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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Hur ser gymnasielärare i tekniska ämnen på undervisning om hållbar utveckling i sammanhang av produktutveckling? / How do upper secondary school teachers in technical subjects define sustainable development? And how do they teach about this matter in the context of product development?

Foghammar, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Begreppet hållbar utveckling är mångfacetterat och undervisning om detsamma inbegriper många olika beröringsområden och kan komma till uttryck på många olika sätt inom tekniska undervisningsämnen. Denna studie utgår ifrån en definition av begreppet i de tre dimensionerna: ekologisk, social (social/kulturell) och ekonomisk. Detta är en beskrivning som också används av Skolverket och denna studie har ett primärt fokus på de här två förstnämnda dimensionerna. Undervisning för hållbar utveckling framstår från tidigare forskning som om det har ett komplext innehåll och att det saknas konsensus om vad det är och vad som egentligen ska tas upp och förmedlas i undervisningen. Samtidigt framgår av flertalet skolpolitiska dokument att hållbar utveckling ska influera all undervisning. Däribland kan teknikprogrammets examensmål nämnas där det står att utbildningen ska förmedla ”…teknikens roll i samspelet mellan människa och natur med hänsyn till hållbar utveckling” (Skolverket, u.å., Examensmål) samt att ”Utbildningen ska visa sambanden mellan de olika delarna i teknikutvecklingsprocesser och bidra till att eleverna förstår hela kedjan i utveckling av teknik i ett hållbart samhälle” (ibid.).Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur gymnasielärare som undervisar i tekniska konstruktionsrelaterade ämnen, beskriver fenomenet hållbar utveckling i sammanhang av undervisning om produktutveckling och sina respektive undervisningserfarenheter av detsamma. Intentionen är att bidra till en vidgad förståelse för vad undervisning för hållbar utveckling kan vara och vilket innehåll som kan komma till uttryck i dessa undervisningssammanhang.Studien bygger på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra lärare verksamma på teknikprogrammet. Lärares utsagor om sina respektive undervisningserfarenheter analyseras utifrån perspektiv om ekologiskt och socialt hållbar produktutveckling, samt utifrån teorier om kulturella och etiska aspekter kopplade till undervisning om hållbar utveckling.Studien visar att lärare har skilda sätt att se på och förklara hållbar utveckling och de uppger också att de har olika sätt att undervisa om detta fenomen, det vill säga den undervisning som förmedlas har olika innehåll. Studien visar också tendenser på att lärarna ger undervisningsinnehåll som berör hållbar utveckling olika prioritet och fokus, samt att undervisning om etik inte berörs i sammanhang av produktutveckling. Då hållbar utveckling tenderar att beröras i olika grad och då undervisningsinnehållet varierar mellan de intervjuade lärarna, väcker studien bland annat frågor som berör likvärdighet, men också frågor om de svårigheter som lärare uppger att de förknippar med undervisning om hållbar utveckling. / The concept of sustainable development is complex and there are many different areas to cover when teaching about sustainable development within technical subjects. The main areas are often referred to as the ecological, the social and the economic dimension, so also by the Swedish national agency for education. In main focus of this study, are possible contents of the ecological and the social (social/cultural) dimension, to be considered in technical education in upper secondary school. More precisely, the aim of this study is to investigate how teachers describe sustainable development and how they explain their teaching experiences of sustainable development in context of product development. The intention is that this study can contribute to a broaden understanding of how education of sustainable development can be performed, i.e. what content of sustainable development is applied into the education of product development in upper secondary school.This qualitative study is based on semi structured interviews with four teachers at the technology program. Teachers' statements about sustainable development and their respective teaching experiences are analyzed by comparing their statements, to theories of ecologically and socially sustainable product development methods and perspectives. The teaching experiences communicated in the interviews, are also compared to theories of cultural and ethical aspects linked to education for sustainable development.The results show that teachers have different explanations of the concept of sustainable development and different opinions about what education for sustainable development is about. That is, they exemplify education for sustainable development in different ways and there are indications in interviews that education for sustainable development are given different focuses and priorities. The results also show that none of the teachers have any experiences about ethics to share in the interviews, experiences to be related to teaching situations when product development is concerned.The results are discussed in perspective of the difficulties and the wishes of complementary professional training within the subject of sustainable development, ideas that the teachers mentioned in the interviews. Furthermore, the national ideal to strive towards ”providing equal education to all pupils” is problematized in the light of the results.


