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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la virulence de Staphylococcus lugdunensis. / Contribution to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the virulence of Staphylococcus lugdunensis

Dahyot, Sandrine 18 July 2019 (has links)
Nos travaux ont cherché à mieux comprendre les mécanismes à l’origine de la virulence de Staphylococcus lugdunensis, espèce au pouvoir pathogène proche de celui de Staphylococcus aureus. Nous avons procédé à la première caractérisation fonctionnelle chez cette espèce d’un système à deux composants, LytSR. Ce système s’est révélé impliqué dans le contrôle de processus métaboliques majeurs et dans la virulence. Il est en effet impliqué dans la formation de biofilm, probablement en lien avec le contrôle exercé sur la mort cellulaire. LytSR est de plus impliqué dans la pathogenèse des infections à S. lugdunensis, comme démontré dans le modèle d’infection du nématode Caenorhabditis elegans. Pour mieux caractériser et suivre la diffusion de clones prédominants chez cette espèce, nous avons dans un deuxième volet développé trois nouvelles méthodes de typage (MLVA, TRST et fbl-typing), reposant sur le polymorphisme de séquences répétées en tandem. Ces méthodes se sont révélées très discriminantes, permettant la définition de nouveaux génotypes chez cette espèce clonale. Ces outils sont à ce titre très prometteurs pour des études micro- comme macro-épidémiologiques chez S. lugdunensis, le fbl-typing apparaissant à bien des égards comme l’outil utilisable en première ligne (http://fbl-typing.univ-rouen.fr/). Enfin, nous avons montré que la variabilité de la liaison de S. lugdunensis au fibrinogène in vitro peut être en partie expliquée par des variations génétiques de fbl. / Our work has sought to better understand mechanisms involved in Staphylococcus lugdunensis virulence, a species whose pathogenicity is close to that of Staphylococcus aureus. We performed the first functional characterization of a two-component regulatory system, LytSR, in this species. This system has been shown to be involved in the control of major metabolic processes and in virulence. It is indeed involved in biofilm formation, probably in connection with the control of cell death. LytSR is furthermore implicated in the pathogenesis of S. lugdunensis infections, as demonstrated in the infection model of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. To better characterize and monitor the diffusion of predominant clones in this species, we have in a second part developed three new typing methods (MLVA, TRST and fbl-typing), based on the polymorphism of variable number of tandem repeats. These methods were highly discriminant, allowing the definition of new genotypes in this clonal species. These tools are very promising for micro- and macro-epidemiological studies in S. lugdunensis, fbl-typing appearing in many ways as the frontline tool (http://fbl-typing.univ-rouen.fr/). Finally, we have shown that the variability of the binding of S. lugdunensis to fibrinogen in vitro can be partly explained by some fbl genetic variations.

Charakterisierung des Proteoms von Ralstonia eutropha H16 unter lithoautotrophen und anaeroben Bedingungen

