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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Döden, kärleken och religionen. : En undersökning av några centrala teman i Nils Ferlins lyrik / Death, Love and Religion. : An examination of some central themes in the poetry of Nils Ferlin.

Eriksson, Lisa January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur tematiken i Nils Ferlins lyrik gestaltas i samtliga diktsamlingar utifrån några valda teman. Först undersöks dödstematiken som på grund av sitt omfång delas in i två kapitel, ett där döden ses som en räddare undan livsångest och ett där döden skildras som skrämmande. Vidare undersöks den religiösa kontext som är förknippad med dödstematiken. Därefter behandlas kärleksmotivet och tematiken kring detta. Slutligen undersöks dikterna där samtiden skildras utifrån Ferlins syn på människan och sin samtid. Till undersökningen används ett biografiskt material för berika analysen. Det är främst i analysen av dikterna med en tydlig dödstematik som den biografiska aspekten är viktig men paralleller till författarens eget liv dras även vid diskussionen av övriga teman. Undersökningen är en tematisk studie men även motiven undersöks då de varierar i förhållande till tematiken. Definitioner för motiv och tema härleds till Lyrikens liv (Janss, Melberg & Refsum, 1999). Döden är det vanligaste motivet respektive temat men andra motiv och teman är viktiga att belysa för en djupare förståelse för Ferlins lyrik. Exempelvis finns en tydlig koppling mellan den religiösa kontexten och dödstematiken. / This paper examines how the themes in Nils Ferlin's poetry are portrayed in all poetry collections based on some selected themes. First the thematics of death is examined, and as a result of its extent it is divided into two chapters; one where death is seen as a savior from anxiety and one where death is portrayed as frightening. Furthermore the religious context associated with the thematics of death is examined. Thenceforth love motive and its thematics are treated. Lastly the poems where Ferlin depicture his vision on man and his contemporaries are examined. The survey uses a biographical material to enrich the analysis. It is primarily the analysis of the poems with a clear death thematic where the biographical aspect is important, but the parallels to the author's own life is used in the discussion of the other themes. The study is a thematic study but also the motives are examined as they vary in proportion to the thematic. Definitions of motive and theme are derived from Lyrikens liv (Janss, Melberg & Refsum, 1999). Death is the most common motive respectively theme however the other motives and themes are important to highlight for a deeper understanding of Ferlin's poetry.

Proust se geheuekonsep in Dutilleux se sonate vir hobo en klavier (1947) / Bernarda Swart

Swart, Bernarda January 2006 (has links)
The French composer Henri Dutilleux (born 1916) was largely influenced by the French writer Marcel Proust's (1871-1922) novel A la recherche du temps perdu. This monumental work is regarded by many critics as one of the most important novels of all times. The narrator, a parallel figure of Proust himself, experiences an involuntary memory of his childhood. An involuntary memory which is aroused in the narrator runs like a thread through the novel. This study traces how Dutilleux's style of writing was influenced by the concept of memory. Proust's concept of involuntary memory is realised in the sonata through "musical beacons". Dutilleux's composition techniques which relate to the concept of memory involve the following markers: • mirror images such as fan-like or melismatic figures • prominence of the tritone • focal notes or chords • principle of circularity • obsessional chords. A related aspect of Proust's concept of memory is the instability and inconsistency of the human personality as it is portrayed in his novel. In this study it is indicated how Dutilleux's croissance progressive composition technique may be likened to the inconsistency of personalities. It involves the concept of thematic evolutions which usually permutate from a core cell. This technique is characteristic of his adult work, and he applied it consciously for the first time in his First Symphony (1951). However, he acknowledges that he had used the technique unconsciously before. Dutilleux's Sonata for Oboe and Piano (1947) is an early work which was written during his student years for competition purposes. He does not regard the sonata as representative of his adult writing style. Thematic permutations of a core cell in the first movement are indicated in all three movements of the work. The analysis of musical thematic structure shows that aspects of Dutilleux's adult writing style were already present in his early work. / Thesis (D.Mus.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Barefoot Running: Feeling the World Through Your Feet

Warnock, Carly 13 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis paper explores barefoot and minimalist running in Ottawa, Ontario and Boulder, Colorado. The objective has been to answer the following questions: how can we understand barefoot and minimalist style running as cultures, how are barefoot and minimalist style running being done in different ways, how do the senses play out and create nuances between barefoot and minimalist style runners. I argue barefoot and minimalist running are distinct cultural forms. I applied an Ingoldian notion of culture that contends cultures are generative, relational, temporal and improvisational. I conducted a multi-site study and I interviewed participants, as well as conducted participant observation. My findings reveal that the different sensations experienced by the two styles of running make them meaningful in different ways. These different sensations and ways of meaning create nuances between barefoot and minimalist running and differentiate them and as a result, there are found to become different cultural forms.

