Spelling suggestions: "subject:"organicfarming"" "subject:"urbanisering""
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The Farm : A new urban conditionArvidsson, Jesper January 2012 (has links)
The Farm is a speculative proposal for a self sustainable city block where as much food is produces as is consumed by it’s inhabitants. It is utilising the potential that arise when the greenery of farming is brought in to the cities in creating a new hybrid that blends with the city fabric with the aim of contributing to the areas multiplicity and vibrant life. The aim of the project has been that through architecture design; study the possibility to go from a throughput society, where everything we consume is produced outside of the community, to a society that produces what it consumes within the community in a cyclical integrated sustainable way. Can we produce what we consume with in a city and what happens when the production, which in this case is the cultivation of crops and plants, merge with the existing city fabric? What happens if the cultivation is combined with a traditional apartment program and what does it become? Can the programs thrive together in symbiosis or will one of the programs become a parasite of the other? How does the vast open spaces required for farming relate to the small intimate spaces suitable for living spaces? What is their interrelationship, how do they effect each other?
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Omställning till hållbara livsmedelssystem : Kommersiell stadsodling i Stockholm / Sustainability transitions in food systems : Commercial urban farming in StockholmLjungberg, Alice January 2020 (has links)
De storskaliga globala livsmedelssystemen står inför ett antal utmaningar inom hållbar utveckling. Livsmedelssystemens nuvarande utformning resulterar i hållbarhetsproblem som förlust av biologisk mångfald och utarmning av jordar, långa livsmedelskedjor och stora avstånd mellan konsument och producent. Klimatförändringarnas effekter och den ökande urbaniseringen bidrar ytterligare till problematiken. Behovet av en omställning till hållbara livsmedelssystem är därför stort och kräver innovativa lösningar såväl som en omfördelning av naturresurser. Ett exempel på en systeminnovation är stadsodling, som uppvisat potential till högre resurseffektivitet såväl som till ökad social hållbarhet i urbana och stadsnära områden. Trots det ökande intresset för stadsodling tycks det finnas en brist på empiriska studier som undersöker stadsodlingens nuvarande status, sammansättning och olika faktorer för utveckling. Syftet med detta examensarbete är således att identifiera faktorer och förutsättningar som påverkar utvecklingen av stadsodling som en del av omställningen mot en hållbarare livsmedelsproduktion, i den specifika kontexten i Stockholm. Studien tillämpade en flexibel, kvalitativ forskningsdesign och inbegriper en systematisk kartläggning och en kvalitativ fallstudie av kommersiell stadsodling i Stockholm. Det empiriska datamaterialet baseras på en litteraturstudie, semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer och insamling av sekundärdata. En innehållsanalys av det empiriska datamaterialet utfördes med vägledning av ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på omställningsteori ur ett flernivåperspektiv. Studiens resultat visar att kommersiell stadsodling är ett mångfacetterat såväl som växande fenomen, men att många verksamheter befinner sig i en tidig fas. Den form av kommersiell stadsodling som växt fram mest i Stockholm är klimatkontrollerade inomhusodlingar. Nio av 14 identifierade verksamheter är inomhusodlingar, två är etablerade växthus och tre är utomhusodlingar. Kartläggningen indikerar att kommersiell stadsodling i dagsläget bidrar med omkring 0.5-4% av direktkonsumtionen av örter och sallat i Storstockholm. Det finns dock potential för produktion av större volymer och en större mångfald av grödor i de olika stadsodlingssystemen. Studien identifierade ett flertal faktorer och förutsättningar som påverkar möjligheterna till en utveckling av lokal livsmedelsproduktion genom stadsodling. Byråkratiska, regulatoriska, ekonomiska och kulturella faktorer visade sig utgöra hinder för utvecklingen av stadsodling. Detta indikerar att det krävs politiskt stöd i form av främjande ramverk och policy för markanvändning, som möjliggör och underlättar upplåtelse av mark för kommersiell odling. Andra möjliggörande åtgärder kan vara policyverktyg för att i framtiden kunna underlätta offentlig upphandling av lokal mat. Vidare efterfrågas ett större engagemang och ansvar från näringslivet, i form av ökande investeringar i lokal och hållbar mat samt externa samarbeten mellan aktörer. De indikationer som framkom om att konsumenter i högre utsträckning går runt de dominerande alternativen i livsmedelssystemen och efterfrågar kortare värdekedjor identifierades också som en möjliggörande faktor för den fortsatta utvecklingen av stadsodling. / The globalised food systems are facing extensive challenges concerning sustainable development and are furthermore characterized by long supply chains with numerous food miles, industrial