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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relations entre le statut utérin, les paramètres biochimiques du sérum et du liquide de lavage utérin et la production d’embryons chez les vaches laitières après surovulation

Rasolomboahanginjatovo, Hasina Santatriniaina 03 1900 (has links)
Le développement et la survie de l’embryon dépendent des nutriments fournis par les sécrétions utérines. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient de déterminer l’effet de la surovulation (SOV) sur la bactériologie et cytologie utérine et sur les paramètres biochimiques utérin et sérique et leurs effets sur le nombre d’embryons transférables (ET). Deux groupes de vaches Holstein (groupe I, non lactante, n=7 et groupe II, lactante, n=28) ont été respectivement induites en chaleur ou surovulées et ensuite inséminées. Au jour 7 du cycle œstral (J7) et lors du jour de la récolte (JR), un prélèvement individuel de sang et de liquide de lavage utérin a été fait pour l’analyse du statut bactériologique et cytologique de l’utérus et la mesure de la concentration de plusieurs paramètres biochimiques présélectionnés. Les embryons récoltés ont été évalués selon les critères de l’IETS. La SOV a donnée une moyenne de 7.39 ± 6.22 ovocytes/embryons dont 3.32 ± 4.81 ET. Il n’y avait pas de variation significative de la bactériologie et cytologie utérine des deux groupes entre J7 et JR. La concentration sérique de l’urée (P=0.0001), d’E2 (P=0.006); la concentration utérine du Glu (P=0.002), de Ck (p=0.0007), de LDH (P <0.0001), de PT (P=0.004), de P4 (P=0.008), de PGFM (P<0.0001) du groupe I et la concentration sérique de P4 (P<0.0001), de PGFM (P<0.0001); la concentration utérine de LDH (P=0.002), de PGFM (P<0.0001) du groupe II ont été significativement élevées à JR qu’à J7. La concentration utérine et sérique de l’urée (P<0.0001 et P<0.0001), de LDH (P<0.0001 et P=0.008), la concentration sérique de P4 (P=0.0002) et la concentration utérine de PT (P=0.0003) à JR du groupe II étaient différente du groupe I. Il n’y avait pas d’association entre la bactériologie et cytologie utérine et le nombre d’ET. Cependant, le nombre d’ET a été positivement corrélé avec la concentration sérique d’IGF-1 à J7 (r=0.45; P=0.001) et la concentration sérique de P4 à JR (r=0.43; P<0.05) et négativement corrélé avec la concentration utérine et sérique de PGFM à la fois à J7 (r=-0.54; P<0.005 et r=-0.67; P<0.001) et à JR (r=-0.48; P<0.01 et r=-0.57; P<0.002). Ces résultats suggèrent que la SOV induit des changements au niveau sérique et utérin qui affectent le nombre d’ET récoltés. / The developing embryo is dependent on the nutrients provided by the oviduct and the uterine fluid. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of SOV on uterine bacteriology and cytology, on serum and uterine biochemical parameters and consequently on the number of TE. Non-lactating (n=7) and lactating (n=28) Holstein cows were synchronized for estrus and superovulated respectively and were inseminated twice. Uterine bacteriology and cytology and various uterine and serum biochemical parameters were measured at day 7 of estrus cycle (D7, starting day of the SOV protocol) and at the designated day of embryo recovery (DER). Harvested embryos were evaluated according to IETS’s criteria. Superovulated cows produced an average of 7.39 ± 6.22 ova/embryos of which 3.32 ± 4.81 were TE. There were no significant variations of uterine bacteriology and cytology between D7 and DER within the two groups. Serum urea (P=0.0001), E2 (P=0.006); uterine Glu (P=0.002), Ck (P=0.0007), LDH (P<0.0001), TP (P=0.004), P4 (P=0.008), PGFM (P<0.0001) in group I and serum P4 (P<0.0001), PGFM (P<0.0001); uterine LDH (P=0.002), PGFM (P<0.0001) in group II were significantly higher at DER than at D7. At DER, group I was different to group II’ uterine and serum urea (P<0.0001 and P<0.0001), LDH (P<0.0001 and P=0.008), PGFM (P=0.002 and P=0.009), serum P4 (P=0.0002) and uterine TP (P=0.0003). There was no association between uterine bacteriology and cytology and the number of TE. However, TE was positively correlated with serum IGF-1 at D7 (r=0.45; P=0.001) and P4 at DER (r=0.43; P<0.05) and negatively correlated with both serum and uterine PGFM respectively at D7 (r=-0.54; P<0.005 and r=-0.67; P<0.001) and DER (r=-0.48; P<0.01 and r=-0.57; P<0.002). The present results infer that changes following SOV in both serum and uterine secretion may affect the number of TE.