Didaktik för reflektion : Folkhögskollärares beskrivningar av hur de iscensätter deltagares reflektion / Teaching for Reflection : Folk High School Teachers’ Descriptions of How They Facilitate Their Students’ Reflection

Ruschkowski, Andreas January 2014 (has links)
I ett flertal teorier inom fältet vuxnas lärande, liksom i dokument i specifika skolformer inom svensk vuxenutbildning, ges begreppet reflektion en frontposition i relation till lärande. Begreppet är dock problematiskt i att det har flera olika innebörder som inte nödvändigtvis harmonierar med varandra. Vidare saknar skolformer i utbildningssystemet didaktiska riktlinjer för utformningen av undervisning. Ett spänningsfält kan skönjas här, mellan å ena sidan explicita krav på reflektion i dokument med bäring på specifika skolformers verksamhet, och å andra sidan teoretisk och didaktisk oklarhet kring begreppet reflektion.     Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera folkhögskollärares beskrivningar av hur de utformar undervisning för deltagares reflektion. Den kvalitativa metodansatsen är tematisk analys och det empiriska datamaterialet består av intervjuer med sex folkhögskollärare.     Resultaten av analysen gestaltas i fem övergripande teman av beskrivningar: samtal utformas som perspektivvidgning och återkoppling både i det fysiska och virtuella klassrummet; skrivande utformas via chatt eller för hand genom dikt- och brevskrivande eller som textframställningar i linje med olika skrivgenrer. Dessutom som formuleringar i punkt- eller verbform, som skrivstafett eller som reflektion utifrån givna frågor och uppgifter; frågor utformas dels med öppna frågor som inleds med Vad, Hur, Varför, Vilka och Var och dels som ja/nej-frågor; samspel utformas i helgrupp, i smågrupper eller enskilt med läraren; intryck utformas med textbaserade och visuellt baserade material, auditivt och audiovisuellt material, dofter och gemensamma upplevelser. / In several theories within the field of Adult learning, as well as in specific documents in Swedish Adult education, reflection is given a front position in relation to students’ learning. However, the concept of reflection is problematic in that it has various meanings that do not necessarily harmonize. Furthermore, school forms in the educational system lack guidelines for the design of teaching. A conflict can be discerned here. A conflict between, on the one hand, explicit demands on reflection in documents relevant to specific school forms, and, on the other hand, a lack of clarity concerning the theory and design of reflection in teaching. The aim of this paper is to identify Folk High School teachers’ descriptions of how they design teaching to facilitate their students’ reflection. The qualitative method is thematic analysis and the empirical material consists of interviews with six Folk High School teachers. The results of the analysis are illustrated in five overall themes of descriptions; discussion is designed as broadening of perspectives and feedback in the virtual, as well as physical class room; writing is designed as online chat or by hand, with poetry and letter writing or as texts of various genres. In addition/moreover, as expressions in point- or verb form, as “writing relay” or as reflection based on given questions or assignments; questions are partly designed open-ended, beginning with What, How, Why, Who, and Where, and partly as yes-no questions; interaction is designed plenary, in small groups, or individually with the teacher; impressions are designed with text-based and visually-based materials, auditory and audiovisual materials, fragrances, and shared experiences.

Redo att ingripa : En kvalitativ studie om varför människor ingriper i farliga situationer / Ready to intervene : A qualitative study examining why people intervene in dangerous situations