Kohlmann, Yvonne 18 June 2015 (has links)
Das Biopolymer-produzierende Knallgasbakterium Ralstonia eutropha H16 gilt mit seinem außergewöhnlichen Stoffwechsel als vielversprechender Produktionsstamm für die weiße Biotechnologie. Es wächst auf einer Vielzahl organischer Substrate sowie chemolithoautotroph mit H2 und CO2 als einzige Energie- bzw. Kohlenstoffquelle. Unter anaeroben Bedingungen ist es zudem zur Denitrifikation befähigt. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Proteinprofil von R. eutropha unter chemolithoautotrophen sowie anaeroben Bedingungen mittels GeLC-MS/MS untersucht. Beide Proteomstudien offenbarten, dass die Nutzung unterschiedlicher Elektronendonoren bzw. -akzeptoren mit zahlreichen Veränderungen im Proteinbestand der Zellen einherging. Hierbei waren neben Proteinen metabolischer und Transportprozesse auch jene der Zellbewegung betroffen. Die Ergebnisse stellen im Vergleich zu vorangegangenen Studien den bisher umfassendsten Überblick zum Proteinbestand beim H2-basierten sowie anaeroben Wachstum in R. eutropha dar. Von besonderer Bedeutung war dabei das Einbinden der Analyse der Membran als Ort wichtiger Energie- und Transportprozesse. Besonderes Interesse galt einem unter H2/CO2-Bedingungen abundanten Zweikomponentensystem. Sequenzvergleiche zeigten Ähnlichkeit zum Regulationssystem der Katabolitrepression des Biphenylabbaus in Acidovorax sp. KKS102. Die Deletion des Response-Regulator-Gens führte zu vielfältigen Wachstumseffekten auf Substraten wie Fructose, Glycerin sowie auf H2/CO2. Der pleiotrope Phänotyp sowie die Ergebnisse von Genexpressionsstudien und der Suche nach Regulator-Bindestellen lassen eine globale Rolle des Systems im Energie- und/oder Kohlenstoffmetabolismus von R. eutropha H16 annehmen. Histidin-Kinase und Response Regulator wurden in GloS bzw. GloR umbenannt. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt eindrucksvoll das Potential der Proteomik als Teil der funktionellen Genomik für den Anstoß neuer Forschungsansätze zur Evaluierung des biotechnologischen Potentials von Mikroorganismen. / Due to its remarkable metabolism the bioplastic-producing “Knallgas” bacterium Ralstonia eutropha H16 is ranked as a promising production strain for white biotechnology. It grows on a wide range of organic substrates as well as lithoautotrophically on H2 and CO2 as sole energy and carbon source, respectively. Under anaerobic conditions it thrives by denitrification. This thesis focused on characterizing the protein profiles of lithoautotrophically and anaerobically grown R. eutropha cells. Proteome analyses revealed an extensive protein repertoire adapting the organism to alternative electron donors and acceptors, respectively. Changes concerned proteins involved in metabolic and transport processes as well as in cell movement. Compared to previous studies the results reported here offer the most comprehensive proteomic survey regarding the H2-based as well as anaerobic lifestyle of R. eutropha so far. In this context analyzing the cell membrane as a place for a number of energy, transport and signal transduction processes was of particular importance. Special interest aroused the identification of a two-component system upregulated on H2/CO2. Sequence analysis offered high similarity to the regulatory system for catabolite control of biphenyl degradation in Acidovorax sp. KKS102. Deletion of the response regulator gene led to versatile growth effects on substrates such as fructose and glycerol as well as H2/CO2. This pleiotrophic phenotype as well as the results of gene expression studies and the search for regulator binding sites suggests that the two-component system is a global player in energy and/or carbon metabolism in R. eutropha and possibly other bacteria. Thus, histidine kinase and response regulator have been renamed GloS/R. Since their characterization was initiated by proteomic data this study impressively elucidates the power of functional genomics in terms of revealing new research approaches to evaluate the biotechnological use of microbes.

Physiological roles of Eukaryotic Hanks type Ser/Thr kinase in transition to stationary phase in Bacillus subtilis / Rôle physiologique des Ser/Thr kinases-Hanks de type eukaryote au cours de la transition vers la phase stationnaire chez Bacillus subtilis

