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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Best Friends Forever and Family Ties: Continuity and Change in Closeness with Parents and Friends Among Australian Adolescents

Jorgensen-Wells, McKell A. 16 November 2021 (has links)
During adolescence, the need for social connection increases. Yet, fostering emotional closeness in relationships becomes more complex, as the need for autonomy also increases and social environments must adapt to become conducive to these seemingly competing needs. This complexity necessitates more research on what happens to close relationships during adolescence, so parents, scholars, and practitioners are better equipped to help individuals navigate the unique social atmosphere of adolescence. The current study draws upon multi-level modeling techniques to estimate growth models of Australian adolescents' closeness to parents and closeness to friends from ages 12-17 and examine predictors of these trajectories. Findings reveal that on average, adolescents' levels of closeness to parents exhibit a moderate decrease while remaining relatively high, and boys appear to have a closer relationship with their parents than girls throughout the period examined. Levels of closeness to friends similarly decline while remaining relatively high, with girls exhibiting both greater levels of closeness and a faster decrease than boys throughout the timeframe examined. These results are discussed in light of the current literature and recommendations for future studies are provided.

Pandemieffekter på kvinnors psykiska hälsa / Pandemic effects on women's mental health

Larsson, Nathalie, Johansen, Iril January 2022 (has links)
This study is a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with eight people. The purpose of this study has been to investigate women's mental health during covid-19. The study has the following research questions: Have women in Sweden and Norway experienced that their mental health has been affected by Covid-19? And if so, how has it been affected? Have there been any differences between mental health before and during the pandemic?   The study shows that the respondents have a fairly similar opinion about how mental health was experienced during covid-19, but the answers were a little more different when it came to what was the biggest change during covid-19. None of the respondents stated that they had any mental disorders before the pandemic, but during the pandemic the most important findings were that the respondents could at times experience mental disorders such as loneliness and depression. The result of this study is that there is a difference in the mental health of women before and during the pandemic, but this difference is not large. The only thing that can be concluded is that the interviewees during the pandemic have experienced mental disorders such as loneliness and depression due to the restrictions during the pandemic.

Preschool Teachers’ Work Motivation : A Study on intrinsic factors of work motivation for Swedish preschool teachers

Gawriye, Jennifer Rose, Kourie, Stella, Walid, Rand January 2022 (has links)
Background: The shortage of teachers in Sweden is an ongoing problem and is expected to continue. The preschool profession seems to be more unattractive which in turn might be a cause of low work motivation, but why? This made it interesting to investigate the work motivation amongst preschool teachers to see what factors that might cause the low work motivation. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine the intrinsic factors of work motivation for preschool teachers and how a manager might impact their work motivation. This thesis will be examined and connected to the Self Determination Theory. Method: This is a qualitative study with an inductive approach. Data were collected qualitatively through semi-structured interviews with seven respondents, two managers, and five preschool teachers from different schools. Using Gioia's coding method the information from the interviews was analyzed. The Self-determination theory was found to be the foremost applicable theory to use, as a result, intrinsic motivation became the first focus of this thesis. Conclusion: The main factors that affect the work motivation for preschool teachers are three aggregate dimensions, feeling of efficiency, opportunity to influence, and a sense of belonging which were conducted with help from the SDT and Gioia methodology. It was also recognized that managers had a big impact on how all these three aggregate dimensions were fulfilled.

Motiverande matematikundervisning : en intervjustudie om hur F-3 lärare arbetar och hur deras arbete kan påverka elevers motivation / Motivating Mathematical teaching : an interview study about how primary school teachers work and how their work can affect students' motivation

Schollin, Josefin, Andersson, Sanna January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om F-3 lärares perspektiv när det kommer till hur elever motiveras i matematikklassrummet. Syftet med studien är, dels att med motivationsteorin Selfdetermination Theory (SDT) som utgångspunkt, få kunskap om hur F-3 lärare arbetar för att motivera elever i matematikundervisningen. Studien syftade även till att utifrån teorins påståenden och tidigare forskning undersöka vilken potentiell påverkan som lärarnas beskrivna matematikundervisning kan få för elevers motivation.  För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod använts där sex verksamma F-3 lärare intervjuades vid olika tillfällen. Genom att använda semistrukturerade intervjuer erbjöds lärarna en stor frihet i att formulera egna svar om sina individuella uppfattningar. Det meningsbärande innehållet sorterades och analyserades med hjälp av en matris som skapats utifrån studiens teoretiska referensram, och på så vis synliggjordes mönster, likheter och skillnader i lärarnas intervjusvar.  Resultatet visade att lärarna framhåller sex betydelsefulla faktorer som i olika utsträckning eftersträvas och används för att motivera elever i matematikundervisningen: balansen mellan autonomi och struktur, individanpassning, ett kooperativt lärande, ett aktivt värdegrundsarbete, sitt eget engagemang för matematikämnet samt deras förhållningssätt vid tilldelning av feedback. När det kommer till studiens andra frågeställning visade resultatet även att samtliga sex faktorer potentiellt kan få en påverkan för elevers motivation i matematikundervisningen. Genom att sätta faktorerna i relation till SDT och tidigare forskning identifierades att fyra av faktorerna potentiellt kunde ha en påverkan på elevers inre motivation, medan två av faktorerna kunde ha en påverkan på elevers yttre motivation.