Brian D Tedeschi (15306241) 19 April 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Informal learning environments are critical to supplemental student learning outside the formal classroom space. The problem the research addressed is the lack of informal STEM learning programs for underrepresented minority, female, urban, and rural students. The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the effect informal STEM learning has on the population’s self-efficacy and interest in STEM. The intervention for this research study was a seven-day informal learning summer camp involving five STEM projects from around the field and aligned with relevant fields offered by the Purdue University Polytechnic Institute. The participants worked in large and small group sessions with program volunteers to gain foundational learning outcomes. The outcome was measured using the STEM-CIS survey instrument in a pre-and post-testing format. The data was coded from the Likert scale and then used to calculate statistics and effect size for Likert-style data. The intervention was performed during the summer of 2021 and yielded results showing that students felt the effect of having role models and professionals involved in the STEM field. </p>

Investigating Engineering Educators' Views on the Use of Educational Technology: A Q Methodology Study

Nicholas, John B. 10 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Konceptförslag för framtagning av undervisningsmaterial : En studie kring högstadielärares behov inom teknikundervisningen / Concept proposal for development of teaching materials : A study of teachers' needs in technology education

Wilhelmsson, Emil, Berg, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka områden lärare anser vara problematiska att undervisa om och hur de anser att ett undervisningsmaterial bör vara utformat i teknikämnet. Utifrån deras önskemål och behov har det tagits fram ett konceptförslag som kan användas vid skapande av undervisningsmaterial för teknikundervisningen på högstadiet. Det teoretiska ramverk som används är en kvalitativ fallstudie ur ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv och relaterad forskning på lärande. I studien har fokusgruppsintervjuer med tekniklärare genomförts. Resultatet visar att områdena styr- och reglerteknik, informations- och kommunikationsteknik samt elektroteknik upplevs, av lärarna, som svåra att undervisa om. Vidare tyder resultatet på att ett undervisningsmaterial bör innehålla vissa specifika delar såsom tydliga uppgifter, kopplingar till läroplanen för grundskolan, förskoleklasser och fritidshem (Lgr 11) samt bedömningsmatriser. I studien redovisas ett konceptförslag som kan utgöra ett underlag till teknikundervisningen på högstadiet vilket är baserat på ABB:s och lärarnas framställda önskemål. / The aim of the study is to analyze which areas teachers consider problematic to teach and how they would like a teaching material to be designed in technology. Based on their wishes and needs, a conceptual thinking has been developed that can be used in the creation of teaching materials of technical education for lower secondary school. The theoretical framework used is a qualitative case study from a social constructive perspective and related to research about learning. The method used is focus group interviews. The informants in the focus group interviews are lower secondary school teachers in technology. Results of this study show that the areas of control engineering, information and communication technologies and electrical engineering are experienced by the teachers, as difficult to teach. Furthermore, the result indicates that a teaching material should contain certain specific elements, such as clear information, links to Lgr 11 and a grading matrix. This study presents a conceptual thinking that can constitute a proposal of technology education for lower secondary school, which is based on ABB's and teachers' requests.

Beslutsgrund : en studie av utbildningsval bland kvinnliga elever på gymnasieskolans Naturvetenskaps- och Teknikprogram / Reasons for Decision : A study of educational choice among female students at the Swedish gymnasium programs in Science and in Technology

