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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Bridging Education and Licensure of International Medical Doctors in Ontario: A Call for Commitment, Consistency, and Transparency

Peters, Colette 11 January 2012 (has links)
The widely acknowledged doctor shortage in Canada has recently motivated a more critical look at the licensure rates of International Medical Doctors (IMDs), also known as International Medical Graduates (IMGs). However, very little research has been conducted on the experiences of IMDs before they enter the Canadian medical system. This qualitative study collected interview data from 15 diverse IMDs seeking licensure in Ontario, Canada. The participants varied with respect to age, country of origin, English language proficiency on arrival, and time in Canada. In addition, two bridging support programs were observed, and interviews were conducted with three educators from the programs. The interviews were analysed using thematic content analysis (Boyatzis, 1998; Miles & Huberman, 1994). An analysis of metaphors used by the IMDs to describe their experiences during the licensing process supported the use of poetic representation for key findings, resulting in three poems that are interspersed in the body of the thesis (Ellingson, 2011; Glesne, 1997; Richardson, 2002; Richardson & Adams St. Pierre, 2005). The theoretical framework of the research was informed by Vygotskian Sociocultural Theory, which views learning as inseparable from social interaction and context (Vygotsky, 1987). Third-generation Activity Theory (AT), which has descended from Vygotsky’s work, was applied to highlight the higher-level systemic issues related to medical licensing. Results of this study indicate that IMDs with lower English proficiency face substantial difficulties on arrival, with limited access to the type of medically-relevant language instruction needed to support them. In fact, all pre-licensure IMDs struggle to access the interactional learning opportunities (i.e., Vygotskian “mediational means”) to support their entry into the system. Licensing challenges include limited exam preparation resources that support acquisition of Canadian cultural content; unequal access to clinical observerships; and a selection process which lacks transparency and emphasizes a screening tool unfamiliar to IMDs, the residency interview. Implications of this study include the revisiting of immigration policy; increasing the transparency and effectiveness of the selection process/residency interview; reviewing the role of clinical observerships in the selection process and exploring the potential of observerships to function as a licensure portfolio assessment.

The Bridging Education and Licensure of International Medical Doctors in Ontario: A Call for Commitment, Consistency, and Transparency

Peters, Colette 11 January 2012 (has links)
The widely acknowledged doctor shortage in Canada has recently motivated a more critical look at the licensure rates of International Medical Doctors (IMDs), also known as International Medical Graduates (IMGs). However, very little research has been conducted on the experiences of IMDs before they enter the Canadian medical system. This qualitative study collected interview data from 15 diverse IMDs seeking licensure in Ontario, Canada. The participants varied with respect to age, country of origin, English language proficiency on arrival, and time in Canada. In addition, two bridging support programs were observed, and interviews were conducted with three educators from the programs. The interviews were analysed using thematic content analysis (Boyatzis, 1998; Miles & Huberman, 1994). An analysis of metaphors used by the IMDs to describe their experiences during the licensing process supported the use of poetic representation for key findings, resulting in three poems that are interspersed in the body of the thesis (Ellingson, 2011; Glesne, 1997; Richardson, 2002; Richardson & Adams St. Pierre, 2005). The theoretical framework of the research was informed by Vygotskian Sociocultural Theory, which views learning as inseparable from social interaction and context (Vygotsky, 1987). Third-generation Activity Theory (AT), which has descended from Vygotsky’s work, was applied to highlight the higher-level systemic issues related to medical licensing. Results of this study indicate that IMDs with lower English proficiency face substantial difficulties on arrival, with limited access to the type of medically-relevant language instruction needed to support them. In fact, all pre-licensure IMDs struggle to access the interactional learning opportunities (i.e., Vygotskian “mediational means”) to support their entry into the system. Licensing challenges include limited exam preparation resources that support acquisition of Canadian cultural content; unequal access to clinical observerships; and a selection process which lacks transparency and emphasizes a screening tool unfamiliar to IMDs, the residency interview. Implications of this study include the revisiting of immigration policy; increasing the transparency and effectiveness of the selection process/residency interview; reviewing the role of clinical observerships in the selection process and exploring the potential of observerships to function as a licensure portfolio assessment.