production and large-scale retailers. Dominant agricultural practices result in deforestation, loss of biodiversity and depletion of soil and natural resources. In addition, external factors such as climate change and urbanisation trends increases the complexity of these sustainability issues. Thus, transitions from the dominant food systems to more sustainable alternatives has been suggested in scientific literature. Transitions towards sustainability requires social and technical innovations as well as fundamental changes in the governance of food and agriculture. In light of this, a range of different urban farming practices have increasingly been considered to tackle some of these issues. Despite the growing interest in urban agriculture, there is a lack of extensive empirical studies exploring the current state of various urban farming practices and their role in the existing food systems. This study aims to explore the role of enabling factors that influence the development of commercial urban farming as part of a food sustainability transition, in the Stockholm area. The methodological approach of the project includes a qualitative case study and a mapping of productive urban food systems in Stockholm. The research design is flexible and the empirical data material builds on literature review, semi-structured interviews and secondary data collection. Content analysis is conducted and guided by the conceptual framework consisting of transition theory and the multi-level perspective framework. The results show that commercial urban farming is a diverse phenomenon gaining momentum in Stockholm. Commercial urban farming in Stockholm mainly consists of controlled environment farming; nine out of 14 establishments are indoor farms, two are well established greenhouses and three are outdoor cultivations. However, commercial urban farming seems to be more characterized by the local aspect and closeness to a dense population, rather than a certain applied technology. The mapping indicates that commercial urban farming in Stockholm is currently meeting 0.5-4 % of the direct consumption of herbs and lettuce in Stockholm, but that the potential production capacity is higher. Furthermore, the study found several enabling factors and barriers that affect the development of local food production through urban farming in Stockholm. Through the lens of the multi-level perspective, the main barriers identified are regulations and politics, economic funding and organizational and cultural structures in the food regime. This indicates that further development of urban farming in Stockholm requires support through frameworks and policy, for example regulations regarding land use, to enable disposal of land and estate for urban agriculture use. Measures to facilitate public procurement of locally produced food could also enable the development of urban farming initiatives. Moreover, interaction and co-operation between various stakeholders is crucial for niche development. Large businesses in the food sector could enable the development of urban farming through investments and partnerships. Finally, consumers could enable the development of urban farming by increasingly choosing the alternative pathways offered by some of the urban farming initiatives.
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Food Policy: Urban Farming as a Supplemental Food SourceDiDomenica, Bessie 01 January 2015 (has links)
The distance between farms and cities and the limited access that some residents have to fresh foods can be detrimental to a city's capacity to feed people over time. This study addressed the under-studied topic of urban farming as a secondary food source, specifically by exploring the opportunities and limitations of urban farming in a large Northeastern city. Brundtland's food policy was the pivotal theory supporting food production to end global starvation, and was the link between environmental conservation and human survival. The research question for this study examined the potential food policy opportunities and limitations that assist urban farms as a supplemental food source. Twenty stakeholders from the public (6), nonprofit (7), private (3), and academic (4) sectors formed the purposeful snowball sample in this case study. Data were collected through open-ended interviews, which were then subjected to an iterative and inductive coding strategy. The significant finding of this study is that while food policy supported urban farms as a secondary food source in a way consistent with Brundtland's theory, local food alone was inadequate to feed its urban population. Other key findings revealed that food policies that influenced land use, food production, and procurement presented unique challenges in each sector. Existing food production policies such as zoning regulations, permitting processes, and public funding benefited one sector over another. The study contributes to social change by exploring food policies that encourage partnerships between sector stakeholders; urban, rural, and suburban farmers; and city residents that foster alternative and sustainable food production in the urban setting.
