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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding Brigham Young University's Technology Teacher Education Program's Sucess in Attracting and Retaining Female Students

Cox, Katrina M. 12 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to attempt to understand why Brigham Young University Technology Teacher Education program has attracted and retained a high number of females. This was done through a self-created survey composed of four forced responses, distributed among the Winter 2006 semester students. Likert-scale questions were outlined according to the five theoretical influences on women in technology, as established by Welty and Puck (2001) and two of the three relationships of academia, as established by Haynie III (1999), as well as three free response questions regarding retention and attraction within the major. Findings suggested strong positive polarity in four of the five influences and in both relationships, with particular emphasis on subject content, positive teacher/student relationships, as well as an overall positive environment as major contributors to attraction and retention at this university. "Role Models, Mentors, and Peers" was the only influence that scored in the negative range. Though the effect size showed differences between males and females on individual questions as well as the two relationships and "Messages from Counselors", no practical difference was found between the male and female perceptions under the five remaining general categories. In all three categories where a medium to large effect size was shown, females were favored in having more positive responses and perceptions than males.

Tekniklärares uppfattningar om programmering i teknik på grundskolans högstadium : En fenomenografisk studie / Technology teachers’ perceptions of programming in the technology subject at lower secondary school : A phenomenographic study

Vahabzadeh, Siran January 2020 (has links)
Den 1 juli 2018 trädde en rad förändringar i kraft i den svenska skolans läroplaner och kursplaner. Det är bland annat skrivningar om programmering i kursplanerna i teknik och matematik i grundskolan. Det här examensarbetet undersöker lärares uppfattningar kring införandet av programmering i teknikämnet på grundskolans högstadium. Undersökningen har för avsikt att svara på följande frågeställningar: Hur beskriver tekniklärare sina tolkningar av kursplansinnehållet gällande programmering i ämnet teknik på grundskolans högstadium?samt Vilka föreställningar återfinns hos lärare om undervisningen av detta innehåll? För att ta reda på vilka uppfattningar som lärare kan ha, intervjuades fem verksamma lärare som undervisar i teknik. En fenomenografisk analysmodell har använts för behandlingen av insamlade data från intervjuerna. Resultatet av studien påvisar att trots att lärarna saknar kompetens och erfarenheter i undervisning i programmering, har de en positiv syn till integreringen av programmering i teknik och uttrycker att det är en viktig del i elevernas utbildning. Vidare framkommer att lärarna beskriver formuleringarna gällande programmering i kursplanen för teknik som svårtolkad. Resultatet visar även att deltagande i fortbildning har givit lärarna uppfattningen av att programmering i teknik innebär styra konstruktioner genom att programmera Microbit. I resultatet framkommer även att somliga lärare lever i föreställningen att eleverna kan lära sig programmering bättre än lärarna själva samt att eleverna kan lära sig själva utan att ha blivit undervisade vilket tycks vara en märklig uppfattning. / On July 1, 2018, several changes took effect in curricula and syllabi in the Swedish school. These changes include knowledge about programming in the syllabi of technology and mathematics in compulsory school. This thesis examines teachers’ perceptions of the phenomenon introduction of programming in the subject of lower secondary school technology. The survey intended to answer the following questions: How do technology teachers describe their interpretations of the syllabus content regarding programming in the subject of technology at the lower secondary school? and What ideas do teachers have about teaching this content? To find out what perceptionsteachers may have about programming, five technology teachers were interviewed. A phenomenographical analysis model has been used for the processing of collected data from the interviews. The results of the study show that although teachers lack the skills and experience in teaching programming, they have a positive view on the integration of programming in technology subject and believe that it is an important part of students' education. Furthermore, it emerges that the teachers describe the content formulations concerning programming in the technology syllabus as difficult to interpret.The result also shows that participation in professional development course has given the teachers the idea that programming in technology involves controlling constructions by programming Microbit. Moreover, it emerged that there is an acceptance for the notion that students can learn programming better than the teachers and even the students can learn by themselves without being taught, which seems to be remarkable.