Björlin Svozil, Louise January 2018 (has links)
Ingenjörsutbildningar i Sverige har på ungefär hundra år gått från att enbart ta in män till en andel av 36 procent kvinnliga studenter. Även om en jämställd könsfördelning går framåt är andelen kvinnor på vissa program så låg som 16 procent. Den största rekryteringsbasen till ingenjörsutbildningar är gymnasieskolans Naturvetenskapsprogram (NV) och Teknik-program (TE). Grundad teori (GT) användes som metodansats när kvinnliga elever på NV och TE intervjuades för att undersöka vad de upptas av när de står inför sina studieval. Ett brett spektrum av anledningar som kan sammanfattas i kärnkategorin Beslutsgrund visade att eleverna vägde in bland annat arbetsmarknad, behörighet till universitet och högskola, en utbildnings rankning, förväntad social tillhörighet, den upplevda självförmågan, sina betyg, ett undvikande av ett skolämne de inte gillade, om en utbildning leder till den karriär de vill ha, arbetsbelastning samt arbetsbelastning i relation till behörighet. Studien visade också att metodansatsen GT kan användas i ett examensarbete och att det finns utmaningar och möjligheter med denna kombination. / Education in engineering sciences in Sweden have for the past hundred years gone from solely recruiting men to a 36 percentage of female students. Even though the number of women is progressing in some fields, other fields still have as low proportion as 16 percent. The largest base for recruiting engineering students is the Swedish gymnasium programs in Sciences (NV) and in Technology (TE). The research method grounded theory (GT) was used when female students in NV and TE were interviewed to investigate the main concern of these students making choices about present and future studies. A broad spectrum of reasons, summarized in the core category Reasons for Decision (Beslutsgrund), showed that the students took into consideration the labour market, eligibility to university, the ranking of an education, expectations for social belonging, self-efficacy, grades, avoidance of a school subject, if the education led to the desired career, work load and work load in relation to eligibility. The execution of GT showed that this method could be used within the frame of a master thesis and that there are challenges and advantages in the combination.


Goedde, Allison Marie 26 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Praktiska moment i teknik på gymnasiet : En studie om hur läromedel och elever förhåller sig till de praktiska momenten i teknikundervisningen på gymnasiet / Practical Aspects of Technology Education in Upper Secondary School

Günther, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Drygt 20 år sedan återinfördes teknikprogrammet på den svenska gymnasieskolan. Programmet har fem olika inriktningar, gemensamt för alla dessa är ämnet teknik. Ämnet består av tre kurser, varav en är obligatorisk på teknikprogrammet. I Skolverkets examensmål för teknikprogrammet framgår att teori och praktisk tillämpning ska samverka i undervisningen. I den här uppsatsen undersöks vilka kunskaper som kan vara lämpliga att lära ut just vid praktiskt arbete i ämnet teknik och hur de tillgängliga läromedlen i ämnet hanterar förmedling av kunskap genom praktiskt arbete. För den svenska gymnasieskolans ämne teknik finns det tre olika läromedel på marknaden, en helt digital och två böcker. Genom en läromedelsanalys undersöks hur dessa läromedel förhåller sig till Skolverkets anvisningar om praktiska inslag i undervisning. För att komplettera läromedelsanalysen utförs även en undersökning med frågor i en enkät till elever på ett teknikgymnasieprogram. Frågor till eleverna har fokus på praktiska moment. Analysen utförs med ett teoretiskt ramverk där teknisk kunskap delas in i fyra kategorier, tyst kunskap, praktisk regelkunskap, teknikvetenskap och tillämpad naturvetenskap. Skolverket skriver i examensmålen för teknikprogrammet att teori och praktik ska samverka i elevernas utbildning. Men det centrala innehållet och betygskriterierna ger ingen ledning till lärarna i frågan om vilka delar av kurserna som är lämpliga att lära ut praktiskt. En lärare som utgår från de läromedel som finns tillgängliga får ingen ledning i vilken typ av teknisk kunskap som kan förmedlas praktiskt. / Just over 20 years ago, the technology program was reintroduced at the Swedish upper secondary school. The program has five different orientations, common to all of these is the subject of technology. The subject consists of three courses, one of which is compulsory on the technology programme. In the Swedish National Agency for Education's curriculum for the subject of technology, it is stated that students must be given the opportunity for technical development by working, among other things, practical. In this essay, it is investigated which knowledge may be appropriate to teach during practical work in the subject of technology and how the available teaching aids in the subject handle the transmission of knowledge through practical work.For the Swedish upper secondary school subject technology, there are three different teaching aids on the market, one completely digital and two books. A learning materials analysis examines how these teaching aids relate to the Swedish National Agency for Education's instructions on practical elements in teaching. To supplement the learning materials analysis, a questionnaire study is also carried out where students on the technology program can answer questions in connection with practical teaching.The analysis is carried out with a theoretical framework where technical knowledge is divided into four categories, tacit knowledge, practical rules knowledge, technological science and applied science.The Swedish National Agency for Education writes in the exam objectives for the technology program that theory and practice must work together in the students' education. However, the central content and grading criteria do not give teachers any guidance on the question of which parts of the courses are suitable for practical teaching.A teacher who looks in the teaching materials that are available gets no guidance in what kind of technical knowledge can be taught practically.