容積移轉接受基地居住環境品質改變認知與政策滿意度之研究-以新北市中和地區為例 / A Study of Cognitive and Policy Satisfaction of the Residential Environment Quality Changes in the Transfer Development Right Receiving Area - A Case Study of Zhong He District in New Taipei City

高筱菁, Kao, Hsiao Ching Unknown Date (has links)
在都市發展環境當中,居住環境品質取決於居住者本身之感受程度,可分為內部環境及外部空間結構,內部環境係指針對居住者本身所在的生活圈裡,外部空間結構則多半為公共設施的鄰近程度、交通便利性及嫌惡設施等因素,世界衛生組織曾於1961年世界衛生報告中提出理想居住環境為安全性、健康性、便利性、舒適性等基本理念,經由探索性、驗證性因素,分析彙整出解釋社區居民對居住環境品質之衡量著力點在於實體性、社區服務與管理、現代化等三大方面,因此居民感受度是與前開四種基本理念相呼應的。 在針對居住環境品質與社區滿意度相關文獻探討後發現,居住環境品質多與社區滿意度有關聯,顯示在建構生活品質模式應先將領域分群,透過客觀、認知及評估因子,即可呈現各領域的滿意度。 為解決公共設施保留地取得、歷史建築物保存及公共開放空間之提供等議題,我國開始實施容積移轉制度,主要目的為追求環境寧適、健全實質建設、保留彈性立法規則及民眾參與,惟接受基地在注入原基準容積後,其鄰近居民之居住環境品質是否受到影響及衝擊,為本研究所關注之重點;本研究係探討容積移轉制度實行迄今,接受基地容積移轉案件在興建完成後,對週邊土地所帶來之影響。 本研究以容積移轉接受基地興建前後對居住環境品質之問卷調查,以新北市中和地區之接受基地周邊住民作為受訪對象,以因素分析、結構方程模式為分析方法,以五大變數-接受基地興建前既有環境滿意度、接受基地興建後正面環境改善、接受基地興建後負面改變影響、容積移轉政策修正建議及其政策滿意度進行模式驗證;研究結果發現既有環境滿意度對負面改變影響、政策修正建議呈正向影響,對正面環境改善、政策滿意度呈負向影響,另負面改變影響、政策修正建議則具有著之中介效果,該研究可作為未來推動容積移轉制度辦理之修正建議。 / In the urban development environment, living environment quality depends on how residents feel. It can be divided into internal and external spatial structure environments. The internal environment refers to living areas where the residents themselves reside; the external spatial structures are mostly the proximity, accessibility and distaste factors of public facilities. The World Health Organization’s 1961 World Health Report proposed the basic concept of the ideal living environment for safety, health, convenience, comfort, etc. They compiled an analysis of the environmental community to explain the measure of the quality of living through exploratory, confirmatory factors. The analysis compiled an explanation of the way community residents measure environmental quality. The focal point lies in the three aspects of modernization: physical properties, community service and management. Therefore residents' susceptibility echoes the former four basic philosophies. In regards to the quality of living environment and community satisfaction, after disscussing relevant literature, we found that the quality of living environment correlate with community satisfaction interaction. This shows that during the construction of life quality models, domain clustering should first take place, then go through the analysis of objective factors, perceived factors, evaluated factors before presenting various domains of satisfaction. However, to address topics on land reserved for the public infrastructure, topics on historical building preservation and public open space topics, Taiwan began to implement transferable development rights control. The main goal of this system was to pursue environmental quality, improve substantive construction, maintain the flexibility of legislative rules and promote public participation. However, the main concern of this study is whether or not the environmental living quality of nearby residents' was affected after the development rights of the receiving area received incremental development rights and built high-rise buildings. This study mainly dicusses ways to implement the so far accepted transferable development rights case after construction is complete, and the effects brought on by the surrounding land. This study looks at environmental quality before and after transferable development rights acceptance and construction. A questionnaire was designed for this study and was administered to local residents of the Zhong-he, New Taipei City development rights receiving area as target respondents. This study was conducted by way of factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. Five variables were proposed, which are variables of nearby residents of the development rights receiving area regarding environmental satisfaction before construction; variables of nearby residents having positive evaluation after construction; variables of nearby residents having negative evaluation after construction; variables of nearby residents regarding transferable development rights policy amendment; variables of nearby residents regarding transferable development rights policy satisfaction, to conduct a model confirmatory. The results show that environmental satisfaction variables have a positive impact on negative evaluation variables and policy amendment variables, but have a negative impact on positive evaluation variables and policy satisfaction. In addition, negative evaluation variables have indirect effects on policy amendments. This study can be used as a reference for the implementation of the transferable development rights system in handling amendments in the future.

