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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”De här stora frågorna kan vi ju aldrig välja bort” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie i hur lärare för de yngre åldrarna tolkar, planerar och genomför undervisning kring samhällsfrågor i ämnet samhällskunskap / “We can never opt out of these big questions” : A qualitative interview study of how teachers for the younger ages interpret, plan, and carry out teaching social issues in the subject of social studies

Stenholm, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers for the younger ages perceive the conceptof social issues and what subject-specific didactic considerations they make regarding them intheir social studies teaching. The research questions that the paper aimed to answer are whatsubject-specific didactic considerations teachers for the younger ages make in their teaching ofsocial issues, and what role does the teacher believe they take or should take in social studiesteaching. Previous research regarding teaching social issues has examined the teaching of olderstudents. This, together with the few descriptions in the policy documents regarding socialissues for younger students, is the basis for the interest to fulfill this study.The method is based on a phenomenographic research approach and empirics were collectedthrough qualitative semi-structured interviews. A total of six teachers were interviewed, withformal qualifications in the subject of social studies. Their answers were then analyzed basedon the theory within the phenomenographic research approach and Vygotsky's socioculturalperspective.The result consists of three qualitatively different categories that describe the teacher'sperception of the concept of social issues and teaching of the content including the purpose andmethod. The results show that teachers work with social issues from a democratic perspective,a values-based perspective and based on current events.

Estetiska uttrycksformer i förskolans lärmiljö : Förskollärares uppfattningar om estetiska uttrycksformer / Aesthetic form of expression in the preschool’s learning environment : Preschool teacher’s perceptions of aesthetic form of expression

Persson, Elisabeth January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to invetigate preschool teachers' perceptions of opportunities and difficulties in work with aesthetic forms of expression in the preschool's learning environment. According to the preschool curriculum (Skolverktet, 2018), preschool education must give children the opportunity to experience, shape and communicate through aestethic forms of expression such as image, form, drama, movement, song, music  and dance. It is also the preschool teachers' responsibility to develop pedagogical content and environments in the teaching that inspire development and learning (Skolverket, 2018). To investigate preschool teachers' own perceptions of opportunities and difficulties at work, a phenomenographic methodological approach and qualitative semi-structured interviews were used, which were also recorded and enabled in-depth answers. The results and the analysis shed light on preschool teachers' perceptions of the opportunities and difficulties that exist in the work of creating conditions for children to experience, shape and communicate in the learning enviroinment through aesthetic forms of expression. What preschool teachers preceive can create opportunities and difficulties are the educator, the physical environment and time, above all in the form of the preschool's daily routines. What dose not emerge are preschool teaschers' perceptions of how aesthetic subject knowledge is a possible contributing factor to the possibilities or difficulties that are experienced. Since previous research by Lindqvist (2019) showed that preschool teacher students preceive their aesthetic subject knowledge as insufficient, it would be interesting to possibly further investigate how active preschool teachers perceive that their subject knowledge in the aesthetic subjects affects preschool education. This can be seen as important in order to contribute to a further understanding of preschool teachers' perceptions of the aesthetic subject and the possibilities and difficulties of forms of expression. / Denna studies syfte är att undersöka förskollärares uppfattningar av möjligheter och svårigheter i arbetet med estetiska uttrycksformer i förskolans lärmiljö. Enligt förskolans läroplan (Skolverket, 2018) ska förskolans utbildning ge barn möjlighet att uppleva, gestalta och kommunicera genom estetiska uttrycksformer som bild, form, drama, rörelse, sång, musik och dans. Det är också förskollärarnas ansvar att i undervisningen utveckla pedagogiskt innehåll och miljöer som inspirerar till utveckling och lärande (Skolverket, 2018).För att undersöka förskollärares egna uppfattningar om möjligheter och svårigheter i arbetet användes en fenomenografisk metodansats och kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer, vilka också spelades in och möjliggjorde fördjupade svar. Resultatet och analysen belyser förskollärares uppfattningar om vilka möjligheter och svårigheter som finns i arbetet med att skapa förutsättningar för barn att i lärmiljön uppleva, gestalta och kommunicera genom estetiska uttrycksformer. Det förskollärarna uppfattar kan skapa möjligheter och svårigheter är pedagogen, den fysiska miljön och tiden, framför allt i form av förskolans dagliga rutiner. Det som inte framkommer är förskollärares uppfattningar kring hur estetiska ämneskunskaper är en eventuell bidragande faktor till de möjligheter eller svårigheter som upplevs. Eftersom tidigare forskning av Lindqvist (2019) visade att förskollärarstudenter upplever sina estetiska ämneskunskaper som otillräckliga vore det intressant att eventuellt vidare undersöka hur verksammaförskollärare uppfattar att sina ämneskunskaper inom de estetiska ämnena påverkar förskolans utbildning. Detta kan ses som viktig för att bidra till ytterligare förståelse för förskollärares uppfattningar om de estetiska ämnena och uttrycksformernas möjligheter och svårigheter