The Inefficient Loneliness : A Descriptive Study about the Complexity of Assessment for Learning in Primary Technology Education

Hartell, Eva January 2012 (has links)
This thesis provides findings from a qualitative study that explores the assessment process undertaken by teachers in Swedish primary technology education. The thesis aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how teachers assess in technology education. In this study assessment with the purpose of acquiring information in order to adjust the teaching to the pupils’ needs for future progress is explored in particular. Teachers’ work with assessment is explored in two teacher-focused sub-studies. Sub-study 1 focuses on the long-cycle formative assessment and on the formal documentation of pupils’ attainment, the so-called IDP with written assessment. Sub-study 2 explores the short cycle of formative assessment and highlights two teachers’ classroom assessments practice. The results presented are built upon authentic samples of assessment documents (IDPs), classroom observations and teacher interviews. The study shows that the teachers are alone in the planning, executing and follow-up of technology education. Support is both asked for and needed. / <p>QC 20121109</p>


Huelskamp, Lisa Mary 14 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Vilka beskrivningar avteknikämnet framkommer hosniondeklassare i grundskolan? / What are the possible technology subjects description that could appear among ninth-graders of the compulsory school?

Ghazi Shabo, Andira, Sarok, Amal Audish Basa January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att förstå hur högstadieelever i årskurs 9 i sex svenska skolor beskriver teknikämnet samt ta reda på vad de uppger att det de har lärt sig respektive vad de saknat kring innehåll i teknikämnet efter 9 år i grundskolan. Studien bygger på en enkätundersökning ifylld med hjälp av papper och penna. Respondenter fick svara på frågorkring vad de anser att teknik är, samt vad de har lärt sig och eventuellt saknat iteknikundervisningen under grundskolans gång. 252 enkäter delades ut och 250 besvarades. DiGirnonimos (2011) ramverk har använts för att kategorisera uttalanden avseende teknikens natur som framkommer i elevernas enkätsvar. I resultatet framkommer att teknik beskrivet som artefakt och teknik som skapandeprocess samt beskrivningar relaterade till teknikens roll i samhället är de mest återkommande dimensionerna i respondenternas svar. Däremot är det inte så många elever som beskriver teknik relaterat till teknikens historia eller teknik som mänsklig verksamhet. Ett annat innehåll som framhålls av eleverna som något de har lärt sig mycket om är programmering. Teman såsom el-teknik, sätt att tänka för att lösa problem etc.(som en ingenjör), tekniska system, miljöfrågor relaterat till teknik framkommer också, dock med avsevärt mindre frekvens. Resultatet visar att eleverna generellt nämner innehållet i teknikundervisning från olika håll, Många elever kan uttrycka flera av DiGironimosdimensioner när de får frågan om vad teknik är. Men eftersom vissa områden, exempelvis denhistoriska dimensionen inte riktigt framkommer krävs fortfarande tydlighet och en mer välplanerad teknikundervisning för att täcka hela innehållet som står i kursplanen för teknikämnet. En relativt stor andel av eleverna visar osäkerhet kring vilket teknikinnehåll som de saknat i sin teknikundervisning. Det kan förstås bero på att de inte vet vad de har att vänta av undervisningen. Det som framkommer i elevernas svar är att de saknar programmering, teknikinnehåll, konstruktion, resurser, praktiskt arbete vilket också sammanfaller med vad de anser att de lärt sig. En tolkning är att dessa områden är elevernas beskrivning av vad teknikämnet omfattar och att det är detta som de också anser sig behöva mer av. / The purpose of this study has been to understand how high school students year 9 in six Swedish schools describe the subject of technology and state what they have learned and what they lacked about content in the subject of technology after 9 years in primary school. The study is based on a questionnaire completed using paper and pen. Respondents had to answer questions about what technology is, and what they have learned and possibly missed in technology teaching during primary school. 252 questionnaires were distributed and 250 were answered. DiGirnonimo's (2011) framework has been used to categorize statements regarding the nature of technology that appear in students' questionnaire responses. The results show that technology described as an artifact and technology as a creative process as well as descriptions related to the role of technology in society are the most recurring  dimensions in the respondents' answers. However, not many students describe technology related to the history of technology or technology as human activity. The results show that students seem to have learned the most about construction technology and drawing technology. Another content that is emphasized by the students as something they have learned a lot about is programming. Themes such as electrical engineering, ways of thinking to solve problems, etc. (as an engineer), technical systems, environmental issues related to technology also emerge, but with less frequency. The results show that students generally mention technology teaching from different angles. Many students can express several of DiGironimo's dimensions when asked what technology is. However, as some areas, such as the historical dimension, do not really emerge, clarity and more well-planned technical teaching are still required to cover the entire content of the syllabus for the technical subject. A relatively large proportion of the students show uncertainty about what technology content they lacked in their technology teaching. This may of course be because they do not know what to expect from the teaching. What emerges in the students' answers is that they lack programming, technical content, construction, resources, practical work, which also coincides with what they think they have learned. One interpretation is that these areas are the students'description of what the subject of technology includes and that this is what they also considerneeding more of.

