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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Residential Property Tax Assessment Systems in Botswana and Sweden

Svensson, Anna, Leima, Sofie January 2014 (has links)
There are different ways in how to assess a value to a property and which assessment technique that is used differs due to circumstances in each country, leading to different views of what is the best and most effective way. At the moment Botswana is suffering from obsolete valuation rolls and is in the position where the system could benefit of a reform. The overall purpose with this study is to gain knowledge about how Botswana and Sweden differ in terms of property tax assessment. By clarifying the similarities and differences between how values are allocated and by determining the most value-influencing factors in Botswana, improvements of the system could be suggested. The research methods that were used to fulfil the study consisted of a review of relevant literature together with a case study performed in Gaborone. The case study contained semi-structured interviews with applicable staff and questionnaires responded by twelve valuers. The findings of this study show that there are similarities between the countries way of assessing properties since they both base their values on market value, use comparable sales method and assess both land and buildings. However, there are also differences in terms of the approach of assessment. The main difference is that Botswana applies an individual assessment method and Sweden mass appraisal. Other differences are the ones responsible for performing the assessment, and the structure of the assessment in terms of collecting data and the periods of assessment. Furthermore, the results from the questionnaires demonstrated that the most value-influencing factors for residential properties in Botswana are water, electricity and site amenities. The main conclusions drawn from this study is that Botswana could benefit from a movement towards mass appraisal and apply parts of the Swedish system. To make this possible to implement our recommendations are; to change the mindset of the stakeholders, increase awareness among property owners, base the valuation on a few important factors and computerize the cadastral register. A future research topic could be to investigate how a mass appraisal could be implemented as a step-by-step process. / Det finns olika sätt att bedöma ett värde på en fastighet och de bedömningstekniker som används varierar beroende på varje lands förutsättningar, vilket leder till olika uppfattningar om vad som är det bästa och mest effektiva sättet att värdera på. Botswana lider för närvarande av föråldrade taxeringsvärden och systemet skulle gynnas av en reform. Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna studie är att utveckla kunskap om hur fastighetstaxeringen i Botswana och Sverige skiljer sig åt. Genom att tydliggöra likheter och skillnader i hur fastigheterna i länderna tilldelas ett taxeringsvärde och genom att klarlägga de mest värdepåverkande faktorerna för fastigheterna i Botswana, kunde förbättringar av det botswanska systemet föreslås. För att genomföra studien utfördes en litteraturstudie baserad på relevant litteratur samt en fallstudie i Gaborone, som är huvudstaden i Botswana. Fallstudien innehöll dels semistrukturerade intervjuer med affärsmän inom området samt enkäter som besvarades av tolv värderingsmän. Resultaten av denna studie visar att den främsta likheten mellan länderna är att fastighetstaxeringsvärdet baseras på marknadsvärdet, detta är i sin tur baserat på ortsprismetoden och både mark och byggnader värderas. De skillnader som visade sig rörde tillvägagångssättet för bedömningen. Den största skillnaden är att Botswana tillämpar en individuell värdering och Sverige massvärdering. Andra skillnader som visade sig var bland annat vem det är som utför värderingen, hanteringen av insamlad data samt när värderingarna äger rum. Vidare visar resultaten från enkäterna att de mest värdepåverkande faktorerna för småhus i Botswana är vatten, el och tillgång till service. Slutsatsen av denna studie blev att Botswana skulle kunna gynnas av att implementera delar av det svenska fastighetstaxeringssystemet och i och med det gå mer mot massvärdering. För att kunna göra detta genomförbart är våra rekommendationer; att ändra tänkesätten hos de berörda parterna, öka medvetenheten bland fastighetsägare, basera värderingen på färre faktorer och datorisera fastighetsregistret. Ett framtida område för forskning skulle kunna vara att undersöka hur en massvärdering skulle kunna implementeras steg för steg.

Hur väl avspeglar nuvarande värderingsmodell ägarlägenheters taxeringsvärde?