Kobir, Ahasanul 30 October 2012 (has links)
Bacillus subtilis est la bactérie modèle des bactéries Gram-positif à bas pourcentage en GC et possède un intérêt marqué en biotechnologie. Par ailleurs, la phosphorylation des protéines est un mécanisme de régulation essentiel chez les bactéries qui reste encore largement à explorer. B. subtilis possède plusieurs ser/thr kinases potentielles (PrkA, YbdM, YabT et PrkC, qui a été déjà largement caractérisée), mais très peu de substrats de ces kinases ont été mis en évidence. Récemment, des études phosphoprotéomiques ont permis d’identifier de nombreux peptides phosphorylés sur des sérines ou des thréonines chez B. subtilis, incluant: a) deux régulateurs globaux de la phase de transition, DegS et AbrB et b) RecA, qui joue un rôle essentiel dans la réparation des cassures double-brin de l’ADN et la recombinaison. Des tests de phosphorylation in vitro nous ont permis d’identifier les ser/thr kinases capables de phosphoryler DegS, RecA et AbrB. La phosphorylation de DegS sur son résidu sérine 76 par la kinase YbdM influence, in vitro et in vivo, son activité kinase vis à vis de son substrat DegU. L’expression chez B. subtilis d’un allèle codant la protéine DegS-S76D (la sérine étant remplacée par un aspartate phosphomimétique) perturbe l’ensemble des processi cellulaires régulés par le système à deux composants DegS/DegU. Ces résultats suggèrent un lien entre la phosphorylation de DegS sur sa sérine 78 et le niveau de phosphorylation de son substrat DegU, cette modification post-traductionnelle représentant un degré supplémentaire de régulation pour ce système à deux composants. Au cours du démarrage de la sporulation, B. subtilis exprime une ser/thr kinase atypique, YabT, qui localise au septum et est activée grâce à la liaison de séquences ADN non spécifiques. YabT activée phosphoryle RecA sur sa sérine 2, ce qui induit la formation de foci RecA. Dans une souche exprimant une protéine RecA non phosphorylable (RecA-S2A) ou inactivée pour yabT, la formation de spores en présence de lésions de l’ADN est diminuée. Ces résultats suggèrent une homologie fonctionnelle au cours du développement entre la phosphorylation de RecA chez B. subtilis et la phosphorylation de son homologue eukaryote Rad51, qui permet leur recrutement sur des lésions de l’ADN. Nous proposons donc que la phosphorylation de RecA serve de signal pour promouvoir la formation de foci au cours de la sporulation. In vitro, le régulateur transcriptionnel AbrB est phosphorylé par les kinases YabT, YbdM et PrkC, L’utilisation de protéines mutées AbrB-S86A (non phosphorylable) et AbrB-S86D (forme phosphomimétique) nous a permis de montrer que la phosphorylation d’AbrB diminue son affinité pour l’ADN cible. L’expression chez B. subtilis des protéines AbrB-S86A et –S86D perturbe des phénomènes mis en place au cours de la phase stationnaire comme la production d’exoprotéases, la compétence et la sporulation via la dérégulation des gènes et opérons AbrB-dépendants correspondants. Nous proposons donc que la phosphorylation d’AbrB par les Hanks-kinases constitue un mécanisme de contrôle supplémentaire nécessaire à l’inactivation de ce régulateur transcriptionnel, qui peut être activateur ou répresseur, pendant la phase de transition. / Bacillus subtilis is the model organism for low GC Gram-positive bacteria and is of great biotechnological interest. Protein phosphorylation is an important regulatory mechanism in bacteria and it has not been extensively studied yet. Recent site-specific phosphoproteomic studies identified a large number of novel serine/threonine phosphorylation sites in B. subtilis, including a) two transition phase global gene regulators DegS and AbrB and b) RecA, that plays a major role in double-strand break repair and DNA recombination. .B. subtilis disposes of several putative Ser/Thr kinases like PrkA, YbdM, YabT and a characterizd kinase PrkC, but very few physiological substrates for these have been defined so far. In vitro phosphorylation assays were used to identify which of these kinases were able to phosphorylate DegS, RecA and AbrB. DegS phosphorylation on serine 76 by the kinase YbdM influenced its activity towards DegU both in vitro and in vivo, and expression of DegS S76D( on replacing serine to aspartate) in B. subtilis perturbed cellular processes regulated by the DegS/DegU two component system. This suggests a link between DegS phosphorylation at serine 76 and the level of DegU phosphorylation, establishing this post-translational modification as an additional trigger for this two-component system. At the onset of sporulation, B. subtilis expresses an unusual serine/threonine kinase YabT, which exhibits a septal localization and is activated by non-sequence-specific DNA binding. Activated YabT phosphorylates RecA at the residue serine 2, which in turn promotes the formation of RecA foci at the onset of spore development. On the other hand, non-phosphorylatable RecA or inactivated YabT lead to reduced spore formation in the presence of DNA lesions . This suggests a functional similarity between B. subtilis developmental stage dependent RecA phosphorylation and its eukaryal homologous Rad51 phosphorylation, which leads to its recruitment to the lesion sites. We therefore proposed that RecA phosphorylation serves as an additional signal mechanism that promotes focus formation during spore development. AbrB is phosphorylated by YabT, YbdM and PrkC in vitro and AbrB phosphorylation leads to reduced affinity for its target DNA and abolished binding cooperativity in vitro and in vivo. Expression of the phosphomimetic AbrB-S86D or of the non-phosphorylatable AbrB-S86A mutant protein in B. subtilis disturbed some stationary phase phenomena such as exoprotease production, competence and the onset of sporulation, probably by deregulation of AbrB-target genes and operons. We therefore, proposed that AbrB phosphorylation as an additional regulatory mechanism needed to switch off this ambiactive gene regulator during the transition phase.