Learning to Teach in an Intensive Introductory TESL Training Course: A Case Study of English Teacher Learning

Freitas, Danielle Coelho Michel 18 March 2013 (has links)
Despite a growing body of research on trainee teachers’ learning during pre-service programs, intensive introductory TESL training courses are still designed to instruct a “standard” type of trainee teacher. This research study investigates the factors that mediate trainee teachers’ learning process as well as the interaction between these factors, which either facilitate and/or hinder trainee teachers’ success during an intensive introductory TESL training course. Using a qualitative holistic single-case study, informed by an interpretivist perspective, this study explores how three trainee teachers learned how to teach during a course in Southern Ontario, Canada. An integrated conceptual framework, formed by a sociocultural perspective of teacher learning, a holistic view of curriculum, and transformative pedagogy was employed and the findings include four major factors that mediated trainee teachers’ teacher learning process and three types of interaction that facilitated and/or hindered their success during the program.

Multiliteracies : a critical ethnography : pedagogy, power, discourse and access to multiliteracies

Mills, Kathy Ann January 2006 (has links)
The multiliteracies pedagogy of the New London Group is a response to the emergence of new literacies and changing forms of meaning-making in contemporary contexts of increased cultural and linguistic diversity. This critical ethnographic research investigates the interactions between pedagogy, power, discourses, and differential access to multiliteracies, among a group of culturally and linguistically diverse learners in a mainstream Australian classroom. The study documents the way in which a teacher enacted the multiliteracies pedagogy through a series of mediabased lessons with her year six (aged 11-12 years) class. The reporting of this research is timely because the multiliteracies pedagogy has become a key feature of Australian educational policy initiatives and syllabus requirements. The methodology of this study was based on Carspecken's critical ethnography. This method includes five stages: Stage One involved eighteen days of observational data collection over the course of ten weeks in the classroom. The multiliteracies lessons aimed to enable learners to collaboratively design a claymation movie. Stage Two was the initial analysis of data, including verbatim transcribing, coding, and applying analytic tools to the data. Stage Three involved semi-structured, forty-five minute interviews with the principal, teacher, and four culturally and linguistically diverse students. In Stages Four and Five, the results of micro-level data analysis were compared with macro-level phenomena using structuration theory and extant literature about access to multiliteracies. The key finding was that students' access to multiliteracies differed among the culturally and linguistically diverse group. Existing degrees of access were reproduced, based on the learners' relation to the dominant culture. In the context of the media-based lessons in which students designed claymation movies, students from Anglo-Australian, middle-class backgrounds had greater access to transformed designing than those who were culturally marginalised. These experiences were mediated by pedagogy, power, and discourses in the classroom, which were in turn influenced by the agency of individuals. The individuals were both enabled and constrained by structures of power within the school and the wider educational and social systems. Recommendations arising from the study were provided for teachers, principals, policy makers and researchers who seek to monitor and facilitate the success of the multiliteracies pedagogy in culturally and linguistically diverse educational contexts.

Rektorers arbete med kompetensutveckling av lärares erfarenhetsbaserade undervisning

Knifsund, Camilla January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få en förståelse för hur rektorer väljer att organisera kompetensutveckling för lärare gällande erfarenhetsbaserad undervisning. Min empiri är insamlad med hjälp av datorstödda mailintervjuer. I och med detta söker jag mönster i respondenternas olika svar utifrån en fenomenografisk ansats. Studiens resultat har gett svar på de frågeställningar som studien utgår ifrån och resultatet visar på en stor variation. Dels finns det variation i respondenternas tolkning av begreppet erfarenhetsbaserad undervisning och det finns även variationer kring deras tolkning av styrdokumenten. Det går också att se olikheter gällande den kompetensutveckling som rektorer organiserar för lärare. På grund av de variationer som råder i samtliga utsagor så kan det bli aktuellt att lyfta vikten av centraliserad tolkning av bärande begrepp på nationell nivå för att komma så nära likvärdig undervisning som möjligt. / The aim of this study is to gain an understanding how the principals choose to develop teacher competence in experience-based teaching. I seek patterns in the different interview answers based on phenomenographic approach. My empirical data was collected with the help of computer-aided mail interviews. The results of the study have given answers to the questions on which the study is based upon and the results show a great variation. Variation in the interpretation of the concept of experience-based teaching and the governance document. But the results also vary regarding the skills development the principals offers teachers. Due to the variations that seem to prevail in all statements, it may be relevant to emphasize the importance of centralized interpretation of key concepts at the national level, in order to get as close to equivalent teaching as possible.

