Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tournament""
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Essays on incentive contracts under moral hazard and non-verifiable performanceSchoettner, Anja 04 July 2005 (has links)
Diese Dissertation enthält vier Aufsätze zur Theorie der Anreizsetzung bei nicht-verifizierbaren Leistungsmaßen. Es werden positive Dominanzanalysen für Anreizmechanismen durchgeführt, die in realen wirtschaftlichen Situationen Anwendung finden. Der erste Aufsatz analysiert zwei Bonus-Wettbewerbe in Unternehmen. Der Prinzipal kann entweder einen Bonuspool festlegen, dessen Aufteilung von der Leistung der Agenten abhängt, oder bereits ex ante die Höhe der Boni fixieren. Eine höhere Präzision der Leistungsmessung führt nur im zweiten Fall zu stärkeren Anreizen. Die optimale Wahl des Wettbewerbs hängt von den Präferenzen der Agenten, ihren Liquiditätsbeschränkungen und den Kosten der Leistungsmessung ab. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht die optimale Zuordnung von Aufgaben auf Stellen wenn relationale Verträge basierend auf subjektiven Leistungsmaßen explizite Anreizverträge ergänzen können. Die Spaltung von Aufgaben ist optimal, wenn die glaubhafte Bindung an relationale Verträge nicht möglich ist. Dagegen sollten Aufgaben immer dann gebündelt werden, wenn relationale Verträge bereits bestehen. Im dritten Aufsatz möchte ein Käufer eine Innovation erwerben. Um qualitätssteigernde Investitionen bei potentiellen Anbietern zu induzieren, kann der Käufer entweder einen fixen Preis ausschreiben oder einen Auktionsmechanismus nutzen. Obwohl Investitionen unter der Auktion immer höher sind, bevorzugt der Käufer einen fixen Preis wenn die Grenzkosten der Qualitätsmessung hoch sind oder die Produktionstechnologie starken Zufallseinflüssen unterliegt. Im letzten Aufsatz möchte ein Prinzipal das Produktionsergebnis zweier Agenten maximieren, die vor der Produktion in eine kostenreduzierende Innovation investieren können. Dabei kommt es zu Spillover-Effekten. Bei einer allgemeinen Preissubvention sind Investitionen stets zu gering, während ein Innovationswettbewerb zu Unter- und Überinvestitionen führen kann. Der Prinzipal bevorzugt eine Preissubvention bei starken Spillover-Effekten. / This thesis consists of four self-contained essays that compare real-world incentive schemes used to mitigate moral hazard problems under non-verifiable performance. The first essay contrasts the impact of the precision of performance measurement on wage costs in U- and J-type tournaments. In U-type tournaments prizes are fixed. In J-type tournaments only an overall wage sum is specified. The principal prefers a U-type tournament if workers receive a rent under limited liability and the costs of increasing precision are low. However, if workers are inequity-averse and have unlimited liability, the J-type tournament leads to lower wage costs. The second essay analyzes optimal job design when there is only one contractible and imperfect performance measure for all tasks whose contribution to firm value is non-verifiable. Task splitting is optimal when relational contracts based on firm value are not feasible. By contrast, if an agent who performs a given set of tasks receives an implicit bonus, the principal always benefits from assigning an additional task to this agent. The third essay compares an auction and a tournament in a procurement setting with non-contractible quality signals. Signals are affected by firms' non-observable investments in R&D and the procurer's precision of quality measurement. Although investments are always higher with the auction, the procurer may prefer the tournament if marginal costs of quality measurement are high or the production technology for quality is highly random. In the last essay, a principal wants to induce two agents to produce an output. Agents can undertake non-contractible investments to reduce production cost of the output. Part of this "innovation" spills over and also reduces production cost of the other agent. Agents always underinvest with a general output price subsidy, while they may or may not do so with an innovation tournament. Strong spillovers tend to favor a general output price subsidy.
