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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Constructing a psychological career profile for staff retention

Ferreira, Nadia 06 1900 (has links)
The research focused on constructing a psychological career profile for staff retention practices by investigating the relationship between employees’ psychological career meta-competencies (psychological career resources, career adaptability and hardiness) and their retention-related dispositions (job embeddedness and organisational commitment). A quantitative survey was conducted on a convenience sample of employed adults (N = 355) at managerial and staff levels in the human resource management field. A canonical correlation analysis indicated a significant overall relationship between the psychological career meta-competencies and the retention-related dispositions. Multiple regression analyses indicated the psychological career meta-competencies as significant predictors of the retention-related dispositions variables. Structural equation modelling indicated a good fit of the data with the canonical correlation-derived measurement model. Moderated hierarchical regression analyses showed that gender and marital status significantly moderated the relationship between the participants’ psychological career meta-competencies and the retention-related disposition job-embedded fit. Tests for mean differences revealed that males and females differed significantly regarding their self/other skills and hardy-commitment while the marital status groups differed signifcantly regarding their behavioural adaptability and hardiness. On a theoretical level, the study deepened understanding of the cognitive, affective, conative and interpersonal behavioural dimensions of the hypothesized psychological career profile. On an empirical level, the study produced an empirically tested psychological career profile in terms of the various behavioural dimensions. On a practical level, organisational staff retention practices in terms of the behavioural dimensions of the psychological career profile were recommended. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / D.Com.(Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Det är lönen som räknas, eller? : En uppföljning av Ludvika kommuns lönesatsning påsocialsekreterare 2016

Emanuelz, Elin, Nordh, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Det har varit stor uppmärksamhet kring socialsekreterare och deras arbetslivssituation under de senaste åren. Denna fråga är relevant för alla parter på arbetsmarknaden och således ett centralt ämne för personal- och arbetslivsprogrammets slutliga examinationsuppsats. Följande uppsats syftar till att göra en uppföljning av lönesatsningen som gjordes på socialsekreterare i Ludvika kommun 2016. Empirin samlades in genom en metodkombination bestående av en Internetbaserad surveyundersökning till samtliga berörda socialsekreterare samt nio kvalitativa intervjuer. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna tar sin början i motivationsteorier med Maslows behovshierarki, Hertzbergs tvåfaktorteori samt kognitiv förväntningsteori. Den största delen i teoriavsnittet utgörs av teorin om arbetslivsförankring, vilket är författarnas egen översättning av job embeddedness som är skapad av Holtom, Mitchell och Lee (2006). En förklarande modell till denna teori har utformats och återkommer i resultatanalysen för att uppskatta graden av arbetslivsförankring på socialförvaltningen i Ludvika kommun. Resultatet visar att lönesatsningen till viss del uppfyllde sitt syfte då 30 av 34 personer fortfarande arbetar kvar på socialförvaltningen i Ludvika kommun. Däremot förde lönesatsningen en del negativa konsekvenser med sig då socialsekreterarna uttrycker frustration kring att det är mer än ett lönetillägg som krävs för att de ska stanna kvar på sitt arbete. Slutsatsen är att lönesatsningen kunde ha kommunicerats på ett bättre sätt för att gynna relationen och skapa förtroende mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. I frågan om vad det är som gör att medarbetare väljer att stanna kvar på sin arbetsplats har det visat sig många gånger handla om andra faktorer än just lön. / There has been widespread attention to social workers and their working life in recent years. This issue is relevant to all parties in the labour market and thus a key subject for the final exam for the Bachelor of Science in Human Recourse Management. The following essay aims to follow up on the wage efforts made by Social workers in Ludvika Municipality in 2016. The data was collected through a methodological combination consisting of an Internet-based survey of the social workers affected, and nine qualitative interviews. The theoretical starting points began with motivational theories such as Maslow´s hierarchy of needs. Herzberg´s two factor theory and cognitive expectation theory. The main part of the theory section is the theory of ‘arbetslivsförankring’, which is the authors’ translation of job embeddedness, created by Holtom, Mitchell and Lee (2006). An explanatory model for this theory was formulated and returned in the results analysis to estimate the level of working life anchorage in social administration in Ludvika Municipality. The results show that the wage effort to some extent fulfilled its purpose, as 30 out of 34 empolyees still working in the social administration in Ludvika Municipality. On the other hand, wage efforts brought some negative consequences when social workers expressed frustration stating that there is more than pay supplement required to stay on their job. The conclusion is that the pay could be better communicated to further the relationship and create confidence between employers and employees, in regards to what makes employs decide to stay in their workplace, it was repeatedly found that factors other than pay were the main motivators.