The teaching practice of senior phase technology education teachers in selected schools of Limpopo Province : an action research study

Mapotse, Tomé Awshar 08 1900 (has links)
This is an Action Research (AR) study with the senior phase Technology teachers at selected schools of Limpopo Province. The study was motivated by the fact that Technology Education is a foreign concept to many teachers and a new learning area in school curriculum both nationally and internationally. This was exacerbated by the many educational changes that took place in South Africa in the last 18 years. These changes include the overhauling of curriculum, which was the strategic and symbolic change since the first democratic election of 1994, but followed by its review. Thus, a new curriculum known as Curriculum 2005 (reviewed twice already) was developed in which Technology was introduced as a new subject. These changes drastically affected Technology Education and teachers’ coping demands on both the subject content and pedagogy escalated. In this study, AR, a strategy for a systematic, objective investigation with Technology teachers’ who are un- and under- qualified to teach Technology was considered. The study aimed at establishing intervention strategies to empower and emancipate senior phase Technology teachers in Mankweng Circuit from the said challenges above. Thus, the study sought to address the question: How could action research intervention be used to improve the teaching of senior phase Technology teachers who are un- and/or under-qualified? The intervention strategies were implemented through the AR cycles in spiral activities of planning, implementation and observation, action and reflection, whose principles were operationalized to develop participants from the situations that they face in their Technology teaching contexts. The study was designed from both critical theory perspective and participatory paradigm. The following instruments were used as a means to gather data: observations, interviews, questionnaires, field notes, video recording of lesson plans and logs of meetings. The study managed to come up with guidelines to develop and kick start AR with teachers. From the ii findings an AR model was developed to emancipate the un- and under-qualified Technology teachers. Themes from the challenges and AR were used to draft a six weeks plan to empower incapacitated Technology teachers. This investigation was shaped by the initial reflection or preliminary study conducted with the participants called reconnaissance study which revealed specific challenges that Technology teachers encountered daily in their classes. These challenges were turned into the themes, which together with the findings from the preliminary study and interview reflection per cycle were used to design the intervention strategies for the next main cycle. The findings of the study from both the preliminary investigation (presented in Chapter Two) and main AR (presented in Chapter Five) reveal an improvement in the teachers’ understanding and implementation of Technology – they were emancipated to a greater extent from the challenges prior to the AR intervention and post the AR intervention. It is true that coming together as AR co-researchers was the beginning of Technology teaching practice problem identification; keeping together was progressive in Technology teaching; but working together remains our success in Technology teaching then, now and in the future – post doctoral studies. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

An Integrated approach to technology education as a means of enhancing achievement in mathematics and science