Lärares uppfattningar om införandet av programmering i gymnasieskolans matematikämne / Teachers' perception about the introduction of programming in the subject of upper secondary school mathematics

Sjöberg, Lars January 2019 (has links)
Vi lever i ett samhälle där datorer och annan digitalteknik blir allt mer central i vår vardag. Sveriges regering har därför ålagt Skolverket att stärka elevernas digitala kompetens. Som en del av detta införs programmering som ett digitalt verktyg i matematikundervisningen både i grundskolan och på gymnasiet. Det krävs dock i nuläget inga kurser i programmering för att bli en legitimerad matematiklärare. Syftet med undersökningen som presenteras i denna rapport är att undersöka matematiklärares uppfattningar som uppkommit på grund av att Skolverkets revidering av läroplanerna i matematik. Denna revidering innebär att vissa matematikkurser på gymnasiet innefattar att programmering skall användas som problemlösningsverktyg. Underlaget till denna undersökning är en transkribering och tematisering av kvalitativa intervjuer med tio matematiklärare, samt tidigare forskning. Undersökningen fann en viss oro bland lärarna som till stor del handlade om bristande kunskap i programmering samt problematiken med att hinna med att få in ytterligare ett moment i undervisningen. Under intervjuerna framgick det att lärarna var allmänt fundersamma om vilka digitala verktyg de skulle använda för att lösa detta nya krav. En majoritet av lärarna förordade dock Excel och Geogebra. Det framkom ett visst missnöje med att detta nya krav infördes med mycket kort varsel. Många lärare förväntade sig och litade på att läroboksförfattarna skulle komma med en uppdatering av läroböckerna i matematik. En uppdatering som förväntades innefatta programmering och som därmed skulle lösa den nya pedagogiska utmaningen. / Computers and other digital technology are becoming increasingly important in our society. Due to that, the Swedish Government has instructed their National Agency for Education to strengthen the students' digital competence. One outcome of this was that programming become a part of teaching mathematics both in primary and upper secondary school. Programming is not a part of the mandatory studies needed to become a certified mathematics teacher. The purpose of this study is to investigate the ideas, attitudes and ideas of mathematics teachers that have arisen because of the National Agency for Education's revision of the curricula in mathematics. According to this revision of the curricula, students should use programming as a problem-solving tool. The basis for this study is a transcription of qualitative interviews with ten mathematics teachers and an examination of previous research. This study found that there was some concern among the teachers. Most of the concern was about lack of knowledge in programming. The majority of teachers preferred to use Excel and Geogebra as a digital tool to teach programming. Many teachers expressed spontaneously a general dissatisfaction with the impact that calculators already have in mathematics education. There was some dissatisfaction with the introduction of this new requirement at very short notice. Many teachers expected and trusted that the textbook authors would come up with an update of the textbooks in mathematics. An update that would thus solve their new educational challenge.