SUZANA DE MAGALHAES BARRETO 09 June 2008 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho buscou trazer compreensão sobre os principais aspectos que afetam o contrato psicológico que os indivíduos estabelecem com uma empresa que se encontra em processo de mudança nas relações de trabalho. Focalizou-se em um fenômeno característico da década atual, quando se verifica um aumento de empresas que buscam através da implantação de um sistema de gestão baseado em competências, condições para a obtenção de vantagem competitiva. No que diz respeito à gestão estratégica de recursos humanos, o conceito de competências é instrumento de referência para mediar as diferentes responsabilidades e contribuições individuais na empresa. Em contrapartida, o desempenho organizacional, dependerá da qualidade no grau de entrega dos indivíduos ao novo modelo de gestão, através da manutenção de um contrato psicológico positivo dos profissionais. Optou-se por desenvolver um estudo de caso qualitativo com características exploratórias. A organização escolhida foi a Technip S.A., empresa de engenharia que possui forte atuação no setor petroquímico e que se encontra em fase de implantação de um sistema de gestão baseado em competências. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa de campo foi fundamentada em entrevistas individuais realizadas, por meio de questões semi-estruturadas. Buscou- se identificar a realidade social da organização a partir do estudo das expectativas dos indivíduos em relação à mesma, antes e depois da iniciativa de mudança, como forma importante de compreensão da estruturação da ação nesse ambiente. Os resultados conduziram à percepção da existência de uma relação de reciprocidade entre individuo e organização. Conclui-se que, enquanto a mudança exerce, sobre o contrato psicológico dos indivíduos, uma influência que vai desde o reforço ao rompimento, a leitura que os indivíduos fazem da mesma encontrase relacionada ao contrato psicológico pré- existente. / [en] The purpose of this study is to have a better understanding of the main aspects that affect the psychological contract established by individuals facing a changing process on their organizational work relationship. This study focused on the competence management implementation as a competitive advantage. In terms of resource management strategy, the concept of competence is an important instrument to measure different individual responsibilities and contributions to the organization. On the other hand, the organization performance will depend on how individuals interact with the management system in order to maintain a positive psychological contract. Therefore, a qualitative case study with exploratory characteristics was developed based on several interviews done with employees from a company that belongs to the petrochemical sector, called Technip S.A. This firm is implementing a competence management methodology. These interviews were based on previous questionnaires and their purpose was to identify the social reality of the organization based o its individuals` expectation, before and after changing events. The main results of this study confirm a reciprocity relationship between individuals and organization, that a change in the work relationship can either reinforce the psychological contract or violate it, and the individuals` comprehension will directly depend on their pre-existent psychological contract. Finally, this study suggests that the success of a competence management system implementation depends on understanding the psychological contract of those involved on the changing events.