Wassberg, John, Höglund, Niklas January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka varför människor ingriper i farligasituationer. För att bemöta syftet har 11 respondenter med ingriparerfarenheter frånfarliga situationer intervjuats. Det är respondenternas tankar om varför de ingripit sompresenteras i denna studie. Det inspelade intervjumaterialet har transkriberats ochanalyserats utifrån en induktiv tematisk metod. Ur analysen framträdde sexhuvudteman som påverkat respondenterna att ingripa: Instinkt, Erfarenhet, Moral,Empati, Medvetande och Disinhibering. Dessa huvudteman kunde sedansammanfattas i ett kärntema: Handlingsberedskap. Denna Handlingsberedskap kanses som den mest gemensamma förklaringen till varför respondenterna ingripit.Sammantaget visar resultatet på att respondenterna ingripit utifrån olika huvudteman,men att samtliga respondenter besuttit Handlingsberedskap. Det verkar som attHandlingsberedskap är en förutsättning för ingripande. / The purpose of this study was to investigate why people intervene in dangeroussituations. To answer this purpose, 11 respondents with intervening experiences fromdangerous situations were interviewed. The respondents’ thoughts about why theyintervened are presented. The recorded interviews were transcribed and analysedthrough an inductive thematic approach. From the analysis, the following six mainthemes appeared: Instinct, Experience, Moral, Empathy, Consciousness andDisinhibition. The main themes are explanations to why the respondents intervened.These main themes where then summarized into a core theme: Readiness to act. ThisReadiness to act can be considered as the single nearest explanation to why therespondents intervened. In sum, the result shows that, even though the respondentsintervened out of different main themes, they have all possessed the Readiness to act.It seems that Readiness to act is a prerequisite for intervention.

論台灣華語趨向動補語V上 / On Directional Verb Compound V-shang4 in Taiwan Mandarin Chinese

李琬婷, Lee, Woan Tyng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由動補語後方名詞,依理論架構重新分類趨向動補語V上,並探討其前後的搭配詞在分類底下與「上」之間的互動情形。首先,根據Talmy (2000) 所提出的動態事件理論區辨後方名詞,其乃是具有傳達出動態語意的名詞特徵。其次,並以V上的論旨角色作為分類,因而總共得出三種型態的V上:[ V上Ground],[ V上Patient],[ V上Extent],藉此看到前方動詞和後方名詞與V上之間的緊密關係。除外並以認知語意學角度呈現其三種類型之間具有語意關連,表現出多義詞的演變型態,且符合語法化的過程。 / When the morpheme shang4 ‘up’ 上 is attached to a verb, it composes a V-shang constituent, which is a member of the group of ‘verb-complement’ marking directional motion of the action (Liu, 1983/1998). V-shang signifies the movement of an object through an action from a low position to a higher position within an upward orientation; for instance, a person moves from the ground to the top of a mountain. The previous studies have listed several extended meanings, besides the basic meaning of motion (Liu, 1998, Jiang, 2003; Pan, 2005; Yu, 2010). Most studies categorize V-shang by mixed criteria of semantic meanings and syntactic functions. Noting the lack of a theoretical basis in the classification of V-shang, this thesis depends on motion-event theory, in which an event is composed of Figure, Motion and Ground, to examine the motion event conducted by V-shang (Talmy, 2000) and Lexical Functional Grammar (Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982; Dowty, 1988; Bresnan and Zaenen, 1990; Bresnan, 2001; Her, 2009) to analyze the syntactic structures of the first verbs and shang4 in V-shang. By analyzing the noun phrases following V-shang, the study divides [V-shang NP] into three categories: [V-shang Ground], [V-shang Patient], [V-shang Extent] and observes the verb types in each pattern. There are the changes of semantic meanings from directional motion into resultative state and of orientation from vertical path into horizontal path. Within Lexical Functional Grammar, the verb types of the first verbs in V-shang change from the physical motion verbs which require thematic roles of Theme and Location to the transitive verbs which require thematic roles of Agent and Patient. [V-shang Extent] is the most abstract category of its semantic meaning, and the verb types of the first verbs are less restricted than the verb types in other two categories. The cognitive approach also explains the relationship of the extended meanings in V-shang and shang4 (Lu, 2011). Shang4 presents the features of polysemy.

Accuracy assessment of thematic maps of Hawaiʻi coral reef habitats based on image interpretation from three different types of remotely sensed data

Smith, William Randolph January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-94). / xvii, 94 leaves, bound ill. (some col.), maps (some col.) 29 cm

Trajetórias de docentes universitários com a temática ambiental: do mito de origem às ações no campo ambiental