Méthodes utilisant des fonctions de croyance pour la gestion des informations imparfaites dans les réseaux de véhicules / Methods using belief functions to manage imperfect information in vehicular networks

Bou Farah, Mira 02 December 2014 (has links)
La popularisation des véhicules a engendré des problèmes de sécurité et d’environnement. Desprojets ont été lancés à travers le monde pour améliorer la sécurité sur la route, réduire l’encombrementdu trafic et apporter plus de confort aux conducteurs. L’environnement des réseaux devéhicules est complexe et dynamique, les sources sont souvent hétérogènes, de ce fait les informationséchangées peuvent souvent être imparfaites. La théorie des fonctions de croyance modélisesouplement les connaissances et fournit des outils riches pour gérer les différents types d’imperfection.Elle est utilisée pour représenter l’incertitude, gérer les différentes informations acquises etles fusionner. Nous nous intéressons à la gestion des informations imparfaites échangées entre lesvéhicules concernant les événements sur la route. Les événements locaux et les événements étendusn’ayant pas les mêmes caractéristiques, les travaux réalisés les distinguent. Dans un environnementsans infrastructure où chaque véhicule a son propre module de fusion, l’objectif est de fournir auxconducteurs la synthèse la plus proche possible de la réalité. Différents modèles fondés sur desfonctions de croyance sont proposés et différentes stratégies sont étudiées : affaiblir ou renforcervers l’absence de l’événement pour prendre en compte le vieillissement des messages, garder lesmessages initiaux ou seulement le résultat de la fusion dans la base des véhicules, considérer la miseà jour du monde, prendre en compte l’influence du voisinage pour gérer la spatialité des embouteillages.Les perspectives restent nombreuses, certaines sont développées dans ce manuscrit commela généralisation des méthodes proposées à tous les événements étendus tels que les brouillards. / The popularization of vehicles has created safety and environmental problems. Projects havebeen launched worldwide to improve road safety, reduce traffic congestion and bring more comfortto drivers. The vehicle network environment is dynamic and complex, sources are often heterogeneous,and therefore the exchanged information may be imperfect. The theory of belief functionsoffers flexibility in uncertainty modeling and provides rich tools for managing different types of imperfection.It is used to represent uncertainty, manage and fuse the various acquired information.We focus on the management of imperfect information exchanged between vehicles concerningevents on the road. The carried work distinguishes local events and spatial events, which do nothave the same characteristics. In an environment without infrastructure where each vehicle is afusion center and creates its own vision, the goal is to provide to each driver the synthesis of thesituation on the road as close as possible to the reality. Different models using belief functionsare proposed. Different strategies are considered: discount or reinforce towards the absence of theevent to take into account messages ageing, keep the original messages or just the fusion result invehicle database, consider the world update, manage the spatiality of traffic jam events by takinginto account neighborhood. Perspectives remain numerous; some are developed in the manuscriptas the generalization of proposed methods to all spatial events such as fog blankets.