Kompetensbrist och Generation Y’s förväntningar utmanar IT-företag i arbetet med employer branding : Vikten av att bemöta förväntningarna för att attrahera och behålla personal / Lack of competence and Generation Y's expectations challenge IT companies in their work with employer branding : The importance of responding to expectations for attracting and retaining staff

Beard, Julia, Tedenlind, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att genom kvalitativ metod undersöka hur företag inom IT-branschen arbetar med employer branding för att bemöta Generation Y’s förväntningar. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av åtta stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från fyra olika företag verksamma inom IT-branschen i Mellansverige. Materialet från intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av induktiv tematisk analys och utifrån detta kunde fyra huvudteman utläsas. Dessa huvudteman var; En ny generation med nya förväntningar på arbetsplatsen, Betydelsen av en stark företagskultur, Speciellt för IT-branschen samt Kontinuerligt arbete med employer branding. Resultatet visade att företagen är medvetna om skillnader som finns mellan olika generationers förväntningar och arbetar aktivt med employer branding för att kunna uppfylla medarbetarnas psykologiska kontrakt. Vidare visade resultatet att företagen ställs inför många utmaningar i och med den dynamiska IT- branschen och det faktum att en medarbetares psykologiska kontrakt och förväntningar förändras över tid. / The purpose of the study was to examine, through qualitative method, how companies within the IT industry work with employer branding to respond to Generation Y's expectations. The study was conducted using eight semi-structured interviews with respondents from four different companies within the IT industry in Central Sweden. The collected data from the interviews was analyzed by means of inductive thematic analysis and four main themes emerged. The main themes were; A new generation with new expectations in the workplace, Importance of a strong organizational culture, Particularly regarding the IT industry and Continuously work with employer branding. The result showed that companies are aware of differences between different generations expectations and work actively with employer branding in order to fulfil the employees psychological contract. Furthermore, the result showed that companies faced many challenges in the dynamic IT industry and the fact that an employee's psychological contract and expectations change over time

La santé au travail dans les fonctions publiques territoriale et hospitalière : une approche par les ressources / Occupational health in hospital and local public service : resources-based approach

Rossano, Maryline 03 December 2018 (has links)
Stress, burnout, mal-être, bien-être, conditions de travail, Risques Psycho Sociaux (RPS), la santé au travail recouvre une multitude de notions. Nous avons choisi dans le cadre de ce travail d’envisager la santé à travers le prisme des ressources et de mobiliser la théorie de la conservation des ressources (COR) de Hobfoll (1989, 1998, 2001). Ses apports majeurs sont d’envisager la santé non plus seulement dans sa dimension pathogénique mais également dans une perspective salutogénique (Abord de Chatillon, 2005 ; Neveu, 2007, 2012 ; Richard, 2012) et d’aborder le phénomène en tant que processus tenant compte à la fois de ses aspects internes et externes. L’enjeu du présent travail est d’analyser plus finement le processus à l’œuvre, à la fois de maintien et de dégradation de la santé au travail dans le contexte spécifique des fonctions publiques territoriale et hospitalière. Depuis plusieurs décennies, ce secteur subit des transformations avec notamment la mise en œuvre d’une démarche de Nouveau Management Public (NMP) et la volonté d’appliquer des modes de gestion privés au public. Cette rationalisation bien que nécessaire économiquement a pour conséquence une intensification du travail qui affectent l’organisation du travail et la santé des agents. Ainsi notre étude qualitative à travers les trois articles qui la constituent défend la thèse suivante : la santé au travail est un processus dynamique auquel concourent l’individu, le collectif et l’organisation qui s’exprime à travers la relation aux ressources. Notre thèse contribue ainsi à identifier de nouvelles ressources organisationnelles, mettre en évidence le mécanisme de sollicitation des ressources et la capacité proactive et résiliente des individus, expliciter le processus de spirale, et confirmer le lien peu exploré entre Nouveau Management Public et stress au travail. / Stress, burnout, well-being, work conditions, psychosocial risks, occupational health covers multiple notions. We choose to consider health according to the conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll, 1989, 1998, 2001). Its major contributions consist firstly in considering health not only from a pathogenic aspect but also from a salutogenic one (Abord de Chatillon, 2005 ; Neveu, 2007, 2012 ; Richard, 2012). Secondly, it proposes to study health as a whole process including its internal and external aspects. The issue of this study is to analyse both the process of maintenance and decline of occupational health in the specific public context. For several decades, this sector has been undergoing major transformations with New Public Management reforms. Although economically necessary this rationalization results in work intensification which influence work organization and health of public agents. Thus, our qualitative study through the three articles considers that occupational health is a dynamic process (in which individuals, collective and organization participate) expressed through the relationship to resources. Our thesis offers several contributions to help identify new organizational resources, to highlight the process of resource mobilization and the proactive capacity, to explicit the spiral process and to confirm the link, not sufficiently explored, between the NPM and job stress.

