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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turkiet efter det senaste politiska kaoset : Har detta påverkat svenskturkarnas resmönster till hemlandet?

de Vale, Filippa, Zekarias, Eden January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka om Turkiets nuvarande politiska situation påverkar svensk-turkars vilja att åka till sitt ursprungsland. Den metod som har använts i denna undersökning är både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ metod. De teorier som författarna har använt inkluderar bland annat Maslows behovspyramid, Hsu et al.s Hierarchy of destination selection model och Simpson och Siguaws teorier om turism och risk.   En enkätundersökning har genomförts med trettio svensk-turkar samt med representanter från Ving och TUI. Frågorna som ställdes till svensk-turkarna handlade om varför de valde eller inte valde att resa till Turkiet med tanke på landets politiska instabilitet. Vi frågade också om bristen på säkerhet i Turkiet är något som oroar dem eller betyder något när de väljer resmål. Författarna undrade också om informanternas etniska bakgrund påverkat valet att resa till Turkiet. Den analys som utförts är byggd på fem teman som hittats i den empiriska studien. De har kopplats till de teoretiska utgångspunkterna med syfte att undersöka hur det senaste politiska kaoset i Turkiet har påverkat svensk-turkars resvanor till landet.   Vi har kunnat konstatera att våra svensk-turkiska respondenters resvanor till Turkiet inte har påverkats så mycket av den politiska instabiliteten. De flesta har i någon mån, på grund av den politiska instabiliteten, börjat tänka mer på vilka delar av Turkiet de reser till men har inte minskat frekvensen på sina resor i någon större utsträckning. Det var endast nio av trettio respondenter som helt slutat åka till Turkiet på grund av den politiska instabiliteten i landet. En av respondenterna skrev att anledningen till att han slutat åka till Turkiet beror på att han inte vill bidra ekonomiskt till landet eftersom han är emot dess regerings politik. Åtta av trettio svenskturkar i vår undersökning tycker att media på ett alltför negativt sätt skildrat den politiska instabiliteten i Turkiet och att de därför inte låtit det påverka sina resvanor. / The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate whether Turkey's current political situation affects swedish-turks willingness to travel to their country of origin. A qualitative and a quantitative method have been used in this study. The theories used include, among others, B. Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid, Hsu et al.s Hierarchy of destination selection model and Simpson and Siguaw's theories about tourism and risk.  Surveys sent by e-mail have been carried out with thirty swedish-turks and representatives from Ving and TUI. Some of the questions that were asked to the swedish-turks regarded if they still chose to travel to Turkey even though they are aware of the country's political instability. We also asked if the lack of security in Turkey is something that concerns them or matters when choosing a destination. The authors also wondered if their ethnic background influenced the choice to travel to Turkey. The analytical part of the thesis is based on five themes found in the empirical study linked to the theoretical starting points with the purpose of investigating how the latest political chaos in Turkey has affected the swedish-turks travel habits.  We have found that the swedish-turks travel habits to Turkey have not been affected in a greater scale by the political instability. Although because of the political instability, some of them have begun to be more careful about which parts of Turkey they visit but they have not reduced the frequency of their travels to any significant extent. Only nine out of thirty swedish-turks have completely ceased to travel to Turkey and one of the survey respondents mentioned that the reason he stopped traveling there is because he does not want to contribute financially to the Turkish government as he is against their policies. Eight out of thirty of the swedish-turks found that the media portrayed the political instability in Turkey in an excessively negative way and therefore they have not let this affect their travel habits.

Socioekonomické aspekty integrace cizinců v Německu / Socioeconomic aspects of the integration of immigrants in Germany

Němejc, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
In the last decade, integration of immigrants into the German society has become a major topic in both political and public discussion in Germany. The goal of this paper is to analyze the current state of the main socioeconomic fields of integration in Germany and evaluate the successfulness of government's integration policy. The first chapter of the paper explains the significance of integration and its general principles on the background of selected cultural and economic theories and studies. The second chapter focuses on the historic foundations of integration specific for Germany with an emphasis on the post-war development. The third chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the situation in the main fields of integration and integration policy, i.e. the related legislation, education and working life of immigrants. The analysis makes use of case studies and information acquired during personal interviews with experts on integration.

