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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právní a ekonomické aspekty přímých zahraničních investic s přihlédnutím k Tchaj-wanu / Legal and Economic Aspects of Foreign Direct Investment with Reference to Taiwan

Jindra, Marek January 2022 (has links)
Název diplomové práce v anglickém jazyce, abstrakt v anglickém jazyce a 3 klíčová slova v anglickém jazyce Title: Legal and Economic Aspects of Foreign Direct Investment with Reference to Taiwan Abstract: The thesis on "Legal and Economic Aspects of Foreign Direct Investment with Reference to Taiwan" consists of two main parts, which are divided into eight chapters. The thesis uses the methods of secondary source analysis, synthesis, and comparison. The thesis is mainly based on domestic and foreign literature, foreign legislation, documents and data of international organizations published on their websites, academic articles, textbooks, and economic studies. The first part of the thesis deals with the general issue of foreign direct investment in four chapters, both from the legal and economic points of view. The thesis introduces the reader to the definitions of investment and investor, the nature and meaning of investment, the standards of treatment of investment, and, last but not least, its legal regulation. This section aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the various aspects of foreign direct investment protection, which will provide a well-rounded insight into the subject. In the second practically oriented part, the thesis analyses foreign direct investment in Taiwan. In particular, it...

工業技術研究院(工研院) 之戰略轉型在臺灣高科技產業發展過程: 制度學習方法 / The transformation of strategies of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in the course of Taiwan’s high-tech industrial development: an institutional learning approach

米莎, Fefelov, Mikhail Unknown Date (has links)
本文考察了自20世紀70年代末台灣的高新技術產業化的過程中,由工業技術研究院(工研院)經歷了轉變。本文提出了一個框架,與經濟和政治變化的環境中所發生的高科技產業整合工研院的互動。使用機構學習模型,本文標識的組織學習能力。在本質上這些學習能力突出I工研院的相互作用調整的變化的機制。歷史分析表明三個階段,其中的研究院通過主要組織變革發生的背景。階段之間的過渡是不同的,嵌入在特定的經濟和政治背景。 / This thesis examines the transformations undergone by the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) during the course of Taiwan’s high-tech industrialization since the late 1970s. This study proposes a framework that integrates ITRI’s approaches in interacting with high-tech industries on the one hand, with the broad economic and political changes happening in its environment on the other. Using an institutional learning model, the thesis identifies the organizational learning capabilities, which in essence underlines the mechanisms of ITRI’s interaction adjustment to the changes. The historical analysis suggests three stages, in the contexts of which the institute undergoes through major organizational transformations. The transitions between the stages are different and embedded in the particular economic and political contexts.

外交政策評估研究-美國智庫與我國對美外交 / A Foreign Policy Evaluation: U.S. Think Tanks and Taiwan’s U.S. Policy

馬博元, Ma,Jason Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以我國對美外交工作中的對美智庫工作為標的,以政策評估之角度,對此項工作之有效性進行評估。 針對我國對智庫工作進行政策評估,其主要核心即在於討論我國影響美國智庫的能力,及美國智庫影響美國政府之能力等兩者,以求瞭解對智庫進行工作,是否最後能產生實現特定之國家目標的結果。整個影響過程,包括了我國□美國智庫□美國政府等三個主體,其中箭頭代表「影響」,整個三主體兩階段過程能夠順利建立,則代表美國政府之友我政策產出,我國的特定國家目標得以實現。為對上述兩階段進行檢視,在研究架構上本論文採取了政策評估研究為整體研究脈絡,並以決策研究及統計研究進行各次級項目的細部討論,以逐一檢視三主體兩階段過程中,每一段是否能夠成立。 首先,本研究則針對台美關係之歷史脈絡及美國目前重要智庫分佈情形進行彙整,並針對傳統上將學者及智庫分為紅隊及藍隊之恰當性進行討論。之後,則先由各項理論及影響管道等兩方面,針對智庫影響政府政策之能力(三主體兩階段架構之後段)進行探討。在論證此階段之影響力確實存在後,緊接著則針對國家影響智庫之能力(三主體兩階段架構之前段)進行研究。透過學理及統計分析等兩方面之研究結果均顯示,我國對美國智庫之工作,確實已對該智庫之言論取向及活動內容,發揮明確之影響力。吾人可稱三主體兩階段之影響架構確實存在,我國對智庫之工作確實可達成影響美國政策之政策目的,就本研究而言,在政策有效性之評估上,應已合乎要求。 在確認三主體兩階段之影響力均存在後,本研究彙整各階段研究之結果,並據以擬定智庫工作之模式:「台灣模式(Taiwan Model)」。 / This is a policy evaluation which takes Taiwan’s U.S. policy as it is enacted through U.S. think tanks as the subject for evaluation. The purpose is to evaluate the effectiveness of this policy in practice In evaluating Taiwan’s work on American think tanks, the core aim is to evaluate Taiwan’s ability to effect U.S. think tanks and, in turn, the ability of U.S. think tanks to influence the U.S. government. Through this study observers will gain a sense of whether Taiwan’s work on U.S. think tanks is effective in terms if achieving specific national goals. For the purpose described above, this study firstly introduces the historical background to Taiwan-U.S. relations and makes a general survey in the current situation of U.S. think tanks. It also discusses the appropriateness of the classifications “red team” and “blue team”. In the following chapters, I examine the ability of U.S. think tanks to influence the U.S. government through both theoretical and channel-observing approaches. I also examine the Taiwan government’s ability to influence U.S. think tanks through both theoretical and statistical approaches. I conclude that this effectiveness exists, and that Taiwan’s work on U.S. think tanks can survive policy evaluations in terms of effectiveness. In the last chapter, I collate the results from each stage of this study, and frame a model for work on think tanks. I call this the “Taiwan Model”.