A dinâmica dos vínculos com as organizações empregadoras: um olhar para o contexto e trajetória do trabalhador / The dynamics of bonds with organizational employers: an approach at the worker\'s context and trajectory

Paim, Diego Silveira 21 July 2017 (has links)
Na agenda de pesquisa sobre comprometimento organizacional, predomina o modelo de pesquisa de corte transversal, quantitativa, que busca relacionar os vínculos com antecedentes e consequentes de maneira direta, considerando variáveis internas à organização. Esta abordagem tem sido foco de discussão nesta área, que começa a apontar a necessidade de estudos exploratórios buscando compreender a dinâmica dos vínculos ao longo do tempo. O presente trabalho busca contribuir com esta lacuna, e tem por objetivo compreender o papel de elementos de contexto individual na dinâmica dos vínculos do trabalhador com a organização ao longo de sua trajetória. A etapa preliminar quantitativa foi realizada por meio de uma survey que obteve 1584 respostas válidas, coletando com escalas validadas padrões dos vínculos de comprometimento e entrincheiramento com a organização. A partir destes padrões, foram destacados 30 indivíduos com diferentes padrões de vínculos para uma etapa principal qualitativa, que ocorreu por meio de entrevistas exploratórias com estes participantes. As análises de narrativa, conteúdo e eventos foram combinadas para processar estes dados, visando compreender o papel do contexto individual nos vínculos. Estas análises buscaram compreender o papel de diferentes temas da vida do indivíduo: A fase da vida e careira, as âncoras de carreira, eventos marcantes de sua vida, elementos de seu contexto individual (família, comunidade, lazer, amizade, outros trabalhos e autodesenvolvimento) e fenômenos da literatura de vínculos organizacionais. Como resultado, foi encontrado que as fases da vida e carreira exercem papel relevante na dinâmica dos vínculos, e as fases de equacionamento e manutenção são mais propensas a registrarem alto comprometimento, e a fase de manutenção também com alto entrincheiramento. As âncoras de carreira modelam as expectativas que geram os contratos psicológicos, e atuam também na forma com que o indivíduo lida com os eventos em sua vida. Em termos dos eventos, os que se relacionam com mudança cultural e liderança/gestão tem relação com quebras de contrato psicológico, que geram diminuição ou quebra do comprometimento com a organização, se relacionando com o fenômeno da literatura de quondamcommitment. No contexto individual, ele atua como um mediador entre a dinâmica dos vínculos e os eventos vivenciados pelo indivíduo, sendo também pautados pela permeabilidade entre a vida pessoal e profissional. As dimensões de amizade, família e comunidade tem relação mais relevante com a dinâmica de vínculos. Por fim, foi elaborado um modelo teórico que organiza e sistematiza todas as áreas observadas neste estudo, apontando o papel delas na dinâmica dos vínculos. Conclui-se que os vínculos de comprometimento e entrincheiramento são afetados indiretamente pelas fases da vida, e que a depender da âncora de carreira, o indivíduo tenderá a desenvolver maior comprometimento com diferentes focos. Ainda, o estudo explicita o papel de eventos de liderança/gestão e cultura organizacional, que estão associados à quebra de contrato psicológico e diminuição dos níveis do comprometimento. Por fim, o presente trabalho possibilita uma maior compreensão dos fenômenos contextuais na agenda de pesquisa dos vínculos organizacionais, trazendo elementos à tona que podem ser aprofundados em futuras pesquisas. / In the research agenda on organizational commitment, the cross-sectional, quantitative research model predominates, which seeks to relate the links with antecedents and consequents in a direct way, considering internal variables to the organization. This approach has been a focus of discussion in this area, which begins to point out the need for exploratory studies seeking to understand the dynamics of bonds over time. The present work has the objective to contribute to this gap, and aims to understand the role of individual context elements in the dynamics of the worker \'s bonds with the organization throughout its trajectory. The preliminary quantitative stage was accomplished by means of a survey that obtained 1584 valid answers, collecting with validated scales standard of the bonds of organizational commitment and organizational entrenchment. From these standards, 30 individuals with different patterns of bonds were selected for a qualitative main stage, which occurred through exploratory interviews with these participants. Narrative, content, and event analyzes were combined to process these data to understand the role of the individual context in the bonds. These analyzes sought to understand the role of different subjects in the individual\'s life: the life stage and career, career anchors, life events, elements of their individual context (family, community, leisure, friendship, other work and self-development) and bond´s organizational phenomena. As a result, it was found that the life stages and career stages play a relevant role in the dynamics of the bonds, and the phases of equation and maintenance are more likely to register high commitment, and the maintenance phase also with high entrenchment. Career anchors shape the expectations that generate the psychological contracts, and also act on how the individual deals with the events in his or her life. In terms of events, those related to cultural change and leadership / management are related to psychological contract breaches, which generate a decrease or decrease in commitment to the organization, related to the quondam commitment literature phenomenon. In the individual context, it acts as a mediator between the dynamics of the links and the events experienced by the individual, and are also guided by the permeability between personal and professional life. The dimensions of friendship, family and community are more relevant to the dynamics of links. Finally, a theoretical model was elaborated that organizes and systematizes all the areas observed in this study, pointing out their role in the dynamics of the links. It is concluded that the bonds of commitment and entrenchment are affected indirectly by the life cycle, and that depending on the career anchor, the individual will tend to develop greater commitment with different foci. Furthermore, the study explores the role of leadership / management events and organizational culture, which are associated with psychological contract breakdown and decreased levels of commitment. Finally, the present work contributes to a greater understanding of the contextual phenomena in the research agenda of organizational bonds, bringing elements to the fore that can be deepened in future researches.