Projektteamets kreativa process

Framner, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Denna studies syfte har varit att undersöka hur ett projektteam agerar för att främja och upprätthålla kreativiteten inom en kreativ industri, där kreativitet är den drivande faktorn. För att kunna besvara syftet har frågeställningarna Vad upplever projektmedlemmarna influerar deras kreativitet? Och Hur arbetar de med för att främja och bibehålla kreativiteten? Använts. Uppsatsens empiriska material bygger på 8st kvalitativa intervjuer som sedan behandlats med en tematisk analys som resulterade i tre stycken teman, Kreativitet är ju ett samarbete, Svårt att uppfinna hjulet på tre dagar samt Den egna begränsningen för kreativitet  Resultatet av studien påvisar att gruppens trygghet är en avgörande faktor för att kunna främja och bibehålla kreativitet i en projektgrupp. Utöver den psykologiska tryggheten så går det att influera kreativiteten på grupp och individ nivå samt att projektet i sig sätter upp ramar för kreativiteten.  Nyckelord: Kreativitet, kreativa industrin, psykologisk trygghet, Self- determination theory .

Motivation till fysisk aktivitet / Motivation for physical activity

Stensson, Jonathan, Kaawach, Mohammad January 2022 (has links)
Fysisk inaktivitet är ett välkänt globalt samhällsproblem då det är en av de största riskfaktorerna dödlighet. En stillasittande och fysiskt inaktiv livsstil ökar risken att drabbas av hjärtsjukdomar, cancer och typ 2-diabetes (WHO, 2020). Genom att träna regelbundet kan man bland annat förstärka sin muskulära styrka, öka sin respiratoriska kapacitet och förbättra sin kardiovaskulära hälsa för att därmed bli fysiskt kapabel att leva ett fysiskt aktivt liv (U.S. department of human services, 1998). För att vi ska kunna träna regelbundet och ge oss själva de fysiska förutsättningarna som behövs för att leva fysiskt aktiva livsstilar behöver vi vara motiverade till att träna regelbundet. För att vi ska vara motiverade till att träna behöver vi träna under förutsättningar som skapar och bibehåller motivationen till att vara fysiskt aktiva (Weinberg & Gould, 2014). Syftet med den här undersökningen var att jämföra motivation till fysisk aktivitet inom föreningsidrott med träningsformer utanför föreningsidrotten. Undersökningen genomfördes genom två olika metoder för datainsamling. En kvantitativ enkätundersökning kring motivationsfaktorer med utgångspunkt i variabler från enkätinstrumentet Mpam-r och Self determination theory (SDT) (Deci & Ryan, 2000). En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning kring motivationsfaktorer och målsättningsinriktning med utgångspunkt i både SDT och Achievement goal theory (AGT) (Duda & Hall, 2001). Resultatet från undersökningen visar att föreningsidrottarna motiveras mer av faktorer kopplat till SDT och en inre motivation jämfört med icke-föreningsidrottarna som motiveras mer utifrån utseende-faktorn och en yttre motivation. Föreningsidrotten är den träningsmiljö som skapar bäst förutsättningar för uppgiftsinriktade målsättningar medan träningsformer utanför föreningsidrotten tenderar att bidra till resultatinriktade målsättningar. Undersökningsgruppen som utifrån deltagarnas uppskattningar skapar och bidrar till att ha den mest långsiktigt hållbara motivationen till fysisk aktivitet är icke-föreningsidrottarna.

Survive or Thrive? 10th Graders' Parental Involvement and Its Influences on Early Adult Life

Zhu, Ping 05 1900 (has links)
To find out how adolescents' individual and environmental factors impact adulthood education and employment outcomes, this longitudinal study examined 10th graders' individual (such as math scores, intrinsic motivation, and school engagement) and environmental (i.e. parental involvement) factors through their education and employment outcomes in emerging adulthood. The current study examined the differentiated effect of parental involvement being autonomy-supportive or control on adolescents' academic achievement in high school and also young adulthood educational and occupational outcomes 10 years later. This research is based on an analysis of data drawn from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002), which is a nationally representative longitudinal study that follows adolescents at four main timelines: the base year of students in 10th grade (Time 1), the first follow up at 12th grade(Time 2), the second follow up two years after the expected high school of high-school, and the third follow up when students who may have gone on to post-secondary education would complete their postsecondary education (Time 3). 5,439 students and their parent(s) were included in the study. Overall, the final model supported the majority of the hypotheses and revealed how differentiated parental involvements and students' previous academic performance influence their math scores at Time 2 (r = .80), and both educational (r = .32) and career (r = .27) outcomes at emerging adulthood.