Die regulatorischen Funktionen des paralogen Phosphotransferase Systems (PTSNtr) in Escherichia coli. / The regulatory functions of the nitrogen-related phosphotransferase system, PTS(Ntr) in Escherichia coli

Lüttmann, Denise 25 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Kristallographische Analyse von pathologischen Kristallen, Periplasmischen dömane von ligandfreien CitA Sensor Kinasen und PDI-verwandten Chaperone / Crystallographic Analysis of Pathological Crystals, Periplasmic Domain of Ligand-free CitA Sensor Kinase and PDI-related Chaperones

Sevvana, Madhumati 04 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

An investigation into dynamic and functional properties of prokaryotic signalling networks

Kothamachu, Varun Bhaskar January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, I investigate dynamic and computational properties of prokaryotic signalling architectures commonly known as the Two Component Signalling networks and phosphorelays. The aim of this study is to understand the information processing capabilities of different prokaryotic signalling architectures by examining the dynamics they exhibit. I present original investigations into the dynamics of different phosphorelay architectures and identify network architectures that include a commonly found four step phosphorelay architecture with a capacity for tuning its steady state output to implement different signal-response behaviours viz. sigmoidal and hyperbolic response. Biologically, this tuning can be implemented through physiological processes like regulating total protein concentrations (e.g. via transcriptional regulation or feedback), altering reaction rate constants through binding of auxiliary proteins on relay components, or by regulating bi-functional activity in relays which are mediated by bifunctional histidine kinases. This study explores the importance of different biochemical arrangements of signalling networks and their corresponding response dynamics. Following investigations into the significance of various biochemical reactions and topological variants of a four step relay architecture, I explore the effects of having different types of proteins in signalling networks. I show how multi-domain proteins in a phosphorelay architecture with multiple phosphotransfer steps occurring on the same protein can exhibit multistability through a combination of double negative and positive feedback loops. I derive a minimal multistable (core) architecture and show how component sharing amongst networks containing this multistable core can implement computational logic (like AND, OR and ADDER functions) that allows cells to integrate multiple inputs and compute an appropriate response. I examine the genomic distribution of single and multi domain kinases and annotate their partner response regulator proteins across prokaryotic genomes to find the biological significance of dynamics that these networks embed and the processes they regulate in a cell. I extract data from a prokaryotic two component protein database and take a sequence based functional annotation approach to identify the process, function and localisation of different response regulators as signalling partners in these networks. In summary, work presented in this thesis explores the dynamic and computational properties of different prokaryotic signalling networks and uses them to draw an insight into the biological significance of multidomain sensor kinases in living cells. The thesis concludes with a discussion on how this understanding of the dynamic and computational properties of prokaryotic signalling networks can be used to design synthetic circuits involving different proteins comprising two component and phosphorelay architectures.

Searching for novel protein-protein specificities using a combined approach of sequence co-evolution and local structural equilibration

Nordesjö, Olle January 2016 (has links)
Greater understanding of how we can use protein simulations and statistical characteristics of biomolecular interfaces as proxies for biological function will make manifest major advances in protein engineering. Here we show how to use calculated change in binding affinity and coevolutionary scores to predict the functional effect of mutations in the interface between a Histidine Kinase and a Response Regulator. These proteins participate in the Two-Component Regulatory system, a system for intracellular signalling found in bacteria. We find that both scores work as proxies for functional mutants and demonstrate a ~30 fold improvement in initial positive predictive value compared with choosing randomly from a sequence space of 160 000 variants in the top 20 mutants. We also demonstrate qualitative differences in the predictions of the two scores, primarily a tendency for the coevolutionary score to miss out on one class of functional mutants with enriched frequency of the amino acid threonine in one position.