Ålder och samhällsperspektiv : en betraktelse över det livslånga lärandet i den akademiska miljön för 55-plussare / Age and society : a reflection upon Life long learning in the academic world concerning 55-plus-aged university graduates

Wertvreter, Eva-Maria January 2024 (has links)
Att det finns problem i sammanhanget med livslångt lärande för mogna studenter på universitets-nivå utomlands finns dokumenterat i många tidigare studier där mogna studenter utsätts för marginalisering och försummelse m.m. Man kan i sammanhanget exempelvis tala om vardaglig ålderism eller strukturerad ålderism eller inbyggd ålderism eller institutionell ålderism. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur student-guppen 55 år och äldre (55+) på universitet/högskola i Sverige uppfattar sin egen ålder i relation till ålderism, Sociokulturellt lärande, Andragogik och livslångt lärande. Metodansatsen Hermeneutik och en 7-stegsmodell från Fenomenografi är den metodansats som använts och som teorianvänds Sociokulturell teori och Andragogik samt tidigare forskning. Fem universitets-studeranden 55+ har intervjuats i individuella face-to-face-intervjuer. Informanterna uppger först att de inte explicit uppfattat någon ålderism i sammanhanget med sina studier men implicit framkommer att det kan finnas en känsla av ålderism som man inte riktigt kan ta på utan som mer är en känsla. De pratar exempelvis om en grupp i sammanhanget som de kallar för 25-åringarna och som de relaterar till (men inte vice versa). Vissa använder stereotyper såsom”äldre”, ”gammal gubbe”, ”gammal som gatan” etc när de talar om sig själva. Detta kan leda till att man själv implicit pekar ut sin egen ålder i studiesammanhanget när man interagerar med med studenter och lärare vilket blir en kategorisering som kan ligga till grund för ojämlikhet. Man kan här använda sig av exempelvis ”kritisk språkmedvetenhet” för att mota ”Olle i grind”. Den akademiska miljön är en speciell miljö som det gäller att förstå sig på både för studenter och för lärare när det exempelvis gäller inkludering. Själva utlärningstekniken har förändrats till det bättre över tid och 55-plussarna använder sig av nya strategier i sin in-lärnings-teknik. De pekar också på att klasskillnaderna utjämnas mer bl.a. via att studier på universitet/högskola i Sverige är avgiftsfria. På det stora hela är 55-plussarna mycket positiva till att studera på universitet/högskola som 55+ och rekommenderar andra 55-plussare att också göra det. Det är roligt och intressant och det höjer deras livskvalitet och därmed förstärks deras hälsa. Riksdag och regering uttrycker i offentliga texter att det är önskvärt med ett livslångt lärande i Sverige. Informanterna här anser att de via att studera på universitet/högskola som 55+ bidrar i samhället och därmed stärks också, via den sociala inkluderingen, demokratin i Sverige.

Incidència d'una acció pedagògica dirigida a l'autoregulació. Dos estudis de cas a l'aula d'iniciació a l'aprenentatge de la interpretació consecutiva