Le développement de l’employabilité dans les organisations : une aide à la rénovation de gestion des ressources humaines et à l’accroissement de performances économiques et sociales : cas d'entreprises industrielles tunisiennes

Ben Hassen, Noura 20 July 2011 (has links)
Dans le cadre de leurs démarches de modernisation, les entreprises tunisiennes sont à la recherche d’un modèle de gestion efficace de leurs Ressources Humaines permettant, au-delà de la flexibilité et des restructurations nécessaires, d’assurer un développement de leurs performances, ainsi qu’une sécurisation des parcours professionnels de leurs salariés. L’hypothèse centrale que nous avons déterminée comme réponse à cette problématique est la suivante : la rénovation de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, par la mise en place d’une politique de développement de l’employabilité, aide les entreprises tunisiennes à faire progresser leur performance sociale et économique et à sécuriser les parcours professionnels de leurs salariés.Les résultats de cette recherche mettent tout d’abord en évidence les principales difficultés de modernisation de Gestion des Ressources Humaines au sein des entreprises tunisiennes (managériales, structurelles, institutionnels et culturelles), puis l’apport de développement de l’employabilité pour la rénovation des pratiques de GRH et à l’accroissement de performances sociales et économiques à moyen et à long terme et, enfin, les conditions nécessaires à l’intégration d’une politique de développement de l’employabilité à la GRH. / As part of their efforts to modernize the Tunisian companies are looking for a model of effective management of their human resources with, beyond restructuring and flexibility necessary to ensure development of their performance and a career security of their employees. The central hypothesis we have determined as a response to this problem is: the renovation of Human Resource Management, for the establishment of a policy of development of employability, with Tunisian companies to advance their performance social and economic security and career paths for their employees.The results of this research are first identified the major challenges of modernizing human resources management in the Tunisian firms (managerial, structural, institutional and cultural) and the provision of employability development for renovation Human Resource Management practices and increasing social and economic performance in the medium and longer term and finally the conditions for the integration of a development policy employability of HRM.