Towards Building a High-Performance Intelligent Radio Network through Deep Learning: Addressing Data Privacy, Adversarial Robustness, Network Structure, and Latency Requirements.

Abu Shafin Moham Mahdee Jameel (18424200) 26 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">With the increasing availability of inexpensive computing power in wireless radio network nodes, machine learning based models are being deployed in operations that traditionally relied on rule-based or statistical methods. Contemporary high bandwidth networks enable easy availability of significant amounts of training data in a comparatively short time, aiding in the development of better deep learning models. Specialized deep learning models developed for wireless networks have been shown to consistently outperform traditional methods in a variety of wireless network applications.</p><p><br></p><p dir="ltr">We aim to address some of the unique challenges inherent in the wireless radio communication domain. Firstly, as data is transmitted over the air, data privacy and adversarial attacks pose heightened risks. Secondly, due to the volume of data and the time-sensitive nature of the processing that is required, the speed of the machine learning model becomes a significant factor, often necessitating operation within a latency constraint. Thirdly, the impact of diverse and time-varying wireless environments means that any machine learning model also needs to be generalizable. The increasing computing power present in wireless nodes provides an opportunity to offload some of the deep learning to the edge, which also impacts data privacy.</p><p><br></p><p dir="ltr">Towards this goal, we work on deep learning methods that operate along different aspects of a wireless network—on network packets, error prediction, modulation classification, and channel estimation—and are able to operate within the latency constraint, while simultaneously providing better privacy and security. After proposing solutions that work in a traditional centralized learning environment, we explore edge learning paradigms where the learning happens in distributed nodes.</p>

The alternative vote in British Columbia: values debates and party politics

Harrison, Stephen J. 04 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis provides a detailed account of the introduction, use, and repeal of the alternative vote (AV) in British Columbia in the 1950s. It argues that British Columbians, familiar with polarized, two-party politics, were dismissive of majority representation. Conversely, the public expressed a strong preference for local representation during discussions of redistribution. While the Liberal and Conservative Coalition parties introduced AV to keep the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation from forming a government, party members were often stronger proponents of electoral reform than their leaders. Nevertheless, the system was debated in terms of democratic values. This was true of electoral reform debates across Canada, including federal debates on proportional representation. Contrary to histories that focus solely on the 1952 and 1953 AV elections and W.A.C. Bennett and Social Credit, this project traces the origins of the alternative vote in BC from the 1940s forward, including ongoing discussions of the single transferable vote (STV) and a points system. The history of BC’s provincial party system in the twentieth century is included in order to establish how polarized politics affected British Columbians’ attachment to the idea of local representation. This thesis contends that the public’s preference for plurality voting contributed to its dismissal of AV: even those who ranked multiple candidates did not necessarily endorse the system. This project also looks at the alternative vote debates in the 1970s and redistribution commissions in BC, particularly the 1978 Eckardt Commission, in order to better understand British Columbians’ attachment to local representation and first-past-the-post, and their dismissal of a preferential system that encouraged them to rank candidates. Social Credit favoured regional representation over representation by population during the redistribution process, and the theme of local representation has consistently framed discussions of electoral reform in British Columbia, including the 2004 BC Citizens’ Assembly’s STV proposal.