台灣勵志書籍的系譜(1950-1990) / A Genealogical Analysis on Taiwan’s Inspirational Books (1950-1990)

袁孝康, Yuan, Hsiao-Kang Unknown Date (has links)
在這篇論文裡,我們從台灣勵志書籍中主要是考察了一種文學與規訓的歷史。   在一九五0年到一九九0年勵志書籍的系譜中,隨著支配肉體與心靈的技術變化的前沿,如果存在著基本的調性,那麼它仍是循著「激勵」、「撫慰」、「教育」、「指導」的功能原則,指向建構規範與認同的目標,勵志書籍則成為一種權力機制。   從勵志書籍的文本中,我們可以看出的是規範身心的技術和認同變化。在一九五0年代建構的是政治認同的肉體和心靈、以及與這種認同相聯繫的方法;在一九六、七0年代是經濟認同的肉體和心靈、以及與這種認同相聯繫的技術;到了一九八0年代以後,我們看的是對規範的真理紀律的文化認同,與知識共構,對差異、個體的重視隱藏著「經管」的底蘊。   勵志書籍從出現到轉型,體現在權力關係之中。在政治力量、經濟力量與秩序的規範力量介入中,一九五0年代反共戰鬥文學與勵志文學出現,一九六、七0年代現代主義思潮和現代勵志文學轉型,一九八0年代鄉土文學爭端的消弭、個體的誕生與近代勵志文學的成型,在在對肉體和心靈角力,不斷改變的,是權力的意志傾向,是力量鬥爭的最後結果。   就權力關係下的個體而言,台灣的勵志書籍在不同時期也呈現了不同的技術。一九五0年代到一九七0年代,重點毋寧在於「分離實踐」(dividing practice)的技術,差別在場域不同和部署的方式不同。一九五0年代是透過獎勵制度拔擢作家、再在物質的生活領域進行佈建,論述部署是「差序格局」結合「修齊治平」道統的原則;一九六、七0年代則是建構經濟性質的精神的分離實踐,結合醫學的隱喻,呈現出「經濟達爾文主義的公民」形象,體現為「階級」劃分的雛形;一九八0年代則是「差異的經管」,一方面是透過「認識自我」的心靈的技術性繳械,一方面是「建構自我」的肉體的解剖式武裝,達成規範的秩序。

在臺經驗對兩岸化的影響: 陸生觀點 / The Impact of Taiwan’s Experience on Cross-straitization: Perspective From Mainland Chinese Students