Турки и турецкая угроза середины XV в. в восприятии византийских и восточно-европейских авторов : магистерская диссертация / The Turks and Turkish Threat in the middle of the Fifteen Century in the Perception of the Byzantine and East-European authors

Zhigalova, N. E., Жигалова, Н. Э. January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation is devoted to the problems of the perception of Muslims and the threat posed by the Ottoman by the Byzantine and East-European writers of the XV century. According to the materials of historical works analyzed the ratio of the authors to the representatives of the Islamic faith in a severe foreign situation and also domestic religious contradictions. Analysis of the works of Byzantine and Balkan writers allows us to trace the evolution of the views of historians on the matter and to reveal the extent of their bias. According to the Byzantine and East-European sources revealed the attitude of the authors of the XV century to the Turks and denoted points of contact of Christian and Muslim civilizations in the context of military confrontation, also investigated the attitude of the authors to the key events of the Turkish expansion in the XV century - Battle of Varna in 1444 and the capture of Constantinople in 1453. The dissertation also addresses the problem of mutual Christians and Muslims considered in the interpretation of the writers and the question of the possibility of cultural and religious dialogue between the warring parties. / Диссертация посвящена рассмотрению проблемы восприятия мусульман и угрозы со стороны османов византийскими и восточно-европейскими писателями XV века. По материалам их исторических произведений анализируется отношение авторов к представителям исламского вероучения в условиях тяжелой внешнеполитической ситуации и внутренних религиозных противоречий. Анализ сочинений византийских и балканских писателей позволяет проследить эволюцию взглядов историков относительно данного вопроса и выявить степень их тенденциозности. По данным византийских и восточно-европейских источников выявляется отношение авторов XV в. к туркам, обозначаются точки соприкосновения христианской и мусульманской цивилизаций в контексте военного противостояния, а также исследуется отношение авторов к ключевым событиям турецкой экспансии XV в. - битве при Варне 1444 г. и захвату Константинополя в 1453 г. В диссертации также затрагивается проблема взаимовосприятия христиан и мусульман в интерпретации рассматриваемых писателей и ставится вопрос о возможности культурного и религиозного диалога между представителями противоборствующих сторон.