Success in the protean career : a predictive study of professional artists and tertiary arts graduates

Bridgstock, Ruth Sarah January 2007 (has links)
In the shift to a globalised creative economy where innovation and creativity are increasingly prized, many studies have documented direct and indirect social and economic benefits of the arts. In addition, arts workers have been argued to possess capabilities which are of great benefit both within and outside the arts, including (in addition to creativity) problem solving abilities, emotional intelligence, and team working skills (ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, 2007). However, the labour force characteristics of professional artists in Australia and elsewhere belie their importance. The average earnings of workers in the arts sector are consistently less than other workers with similar educational backgrounds, and their rates of unemployment and underemployment are much higher (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2005; Caves, 2000; Throsby & Hollister, 2003). Graduating students in the arts appear to experience similar employment challenges and exhibit similar patterns of work to artists in general. Many eventually obtain work unrelated to the arts or go back to university to complete further tertiary study in fields unrelated to arts (Graduate Careers Council of Australia, 2005a). Recent developments in career development theory have involved discussion of the rise of boundaryless careers amongst knowledge workers. Boundaryless careers are characterised by non-linear career progression occurring outside the bounds of a single organisation or field (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996a, 1996b). The protean career is an extreme form of the boundaryless career, where the careerist also possesses strong internal career motivations and criteria for success (Baruch, 2004; Hall, 2004; Hall & Mirvis, 1996). It involves a psychological contract with one's self rather than an organisation or organisations. The boundaryless and protean career literature suggests competencies and dispositions for career self-management and career success, but to date there has been minimal empirical work investigating the predictive value of these competencies and dispositions to career success in the boundaryless or protean career. This program of research employed competencies and dispositions from boundaryless and protean career theory to predict career success in professional artists and tertiary arts graduates. These competencies and dispositions were placed into context using individual and contextual career development influences suggested by the Systems Theory Framework of career development (McMahon & Patton, 1995; Patton & McMahon, 1999, 2006a). Four substantive studies were conducted, using online surveys with professional artists and tertiary arts students / graduates, which were preceded by a pilot study for measure development. A largely quantitative approach to the program of research was preferred, in the interests of generalisability of findings. However, at the time of data collection, there were no quantitative measures available which addressed the constructs of interest. Brief scales of Career Management Competence based on the Australian Blueprint for Career Development (Haines, Scott, & Lincoln, 2003), Protean Career Success Orientation based on the underlying dispositions for career success suggested by protean career theory, and Career Development Influences based on the Systems Theory Framework of career development (McMahon & Patton, 1995; Patton & McMahon, 1999, 2006a) were constructed and validated via a process of pilot testing and exploratory factor analyses. This process was followed by confirmatory factor analyses with data collected from two samples: 310 professional artists, and 218 graduating arts students who participated at time 1 (i.e., at the point of undergraduate course completion in October, 2005). Confirmatory factor analyses via Structural Equation Modelling conducted in Study 1 revealed that the scales would benefit from some respecification, and so modifications were made to the measures to enhance their validity and reliability. The three scales modified and validated in Study 1 were then used in Studies 3 and 4 as potential predictors of career success for the two groups of artists under investigation, along with relevant sociodemographic variables. The aim of the Study 2 was to explore the construct of career success in the two groups of artists studied. Each participant responded to an open-ended question asking them to define career success. The responses for professional artists were content analysed using emergent coding with two coders. The codebook was later applied to the arts students' definitions. The majority of the themes could be grouped into four main categories: internal definitions; financial recognition definitions; contribution