魯嬪文, Lu, Pin-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
自2016年蔡英文政府執政以來,兩岸關係集聚降溫,經貿及政治往來遇冷,文化和教育交流成為海峽兩岸之間的唯一紐帶。在台陸生,特別是學位生,較之交換生在台灣停留時間更長,對台灣的認識和了解也更加廣泛且深刻,其之於兩岸文教交流的重要性不言而喻。學者們提出兩岸化的概念,用以描述衝突地區之間因為文教交流而降低衝突的過程,簡言之,兩岸化認為隨著兩岸的文教交流程度提高,彼此之間的和平程度也會隨之提升。本研究以在台陸生學位生為研究對象,調查其群體特征及在台經驗,探討陸生在台經驗和其對兩岸化認知之關聯。研究通過便利取樣的方式共收集838份問卷,并在此基礎上訪談了13名在台陸生。研究發現,在台陸生對於台灣社會文化滿意度最高,對台灣的政治表現滿意度最低。停留時間、社交狀況、社會參與以及負面體驗對陸生的兩岸化認知有顯著影響。其中,隨著在台停留時間增加,陸生對台的整體滿意度呈現W型分佈;和台灣同學的交流有助於提升陸生對於兩岸交流效果的肯定;在台參加過社會運動的陸生對于大陸的民主化更有信心;而同時,在台遭遇過歧視或霸凌的陸生對兩岸交流保持較為悲觀的態度。陸生對台灣的認知,特別是對兩岸化的認知對台灣以及兩岸關係有著深刻且長遠的影響。本研究之結果希望能為有關部門和學者提供可行之意見和建議,優化兩岸文教交流模式,推動兩岸關係的良性發展。 / After Tsai’s administration took office in 2016, the cross-strait relationship between Taiwan and Mainland China has become quite unpredictable in terms of economic and political communication. Cultural and educational exchange is regarded as the only sustainable interaction, which makes mainland students studying in Taiwan, especially the degree seekers with a deeper and more extensive contact with Taiwan society, an appropriate subject of study when exploring cross-straitization—a model indicates that the growth of cultural and educational exchange raises the degree of peace between Taiwan and China. Based on previous research and existing theory of contact and cultural and educational exchanges, the study examines the possible impact of the Taiwan’s experience on mainland Chinese degree-seeking student perspectives on cross-straitization. It employed questionnaires (838 valid samples) and in-depth interviews (13 samples) in 2016. The study found that Chinese students had a higher perception of socio-culture than the political and economic performance of Taiwan, as well as that time dimensions significantly impact on Chinese student perspectives of Taiwan and on unification; with the passing of time, these students’ views on unification first falls then rises. More contact with Taiwanese students provides a better understanding and potentially closes gaps between China and Taiwan. Likewise, participation in social movement increases Chinese students’ confidence in the democratization of China. In contrast, negative experiences, such as bullying and discrimination, impedes mutual understanding. The findings and discussion address the future research that is needed on cross-strait issues and recommends preventive and remedial measures, as well as policies to improve mutual communication and understanding.