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En fallstudie om implementeringen av hydroponiska stadsodlingar i urbana miljöerBjörn, Johanna, Halldén, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate, based on a comparative study in Sweden, how vertical hydroponic farms can be implemented in urban environments and to identify the challenges with the implementation. The study examines various companies that work with hydroponic farms in Sweden and how the government can help the companies with the implementation of the innovation. Urban hydroponic farms can be a significant solution for solving the growing global population demand for locally grown fresh food, which includes good quality and nutrients. Previous studies, from a sustainability perspective, show that Sweden would benefit in several different ways if more hydroponic farms were implemented in the urban cities. The theory that the report is based on is the implementation theory. With this in mind, the empirics were analyzed from three different found themes; economy, political priorities & local involvement. Empirical data was collected from previous studies as well as from a qualitative methodological approach. This empirical study was based on multiple interviews with companies in the hydroponic farms industry located in Sweden and observations, to be able to analyze the findings based on our chosen theme. In this study we found that the result indicates that there are both advantages and obstacles to the implementation of hydroponic farms in urban areas. On the other hand, the benefits are predominantly from a sustainable development perspective with new innovative solutions, such as solar systems and upgraded district heating and district cooling systems.
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Stadsodling som strategi för hållbar utveckling : En granskning av kommunernas arbete med fokus på stadsodling och hållbarhetsmål 13 och 15 av Agenda 2030 i Jönköpings län / Urban Farming as a Strategy for Sustainable development : An Examination of the Municipality work with focus on urban farming and the Sustainable development goals 13 and 15 of Agenda 2030 in Jönköpings CountyAssmundsgård, Frida, Erdemli, Ilona January 2021 (has links)
Mänskligheten står inför stora utmaningar som klimatförändringar och ökade ansträngningar på miljön i och med en ökad global urbanisering. Tidigare forskning visar hur stadsodling kan vara ett svar på många negativa effekter som är följden av dess, och undersöker även de positiva effekterna av stadsodling utifrån hållbarhetsperspektiven och framhåller stadsodling som en välgrundad strategi för att bekämpa klimatförändringar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kommunerna i Jönköpings län arbetar med hållbarhetsmål 13 och 15 från Agenda 2030 med fokus på stadsodling. Studien omfattar 10 av de 13 kommunerna som Jönköpings län består av och undersöker genom kvalitativa intervjuer huruvida dessa har stadsodlingar inom sina tätorter. Resultatet visar att stadsodling endast finns i två av kommunerna men att det finns odlingar inom tätorterna och städerna som påminner om stadsodling. I majoriteten av kommunerna finns det kolonilotter vilket visar på ett intresse från invånarna att odla i städer, och respondenterna som har representerat analysenheterna har visat intresse för ämnet. Studien inkluderar även kommunernas arbete gentemot hållbarhetsmål 13 samt 15 av Agenda 2030, då detta visar på kommunernas engagemang att bekämpa klimatförändringarna och arbeta med hållbar utveckling. Med hjälp av det material som samlats in under de kvalitativa intervjuerna skapas en kartläggning av Jönköpings län som visar på var det finns stadsodlingar. Studien visar att länet har långt att gå då det kommer till att utveckla stadsodlingar i tätorterna. / The human race stands before tough challenges such as climate change and increasing strains upon the environment, which are linked to the rapid increase of a global urbanisation. This essay will study previous research in order to find correlation between urban farming and sustainable development, this to find answers to the previously mentioned challenges. The earlier research does not only study urban farming as a strategy towards the three levels of sustainability, economic, social and ecologic, but also as a motivated strategy against climate change. In the essay, 10 of the 13 municipalities of Jönköping County are studied through qualitative interviews. The focus of these interviews is to find out whether they have any urban farming within their cities and how they organise and work towards the sustainability goals within Agenda 2030, especially goal 13 and 15. The results of these interviews show that a majority of them have colony gardens which shows an interest from the populations towards urban farming, and the respondents have all been positive towards urban farming as a concept. A map of the area will be constructed with the gathered materials to further show where in Jönköping County urban farming exists. This shows us that despite both small and larger initiatives within the different areas there is still a long way to go to develop farming in the cities.