A Correlational Study About Coaching And Teachers' Attitudes, Perceptions, And Practices In Reading Instruction

Conway, Joan 01 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore elementary teachers' self-reporting of: a) work with a reading coach and b) attitudes, perceptions, and practices in teaching reading. The five point ratings and open-ended responses on the survey were the sources of data. Surveys were returned by 85% of teachers in five elementary schools in Collier County, Florida. Correlations of survey items were analyzed on the basis of the aggregated data and the following subgroups: certification, years of experience, school demographics, and grade levels. The survey in this study was excerpted and adapted from a survey, which was tested for validity and reliability, used with teachers in a research study, and published by the National Staff Development Council (NSDC) in Evaluating professional development: An approach to verifying program impact on teachers and students (Shaha, Lewis, O'Donnell, & Brown, 2004). Permission to use the survey was granted by Performance Learning Systems, Inc. and the National Staff Development Council (see Acknowledgements). The primary question for this study was: Are teachers' self-reports of their attitudes, perceptions, and instructional practices on the Reading Instruction Survey correlated with the amount of coaching they indicated they had received? Secondary questions pertained to how the results changed for the subgroups. The literature review contained information about resources and research in reading that led to the provision of reading coaches. High-stakes for the improvement of reading instruction from federal, state, and local levels provided a rationale for the study. The results of this study indicated that coaching made a difference for these teachers. The aggregated and disaggregated data revealed small to large, significant correlations to coaching. The items with the greatest number and magnitude of correlations to coaching were isolated skills instruction and intervention plans. The evidence of positive relationships of attitudes, perceptions, and practices to work with a coach is an important finding. The limited correlations of skilled, balanced, and integrated strategies led to questions about the content of the coaching. Further research is needed to determine whether the content of the professional development offered by coaches is comprehensive enough to impact reading proficiency levels of all students.

Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Perceptions of Thematic Unit Instruction Versus Single-Subject Instruction

Shea, Shana 01 December 2014 (has links)
The focus of this research project was to determine whether thematic unit instruction or traditional, single-subject instruction was perceived to be the more effective and engaging way of teaching as decided by pre-service teachers. Research has shown that incorporating multiple subjects into one unit or topic of study helps to create more engagement and connections to which students can relate. In creating these connections, students can relate the content to their real life and in turn, better comprehend and retain the material. The pre-service teachers attend the University of Central Florida's College of Education and Human Performance. They voluntarily participated in completing a survey about their perceptions of single subject instruction versus thematic unit instruction. In the survey, the pre-service teachers seemed to be varied on what they believed was a better method of instruction for their future students. The pre-service teachers were split 50/50 as to whether they will teach traditionally, single-subject, or thematically. The pre-service teachers were unanimous in the idea that if they had the support of other teachers and administration as well as resources and research to guide them, that thematic instruction is a method of teaching that they would consider using. Nearly all of the teachers surveyed referred back to doing what is in the best interest of their students.

Nyckeln till kunskap och lärande : En studie om lärobokens roll i svenskundervisningen för årskurs f-3 / The key to knowledge and learning : A study on the role of the workbook in Swedish language classes for grades f-3

Storholt, Natalie, Essler Johansson, Annie January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to increase the understanding of the role of workbooks in Swedish language classes, as well as the extent to which teachers use workbooks in Swedish classes in primary school grades f-3. The study was conducted in two parts, with textbook analysis and interviews as the chosen methods. The first part, workbook analysis, was carried out on two workbooks using a checklist, and the results present a significant difference between the two selected workbooks, in percentage terms. The second part consisted of semi-structured interviews conducted with four teachers representing different ages and levels of professional experience. The results of the four semi-structured interviews indicated a consensus among the teachers regarding the role of the workbook, but individual opinions and viewpoints also emerged. The workbook was perceived to have a significant role in teaching for all the study's informants, but the use of it varies. For instance, teachers either use it as a starting point or as a supplement. / Syftet med detta arbete är att öka förståelsen för lärobokens roll i svenskundervisningen, samt i vilken utsträckning lärare använder sig av läroböcker i svenskundervisningen i grundskolans f-3. Studien utfördes i form av två delar, där läromedelsanalys och intervju var de valda metoderna. Den första delen, läromedelsanalys, utfördes på två läroböcker genom en checklista och resultatet presenterar en markant skillnad mellan de två valda läroböckerna, procentuellt. Den andra delen utgjordes av en semistrukturerad intervjuform som utfördes på fyra lärare där olika åldrar och yrkeserfarenhet representerades. Resultatet av de fyra semistrukturerade intervjuerna påvisade en enighet mellan lärarna gällande lärobokens roll, men samtidigt framkom även enskilda åsikter och synpunkter. Läroboken upplevdes ha en roll i undervisningen för samtliga av undersökningens informanter, men användandet av den skiljer sig åt. Exempelvis genom att lärarna antingen använder den som en utgångspunkt eller ett komplement.