臺灣資本市場發展之研究 / The Research on Taiwan's Capital Market Development

曾瓊慧, Tseng, Chiung-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
資本市場對於一國社會經濟的發展,佔有舉足輕重的地位。一方面,企業生產所需之資本,透過股票或債券等證券的發行,在資本市場迅速籌集資金,推動國家經濟不斷成長;另一方面,國民儲蓄認購企業發行之證券,分享企業經營之成果,從而達成「均富」之目標。台灣資本市場的建立,可以民國51年2月9日「台灣證券交易所」成立為里程碑,發展迄今已逾37年,市場規模日益壯大,並朝向國際化的方向發展。臺灣資本市場的發展就如臺灣經濟發展之縮影,二者亦步亦趨,密不可分。藉由對臺灣資本市場深化程度之探究,將能清楚地看出資本市場在臺灣經濟發展歷程中所佔的比重與發揮的功能。所謂「資本深化」(Capital Deepening),係指資本市場中資金累積的速度。民國五O年代是臺灣經濟的黃金時期,此階段之資本深化程度於五十二至五十五年間為最高;民國六O年代經歷兩次能源危機,但我國堅強之因應能力使得資本市場得以順利發展,深化程度維持穩定;到了七O年代,台灣經濟呈現起伏不定的變化,尤其是七O年代末期,資本市場深化程度大幅提升,但這是市場不正常發展的結果;八O年代迄今,資本市場全力朝自由化與國際化發展。在臺灣資本市場的發展歷程中,遭逢七次重大危機。此七次危機是以股票市場之「十年均線」為標的,本文開創性地歸納出六段加權股價指數於十年均線以下的時期,這六個時期分別為民國71年8月至72年1月、民國79年2月至79年10月、民國81年9月至82年1月、民國84年8月至85年3月、民國87年8月至87年9月與民國88年1月至88年2月;此外,民國83年10月,洪福證券公司發生鉅額跳票,造成股市連續暴跌一個星期,股價指數於六個交易日內重挫1059.04點,跌幅達14.75%,資本市場受創程度不亞於前述六個時期。從臺灣資本市場發展的軌跡中,可以發現影響資本市場起伏變化的因素主要有: 經濟循環、政治因素( 國際形勢的變化、 戰爭的影響、 國內重大政治事件、 國家的重大經濟政策)、 貨幣供給與利率、油價、 企業經營狀況與人為操縱等。此六項因素左右資本市場發展過程之盛衰起伏。 第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………………1~9 第一節 研究背景與目的 …………………………………1~4 第二節 研究內容與流程 …………………………………5~7 第三節 研究方法與限制 …………………………………8~9 第二章 資本市場與國家經濟發展 ……………………………10~29 第一節 「資本」概念的論述 ……………………………10~15 第二節 資本的形成-儲蓄和投資的相關理論 …………16~26 第三節 資本市場在經濟發展中所扮演的角色 …………27~29 第三章 臺灣資本市場之發展歷程 ……………………………30~82 第一節 臺灣資本市場的建立 ……………………………30~41 第二節 臺灣資本市場運作制度之演變歷程 ……………42~62 一、 證券市場管理方面 ……………………………42~47 二、 證券發行市場方面 ……………………………48~51 三、 證券流通市場方面 ……………………………52~55 四、 證券服務業方面 ………………………………56~59 五、 證券市場國際化方面 …………………………60~62 第三節 臺灣資本市場發行與交易之變遷 ………………63~82 一、 股票之發行與交易情形 ………………………63~78 二、 債券之發行與交易情形 ………………………78~82 第四章 臺灣資本市場深化程度之演進 ………………………83~123 第一節 衡量「資本深化」程度指標的建立 ……………83~105 第二節 民國五o年代 ……………………………………106~109 第三節 民國六o年代 ……………………………………110~114 第四節 民國七o年代 ……………………………………115~119 第五節 民國八o年代 ……………………………………120~123 第五章 臺灣資本市場遭逢七次危機之背景、成因、解決政策與借鑒 ………………………124~160 第一節 民國71年8月至72年1月 ……………………124~130 第二節 民國79年2月至79年10月 ………………… 131~136 第三節 民國81年9月至82年1月 ……………………137~143 第四節 民國83年10月 ………………………………144~147 第五節 民國84年8月至85年3月 ……………………148~152 第六節 民國87年8月至87年9月 ……………………153~156 第七節 民國88年1月至88年2月 ……………………157~160 第六章 結論 ………………………………………………… 161~170 第一節 本文主要發現 …………………………………161~164 第二節 本文政策性意涵 ………………………………165~169 第三節 可進一步研究之方向 …………………………170 參考文獻 ……………………………………………………171~180 / Capital market plays a key role in one country's economic development. On the one hand, enterprises can acquire the capital that they demand through issuing securities in capital market; on other hand, the public can share the profits of enterprises by purchasing securities in capital market. The foundation of "Taiwan Stock Exchange" on February 9, 1962 was a milestone in Taiwan's capital market history. Taiwan's capital market development is a miniature of Taiwan's economic development. The significance and functions of Taiwan's capital market in different stages of Taiwan's economic development can be observed clearly by exploring "Capital Deepening". "Capital Deepening" is the speed of capital accumulation in capital market. From 1962 till now, Taiwan's capital market has encountered seven severe crisives-from August 1982 to January 1983, from February 1990 to October 1990, from September 1992 to January 1993, from August 1995 to March 1996, from August 1998 to September 1998, from January 1999 to February 1999, and October 1994. Overall, there are six main factors which influence Taiwan's capital market deeply. They are business cycles, political factors, money supply and interest rate, oil price, enterprises, and personal manipulation.