Teamwork Exercises and Technological Problem Solving with First-Year Engineering Students: An Experimental Study

Springston, Mark R. 08 September 2005 (has links)
An experiment was conducted investigating the utility of teamwork exercises and problem structure for promoting technological problem solving in a student team context. The teamwork exercises were designed for participants to experience a high level of psychomotor coordination and cooperation with their teammates. The problem structure treatment was designed based on small group research findings on brainstorming, information processing, and problem formulation. First-year college engineering students (N = 294) were randomly assigned to three levels of team size (2, 3, or 4 members) and two treatment conditions: teamwork exercises and problem structure (N = 99 teams). In addition, the study included three non-manipulated, independent variables: team gender, team temperament, and team teamwork orientation. Teams were measured on technological problem solving through two conceptually related technological tasks or engineering design activities: a computer bridge task and a truss model task. The computer bridge score and the number of computer bridge design iterations, both within subjects factors (time), were recorded in pairs over four 30-minute intervals. For the last two intervals with the computer bridge, teams started construction of the truss model task, which created low and high task load conditions for the computer bridge: another within subjects factor. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze time (computer bridge) by factor interactions. No significant time by teamwork exercises or time by problem structure interactions on computer bridge scores were found [F(2.31, 198.46) = 0.10, p = .928; F(2.31, 198.46) = 0.03, p = .984]. There was a significant interaction between the factors of time and team size [F(4.62, 198.46) = 2.75, p = .023]. An ANOVA was conducted with the between subject factors on the truss model task. A significant main effect was found for teamwork exercises [F(1, 86) = 2.84, p = .048, one-tailed], but not for problem structure or team size. Post hoc analyses were conducted for team size on computer bridge and iteration scores over time, as well as teamwork exercises effects for each team size. Findings and their implications were reported, along with suggestions for future research on technological problem solving in a team context. / Ph. D.

L'enseignement des sciences et de la technologie au primaire et les TIC : une analyse didactique des pratiques

La Madeleine, Catherine 03 1900 (has links)
L’enseignement des sciences et de la technologie (ST) est dans une condition précaire dans les écoles primaires du Québec. Plusieurs recherches ont démontré que les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) peuvent aider les enseignants à favoriser les apprentissages des élèves dans certaines matières dont en ST (Baron, 2001; Becta, 2005; Tardif, 1998). D’ailleurs, Linard (2001) maintient que les TIC, dans le domaine des apprentissages, peuvent faciliter l’exécution de plusieurs tâches cognitives telles qu’agir, interagir, s’informer, explorer, échanger, expérimenter, créer, etc. Cette recherche décrit les pratiques d’enseignement en ST d’enseignants Maîtres-TIC (MTIC) lors de l’intégration des TIC. Nous avons opté pour une recherche heuristique à méthodologie mixte. Des enseignants MTIC et des étudiants de quatrième année MTIC ont répondu à un questionnaire en ligne. Ensuite, une enseignante a été interviewée pour dresser un portrait plus détaillé des pratiques d’enseignement. À l’aide des données obtenues, nous avons réussi à créer une liste d’avantages de l’intégration des TIC en enseignement des ST ainsi qu’une liste des difficultés liées à cette intégration. Une liste des différentes applications TIC réalisées en enseignement des ST par les enseignants et les étudiants questionnés a aussi été ressortie des données de la recherche. De plus, une liste des avantages de la formation Maître-TIC de l’Université de Montréal a été créée en fonction des données recueillies. Puis, nous précisons quelques apports de cette recherche relatifs aux objectifs de départ et à l’évolution de la formation MTIC. / The teaching of science and technology is in precarious condition in Quebec’s elementary schools. The information and communication technologies (ICT) can help teachers to promote students’ learning in their science education. This research first describes « Maître- TIC» teacher’s practice in science and technology then concerns itself with the ICT integration in the teaching of sciences in elementary schools. Our work includes an heuristic research with a mixed methodology. Some « Maître-TIC » teachers and fourth-year « Maître- TIC » students respond to an online survey. Then, a teacher was interviewed in order to provide a more detailed picture of her teaching practices. Using the data obtained, we created a list of the advantages and difficulties inherent to ICT integration in the teaching of science. We also made a list of various applications of ICT realised in science education by the teachers of this study. A final list has been set up with all the advantages of the University of Montreal’s « Maître-TIC » formation as cited by the teachers and the students. Finally, we specify some contributions of this research to the original objectives and to the evolution of the « Maître-TIC » formation.

