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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Advantages and disadvantages with Simplified Technical English : to be used in technical documentation by Swedish export companies

Disborg, Karin January 2007 (has links)
Understanding technical documentation is of vital importance, since instructions and descriptions are given about how technical products are used, maintained and repaired. Because of the increased economic globalization, more and more documentation is both written in English by non-native English writers, and delivered to non-native English readers. More and more documentation is also translated by means of computerized aids. In order to improve comprehension and translatability of technical documentation, controlled languages are created. Controlled languages are subsets of ordinary languages, but with restricted vocabularies and writing rules. The aim of this report is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages for Swedish export companies to use Simplified Technical English (STE), which is a controlled language, for their technical documentation. In this work technical writers are asked about their opinions of STE. Additionally, technical texts written in traditional English are compared with versions written in STE, in order to find out whether texts written in a controlled language are easier to read or not. Within the comparison, the differences between the versions are discussed and a readability measurement is done. The measurement showed that readability in technical documentation is improved by using STE. The writers’ opinions are illuminated in three areas, which are: higher documentation quality, reduced translation costs and reduced production costs.

Controlled Languages in Software User Documentation

Steensland, Henrik, Dervisevic, Dina January 2005 (has links)
In order to facilitate comprehensibility and translation, the language used in software user documentation must be standardized. If the terminology and language rules are standardized and consistent, the time and cost of translation will be reduced. For this reason, controlled languages have been developed. Controlled languages are subsets of other languages, purposely limited by restricting the terminology and grammar that is allowed. The purpose and goal of this thesis is to investigate how using a controlled language can improve comprehensibility and translatability of software user documentation written in English. In order to reach our goal, we have performed a case study at IFS AB. We specify a number of research questions that help satisfy some of the goals of IFS and, when generalized, fulfill the goal of this thesis. A major result of our case study is a list of sixteen controlled language rules. Some examples of these rules are control of the maximum allowed number of words in a sentence, and control of when the author is allowed to use past participles. We have based our controlled language rules on existing controlled languages, style guides, research reports, and the opinions of technical writers at IFS. When we applied these rules to different user documentation texts at IFS, we managed to increase the readability score for each of the texts. Also, during an assessment test of readability and translatability, the rewritten versions were chosen in 85 % of the cases by experienced technical writers at IFS. Another result of our case study is a prototype application that shows that it is possible to develop and use a software checker for helping the authors when writing documentation according to our suggested controlled language rules.

Biocontainment system for bacterial antigen delivery carriers

Al-Mamari, Ahmed January 2017 (has links)
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are confined physically in order to contain their spread in nature and to minimise chances of horizontal gene transfer. However, with the potential that GMOs hold as cheap, reliable and efficient micro-machines, their eventual uncontrolled release into the wider space is becoming more likely. Indeed, their application as environmental sensors is largely increasing. Nevertheless, the field of synthetic biology may also afford solutions to the problem. A major potential application of GMOs is the delivery of antigens to human and animal hosts, through the utilization of live, engineered microbes. Recombinant technology is promising for several reasons including their capacity to be less reactogenic, more potent, safer and genetically definable. Also, they have the potential to provide protection against multiple targets simultaneously, are relatively inexpensive and can be eradicated with antibiotics, as the need arises. Besides, delivery of vaccines to mucosal surfaces is more efficient. Mutant Salmonella expressing heterologous antigens have been shown to induce protection against a variety of pathogens. Nevertheless, limited containment systems are available that can be applicable for bacterial antigen carriers. This project aims to design safeguards for the bacterial antigen delivery systems that limit ORF translatability and self-inactivates/destructs upon exit from the host. In this work, double quadruplet codons were suppressed by orthogonal tRNAs, providing a barrier for gene translation in the recipient cells when antigen is horizontally transferred. Furthermore, three kill switches were designed that are activated by a decrease in temperature from 37 °C. First, Sau3AI endonuclease was activated by protein self-splicing at low temperature mediated by Mtu recA intein. The activation of the endonuclease led to three-fold logarithmic decrease in the number of viable cells within two hours of gene expression. Second, RNA-dependent activation of RNase 7 showed a reduction in the number of viable cells at low temperature of three logarithmic folds. RNase 7 was controlled by the cspA 5’UTR, which sequesters ribosome binding site at 37 °C and allows translation at low temperature. Third, CspA 5’UTR was shown to regulate expression of TEV protease at 37 °C and low temperature. This led to bacterial cellular inhibition within two hours of TEV induction and five-fold logarithmic reduction in the number of viable cells at low temperature. In addition, for the first time and contrary to previous studies, the TEV protease was shown to inhibit cellular growth. It was also shown that biofilm formation was drastically impaired by the TEV activity. The three killing switches and the quadruplet translation system are poised to function as robust safeguards for bacterial antigen delivery systems.