台灣地區行政革新經驗之深層解釋 / A Depper Explanation of Taiwan's Administrative reform Experience

呂振興, Leu, Jenn Shing Unknown Date (has links)
過去四十餘年來,政治力一直主導國家發展的方向行政體系尤然。在我國民主政治逐漸成熟,社會日益開放下,威權體制所潛藏的諸多弊端一浮現,行政革新一詞,逐漸成為各界所重視的議題。行政革新(Administration Reform),就是針對公共行政的運作與政府的能力,有計劃的加以改革、創新而達成發展的目的。同時行政革新亦是社會變遷(Social Change)的一部分,應與社會的脈動相契合。從中央政府遷台以來,我國政治體制歷經剛性威權、柔性威權與民主轉型時期的蛻變,期間亦都有行政革新的推動,而政治力一直主導行政革新的方向。本文旨在探討我國各體制階段行政革新經驗的意涵,解釋行政革新的原因與所蘊含的意義。從理性面、政治力、制度面與社會力的理論探討,配合我國政治發展的實況,建構出本文的研究架構,做為分析、解釋本文的基礎。因為「行政體系不僅被期望完美,亦被期望具有社會性」,所以本文最後除了提出對我國現階段行政革新的具體建議外,更進一步建構出未來行政革新的架構—是理性面、制度面、政治力與社會力四者平衡互動,來共同從事行政革新的努力。

從法律與政治觀點檢視美台關係 / US-Taiwan relationship: from legal to political perspective

游佩儒, Yo, Pei Thu Unknown Date (has links)
Denny Roy describes the current political situation in Taiwan as both “peculiar and intriguing.” Roy also uses the terms “beautiful” and “beleaguered” to define Taiwan. These oxymoronic terms are natural reactions to the political turmoil and the economic success that characterize this island. The island itself appears harmless enough, yet it remains an indirect military threat to the world’s two most powerful nations: China and the US. At the heart of this threat is the question of Taiwan’s political status. Is it a sovereign nation in its own right or is it a part of mainland China? Taiwan believes it is sovereign and entitled to recognition as a sovereign state. China believes Taiwan is merely a renegade state and will eventually return to mainland China. The US is torn between foreign policies and relationships with both Taiwan and China and takes a rather ambiguous position. The result is decades of diplomatic wars between Taiwan and China with the US quite often caught in the middle. The purpose of this research study is to analyze and trace the origins and developments of Taiwan’s “peculiar and intriguing” circumstances and the consequences for world peace. This will require a detailed examination of the relations between Taiwan, China and the US and how foreign policy strategies and world politics have steered this triangle and the legal developments that have emerged. Certainly, conflict in the Middle East is a threat to world peace and security. However, no conflict or political impasse exists with the threat of war between the world’s two superpowers juxtaposed against one another as does the situation in the Taiwan Strait. A war between the US and China over Taiwan’s legal status may or may not happen. However, the mere prospect of such a war shapes and steers Taiwan’s domestic and international affairs. The focus on the colliding interests in and over the Taiwan Strait, automatically follow from the current status quo. For the second half of the 20th century each of the parties involved have gravitated toward largely incompatible goals. China takes the position that there is only one China and Taiwan is a part of China. Taiwan originally believed just as vociferously in the opposite contention and declared Taipei rather than Beijing as China’s legitimate capital. In recent years Taiwan has pursued autonomous status and international recognition. However, the greatest part of Taiwan’s population favors the status quo: rejecting independence and Chinese control all at once. The US is similarly positioned: acknowledging China’s one-China policy without expressing or demonstrating acceptance of it. Meanwhile the US has legally bound itself to providing military and economic assistance to Taiwan. These are the peculiar and intriguing circumstances surrounding the situation in Taiwan that motivate this study. / Denny Roy describes the current political situation in Taiwan as both “peculiar and intriguing.” Roy also uses the terms “beautiful” and “beleaguered” to define Taiwan. These oxymoronic terms are natural reactions to the political turmoil and the economic success that characterize this island. The island itself appears harmless enough, yet it remains an indirect military threat to the world’s two most powerful nations: China and the US. At the heart of this threat is the question of Taiwan’s political status. Is it a sovereign nation in its own right or is it a part of mainland China? Taiwan believes it is sovereign and entitled to recognition as a sovereign state. China believes Taiwan is merely a renegade state and will eventually return to mainland China. The US is torn between foreign policies and relationships with both Taiwan and China and takes a rather ambiguous position. The result is decades of diplomatic wars between Taiwan and China with the US quite often caught in the middle. The purpose of this research study is to analyze and trace the origins and developments of Taiwan’s “peculiar and intriguing” circumstances and the consequences for world peace. This will require a detailed examination of the relations between Taiwan, China and the US and how foreign policy strategies and world politics have steered this triangle and the legal developments that have emerged. Certainly, conflict in the Middle East is a threat to world peace and security. However, no conflict or political impasse exists with the threat of war between the world’s two superpowers juxtaposed against one another as does the situation in the Taiwan Strait. A war between the US and China over Taiwan’s legal status may or may not happen. However, the mere prospect of such a war shapes and steers Taiwan’s domestic and international affairs. The focus on the colliding interests in and over the Taiwan Strait, automatically follow from the current status quo. For the second half of the 20th century each of the parties involved have gravitated toward largely incompatible goals. China takes the position that there is only one China and Taiwan is a part of China. Taiwan originally believed just as vociferously in the opposite contention and declared Taipei rather than Beijing as China’s legitimate capital. In recent years Taiwan has pursued autonomous status and international recognition. However, the greatest part of Taiwan’s population favors the status quo: rejecting independence and Chinese control all at once. The US is similarly positioned: acknowledging China’s one-China policy without expressing or demonstrating acceptance of it. Meanwhile the US has legally bound itself to providing military and economic assistance to Taiwan. These are the peculiar and intriguing circumstances surrounding the situation in Taiwan that motivate this study.