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Can urban agriculture become a planning strategy to address social-ecological justice?Fernández Andrés, Javier January 2017 (has links)
Last century witnessed an unprecedented growth of cities which has led to the consolidation of an eminently urbanised world population. Meanwhile, agriculture has adopted industrial methods of production in the shape of large-scale, chemical-laden crops in the countryside, which, together with the liberalisation of global trade, have undermined the livelihood of small-scale peasants throughout the world, forcing many of them out of business. The food industry has responded to the high rates of hunger and malnutrition with an extraordinary increase in production that has not solved food security problems, as these have turned out to be more a question of unequal access to food rather than insufficient supply. Furthermore, the activity of large agri-food corporations has resulted in the degradation of natural ecosystems and an increasing pressure over already overburdened critical resources for food production. Consequently, facing the imminent threat of climate change, more and more voices are questioning the sustainability of the current food system and rising against the burgeoning hunger and escalating inequalities resulting from it. Hence, several alternatives to the neoliberal food system are emerging these days with the aim of reducing social inequalities and curbing environmental degradation, being urban agriculture one of them. Precisely, this thesis explores, from a social-ecological justice perspective, whether urban agriculture can address issues of environmental stewardship and disparities in food distribution. Although the many virtues of urban farming might not be enough to subvert the structures of power that are deeply rooted in the foundations of the present food regime, it could still play a significant role in alleviating the gaps in food needs. However, food security comes only after the core reasons of poverty have been addressed and social justice is achieved in the larger society. The pathway towards a greater social and ecological justice seems to require not only to re-examine how to feed the urban population, but also a significant transformation that goes beyond aspects from the whole food supply chain and embraces societal systemic change.
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Assessing the EnvironmentalPerformance of an In-Store VerticalFarming System : Identifying environmental hotspots for an in-store hydroponic vertical farmingsystem, using Life Cycle Assessment / Bedömning av miljöpåverkan från ett vertikalt odlingssystem placerad i matbutikerKarlsson, Axel January 2023 (has links)
The world is facing many challenges to be able to ensure food security, such as anincreased food demand coming from an expanding world population andurbanisation, worsened agricultural opportunities from increased land deteriorationand significant environmental impacts coming from the food sector. Thus, there is aneed for new agricultural solutions to meet our needs whilst decreasing impactssimultaneously. A part of these solutions could be found in urban farming andhydroponic vertical farming systems (VFS). VFS uses artificial intelligence toregulate heat, lighting and irrigation to cultivate crops indoors. By placing thesesystems inside a grocery store, new opportunities for these crops are presented,such as water-and-nutrient recirculation, reductions in transports, usage ofpesticides and agricultural land, as well as opportunities for industrial symbiosis inheating and converting carbon dioxide to oxygen. Thus, the aim of this report is toassess the environmental hotspots and areas of improvement of an hydroponic VFSplaced in the grocery store using life cycle assessment (LCA). The study isconducted in partnership with Swegreen, which are the creators behind the studiedVFS model called SAGA, designed to be operated in medium sized grocery storesin Sweden. Results from the study show that energy consumption is a hotspot in most impactcategories, followed by impacts from infrastructure, fertilisers, packaging andconsumer waste management. However, for the climate change impact category,the sensitivity analysis indicates that the impact from the energy consumption ishighly dependent on what type of electricity mix that is being used, since thedifference in impact on climate change between the Swedish electricity mix, andNordic electricity mix ranged from 0.340 to 0.385 kg CO2 eq (carbon dioxideequivalents) per kg produced edible lettuce. Moreover, synergising effects fromintegrating the system into a grocery store, such as cleaning the air from carbondioxide and reusing residual heat from the system, showed the opportunities forgrocery stores to reduce impacts in climate change by up to 43% of the total climatechange impacts from the VFS. However, using these synergising effects effectivelywould require additional investments to build up the necessary infrastructure toachieve these avoided impacts. / Världen står inför många utmaningar för att kunna säkerhetsställalivsmedelsförsörjningen, såsom en ökad efterfrågan på livsmedel till följd av enväxande världsbefolkning och urbanisering, försämrade odlingsmöjligheter till följdav utarmad odlingsmark och växande miljöpåverkan från