Nordström, Cajsa, Roos, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
Den 1 maj 2009 infördes lagregler som gör det möjligt att bilda ägarlägenheter i Sverige. Ägarlägenhet är en upplåtelseform som innefattas av direkt äganderätt vilket innebär att ägaren själv äger sin egen lägenhet i ett flerbostadshus.  Vid fastighetstaxering av ägarlägenheter används idag hyreshusmodellen för att beräkna taxeringsvärdet. Detta innebär att ägarlägenheter vid fastighetstaxeringen värderas enligt samma regler som hyreshus. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns ett behov av att utveckla en egen värderingsmodell för ägarlägenheter för att erhålla en förbättrad precision av det beräknade taxeringsvärdet. Målet med studien är att utvärdera taxeringsvärdenas tillförlitlighet utifrån tillämpningen av dagens värderingsmodell.  För att besvara arbetets frågeställningar har dataanalys och intervjuer med sakkunniga från Lantmäteriet och Skatteverket genomförts. Analysen undersöker ägarlägenheters köpeskillingar i förhållande till taxeringsvärdet och intervjuerna bidrar till en ökad förståelse avseende dagens värderingsmodell av ägarlägenheter.  Resultatet av studien visar att hyreshusmodellen ger för låga taxeringsvärden för ägarlägenheter. Av studien framgår att ägarlägenheternas taxeringsvärden i genomsnitt motsvarar 51 procent av marknadsvärdet, vilket inte uppfyller bestämmelserna i 5 kap. 2 § fastighetstaxeringslagen. Intervjuerna bekräftar att dagens värderingsmodell inte är särskilt anpassad för ägarlägenheter och att en ny värderingsmodell för ägarlägenheter behövs för att säkerställa mer tillförlitliga taxeringsvärden. / On May 1, 2009, legal regulations were introduced that made it possible to form condominiums in Sweden. Condominium is a form of tenure that is included in direct ownership, which means that the owner himself owns his own apartment in an apartment building.  Today the rental housing unit model is used to calculate the assessed value for property tax assessment of condominium. This means that condominium flats are valued according to the same rules as rental housing units during the property assessment. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a need to develop a separate valuation model for condominiums to obtain an improved precision of the calculated assessed value. The goal of the study is to evaluate the reliability of the tax values based on the application of today ́s valuation model.  To answer the questions of the study, data analysis and interviews with experts from Lantmäteriet and Skatteverket were conducted. The analysis examines the purchase price of condominiums in relation to the tax assessed value and the interviews provide an increased understanding of today ́s valuation model of condominiums.  The result of the study shows that the rental housing unit model generates too low tax assessment values for condominiums. The study shows that the tax assessment values of condominiums correspond on average to 51 percent of the market value, which does not meet the provisions of chapter 5 section 2 of the Property Taxation Act. The interviews confirm that today ́s valuation model is not adapted for condominiums and that a new valuation model for condominiums is needed to ensure more reliable tax assessment values.

Did the Construction of Lake Dallas Benefit or Injure Denton County from the Tax Valuation Standpoint

Millar, Abram A. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether or not Denton County gained or lost from the construction of Lake Dallas from the tax valuation standpoint.

Fastighetstaxeringssystem : En jämförelse mellan det svenska och nederländska systemet