Mihri Rasim (1885-1954) : l’ambition d’une jeune-turque peintre

Daǧoǧlu, Özlem Gülin 12 1900 (has links)
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels et audio‐visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse a été déposée à la Division de la gestion des documents et des archives. / Mihri Rasim (1885-1954) est la plus importante peintre turque et une pionnière féministe. L’idée reçue à son sujet est qu’elle a été une artiste marginale, inclassable et qu'elle est décédée dans la désuétude aux États-Unis, amère d’avoir choisi une carrière artistique. À défaut d’information, auteurs et historiens de l’art ont masqué leur ignorance en élaborant un récit à partir de la personnalité fascinante de Rasim. La présente étude, qui est la première thèse de doctorat et aussi la première monographie extensive sur Rasim, déconstruit ce mythe. Rasim était une ambitieuse peintre et une Jeune-Turque arriviste qui avait une stratégie pour atteindre l’objet de son ambition. Elle a poursuivi deux objectifs tout au long de sa vie : élargir le spectre des possibilités des femmes et être considérée elle-même, selon ses propres termes, « parmi les gens de talents ». À Istanbul, à une époque où les femmes pouvaient difficilement sortir de leur harem, elle a instauré une première école de beaux-arts pour les femmes. Pendant qu’elle y était la directrice, elle a mis en place les premiers cours de nus féminins de l’histoire de l’art turc. Elle a permis aux femmes de recevoir une éducation artistique comparable aux standards artistiques européens et leur a donné accès à un nouveau métier. Elle a créé une bourse pour ses étudiantes à l’Académie et elle a essayé de constituer une association d’entraides pour les peintres-femmes. Elle a aussi fait les portraits des dirigeants Jeunes-Turcs et ceux de leur entourage. Elle a développé son plan artistique en conservant les mêmes objectifs et en s’appuyant toujours sur la même stratégie. Elle s’est servie de ses relations politiques et sociales à Istanbul, ou s’est efforcée d’en former de nouvelles lorsqu’elle se trouvait en Europe ou aux États-Unis. Elle a ainsi construit un réseau au service de sa carrière. Pour ce faire, elle a portraituré de grands hommes modernistes, même controversés, du vingtième siècle – Alphonse XIII, Benito Mussolini, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Thomas Edison. Dans une perspective féministe, mon étude établit l’importance de cette artiste cosmopolite du vingtième siècle. Je mets au jour les détails de la vie et de l’art de Rasim qui jusqu’à présent étaient méconnus. Au moyen de documents d’archives inédits, ses données élémentaires biographiques sont clarifiées. Une datation et une identification de ses sujets de portraits sont offertes. Je propose une approche innovatrice pour examiner l’art de Rasim que j’analyse par rapport à la scène artistique et culturelle turque, et mondiale. J’évalue l’impact, pour son époque et la nôtre, des gestes posés par Mihri Rasim. Ma thèse témoigne du rôle essentiel des femmes culturelles et politiques majeures, ainsi que des limites qui leur étaient, et qui leur sont encore, imposées par le système en place. / Mihri Rasim (1885-1954) is Turkey’s most important painter and feminist pioneer. The widely shared assumption about her is that she was a marginal, unclassifiable artist, who died in misery and resentful for having dedicated her life to art. Without any real information, authors and art historians obscured their ignorance by elaborating her life story out of her fascinating personality. My dissertation, which is also the first exhaustive art historical study on the artist, is dismantling this myth. Rasim was an ambitious artist and an upstart, Young Turk, who had a strategy to achieve her ambition. From the beginning of her career and for the rest of her life she pursued two goals: she expanded women’s horizon of possibilities and she aspired to be considered, in her own words, “among the talented people”. In Istanbul at a time when Turkish women could barely leave their harem, she set up the first fine arts school for women. While she was the head of women’s Academy, she introduced the first female nude classes in the history of Turkish arts. She allowed women to receive an art education comparable to European artistic standards and provided them access to a new profession. She created a scholarship for her students at the academy and tried to constitute an association of mutual help for female painters. She also made the portraits of Young-Turk leaders and of their entourage. She used her political connections in Istanbul, and, as she moved from Turkey to Europe to the United-States, she developed her artistic project with new interlocutors and in different contexts but always with the same purposes. She built a network to support her career. In order to achieve this she portrayed great modernist men of the first half of the twentieth century, even controversial ones – Alphonse XIII, Benito Mussolini, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Thomas Edison. With a feminist approach my dissertation establishes the importance of this cosmopolitan artist of the twentieth century. I am uncovering the details of her life and art, which were disregarded until today. Using original and unpublished archival materials, her elementary biographical facts are clarified. Dates for her works are submitted and identifications of her sitters are made. I propose an innovative approach to examine the painter and her artistic production not only in relation to Turkish plastic arts but also in relation to a more global artistic context. I assess the impact of her actions in her time and ours. My dissertation stands as a testament to the importance of major cultural and political women, and the limits that were and are once again placed upon them.

Le miroir ottoman une image politique des hommes dans la littérature géographique espagnole et française (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) /

Merle, Alexandra. January 2003 (has links)
Texte remanié de Th. doct. : Litt. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-267) and index.

