter would produce. The second subject tackled in this work is the study of the imprints the Inert Doublet Modem (IDM) could leave in (charged) cosmic rays, namely positrons, antprotons and antideuterons. This model, first proposed to allow the Bout-Englert-Higgs particle to evade the Electroweak Precision Test (EWPT) measurements, introduces an additional scalar doublet which is inert in the sense that it does not couple directly to fermions. This latter property brings an additional virtue to this additional doublet : since it interacts weakly with particles, it can play the role of dark matter. This study will be done in the light of the data recently released by the PAMELA, ATIC and Fermi-GLAST collaborations, which reported e^± excesses in two different energy ranges.

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