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An analysis of injury profiles and management strategies utilised by chiropractic students at the 2015 Durban 'Rugby Rush Tournament'McAlery, Caryn 28 July 2015 (has links)
submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2015. / Background
Rugby union is one of South Africa’s most popular sports; it requires high levels of skill and fitness and is played at a high intensity and speed which allows for a greater risk of injury. The high risk of injury is said to be due to the nature of the physicality of rugby. It is because of this high risk of injury that several adaptations of rugby have since developed which rely more on speed and agility than physicality. These adaptations include tens or ten-a-side rugby, sevens or seven-a-side rugby and finally touch rugby, which is played with six players a-side. Each adaptation has its own set of rules and is played differently to the traditional rugby union or fifteen-a-side rugby. Hence, in these adaptations the physicality is said to decrease with a resultant increase in demand for speed and agility. The reduction of physicality and increase in the need for speed and agility would imply that the nature of injuries sustained will be different to those sustained in traditional rugby union.
To develop a profile of injuries that describe the type, anatomical location and mechanism of injuries sustained in tens, sevens and touch rugby; to compare the injuries sustained between the three groups; and, to analyse management strategies utilised by chiropractic students at the 2014 Durban ‘Rugby Rush Tournament’. Additionally this study aimed to provide recommendations to the injury reporting form utilised.
This study was a retrospective, quantitative, descriptive study based on the Chiropractic Student Sports Association’s report form in order to produce a retrospective cohort analysis of injury and treatment profiles.
Participants who made use of the chiropractic treatment facility were required to complete the informed consent section of the injury reporting form. The chiropractic intern was required to complete the remainder of the form pertaining to the participant, complaint and treatment information. This study was limited to event participants to allow for subgroup analysis. The forms were then captured and analysed.
The data collected consisted of a total of 345 individual patient forms which indicated 626 visits for a total of 733 complaints. The average participant age was 24 ± 5.58. The study found muscle strains (41.5%), SI Syndrome (17.6%) and Joint sprains (15.0%) to be the most frequent diagnoses. A history or previous injury or trauma was reported in 18.7% and 7.40% respectively. Acute injuries accounted for 64.3% and 35.7% were recorded as chronic in nature. The most frequent mechanism of injury was that of overuse (81.9%) and trauma accounted for 17.2% of injuries. The lumbar region (26.1%), thigh (20.7%) and shin/calf (15.6%) were the most commonly reported regions of complaint. Manipulation (58.8%), massage (32.0%) and stretch PNF (27.9%) were the most frequently used treatment protocols. Strapping was utilised in 21.1% of injuries of which 5.20% was applied to the muscle and 13.6% was applied to the joint. No comparison was made using the sevens subgroup as there were insufficient records, thus only tens and touch players were compared. A borderline non-significant difference (p = 0.057) was noted between the type of player and the history of previous trauma. Tens players were more likely to have a history of trauma compared to touch players. A significant difference (p = 0.001) was found between the type of athlete and mechanism of injury. Overuse was more common in touch players whereas trauma was more common in tens players. Due to statistical inconsistencies no significance tests were applicable to compare the type of player and region of complaint. Recommendations were proposed in order to avoid this in future research.
This study provides a base of knowledge regarding the injuries that were presented to the chiropractic treatment facility at the 2014 Durban ‘Rugby Rush Tournament’ and the management strategies utilised by the chiropractic interns at the event. This research provides insight into injury profiling of tens, sevens and touch rugby players. There were several recommendations proposed for future researchers in order to expand on this field of knowledge.
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An analysis of injury profiles and management strategies utilised by chiropractic students at the 2015 Durban 'Rugby Rush Tournament'McAlery, Caryn 28 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2015. / Background
Rugby union is one of South Africa’s most popular sports; it requires high levels of skill and fitness and is played at a high intensity and speed which allows for a greater risk of injury. The high risk of injury is said to be due to the nature of the physicality of rugby. It is because of this high risk of injury that several adaptations of rugby have since developed which rely more on speed and agility than physicality. These adaptations include tens or ten-a-side rugby, sevens or seven-a-side rugby and finally touch rugby, which is played with six players a-side. Each adaptation has its own set of rules and is played differently to the traditional rugby union or fifteen-a-side rugby. Hence, in these adaptations the physicality is said to decrease with a resultant increase in demand for speed and agility. The reduction of physicality and increase in the need for speed and agility would imply that the nature of injuries sustained will be different to those sustained in traditional rugby union.
To develop a profile of injuries that describe the type, anatomical location and mechanism of injuries sustained in tens, sevens and touch rugby; to compare the injuries sustained between the three groups; and, to analyse management strategies utilised by chiropractic students at the 2014 Durban ‘Rugby Rush Tournament’. Additionally this study aimed to provide recommendations to the injury reporting form utilised.