What is German? : migrating identities in Turkish-German literature : an analysis of cultural Influences on German national identity /

Albu, Stefana Maria. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis -- Departmental honors in German. / Bibliography: ℓ. 94-104.

Vie associative et participation politique des personnes issues de l'immigration: le cas des populations d'origine marocaine, turque et congolaise à Bruxelles / Associational life and political participation among ethnic minorities: the case of people with Moroccan, Turkish and Congolese background in Brussels.

Herman, Barbara 01 June 2015 (has links)
Suite à la montée de l’immigration en Belgique, le rôle que joue la vie associative des personnes issues de l’immigration au sein de l’espace politique a pris une place croissante dans les débats à la fois publics et scientifiques. Selon Fennema et Tillie (1999 ;2001), une vie associative ethnique florissante constituerait une condition importante pour le développement de la participation politique des membres d’une population ethnique. Si cette hypothèse a été mise à l’épreuve, avec des succès mitigés, dans différents contextes européens et nord-américains, elle ne l’a été que rarement dans une ville telle que Bruxelles, dont certaines caractéristiques sont pourtant susceptibles d’éclairer le débat. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est dès lors d’analyser la situation à Bruxelles, en prenant en considération différentes populations issues de l’immigration et d’éclaircir le rôle que jouent les associations de migrants sur l’intégration politique de ces derniers.<p><p>Ce travail s’articule autour de deux questionnements de recherche. Le premier a pour objectif d’apporter des éléments nouveaux quant aux théories existantes portant sur la participation politique et l’engagement civique (capital social) des populations ethniques minoritaires. Il s’agit d’examiner, d’une part, la nature de la relation entre participation associative et politique et, d’autre part, certains processus explicatifs sous-jacents. Le second questionnement vise à fournir de nouvelles informations à propos de différentes populations d’origine étrangère dont la vie associative et politique aura été investiguée. Celles qui ont été choisies dans le cadre de cette thèse relèvent des immigrations, hors Union européenne, les plus nombreuses à Bruxelles. Il s’agit, en l’occurrence, des populations d’origine marocaine, turque et congolaise.<p><p>A partir de données quantitatives récoltées en 2009 auprès d’échantillons représentatifs de personnes issues de l’immigration marocaine, turque et congolaise à Bruxelles ainsi que d’un groupe contrôle non-issu de l’immigration, cette thèse apporte des éléments originaux à la fois au niveau théorique et empirique.<p><p>D’abord, nous avons pu confirmer le fait que le capital social est un facteur essentiel favorisant le développement de la participation politique, à la fois au niveau agrégé et individuel. De plus, nos résultats montrent également, en particulier au niveau individuel, que le capital social ethnique est un facteur plus important que le capital social multiethnique pour expliquer la participation politique des personnes issues de l’immigration. Contrairement à ce qui est parfois admis, le regroupement communautaire ne pousserait pas à l’institutionnalisation du repli ethnique mais, au contraire, lorsqu’il est organisé sous une forme associative, constituerait un tremplin vers la participation à la vie démocratique du pays d’accueil, offrant ainsi des opportunités civiques remarquables aux personnes qui en font partie. <p><p>Ensuite, malgré le large consensus au plan théorique qui existe à propos du rôle médiateur des confiances sociale et politique pour expliquer la relation entre le capital social et la participation politique, nos résultats sont loin d’étayer cette hypothèse :l’accumulation du capital social ne permet pas d’expliquer l’effet mobilisateur des associations bénévoles. Les aspects "non-normatifs" du capital social, tels que l’accès aux informations (politiques) ou aux compétences civiques, par exemple, pourraient être de meilleurs prédicteurs du comportement politique. De plus, pour les personnes issues de l’immigration, peu importe leur origine, leur participation associative est négativement associée à la confiance politique qui, elle, montre un lien négatif avec la participation politique. Cette constatation jette un nouvel éclairage quant au débat relatif aux causes et conséquences des faibles niveaux de confiance politique et étaye les études montrant que la confiance politique n’est pas systématiquement associée à une plus grande participation politique. En l’occurrence, un faible niveau de confiance pourrait augmenter la participation politique dans certaines situations à travers une nouvelle génération dite de "citoyens critiques".<p><p>Enfin, bien que nos résultats aient mis en évidence de nombreuses similitudes entre les populations étudiées, nous avons identifié diverses particularités liées aux origines nationales en interaction avec le contexte institutionnel et politique bruxellois, rejoignant ainsi la littérature liée à l’impact des structures d’opportunités politiques ainsi qu’aux spécificités des groupes de migrants pris en considération. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