Identification of novel regulatory pathways involved in non-enzymatic resistance to aminoglycosides in Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Identifications de nouvelles voies de régulation impliquées dans la résistance non enzymatique aux aminosides chez Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Bolard, Arnaud 05 July 2019 (has links)
Les antibiotiques sont des molécules incontournables dans le traitement des infections bactériennes. L’émergence et la dissémination de la résistance aux antibiotiques chez la pathogène opportuniste Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ont amené l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé à déclarer indispensable le développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques pour lutter contre cette bactérie. Bien que certaines alternatives aient été envisagées, la préservation de l’activité d’antibiotiques majeurs tels que les aminosides et la colistine est primordiale. La caractérisation des mécanismes de résistance à ces médicaments est nécessaire pour la mise au point de nouvelles molécules et mieux prendre en charge les patients. Dans ce contexte, nous montrons que des mutations dans le gène fusA1 (codant le facteur d’élongation EF-G1A) et dans l’opéron pmrAB (système à deux composants PmrAB) entrainent une augmentation de la résistance aux aminosides chez des mutants isolés au laboratoire et des souches issues de patients, atteints ou non, de mucoviscidose. Certaines substitutions d’acide aminé dans EF-G1A accroissent les niveaux de résistance de 2 à 16 fois aux quatre sous-classes d’aminosides. Par ailleurs, des changements d’acide aminé dans le système à deux composants PmrAB activent l’expression des gènes PA4773-PA4774-PA4775, et la production de norspermidine et de spermidine. La synthèse de ces polyamines va de pair avec une baisse de 4 à 16 fois de la sensibilité aux aminosides à noyan 2-désoxystreptamine bisubstitué en 4,6 (gentamicine, amikacine et tobramycine). De plus, il apparaît que la résistance des mutants pmrB à la colistine est en partie dépendante de la pompe d’efflux MexXY(OprM), un système impliqué dans la résistance naturelle, adaptative ou acquise aux aminosides. Enfin, nous montrons que les mutants pmrB surproduisent des alcaloïdes contenant un motif azétidine, par une voie de synthèse non-ribosomale et dépendante du quorum sensing. Ces alcaloïdes diminuent la virulence de P. aeruginosa dans le modèle Galleria mellonella. / Antibiotics are invaluable drugs to combat bacterial infections. Emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance in the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa have led the World Health Organization to consider as a crucial priority the development of new therapeutic approaches to fight this bacterium. In addition to other alternatives, preservation of activity of major antibiotics such as aminoglycosides and colistin is primordial. Consequently, characterization of the resistance mechanisms to these drugs is a prerequisite to design novel molecules, and improve patient care. In this context, we show that mutations in gene fusA1 (encoding elongation factor EF-G1A) and in operon pmrAB (two-component system PmrAB) lead to an increased resistance to aminoglycosides in in vitro-selected mutants and strains isolated from cystic fibrosis (CF) and non-CF patients. Certain amino acid substitutions in EF-G1A confer a 2- to 16-fold increased resistance to the four aminoglycoside subclasses. On the other hand, amino acid variations in two-component system PmrAB activate the expression of genes PA4773-PA4774-PA4775, and production of norspermidine and spermidine. This upregulated polyamine biosynthesis is associated with a 4- to 16-fold decreased susceptibility to 4,6-di-substituted deoxystreptamine aminoglycosides (gentamicin, amikacin and tobramycin). Moreover, our work reveals that the acquired resistance of pmrB mutants to colistin partially depends upon pump MexXY(OprM), a system that otherwise mediates intrinsic, adaptive and acquired resistance to aminoglycosides. Finally, we show that pmrB mutants overproduce azetidine-containing alkaloids by a quorum-sensing-regulated, nonribosomal peptide synthetase pathway. These alkaloids impair the virulence of P. aeruginosa in a Galleria mellonella infection model.

Molekularer Mechanismus protonenleitender Kanalrhodopsine und protonengekoppelte Zwei-Komponenten-Optogenetik