Skapande språkinlärning : En studie om estetiska lärprocesser som del av den språkutvecklande engelskundervisningen på mellanstadiet. / Creative language learning : A study about aesthetic learning processes as a part of the English language teaching for middle school students.

Nilsén, Linnéa January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med den här fallstudien är att undersöka i hur hög utsträckning verksamma engelsklärare använder sig av estetiska lärprocesser som metod för att underlätta elevers språkutveckling samt finna en förståelse för vad den mängden beror på för att således kunna analysera hur estetiska lärprocesser kan implementeras på ett effektivt sätt i engelskundervisningen. Källdata samlades in genom en kvalitativ enkätundersökning som metod. Enkäten skickades ut via sociala medier i grupper för den utvalda målgruppen. Källdatan analyserades sedan utifrån en fenomenografisk ansats. Totalt femton lärare besvarade enkäten varav åtta valdes ut genom stratifierat urval för en djupare analys. Resultatet visade att lärare använder estetiska lärprocesser i en väldigt varierad mängd. Förekomsten eller avsaknaden av estetiska lärprocesser i undervisningen berodde främst på lärares personliga intresse och inställning till specifika estetiska uttrycksformer men även kunskap och erfarenhet var stora påverkande faktorer. Oavsett hur stor mängd estetiska lärprocesser som förekom i lärarnas engelskundervisning var samtliga positivt inställda till estetiska lärprocesser som språkutvecklande arbetssätt. För att öka mängden estetiska lärprocesser i språkutvecklande engelskundervisning skulle det behövas större sådana utbildningsinsatser på lärarutbildningen samt möjlighet till samarbete och kompetensutveckling på skolorna för redan verksamma lärare. / The aim of this study is to look into to what extent English teachers use aesthetic learning processes as an approach for pupils’ language development and understand what causes the teachers’ chosen amount to be able to analyse how teachers can implement aesthetic learning processes more effectively. The source data was collected through a qualitative online survey sent through selected Facebook groups and analysed based on the phenomenographic approach. A total of fifteen teachers answered the survey and eight of them were chosen through a stratified selection for a deeper analysis. The results showed that the amount of aesthetic learning processes used varies a lot from teacher to teacher. The teachers’ personal attitudes towards different aesthetic forms of expression were the main reason for its use, but factors like knowledge and experience in the different expressions were also a significant influence. All respondents had a positive attitude towards aesthetic learning processes as a language development approach in their English teaching regardless of their own used amount. To increase aesthetic learning processes as a language learning approach in English teaching, it has to be included and taught within the teacher education and as competence development within schools for already working teachers.

Barns rättigheter och möjligheter till fysisk aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljö : En fenomenografisk intervjustudie om förskollärares uppfattningar / Children’s rights and opportunities for physical activity in the preschool’s indoor environment : A phenomenographic study about preschool teacher’s perceptions