Påverkas arbetsmotivation av påtvingat distansarbete under Covid-19 pandemin? : En kvantitativ enkätstudie / Is work motivation affected by forced distance work during the Covid-19 pandemic? : A quantitative study

Eriksson, Jonna, Danielsson, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning studera graden av arbetsmotivation och hur den påverkas av distansarbete, samt att undersöka om arbetsmotivation och distansarbete korrelerade med faktorerna; inställning till förändring, balans mellan arbets- och privatliv, interaktion med kollegor samt samhörighet till kollegor. Studien baserades på Self Determination Theory som utifrån människans tre psykologiska behov, autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet, redogör för arbetsmotivation. Totalt besvarade 247 respondenter (N=247) enkäten vilken till stor del utgjordes av mätinstrumentet BNS-W (Deci et al., 2001; Ilardi et al., 1993; Kasser et al., 1992). Respondenterna påvisade en hög grad arbetsmotivation. Samband mellan arbetsmotivation och distansarbete undersöktes i en linjär regressionsanalys, vilken påvisade ett icke-signifikant samband. Ett resultat som visade indikation på att respondenternas arbetsmotivation inte påverkats av omfattning distansarbete. Arbetsmotivation, omfattning distansarbete och de faktorer som studien undersökte testades med Spearmans rangkorrelationskoefficient (rs). Där ett flertal signifikanta korrelationer identifierades, dessa korrelationer tyder på att faktorerna kan ha en inverkan på arbetsmotivationen vid distansarbete.

Motivation in Crisis? : An investigation of L2 English teacher perceptions of both learner and teacher motivation and teachers’ approaches for prompting student motivation during emergency remote teaching in Sweden / Motivation i Kris? : Engelsklärares uppfattning av elevmotivation,förhållningssätt till elevmotivation och lärares egen motivation medanledning av påtvingad fjärrundervisning i Sverige

Brooks, Philip January 2021 (has links)
The still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a wrench into the works of conventional classroom teaching. Efforts taken to limit the spread of the virus have consequently led to school closures, moving lessons from a physical environment to an online equivalent. The present study investigates how and to what extent three English teachers in the Swedish upper secondary school perceive the effect of emergency remote teaching (ERT) has had on their pupils, with the aim to gain insight as to which motivational factors may have been impacted as a result of teaching moving online. Further, the study also aims to explore how the teachers’ approaches to motivating students had changed with the introduction of a sudden online learning environment, as well as how the teachers’ own motivation was impacted by teaching ERT. The topic was explored through qualitative interviews with participants using the three central aspects of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as the main analytical tool. The results demonstrated that teachers perceived that their learners’ motivation had been impacted during ERT due to lack of autonomy that had possibly been reinforced over time due to development and use of digital tools. In addition, competence may have been affected due to teachers implementing a high degree of structure in their lessons, and relatedness had been negatively impacted due to a lack of social interaction between students. Moreover, the approach for motivating students had changed for two of the three teachers, and that teachers’ own motivation has also been impacted in different ways by teaching remotely. In summary, this study concludes that schools and governing bodies alike need to review and implement new strategies for digital education in the future and must utilise previous experiences to evaluate and subsequently determine how to work with approaches that more productively considers student motivation and wellbeing. As such, this study could be useful to schools, teachers and educators when developing digital strategies in the future.

Vad framtidens kvinnliga IT-experter förväntar sig av en arbetsgivare : En kvalitativ studie om motivationsfaktorer hos unga kvinnor i en mansdominerad bransch

Nygård, Signe, Västanälv, Diana January 2021 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of this study is to generate a comprehensive understanding of young women in order to identify primary factors of motivation. The focal point is on how employers in the IT industry can face the work-related needs.Three question formulations are framed to be able to cope a comprehensive understanding.  Method: The empirical evidence of this study is based on eight semi-structured interviews with women within generation Z operating in the IT industry.   Result & Conclusions: The results of the study indicate that career path, responsibility and accomplishment are considered important inner motivation for women (Gen Z) working in a male-dominated IT industry. Confirmation and good communication with the employer manifest as the most important external motivation. Equality in the workforce promote stronger motivation for women, which indicate that employers can revise work environment with pronounced masculine indications to retain women in the IT industry.  Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with a better understanding of young female working in a male-dominated environment.  Suggestions for future research: Since Generation Z initiate enter the labor market the quantity of Generation Z in the workforce will increase in a matter of time, future research can resemble internal and external motivation factors.

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