Monte, Maria das Graças 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5586.pdf: 1088602 bytes, checksum: 0080f5579714a812a1835e6e3287a1c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This research is aimed at having deeper knowledge of the challenges faced by a group of university professors to consolidate academic practices with the environmental thematic, having the path of their personal and professional lives as reference, presented by means of biographical narratives. Throughout this study there is an attempt to identify: what are the factors related to the admittance and permanence of professors in the environmental field; what are the mediating elements in the construction processes of academic practices with the environmental thematic; what are the factors inherent to their actions, which move them towards consolidating environmental culture in the academic context. The interpretation of the content in the narratives was based on the theoretical contribution by Isabel Cristina de MouraCarvalho with regards to myths of origin, means of access and rites of admittance to the environmental field; by Hannah Arendt, on the conception of action, and by René Kaes on the conception of intermediate. The results analysis reveals that the childhood experiences of being close to nature, the participation in the social movements in the 70 s and the qualification as an academic researcher are memories brought out from memory, which delineate the myth of origin. The presence of formation of intermediaries in the academic context allowed professors to consolidate academic practices with the environmental thematic. In the absence of these formations remain the conflicts and crisis that, despite jeopardizing advances, don t stop the mobilization of professors for action, for new constructions.The professors actions are mainly found in setting academic practicesoriented by collectivity principles, which highlight the issue of creating groups as space forfruitful dialogues in order to consolidate environmental culture in the academic context. / Esta pesquisa buscou aprofundamentos a respeito dos desafios enfrentados por um grupo de docentes universitários para consolidar práticas acadêmicas com a temática ambiental, tendo como referência suas trajetórias de vida pessoal e acadêmica, reveladas por meio de narrativas biográficas. No percurso do estudo buscaram-se identificar que fatores estão relacionados com a entrada e a permanência dos docentes no campo ambiental; quais são os elementos mediadores nos processos de construção das práticas acadêmicas com a temática ambiental; quais são os fatores inerentes às ações por eles realizadas que os movem para consolidar a cultura ambiental no contexto acadêmico. A interpretação dos conteúdos das narrativas pautou-se nos contributos teóricos de Isabel Cristina de Moura Carvalho a respeito de mito de origem, vias de acesso e ritos de entrada para o campo ambiental; de Hannah Arendt acerca do conceito de ação e de René Kaës a respeito do conceito de intermediário. A análise dos resultados revelou que as experiências na infância de proximidade com a natureza, a participação nos movimentos sociais da década de 1970 e a formação como pesquisador acadêmico são lembranças resgatadas da memória que delineiam o mito de origem. A presença de formações intermediárias no contexto acadêmico permitiu aos docentes consolidar práticas acadêmicas com a temática ambiental. Nas situações de ausência destas formações permanecem os conflitos e as crises como fatores que, embora comprometam os avanços, não impedem a mobilização dos docentes para a ação, para novas construções. As ações dos docentes encontram-se, principalmente, na direção de configurar práticas acadêmicas orientadas por princípios de coletividade, o que coloca em evidências a questão da formação de grupos como espaços de diálogos frutíferos para a consolidação da cultura ambiental no contexto acadêmico.


Silveira, Marlise Grecco de Souza 07 March 2014 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / The environmental issue is an ever present concern throughout society and education is seen as essential to change this scenario materialize. Thus, the Environmental Education (EE) is an essential component of national education and must be present at all levels and modalities of the educational process. This dissertation deals with the EE in the school context and attempts to ascertain the contributions of environmental thematic workshops with student's Normal Course and in the Early Years of basic education. This work was divided into two phases. In the first phase were provided four thematic workshops on EE to 57 students only school in the municipality of Uruguaiana-RS that has the Normal Course as a teaching modality and also before and after activities, a questionnaire was applied in order to verify the knowledge students about EE and assess whether the proposed training was effective in their formation. In the second phase a workshop, which had as its theme the construction of educational games using recyclable and reusable materials, with 60 students of the Early Years of elementary school three local schools that have low performance in the Index of Basic Education Development was held. In addition, through mental maps the children's perceptions of the environment were analyzed. The results showed that students who participated of four thematic workshops performed better at posttest raising your batting average in the questionnaire, given that it can be inferred that the thematic workshops potentiated the student s knowledge of the EE. In the second phase, students in the Early Years were mostly comprehensive and environmental perceptions about the environment and after the implementation of the thematic workshop these perceptions were more frequent signaling that there was an expansion of student s knowledge about the environment. After the execution of the works that made up this dissertation is concluded that the proposed methodology was effective because the thematic workshops presented contributions in training students for the environmental issues can be facilitators and teaching resources for EE in the school context. / A questão ambiental é uma preocupação cada vez mais presente em toda a sociedade e a educação é vista como essencial para que mudanças nesse cenário se concretizem. Sendo assim, a Educação Ambiental (EA) é um componente essencial da educação nacional e deve estar presente em todos os níveis e modalidades do processo educativo. Esta dissertação trata da EA no contexto escolar e objetivou verificar as contribuições das oficinas temáticas ambientais na formação de alunos do Curso Normal Médio e dos Anos Iniciais da Educação Básica. O presente trabalho foi dividido em duas fases. Na primeira fase foram proporcionadas quatro oficinas temáticas sobre a EA para 57 alunos da única escola do município de Uruguaiana-RS que possui o Curso Normal como modalidade de ensino e ainda, antes e após as atividades foi aplicado um questionário a fim de verificar o conhecimento dos alunos sobre a EA e avaliar se a proposta de capacitação foi eficaz na formação dos mesmos. Na segunda fase foi realizada uma oficina, que teve como temática a construção de jogos didáticos utilizando materiais recicláveis e reutilizáveis, com 60 alunos dos primeiros anos do Ensino Fundamental de três escolas do município que tiveram baixo rendimento no Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica. Além disso, através de mapas mentais foram analisadas as percepções das crianças sobre meio ambiente. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que os alunos do Curso Normal que participaram das quatro oficinas temáticas apresentaram um melhor desempenho no pós-teste elevando sua média de acertos no questionário, dado esse que permite inferir que as oficinas temáticas potencializaram o conhecimento dos alunos sobre a EA. Na segunda fase, os alunos dos Anos Iniciais apresentaram predominantemente percepções abrangentes e socioambientais sobre o meio ambiente e após as execução da oficina temática essas percepções foram mais frequentes sinalizando que houve uma ampliação do conhecimento dos alunos sobre o meio ambiente. Após a execução dos trabalhos que compuseram esta dissertação conclui-se que a metodologia proposta mostrou-se eficaz, pois as oficinas temáticas apresentaram contribuições na formação dos alunos relativas à temática ambiental e podem ser recursos pedagógicos facilitadores para a EA no contexto escolar.