Sithole, Khulekani Elliot Stephen 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to formulate guidelines upon which Technology Education can be put into operation in the South African schools with specific reference to standard eight students. The objective is to formulate Technology Education guidelines suitable for and within the broad framework of the South African curricula. In attempting to translate Technology Education curriculum to South Africa, the author explores the state of advancement in Technology Education in various developed and developing countries. The status, principles and theoretical assumptions of Technology Education are also explored. The role of the teacher in the Technology Education programme is also discussed. Guidelines for Technology Education, including Technology Education teaching strategies, guidelines for Technology Education assessment standards and guidelines for integrating Technology Education, Science and Mathematics are also formulated. The author qualifies the significance of Technology Education in South Africa through a pilot study over a year. The subjects of this (pilot) empirical study consisted of a total of 175 standard eight students, 77 of who were in a control group, who had received no tuition in Technology Education. A group of 98 received tuition in Technology Education for a year. The normal end of the year examination in 1994 measured academic performance of the two groups. Performance in 1993 is also used in the statistical analysis. The Univariate Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is applied in the analysis of data. Statistically significant differences are found between the academic performance of these two groups in relation to the overall Examination marks, English, Science and Mathematics marks. Statistically significant differences are also found between the 1993 and 1994 performance of the experimental group after receiving Technology Education tuition in standard eight in terms of the overall Examination, marks, English, Science and Mathematics marks. In the control group, no statistically significant differences were evidenced in Mathematics, English and Science when comparing marks in 1993 and in 1994. It is only applicable in the average Examination mark. These results confirm the role that Technology Education plays in enhancing performance in Science and Mathematics including English. / Curriculum and Institutional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

Technology education and curriculum 2005 : staff development through INSET

Maluleka, Jan Khazamula 08 1900 (has links)
Curriculum 2005 together with its learning areas has been introduced in South Africa in 1998. All learning areas, except Technology Learning Area, are not new. Technology is growing so rapidly that it gives so many challenges to people. These challenges include making technology part of our curriculum, formulating and adapting technological solutions to problems people may experience. We have to ask ourselves what technology or Technology Education means. Therefore, this study provides the meaning and the rationale for Technology Education in our curriculum. This study also attempts to shed light on the form of training educators should attend for Technology Education. Although there are different methods of training, for example PRESET and INSET, this study concentrates on various forms of INSET. INSET is chosen because it is a means through which the present need for Technology Education educators can be solved. The percentage of educators involved in part-time study will increase in relation to the number in full-time education. The closing down of some of colleges of education in South Africa reduces the use of PRESET and increases INSET as a means of educator training. The advantages of using INSET instead of PRESET are provided in this study. The National Teacher Audit of 1995 has shown that the quality of INSET in South Africa is poor. In addition, it seems the present ad hoc way of running INSET will not cope with challenges of training educators for Curriculum 2005 and Technology Education. Normally, INSET is the prime strategy for addressing problems in PRESET. Unfortunately, INSET has to train educators for Technology Education (Technology Learning Area) which was never touched by PRESET before. For this reason, this study provides an INSET model, guidelines and recommendations to make the suggested model of INSET work successfully. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Comparative Education)

Problem-based teaching and learning in senior phase technology education in Thabo-Mofutsanyana District, Qwaqwa

Mokoena, Matshidiso Maria 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study is to report findings of inquiry into the role that problem-based approach can play in the teaching and learning of Technology in Thabo-Mofutsanyana District in Qwaqwa. This study followed qualitative research methods and ethnographic design informed by the researcher’s desire for the study to be conducted from firsthand knowledge generated in the research setting. The researcher interviewed Grade 9 Technology teachers and experts, observed teaching and learning in two participating and two non-participating secondary schools in Murray & Roberts Technology Olympiad and analysed Technology teachers’ lesson plans and workschedules, portfolios and files of Grade 9 Technology learners. Key findings that this study produced include: PBL is a need in the teaching of Technology; learners function at a higher level of thinking; learners treat concepts at higher and deeper level; learners become more motivated and learners are able to discover theories and make inventions. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)

Problem-based teaching and learning in senior phase technology education in Thabo-Mofutsanyana District, Qwaqwa

Mokoena, Matshidiso Maria 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study is to report findings of inquiry into the role that problem-based approach can play in the teaching and learning of Technology in Thabo-Mofutsanyana District in Qwaqwa. This study followed qualitative research methods and ethnographic design informed by the researcher’s desire for the study to be conducted from firsthand knowledge generated in the research setting. The researcher interviewed Grade 9 Technology teachers and experts, observed teaching and learning in two participating and two non-participating secondary schools in Murray & Roberts Technology Olympiad and analysed Technology teachers’ lesson plans and workschedules, portfolios and files of Grade 9 Technology learners. Key findings that this study produced include: PBL is a need in the teaching of Technology; learners function at a higher level of thinking; learners treat concepts at higher and deeper level; learners become more motivated and learners are able to discover theories and make inventions. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)

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