Wijesinghe, Jeff, Zetterquist, Anton January 2016 (has links)
Lantmäteriet har annonserat intresse av hur andra utvecklade länder organiserar och utför sin fastighetstaxering och det är på uppdrag av dem som detta arbete utförs. Syftet med arbetet har varit att förbättra det svenska fastighetstaxeringssystemet genom att förse Lantmäteriet med en jämförande bild av den nederländska motsvarigheten. I Sverige har ett centralt system skapats som bygger på att Skatteverket har som uppdrag att utföra fastighetstaxering för hela landet. Fastighetstaxeringen sker i tidsperioder av sex år med en förenklad fastighetstaxering det tredje året. I Nederländerna är det istället en decentraliserad organisation av fastighetstaxering. Det är kommunerna som utför hela processen. De har även en central översiktsmyndighet, Waarderingskamer, som kontrollerar och säkerställer att kvalitén på taxeringsvärdet håller en bra och jämn nivå över hela landet. I Nederländerna sker fastighetstaxering årligen. Studien har avgränsats till att endast jämföra småhus och bostadshyreshus. Två metoder har använts i studien. En komparativ metod där en jämförelse mellan befintliga beskrivningar av respektive lands fastighetstaxeringssystem utförts, samt en intervjumetod med kvalitativa grunder och av semi-strukturerad form. Den komparativa metoden har besvarat den första och något större frågan ur frågeställningarna. Intervjuerna har primärt besvarat de två senare frågorna ur frågeställningarna. I Sverige används två värderingsmodeller, en för småhus och en för bostadshyreshus. Nederländerna har en och samma modell för samtliga bostadsfastigheter, däremot har kommunerna större möjlighet att utforma sina värderingsmodeller. Kommunerna kan välja ut egna egenskaper i sina modeller, men vissa punkter måste finnas med för att modellen ska vara godkänd. I Sverige är taxeringsvärdet tillgängligt för allmänheten, medan i Nederländera är det endast ägaren av fastigheten som får reda på taxeringsvärdet. Där har Sverige ett försprång med sitt system. Transparens är sannolikt en viktig del i ett taxeringssystem och bidrar till att förtroendet för taxeringsvärdet förbättras. / The Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority, Lantmäteriet, is interested to see how other developed countries organizes and carry out their real estate property taxation. The study aims to improve the Swedish property tax system by providing Lantmäteriet with a comparative picture of the Dutch counterpart. Sweden has a system based on a national authority that has the mandate to carry out real estate valuation for the entire country. The assessed value is decided every sixth year, with a simplified assessment during the third year of the six year period. In the Netherlands, they have a decentralized organization of real estate assessment. The municipalities perform the entire process. They have a central authority, Waarderingskamer, which controls and ensures that the quality of the assessed value have a good and consistent level. The assessed value is decided every year. This study will only handle residential properties. The methods that are used are; a comparative method where the comparison between existing descriptions of each country's real estate property tax system is performed. This will answer one the first questions asked in the in the issue section. The other method that is used is interviews, it will be with qualitative grounds and will answer the second and third question of the issue section. In Sweden, there are two assessment models that is used, one for one-to-two family houses and one for residential apartments. As for The Netherlands, there is one model for all residential properties, although the municipalities are allowed to have different models for their assessments. It can differ from two municipalities in what characteristic that is used; however, there are some mandatory characteristics that they must apply to the model for it to be approved. In Sweden, the assessed value is available to the public, while in the Netherlands, only the owner of the property that can see the assessed value. Sweden has an advantage with this in its system, since transparency is likely an important part of a property tax system and helps to improve confidence. However, The Netherlands will soon go public with their assessed values.

Lhůty pro vyměření daně / Time-limits for tax assesment

Koníčková, Ester January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis I describe the development of the legal frame for a statutory time limit, a period within which an official government authority can assess, reassess, calculate and issue taxes according to the law on Administration of Taxes and Charges (Nr. 337-1992) as amended and consequently replaced by the Tax Code, law nr. 280- 2009. Such time limit is crucial to establish a clear period during which tax can be assessed or a reassessed and issued to a subject with tax duty. After expiration of such time limit tax can no longer be calculated, and the tax proceedings therefore seize, without having the possibility to modify the tax as it was calculated last. The goal of this diploma thesis is to introduce the development of the legal frame for a statutory time limit for assessment and reassessment of taxes in the light of the modern case-law and its effects. The work includes cases from the Constitutional Court as well as administrative courts and it deals with the aftermath of their findings and lists the impact of such findings on private legal practice and by extension also on the tax subjects themselves. The thesis is divided into 8 individual chapters. Chapters 1 - 4 deal with tax proceedings, and time periods generally, time periods for tax administration and the calculation of course of...