¿Tienen significado los nombres propios?: Una aproximación al debate inconcluso en torno a la semántica y (difusa) categorización de nombres propios y comunes

Bahr, Christian, Arocha, Héctor Hernández 07 February 2023 (has links)
This paper discusses the major linguistic theories concerned with the distinction between proper and common names. At the same time, it aims to show that a border line between both categories cannot be drawn without answering the question about the capacity of proper names to express denotative meaning. There seems to be little agreement in this respect since the classical points of view linked to Mill and Jespersen, which is why linguists and philosophers still lack a common understanding on this point. In order to clarify the origin of this debate, it will be approached from different perspectives and fields of linguistics, including an analysis of Eugenio Coseriu’s position revealed in a manuscript on this topic made available by the Eugenio-Coseriu-Foundation (www.coseriu.org) and which has remained unpublished until nowadays

Vida-obra de Antonio Gramsci: a política de um filósofo imortalizada na sua literatura-filosofia

Leite, Arthur Damasceno Ribeiro de Oliveira 30 June 2016 (has links)
O presente texto encerra apontamentos oriundos da pesquisa de mestrado sobre a vida e a obra de Antonio Gramsci. Intenta-se demonstrar como se chegou à metáfora vida- obra e como ela serviu para delimitar esta incógnita: explorar a intersecção entre filosofia, política e literatura nos Cadernos e nas Cartas do Cárcere. Utilizou-se como balizas o estudo das categorias tradutibilidade e nacional-popular, que ajudaram a entender pensamento e ação, filosofia e política como aspectos tradutíveis de um mesmo fenômeno no pensamento de Gramsci, e a filosofia traduzida em política pela filosofia da práxis como instrumento de produção revolucionário para os subalternos que através dela tomam consciência do mundo e da sua condição no mundo. Busca-se demonstrar como a vida-obra de Gramsci encerra a metafórica fronteira entre filosofia, política e literatura: a própria filosofia da práxis. Identificou-se, na obra de Gramsci, a projeção de uma figura histórica que conseguiu em sua obra e em sua vida, encarnar uma filosofia, elevá-la ao seu momento mais crítico - catártico. Tenta-se demonstrar como a literatura de Gramsci constituiu instrumento de produção que expressa em seus interstícios a delimitação simbólica de um sujeito político capaz de forjar na realidade objetiva o fenômeno político-cultural do sujeito histórico revolucionário que se opôs frontalmente ao regime fascista de Mussolini. Constata-se que a tradução recíproca das linguagens científicas e filosóficas compõe a trama principal da sua vida-obra que, tecida a partir da concepção de mundo comunista, não poderia deixar de ser questionadora e revolucionária da realidade objetiva que pretende elevar ao patamar de uma Nuova civiltà comunistica. / This text contains notes coming from the master's research on the life and work of Antonio Gramsci. It intends to demonstrate how the metaphor life-work came to life and how it served to demarcate this variable: exploring the intersection between philosophy, politics and literature in books and in the Prison Letters. The study of translatability and national-popular categories were used as beacons, which helped to understand thought and action, philosophy and politics as translatable aspects of the same phenomenon at the thought of Gramsci, and philosophy translated into policy by the philosophy of praxis as a revolutionary production tool for the underlings, which take the world of consciousness and their condition in the world through it. It is sought to show how the life-work of Gramsci closes the metaphoric border between philosophy, politics and literature: the very philosophy of praxis. It was identified in the work of Gramsci the projection of a historical figure who succeeded in his work and in his life to embody a philosophy, raising it to its most critical moment - cathartic. The text tries to demonstrate how Gramsci's literature constituted production instrument expressed in its interstices the symbolic demarcation of a political subject able to forge in the objective reality the political and cultural phenomenon of the revolutionary historic subject that was opposed frontally to the fascist regime of Mussolini. It is noted that the reciprocal translation of scientific and philosophical languages composes the main plot of his life- work that, woven from the communist world view, it could not stop being questioning and revolutionary of the objective reality that it is intended to be raised to the level of a Nuova civilta comunistica. / Dissertação (Mestrado)

The Quest for Translatability / Non-Aligned Affinities between Yugoslavia and India