Andersson, Mercedesz, Gustafsson, Cajsa January 2024 (has links)
Denna fenomenografiska studie har haft som syfte att belysa förskollärares uppfattningar om barns rättigheter och möjligheter till fysisk aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljö. För att ta reda på förskollärarnas uppfattningar och erfarenheter av detta komplexa ämne användes kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Studiens fenomen består av fysisk aktivitetoch har analyserats genom Erikssons (1999) fenomenografiska analysschema. Fenomenet har avgränsats till tre olika beskrivningskategorier av uppfattningar utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Dessa beskrivningskategorier, tillsammans med deras respektive underkategorier, representerar studiens samlade utfallsrum.Studiens resultat visar att förskollärarna betraktar fysisk aktivitet som en viktig del av barns hälsa och ser sig själva som viktiga förebilder. De betonar betydelsen av sitt eget förhållningssätt när det gäller att skapa möjligheter och övervinna hinder för barnens fysiska aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljö. Genom att ge barnen möjligheter till fysisk aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljö samt värdesätta barnens inflytande genom att aktivt lyssna på deras önskemål, anser förskollärarna att de tillgodoser barnens rättigheter till fysisk aktivitet.Studiens slutsats är att förskollärares uppfattningar om fysisk aktivitet har en direkt inverkan på de miljöer och de möjligheter som skapas för barnen att vara fysiskt aktiva. Därmed blir förskollärarnas förhållningssätt och uppfattningar även avgörande för förverkligandet av barns rättigheter till fysisk aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljö. / The purpose of this phenomenographic study is to shed light on preschool teachers' perceptions of children's rights to physical activity in the preschool's indoor environment. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The phenomenon of the study consists of physical activity and has been analyzed through Eriksson's (1999) phenomenographic analysis scheme. The phenomenon has been delineated into three different descriptive categories of perceptions based on the purpose and questions of the study. These descriptive categories, along with their respective subcategories, represent the overall outcome space of the study.The results of the study show that the preschool teachers regard physical activity as an important part of children's health. They emphasize the importance of their own approach when it comes to creating opportunities and overcoming obstacles for the children's physical activity in the indoor environment. By suggesting and offering the children opportunities for physical activity and by valuing the children's influence by actively listening to their wishes, the preschool teachers consider that they satisfy the children's rights to physical activity.The study's conclusion is that preschool teachers' perceptions and attitudes regarding physical activity have a direct impact on the environments and the opportunities created for children to be physically active, which also affects the realization of children's rights to physical activity in the preschool's indoor environment.

The Perceived Emotional Intelligence of Elementary Principals and Teachers' Job Satisfaction: Do They Relate?

Swift, Charis Lee 01 January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between teacher’s perceptions of their principal’s level of emotional intelligence and teachers’ job satisfaction level. Nine elementary schools within a small rural school district in a southern state were the selected cite for the research. Thirty-nine teachers completed two on-line surveys. One survey was intended to report their perceptions of their principal’s level of emotional intelligence and the second survey was intended to report their level of job satisfaction. The primary research question was: What is the relation between elementary teachers’ perceptions of their principal’s emotional intelligence and the teachers’ level of job satisfaction? The independent or predictor variable was emotional intelligence: others emotional appraisal, use of emotion, and regulation of emotion. The dependent variable was teacher job satisfaction: supervision, contingent rewards, operating procedures and communication. A simple regression was conducted to investigate the impact of principal’s perceived emotional intelligence level and the teacher’s job satisfaction level. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted to examine the factor structure of teacher’s perceptions of their principal’s emotional intelligence and their level of job satisfaction. A one factor solution was sufficient in capturing most of the variability for both survey instruments. The findings indicated a strong relation between teacher’s perceptions of their principal’s emotional intelligence and the teachers’ level of job satisfaction. Further research to improve principal’s emotional intelligence and improve teacher’s job satisfaction levels is recommended to increase applicants to teacher preparation programs and to increase teacher recruitment and retention.

Secondary Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of Preparation to Teach in Urban Schools

Reynolds, Jacquinne 01 January 2016 (has links)
University officials have identified a problem among secondary preservice teachers (SPTs) who have expressed reluctance to teach in local urban schools. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the perceptions of SPTs regarding their preparation for and experiences with teaching in urban school settings. Vygotsky's zone of proximal development and Bruner's concept of scaffolding served as the conceptual frameworks that guided this study. Data were collected from 11 SPTs who completed the requirements of their field service experiences in urban schools. Data collection consisted of individual interviews, one focus group interview, and field observations. Findings showed that SPTs desire to make a difference in urban schools, lack confidence in managing culturally diverse classrooms, and desire more faculty guidance in working with diverse populations. SPTs asserted that they need more research-based teaching strategies and urban field experiences. Implications for social change include more collaboration among university faculty, urban school principals, mentor teachers, and community organizations. Findings may be used to prepare SPTs to serve culturally diverse populations, which may improve students' academic achievement in urban classrooms.

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