Lançamento tributário: vícios materiais e formais para fins do art. 173, II, do Código Tributário Nacional

Mendonça, Mauritânia Elvira de Sousa 07 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:22:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mauritania Elvira de Sousa Mendonca.pdf: 878288 bytes, checksum: e49637cde367b35c0ab769782d2ffcc7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-07 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Based on the administrative procedure act, the present study has the objective to propose safe criteria (uniting the process of production act enunciationutterance and utterance-utterance) with internal and external aspects of the administrative procedure act in order to identify vices formal and material which may affect the assessment, if its formation does not occur under the regulations (vices as a result of disobedience of rules which discipline the normative process or the regulator rules of its substantial aspects). This is due to the fact that the administrative authority does not always promote the application of tax and legal rules within the strict legal limits. Moreover, in light of the established propositions, this study will consider that all vices which damage the act of tax assessment must be reported through the use of competent language, and can be identified in its own normative structure. The contribution of this study, as a formal vice, in terms of article 173, II of the National Tax Code, is that there is possibility that the Exchequer reassesses what causes some juridical uncertainty to tax payers, mainly for not having doctrinaire and jurisprudential consensus regarding which flaw of the administrative act assessment would indeed characterize a formal vice or material vice / O presente trabalho tem por escopo, tomando o lançamento como ato administrativo, propor o oferecimento de critérios seguros (conjugando o processo de produção do direito (enunciação-enunciada e enunciadoenunciado) com os aspectos externos e internos do ato administrativo, para identificação dos vícios formais e materiais que podem atingir o lançamento, caso sua formação não se realize nos termos da lei (vícios decorrentes de desobediência das normas que disciplinam o processo de positivação ou das normas reguladoras de seus aspectos substanciais). Isso porque a autoridade administrativa nem sempre promove a aplicação das normas jurídicas tributárias, nos estritos limites legais. Ademais, ante as premissas firmadas, o estudo considerará que todos os vícios que maculam o ato do lançamento tributário devem estar relatados na linguagem competente e podem ser identificáveis em sua própria estrutura normativa. A pesquisa se justifica, pois, em se tratando de vício formal, nos termos do art. 173, II do Código Tributário Nacional, há possibilidade de o Fisco proceder a novo lançamento, o que causa certa insegurança jurídica para os contribuintes, principalmente por não haver consenso doutrinário e jurisprudencial no tocante a qual defeito do ato administrativo de lançamento caracterizar-se-ia, exatamente, como vício formal ou material

我國財產稅評價制度公平性之探討 / On the Degree of Property Tax Assessment Inquity in China

黃朝琴, Ha, Cha Gi Unknown Date (has links)
為了瞭解是否由於評價制度的累退偏差而使我國財產稅累退現象更為嚴重,本文利用Paglin and Fogarty (1972)發展之方法來測度財產稅垂直不公平和水平不公平。其假設完全公平情況下,評定價值對市場價格應是一致性,即評定價值與市場價格要維持一定百分比;當評定價值與市場價格未保持一定比例而導致垂直不公平時,其增減可用1-(b<sub>e</sub>/b<sub>i</sub>)來衡量,而S<sub>y</sub>/AV乃估計水平不公平係數,即市場價格與評定價值未完全相關性,使相同價值之財產卻支付不同稅負。因此,便可利用上述評定價值與市場價格的離散程度來衡量不公平情形。   有關實證資料係以民國79年至82年臺北市大安區實際買賣資料為基礎,並配合稅捐機關的課稅資料做迴歸分析。實證結果發現財產市價愈高者,其評定價值佔市價之比例反而比市價較低者之財產為低,以至隨著市價上升,有效稅率反而下降。並且同樣價值的財產支付不同稅負的水平不公平情形相當嚴重。再利用法院拍賣價格來衡量房屋類型和區位其評價/市價之差異,結果新興郊區和一樓其比值最低,顯示往往因地區及房屋類型之不同而有不同評價標準。   從以上分析結果顯見評價與市價脫節之事實,是造成我國財產稅不公平原因之一,若是冀望財產稅能發揮平衡社會財富的功能,應儘速建立一套完整、合理的評價制度,使財產稅的稅基合理化,以促進稅制之公平性。