Bockaj, Gabika 06 August 2024 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation bietet eine anthropologische Perspektive auf die Beziehungen zwischen Jugoslawien und Indien während der Zeit der Blockfreien-Bewegung. Durch die Analyse verschiedener Archivmaterialien, einschließlich offizieller, privater und biographischer Quellen aus Print- und Bildmedien, bietet die Studie ein Korrektiv zu dem weit verbreiteten Argument, dass die Bewegung der Blockfreien Staaten die Ideale des Antiimperialismus, der gegenseitigen Zusammenarbeit und des friedlichen Zusammenlebens nicht erfüllt habe. Im Mittelpunkt der Studie steht die Analyse der Rolle von Freundschaften, kulturellen Beziehungen und verflochtenen Biographien bei der Herausbildung einer "Geographie der Affinität" zwischen Indien und Jugoslawien, die durch die kulturelle Infrastruktur der Blockfreien-Bewegung ermöglicht wurde. Der indische Dichter und Übersetzer Rabindranath Tagore, dessen Werk im 20. Jahrhundert einen erheblichen Einfluss auf den jugoslawischen Kontext hatte, ist ein Beispiel für die zentrale Funktion der Übersetzbarkeit für diesen kritischen, humanistisch geprägten Internationalismus. Tagores lebenslanges Interesse an der Erforschung transnationaler Affinitäten entsprang sowohl seiner Tätigkeit als Übersetzer seiner eigenen Werke als auch seiner unerlässlichen Suche nach übersetzten Werken anderer Künstler und Schriftsteller aus aller Welt. Die persönliche Begegnung zwischen Ileana Čura, einer jugoslawischen Wissenschaftlerin, und Amrita Pritam, einer indischen Dichterin, ist ein eindrückliches Beispiel dafür, wie das Streben nach Übersetzbarkeit neue Konstellationen von Freundschaft, Reisemöglichkeiten und gemeinsam imaginierten Zukünften entstehen ließ. All dies ist nach wie vor von grundlegendem Interesse für Forscher im jugoslawischen Kontext. Diese "vergangenen Zukünfte", die von Künstlern, Kuratoren, Archivaren und Aktivisten der Region entdeckt wurden, stellen wichtige Ressourcen für die Gestaltung eines Lebens nach dem Kommunismus dar. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, diese verschiedenen kulturellen Stimmen zusammenzubringen, um eine neue Perspektive auf die Blockfreien-Bewegung als einen wichtigen Ort zu werfen, an dem die globalen Verflechtungen Europas aus der marginalisierten Perspektive des ehemaligen Jugoslawien neu gedacht werden können. / This dissertation offers an anthropological perspective on the connection between Yugoslavia and India during the period of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). Drawing on an assemblage of archives, some official, some personal and biographical, some from print and visual media, this study offers a corrective to the widespread argument that the NAM did not live up to its ideals of anti-imperialism, mutual cooperation and peaceful coexistence. This study focuses on the role of friendships, cultural ties and intertwined biographies in shaping a “geography of affinity” between India and Yugoslavia, which was enabled by the cultural infrastructures of the NAM. A crucial part of this critical and humanist internationalism is the idea of translatability, which was exemplified by the role of the Indian poet and translator, Rabindranath Tagore, who had a notable impact on the Yugoslav region for the entire century following the 1920’s. Tagore’s lifelong interest in exploring transnational affinities was driven by his own interest in translating his own work and in his incessant search for the translated works of artists and writers from different parts of the world. The personal encounter between Ileana Čura, a scholar from Yugoslavia, and Amrita Pritam, an Indian poet, is a powerful example of the way in which the quest for translatability created possibilities for friendship, travel, and imagined futures, which continues to be of vital interest to critical thinkers in the Yugoslav region. Artists, curators, archivists and activists from this region are unearthing these “past futures” as critical resources for life after communism. This dissertation is a study which joins these cultural voices in looking at the NAM as an important site for rethinking the global entanglements of Europe, from the marginalized perspective of what used to be Yugoslavia.

Research: ROTHKO : - ett arbete om att lära känna sig själv genom någon annan / Research: ROTHKO : - about getting to know yourself through someone else

af Malmborg, Solith January 2017 (has links)
This thesis project examines both inner and outer circumstances of knowledge in an attempt to emphasize the importance of personal reflection. I search for answers on how to communicate feelings through colour and form by studying Mark Rothko and the abstract expressionism. A personal reflection is made parallelly to expand my own understanding of the subject and my own role in relation to it. I also explore painting as amethod of deepening my understanding of Rothko. Mark Rothko is both subject of study and tutor as I give myself the task of translating his art into my own design. The result offers thoughts and ideas on the significance of the work of hand, the use of colour and the meaning of intention, which I claim are important aspects when aiming for emotional results. However I also reflect upon the fact that the communication remains individual and that it is therefore problematic to confirm success in this matter. / Detta är ett undersökande arbete som vänder sig både inåt och utåt. Det är en djupdykning i Mark Rothkos konstnärskap som sker parallellt med en personlig reflektion. Inledningsvis handlar det om att arbeta i gränslandet mellan konst och design och hurdet kan se ut. I förlängningen handlar det om hur den konstnärliga historien kan fungera som inspiratör och vägledare för innebörd och uttryck i formgivningen. Genom att studera den abstrakta expressionismen och Mark Rothko söker jag svar på hur känslomässig kommunikation kan ske genom färg och form. Förutom litterär research utför jag också en praktiskt undersökning där jag använder måleriet som en metod för att förstå mitt studieobjekt; Mark Rothko. Målet är att översätta Mark Rothkos konst till min design. Det handlar om att studera, internalisera och applicera. Resultatet bjuder in till en diskussion om handlagets, färgens och intentionens betydelse för formgivningen, där jag hävdar att dessa aspekter är viktiga för ett emotionellt berörande resultat, men att kommunikationen förblir individuell.

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