definitions; and non-financial recognition definitions. Only one third of the definition themes in the professional artists' and arts graduates' definitions of career success were categorised as relating to financial recognition. Responses within the financial recognition category also indicated that many of the artists aspired only to a regular subsistence level of arts income (although a small number of the arts graduates did aspire to fame and fortune). The second section of the study investigated the statistical relationships between the five different measures of career success for each career success definitional category and overall. The professional artists' and arts graduates' surveys contained several measures of career success, including total earnings over the previous 12 months, arts earnings over the previous 12 months, 1-6 self-rated total employability, 1-6 self-rated arts employability, and 1-6 self-rated self-defined career success. All of the measures were found to be statistically related to one another, but a very strong statistical relationship was identified between each employability measure and its corresponding earnings measure for both of the samples. Consequently, it was decided to include only the earnings measures (earnings from arts, and earnings overall) and the self-defined career success rating measure in the later studies. Study 3 used the career development constructs validated in Study 1, sociodemographic variables, and the career success measures explored in Study 2 via Classification and Regression Tree (CART - Breiman, Friedman, Olshen, & Stone, 1984) style decision trees with v-fold crossvalidation pruning using the 1 SE rule. CART decision trees are a nonparametric analysis technique which can be used as an alternative to OLS or hierarchical regression in the case of data which violates parametric statistical assumptions. The three optimal decision trees for total earnings, arts earnings and self defined career success ratings explained a large proportion of the variance in their respective target variables (R2 between 0.49 and 0.68). The Career building subscale of the Career Management Competence scale, pertaining to the ability to manage the external aspects of a career, was the most consistent predictor of all three career success measures (and was the strongest predictor for two of the three trees), indicating the importance of the artists' abilities to secure work and build the external aspects of a career. Other important predictors included the Self management subscale of the Career Management Competence scale, Protean Career Success Orientation, length of time working in the arts, and the positive role of interpersonal influences, skills and abilities, and interests and beliefs from the Career Development Influences scale. Slightly different patterns of predictors were found for the three different career success measures. Study 4 also involved the career development constructs validated in Study 1, sociodemographic variables, and the career success measures explored in Study 2 via CART style decision trees. This study used a prospective repeated measures design where the data for the attribute variables were gathered at the point of undergraduate course completion, and the target variables were measured one year later. Data from a total of 122 arts students were used, as 122 of the 218 students who responded to the survey at time 1 (October 2005) also responded at time 2 (October 2006). The resulting optimal decision trees had R2 values of between 0.33 and 0.46. The values were lower than those for the professional artists' decision trees, and the trees themselves were smaller, but the R2 values nonetheless indicated that the arts students' trees possessed satisfactory explanatory power. The arts graduates' Career building scores at time 1 were strongly predictive of all three career success measures at time 2, a similar finding to the professional artists' trees. A further similarity between the trees for the two samples was the strong statistical relationship between Career building, Self management, and Protean Career Success Orientation. However, the most important variable in the total earnings tree was arts discipline category. Technical / design arts graduates consistently earned more overall than arts graduates from other disciplines. Other key predictors in the arts graduates' trees were work experience in arts prior to course completion, positive interpersonal influences, and the positive influence of skills and abilities and interests and beliefs on career development. The research program findings represent significant contributions to existing knowledge about artists' career development and success, and also the transition from higher education to the world of work, with specific reference to arts and creative industries programs. It also has implications for theory relating to career success and protean / boundaryless careers.