När regeringen vill en sak men gör en annan... : En studie i hur regeringen hanterat frågan om ett erkännande av folkmordet på armenier

Persson, Carina January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att söka förklaring till varför den svenska regeringen valde att inte erkänna folkmordet på armenier/Seyfo samt undersöka på vilket sätt politiker använder sig av historia när de ska ta beslut i frågor som dels skett i en annan tid och som dels är obekväma att hantera. För att få svar på denna fråga har en kvalitativ metod använts. Argumentationsanalys samt kritisk diskursanalys har använts för att tolka de politiska argumentationerna och nyckelorden i den politiska debatten. Den utredning som regeringen beställde som underlag för sitt beslut har varit ett viktigt undersökningsmaterial. Vidare har intervjuer använts för att få en ökad förståelse av undersökningen. Syftet med uppsatsen har uppnåtts och förklaringen till varför den svenska regeringen valde att inte erkänna folkmordet på armenier/Seyfo är också en slutsats. Det fanns flera bakomliggande faktorer så som att inte stöta sig med en stor väljargrupp, inte riskera handelsrelationer dvs. ekonomiska intressen, dels flyktingfrågan mm. Dessa faktorer var dock inte de största utan den absolut största och även viktigaste orsaken var den som de inte tordes nämna. Denna faktor var att de var rädda för att ett erkännande skulle leda till påtryckningar och hot från Turkiet samt från olika intressenter i Sverige. / The purpose of the thesis is to seek an explanation as to why the Swedish government chose not to acknowledge the Armenian/Seyfo genocide and to investigate how politicians make use of history when making decisions on issues that have happened in another time and which are partly uncomfortable to manage. A qualitative method has been used to answer this question. Argumentation analysis and critical discourse analysis have been used to interpret the political arguments and keywords in the political debate. The investigation that the government ordered as a basis for its decision has been an important investigative material. Furthermore, interviews were used to gain a better understanding of the study. The purpose of the thesis has been achieved and the explanation as to why the Swedish government chose not to acknowledge the Armenian/Seyfo genocide is also a conclusion. There were several different underlying factors such as not clashing with a larger voter group, not risking trade relations i.e. financial interests, partly the refugee issue, etc. However, these factors were not the greatest, but the absolute greatest and also the most important reason was the one they did not dare mention. This factor was that they were afraid that recognition would lead to pressure and threats from Turkey as well as from various stakeholders in Sweden.

Johannes Lepsius' missiologie (the missiology of Johannes Lepsius) / Missiology of Johannes Lepsius