Uma proposta de modelo de aprendizagem problematizadora no ensino de engenharia de produção com foco no desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico / A proposed of model of problem-learning in engineering production education focusing on the development of critical thinking

Pereira, Camila Regiane Marques 26 July 2012 (has links)
A problematização é uma forma de explicitar, de propor as contradições presentes na realidade, e na Sociedade do Conhecimento que prima por habilidades e raciocínio crítico, ela é cada vez mais reforçada, pois trabalha questões complexas associadas aos problemas da realidade. Há pesquisas que apontam com diversas nomenclaturas a forma de conceber e adotar estratégias problematizadoras nos processos educacionais, contudo, poucas pesquisas voltadas para o ensino de Engenharia de Produção apresentam diretrizes aos professores a fim de que, baseando-se nelas, possam elaborar suas propostas pedagógicas possibilitando uma aprendizagem significativa e pensamento crítico. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar um modelo de aprendizagem problematizadora, num contexto de aprendizagem presencial e virtual, oportunizando aprendizagem significativa, bem como avaliar o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico dos alunos. O modelo tem por base uma revisão bibliográfica das teorias, conceitos e práticas da Metodologia da Problematização e do Ciclo de Aprendizagem Experiencial, e para sua aplicação segue com uma pesquisa-ação com alunos de uma disciplina do programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia da Produção de uma universidade pública do interior de São Paulo. Os indicadores de pensamento crítico identificados na literatura, e adaptados para a pesquisa, foram analisados mediante a realização de diversas atividades, trabalhos e discussões dos alunos propostos conforme o modelo de aprendizagem problematizadora. Os resultados revelam que problematizar situações conhecidas ou extraídas da realidade social dos alunos para a compreensão dos conteúdos acadêmicos transforma a aprendizagem em momento significativo, no qual o aluno passa a ser agente ativo no processo de construção do conhecimento e, por consequência, desenvolve em índices expressivamente positivos de pensamento crítico. / The problematization is a way of explicit, proposing the contradictions present in reality, and in the Knowledge Society that values for skills and critical thinking, it is increasingly enhanced, because it works complex issues associated with reality problems. There are research that pointing with various nomenclatures how to conceive and adopt problematizing strategies in the educational processes, however, few research in the area of Production Engineering instruction presents guidelines for teachers, based on them, can develop their pedagogical proposals allowing a significant learning and critical thinking. Accordingly, the objective of this research is to present a model of problematizing learning, in a context of presence and virtual learning, providing opportunities for significative learning, as well as evaluating the development of critical thinking of learners. The model is based on a bibliographic review of theories, concepts and practices of the Problematization Methodology and Experiential Learning Cycle, and its application follows with an action-research with students from a discipline of the graduate program in Production Engineering in a public university in the state of São Paulo. Indicators of critical thinking identified in the literature and adapted to the research, were analyzed by carrying out various activities, assignment and discussions of the proposed learners as the model of problematizing learning. The results show that problematizing known situations or extracted from the social reality of the students to understand the academic content turns learning into a meaningful moment in which the student becomes an active agent in the process of knowledge construction and, therefore, develops in indexes significantly positive of critical thinking.

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