Personalizované poměrné zastoupení na Novém Zélandu / Mixed member proportional representattion in New Zealand

Trávníček, Matěj January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is about New Zealand House of Representatives electoral system. In introductory part is briefly presented the political system of New Zealand. Then is currently used electoral system, its genesis and impacts of transition from the first past the post to mixed member proportional system researched. Thesis is in its effort focusing on segments of electoral system and trying to identify its problematic points and to introduce alternative electoral system proposed to the electors in referenda. The thesis is using the electoral studies methods, especially quantitative measuring of attributes of electoral system and party structure within the House of Representatives.

Les biens immatériels saisis par le droit des sûretés réelles mobilières conventionnelles / Intangible assets seized by the conventional law of guarantees

Pinto Hania, Vanessa 07 December 2011 (has links)
Traditionnellement, les biens immatériels sont qualifiés, tantôt de biens incorporels, tantôt de propriétés incorporelles ou intellectuelles, tantôt encore de biens d'exploitation, la plupart de ces qualifications étant insatisfaisantes. En réalité, cette catégorie de biens souffre d'une absence de définition. Pourtant, d'aucuns affirment qu'ils représentent une richesse économique, une source de crédit fantastique pour les débiteurs, et un gage de sécurité pour les créanciers. Or, la législation française semble avoir superbement ignoré les biens immatériels.En témoigne le droit des biens tout d'abord. En effet, à la lecture de l'article 516 du Code civil, selon lequel « tous les biens sont meubles ou immeubles », force est de constater que les biens immatériels ne peuvent être valablement rattachés à la catégorie des meubles ou à celle des immeubles. Les biens immatériels s'opposent aux biens matériels (biens de la nature, matières premières, biens intellectuels tombés dans le domaine public ou dénués de protection au titre du droit de la propriété intellectuelle). Ils désignent les biens qui disposent d'une chose incorporelle et d'un corpus. Nous avons recensé deux natures de biens immatériels : les biens immatériels financiers regroupant les monnaies, les parts et actions sociales, les instruments financiers, les créances et les biens immatériels industriels regroupant les fonds de commerce et les propriétés intellectuelles.En témoigne le droit des sûretés réelles conventionnelles ensuite. Le projet de réforme du droit des sûretés qui a été confié à la Commission Grimaldi fondait de nombreux espoirs. Ayant fait l'objet de très rares modifications depuis l'origine du Code civil, l'édifice s'ébranlait et nécessitait une rénovation. Il s'ébranlait principalement pour trois raisons : la lisibilité notamment parce que le droit des sûretés réelles conventionnelles sur biens immatériels s'est développé en marge du Code civil, l'efficacité et la capacité des régimes envisagés quant à la préservation des intérêts du débiteur et du créancier. Depuis longtemps la pratique et la doctrine dénonçaient une telle complexification et appelaient de leurs vœux aux changements. Malheureusement, l'ordonnance n° 2006-346 du 23 mars 2006 portant réforme du droit des sûretés n'a pas su rassurer. En créant le nantissement comme la sûreté réelle conventionnelle sur biens mobiliers incorporels, sans l'accompagner d'un régime uniforme, elle n'a fait qu'accentuer les inquiétudes et les critiques patentes.Pourtant, nous sommes convaincus de ce que le droit français dispose des remèdes indispensables au sauvetage de la matière. En effet, le nouveau régime du gage, tel que modifié par l'ordonnance n° 2006-346 du 23 mars 2006, comporte désormais un régime adapté aux biens immatériels industriels. Quant à la fiducie-sûreté, consacrée par la loi n° 2007-211 du 19 février 2007, elle a révélé, à travers les expériences observées hors de nos frontières, sa pleine efficacité lorsqu'elle a pour assiette des biens immatériels financiers. / Immaterial assets are traditionally described either as intangible assets or as intangible or intellectual property, or else as operating assets, but most of those terms are not satisfactory. This class of assets actually suffers from a lack of definition. However, some people state that they represent a form of economic wealth, a fantastic source of credit for the debtors, and a guarantee of safety for the creditors. And yet, French legislation seems to have ignored immaterial assets.This is first and foremost demonstrated by property law. Indeed, according to article 516 of the Code civil, which states that « property is either movable or immovable », one has to admit that immaterial assets cannot validly be linked to movable or immovable property. Immaterial assets are opposed to material assets (property of nature, commodities, intellectual property of the public domain or without protection under intellectual property law). They refer to property that has an object and a corpus. Two types of immaterial assets have been identified: financial immaterial assets, bringing together currencies, units and shares in a company, financial instruments, liabilities and industrial immaterial assets, bringing together business and intellectual property.This is also demonstrated by conventional real-property surety law. The surety law reform project which was awarded to the Grimaldi Commission was the source of significant hope. It had only been rarely amended since the inception of the Code civil and the structure was weakening and needed updating. This weakening had three main grounds : readability first, in particular since conventional real-property surety law on immaterial assets had developed outside of the Code civil, efficiency and capability of the contemplated systems regarding the preservation of the interests of the debtor and the creditor. Practice and doctrine had been denouncing such complexity for long and were calling for amendments. Unfortunately, order n°2006-346 of March 23rd 2006 reforming surety law didn't restore confidence. By creating the lien as the conventional real-property surety on immaterial movable assets without creating a consistent system, it has only emphasized the obvious concerns and critics.However, we are convinced that French law has the means that are essential to save this subject. Indeed, the new system of pledge, as amended by order n° 2006-346 of March 23rd 2006, now has a system that is suitable for industrial immaterial assets. As for the “fiducie-sûreté”, established by Act n° 2007-211 of February 19th 2007, it has revealed that, through the experiences observed abroad, it is fully efficient when it deals with financial immaterial assets.