Baumann, Andreas, 1969- 31 October 2005 (has links)
Text in German / Forschungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit ist Johannes Lepsius' Missiologie. Aufgabe der Untersuchung ist es, die wichtigsten missiologischen Auffassungen und Überzeugungen von Johannes Lepsius aus der Vielzahl seiner veröffentlichten Schriften zu erheben und sie dann erstmals systematisiert in einem Ge¬samtüberblick darzustellen. Die Besonderheit besteht dabei darin, dass sich die Missiologie von Johan¬nes Lepsius nur aus der Zusammenschau von zahlreichen Einzeläußerungen erschließen lässt, die sich zumeist in kleineren Aufsätzen und Zeitschriftenartikeln finden lassen. Somit ist es notwendig, seine einzelnen Schriften in ihrem jeweiligen - auch biographischen - Kontext wahrzunehmen und zu inter¬pretieren. Aus der Aufarbeitung der theologischen Grundlagen von Johannes Lepsius' Missiologie, sei¬ner Ansichten bezüglich der Missionsarbeit unter Muslimen und einiger weiterer spezieller missiologi¬scher Fragestellungen wird deutlich, dass Johannes Lepsius trotz durchaus vorhandener Parallelen zu anderen missiologischen Entwürfen in theologischer und missiologischer Hinsicht als eigenständiger Denker zu betrachten ist. Die Kenntnis der missiologischen Überzeugungen, die hinter Lepsius' so viel¬fältigen missionarischem, theologischem, sozialdiakonischem und politischem Wirken stehen, macht es möglich, seine äußerlich so wechselhafte Biographie besser zu verstehen. Darüber hinaus bietet seine Missiologie - besonders sein Reich Gottes-Verständnis - interessante Impulse für die heutige missiolo¬gische Diskussion, insbesondere was die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Missionsauftrag und gesell¬schaftlichem Engagement betrifft. SUMMARY The object of this research work is the missiology of Johannes Lepsius. The task of the investigation is to collate the most important missiological opinions and beliefs of Johannes Lepsius from the large number of his published writing and then to present them in a systematic overview for the first time. They are characterised specifically by the fact that the missiology of Johannes Lepsius can only be de¬veloped from an overview summary of numerous individual statements which are generally to be found in smaller papers and journal articles. Therefore it is necessary to appreciate and interpret his individual writings in their specific - and also biographical - contexts. From the reworking of the theological prin¬ciples of Johannes Lepsius' missiology, his views on mission work amongst Muslims and some other special missiological questions, it becomes clear that Johannes Lepsius - despite existing parallels with other missiological models from a theological and missiological point of view - is to be viewed as an independent thinker. The knowledge of the missiological beliefs which underpin Lepsius' very varied missionary, theological, socio-diaconical and political activities makes it possible to have a better un¬derstanding of his biography that from the outside seems so incoherent. His missiology - especially his un¬derstanding of the Kingdom of God - also offers interesting inputs for today's missiological discus¬sions, especially as far as the question of the relationship between missionary work and social commit¬ment is concerned. / The object of this research is the missiology of Johannes Lepsius. The task of the investigation is to collate the most important missiological opinions and beliefs of Johannes Lepsius from the large number of his published writing and then to present them in a systematic overview for the first time. They are characterised specifically by the fact that the missiology of Johannes Lepsius can only be developed from an overview summary of numerous individual statements which are generally to be found in smaller papers and journal articles. Therefore it is neccessary to appreciate and interpret his individual writings in their specific - and also biographical - contexts. From the reworking of the theological principles of Johannes Lepsius' missiology, his views on mission work amongst Muslims and some other special missiological questions, it becomes clear that Johannes Lepsius - despite existing parallels with other missiological models from a theological and missiological point of view - is to be viewed as an independent thinker. The knowledge of the missiological beliefs which underpin Lepsius' very varied missionary, theological, socio-diaconical and political activities makes it possible to have a better understanding of his biography that from the outside seems so incoherent. His missiology - especially his understanding of the Kingdom of God - also offers interesting inputs for today's missiological discussions, especially as far as the question of the relationship between msiionary work and social commitment is concerned. / Christian Spirituality, Church History, Missiology / D.Th.(Missiology)

Johannes Lepsius' missiologie (the missiology of Johannes Lepsius) / Missiology of Johannes Lepsius