Les déterminants de l’engagement de carrière par rapport à l’engagement organisationnel chez les professionnels en ressources humaines.

Ngalle, Adolphe Félix 02 1900 (has links)
Le but de notre recherche est d’étudier l’influence de la réalisation des promesses relatives aux conditions d’emploi et de la réalisation des attentes relatives aux conditions d’exercice de la profession sur l’engagement organisationnel et l’engagement de carrière des PRH. Notre étude est empirique et basée sur une enquête réalisée auprès de 636 PRH exerçant au Québec. Notre étude repose sur la théorie du contrat psychologique qui soutient que l’entente mutuelle et réciproque entre l’employeur et l’employé a des répercussions sur les comportements des travailleurs dont l’engagement organisationnel. Nous trouvons un lien intéressant à établir entre la réalisation des promesses liées aux conditions d’emploi et la réalisation des attentes relatives aux conditions d’exercice de la profession. Nos résultats ont révélé que la réalisation par l’employeur des promesses liées aux conditions d’emploi va affecter l’engagement organisationnel et l’engagement de carrière. Plus particulièrement la réalisation des promesses en lien avec le contenu de l’emploi et l’atmosphère sociale influence l’engagement organisationnel affectif tandis que la réalisation des promesses liées au développement externe influence l’engagement de carrière relatif aux alternatives limitées. Nos résultats montrent aussi que les attentes relatives aux conditions d’exercice de la profession influencent l’engagement organisationnel et l’engagement de carrière. Notamment la réalisation des attentes relatives au rôle de partenaire d’affaire influence l’engagement organisationnel affectif. Bref, la théorie du contrat psychologique offre un cadre explicatif intéressant pour comprendre la dualité de l’attachement des professionnels envers leur profession et envers l’organisation qui les emploie. / The purpose of our research is to study the influence of the fulfillment of the employer’s promises in regard the employment conditions and the fulfillment of the employees’ expectations related to their practices roles on the organizational commitment as well as on the occupational commitment. Our study is empirical and based on a survey conducted among 636 HRP practicing in Quebec. Our study uses the theoretical framework of the psychological contract suggesting the reciprocity of the mutual agreement between the employer and the employee has an impact on the workers’ behaviours including the organizational commitment. We are finding an interesting link to establish between the fulfilment of the promises related to the employment conditions and the expectations related to the professional roles. Our findings reveal that fulfilment of the promises made by the employer in regard to the employment conditions will affect the organizational commitment and the occupational commitment. In particular, the fulfilment of the promises link to the work content and the social atmosphere will influence the affective commitment, whereas keeping promises related to external development has an impact on limited alternatives. Also, the fulfilment of the expectations associated to the professional roles will influence the organisational commitment and the occupational commitment. Particularly, the fulfilment of expectations related to business partner role has an influence on affective commitment.

Kaffe, kramar och jordgubbar : Vad motiverar volontärer på musikfestivaler?