日治時期農業統制下的臺灣米穀政策研究(1933~1945) / The research of Taiwan's rice policy in the agricultural control period of Japanese colonization 1933~1945

張志明, Chang, Chih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
1933年(昭和8年)日本因全球經濟大蕭條引發「昭和農業恐慌」,加上帝國內部米穀供應嚴重過剩,米價大幅滑落,促使日本政府加強米榖方面的各項統制措施。本文試圖由1933年開始至1945年日本戰敗為止,日本政府為因應米穀供應過剩或者不足所採取的各項統制措施,及其對殖民地臺灣所產生的影響。日本政府實施之米穀統制政策,對臺灣米穀生產造成影響者,如1933年實施的「米穀統制法」、1936年的「米穀自治管理法」、1939年於臺灣內部實施的「臺灣米穀移出管理令」、1942年7月1日施行的「食糧管理法臺灣施行令」、1943年底的「臺灣食糧管理令」、還有1944年年中推行的「米穀增產及供出獎勵相關特別措施」等。由這些米穀統制法令及措施,可以了解日本的臺灣總督府用盡一切方法,就是為了使其最重要的民生主食「稻米」的生產及供應,能達到「自給自足」的目標。臺灣,作為日本殖民帝國下的一員,為配合帝國整體米穀供需穩定,對於「看天吃飯」的米穀生產,悲願地追求其自足目標。臺灣蓬萊米生產的擴大與臺日米價間的互動,連帶影響臺灣糖價及其他農作物的生產,並可藉此了解日本與臺灣之間,因稻米生產而衍生出的統制生產架構。 / In 1933, the world economic recession (the Great Depression) caused the imperial Japan into the so called 「Showa Agricultural Panic」 and made the imperial internal rice supply overwhelmingly surplus. Those made the price of rice in Japan at that time fallen considerably, prompting the Japanese government to strengthen the rice control policies.This article, from 1933 to 1945, tries to explain the impacts of the Japanese government's various rice control policies which responded to the rice oversupply or insufficient upon the colonial Taiwan. The rice control policies Japanese government implemented made great influence upon Taiwan's rice production, such as in 1933, the enactment of the "Rice Control Law" ; in 1936, the enactment of the " Rice Self-management Law " ; in 1939, only in Taiwan enacted, the" Taiwan Rice Shipment Administration Order " ; in July 1 1942," The Staple Food Control Act's Taiwan Enforcement Order ” ; the end of 1943, “ Taiwan's Staple Food Control Administration Order ”; and promulgated in mid-1944 “Special Measures on Enhancing Rice Production and Awarding Shipment ",etc.Through those rice control laws and measures, we can understand the Japanese rulers exhausted to make people's livelihood, the production and supply of the most important staple food "rice", could achieve the goal of “self-sufficiency ".Taiwan, as one part of the Japanese colonial Empire, had to cooperate with the whole Empire’s rice supply and demand as stable as possible. Regarding the rice production which depends on the weather, Taiwan like Japan vows to pursue the goal of “self-sufficiency” with the earnest wish. The expansion of production of the Taiwan Formosan rice (Penglai rice) and the interaction of rice prices between the Taiwan and Japan influenced the Taiwan's sugar price and the production of other crops. Therefore, we can understand the control production structure caused by the rice production between Japan and Taiwan.