Les hedge funds : "Contribution à la connaissance des acteurs de la compétitivité réglementaire / The hedge funds : contribution to the knowledge of the actors of forum shopping

Zouioueche, Dalil 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les hedge funds sont devenus des acteurs incontournables des marchés financiers et, pourtant, ils demeurent toujours inconnus ou «mal connus» à la fois par le grand public, les régulateurs et les juristes. À l’heure du bilan de la directive AIFM qui avait pour ambition de proposer une réglementation ambitieuse de l’industrie des hedge funds au sein de l’Union européenne, il convient de revenir sur ces entités dont l’histoire, les stratégies, le statut juridique, les caractéristiques et le régime juridique demeurent, encore, flous. La thèse vise à proposer une définition et un portrait-robot précis des hedge funds via leur identification par leurs caractéristiques, qu’elles soient propres ou empruntées à d’autres entités. Un hedge fund n’est pas un fonds de gestion collective ni une forme juridique à part entière. Un hedge fund peut revêtir tout type de forme sociale et sera communément considéré comme tel dès lors que l’entité s’emploiera à adopter certaines stratégies d’investissement et disposera d’une structure de rémunération et organisationnelle particulière. Ces dernières sont des indices permettant la caractérisation d’un hedge fund dont la nature juridique est quasi-exclusivement celle d’un fonds.Le hedge fund en tant que fonds est, selon le droit français, dépourvu, à tort, de la personnalité juridique alors même qu’il dispose de tous les attributs juridiques nécessaires à une telle reconnaissance. La présente étude démontre que le législateur français a ôté la personnalité juridique à la forme sociale originelle du hedge fund en droit français alors que les arguments en faveur de cette reconnaissance étaient plus convaincants. Un hedge fund en tant que fonds s’apparente davantage à une société hybride qu’à un numéro de compte. Cette théorie s’appuie principalement sur l’argument selon lequel il existe une personnalité morale embryonnaire où la personnalité juridique serait graduelle selon l’entité concernée. / Hedge funds have become key players in financial markets and are still unknown or « poorly known » by the general public, regulators and lawyers. At the time of the review of the AIFM directive which aimed to propose an ambitious regulation of the hedge fund industry within the European Union, it is necessary to return to these entities whose history, strategies, legal status, characteristics and legal regime remain, still, unclear. The thesis aims to propose a definition and an accurate robot portrait of hedge funds through their identification by their characteristics. These characteristics are both specific to hedge funds and borrowed from other entities. A hedge fund is not a collective fund or a legal form in its own right. A hedge fund can take any legal form and will be commonly considered as such when the entity strives to adopt certain investment strategies and will have a particular compensation and organizational structure. These characters are clues allowing the characterization of a hedge fund whose legal nature is almost exclusively that of a fund. However, the hedge fund as a fund is, under French law, wrongly deprived of legal personality even though it has all the legal attributes necessary for such recognition. The present study demonstrates that the French legislature removed the legal personality from the original social form of the hedge fund in French law while the arguments in favor of this recognition were more convincing. A hedge fund as a fund is more like a hybrid company than an account number. This theory is based mainly on the argument that there is a cohabiting legal personality where the legal personality is gradual depending on the entity concerned.

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