This study was a retrospective, quantitative, descriptive study based on the Chiropractic Student Sports Association’s report form in order to produce a retrospective cohort analysis of injury and treatment profiles.
Participants who made use of the chiropractic treatment facility were required to complete the informed consent section of the injury reporting form. The chiropractic intern was required to complete the remainder of the form pertaining to the participant, complaint and treatment information. This study was limited to event participants to allow for subgroup analysis. The forms were then captured and analysed.
The data collected consisted of a total of 345 individual patient forms which indicated 626 visits for a total of 733 complaints. The average participant age was 24 ± 5.58. The study found muscle strains (41.5%), SI Syndrome (17.6%) and Joint sprains (15.0%) to be the most frequent diagnoses. A history or previous injury or trauma was reported in 18.7% and 7.40% respectively. Acute injuries accounted for 64.3% and 35.7% were recorded as chronic in nature. The most frequent mechanism of injury was that of overuse (81.9%) and trauma accounted for 17.2% of injuries. The lumbar region (26.1%), thigh (20.7%) and shin/calf (15.6%) were the most commonly reported regions of complaint. Manipulation (58.8%), massage (32.0%) and stretch PNF (27.9%) were the most frequently used treatment protocols. Strapping was utilised in 21.1% of injuries of which 5.20% was applied to the muscle and 13.6% was applied to the joint. No comparison was made using the sevens subgroup as there were insufficient records, thus only tens and touch players were compared. A borderline non-significant difference (p = 0.057) was noted between the type of player and the history of previous trauma. Tens players were more likely to have a history of trauma compared to touch players. A significant difference (p = 0.001) was found between the type of athlete and mechanism of injury. Overuse was more common in touch players whereas trauma was more common in tens players. Due to statistical inconsistencies no significance tests were applicable to compare the type of player and region of complaint. Recommendations were proposed in order to avoid this in future research.
This study provides a base of knowledge regarding the injuries that were presented to the chiropractic treatment facility at the 2014 Durban ‘Rugby Rush Tournament’ and the management strategies utilised by the chiropractic interns at the event. This research provides insight into injury profiling of tens, sevens and touch rugby players. There were several recommendations proposed for future researchers in order to expand on this field of knowledge. / M
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The impact of inequity aversion on relational incentive contractsKragl, Jenny 18 June 2009 (has links)
Diese Dissertation enthält drei Aufsätze zur Theorie der Anreizsetzung bei nicht-verifizierbaren Leistungsmaßen. Untersuchungsgegenstand sind die Auswirkungen individueller Fairnesspräferenzen auf die Ausgestaltung und Eignung verschiedener Anreizmechanismen, welche in realen wirtschaftlichen Situationen Anwendung finden. Alle Arbeiten analysieren Umgebungen moralischen Risikos, in denen eine Firma zwei ungerechtigkeitsaverse Mitarbeiter beschäftigt, deren individuelle Arbeitsleistung zwar beobachtbar, jedoch nicht kontrahierbar ist. Der erste Aufsatz untersucht die Effekte von Ungerechtigkeitsaversion auf relationale Anreizverträge. Als Leistungsmaß eines Agenten dient sein individueller Beitrag zum Firmenwert. Abweichend von der Literatur zeigt sich, dass Ungerechtigkeitsaversion vorteilhaft sein kann: Für bestimmte Zinssätze können relationale Verträge mit neidischen Agenten profitabler sein, wenn sie nicht sogar nur mit solchen implementierbar sind. Der zweite Aufsatz vergleicht relationale Individual- und Gruppenbonusverträge. Durch das Vermeiden ungleicher Löhne sind letztere profitabler, solange sich die Firma keinem Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem gegenübersieht. Dies kann sich jedoch umkehren, da Individualboni vergleichsweise kleiner sind und somit die Selbstdurchsetzung des Vertrags fördern. Ursachen dafür sind das Vermeiden des Trittbrettfahrerproblems und die Anreizwirkung von Neid. Im dritten Aufsatz wird relationalen Individualbonusverträgen ein relatives Leistungsturnier gegenübergestellt. Im Gegensatz zum Bonusvertrag unterliegt das Turnier keiner Glaubwürdigkeitsbeschränkung. Dennoch ist ersteres Anreizschema profitabler, solange das Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem der Firma nicht zu groß ist. Dies liegt an der zwingenden Auszahlung ungleicher Löhne im Turnier und den daraus resultierenden hohen Kosten für Ungleichheitsprämien. Weiter wird für ein Beispiel gezeigt, dass die Zinsspanne, für die der Bonusvertrag das Turnier dominiert, im Neid der Agenten steigt. / This thesis consists of three self-contained essays that investigate the impact of fairness concerns among agents on the design of real-world incentive contracts