Sandmark, Johanna, Svantesson, Carolina January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för vad som motiverar volontärer och vad de har för förhoppningar och förväntningar när de kommer för att arbeta på en musikfestival, och hur denna grupp människor passar in i mallen som motivationsteoretiker målat upp för vad människor motiveras av och hur vi motiverar arbetskraft. Vi insåg under vårt arbete med musikfestivalvolontärer att det finns mycket lite kunskap om gruppen samt om hur man på bästa sätt arbetar mot volontärer på en festival. Vad som speciellt intresserade oss var upptäckten av hur många av de volontärer som anmält sig med sedan valde att oanmält inte dyka upp till festivalen eller att avbryta arbetet under festivalens gång. Studien försöker att belysa detta ämne och bidra till mer kunskap inom detta fält och ytterligare en upptäckt vi gjort är att den förutspådda skillnaden mellan arbetsledaren och volontärers attityder inte är så stor. Det finns en högre medvetenhet om volontärernas situation hos arbetledare än vad som initialt observerats, men att denna kunskap allt för sällan kan omvandlas till handling. Vi har alltså undersökt volontärers motivation och arbetsledares attityder för att förstå vad bortfallet av ideell arbetskraft under festivaler beror på, både före och under genomförandet. Denna uppsats är riktad mot personer som har ett intresse av fenomenet motivation hos ideell arbetskraft. / The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of what motivates volunteers and what their hopes and expectations are when they come to work at a music festival. We want to examine how motivation theories can be applied on this group of people and by that grasp how volunteers get motivated. During our work with music festivals we realized that there is very little knowledge about the volunteers and how to best work with volunteers at a festival. One thing that particularly captured our interest was the discovery of how many of the volunteers who signed up to work at the festival and then totaly unannounced chose not to show up at the festival at all or to suspend their work during the festival. This study attempts to shed light on this topic and contribute to more knowledge in this field, further more we also discovered that the difference between the supervisor and the volunteers’ attitude was not as great as we predicted. We found out that the supervisors’ awareness of the volunteers’ situation is a greater than initially observed, but that this knowledge infrequently converts into action. We have examined the volunteers’ motivation and the supervisor's attitudes in order to understand what is causing the loss of volunteers during festivals, both before and during implementation. This paper is directed at people who have an interest in the phenomenon motivation of nonprofit workers.

Employee well-being, turnover intention and perceived employability : a psychological contract approach / L. van der Vaart.

Van der Vaart, Leoni January 2012 (has links)
The contemporary working environment is characterised by constant change and increased cognitive and emotional demands on employees. At the same time, long-term employment is no longer guaranteed and often employees are not loyal to one organisation throughout their careers. These changes alter and threaten the viability of the employment relationship. Employees still provide a competitive edge for organisations and their expectations should be managed in such a way that the current organisation remains the employee’s employer of choice. If employers fail to achieve this, employees will be less satisfied and voluntary turnover will result, with detrimental effects on the organisation, both directly and indirectly. In order to ensure the retention of valuable employees, organisations need to identify the predictors of employees’ intention to leave and the nature of the relationships between these factors. Previous studies focused on evaluating the content of the psychological contract and its relation to employee well-being and intention to leave. However, the focus should be less on what employees expect from employers and more on whether these expectations are being fulfilled, now and in future, and whether employees perceive it as fair. Although numerous studies have been conducted on the outcomes of the psychological contract, the evaluation of the state of the psychological contract and its predictive ability remains largely unexplored. More research is also needed to identify mediators in the psychological contract domain. Employability emerged as a coping resource for employees in times of uncertainty. Unfortunately, the more employable employees are, the more likely they will leave the organisation. Due to the assumed positive relationship between employability and performance, organisations should aim to enhance the employability of their employees but at the same time they should seek ways to retain these employees. Empirical research on the outcomes of perceived employability is limited and more research is also needed to identify moderators. The objectives of the study were 1) to determine whether the state of the psychological contract (as perceived by the employee) mediates the relationship between employees’ well-being and their intention to leave the organisation; and 2) to determine whether the state of the psychological contract (as perceived by the employee) moderates the relationship between perceived employability and employees’ well-being and their intention to leave the organisation, respectively. Structural equation modelling was used to establish the significance of the relationship between the variables simultaneously. Two structural models were evaluated; one with employee well-being as mediator and one with the state of the psychological contract as moderator. The results indicated that employee well-being partially mediates the negative relationship between the state of the psychological contract and intention to leave. The state of the psychological contract played a significant role in predicting individual outcomes. The results also indicated that perceived employability had a positive relationship with intention to leave. This is in line with previous international studies. Contrary to what was expected, no significant relationship was found between perceived employability and employee well-being. Furthermore, the state of the psychological contract did not moderate the relationship between perceived employability and employees’ well-being and their intention to leave the organisation, respectively. The results highlighted the importance of well-being as a factor in employees’ intention to leave the organisation. Recommendations were made for organisations and futher reseach. / Thesis (MCom (Human Resource Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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