由美國聯邦最高法院廣達案判決後最新發展探討專利權耗盡原則之演變 — 以台灣資訊代工產業為中心 / Exploring the Evolution of the Doctrine of Patent Exhaustion After Quanta Case of the U.S. Supreme Court — Centering on Taiwan’s Information OEM/ODM Industry

闕河國, Chueh, Ho Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
美國聯邦最高法院廣達v.LG案的判決結果,再次確認「專利權耗盡原則」之適用原則及標準。被告廣達電腦乃為台灣資訊代工產業的龍頭,該判決除了限制專利權人對產業鏈的不當控制外,也將影響整個產業供應鏈對於專利風險的承擔及專利授權策略。廣達案除了建立「未完成品足以體現專利物之必要特徵,且唯一用途係該專利物」及「方法權利項」適用專利權耗盡的重要標準,但也留下「附條件銷售或授權」合法性的爭議。在廣達案後續判決,對「專利權耗盡原則」的詮釋及適用,更值得加以重視。台灣資訊產業在產業供應鏈多居於「製造或組裝」角色,卻受制於上游關鍵元件的強勢及品牌客戶的訂單壓力,而被迫必須承擔產品引發的所有專利侵權的風險。如何善用廣達案及後續各國相關判決,將有助於台灣資訊代工廠商處理國際專利爭訟、專利授權等議題,並做為專利侵權抗辯手段的參考。 本論文首先從經營策略及代工模式,探討台灣資訊代工產業發展與面臨的困境。其次,從專利權與專利侵害的法律規範,到專利權耗盡原則的法理基礎做一完整論述,加以美國先前相關案例的整理及類型分析,對「專利權耗盡原則」的理論與發展做一完整的探討。更進而整理廣達案判決後美國、中國大陸及台灣重要案例,探討「專利權耗盡原則」在其專利法制及實務案例的適用及影響。接著,探討在「契約自由原則」與「專利權耗盡原則」的衝突與調和下,其對於專利授權實務的操作及影響。最後,整理台灣資訊代工產業的代工類型化與廣達案前後美國、中國大陸及台灣權利耗盡重要判決之關聯性,並提出看法及建議。本文初步結論,美國法院案例可初步解析侵權風險及專利權耗盡的適用,並在專利授權談判可提出有效因應條款。廣達案後,美國各級法院均大致遵守此一判決先例,惟中國大陸及台灣法院實務判決仍未完全採取美國的判斷原則。對於後續的研究建議,新興3D列印科技發展及應用,其引發的複雜智慧財產權及「專利權耗盡原則」適用的爭議,確實值得重視。 / Quanta v. LG reaffirmed the applicable principles and standards of the "patent exhaustion principle". As the Quanta plays the lead role in Taiwan’s Information ODM/OEM industry, this US Supreme court’s decision not only limits the patent holder improper control of the industrial chain, but also affects the entire supply chain face the risks and patent license strategies. Quanta establishes the index that "unfinished finished enough to reflect the essential features of the patent and the sole purpose thereof " and "method claim" apply to patent exhaustion. However, "conditional sale or license" is still controversial. Therefore, the Post-Quanta interpretation is worthy of attention. Taiwan's IT Industries most account for the role of "manufacture or assembly" in the supply chain. Subject to the upstream suppliers of the key components or downstream brand customers, they bear all risks caused by infringement of patented products. The Quanta case and its post development will help Taiwan Information foundries to deal with international patent litigation, patent license and etc., and take it as a means to defend against patent infringement claim. Firstly, this thesis explores the development of Taiwan's information ODM/OEM industry and the difficulties of its business strategies and ODM/OEM models. Secondly, it turns to discuss the development of the "patent exhaustion doctrine", and then reviews US critical cases of "patent exhaustion doctrine". In addition, it analyzes post-Quanta cases of the United State, China and Taiwan to discuss the application and impact of the "patent exhaustion doctrine". Furthermore it explores its operation and effect on patent license practice under the conflict and reconciliation of "freedom of contract" and "patent exhaustion doctrine". Then, it identifies Taiwan’s information OEM/OEM industry in a variety of models and associates the models with the important cases of the United States, China and Taiwan regarding patent exhaustion, and makes remarks and suggestions. Finally, this thesis preliminarily concludes that US court cases basically resolve the risk of infringement and patent exhaustion application, and patent license negotiation may be made to respond effectively to the situation. After Quanta, US courts are substantially in compliance with this precedent judgment, but not for China and Taiwan. For subsequent study suggestion, it is worth attention about dispute of the emerging 3D printing technology development and application, which link complex intellectual property rights and the application of "patent exhaustion doctrine".

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