Arumí Ribas, Marta 24 March 2006 (has links)
L´objectiu d´aquesta tesi és analitzar com s´integra una acció pedagògica a l'aula d'interpretació consecutiva. Aquesta acció pedagògica es basa en un enfocament socioconstructivista i pretén fomentar els processos autoreguladors en l´aprenentatge. Es concreta en la incorporació d'una bateria de pautes metacognitives dissenyades específicament per a desenvolupar les habilitats que requereix l'aprenentatge de la interpretació consecutiva. El nostre centre d´interès és l'estudi del pas de l´heteroregulació a l´autoregulació mitjançant la incorporació de les pautes metacognitives, enteses com a instruments de mediació. Conceptualment, la recerca pren com a principals referents teòrics l'autonomia de l'aprenent i la relació d´aquest àmbit amb la teoria sociocultural i amb els processos d'autoregulació. Pel que fa a la metodologia, seguim els pressupòsits de la recerca etnogràfica i els de l'aproximació ecològica de la recerca. Un dels reptes importants d'aquest tipus de recerca és el de trobar un model d'anàlisi que serveixi de base per a l'estudi de les dades resultants de la reflexió metacognitiva. Per fer-ho, ens hem aproximat a l´anàlisi del discurs. Un cop segmentades les dades, per a l'anàlisi interpretativa hem tingut en compte, entre altres, els aspectes següents: a) la relació que s'estableix entre els enunciats a través dels marcadors i els connectors del discurs b) la localització temporalc) la modalització i la polifonia de veus en el discurs. Entre els resultats obtinguts, destaca que els instruments ´diari de l´aprenent- i ´pauta metacognitiva- esdevenen formes vàlides per a verbalitzar la reflexió metacognitiva. I també que l´autoregulació de l'aprenentatge es desenvolupa en un procés de reflexió, cíclic i dinàmic. En aquest procés es fan evidents diversos graus o nivells. Identificar-los ajuda a integrar i a treballar el component metacognitiu a l´aula. I ha de permetre elaborar un programa d´aprendre a aprendre enfocat a l'ensenyament de la interpretació consecutiva. Un programa que respecti els microprocessos relacionats amb els nivells de consciència identificats i que, a la vegada, esdevingui útil per a propòsits didàctics. / El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar cómo se integra en el aula de interpretación consecutiva una acción pedagógica basada en un enfoque socioconstructivista y que pretende fomentar los procesos autoreguladores en el aprendizaje. Esa acción se concreta en la incorporación de una batería de pautas metacognitivas diseñadas específicamente para desarrollar las habilidades que requiere el aprendizaje de la interpretación consecutiva. Nuestro interés se centra en el paso de la heteroregulación a la autorregulación mediante la citada incorporación de pautas metacognitivas entendidas como instrumentos de mediación. Conceptualmente, la investigación adopta como principales referentes teóricos la autonomía del aprendiz en su relación con la teoría sociocultural y con los procesos de autorregulación. En cuanto a la metodología, seguimos los presupuestos de la investigación etnográfica y los de la aproximación ecológica a la investigación. Uno de los retos fundamentales de ese tipo de investigación consiste en hallar un modelo de análisis que sirva de base para el estudio que permita estudiar los datos resultantes de la reflexión metacognitiva. A tal fin partimos del análisis del discurso, procediendo de modo que, una vez segmentados los datos, se lleva a cabo una interpretación de los mismos definida según los siguientes criterios:a) la relación que se establece entre los enunciados recurriendo a los marcadores y conectores discursivosb) la localización temporalc) la modalización y la polifonía de voces en el discurso.Entre los resultados más destacados del presente trabajo cabe citar, por una parte, que los instrumentos 'diario del aprendiz' y 'pauta metacognitiva' resultan fórmulas válidas para verbalizar la reflexión metacognitiva. Por otra parte, hay que referirse al hecho de que la autorregulación del aprendizaje se desarrolla en un proceso de reflexión cíclico y dinámico en el que se dan distintos grados o niveles, la identificación de los cuales permite integrar y trabajar el componente metacognitivo en el aula. Ello, por su parte, debe posibilitar la elaboración de un programa de ´aprender a aprender- aplicado a la didáctica de la interpretación consecutiva y que se ajuste a los microprocesos relacionados con los niveles de conciencia metacognitiva identificados. / The purpose of this research is to analyse how a teaching action is integrated into the consecutive interpreting classroom. This teaching action is based on a socio-constructivist approach and attempts to encourage self-regulation processes in learning. The action takes the form of a battery of metacognitive guides designed specifically for developing the skills required for learning consecutive interpreting.Our focus of interest is the study of the move from hetero-regulation to self-regulation through the incorporation of instruments of mediation - the metacognitive guides - designed to develop the skills required for learning consecutive interpreting. Conceptually, the research takes as its main theoretical references learner autonomy and the relationship of this field with socio-cultural theory and the processes of self-regulation. As for methodology, we follow the criteria of ethnographic and ecologial approach to research. One of the important challenges of this kind of research is finding a model of analysis that serves as a basis for studying the data resulting from metacognitive reflection. To do this, we have used a discourse analysis approach. Once the data has been segmented, for the interpretive analysis we have taken into account the following aspects, among others: a) the relationship between the sentences through the markers and connectors; b) the location in time; c) the modalization and the polyphony of voices in the speech. Among the main results obtained, the mediation instruments, ´learner´s diary- and ´metacognitive guide-, prove to be valid forms for verbalizing metacognitive reflection. Also, that self-regulation of learning is developed in a cyclical and dynamic reflection process. In this process, different degrees or levels become clear. Identifying them helps to integrate and work with the metacognitive element in the classroom. And it should make it possible to draw up a learning-to-learn program focused on teaching consecutive interpreting: a program that respects the micro-processes related to the levels of consciousness identified and which, at the same time, should prove useful for teaching purposes.

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