used to mitigate moral-hazard problems under non-verifiable performance. All papers consider situations in which a firm employs two inequity averse workers whose individual performances are, albeit observable by the contracting parties, not contractible. The first paper studies the effects of inequity aversion on relational employment contracts. Performance is evaluated via an agent’s individual non-verifiable contribution to firm value. In contrast to the literature, we find that inequity aversion may be beneficial: In the presence of envy, for a certain range of interest rates relational contracts may be more profitable. For some interest rates reputational equilibria exist only with envious agents. In the second paper, I compare group to individual performance pay. Avoiding payoff inequity, the group bonus contract is superior as long as the firm faces no credibility problem. The individual bonus contract may, however, become superior due to two reasons: The group bonus scheme is subject to a free-rider problem requiring a higher incentive pay and impeding credibility of the firm. Moreover, with individual bonuses the firm benefits from the incentive-strengthening effect of envy, further softening the credibility constraint. The third paper contrasts a rank-order tournament with independent bonus contracts. Whereas the bonus scheme must be self-enforcing, the tournament is contractible. Yet the former incentive regime outperforms the latter as long as credibility problems are not too severe. This is due the fact that the tournament requires unequal pay across peers with certainty and thus imposes large inequity premium costs on the firm. For a simple example, I show that the more envious the agents are the larger is the range of interest rates for which the bonus scheme dominates the tournament.
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Three essays in economics of education : an econometric approach / Trois essais sur l'economie de l'éducation : une approche économétriqueBenzidia, Majda 04 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se concentre sur trois aspects très différents de l'éducation mais qui affectent chacun la qualité de son offre. Dans le premier chapitre, nous étudions le comportement stratégique adopté à la fois par l'université et par les professeurs, afin pour les uns d'attirer les meilleurs universitaires et pour les autres d'accéder aux meilleures positions, en faisant un compromis entre salaires élevés, sécurité de l'emploi et possibilités de mobilité ascendante. Dans un deuxième chapitre, nous étudions comment la répartition des revenus dans les districts scolaires affecte la qualité des écoles publiques, par la voie des votes locaux et de la fiscalité. En effet, un district scolaire avec une polarisation de revenu plus élevée conduit à un vote pour une faible taxation et donc de plus basses dépenses pour l'école publique impliquant une moins bonne qualité de cette dernière. Enfin, dans un dernier chapitre, nous montrons que les attentes des garçons et des filles concernant leurs futures carrières ainsi que les antécédents scolaires sont façonnés par des stéréotypes de genre. Par exemple, le stéréotype selon lequel les hommes sont meilleurs en mathématiques crée un stéréotype négatif sur les aptitudes des filles en mathématiques. Les stéréotypes représentent l'explication principale dans les différences entre les garçons et les filles en matière de confiance en soi et ont des conséquences importantes sur les chemins qu'ils suivent tout au long de leur vie. / This thesis focuses on three very different aspects of education but which all affect in their way the quality of its provision.In the first chapter, we investigate the strategic behavior adopted by both the university and the professors, in order, for the first to attract the best academics, and for the second to access the best positions making a trade-off between high salaries, job security and upward mobility possibilities. We question the efficiency of such system in attracting, but also in keeping, the best academics. In a second chapter, we investigate how the income distribution of school districts affects the quality of public schools through the channel of local votes and taxation. In fact, an income polarized school district (more poor and rich at the expense of the middle class) leads to a vote for low taxation and thus low expenditure toward public school and a poorest quality of school. The mechanism being that the richest households send their children to private schools and thus are not concerned by public school quality while poorest households can not afford a too high taxation.Finally, in a last chapter we show how boys' and girls' career expectations and educational background are shaped by gender stereotypes. For instance, the stereotype that men are better at mathematics creates a negative stereotype on girls aptitudes in mathematics. Stereotypes represent the main explanation in boys and girls differences in self-confidence, and have important consequences on the paths they take throughout their lives.