Baumann, Andreas, 1969- 31 October 2005 (has links)
Text in German / Forschungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit ist Johannes Lepsius' Missiologie. Aufgabe der Untersuchung ist es, die wichtigsten missiologischen Auffassungen und Überzeugungen von Johannes Lepsius aus der Vielzahl seiner veröffentlichten Schriften zu erheben und sie dann erstmals systematisiert in einem Ge¬samtüberblick darzustellen. Die Besonderheit besteht dabei darin, dass sich die Missiologie von Johan¬nes Lepsius nur aus der Zusammenschau von zahlreichen Einzeläußerungen erschließen lässt, die sich zumeist in kleineren Aufsätzen und Zeitschriftenartikeln finden lassen. Somit ist es notwendig, seine einzelnen Schriften in ihrem jeweiligen - auch biographischen - Kontext wahrzunehmen und zu inter¬pretieren. Aus der Aufarbeitung der theologischen Grundlagen von Johannes Lepsius' Missiologie, sei¬ner Ansichten bezüglich der Missionsarbeit unter Muslimen und einiger weiterer spezieller missiologi¬scher Fragestellungen wird deutlich, dass Johannes Lepsius trotz durchaus vorhandener Parallelen zu anderen missiologischen Entwürfen in theologischer und missiologischer Hinsicht als eigenständiger Denker zu betrachten ist. Die Kenntnis der missiologischen Überzeugungen, die hinter Lepsius' so viel¬fältigen missionarischem, theologischem, sozialdiakonischem und politischem Wirken stehen, macht es möglich, seine äußerlich so wechselhafte Biographie besser zu verstehen. Darüber hinaus bietet seine Missiologie - besonders sein Reich Gottes-Verständnis - interessante Impulse für die heutige missiolo¬gische Diskussion, insbesondere was die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Missionsauftrag und gesell¬schaftlichem Engagement betrifft. SUMMARY The object of this research work is the missiology of Johannes Lepsius. The task of the investigation is to collate the most important missiological opinions and beliefs of Johannes Lepsius from the large number of his published writing and then to present them in a systematic overview for the first time. They are characterised specifically by the fact that the missiology of Johannes Lepsius can only be de¬veloped from an overview summary of numerous individual statements which are generally to be found in smaller papers and journal articles. Therefore it is necessary to appreciate and interpret his individual writings in their specific - and also biographical - contexts. From the reworking of the theological prin¬ciples of Johannes Lepsius' missiology, his views on mission work amongst Muslims and some other special missiological questions, it becomes clear that Johannes Lepsius - despite existing parallels with other missiological models from a theological and missiological point of view - is to be viewed as an independent thinker. The knowledge of the missiological beliefs which underpin Lepsius' very varied missionary, theological, socio-diaconical and political activities makes it possible to have a better un¬derstanding of his biography that from the outside seems so incoherent. His missiology - especially his un¬derstanding of the Kingdom of God - also offers interesting inputs for today's missiological discus¬sions, especially as far as the question of the relationship between missionary work and social commit¬ment is concerned. / The object of this research is the missiology of Johannes Lepsius. The task of the investigation is to collate the most important missiological opinions and beliefs of Johannes Lepsius from the large number of his published writing and then to present them in a systematic overview for the first time. They are characterised specifically by the fact that the missiology of Johannes Lepsius can only be developed from an overview summary of numerous individual statements which are generally to be found in smaller papers and journal articles. Therefore it is neccessary to appreciate and interpret his individual writings in their specific - and also biographical - contexts. From the reworking of the theological principles of Johannes Lepsius' missiology, his views on mission work amongst Muslims and some other special missiological questions, it becomes clear that Johannes Lepsius - despite existing parallels with other missiological models from a theological and missiological point of view - is to be viewed as an independent thinker. The knowledge of the missiological beliefs which underpin Lepsius' very varied missionary, theological, socio-diaconical and political activities makes it possible to have a better understanding of his biography that from the outside seems so incoherent. His missiology - especially his understanding of the Kingdom of God - also offers interesting inputs for today's missiological discussions, especially as far as the question of the relationship between msiionary work and social commitment is concerned. / Christian Spirituality, Church History, Missiology / D.Th.(Missiology)

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