Vierock, Johannes Tobias Theodor 29 July 2020 (has links)
Kanalrhodopsine (ChRs) sind lichtaktivierte Ionenkanäle motiler Algen. Heterolog exprimiert erlauben sie es, Ionenflüsse durch Licht zu steuern. Bevorzugt geleitet werden von den meisten ChRs Protonen. Ausprägung und Wirkung lichtaktivierter Protonenflüsse sowie der molekulare Mechanismus protonenselektiver ChRs werden in vorliegender Arbeit untersucht und zur Entwicklung neuer optogenetischer Werkzeuge genutzt. Eine besonders hohe Protonenselektivität zeigten die grün- und rotlicht-aktivierten Kanäle CsChR und Chrimson aus den Algen Chloromonas subdivisa und Chlamydomonas noctigama. Im spektroskopisch detailliert untersuchten CrChR2 aus Chlamydomonas reinhardtii änderte sich die Protonenselektivität nach Anregung mit einem ns-Laserblitz sogar innerhalb eines Aktivierungszyklus und war insbesondere nach Öffnung des Kanals sowie in Folge der Lichtadaptation hoch. Als unentbehrlich für eine effiziente Protonenleitung erwiesen sich in allen drei Kanälen konservierte, titrierbare Reste entlang der Pore, deren individuelle Bedeutung für die Protonenleitung sich je nach Protein wesentlich unterschied. Entsprechend genügte in Chrimson der Austausch einzelner Glutaminsäuren des extrazellulären Halbkanals, dieses in einen grün- oder rotlichtaktivierten Natriumkanal zu transformieren. Aminosäuresubstitutionen der unmittelbaren Retinalumgebung verschoben hingegen das Aktionsmaximum von Chrimson röter als 600 nm und damit röter als in allen bisher beschriebenen ChRs. In Chrimson versperrt hierbei ein zusätzliches äußeres Tor den extrazellulär Halbkanal, während die Retinalbindetasche in Struktur und funktionaler Bedeutung der einzelnen Reste wesentlich jener der Protonenpumpe Bacteriorhodopsin ähnelt. Als Zwei-Komponenten-Optogenetik wurden schließlich protonen-, kationen- und anionenleitende ChRs unterschiedlicher Farbsensitivität fusioniert sowie lichtgetriebene Protonenpumpen mit protonenaktivierten Ionenkanälen kombiniert und neue optogenetische Perspektiven eröffnet. / Channelrhodopsins (ChRs) are light-gated ion channels from green algae. Expressed in host cells they are used to control ion fluxes by light and are widely applied in Neurosciences. Although generally classified as either cation or anion channels, most ChRs preferentially conduct protons. This thesis compares proton conductance of different ChRs, examines the molecular mechanism of proton selective ChRs and explores the usage of light regulated proton fluxes in two-component-optogenetics. Proton selectivity varied strongly among different ChRs and was most pronounced for the green- and red-light activated channels CsChR and Chrimson from the algae Chloromonas subdivisa and Chlamydomonas noctigama, that conducted predominantly protons even at high pH. In CrChR2 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii proton selectivity also changed during a single activation cycle and was especially high directly after channel opening and later on following light adaptation. In all three channels efficient proton conductance depended on conserved titratable residues along the pore with different contribution of the individual side chains in each protein. The substitution of single glutamic acids in the extracellular half pore converted Chrimson into a green or red-light activated sodium channel. A single point mutation close to the retinal chromophore shifted peak absorption of Chrimson beyond 600 nm - further red than all other cation conducting ChRs. Whereas the retinal binding pocket of Chrimson resembles the proton pump Bacteriorhodpsin, the overall pore structure corresponds to other ChRs, but features an additional outer gate, that occludes the extracellular half pore and is important for both, proton selectivity and red light absorption. Finally different Two-Component-Optogenetic approaches combined proton and anion selective ChRs of distinct colour as well as light-driven proton pumps and proton-activated ion channels with major prospect for future optogenetic applications.

Exact Analysis of Exponential Two-Component System Failure Data

Zhang, Xuan 01 1900 (has links)
<p>A survival distribution is developed for exponential two-component systems that can survive as long as at least one of the two components in the system function. It is assumed that the two components are initially independent and non-identical. If one of the two components fail (repair is impossible), the surviving component is subject to a different failure rate due to the stress caused by the failure of the other.</p> <p>In this paper, we consider such an exponential two-component system failure model when the observed failure time data are (1) complete, (2) Type-I censored, (3) Type-I censored with partial information on component failures, (4) Type-II censored and (5) Type-II censored with partial information on component failures. In these situations, we discuss the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the parameters by assuming the lifetimes to be exponentially distributed. The exact distributions (whenever possible) of the MLEs of the parameters are then derived by using the conditional moment generating function approach. Construction of confidence intervals for the model parameters are discussed by using the exact conditional distributions (when available), asymptotic distributions, and two parametric bootstrap methods. The performance of these four confidence intervals, in terms of coverage probabilities are then assessed through Monte Carlo simulation studies. Finally, some examples are presented to illustrate all the methods of inference developed here.</p> <p>In the case of Type-I and Type-II censored data, since there are no closed-form expressions for the MLEs, we present an iterative maximum likelihood estimation procedure for the determination of the MLEs of all the model parameters. We also carry out a Monte Carlo simulation study to examine the bias and variance of the MLEs.</p> <p>In the case of Type-II censored data, since the exact distributions of the MLEs depend on the data, we discuss the exact conditional confidence intervals and asymptotic confidence intervals for the unknown parameters by conditioning on the data observed.</p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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