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Union et désunion de la noblesse en parade. Le rôle des Pas d'armes dans l'entretien des rivalités chevaleresques entre cours princières occidentales, XVe-XVIe siècles (Anjou, Bourgogne, France, Saint-Empire) / Union and disunion of the Nobility. The role of Passages of Arms in games of rivalries in princely courts during the fifteenth and sixteenth century (Anjou, Burgundy, France, Empire)Bureaux, Guillaume 20 November 2018 (has links)
Apparus en 1428 en Espagne, le Pas d’armes est un parfait exemple de l’indéniable intérêt porté par la noblesse, de la fin du Moyen Âge et du début de la Renaissance, aux arts martiaux, littéraires et théâtraux. Il s’agit, en réalité, d’une évolution de la joute et du tournoi au cours duquel un ou plusieurs chevaliers est volontaire pour garder un carrefour, une porte ou tout autre lieux symbolique. Pour différencier ces exercices des joutes, les organisateurs publient des chapitres, ou lettres d’armes, plusieurs mois en avance. Ils sont souvent constitués de deux parties, la première venant placer les chevaliers assaillants et défenseurs dans un univers magique et fantastique, le seconde présentant les règles du jeu. Notons également que la majeure partie des Pas plonge les chevaliers dans un monde fictionnel, en particulier inspire de la légende arthurienne, grâce aux chapitres, aux décors et, naturellement, aux costumes. Témoignages des contacts transculturels existent entre les cours d’Anjou et de Bourgogne avec celles d’Espagne, les Pas d’armes sont organisés à des moments décisifs pour les cours, qu’il s’agisse de mariages, de traités de paix ou d’un temps d’après-guerre ; et tous remplissent un rôle commun : mettre en lumière l’unité chevaleresque autour du Prince et de son pouvoir. Invariablement, c’est le Prince qui sort vainqueur des événements qui ont lieux au sein de sa cour. Il s’agit essentiellement pour le prince de mettre en scène son pouvoir dans ce « jeu-mimique » où l’important n’est pas tant le combat que le spectacle et la mise en lumière du pouvoir princier, tant culturel, financier que militaire. / Appearing in 1428 in Spain, the Pas d’Armes are a real example of the undeniable interest held by the nobility of the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance in the arts of warfare, in literature, and theater. It is in reality an evolution of the joust and tournament in which one or several knights volunteer to keep a crossroad, a door or another symbolic place. To differ from the joust, the organizers publish chapters, or letters of weapons, several months in advance. They consisted of two parts, the first one coming to place the knights defenders and aggressors in a magic and fantastic universe, the second containing rules to be followed. It is also necessary to note that the great majority of Pas place the knights in a fictional world, in particular regarding Arthurian legend, by means of chapters, present scenery around the lists and, naturally, costumes. Testimonies of transcultural contacts between the Valois ‘courts of Anjou and Burgundy and Spanish courts, the Pas d’armes are organized at courtly decisive moments like marriages, treaties of peace or just after a war, all the Pas d’armes had a common role : to highlight the unity of knighthood around the Prince and his power. On each occasion is the Prince who emerges victorious from all the entertainment organized at his court. Essentially, it is a way for the prince to dramatize his power in this “game – mimicry” where the important thing was not so much the fighting but the scenery and the highlighting of cultural, financial and military power of the court.
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Hysteria on the Hardwood: A Narrative History of Community, Race, and Indiana's "Basketbrawl" TraditionEskew, Kelly R. January 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In 1964, Muncie Central High School got the “death penalty” at the hands of the Indiana High School Athletic Association’s (IHSAA) new commissioner, Phil N. Eskew, after post-game brawling at a boys basketball game led to a broader investigation of the entire program. In the closing moments of the game, a Muncie Central opponent was bloodied by an inbound pass to the face and fans erupted in violence, swarming the floor. The ensuing investigation revealed racial tensions, issues of sexual mores, political discord, and deep problems in the web of interrelationships that make up the phenomenon of Hoosier Hysteria. After a closed-door hearing and two days of deliberations, Eskew and the IHSAA Board of Control announced their decision, and the punishment prescribed made front page headlines across the state and beyond.
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