livsmedelssektorn. Detfinns därför ett behov av nya lösningar för att tillgodose våra behov och samtidigtminska påverkan inom jordbrukssektorn. En del av dessa lösningar kan hittas istadsodling och hydroponiska vertikala odlingssystem (VFS). VFS använderartificiell intelligens för att reglera värme, belysning och bevattning för att odla grödorinomhus. Genom att placera dessa system i en livsmedelsbutik skapas nyamöjligheter för dessa grödor, såsom recirkulation av vatten och näringsämnen,minskade transporter, användning av bekämpningsmedel och jordbruksmark, samtmöjligheter till industriell symbios vid uppvärmning och omvandling av koldioxid tillsyre. Syftet med denna rapport är att bedöma miljömässiga hotspots ochförbättringsområden för en hydroponisk VFS som placeras i livsmedelsbutiker medhjälp av livscykelanalys (LCA). Studien genomförs i samarbete med Swegreen, somär producenten av den studerade VFS-modellen kallad SAGA som är designad föratt drivas i medelstora livsmedelsbutiker i Sverige. Resultaten från studien visar att energiförbrukningen är en hotspot i de flestapåverkanskategorier, följt av påverkan från infrastruktur, gödningsmedel,förpackningar och konsumentens avfallshantering. För klimatpåverkan visarkänslighetsanalysen att påverkan från energiförbrukningen är starkt beroende avvilken typ av el som används, eftersom total klimatpåverkan för den Svenska elmixenoch den Nordiska elmixen var 0.340 respektive 0.385 kg CO2 -ekv(koldioxidekvivalenter) per kg producerad ätbar sallad. När systemet integreras i enlivsmedelsbutik bidrar det till synergieffekter från koldioxidavskiljning ochåteranvändning av spillvärme från systemet. Detta öppnar upp för möjligheter förmataffären att minska klimatpåverkan för upp till 43% av systemets totalaklimatpåverkan. Däremot skulle det krävas ytterligare investeringar för att bygga uppnödvändig infrastruktur för att uppnå dessa synergieffekter.
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Robust automated hydroponicsystem : Constructing an automated hydroponic system forincreased robustness against externaldisturbancesBreander, Jesper, Häverbring, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
The objective of this project is to produce a prototype hydroponic farming solution with improved robustness from external fault factors. This means that the plants will not be grown in soil, but instead in water with a majority of its parameters being monitored and regulated. This with the aim of producing a more efficient and automatic system than traditional farming principles. Using less water and other harmful pesticides. The particular type of hydroponic system will be a NFT system (Nutrient Film Technique) which traditionally operates with a pump constantly feeding water to the plants. The main objective then is to find a way to reduce the reliance on this pump and make the system more robust. The result was a prototype hydroponic system that successfully could monitor and maintain predetermined growth parameters. It was also operate with a constant water flow without the need for constant pump usage. / Målet med detta projekt är att framställa en prototyp av ett hydroponiskt odlingssystem med förbättrad robusthet mot externa faktorer. Det innebär att växterna inte planteras i jord utan i vatten, där en majoritet av relevanta parametrar kan övervakas och kontrolleras. Detta med syftet att skapa ett mer effektivt och automatiserat system, jämfört mot traditionella jorbruksmetoder. Där mindre vatten används och helt utan bekämpningsmedel under växt processen. Det specifika hydroponiska odlingssystemet som kommer användas är ett NFT system (eng. Nutrient Film Technique) vilket traditionellt fungerar genom att konstant låta en pump bevattna växterna. Det primära målet är därför att minska beroendet på pumpen och göra systemet mer robust. Resultatet blev en prototyp av ett hydroponiskt system som kan mäta och styra faktorer som identifierats som viktiga för plantornas växtprocess. Systemet lyckades även med att hålla ett stabilt vattenflöde, utan användandet av en pump.
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Cultivating the Connection Between South Boston Grows, A Garden-Based Nutrition Education Intervention, and Community Eating Habits.Flemming, Phoebe K. 09 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Coastal Environmental Policies and Water: Environmental Values in Ghana and SenegalLoftus, Molly R 01 January 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides a comparative analysis of the environmental values present in Ghana’s and Senegal’s coastal regions, and the implications that those have for the surrounding environment. The countries approaches to urban farming, mining and oil and gas extraction, fishing, marine debris and municipal waste management are assessed in order to reach a greater understanding of these environmental issues. In undertaking this thesis, I attempted to draw a correlation between the handling of these issues and how people perceive their environment. Through the comparison of environmental degradation and the level of effort to achieve a more sustainable developmental framework in both countries, I draw examples from successes in Senegal’s coastal management framework to recommend appropriate environmental policy for the Greater Accra Region.
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