Daňová optimalizace ve vybraném podnikatelském subjektu / Tax Optimalization of The Business Subject

ANDRTOVÁ, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
The graduation thesis deals with the tax optimalization in a chosen business subject. The aims of this graduation thesis are aplications of alternative procedure in the tax liability calculation and their showing at chosen business subject. The practical part is aimed at present law adjustment of a corporate income tax and at methodology of process of an individual option of the tax optimalization aimed at carryback, tax abatement and other tax types of the tax optimalization. The data, including the calculation of the 2007 income tax range, of the company Dřevooptima s.r.o. are elaborated in the practical part. By means of the aplication of the individual option of the tax optimalization on the company data there generates different tax optimalizations. Based on the comparision of these options and the existing degree of recommendation, which options of the tax optimalization should the company used in the future to legally reduce its tax liability. For purposes of the better orientation the thesis also contains charts.

Intergovernmental fiscal policy in California: The 1993 property tax shift

Kemmet, Lynndee Ann 01 January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

A alterabilidade do lançamento tributário

Chiarelli, Silvia Roberta 18 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silvia Roberta Chiarelli.pdf: 1008898 bytes, checksum: 9b31c82b3ec32fa43edbc9e042a2c0be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-18 / The aim of the present academic work is to present the procedures of the tax assessment changeability, foreseen in the interpolated propositions of article 145 of the Internal revenue code, also, it covers the ability on performing such activity and the substantial causes for the changeability, as foreseen in the interpolated propositions of article 149 of the same statute, covering the pictures of the vices of the legal fact tributary occurred by the insertion of deficient individual and concrete rules of law, contaminated of errors in fact and right. Leading in consideration that the tax assessment - conceived as the administrative activity of which the Treasury department constitutes the tributary liability and consequentely, the tributary credit, and notifies the passive citizen to pay it it can eventually contain irregularities (vices) and that the Public Administration can and must review its own acts when contaminated of nullities. Our Internal Tax Code, in observance to the Federal Constitution that imposes limits or restrictions to legal disciplines of revision of the tax assessment, preventing itself the confront of the basic rights of the contributor, establishes two limits criteria for its revision, which are the temporal limits and the objective limits. The temporal limits rely on to the legal stated period of which the revision could be initiated; therefore, it is associated to the decay of the right to review the tax assessment. And the objective limits are related to the justifying fundamentals of the revision, which are the error in fact, the error of law and the change of legal criteria / O presente trabalho versa sobre o procedimento da alterabilidade do lançamento tributário previsto nos incisos do artigo 145 do Código Tributário Nacional, bem como nas formas de competência para o exercício dessa alteração e mais, nas causas substanciais da sua revisibilidade previstas nos incisos do artigo 149 do mesmo diploma legal, percorrendo-se os quadros dos vícios do fato jurídico tributário ocorridos pela inserção de normas jurídicas individuais e concretas deficientes, eivadas de erros de fato e de direito. Levando em consideração que o lançamento concebido como a atividade administrativa pela qual o Fisco constitui a obrigação tributária e conseqüentemente, o crédito tributário e notifica o sujeito passivo para pagá-lo pode eventualmente conter irregularidades (vícios) e que a Administração Pública pode e deve rever seus atos quando eivados de nulidades. Nosso Código Tributário Nacional, em observância à Constituição Federal impõe limites ou restrições à disciplina legal de revisão do lançamento tributário evitando-se dessa forma afronta aos direitos fundamentais do contribuinte, estabelece dois critérios limitadores à revisão do lançamento: os temporais e os objetivos. Os limites temporais dizem respeito ao prazo legal dentro do qual poderá a revisão ser iniciada, portanto, diz respeito à decadência do direito de rever o lançamento tributário, e os objetivos estão relacionados aos fundamentos justificadores da revisão, quais sejam, o erro de fato, erro de direito e mudança de critérios jurídicos

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