"Man ska kunna byta hårddisk på datorn, men man ska göra det med fina rödmålade naglar" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om unga kvinnors upplevda erfarenhet av kvinnoblivandet / : A qualitative interview study of young women's lived experience of the transition to womanhood

Svensson, Caroline January 2018 (has links)
Tidigare studier av kvinnoblivandet är få till antalet, utdaterade eller primärt kvantitativa och har framförallt fokuserat på marginaliserade kvinnogrupper eller studerat kvinnoblivandet med en patologisk ansats. Till min vetskap saknas kunskap om upplevelsen av kvinnoblivandet i normalgruppen. Studien syftade därför till att undersöka den upplevda erfarenheten av kvinnoblivandet idag i normalgruppen unga kvinnor i Sverige. Tio individuella, halvstrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor (nio med kvinnligt biologiskt kön, en med manligt biologiskt kön) i åldrarna 19-22 (medel = 19,8 år), genomfördes och analyserades genom tematisk innehållsanalys med fenomenologisk ansats. Analysen resulterade i fyra teman: Blivandet, Kroppen, Känslorna och Kvinnligheten. I resultatet redogjordes för kvinnoblivandet som en komplex, aktiv process bestående av flera överlappande utvecklingsspår: psykologiskt, biologiskt, emotionellt och socialt. Individuella förutsättningar och erfarenheter (ex. biologiskt kön och uppväxtförhållanden), såväl som sociokulturella faktorer (ex. genusnormer), är av betydelse för kvinnoblivandets innehåll och för hur det upplevs. Vidare kunde konstateras att den nuvarande samhällsuppfattningen om likavärde, nedtonande av könets betydelse och förstärkande av egenvärdet har en särskilt betydande inverkan på upplevelsen av kvinnoblivandet. Kvinnoblivandet handlar främst om att utifrån egna behov och intressen forma sin tillvaro och identitet. I studien visades även att socialt stöd och könsmässig frihet bidrar till psykiskt välmående under kvinnoblivandet. / Previous studies of the transition to womanhood are few, outdated or primarily quantitative, mainly focused on marginalized groups or studied with a pathological approach. To my knowledge, the transition to womanhood in Swedish women of the majority culture has not yet been investigated. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the lived experience of the transition to womanhood of the majority culture in Sweden. Ten individual, semi-structured interviews with women (nine with female sex, one with male sex) between the ages of 19-22 (mean = 19.8 years) were conducted and analyzed by thematic content analysis with a phenomenological approach. The analysis resulted in four themes: The transition, The body, The feelings and The womanhood. The findings revealed the transition to womanhood as a complex, active process consisting of several interacting developmental areas. Individual conditions, background experiences and sociocultural factors are of importance for what the transition contains, and how it is perceived. The current social perception of equality, gender-neutrality and the importance of self-worth, have a major impact on the experience of the transition to womanhood. The transition is primarily about shaping life and identity according to one's own needs and interests. This study also showed that social support and gender freedom contributes to well-being during the transition to womanhood.

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